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Chapter III The Romantic Period


























1. 一般识记

English Romanticism

English Romanticism, as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth & Coleridge''s Lyrical Ballads & to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott''s death & the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament.

2. 识记Historical & Cultural background

During this period, England had experienced profound economic & social change. The biggest social change in English history was the transfer of large masses of the population from the countryside to the towns. As a result of the Enclosures & the agricultural mechanization, the peasants were driven of their land;some emigrated to the colonies;some sank to the level of farm laborers & many others drifted to the industrial towns where there was a growing demand for

labor. But the new industrial towns were no better than jungles, where the law was "the survival of the fittest." The cruel economic exploitation caused large-scale workers'' disturbances in England. 来源:考试大-自考

3. 领会

(1)Influences of the Romantic Movement

Romanticism constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. In essence it designates a literary & philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life & all experience. It also places the individual at the center of art, making literature most valuable as an expression of this or her unique feelings & particular attitudes & valuing its accuracy in portraying the individual''s experiences.

(2)The Romantic views about literature

a. The Romantic period is an age of poetry. Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley & Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution.

b. The Romantic period is also a great age of prose. The two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen & Walter Scott.

c. Besides poetry & prose, there are quite a number of writers who have fried their hand at poetic dramas in this perio



(1)Literary Terms

a. The Romantic Movement

It expressed a more or less negative attitude towards the existing social & political conditions that came with industrialization & the growing importance of the bourgeoisie. The Romantics felt that the existing society denied people their essential human needs, so they demonstrated a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers & philosophers. Where their predecessors saw man as a social animal, the Romantics saw him essentially as an individual in the solitary state & emphasized the special qualities of each individual''s mind. Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer.

b. The Gothic novel

It is a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century & was one phase of the Romantic movement, its principal elements are violence, horror & the supernatural, which strongly appeal to the reader''s emotion. With its descriptions of the dark, irrational side of human nature, the Gothic form has exerted a great influence over the writer of the Romantic period. Works like The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794)by Ann Radcliffe & Frankenstein (1818)by Mary Shelley are typical Gothic romance.

(2)Characteristics of Romantic literature in English history.

The Romantic period is an age of poetry Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley & Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. Wordsworth & Coleridge were the major representatives of this movement. They explored new theories & innovated new techniques in poetry writing. They saw poetry as a healing energy:they believed that poetry could purify both individual souls & the society. The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also stress the concept of spontaneity & inspiration, regarding them as something crucial for true

poetry. The natural world comes to the forefront of the poetic imagination. Nature is not only the major source of poetic imagery, but also provides the dominant subject matter. Wordsworth is the closest to nature.

To escape from a world that had became excessively rational, as well as excessively materialistic & ugly, the Romantics would turn to other times & places, where the qualities they valued could be convincingly depicted. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic, defending the great poets & dramatists of their own national heritage against the advocates of classical rules who tended to glorify Rome & rational Italian & French neoclassical art as superior to the native traditions. To the Romantics, poetry should be free from all rules. They would turn to the humble people & their everyday life for subjects, Romantic writers are always seeking for the Absolute, the Ideal through the transcendence of the actual. They have also made bold experiments in poetic language, versification & design, & constructed a variety of forms on original principles of structure & style.


I. William Blake

1.一般识记:His life

English poet,artist,& philosopher,born in London England,Nov 28,1757,and died in London,Aug 12,1827. Blake made distinguished contributions to both Literature & art. He ranks with great poets in the English language & may be considered the earliest of the major English Romantic poets. His poems range from lyrics of childlike simplicity to mystical or prophetic works of great complexity. As an artist he is best known for his engravings,which are among the masterpieces of graphic art.

2. 识记His political,religious & literary views

Blake never tried to fit into the world;he was a rebel innocently & completely all his life. He was politically of the permanent left & mixed a good deal with the radicals like Thomas Paine& William Godwin. Like Shelley,Blake strongly criticized the capitalists' cruel exploitation,saying that the "dark satanic mills left men unemployed,killed children & forced prostitution." Meanwhile he cherished great expectations & enthusiasm for the French Revolution,& regarded it as a necessary stage leading to the millennium predicted by the biblical prophets. Literarily Blake was the first important Romantic poet,showing contempt for the rule of reason,opposing the classical tradition of the 18th century & treasuring the individual's imagination.

3. 领会His poems

(1)Early works

The Songs of Innocence (1809)is a lovely volume of poems,presenting a happy & innocent world,though not without its evils & sufferings. For instance," Holy Thursday" with its vision of charity children lit " with a radiance all their own" reminds us terribly of a world of loss & institutional cruelty. The wretched child described in " The Chimney Sweeper," orphaned,exploited,yet touched by visionary rapture,evokes unbearable poignancy when he finally puts his trust in the order of the universe as he knows it. His Songs of Experience (1794)paints a different world,a world of misery,poverty,disease,war & repression with a melancholy tone. The benighted England becomes the world of the dark wood & of the weeping prophet. The orphans of " Holy Thursday" are now "fed with cold & usurious hand." The little chimneysweeper sings "notes of woe" while his parents go to church & praise "God & his Priest & King"——the

very instruments of their repression. In "London",the city is no longer a paradise,but becomes the seat of poverty & despair,of man alienated from his true self. Blake's Marriageof Heaven & Hell (1790)marks his entry into maturity. The poem was composed during the climax of the French Revolution & it plays the double role both as a satire & a revolutionary prophecy. In this poem,Blake explores the relationship of the contraries. Attraction & repulsion,reason & energy,love & hate,are necessary to human existence. Life is a continual conflict of give & take,a pairing of opposites,of good & evil,of innocence & experience,of body & soul. "Without contraries," Blake states,"there is no progression." The "marriage," to Blake,means the reconciliation of the contraries,not the subordination of the one to the other.

(2)Later works

In his later period,Blake wrote quite a few prophetic books,which reveal him as the prophet of universal political & spiritual freedom and show the poet himself as the spokesman of revolt. The major ones are:The Book of Urizen(1794),The Book of Los(1795)。The Four Zoas (1796-1807)& Milton (1804-1920)。

4.领会Characteristics of Blake's poems

Blake who lived in the blaze of revelation,felt bound to declare that " I know that This world is a world of IMAGINATION & Vision," & that "The Nature of my work is visionary or imaginative."

From childhood,Blake had a strongly visual mind;whatever he imagined,he also saw. As an imaginative poet,he presents his view in visual images instead of abstract terms.

Blake writes his poems in plain & direct language. His poems often carry the lyric beauty with immense compression of meaning. He distrusts the abstractness & tends to embody his views with visual images. Symbolism in wide range is also a distinctive feature of his poetry.

5. 应用Select Readings:

1)The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Innocence)

Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems,presenting a happy & innocent world,though not without its evils & sufferings. In this volume,Blake,with his eager quest for new poetics forms & techniques,broke completely with the traditions of the 18th century. He experimented in meter & rhymes & introduced bold metrical innovations which could not be found in the poetry of his contemporaries.

In the 18th century,small boys sometimes no more than 4 or 5 years old,were employed to climb up the narrow chimney flues & clean them,collecting the soot in bags. Such boys,sometimes sold to the master sweepers by their parents were miserably treated by their master & often suffered disease & physical deformity.

This poem,in fact,is a protest against the harm that society does to its children by exploiting them for labor of this kind,The poem was written in the child's-eye point of view,& the dramatic irony (what the speaker says in the poem is different from what the poet means)arises from the poet's knowing more or seeing more than the child does.

2)The Chimney Sweeper (from songs of Experience)

Songs of Experience paints a different world,a world of misery,poverty,disease,war & repression with a melancholy tone,The benighted England becomes the world of dark wood & of the weeping prophet. The poem selected here reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor children. The poem also reveals the relation between are economic circumstance,i.e. the exploitation of child labor & an ideological circumstance,i.e. the role

played by religion in making people compliant to exploitation.

3)The Tyger

The Tyger,included in Songs of Experience,is one of Blake's best-known poems. It seemingly praises the great power of tiger,but what the tiger symbolizes remains disputable:the power of man?Or the revolutionary force?Or the evil?Or as it is usually interpreted,the Almighty Maker who created both the meek & gentle lamb & the terrible & awesome tiger?The poem is highly symbolic with a touch of mysticism & it is open to various interpretations. The poem contains six quatrains in rhyming couplets & its language is terse & forceful with an anvil rhythm.

II. William Wordsworth

1.一般识记:His life & career

William Wordsworth (1770-1850)was born at Cockermouth,Cambarland,in the family of an attorney. He received education at St. John's College,Cambridge. He developed a keen love of nature as a youth. Another important influence on his life was the French Revolution. In 1798 Wordsworth & Coleridge collaborated on a book of poems entitled Lyrical Ballads Robert Southey,Samuel Taylor Colerdge & William Wordsworth are known as the "Lake Poets." In 1842,Wordsworth received a government pension & in the following year he succeeded Southey as Poet Laureate. Wordsworth died at Rydal Mount,April 23,1850.

As a great Romantic poet,Wordsworth had a long poetic career. His Lyrical Ballads,written together with Coleridge,is generally regarded as the symbol of the beginning of the Romantic period in England. The Prelude is ranked by many critics as his greatest work. In 1807 Poems in Two Volumes was published. The Excursion was published in 1814. 来源:考试大-自考2. 识记:His poetic outlook

Wordsworth is regarded as a " worshipper of nature." He can penetrate to the heart of things & give the reader the very life of nature. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature,& one that takes us to the core of Wordsworth's poetic beliefs. To Wordsworth,nature embodies,human beings in their diverse circumstances. It is nature that gives him "strength & knowledge full of peace."

Common life is Wordsworth's only subject of literary interest. The joys & sorrows of the common people are his themes. His sympathy always goes to the suffering poor.

