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1. What does your father do? 你父亲做什么工作?

2. He is a doctor. He has his own practice. 他是个医生,他自己开业。

3. Do you have any plan for your career? 你对未来有什么计划吗?

4. I want to be a pilot of possible. 如果可能的话,我想做个飞行员。

5. I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary.我希望有一份既体面,收入又高的工作。

6. I have an interview next week. 我下周要参加考试。

7. Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。

8. I like writing, but I wouldn't take it as my career. 我喜欢协作但不愿以此为职业。

9. I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。

10. He's a very efficient young man though a little proud.他是个很有能力的人,但是有点骄傲。

11. He made a successful career in business. 他的商务生涯十分成功。

12. My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major.


13. He is a manager of a famous corporation. 他是一家著名公司的经理。

14. The statesman retired as the mayor of New York. 那位政治家退休时是纽约市市长。

15. He was appointed president of the committee recently.他最近被任命为那个革命会的总裁。


1. What would you like to eat? 你想吃点什么?

2. Are you ready to order? 你要点菜了吗?

3. I'd like some steak and bread. 我要牛排和面包。

4. What would you like for dessert? 你要什么甜点?

5. I'll have some ice cream. 我要冰淇淋。

6. Do you want some fruit? 你要水果吗?

7. Yes, please. I want an apple. 是的,我要一个苹果。

8. Anything to drink? 喝点什么?

9. A small glass of whisky, please. 请来一小杯威士忌。

10. Here is your food. 你的菜来了。

11. Bring me the bill please. 请买单。

12. Can I pay by check or credit card? 我能用支票或信用卡吗?

13. Sorry, we only take cash. 对不起,我们只收现金。

14. Here you are. 给。

15. Here is your change. 找您的钱。



1. It's up to you. 由你决定。

2. You have the final say. 你说了算。

3. She insists that it doesn't matter. 她坚持说那没关系。

4. He's made up his mind to quit his job. 他已决定辞去他的.工作。

5. I've decided not to sell the house. 我决定不卖房子了。

6. I'm determined to leave. 我决意要走了。

7. Have you decided? 你决定了吗?

8. No, I haven't decided yet. 不,还没有。

9. I've changed my mind. 我改注意了。

10. It's still undecided. 还没决定。

11. Don't hesitate any more. 别在犹豫了。

12. Give me a definite answer, please. 请给个明确的答复。

13. It's really hard to make a decision. 挺难做决定的。

14. I'm always making resolutions, like giving up smoking. 我总在做出决定,比如戒烟。

15. Don't shilly-shally. 别犹豫不决。


1. Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?

2. Yes, I've just come back from Scotland. 是的,我刚从苏格兰回来。

3. How did you get there? 你怎么去的?

4. I got there by plane. 我坐飞机去的。

5. Where did you visit? 你去参观了哪些地方?

6. I only had time to visit Edinburgh. 我只有时间去爱丁堡。

7. How did you like it? 你喜欢那儿吗?

8. It's fantastic. 那儿棒极了。

9. Why did you go there? 你为什么去那儿?

10. I went there on business. 我出差到那儿。

11. And do you have friends there? 你在那儿有朋友吗?

12. Yes, a lot of friends. 是的,很多。

13. You must have enjoyed yourself. 你一定玩的很开心。

14. Yes, and I took many pictures. 是的,我还照了好多照片。

15. Please let me see them. 让我看看。



日常英语口语对话带翻译 【导语】随着全球化经济步伐的加快和跨文化交流的频繁,专业英语能力成为了高等专门人才的必备能力素质。以下是由无忧考网精心收集了日常英语口语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 【篇一】日常英语口语对话带翻译 Tom: Look at the luxurious car! 你看那辆豪华轿车! Jerry: It’s no big deal, “my son will be richer”! 这有什么了不起,“我的儿子会阔得多啦”! Tom: Why are you speaking like Mr. Q? 你干嘛学阿Q啊? Jerry: I am one of the fans of Luxun. 说明我是鲁迅先生的粉丝啊。 Tom: I thought you were a fan of Mr. Q. 我还以为你是阿Q的粉丝呢。 Jerry: I am just joking, spiritual victory is not a good one. 我开玩笑的啊,精神胜利法是不可取的。 Tom: Luxun created such an image to satirize. 鲁迅先生是为了讽刺才塑造这样一个人物形象的。 Jerry: Yes, let people "feel sad for their unfortunate, while be angry with their cowardice". 是啊,让人们“哀其不幸,怒其不争”。 【篇二】日常英语口语对话带翻译 Tom: When we say the authentic literature, one is poetry; do you know what the other one is? 所谓的文学正宗,一个是诗词,另一个是什么? Jerry: Is it the novel?


