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skiff skif


coil [k3il]

n. 卷,环绕,骚动vt. 盘绕,卷

gaff g1f

n.鱼叉 v.用鱼叉插鱼

harpoon [ha:'pu:n]

n. 鱼叉vt. 用鱼叉叉,用鱼叉捕获

furl [f4:l]

vt. 卷收,叠,收下vi. 卷起,收拢n. 卷收,卷起,卷起之物

mast [ma:st]

n. 桅,桅杆,杆vt. 装桅杆于

sail [seil]

n. 帆,篷,船只,帆状物,航行,航程vi. 航行,启航,张帆而行vt. 航行于,驾船

patch [p1t5]

n. 片,补缀,碎片,傻瓜vt. 补缀,掩饰,平息

sack [s1k]

n. 麻布袋,洗劫vt. 装入袋,洗劫

gaunt [g3:nt]

a. 憔悴的,荒凉的,瘦削的

blotch [bl3t5]

n. 大斑点,污斑,疙瘩

benevolent [bi'nev4l4nt]

a. 慈善的

crease [kri:s]

n. 皱痕,折痕vt.vi. (使)起皱痕

erosion [i'r4u94n]

n. 腐蚀,冲蚀,侵蚀

haul ho:l

v. 拖、拽

obey [4'bei]

vt. 服从,遵从,顺从vi. 服从

faith [fei7]

n. 信心,信任,忠实,保证

terrace ['ter4s]

n. 梯田的一层,梯田,房屋之平顶,阳台,,露台a. 成平顶的,成梯形的vt. 使成梯形地,使...成坛

current ['k8r4nt]

n. 涌流,趋势,流a. 流通的,现在的,最近的a. 当前的

butcher out


plank [pl16k]

n. 厚木板,支架vt. 铺板,立刻付款vi. 睡在板上

stagger ['st1g4]

n. 蹒跚,踌躇vi. 蹒跚,犹豫vt. 使摇摆,使踌躇,交错,错开a. 交错的,错开的

cove [k4uv]

n. 山凹,小湾vt.vi. (使)内凹,(使)成拱形

hoist [h3ist]

n. 升高,起重机,推动vt.vi. 升起,升高,举起

tackle ['t1kl]

n. 工具,复滑车,扭倒,装备,滑车vt. 固定,处理,抓住vi. 扭倒

block [bl3k]

n. 街区,木块,石块,滑轮vt. 阻塞,封锁,使成块状n. 块

fin [fin]

n. 鳍,鱼翅,鳍状物,五元纸币vi. 猛挥鳍vt. 装上翅,切除鳍

hide [haid]

n. 兽皮,迹象,躲藏处vt. 藏,隐瞒,遮避,剥...的皮vi. 躲藏v. 隐藏

skin [skin]

n. 皮肤,皮vt. 剥皮,使愈合vi. 长皮,愈合,蜕皮

faint [feint]

n. 昏厥,昏倒a. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的vi. 昏倒,变得微弱

edge [ed9]

n. 边缘,尖锐,刀刃,优势vt. 使锐利,挤进,镶边,开刃vi. 缓缓移动

odor ['4ud4]

n. 气味,名声,味

sardine [sa:'di:n]

n. 沙丁鱼

thwart [7w3:t]

a. 横放的vt. 反对,阻碍,横过ad.prep. 横过

shiver ['5iv4]

vi.颤抖,哆嗦,被打碎vt.使迎风飘动,粉碎n. 战栗,碎块

humility [hju:'militi]

n. 谦逊,谦虚,谦卑

dolphin ['d3lfin]

n. 海豚

trick [trik]

n. 诡计,欺诈,谋略,决窍,癖好,恶作剧vt. 戏弄,欺骗,装饰vi. 哄骗,戏弄

gear [gi4]

n. 齿轮,工具vt. 以齿轮连起,开动,配搭活动,安排vi. 连接上,适合

braid [breid]