Wordsworth is a poet in memory of the past. To him,life is a cyclical journey. Its beginning finally turns out to be its end. Wordsworth's deliberate simplicity & refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a kind of pure & profound poetry which no other poets has ever equaled. Poetry,he believes originates from "emotion recollected in tranquility." Rejecting the contemporary emphasis on form & intellectual approach that drained poetic writing of strong emotion,he maintains that the scenes & events of everyday life & the speech of ordinary people are the raw material of which poetry can & should be made.

3. 领会His poetical works


Lyrical Ballads differs in marked ways from his early poetry,notably the uncompromising simplicity of much of the language,the strong sympathy not merely with the poor in general but with particular,dramatized examples of them,& the fusion of natural description with expressions of inward states of mind. The poems Wordsworth added to the 1800 edition of the Lyrical Ballads are among the best of his achievements.

"Tintern Abbey" remains a profoundly original & imaginative achievement;the valley of the Wye itself,the quiet center of the returning wanderer's thoughts is described with a detail that conveys a sense of natural order at once vivid & eternal. Beyond the pleasures of the picturesque with their emphasis on the eye & the external aspects of nature,however,lies a deeper moral awareness,a sense of completeness in multiplicity. But the poem progresses beyond such moral reflections. As he is aware of his own sublime communion with all things,nature becomes an inspiring force of rapture,a power that reveals the workings of the soul. To Wordsworth,nature acts as a substitute for imaginative & intellectual engagement with the development of embodied human beings in their diverse circumstances. It's nature that gives him "strength & knowledge full of peace."

2)The Prelude

Wordsworth is a poet in memory of the past. To him,life is a cyclical journey. Its beginning finally turns out to be its end. His philosophy of life is presented in his masterpiece The Prelude. It opens with a literal journey whose goal is to return to the vale of Grasmere. The journey goes through the poet's personal history,carrying the metaphorical meaning of his interior journey & questing for his lost early self & the proper spiritual home. The poem charts this growth from infancy to manhood. We are shown the development of human consciousness under the sway of an imagination united to the grandeur go nature. Later books of The Prelude describe Wordsworth's experiences in France,his republicanism,his affair with Annette Vallon,his "substantial dread" during the Terror & his continuing support of the ideals underlying the Revolution. The concluding description of the ascent of Snowdon becomes a symbol of the poet's climb to the height of his inspired powers & to that state of vision in which,dedicating himself to humanity,he becomes one of the " Prophets of Nature."

4.领会Characteristics of Wordsworth Poems & His Achievements.

William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry,the focal poetic voice of the period. His is a voice of searchingly comprehensive humanity & one that inspires his audience to see the world freshly,sympathetically & naturally. The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry,the poetry of the growing inner self,but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language & by advocating a return to nature.

5. 应用:Selected Readings

1)I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (1)

Wordsworth is regarded as a "worshipper of nature." He can penetrate to the heart of things & give the reader the very life of nature. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature,& one that takes us to the core of Wordsworth's poetic beliefs. Wordsworth wrote this beautiful poem of nature after he came across a long belt of gold daffodils tossing & reeling & dancing along the waterside. There is a vivid picture of the daffodils here,mixed with the poet's philosophical & somewhat mystical thoughts.

The poem consists of four 6-lined stanzas of iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of ababcc in each stanza. The last stanza describes the poet's recollection in tranquility from which this poem arose. The poet thinks that it is a bliss to recollect the beauty of nature in his mind while he is in solitude

2)Composed upon Westminster Bridge,September 3,1802 (1)

This sonnet,written on the roof of a coach as Wordsworth was on his way to France,was

published in Poems in Two V olumes,1807. The poem presents the speaker's view of London in the early morning. The speaker is not only profoundly touched by its beauty & tranquility of the morning,but even surprised to realize that London is part of Nature just as much as is his own beloved Lake Country.

Wordsworth is regarded as a " worshipper of nature." Even in this poem,though he is looking at London,he is thinking of home where the sun steeps in his first splendor,valley,rock,or hill."

The poem is written after the pattern of the Italian sonnet. The octave recreates the experience of London at morning,and the sestet enlarges on his reaction to the scene. The rhyme scheme of the poem is abbaabba,cdcdcd.

3)She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways (1)

This is one of the "Lucy poems," written in 1799. The "Lucy Poems" describe with rare elusive beauty of simple lyricism & haunting rhythm a young country girl living a simple life in a remote village far from the civilized world. They are verses of love & loss which hold within their delicate simplicity a meditation on time & death which rises to universal stature.

4)The Solitary Reaper (1)

Wordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literary interest. The joys & sorrows of the common people are his themes.

"The Solitary Reaper" is an example of his literary views. It describes vividly a young peasant girl working alone in the fields & singing as she works. The plot of the little incident is told straightforwardly in stanzas 1,3,& 4. Stanza 2,with its comparison of the girl's song to the cuckoo & the nightingale cannot be dismissed as vaguely ornamental comparisons. They are much more than that,& the impression of the girl's singing on the traveler is heightened through these comparisons.

This poem is an iambic verse. Most of the lines in the poem are octosyllabics. The rhyme-scheme for each stanza is ababccdd.

III Samuel Taylor Coleridge

1.一般识记His Life & Literary Career

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), poet & critic, was born in Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire, the son of a clergy man. He received education at Cambridge but left without a degree. Inspired by the radical thinkers with their idealism, Coleridge joined Robert Southey in a utopian plan of establishing an ideal democratic community in America, named "Pantisocracy." In the spring of 1797, Coleridge met & began his long friendship with William Wordsworth. The following year, they published a joint volume of poetry, Lyrical Ballads, which become a landmark in English poetry. Coleridge's poem, " The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," was included in the volume. The years 1797 &1798 were among the most fruitful of Coleridge's life. In addition to " The Ancient Mariner," he wrote " Kubla Khan," began writing " Christabel," & composed "This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison," "Frost at Midnight," & " The Nightingale", which are considered to be his best "conversational" poems.

In 1798, he traveled with the Wordsworths to Germany. In 1810, Coleridge quarreled seriously with Wordsworth. Although they reconciled with each other later on, their friendship had never reached its former intimacy. In 1813, his tragic drama Remorse received popular welcome. In 1816, he wrote his major prose work, Biographia Literaria (1817), a series of autobiographical notes & dissertations on many subjects, including some brilliantly perceptive literary criticism.

2.识记His Literary Outlook & Philosophy

Philosophically & critically, Coleridge opposed the limitedly rationalistic trends of the 18th-century thought. He courageously stemmed the tide of the prevailing doctrines derived from Hume & Hartley, advocating a more spiritual & religious interpretation of life, based on what he had learnt from Kant & Schelling. He believed that art is the only permanent revelation of the nature of reality. A poet should realize the vague intimations derived from his unconsciousness without sacrificing the vitality of the inspiration.

3.识记His Major Works

(1)"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," told an adventurous story of a sailor. By neglecting the law of hospitality, the mariner cruelly shot an albatross which flew to the ship through thick fog. Then disaster fell onto the ship. The breeze died down;the ship stopped;the hot tropical sun shone all day long. The other sailors died of thirst one after another, while the mariner alone was alive, being tortured all the time with thirst & the horror of death. Only when the mariner finally repented & blessed for the water snake did the spell break & the ship was then able to go back home. The story moves on through a world of wonder, from mysterious preface to inevitable close. Each incident stands out clear & vivid;each corresponding change in the soul of the mariner is registered. The whole experience is an ordeal of oppressive weariness.

(2)"Kubla Khan" was composed in a dream after Coleridge took the opium. The poet was reading about Kubla Khan when he fell asleep. The images of the river, of the magnificent palace & other marvelous scenes deposited in his unconsciousness were expressed into about two or three hundred lines. But when he was writing them down, a stranger interrupted him & the vision was never recaptured. Only 54 lines survived.

(3)"Christabel" uses a freer version of the ballad form to create an atmosphere of the Gothic horror at once delicate & sinister. The tale is an old one of a serpent disguised as a beautiful lady to victimize an innocent maiden. The standard trappings of Gothic horror——the remote castle & the wood, the virgin Christabel in peril & the subtly wicked Geraldine ——dramatize a confrontation with evil through disturbing suggestions of the sexual, supernatural & fantastic elements of dream. The moaning of the owl & the crowing of the cock, together with the response of the dog to the regular strokes of the clock, produced the effect of mystery & horror in the dead night. Opposed to the nightmarish are images of religious grace & the spring of love that had gushed from the poet's heart. It has been said that the thing attempted in "Christabel" is the most difficult in the whole field of romance, & nothing could come nearer the mark. The miraculous element, which lies on the face of " The Ancient Marines," is here driven beneath the surface.

(4)Biographia Literaria, his major prose work is a series of autobiographical notes & dissertations on many subjects, including some brilliantly perceptive literary criticism. The sections in which he expresses his views on the nature of poetry & discusses the works of Wordsworth are especially notable.

4.领会Characteristics of His Poems

Coleridge was esteemed by some of his contemporaries & is generally recognized today as a lyrical poet & literary critic of the first rank. His poetic themes range from the supernatural to the domestic. His treatises, lectures, & compelling conversational powers made him one of the most influential English literary critics & philosophers of the 19th century.

5.领会:His Achievements

His actual achievement as a poet can be divided into two remarkably diverse groups:the demonic & the conversational. The demonic group includes his three masterpieces:"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," "Christabel" & "Kubla Khan." Mysticism & demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group. Generally, the conversational group speaks more directly of an allied theme:the desire to go home, not to the past, but to " an improved infancy." Each of these poems bears a kind of purgatorial atonement, in which Coleridge must fail or suffer so that someone he loves may succeed or experience joy.

Coleridge is one of the first critics to give close critical attention to language, maintaining that the aim of poetry is to give pleasure "through the medium of beauty." In analyzing Shakespeare, Coleridge emphasizes the philosophic implication, reading more into the subject than the text & going deeper into the inner reality than only caring for the outer form.