中文:我又不是三岁小孩。 英文口语2、I was just about to call you. 中文:我正准备打电话给你。 英文口语3、It's nice meeting you. 中文:很高兴认识你。 英文口语4、I'll see what I can do. 中文:我看一看能怎么办。 英文口语5、It isn't much. 中文:这是微不足道的。 英文口语6、Please show me the menu. 中文:请把菜单给我。 英文口语7、I assure you. 中文:我向你保证。 英文口语8、Don't mention it. 中文:不必客气。 英文口语9、Did you have a good day today? 中文:你今天过得好吗? 英文口语10、Forget it. 中文:算了吧。 英文口语11、It will do you good. 中文:这会对你有好处。 英文口语12、I feel terrible about it. 中文:太对不起了。 英文口语13、I'm working on it. 中文:我正在努力。 英文口语14、Do you have some change? 中文:你有零钱吗? 英文口语15、I couldn't get through. 中文:不打不通电话。 英文口语16、Are you used to the food here? 中文:你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? 英文口语17、I've changed my mind. 中文:我已经改变主意。 英文口语18、That couldn't be better. 中文:那再好不过了。 英文口语19、Can I take your order? 中文:您要点菜吗?


日常生活最常用的118句口语(中英 文对照) 1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。 2. Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗? 3. Are you sure? 你能肯定吗? 4. As soon as possible. 尽快。 5. Believe me. 相信我。 6. Buy it . 买下来! 7. Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。 8. Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗? 9. Come with me. 跟我来。10. Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。 11. Do it right! 把它做对。12. Do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗?13. Do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗? 14. Do you see it? = Do you understand? 你明白了吗?15. Do you want it? 你要吗?16. Do you want something? 你想要些什么?17. Don’t do it . 不要做。18. Don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。 19. Don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。20.

Give me a hand . 帮我一下。21. Go right ahead. 一直往前走。22. Have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。23. Have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。24. Have you finished? 你做完了吗?25. He doesn’t have time. 他没空。26. He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。27. How are you doing? 你好吗?28. How long are you staying ? 你要呆多久?29. I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。30. I am wasting my time . 我在浪费时间。31. I can do it . 我能做。 32. I can’t believe it . 我简直不能相信。 33. I can’t wait . 我不能再等了。34. I don’t have time . 我没时间了。35. I don’t know anybody. 我一个人都不认识。36. I don’t like it . 我不喜欢。37. I don’t think so . 我认为不是。38. I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。39. I found it . 我找到了。40. I hope so . 我希望如此。41. I knew it . 我早知道了。42. I noticed that. 我注意到了。


1. Greetings 问候 1. How are you? 你好吗? 2. How do you do? 你好!(常用初次见面) 3. How are you doing? 你好吗?你过得如何? 4. How’s everything? 一切都好吗? 5. How’s it going? 进展的怎么样? 6. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. 我一直期待着见到你。 7. I have heard so much/a lot about you.我听说过很多关于你。 8. Glad/Nice to meet/see you! 很高兴见到你/很高兴认识! 9. Fancy meeting you here! 真没想到在这儿见到你! 10. Long time no see. 好久不见。 11. You look great today. 今天你气色真好。 12. Give me a hug. 给我一个拥抱。 2. Introduction 介绍 13. I would like to introduce myself. I’m… 我想介绍一下自己。我.. 14. Mary, let me introduce… 玛丽,让我来介绍一下… 15. Allow me to introduce…请允许我介绍… 16. May I have your name? 我可以叫你的名字吗? 17. John, may I introduce Mary to you? 我可以把玛丽介绍给你吗? 18. I’d like you to meet Mary. 我想让你见见玛丽。 19. This is my friend John. 这是我的朋友。 20. Can I have your business card? 能给我你的名片吗?