n. 辫子,穗带vt. 编成辫,镶边

shaft [5a:ft]

n.轴,箭杆,矛,杆状物vt. 装杆于,利用

stern [st4:n]

n. 尾部,船尾,臀a. 严厉的,严格的,可怖的,坚决的

subdue [s8b'dju:]

vt. 使服从,压制,克制,抑制

temptation [temp'tei54n]

n. 诱惑,诱惑物

shack [51k]

n. 小陋屋vi. 居住,暂住

guano ['gw2:nou]

n. 海鸟粪,鸟粪石,鱼肥料vt. 施海鸟肥料

charcoal ['t5a:k4ul]

n. 木炭

overlap ['4uv4'l1p]

n. 重叠,重复vt. 重叠,重复vi. 迭盖n. 重叠

sturdy ['st4:di]

a. 强健的,健全的

relic ['relik]

n. 神圣的遗物,遗迹,残片,遗风,纪念物

tint [tint]

n. 色彩,浅色vt. 染色于

fiction ['fik54n]

n. 小说,虚构的故事,法律的拟制

bodega [bou'di:g4, b4'd-]

n. 1 酒店; 卖酒和杂货的店2 酒窖

sox [s3ks]

n. pl. 短袜

stew [stju:]

n. 炖汤,烦恼,鱼塘,妓院,热浴vi. 炖汤,焖,忧虑vt. 炖,焖,使焦虑

napkin ['n1pkin]

n. 餐巾,餐巾纸,尿布

towel ['tau4l]

n. 手巾,毛巾vt.vi. 用毛巾擦

timid ['timid]

a. 胆小的,羞怯的


adj. 1『航海』[常构成复合字]装有…帆的2 作弊的; 暗中操纵的

harsh [ha:5]

a. 粗糙的,刺耳的,严厉的

resolution ['rez4'lju:54n]

n. 解析,决心,坚定,决定,提案,消除,转变n. 图形分辨率

inferior [in'fi4ri4]

a. 次等的,较低的,下方的,下级的n. 低下的人,次品,下附文字

cape [keip]

n. 岬,海角,披肩,斗蓬

tar [ta:]

n. 焦油,柏油,水手vt. 涂以焦油,怂恿a. 焦油的

oakum ['ouk4m]

n. 填絮


(C) [航海] (港外的船的) 停泊处

dusk [d8sk]

n. 薄暮,傍晚,黄昏a. 微暗的vt.vi. (使)微暗

urinate ['ju4rineit]

vi. 小便,撒尿

urine ['ju4rin]

n. 小便,尿

cot [k3t]

n. 简易窄床,小屋,马舍

condense k4ndens


condense milk


coral ['k3r4l]

n. 珊瑚,珊瑚色

pebble ['pebl]

n. 小圆石,小鹅卵石

slide [slaid]

n. 滑,滑道,滑梯,幻灯片,雪崩,山崩vt. 使滑动,偷偷放入vi. 滑动,滑落,偷偷地走,不知不觉陷入,滑

lash [l15]

n. 鞭子,鞭打,讽刺,责骂,睫毛vt. 鞭打,摆动,扎捆,煽动,讽刺vi. 冲洗,鞭打,责骂

oar [3:]

n. 桨,桨手,小艇vi. 划桨vt. 划动

thole [7oul]

n. 桨架,钉桨架的钉

pin [pin]

n. 大头针,针,别针,钉,栓,销子,琐碎物,管脚,插头vt. 将...用针别住,钉住,压住,归罪于,使不能动,牵制a. 针的,钉的,销的

thrust [7r8st]

n. 插,戳,刺,推力,口头攻击vt.插入,猛推,刺,戳,延伸,强加,突然提出vi.插入,刺,强行推进,延伸,戳

dip [dip]

vt.vi. 浸,下降,倾斜,舀取n. 双式直插式封装n. 双排直插封装

phosphorescence [f3sf4'resns]