6. 应用Selected Reading

Kubla Khan (1)

"Kubla Khan" is one of the best-known poems written by Coloridge. It is a vision, a fragment painting, a gorgeous Oriental picture. When the poem was published in 1816, Coleridge prefaced it explaining that the poem came to him in 1797, as he lay asleep at the moment when he was reading a story from Maco polo in an old travel book named Purcha's Pilgrimage. Though the poet calls this poem a fragment, there is a wholeness in the poem & it is highly symbolic. The places symbolize conflicting forces ——Xanadu, which represents a beautifully cultivated & ordered product of the rational will, is opposed to Alph's wild & savage chasm which represents an irrationally mysterious creative energy or inspiration. The speaker realizes that the opposites can be reconciled through the creative imagination. "Ancestral voices prophesying war" confirms that the conflict is always present;the "pleasure-dome," the product of human imaginative vision is the device (poetry)which will reconcile the opposites;& "a damsel with a dulcimer" is anything which releases the poetic vision.

Either ways, however, the description of Xanadu, the pleasure dome, the chasm the sacred river Alph bursts out of, along with the speaker's reaction to this revision of them is exotic & vivid. This poem can be a source of pleasure of verbal music or of freely associated & impressive images. Notice how the meter of the poem supports its shifting ideas:lines 1 through 11 are orderly Iambic tetrameter broken only in line 5;lines 12 through 30 are iambic pentameter which is poly-rhythmic in its diversity;lines 31 through 34 are in a lilting iambic tetrameter shifting to a couplet of iambic pentameter in lines 35 & 36. The poem ends with tetrameter iambic occasionally interrupted by trochaic. The rhymes are also arranged haphazardly to accommodate the idea. 来源:考试大-自考

IV George Gordon Byron

1. 一般识记His Life

English poet, born George Gordon Byron, in London, England, Jan. 22, 1788, and died in Missolonghi, Greece, April 19, 1824.

Lord Byron was perhaps the most fascinating & influential literary personality of the Romantic age. An eloquent poet, handsome nobleman, & political rebel, he was one of the most popular & notorious figures of the 19th century.

He was educated first at Harrow & then Cambridge. In 1807, a volume of Byron's poems, Hours of Idleness, was published. A very harsh review of this work in the Edinburgh Review prompted a satirical reply from Byron in heroic couplets, entitled English Bards & Scotch

Reviewers (1809), in which Byron lashed not only his reviewers, but also the conservative schools of contemporary poetry, showing his lasting contempt for what he considered the commonplace & vulgarity of the " Lake Poets."

In 1811, Byron took his seat in the House of Lords, & made vehement speeches, attacking the reactionary policy of the English government, & showing his great sympathy for the oppressed poor. At the news of the Greek revolt against the Turks, Byron not only gave the insurgent Greeks financial help but plunged himself into the struggle for the national independence of that country. In July 1823, Byron joined the Greek insurgents at Missolonghi. The Greeks made him commander in chief of their forces in January 1824. Because of several months' hard work under bad weather, Byron fell ill & died. The whole Greek nation mourned over his death.

2. 识记His Literary Career

In 1807, a volume of Byron's poems, Hours of idleness, was published. In 1809, he wrote a satirical reply to a harsh review in the Edinburgh Review in heroic couplets, entitled English Bards & Scotch Reviewers. The publication in 1812 of the first two cantos of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, a poem narrating his travels between 1809 & 1811 in Europe, brought Byron fame. In the following two years. He had written a number of long verse-tales, generally known as the Oriented Tales, with similar kind of heroes. In 1816, he wrote the third canto of Childe Harold & the narrative poem The Prisoner of Chillon. From 1816 to 1819, he produced, among other works, the verse drama Manfred (1817), the first two cantos of Don Juan (1818-1819), & the fourth & final canto of Childe Harold (1818)。In 1821, Byron wrote the verse drama Cain & the narrative poem The Island. He published, in 1822, one of the greatest political satires, The Vision of Judgment, with its main attack on Southey, the Tory Poet Laureate. Don Juan, a mock epic in 16 cantos, was finished in 1823.

3. 识记His Major works

(1)Childe Harold's Pilgrimage

The poem is about a gloomy, passionate young wanderer who escaped from the society he disliked & traveled around the continent, questing for freedom. It teems with all kinds of recognizable features of Romantic poetry ——the medieval, the outcast figure, love of nature, hatred of tyranny, preoccupation with the remote & savage, & so on. It also contains many vivid & exotic descriptive passages on mountains, rivers & seas. With his strong passion for liberty & his intense hatred for all tyrants, Byron shows his sympathy for the oppressed Portuguese under French occupation;he gives his strong support to the Spanish people fighting for their national independences;he laments over the fallen Greece, expressing his ardent wish that the suppressed Greek people should win their freedom;he glorifies the French Revolution & condemns the despotic Napoleon period;& he appeals for the liberty of the oppressed nations while exalting the great fighters for freedom in history.

2)Don Juan

Don Juan is Byron's masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19th century. It is a poem based on a traditional Spanish legend of a great lover & seducer of women. In the conventional sense, Juan is immoral, yet Byron takes this poem as the most moral. He invests in Juan the moral positives like courage, generosity & frankness, which, according to Byron are virtues neglected by the modern society. In addition, though Don Juan is the central figure & all the threads of the story are woven around him, he & his adventures only provide the framework:the poet's true intention is, by making use of Juan's adventures, to present a panoramic view of different types of society.

4. 领会Characteristics of Byron's Poems

Byron's poetry, though much criticized by some critics on moral grounds, was immensely popular at home, & also abroad, where it exerted great influence on the Romantic Movement. This popularity it owed to the author's persistent attacks on "cant political, religious, & moral," to the novelty of his oriental scenery, to the romantic character of the Byronic hero, & to the easy, fluent, & natural beauty of his verse. Byron's diction, though unequal & frequently faulty, has on the whole a freedom, copiousness & vigor. His descriptions are simple & fresh, & often bring vivid objects before the reader. Byron's poetry is like the oratory which hurries the hearers without applause. The glowing imagination of the poet rises & sinks with the tones of his enthusiasm, roughing into argument, or softening into the melody feeling & sentiments. Byron employed the Ottva Rima (Octave Stanza)from Italians mock-heroic poetry. It was perfected in Don Juan in which the convention flows with ease & naturalness, as Colonel Stanhope described "a stream sometimes smooth, sometimes rapid & sometimes rushing down in cataracts-a mixture of philosophy & slang-of everything."

5. 领会Byronic Hero

As a leading Romanticist, Byron's chief contribution is his creation of the " Byronic hero," a proud & mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. With immense superiority in his passions & powers, the Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in an evil society, & would fight single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion or in moral principles with unconquerable wills & inexhaustible energies. The conflict is usually one of rebellious individuals against outworn social systems & convention. Such a hero appears first in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, & then further developed in later works such as Oriented Tales, Manfred, & Don Juan in different guises. The figure is, to some extent, modeled on the life & personality of Byron himself, & makes Byron famous both at home and abroad.

6. 领会His influence

For a long time, there existed two controversial opinions on Byron. He was regarded in England as the perverted man, the satanic poet;while on the Continent, he was hailed as the champion of liberty, poet of the people. Byron's poetry has great influence on the literature of the whole world. Across Europe, patriots & painters & musicians are all inspired by him. Poets & novelists are profoundly influenced by his works. Actually Byron has enriched European poetry with an abundance of ideas, images, artistic forms & innovations. He stands with Shakespeare & Scott among the British writers who exert the greatest influence over the mainland of Europe.

7. 应用Selected Readings

1)Song for the Luddites(1)

Luddites named after Ned Ludd, a late 18th-century workers' leader, were craftsmen who deliberately smashed machinery in the industrial centers of the East-Midlands, Lancashire & Yorkshire, because they believed that machinery was a cause of their unemployment. On February 27, 1812, Byron in the House of Lords made his famous parliamentary speech, showing his sympathy for the Luddites & indignation at the Frame-breakers Bill(《破坏织机者法案》)which would induce capital punishment to the destroyers of machines.

The poem selected here was written in March 1817. It shows his sympathy & support for the workers in their struggle against the capitalist oppression & exploitation. It is composed of three 5-lined stanzas, each with a rhyme scheme of abaab, all of which are strong & vigorous masculine

rhymes. The general metrical movement is anapestic trimeter & dimeter with line 3 in iambic dimeter……

2)The Isles of Greece (from Don Juan, III)

Don Juan, the masterpiece of Byron, is a long satirical poem. Its hero Juan is an aristocratic libertine, amiable & charming to ladies. Byron puts into Don Juan his rich knowledge of his world & his wisdom. It presents brilliant pictures of life in its various stages of love, joy, suffering, hatred & fear. The unifying principle in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme of appearance & reality, i.e. what things seem to be & what they actually are. The selected section, "The Isles of Greece," is taken from Canto III, which is sung by a Greek singer at the wedding of Don Juan & Haidee, the pure & beautiful daughter of a pirate. In the early 19th century, Greece was under the rule of Turk. By contrasting the freedom of ancient Greece & the present enslavement, the poet appealed to people to struggle for liberty.

V. Percy Bysshe Shelley

1. 一般识记His Life

Shelley (1792-1822)was born into a wealthy family at Sussex. Though gentle by nature,his rebellious qualities were cultivated in his early years. At 18,Shelley entered Oxford University,where he had written & circulated a pamphlet,The Necessity of Atheism (1811),repudiating the existence of God. This event resulted in his expulsion from the university & being disinherited by his headstrong father. Early in 1818,Shelley & his wife Mary left England for Italy. During the Remaining four years of his life,Shelley traveled & lived in various Italian cities. Shelley was drowned in 1822 in storm near La Spezia,at the age of 30.