42个口语翻译 1.Do you have a family? 正确译文:你有孩子吗? 2.It's a good father that knows his son。 就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子。 3.I have no opinion of that sort of man。 我对这类人很反感。 4.She put 5 dollars into my hand,"you have been a great man today." 她把5美圆塞到我手上说:"你今天表现得很好." 5.I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two。 我是最小的儿子,但是我还有两个妹妹。 6.The picture flattered her。 她比较上照。 7.The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England。 她杂那个国家水土不服,所以回到了英国。 8. He is a walking skeleton。 他很瘦。 9.The machine is in repair。 机器已经修好了。 10.He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty。 他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲情,最终宣布儿子有罪。 11.You don't know what you are talking about。 你在胡说八道。 12.You don't begin to understand what they mean。 你根本不知道他们在干嘛.don't begin :决不 13.They didn't praise him slightly。 他们大大地表扬了他。 14.That's all I want to hear。 我已经听够了。


常用英语口语(带翻译)通用4篇 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作资料、求职资料、报告大全、方案大全、合同协议、条据文书、教学资料、教案设计、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic model essays, such as work materials, job search materials, report encyclopedia, scheme encyclopedia, contract agreements, documents, teaching materials, teaching plan design, composition encyclopedia, other model essays, etc. if you want to understand different model essay formats and writing methods, please pay attention! 常用英语口语(带翻译)通用4篇 英语的口语篇一 活动目的:促进和提高我校大学生的英语口语水平、营造良好学习氛围、活跃校园文化生活、发现优秀的英语后备人才、提高大学生的'综合素质。 活动时间:四月中旬(4月22号,世界地球日) 活动地点:主楼前空地


英语口语日常用语中英译文 英语口语日常用语中英译文 随着经济全球化的发展,人们对于国际通用语言——英语是越来越重视。掌握一些简单的英文日常用语,对于大家来说,是非常实用的。下面是店铺帮大家整理的英语口语日常用语中英译文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语口语日常用语中英译文1 1. What does your father do? 你父亲做什么工作? 2. He is a doctor. He has his own practice. 他是个医生,他自己开业。 3. Do you have any plan for your career? 你对未来有什么计划吗? 4. I want to be a pilot of possible. 如果可能的话,我想做个飞行员。 5. I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary.我希望有一份既体面,收入又高的工作。 6. I have an interview next week. 我下周要参加考试。 7. Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。 8. I like writing, but I wouldn't take it as my career. 我喜欢协作但不愿以此为职业。 9. I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。 10. He's a very efficient young man though a little proud.他是个很有能力的人,但是有点骄傲。 11. He made a successful career in business. 他的商务生涯十分成功。 12. My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major.


生活常用英语口语大全实用带翻译 如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语口语技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些简单的日常英语对话,希望这些实用口语会对大家有所帮助! 生活常用英语口语 【怎样回答How are you?】1. I feel terrible. 感觉糟透了 2. Fair to middling. 还过得去3. Right as rain. 一切顺利4. I feel like a million bucks! 感觉棒极了!5. Better than ever. 好得不能再好了6. So-so. 一般般 7. Can't complain. 没啥好抱怨的 8. I am hanging on. 还活着 【护肤英文词汇】1、各种皮肤:Dry 干性皮肤Oily 油性皮肤Normal 中性皮肤Combination 混合性皮肤2、化妆品各种用途:Firm 紧肤 Nutritious 滋养 Oilcontrol 控油 Repair 修护 Remover 去除、卸妆Hydra 保湿 Anti-wrinkle 抗老防皱 Clean/Purify 清洁。 【各种“钱”的英文表达】1.cash 现金 2.coin 硬币 3.note 纸币4.cheque 支票 5.change 零钱 6.fund 资金 7.tuition 学费 8.cost 成本 9.tip 小费 10. postage 邮资 11.admission 入场费 12.rent 租金13.freight 运费 14.fare 票价 15.dough 金钱 16.banknote 纸币 【Heart】1、I hope to win her heart and make her my bride.我希望能赢得她的芳心,娶她做新娘。2、He returned with a heavy heart. 他心情沉重地回来了。3、I just don't have the heart to tell him the bad news. 我实在不忍心告诉他那个坏消息。 【谚语精选】1、Nothing seek, nothing find. 没有追求就没有收获。2、No cross, no crown. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。3、Lost time is never found again. 岁月既往,一去不回。4、Every minute counts. 分秒必争。 【实用口语】 1、Why are you yelling at me?你干嘛朝我大喊大叫? 2、Don't give me that! 少来这套! 3、Don't over do it! 别做过头了! 4、What's so weird about that? 那有什么好奇怪的? 5、That