2. 识记His Literary Outlook

Shelley grew up with violent revolutionary ideas under the influence of the free thinkers like Hume & Godwin,so he held a life-long aversion to cruelty,injustice,authority,institutional religion & the formal shams of respectable society,condemning war,tyranny & exploitation,However,under the influence of Christian humanism,Shelley took interest in social reforms. He realized that the evil was also in man's mind. So he predicted that only trough gradual & suitable reforms of the existing institutions could benevolence be universally established & none of the evils would survive in this "genuine society",where people could live together happily,freely & peacefully.

3. 识记His major works

1)Lyrics:"To a Skylark" & "Ode to the West Wind"

In "To a Skylark," the bird,suspended between reality & poetic image,pours forth an exultant song which suggests to the poet both celestial rapture & human limitation. Best of all the well-known lyric pieces is Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind " (1819);here Shelley's rhapsodic & declamatory tendencies find a subject perfectly suited to them. The autumn wind,burying the dead year,preparing for a new Spring,becomes an image of Shelley himself,as he would want to be,in its freedom,its destructive-constructive potential,its universality. "I fall upon the thorns of Life!I bleed!" calls the Shelley that could not bear being fettered to the humdrum realities of everyday!The whole poem has a logic of feeling,a not easily analyzable progression that leads to the triumphant,hopeful & convincing conclusion:"If winter comes,can Spring before behind?" The poem is written in the terza rima form Shelley derived from his reading of Dante. The nervous thrill of Shelley's response to nature however is here transformed through the power of art & imagination into a longing to be united with a force at once physical & prophetic.

Here is no conservative reassurance,no comfortable mysticism,but the primal amorality of nature itself,with its mad fury & its pagan ruthlessness. Shelley's ode is an invocation to a primitive deity,a plea to exalt him in its fury & to trumpet the radical prophecy of hope & rebirth.

2)Poetic drama:Prometheus Unbound (1820)

Shelley's greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama,Prometheus Unbound. According to the Greek mythology,Prometheus,the champion of humanity,who has stolen the fire from Heaven,is punished by Zeus to be chained on Mount Caucasus & suffers the vulture's feeding on his liver. Shelley based his drama on Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus,in which Prometheus reconciles with the tyrant Zeus. Radical & revolutionary as Shelley,he wrote in the preface:"In truth,I was averse from a catastrophe so feeble as that reconciling the Champion with the oppressor of Mankind." So he gave a totally different interpretation,transforming the compromise into a liberation. With the strong support of Earth,his mother;Asia,his bride & the help from Demogorgon & Hercules,Zeus is driven from the throne;Prometheus is unbound. The play is an exultant work in praise of humankind's potential,& Shelley himself recognized it as " the most perfect of my products."

3)Prose:Defence of Poetry

4. 领会Characteristics of Shelley's Poetry

Shelley is one of the lending Romantic poets,an intense & original lyrical poet in the English language. Like Blake,he has a reputation as a difficult poet:erudite,imagistically complex,full of classical & mythological allusions. His style abounds in personification & metaphor & other figures of speech which describe vividly what we see & feel,or express what passionately moves us.

5. 应用Selected Readings

1)A Song:Men of England (1)

This poem was written in 1819,the year of the Peterloo Massacre. It is unquestionably one of Shelley's greatest political lyrics. It is not only a war cry calling upon all working people of England to rise up against their political oppressors,but also an address to point out to them the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. In the poem Shelley pictured the capitalist society as divided into two hostile classes:the parasitic class ("drones")& the working class ("bees")。

The song contains eight quatrains;generally each line contains 4 accented syllables. The rhyme scheme for each stanza is uniformly aabb. The last two stanzas of the poem are ironically addressed to those workers who submit passively to capitalist exploitation. They serve as a warning to the working people,that if the latter should give up their struggle they would be digging graves for themselves with their own hands compared to the preceding stanzas,these lines appear weak & ineffectual.

2)Ode to the West Wind

The poem Ode to the West Wind was the best known of Shelley's shorter poems. In the poem the poet describes vividly the activities of the West Wind on the earth,in the sky & on the sea,& then expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of the West Wind & his wish to be free like the wind & scatter his words among mankind. He gathered in this poem a wealth of symbolism,employed a structural art & his powers of metrical orchestration at their mightiest. The autumn wind,burying the dead year,preparing for a new Spring,becomes an image of Shelley

himself,as he would want to be,in its freedom,its destructive-constructive power,its universality,"I fall upon the thorns of life!I bleed!" calls the Shelley that could not bear being fettered to the humdrum realities of everyday!The whole poem has a logic of feeling,a progression that leads to the triumphant,hopeful & convincing conclusion:"If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?" Here is no reassurance,no mysticism,but the primal amorality of nature itself,with its mad fury & its pagan ruthlessness. Shelley's ode is an invocation to a primitive deity,a plea to exalt him in its fury & to trumpet the radical prophecy of hope & rebirth.

VI. John Keats

1. 一般识记His Life & Literary Career

John Keats (1795-1821)was born in London & educated at the Clarke's School. At 15,he left school & was apprenticed to a surgeon,Thomas Hammond. Subsequently from 1815 to 1816,Keats studied medicine at Guy's Hospital in London. But he left this profession very soon. He read much of Spenser,Milton & Homer. It was Spenser who awakened in Keats his dormant poetic gift,& the first verses which he wrote were in imitation of the Elizabethan Poetry. Besides the classical elements,Hunt,the radical journalist & minor poet,was a vital influence on the early Keats,cultivating him with a taste for liberal politics as well as for the fine arts.

Keats's first important poem "On first Looking into Chapman's Homer" was published in 1816 in the paper,Examiner,run by Hunt. In 1817,he published his first volume of poems. In 1818,a poem based on the Greek myth of Endymion & the moon goddess,Endymion,was published. From 1818 to 1820,Keats reached the summit of his poetic creation. In July 1820,the third & best of his volumes of poetry,Lamia,Isabella,The Eve of St. Agnes,& Other Poems,was published. Keats died in Rome on February 23,1821.

2. 识记His Major Poetic Works

The odes are generally regarded as Keats's most important & mature works. Their subject matter,however,is the poet's abiding preoccupation with the imagination as it reaches out to union with the beautiful. In the greatest of these works,he also suggests the undercurrent of disillusion that accompanies such ecstasy,the human suffering which forever questions the visionary transcendence achieved by art.

1)"Ode to a Nightingale"

It expresses the contrast between the happy world of natural loveliness & human world of agony. Here the aching ecstasy roused by the bird's song is felt like a form of spiritual homesickness,a longing to be at one with beauty. The poem first introduces joy & sorrow,song & music. Death & rapture which free him into the world of dream. By combining a tingling anticipation with a lapsing towards dissolution,Keats manages to keep a precarious balance between mirth & despair,rapture & grief. Inspired by the nightingale's song,his thoughts now ascend from the transfigured physical world,through the imagined ecstasy of death,to the timeless present of the nightingale's song. The ultimate imaginative view of "faery lands forlorn" evaporates in its extremity as the full associations of the word "toll" the poet back from his near-loss of self-hood to the real & human world of sorrow & death.

2)"Ode on an Grecian Urn"

It shows the contrast between the permanence of art & the transience of human passion. The poet has absorbed himself into the timeless beautiful scenery on the antique Grecian Urn:the lovers,musicians & worshippers on the Urn exist simultaneously & for ever in their intensity of

joy. They are unaffected by time,stilled in expectation. This is at once the glory & the limitation of the world conjured up by an object of art. The urn celebrates but simplifies intuitions of ecstasy by seeming to deny our painful knowledge of transience & suffering.


Endymion was a poem based on the Greek myth of Endymion & the moon goddess. In this poem,Keats described his imagination in an enchanted atmosphere-a lovely moon-lit world where human love & ideal beauty were merged into one. Endymion marked a transitional phase in Keats's poetry,though he himself was not satisfied with it.


In July 1820,the third & best of his volumes of poetry,Lamia,Isabella,The Eve of St. Ages,&Other Poems,was published,The three title poems all deal with mythical & legendary themes of ancient,medieval,& Renaissance times. At the heart of these poems lies Keats's concern with how the ideal can be joined with the real,the imagined with the actual & man with woman. 来源:考试大-自考

3.领会Characteristics of Keats's Poetry

Keats's poetry is always sensuous,colorful & rich in imagery,which expresses the acuteness of his senses. Sight,sound,scent,taste & feeling are all used to give an entire understanding of an experience. He has the power of entering the feelings of others-either human or animal. With vivid & rich images,he paints poetic pictures full of wonderful color. Keats's poetry,characterized by exact & closely-knit construction,sensual descriptions,& by force in imagination,gives transcendental values to the physical beauty of the world.

4.应用Selected Reading:

"Ode on a Grecian Urn"

The Grecian Urn that the poem depicts is a piece of ancient Greek pottery with a pastoral scene overwrought upon it. The urn represents a piece of artifact,& it has endured a long history,yet remains untarnished,& the pastoral scene on it can still be seen clearly.

On the surface,this ode is about the Grecian Urn,but we can fairly say it is a commentary on nature & art,for art has the power to preserve intense human experiences,so that they may go on being enjoyed by men from generation to generation. Pleasure in life cannot be protected from change,while artifact can remain intact.

The Ode consists of 5 stanzas,the first four stanzas describing a pastoral scene on the urn,& the last epitomizing the relation of the timeless ideal world in art to the woeful actual world.

VII Jane Austen

1. 一般识记Her life & Literary Career

Jane Austen (1775-1817)was born in a country clergyman's family on 16 December 1775,in the parish of Steventon. She was educated at home with her sister. Through a wide reading of books available in her father's library,Jane acquired a thorough knowledge of 18th -century of Dr. Johnson,the poetry of W. Cowper,as well as the novels by Richardson & Fielding. She lived a quiet,retired &,in public terms,uneventful life,though she did move to several places like Bath,Southampton & Chawton. And her closest companion was her elder sister Cassandra,who like her,never married. Austen began as a child to write novels for her family entertainment. Her works were later published anonymously due to the prejudice against women writers then. She died in Winchester.

In her lifelong career,Jane Austen wrote altogether six complete novels,which can be

divided into two distinct periods. Her first novel,Sense & Sensibility (1811),tells a story about two sisters & their love affairs;Pride & Prejudice (1813),the most popular of he novels,deals with the five Bennet sisters & their search for suitable husbands;& Northanger Abbey (1818)satirizes those popular Gothic romances of the late 18th century,Mansfield Park (1814)presents the antithesis of worldliness & unworldliness;Emma (1815)gives the thought over self-deceptive vanity;& Persuasion (1818)contrasts the true love with the prudential calculations. Several incomplete works were published long after Austen's death. These include The Watsons (1923),Fragment of a Novel (1925),& Plan of a Novel (1926)。

2.识记Her Major Works

Pride & Prejudice,originally drafted as "First Impressions" in 1796,is the most delightful of Jane Austen's works. The title tells of a major concern of the novel pride & prejudice. If to form good relationships is our main task in life,we must first have good judgment. Our first impressions,according to Jane Austen,are usually wrong,as is shown here by those of Elizabeth. In the process of judging others,Elizabeth finds out something about herself:her blindness,partiality,prejudice & absurdity. In time she discovered her own shortcomings. On the other hand,Darcy too learns about other people & himself. In the end false pride is humbled & prejudice dissolved.

3. 领会Her Literary creation & literary achievements

In her lifelong career,Jane Austen wrote altogether 6 complete novels. They are Sense & Sensibility;Pride & Prejudice;Northanger Abbey;Mansfield Park;Emma & Persuasion. Austen's main literary concern is about human beings in their personal relationships. Because of this,her novels have a universal significance. She is particularly preoccupied with the relationship between men & women in love. Stories of love & marriage provide the major themes in all her novels.

The works of Jane Austen,delightful &profound are part of the supreme achievements of English literature. With trenchant observation & in meticulous detail,she presents the quiet,day-to-day life of the upper-middle-class English. Her characteristic theme is that maturity is achieved through the loss of illusions. Faults of character displayed by the people of her novels are corrected when,through tribulation,lessons are learned. Even the most minor characters are vividly particularized in Austen's lucid style. All these show a mind of the shrewdest intelligence adapting the available traditions & deepening the resources of art with consummate craftsmanship. Because of her sensitivity to universal patterns of human behavior,Jane Austen has brought the English novels,as an art form,to its maturity,& she has been regarded by many critics as one of the greatest of all novelists.

4. 应用Selected Reading

An Excerpt From Chapter I of Pride & Prejudice

1)Structure,characterization & language style

The structure of the novel is exquisitely deft,the characterization in the highest degree memorable,while the irony has a radiant shrewdness unmatched elsewhere. At the heart of the novelist's exploration of the marriage,property & intrigue lies the exhilarating suspense of the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet & Darcy,& Jane Austen's delicate probing of the values of the gentry. The moments of high comedy in the novel are always related to deeper issues. Elizabeth's rejection of the odious Mr. Collins suggests her independence & self-esteem,but when Collins is accepted by her friend Charlotte Lucas,we see the reality of marriage as a

necessary step if a woman is to a void the wretchedness of aging spinsterhood. Conversely,in the elopement of Lydia & Wickham,we are shown the dangers of feckless relationships unsupported by money. The comic characters in Pride & Prejudice are:Mr. & Mrs. Bennet,Mr. Collins & that monstrous snob Lady Catherine de Burgh,who make us laugh even as they parody erroneous views of marriage & class.

5. 应用Characteristics of Jane Austen's novels

1)Austen's novels describe a narrow range of society & events:a quiet,prosperous,middle class circle in provincial surroundings,which she knew well from her own experience 2)Her subject matter is also limited,for most of her novels deal with the subject of getting married,which was in fact the central problem for the young leisure-class lady of that age,who had no other choice in her life but to find a good husband.

3)Austen's interest was in human nature;in her depiction of human nature,instead of being fascinated by great waves of elevated emotion,by passion or heroic experience,she focused on the trivial & petty details of everyday living,which became very interesting through her truthful & lively description.

4)Austen's novels are brightened by their witty conversation & omnipresent humor. Her language shines with an exquisite touch of lively gracefulness,elegant & refined,but never showy.


西方音乐史论文 一个充满神奇音乐的时代浪漫主义时期音乐特点

目录 浪漫主义时期音乐特点简述 (2) 浪漫主义与古典主义音乐的不同 (2) 浪漫主义时期的主要代表人物 (3) 浪漫主义音乐特点总结 (3)

浪漫主义时期音乐特点 关于音乐,人们一直都在探讨它的奥秘和美妙,当第一次听到《小夜曲》,便被其中的婉转、悠扬与空灵所吸引,它源于西方浪漫主义时期——一个充满神奇音乐的时代。浪漫主义乐派是继维也纳古典乐派后出现的一个新的流派,浪漫主义产生于法国大革命以后的社会的和政治的动乱之中,它支配着十九世纪的艺术。这个时期艺术家的创作上则表现为对主观感情的崇尚,对自然的热爱和对未来的幻想。艺术表现形式也较以前有了新的变化,出现了浪漫主义思潮与风格的形成与发展。 浪漫主义时期音乐特点简述 浪漫主义音乐善于表现个人的感情和幻想,尤其强调个人主义的体验。他们热衷于反映内心最强烈情感的爱情主题;倾心于带自传性的,不满现状的忧郁,孤独者的精神。在描绘自然景色及现实形象时,也更强调主观色彩的印记。作曲家不同程度地倾心于标题音乐,其构思常常以文学、诗歌、戏剧、绘画、特性舞蹈等其他姊妹艺术的内容为基础,甚至为强调表现意图而加添明确的标题。所采用的形式载体也为了与标题性内容相符而突破传统的模式,创造出许多综合性或形式灵活的体裁。 同时,浪漫主义音乐有着对本民族历史文化及民间音乐的强烈兴趣。这反映了19 世纪欧洲民族意识的觉醒。表现在一些长期倍受欺凌的国家和民族(如波兰、捷克、匈牙利)等国家的“民族乐派”先后成立。和这些国家的民族解放运动紧密呼应。在音乐创作的题材方面,盛行采用民间歌谣及民间故事为主题。在追求更加个性化、情感化表现技巧的过程中,诸多民族民间音乐的色彩影响到旋律特征、调式和声与节奏节拍的独特处理。 浪漫主义与古典主义音乐的不同 浪漫主义音乐与古典主义音乐所不同的是,它承袭古典乐派作曲家的传统,在此基础上也有了新的探索。如强调音乐要与诗歌、戏剧、绘画等音乐以外的其他艺术相结合,提倡一种综合艺术;提倡标题音乐;强调个人主观感觉的表现,作品常常带有自传的色彩;作品富于幻想性,描写大自然的作品很多,因为大自然很平静,没有矛盾,是理想的境界;重视戏剧,研究民族、民间的音乐文学,从中吸取营养,作品具有民族特色。 在艺术形式和表现手法上,是继承古典乐派,但内容上却有很大的差异,夸张的手法也使用的特别多。在音乐形式上,它突破了古典音乐均衡完整的形式结构的限制,有更大的自由性。单乐章题材的器乐曲繁多,主要是器乐小品,如即兴曲、夜曲、练习曲、叙事曲、幻想曲、前奏曲、无词曲以及各种舞曲——玛祖卡、圆舞曲、波尔卡等。在众多的器乐小品中,钢琴小品居多。声乐的作品中出现了大量的艺术歌曲,并将诸多的声乐小品串联起来形成套曲,如舒伯特《美丽的磨坊女》、《冬之旅》等,就是浪漫主义音乐派创新的艺术题材。和声是表现浪漫主义色彩的重要工具,不谐和音的扩大和自由使用,7和弦和9和弦以及半音法和转调在乐曲里的经常出现,扩大了和声范围及表现功,增强了和声的色彩。作曲家创立了


浅谈浪漫主义时期的建筑与音乐【摘要】本文主要阐述了浪漫主义时期建筑和音乐的艺术特色,文化背 景,思想根源及其和相互影响 关键字:起源,发展,艺术,联系 一、浪漫主义的由来及其思想文化 浪漫主义(英语romantic)一词源出南欧一些古罗马省府的语言和文学。这些地区的不同方言原系拉丁语和当地方言混杂而成,后来发展成罗曼系语言(the Romance languages)。浪漫主义作为欧洲文学中的一种文艺思潮,产生于十八世纪末到十九世纪初的资产阶级革命和民族解放运动高涨的年代。它在政治上反对封建专制,在艺术上与古典主义相对立,属于资本主义上升时期的一种意识形态。 法国著名浪漫主义女作家乔治·桑曾对批判现实主义大师巴尔扎克说:“你既有能力而也愿意描绘人类如你所眼见的。好的!反之,我,总觉得必要按照我希望于人类的,按照我相信人类所应当有的来描绘它。”乔治·桑的这段话表明她在创作上所遵循的是与现实主义不同的创作方法,这就是浪漫主义。浪漫主义的基本特征是理想主义,就是按照作家认为生活应当有的样式来反映生活,因而总是理想地描写对象或者描写理想化的对象。 浪漫主义由于理想性质的不同,分为积极浪漫主义和消极浪漫主义两种。积极浪漫主义的理想,是与社会发展的趋向,与人民群众的愿望和要求相一致的,因而能够激励人们改造现实,增强人们的斗争意志。高尔基说:应用浪漫主义的方法,可以美化人性,克服兽性,提高人的自尊心。屈原的《离骚》,李白的诗歌,吴承恩的《西游记》,郭沫若的《女神》,就是我国这类浪漫主义的代表作。消极浪漫主义的理想,反映的是没落阶级对现实变革与社会进步的敌视。消极浪漫主义作家总是美化和怀恋已经消逝了的社会生活与制度,妄想历史能够按照他们的愿望倒退,因而思想悲观,情绪悲哀,作品内容表现为怀旧,逃避现实,或者陷入神秘主义。在艺术上则是格调低沉,色彩灰暗,往往蒙上一层迷离恍惚、虚无缥缈的纱幕。十九世纪英国的湖畔派诗人的作品就属于这一类。 浪漫主义作为欧洲文学中的一种文艺思潮,产生于十八世纪末到十九世纪初的资产阶级革命和民族解放运动高涨的年代。它在政治上反对封建专制,在艺术上与古典主义相对立,属于资本主义上升时期的一种意识形态。 浪漫主义思潮的兴盛衰落,是由各国历史条件的特点所决定的。作为一种成型的文艺思潮,它首先产生在德国。由于当时德国容克贵族势力猖獗,资产阶级软弱无力,因而消极浪漫主义得势,积极浪漫主义发展迟缓。只有海涅登上文坛之后,积极浪漫主义在德国才有所起色。 法国的浪漫主义思潮,犹如大海的波涛,气势磅礴,蔚为壮观,来势迅猛,激烈异常。它的产生与发展是与封建贵族的复辟和资产阶级的反复辟斗争分不开的。浪漫主义首先从古典主义设置的种种障碍中冲杀出来,历经短兵相接的搏斗,一举获胜。继而在漫浪主义内部角返相争,积极浪漫主义者组织了包括批判现实主义作家在内的广泛的统一战线,打败了消极浪漫主义。在十九世纪二十年代以前,消极浪漫主义称王称霸,二十年代末到三十年代初,由于资产阶级在政治上的胜利,积极浪漫主义骤然兴起.并取得了主导的地位。 在俄国,浪漫主义的发展是较迟的。它在十九世纪初期才形成为一种流派。其中积极浪漫主义与俄国十二月党人运动紧密联系在一起,在贵族革命中起过显著的进步作用。代表作家