日常英语交流口语100句中文翻译 1.你好,我叫小明。 - Hello, my name is Xiao Ming. 2.请问你叫什么名字? - What is your name, please? 3.我是中国人。 - I am Chinese. 4.你会说英语吗? - Can you speak English? 5.我会一点点。 - I can speak a little. 6.请慢一点说。 - Please speak more slowly. 7.你是哪国人? - What nationality are you? 8.你从哪里来? - Where are you from? 9.你住在哪里? - Where do you live? 10.你多大了? - How old are you? 11.你今天过得怎么样? - How was your day today? 12.你吃过早饭了吗? - Have you had breakfast? 13.你喜欢中国菜吗? - Do you like Chinese food? 14.你想喝茶还是咖啡? - Would you like tea or coffee? 15.你明天有空吗? - Are you free tomorrow? 16.你喜欢读书吗? - Do you like reading? 17.你喜欢运动吗? - Do you like sports? 18.你周末有什么计划? - What are your plans for the weekend? 19.你想去哪里旅行? - Where do you want to travel? 20.你会开车吗? - Can you drive? 21.你喜欢什么颜色? - What is your favorite color? 22.你喜欢听音乐吗? - Do you like listening to music? 23.你有兄弟姐妹吗? - Do you have siblings? 24.你喜欢冬天还是夏天? - Do you like winter or summer? 25.你喜欢动物吗? - Do you like animals? 26.你有宠物吗? - Do you have a pet? 27.你上过大学吗? - Have you been to college? 28.你会做饭吗? - Can you cook? 29.你喜欢看电影吗? - Do you like watching movies? 30.你住在城市还是乡村? - Do you live in the city or countryside? 31.今天天气怎么样? - How is the weather today? 32.你喜欢去购物吗? - Do you like to go shopping? 33.你的工作是什么? - What is your job? 34.你星期六有空吗? - Are you free on Saturday?


常用口语地道翻译 常用口语地道翻译 引导语;想知道最地道的英语口语是什么吗,关注我们店铺,将在第一时间为你更新英语口语相关内容。以下是店铺分享给大家的常用口语地道翻译,欢迎阅读! 1、这山望着那山高 The grass is always greener on the other hill。 人都是这山望着那山高,对自己的状况没有满意的时候。 Almost all people see that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel satisfied with what they’ve already got。 2、上瘾get into one’s blood 说来也怪,很多不好的事往往会使人上瘾。 It’s astoundingly funny that many harmful things usually get into our blood。 3、发牢骚 beef 他坐在那里什么事也不干,总是发牢骚,真烦死人。 I’m really bored stiff with his sitting there doing nothing but beefing。 4、等不及了 champ at the bit 咱们快点吧,孩子们都等不及了。 Let’s shake the leg. The kids are champing at the bit。 5、点头哈腰bow and scrape 从她在老板前点头哈腰地那个模样,你就知道她是个什么人了。 From the way she’s bowin g and scraping in front of the boss, you’ll know what sort of person she is。 6、疯疯癫癫go gaga 对他的话不要太在意了,他总是疯疯癫癫的。 Don’t take what he says so seriously. He’s always going gaga。