Chapter 3 The Romantic Period 1. The Romantic Period: The Romantic period is the period generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. It is emphasized the special qualities of each individual’s mind. 2.Social background: a. during this period, England itself had experienced profound economic and social changes. The primarily agricultural society had been replaced by a modern industrialized one. b. With the British Industrial Revolution coming into its full swing, the capitalist class came to dominate not only the means of production, but also trade and world market. 3.The Romantic Movement: it expressed a more or less negative attitude toward the existing social and political conditions that came with industrialization and the growing importance of the bourgeoise. The romantics demontrated a a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers and philosophers. They saw man as an individual in the solitary state. Thus, the Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. The Romantic period is an age of poetry. Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. Wordsworth and Coleridge were the major representatives of this movement. Wordsworth defines the poet as a “man speaking to men”, and poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” Imagination, defined by Coleridge, is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements. The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imamgination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration, regarding them as something crucial for true poetry. The natural world comes to the forefront of the poetic imagination. Nature is not only the major source of the poetic imagery, but also provides the dominant subject mattre. It is in solitude, in communion with the natural universe, that man can exercise this most valuable of faculties. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic, defending the great poets and dramatists of their own national heritage against the advocates of classical rules. Poetry: to the Romantics, poetry should be free from all rules.they would turn to the humble people and the common everyday life for subjects. Prose: It’s also a great age of prose. With education greatly developed for the middle-class people, there was a rapid growth in the reading public and an increasing demand for reading materials.Romantics made literary comments on the writers with high standards, which paved the way for the development of a new and valuable type of critical writings. Colerige, Hazlitt, Lamb, and De Quincey were the leading figures in this new development. Novel: the 2 major novelists of the period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott. Gothic novel: a tyoe of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century, was one of the Romantic movement. Its principal elements are violence, horror, and the supernatural, which strongly appeal to the reader’s emotion. With is description of the dark, irritional side of human nature, the Gothic form exerted a great influence over the writers of the Romantic period. 3. Ballads: the most important form of popular literature; flourished during the 15th century; Most written down in 18th century; mostly written in quatrains; Most important is the Robin Hood ballads. 4. Romanticism: it is romanticism is a literary trend. It prevailed in England during the period of 1798-1832. Romanticists were discontent with and opposed to the development of capitalism. They split into two groups.


英国浪漫主义诗人 威廉·布莱克(William Blake,1757---1827),英国第一位重要的浪漫主义诗人、版画家。主要诗作有诗集《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》等。早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙晦涩,充满神秘色彩。 威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)与柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)、骚塞(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”诗人(Lake Poets)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。他们喜爱大自然,描写宗法制农村生活,厌恶资本主义的城市文明和冷酷的金钱关系,他们远离城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此得名“湖畔派”。华兹华斯的主要作品有《抒情歌谣集》《丁登寺旁》《序曲》《革命与独立》《不朽颂》《远足》。 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772年10月21日-1834年7月25日),英国诗人、文评家,英国浪漫主义文学的奠基人之一。以〈古舟子咏〉(亦可称作〈古舟子之歌〉)(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)一诗成为名家,其文评集《文学传记》(Biographia Literaria)以博大精深见称,书中对想像(imagination)与幻想(fancy)的区别尤其著名。一生作诗不缀,但中年时自称弃诗从哲,精研以康德、谢林为首的德国唯心论。 罗伯特·骚塞(1774—1843)是“湖畔派”三诗人中才气较差的一位。年青时代思想激进,饱读伏尔泰、卢梭的著作,在威斯敏斯特学校学习时曾因撰文反对校方体罚学生而被开除学籍。进牛津大学后,他更醉心法国大革命,写史诗《圣女贞德》歌颂革命,后来还与柯尔律治计划在美洲的森林里建立乌托邦社会。但中年后骚塞的政治态度却变得十分保守,还热衷于趋附权贵,成了统治者的御用文人,并因此获得“桂冠诗人”的称号。1821年他以桂冠诗人身份作颂诗《审判的幻景》颂扬去世不久的英王乔治三世,攻击拜伦、雪莱等进步诗人,称他们是“恶魔派”(撒旦派)。拜伦作同名讽刺长诗一首,对乔治三世和骚塞作了尽情的揶揄奚落。 乔治·戈登·拜伦(1788—1824),是英国19世纪初期伟大的浪漫主义诗人。其代表作品有《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》、《唐璜》等。在他的诗歌里塑造了一批“拜伦式英雄”。拜伦不仅是一位伟大的诗人,还是一个为理想战斗一生的勇士;他积极而勇敢地投身革命,参加了希腊民族解放运动,并成为领导人之一。拜伦是多产诗人。拜伦著名的诗还有《当初我们两分别》《给一位淑女》《雅典的女郎》《希腊战歌》《她走在美丽的光彩里》《我见过你哭》《我给你的项链》《写给奥古斯塔》《普罗米修斯》《锡雍的囚徒》《给托马斯·穆尔》


William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 –23 April 1850 was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, Lyrical Ballads. Wordsworth's masterpiece is generally considered to be The Prelude, a semi autobiographical poem of his early years which the poet revised and expanded a number of times. The work was posthumously titled and published, prior to which it was generally known as the poem "to Coleridge". Wordsworth was England's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850. The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge lived nearby, and the three maen bec ame known as“Lake Poets”.骚塞,柯勒律治也居住在同一地城,三人并称为“湖畔诗人”。 Wordsworth was a defining member of the English Romantic Movement. 华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表人物之一。 Like other Romantics, Wordsworth’s personality and poetry were deeply influenced by his love of nature, especially by the sights and scenes of the Lake Country, in which he spent most of his mature life. 对自然的热爱以及他大部分人生所度过的地方--湖区--的风光景色都对他的性格和作品有着深远的影响。 A profoundly earnest and sincere thinker, he displayed a high seriousness tempered with tenderness and a love of simplicity. 他是一位真挚深刻的思想者,作品在严谨中充满纯真质朴与敏感。 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云


英美文学浪漫主义 【篇一:英美文学浪漫主义】 一、英美文学浪漫情怀的相同之处 中国论文网 /7/view-3799669.htm (一)文学作品的时间及其历史背景 “romanticim”(浪漫主义)这一形式的文学作品最早出现在英国。(frequently shared certain general characteristics; moral enthusiasm,faith in the value of inp>(二)浪漫主义情怀的定义与主题 从某种程度上看,英国浪漫主义文学在该形式的文学作品中是开山 鼻祖,而美国等其他国家则是在其基础上取其精华,再根据本国的 社会现状以及基本国情做出相应的创新发展,以激起国民对于革命 的爆发和对新生活的追求。所以从美国浪漫主义文学作品中很容易 看出英国浪漫主义文学的影子。英国木可勒律治的浪漫主义的超自 然主义,华兹华斯的英国国教的正统主义以及雪莱的无神论的精神 主义,司各特的对以往时代的缅怀,都充分表露出浪漫主义的主色 调就是反对现实社会的黑暗肮脏以及统治者的不满,而追求大自然、追求正义讲究实际的道德观与人生观。与此同时,看看美国的作家:欧文(irving)、库柏(cooper)、坡(poe)、布雷思特(bryant),则反对传统的文化思想,反对旧的封建殖民主义的思想,追求浪漫主义情怀,在这点上看来,英美文学在浪漫主义的情 怀上有着异曲同工之妙。 (三)浪漫主义情怀相同的特色 对美国的文学做深入的了解,就会很容易发现,英国的文学对于美 国的浪漫主义文学有着至关重要的影响。很多美国作家跟英国作家 都处于相同的历史文化背景下,所以有着很多相似的优秀文化传统 道德。毋庸置疑,在文学创作方面也有很多相似之处。美国浪漫主 义文学运动起源于新英格兰的(transcendentalism)超验主义,表 露的是不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和 世俗束缚的个人表达;呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义; 相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。这个超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生(emeroson)的人性本善(believed that man was a part of absolute good)和梭罗


浪漫主义文学作品有什么特点?除了夸张手法的运用、想象奇特之外还有什么? 如果说浪漫主义文学最基本的特点是以充满激情的夸张方式来表现理想与愿望的话,那么,可以说,在世界各民族最初的文学活动中,就已经存在这种形态的文学了。例如各个民族都有的远古神话、中国先秦文学中的"楚辞",都有这样的特点。表现理想和幻想本是促成文学发生的重要原因之一,也是文学构成的基本要素之一,从这个意义上说,浪漫精神是文学的一个重要源头,文学从一开始就和浪漫主义有着极其密切的关系。 不过,明确地把浪漫主义作为一种文学精神来倡导、来鼓吹,以至于形成了一个波澜壮阔文学运动和文学思潮,在西方则始于18世纪末到19世纪30、40年代这个时期。其最先形成于德国,而后波及到英国、法国和俄国,在短短的十多年里,迅速发展成为一场风靡欧洲的文学运动,相继产生了许多有影响的作家和作品。文学理论中所说的浪漫主义主要指的就是这个时期的浪漫主义,浪漫主义作为一种文学类型,也是在这个时期形成的。 浪漫主义文学的鼎盛时代是法国资产阶级大革命时期,即18世纪90年代到19世纪30年代。浪漫主义所以会在这个时期获得蓬勃发展,是因为资产阶级革命的需要。1798年法国资产阶级推翻了封建专制政权,建立了资产阶级统治。这个伟大的历史事件震撼了整个世界,在欧洲掀起了此起彼伏的资产阶级民主革命运动和民族解放运动。于是,表现理想、推崇英雄、充满激情的浪漫主义文学也就必然地成为这个时代的文学主流。 从文学本身的发展来看,浪漫主义文学思潮的盛行是反对古典主义文学的产物。所以在西方文学批评史上,人们常常以古典/浪漫的对立模式来描述它们之间的关系,以此说明浪漫主义文学思潮和运动产生的原因。韦勒克指出,"浪漫主义的意思简直包括一切不是按照古典传统写出的诗歌。"并指出这是一种"根据'古典的'与'浪漫的'之间的对立说法而建立的类型论。"这种对立或区别具体的含义是"指那种与新古典主义诗歌相对立并从中世纪和文艺复兴时期得到启发并以此为榜样的诗歌" 。 从这里可以看出浪漫主义文学类型的基本特点:与"新古典主义对立",是说浪漫主义力主表现个性与感性,不像古典主义文学那样强调理性以及对社会、国家整体的服从;"从中世纪和文艺复兴得到启发",是说浪漫主义在题材与主题的表现上富于传奇性、奇特性。这些特点都使浪漫主义文学有了与西方传统文学全然不同的面貌。 不过,即使在西方,浪漫主义文学在不同时代和不同民族那里,也有着不尽相同的特点和面貌,德国的、法国的和英国的浪漫主义不尽一致,早期的和以后的浪漫主义之间也有区别。但是这些民族的、时代的特殊性,并不意味着浪漫主义文学没有统一的特征和性质。正如韦勒克所说: "如果我们考察一下整个大陆上自称为'浪漫主义的'具体文学的特点,我们就会发现全欧都有着同样的关于诗歌及诗的想象的作用与性质的看法,同样的关于自然及其与人的关系的看法,基本上同样的诗体风格,在意象、象征及神话的使用上与18世纪的新古典主义截然不同。" 关于这些共同点,韦勒克总结为:"就诗歌观来说是想象,就世界观来说是自然,就诗体风格来说是象征与神话。" 也就是说,浪漫主义文学以强调想象来突出文学的目的在于表现理想和希望,以强调自然来突出文学应偏重于抒发个体的主观感受和情绪,以强调象征与神话来突出文学的隐喻性、表现性和夸张、奇特的艺术表现方式。这些特点,是浪漫主义文学共有的特征。 韦勒克指出浪漫主义的世界观是一种自然观,这个问题需要进一步说明,即自然观的世界观是什么意思。浪漫主义所谓的自然是针对古典主义而言的。他们认为,古典主义对理性的强调实质上是对秩序、规律的强调,其违反了人的自然本性。浪漫主义把一切原始的、质朴无华的和天真无邪的事物视为"自然的"。从这里引出了浪漫/古典之间的一系列对立,如浪漫主义强调感性,古典主义强调理性;浪漫主义强调对大自然的表现,古典主义强调对人类创



美国文学浪漫主义时期 浪漫主义时期开始于十八世纪末,到内战爆发为止,是美国文学史上最重要的时期。华盛顿·欧文出版的《见闻札记》标志着美国文学的开端,惠特曼的《草叶集》是浪漫主义时期文学的压卷之作。浪漫主义时期的文学是美国文学的繁荣时期,所以也称为"美国的文艺复兴。" 美国社会的发展哺育了"一个伟大民族的文学"。年轻的美国没有历史的沉重包袱,很快在政治、经济和文化方面成长为一个独立的国家。这一时期也是美国历史上西部扩张时期,到1860年领土已开拓到太平洋西岸。到十九世纪中叶,美国已由原来的十三个州扩大到二十一个州,人口从1790年的四百万增至1860年的三千万。在经济上,年轻的美国经历向工业的转化,影响所及不仅仅是城市,而且也包括农村。蒸汽动力在工、农业生产上的运用、工厂的建立、劳动力的大量需求以及科技上的发明创造使经济生活得到了重组。另外,大量移民促进了工业更加蓬勃的发展。政治上,民主与平等成为这个年轻国家的理想,产生了两党制。值得一提的是这个国家的文学和文化生活。随着独立的美国政府的成立,美国人民已感到需要有美国文学,表达美国人民所特有的经历:早期清教徒的殖民,与印第安人的遭遇,边疆开发者的生活以及西部荒原等。这个年轻国家的文学富有想象,已产生了一种文学环境。报刊杂志如雨后春笋,出现了一大批文学读者,形成了十九世纪上半叶蓬勃的浪漫主义的文学思潮。 外国的,尤其是英国的文学大师对美国作家产生了重大影响。美国作家由于秉承了与英国一样的文化传统,形成了同英国一样的浪漫主义风格。欧文(Irving)、库柏(Cooper),坡(Poe),弗伦诺(Freneau)和布雷恩特(Bryant)一一反古典主义时期的文学样式和文学思潮,开创了较新的小说和诗歌形式。这一时期大多数美国文学作品中,普遍强调文学的想象力和情感因素,注重生动的描写、异国情调的表达、感官的体会和对超自然力的描述。美国作家特别注意感情的自由表达和人物的心理描写。作品中的主人公富有敏感激动的特质。注重表现个人和普通人是这一时期作品的强烈倾向,几乎成了美国的信仰。富雷诺、布雷思特和库柏等人的作品对客观自然的描写有强烈的兴趣。富雷诺在"帝国的废墟"主题中对过去情景的描写绘声绘色,布雷恩特对北美五大湖区的史前印第安人描述引人入胜,欧文对哈德逊河传说的巧加利用炉火纯青,库柏的长篇历史小说深入细致。总的来说,美国浪漫主义时期的文学上接英国文学传统,下开美国文学之风。 虽然美国文学受到外国文学的影响,但这一时期著名的文学作品表现的却是富有美国色彩的浪漫主义思想。"西部开拓"就是一个说明美国作家表现自己国家的恰好的例子。他们大量描述了美国本土的自然风光:原始的森林、广袤的平原、无际的草原、沧茫的大海、不一而足。这些自然景物成为人们品格的象征,形成了美国文学中离开尘世,心向自然的传统。这些传统在库柏的《皮袜子的故事》(Leather Stocking Tales〉、梭罗的《沃尔顿》(Walden)以及后来马克·吐温的《哈克贝里·芬历险记》(Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn)中都得到了明显的表现。随着美国民族意识的增长,在小说、诗歌中美国人物都越来越明显地操本地方言,作品多表现农民、穷人、儿童以及没有文化的人,还有那些虽然没文化但心地高尚的红种人和白种人。美国清教作为一种文化遗产,对美国人的道德观念产生了很大影响,在美国文学中也留下了明显的印迹。一个明显的表现就是,比起欧洲文学,美国文学的道德倾向十分浓厚。在霍桑(Hawthorne)、梅尔维尔(Melville)以及其他一些小作家的作品中加尔文主义的原罪思想和罪恶的神秘性都得到了充分的表现。 美国浪漫主义文学运动足能标炳的是新英格兰的超验主义运动。该运动开始于19世纪30年代的新英格兰的先验主义俱乐部。本来,这个超验主义只是对新英格兰人提出来的。它是针对波士顿的唯一神教派的冷淡古板的理性主义而提的。而后来逐渐影响到全国,特别是在高级知识分子和文学界人士当中影响颇大。超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生(Emerson)和梭罗(Henry Davd Thoreau),他们的作品对美国文学产生了很大影响。超验主义"承认人类具有本能了解或认识真理的能力,能够超过感官获取知识"。爱默生曾说:"只有人心灵的尊严才是最神圣的。"超验主义还认为自然是高尚的,个人是神圣的,因此人必须自助。 这一时期涌现了许多作家,著名的有富雷诺(Philip Freneau〉、布雷恩特(William Cullen Bryant)、郎费罗(Henry Words worth longfellow)、娄威尔(James Rassel Lowell)、惠特(John Greenleaf whitter〉、爱伦·坡(Edgar Ellen Poe)、以及惠特曼(Walt Whitman)。惠特曼的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)是美国十九世纪最有影响的诗歌。美国浪漫主义时期的小说富有独创性、多样性,有华盛顿·欧文的喜剧性寓言体小说,有爱