英语口语日常用语中英译文 (1)we study spoken english so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral english study should be followed: fluency, accuracy, and appropriateness. that is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 我们学习英语口语的目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利,准确,和恰当。也就是说,我们必须更加重视实际交流能力而不仅仅是单纯强调语法的正确性。 (2) try to find some partners practicing oral english together and english corner is a good place as where we may exchange english study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in english. by the way, guangzhou new oriental school holds an english corner on every wednesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 at haizhu no. 8 classroom. one of the teachers in our department will be the mc at the english corner. welcome every friend who is crazy about learning english! 寻找学伴一起练习口语。英语角是个不错的地方,在那里我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣。此外,广州新东方学校每周三晚上 7:00到9:00,在海珠教学区第8教室举办英语角活动。听力口语部会安排一名教师担任英语角的主持。欢迎各位热爱英语学习的朋友参加! (3) if it’s not easy to get english partners or having little chance to attend an english corner, then we have to create an english environment ourselves by speaking english to ourselves. for example, you can talk to yourself about what you have seen or what you have done. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的`机会很少,那么我们就必须通过自己对自己说英语来创造英语环境。例如,你可以对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情。 (4) this method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting chinese-english novels or books. first of all, we read the chinese parts and try to interpret them into english sentence by sentence, and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books after finishing one small paragraph’s interpretation, so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. 有种方法非常有效且很容易坚持,那就是:口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物。首先,我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分,并与我们的口译进行比较。这样,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步。


60句英语口语常用句型带翻译"What do you think?" - 你认为呢? "I'll take care of it." - 我会处理好的。 "I'm looking forward to it." - 我期待着。 "I'm on my way." - 我在路上。 "I'll get back to you." - 我会回复你的。 "I'm not ready yet." - 我还没准备好。 "I'm in a hurry." - 我在匆忙。 "I'm starving." - 我饿极了。 "I'm exhausted." - 我累极了。 "I'm proud of you." - 我为你感到骄傲。 "I'm in trouble." - 我有麻烦了。 "I'm not feeling well." - 我身体不舒服。 "I'm sorry to hear that." - 很遗憾听到这个。 "I'm glad to hear that." - 很高兴听到这个。 "I'm not interested." - 我不感兴趣。 "I'm curious." - 我很好奇。 "I'm surprised." - 我很惊讶。 "I'm nervous." - 我有点紧张。 "I'm happy." - 我很高兴。 "I'm sad." - 我很难过。 "I'm angry." - 我很生气。

"I'm confused." - 我很困惑。 "I'm bored." - 我很无聊。 "I'm tired." - 我很累。 "I'm full." - 我吃饱了。 "I'm in a good mood." - 我心情很好。 "I'm in a bad mood." - 我心情不好。 "I'm not sure yet." - 我还不确定。 "I'm busy." - 我很忙。 "I'm free." - 我有空。 "I'm single." - 我是单身。 "I'm married." - 我结婚了。 "I'm retired." - 我退休了。 How are you doing? 你好吗? I'm good, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 What's up? 有什么新鲜事? Not much, just chilling. 没什么,只是在放松。How about you? 你呢? I'm fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 What have you been up to lately? 最近在忙什么?Just been busy with work. 只是忙于工作。 How's your day going? 今天过得怎么样? It's going great, thanks. 非常好,谢谢。


日常英语口语对话带翻译 英语学习在我国已轰轰烈烈地开展了几十年。从小学,初中,高中到大学不断贯彻英语教学,可以说英语学习已成为一个热门话题。以下是给大家收集的关于日常英语口语对话带翻译,欢迎大家前来参阅。 日常英语口语对话带翻译【1】 Tom: When we say the authentic literature, one is poetry; do you know what the other one is? 所谓的文学正宗,一个是诗词,另一个是什么? Jerry: Is it the novel? 是小说吗? Tom: No, it is prose. 不对,是散文。 Jerry: Does prose mean there is no limit of the theme? 散文,是指题材没有限制吗? Tom: No, prose refers to no rhythms articles in ancient times; in the modern period, it includes article except poetry, drama and novels. 不是的,散文在古代是指不讲究韵律的文章,在现代就是除了诗歌、戏剧、小说外的文 学作品。 Jerry: Doesn’t ancient article have to pay attention to parallelism? As the parallel prose? 古代的文章不是都要讲究对仗的吗?像那个什么骈文? Tom: Prose was popular during the Warring States Period, mainly as the historical prose. 战国时代的时候散文比较兴盛,主要是一些历史散文。 Jerry: Oh, like The Analects of Confucius and Mencius. 哦,知道了,像《论语》,《孟子》这些。 日常英语口语对话带翻译【2】 Tom: Compared with western literature, is there any characteristic of Chinese