欧洲浪漫主义文学的形成和基本特点 19世纪浪漫主义文学产生于18世纪末,19世纪上半叶为繁荣时期。这一阶段,欧洲由封建社会向资本主义社会急剧过渡,上升的资产阶级与没落的封建贵族进行了激烈的、反复的搏斗。1789年爆发的法国大革命不仅彻底摧毁了法国封建制度的根基,而且震撼了几百年来由封建贵族盘踞的整个欧洲。1815年,俄、普、奥等国组成了“神圣同盟”,联合波旁王朝的残余势力,扑向革命的法国。拿破仑与封建列强之间爆发的战争,既维护资产阶级取得的成果,传播了资产阶级思想和法国大革命的精神,同时又演变为掠夺性的战争。由“神圣同盟”扶上复辟宝座的波旁王室,只维持了十五六年,在1830年7月26至28日的三天中,就被人民群众摧枯拉朽地推翻了。随着资本主义的上升发展,英法等国贫富两极分化的现象日益严重。19世纪40年代,各国无产阶级争取生存权利的斗争如火如荼;各民族争取自由独立的斗争日益高涨,终于发展成席卷欧洲的1848年革命运动。自此以后,欧洲其他各国先后向资本主义过渡。19世纪欧美的浪漫主义文学就是在这样的背景下产生的。 首先,它是法国大革命催生的社会思潮的产物。法国大革命不仅产生了巨大的政治影响,而且带来了激烈的思想文化斗争。新兴的资产阶级思想和陈旧的封建意识在文化、思想领域产生猛烈碰撞,这种碰撞在作家头脑中敏感地表现出来,有各种各样的反映。其一,法国大革命标榜的“自由、平等、博爱”不胫而走,迅速传遍欧洲,深入到人们的意识之中。自由、平等、博爱的思想推动了个性解放和情感抒发的要求。在法国,执政府时期出现了自由主义思潮,贡斯当和斯塔尔夫人就是其中的代表人物。这一思潮主张保证个人自由和独立性,要求国家保证个人的人身、信仰、言论、职业、经营、选举、集会等自由,它反映了资产阶级关系确立后“自由竞争不能忍受任何限制,不能忍受任何国家监督”的现实。对个人独立和极端自由的强调,成为浪漫主义文学的核心思想。浪漫派作家往往从个性受压抑,个人才能得不到发展,个人愿望和抱负得不到实现等角度,表现人物与社会的矛盾,表现人物在这种矛盾状态中的感情、行动和悲剧。浪漫主义文学描写的以个人的失望与忧郁为内容的“世纪病”,以个人与社会的徒劳对立为表现形式的“个人反抗”,都是由此而产生的。其二,《人权宣言》所宣布的自由竞争的法则,形成了一种社会心理:资产者、小资产者都企图通过巧取豪夺,有朝一日达到权力和财富的顶峰;在革命中破产落魄的贵族,也力图利用新的社会法则来改善自己的地位。人们对飞来好运的期望变得更加炽热,耽于好梦和幻想成为普遍的社会心理状态。其三,对贵族来说,大革命使他们失去了天堂,于是,悲观颓唐、消沉阴郁的情绪,人生虚幻、命运多舛的感慨以及对神秘彼岸的热烈向往,便纷然杂呈;对资产者、小资产者来说,启蒙思想家所描绘的理想社会的图景在资本主义现实面前破灭,不免使他们失望、苦闷和彷徨。这种社会现象和心理为浪漫主义的盛行提供了肥沃的土壤。其四,法国大革命对一些作家直接产生了影响。在德国的图宾根,为了祝贺攻克巴士底狱,在大学里竖立了一尊自由神胸像,歌德、谢林和荷尔德林在城郊植下了自由树,《耶拿文学报》刊载了有关大革命的政治著作,《柏林月刊》征集对人权的争论文章。 其次,德国古典哲学和空想社会主义为欧美浪漫主义文学提供了思想理论基础。康德的形而上学区分了本体和现象,认为自在之物是不可认识的,人是自然法则的制订者,人的精神具有天生的几种能力:对时空的直觉,对原因、现实、实体和整体的理解。他认为世界本身不像反映在人的头脑里那样。人在建造世界时也形成了认识,由此证明了世界的理想性质和神秘性质。浪漫主义的非理性在康德那里找到了合理的解释。在道德方面,康德认为只有自由人的选择才能决定一切,任何外在的或更高的法则都不能主宰人,人的尊严在于获得理性自由。康德的继承者费希特认为现实只是人的一种创造,反对自在之物能限制人的悟性。


On Major Poets and Masterpieces of English Romantic Period ChapterI:the background of the rise of English Romantic Period The French Revolution of 1789 (French Revolution) brought hope to the future of human,and it impacted on British Society ,too. The British Industrial Revolution not only created wealth, but also intensifyied the contradiction between labor and capital. The transformation of the social structure and changes in the relationship between people and the traditions, man and nature promoted intellectual differentiation. Then, a group of better educated people felt confused about the society and they were at a loss what to do .In this context, the British Romantic literature rose.It originated in the end of the eighteenth century and became prosperous in the first half of the nineteenth century. ChapterII:the classification of poet in English romantic period 2.1 the pioneer of English romantic literature The pioneer of romantic literature is poet Robert Burns who lived in late eighteenth century and William Blake. Burns draw nourishment from the folk songs in Scotland, ("Poems, chiefly in Scottish dialcet") is his masterpiece, specializing in Lyric and satire ; Blake's "songs of innocence" and "songs of experience" ,which describe the ideal society order,are creative and fresh,full of originality. 2.2 the two schools of British Romantic literature Two opposing schools were formed in the formation of the romanticism.They are active romanticism and passive romanticism. Active romanticism is a positive trend of progress.Active romantic poets dare to face up to reality, criticize the social darkness and lead people to look ahead.Passive r omanticism is a reactionary countercurrent negative trend, it takes a negative attitude to escape, against the status quo, cling to the past and leads people to look back. 2.2.1 the representatives of Active Romanticism The emerged poets put forward the British Romantic literature to a climax.The representative poets are Byron, Shelley and Keats,they are active romanticist.Unlike the lake poets, they put more fighting consciousness and politic trends in his works. Shelley (1792 - 1822) is the most concentrated romantic poet and a British Utopian.In

文学 浪漫主义

西方文学影响下沈从文的浪漫主义 浪漫主义抒情派小说是五四文学中受西方文学影响最明显的文学现象,像德国浪漫抒情文学中,歌德《少年维特之烦恼》,屠格涅夫的《父与子》还有卢梭的《忏悔录》都对中国文坛产生了影响,形成了中国浪漫主义抒情派,而这在中国的浪漫主义作家中,沈从文有着他自己鲜明的特点。 沈从文对湘西的风俗民情、人事物象有着他人无法感受的独到体验,有着精致完美的叙写,但他并不停留在对乡土的依恋、对乡土的情思上,他注重的是那种天然淳朴,未沾染现代文明的那种自然人性,由此逆向批判了现代文明引起的社会变革所带来的种种弊端与人性的堕落,而在西方浪漫主义立场上对现代文明做出批判的首推卢梭。 十八世纪后半叶,工业文明在经济上创造了奇迹,但是,随着物语的无限急剧膨胀,人类精神中的自然性与诗性逐渐沦落、丧失,这些现象引发了卢梭——浪漫主义之父的忧虑,他是在那个时代古典主义的氛围中宣告个人情感至上,开浪漫主义文学的先河,而在面对十八世纪的这种情况,他的浪漫主义作为现代性的批评力量出现,这种在浪漫主义的立场上批判现代性的思想在沈从文的作品中都有所体现。首先卢梭作为浪漫主义,对自然,对自然的人性有着十分的热爱,这一点,在沈从文的作品中可以轻易地看出来。 散文集《湘西》中这样描写“遇晴明天气,白日西落,天上薄云由杏红转成灰紫。停泊崖下的小渔船,烧湿柴煮饭,炊烟受湿,如平摊一块白幕。”“生命另一形式的表现,即人与自然的契合,彼此不分的表现,在这里可以和感官接触。一个人若能沉得住气,在这种情境里,会觉得自己即或不能将全人格融化,至少乐于暂时忘了一切浮世的营扰。”他的文字有着静静的气息,淡淡的诗意,他打心底的亲近自然,用敏感的知觉去体会自然,有用特有的文笔表现自然,他有着自己敬仰的“神”,而这与卢梭的“自然神”有着相似的地方。他们都推崇“通过理性对自然现象的认识,即可领悟神的存在和本性。”神对他们来说是本源性的存在,是自然的本质。 除了对自然的赞颂,沈从文还叙说着自然人性的美好。都说一方水土养一方人,自然美好的湘西土地上有着沈从文所热爱的湘西儿女。“翠翠在风日里长养着,把皮肤变得黑黑的,触目为青山绿水,一对眸子晴明如水晶,自然既长养她且教育她。为人天真活泼,处处俨然如一只小兽物。人有那么乖,和山头黄麂一样,从不想到残忍事情,从不发愁,从不动气。”这《边城》里的翠翠就代表了青山绿水滋养出的女性生命的原生态之美。“郎家苗人中出美男子,仿佛是那地方的父母全曾参预过天王菩萨的工作,因此把美的模型留给儿子了。族长儿子龙朱十七岁,是美男子中的美男子。这个人美丽强壮像狮子,温和谦逊如小羊。是人中的模型。是权威。是力。是光。”《龙朱》中的主角龙朱就是沈从文所认为的有着自然神性的男性典范。不仅是主角,即使是在最底层的民众,如纤夫、水手、土匪、甚至是娼妓,沈从文也能从中看出一种自然带有的信义:“这些关于一个女人身体上的交易,由于民情的淳朴,身当其事的不觉得如何下流可耻,旁观者也就从不用读书人的观念,加以指谪与轻视。这些人既重义轻利,又能守信自约,即使是娼妓,也常常较之讲道德知羞耻的城市中绅士还更可信任。”这种沈从文所看到的信义,是一种未受鄙俗的现代商业气息所濡染,在湘西这个相对封闭区域内保存下来的自然的淳朴的信义。对自然和人的纯真的爱是自然人性的一方面,对生死态度则是其有一个方面。小说《夜》中,“我”与四个士兵出差住宿

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