日常英语口语对话带翻译 【篇一】日常英语口语对话带翻译 Tom: Look at the luxurious car! 你看那辆豪华轿车! Jerry: It’s no big deal, “my son will be richer”! 这有什么了不起,“我的儿子会阔得多啦”! Tom: Why are you speaking like Mr. Q? 你干嘛学阿Q啊? Jerry: I am one of the fans of Luxun. 说明我是鲁迅先生的粉丝啊。 Tom: I thought you were a fan of Mr. Q. 我还以为你是阿Q的粉丝呢。 Jerry: I am just joking, spiritual victory is not a good one. 我开玩笑的啊,精神成功法是不行取的。 Tom: Luxun created such an image to satirize. 鲁迅先生是为了挖苦才塑造这样一个人物形象的。 Jerry: Yes, let people “feel sad for their unfortunate, while be angry with their cowardice“.

是啊,让人们“哀其不幸,怒其不争”。 【篇二】日常英语口语对话带翻译 Tom: When we say the authentic literature, one is poetry; do you know what the other one is? 所谓的文学正宗,一个是诗词,另一个是什么? Jerry: Is it the novel? 是小说吗? Tom: No, it is prose. 不对,是散文。 Jerry: Does prose mean there is no limit of the theme? 散文,是指题材没有限制吗? Tom: No, prose refers to no rhythms articles in ancient times; in the modern period, it includes article except poetry, drama and novels. 不是的,散文在古代是指不讲究韵律的文章,在现代就是除了诗歌、戏剧、小说外的文学作品。 Jerry: Doesn’t ancient article have to pay attention to parallelism? As the parallel prose? 古代的文章不是都要讲究对仗的吗?像那个什么骈文?


常用英语口语大全(带翻译) 常用英语口语大全(带翻译)如下: 英语口语之赞美句子: 1. you look great today.(你今日看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】 2. you did a good job. (你干得特别好。)【国际最通用的表扬!】 3. we”re so proud of you.(我们非常为你傲慢。)【级的表扬!】 4. i”m very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作特别满足。)【正式、真诚的赞扬!】 5. this is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)【随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!】 6. you”re looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真美丽。)【与众不同的表扬!】 7.You always know the right thing to say. = 8. you”re very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)【高层次的表扬!】 9.Nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)【极其地道的表扬!】 10.The food is delicious.(好吃!)【最一般、但特别重要的表扬!】 11. Everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!) 20. you have a very successful business.(你的事业很胜利。)【现代人特别喜爱听!】

21. you”re very professional.(你特别专业。)【专业化的表扬!】 22. your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。) 23. you”re so smart.(你特别聪慧。) 24. i envy you very much.(我特别艳羡你。) 25. your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!) 26. you two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!) 27. you”re really talented.(你很有天赋。) 28. you look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。) 29. you have a good taste.(你很有品位。) 30. you look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like am ovie star.(你看上去帅呆了。) 12. Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很得意。)【外国人肯定喜爱听的表扬!】 13. what an adorable baby!(多么得意的孩子。)【只管大胆用!】 14. I admire your work. = 15. i respect your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)【世界通用!】 16. you”ve got a great personality.(你的共性很好。)【一个特别安全的表扬!】


生活常用到的英语口语带翻译 1. 词组句型 起床 get up起床 get out of bed下床 wake up醒来 awake醒着的 Sentence Patterns口语句型 She gets up early every morning.她每天早晨起床。 Tom got up at 5:30 this morning.汤姆在今日上午5:30起身。 John, it's time to get out of bed.约翰,该下床了。 Get out of bed, John. Your feet are so dirty.下床,约翰。你的脚这么脏。 What time do you usually wake up in the morning?早上你通常在什么时候醒来? Wake up! It's eight o'clock.醒醒吧!这是八点钟。 The baby is awake.宝宝是糊涂的。 Are you awake?你醒了? 瞌睡的,昏昏欲睡的 sleepy瞌睡的 drowsy昏昏欲睡的

Sentence Patterns口语句型 I felt sleepy all day.我成天都昏昏欲睡。 I'm drowsy in spring afternoon.春天的下午我昏昏欲睡的。 I was wakeful last night.昨晚我很糊涂。 睡觉 go to bed去睡觉 sleep睡眠 asleep睡着了 fall asleep睡着了 Sentence Patterns口语句型 I went to bed at 9 o'clock last night, 我昨晚九点上床睡觉, but I didn't fall asleep until 2 o'clock.但我没有睡着,直到二点。 I slept five hours last night.我昨天晚上睡了五个小时。 The baby is asleep.婴儿睡着了。 打鼾 snore打鼾 saw logs锯木头 drive one's pigs to market打鼾 Sentence Patterns口语句型 He was snoring noisily with his mouth open.他张着嘴大


日常用的英语口语带翻译 日常用的英语口语带翻译大全 英语已经慢慢渗透入人们的日常生活,想要学好英语一定要多读多听多说多欣赏。店铺在此献上日常用的英语口语带翻译,希望对你有所帮助。 日常用的英语口语带翻译 英语口语:电话 1. 词组句型 打电话 give sb a ring, 给某人一个环, give sb a call, 给某人打电话, phone sb, 电话某人, ring sb up, 给某人打电话, call sb给某人打电话 sentence patterns:口语句型: Ill give him a ring.我给他打个电话。 She gave me a ring yesterday.昨天她给我一个电话。 Mr. Liu gave his wife a call yesterday.刘先生给他的妻子昨天打电话。 Ill give her a call later.我会给她打电话。 John phones his wife every day.他的妻子每天约翰的手机。 Tom phoned me yesterday.汤姆昨天打电话给我。 Ring up the airport and find out when the plane leaves.打电话给机场和当飞机起飞。 Ill ring him up.我会给他打电话。 Please call him ten minutes later.请叫他十分钟后打电话。 He called me the day before yesterday.他前天给我打电话。 请假,询问信息 call in sick, 打电话请病假,


日常用到的英语口语带翻译 英语已经慢慢渗透入人们的日常生活,想要学好英语一定要多读多听多说多欣赏。我在此献上日常的英语口语,希望对你有所帮助。 英语口语:相爱,相恋 1. 词组句型 相爱,相恋 be in love with sb,爱上某人, fall in love with sb爱上某人 sentence patterns:口语句型: they've been in love with each other for two years.他们一直爱着对方两年。 he is madly in love with her.他是疯狂的爱上了她。 did you fall in love with her?你是不是爱上她了吗?

how can you fall in love with him?你怎么可以爱上他?迷恋,向......求爱 turn... on, 把…在, lust after, 贪恋, have a crush on sb,迷恋某人, make advances to sb,某人取得进步, make a pass at, 挑逗, be infatuated with迷恋 sentence patterns:口语句型: Jack really turns me on.杰克真让我神魂颠倒。 the film stars turn him on.把他的电影明星。 Tom is lusting after you.汤姆是贪恋你。

one of her classmates is lusting after her.她的一个同学是贪恋她的。 he is making advances to me.他正在对我追求。 Tom made advances to her.汤姆向她示爱。 i think he has a crush on you.我认为他暗恋你。 David has a crush on Mary.大卫暗恋玛丽。 he is trying to make a pass at her.他想挑逗她。 Bob will make a pass at my sister.鲍勃将挑逗我的妹妹。 i think she is infatuated with you.我认为她是迷恋你。 Edgar is infatuated with Lily.埃德加是迷恋莉莉。 迷人,有魅力 heartbreaker,万人迷, handsome, 英俊,

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