n. 磷光

fathom ['f104m]

n. 长度单位(6尺)vt. 测量深度,看穿,彻底了解vi. 测深

congregate ['k36grigeit]

vt.vi. (使)集合,(使)聚集a. 集合在一起的,集体的

swirl [sw4:l]

n. 漩涡,涡状形vt. 使成漩涡vi. 打漩,盘绕,头晕

steep [sti:p]

n. 浸渍,浸液,悬崖a. 险峻的,陡峭的,夸大的,不合理的vt.vi. 浸,泡

squid [skwid]

n. 枪乌贼,钓乌贼用钓钩,反潜水雷发射装置



tremble ['trembl]


hiss [his]

n. 嘘声,(蛇,沸水的)嘶嘶声vi. 发出嘘声,发嘶嘶声vt. 发嘶嘶声表示

stiff [stif]

a. 坚硬的,严厉的,呆板的,生硬的,刚强的,猛烈的,艰难的,稠的,粘的n. 死尸,醉鬼,钞票vt. 不肯付...小费

delicate ['delikit]

a. 细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的

tern [t4:n]

n. 三个一组,燕鸥

buoy [b3i]

n. 浮标,浮筒,救生圈vt. 使浮起,支撑,鼓励

masculine ['ma:skjulin]

n. 阳性,男性a. 男性的,阳性的,有丈夫气的

contestant [k4n'test4nt]

n. 竞争者

feminine ['feminin]

a. 女性的,阴性的,柔弱的

withhold [wi0'h4uld]

vt. 扣留,保留,抑制vi. 忍住

wicked ['wikid]

a. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的,淘气的,恶劣的,刻毒的

bonita [b4'ni:t4]


albacore ['1lb4kour]

n. 青花鱼科的海产鱼(长鳍金枪鱼)

shank [516k]

n. 胫,腿骨,鱼钩的杆,柄

garland ['ga:l4nd]

n. 花环vt. 戴花环

tuna ['tu:n4]

n. 1 (C)[鱼]鲔鱼; 金枪鱼 (tunny)2 (又作 tuna fish) (U)鲔 [金枪] 鱼肉

plummet ['pl8mit]

n. 铅锤,铅锤线vi. 垂直落下

jack [d91k]

n. 插座,千斤顶,男人vt. 抬起,提醒,扛举,放弃,提高,增加a. 雄的

precision [pri'si94n]

n. 精密,精确,精确度a. 精密的,精确的n. 精度

inshore ['in'53:]

a. 近海岸的,向陆的ad. 近海岸,向陆

slant [sla:nt]

n. 倾斜,斜面,歪曲,偏见,观点a. 倾斜的vt.vi. (使)倾斜

spurt [sp4:t]

n. 喷射,冲刺vt. 喷射vi. 喷出,迸发,冲刺

bolt [b4ult]

n. 门闩,螺钉,意外事件,闪电,筛子vt. 闩住,发射,囫囵吞下,筛vi. 囫囵吞枣,射箭,脱缰,退出党派ad. 突然

bulge [b8ld9]

n. 胀,膨胀vi. 凸出vt. 使膨胀

stray [strei]

n. 走失的家畜,浪子a. 迷途的,偶然的vi. 迷路,彷徨,流浪

sift [sift]

vt. 筛,过滤,撒,详查vi. 筛,被筛下,精选

plankton ['pl16kt4n]

n. 浮游生物

bleach [bli:t5]

vt. 漂白vi. 变白n. 漂白,漂白剂

sargasso [s2:'g1sou]

n. 马尾藻类海草

formalize ['f3:mlaiz]

vt. 使正式,使整形,形式化vi. 拘泥形式

iridescent ['iri'desnt]

a. 彩虹色的,闪光的

gelationous [d9i'l1tin4s]


gelatin ['d9el4'tin]

,gel.a.tine[-'ti:n] (U) 胶,动物胶,骨胶

bladder ['bl1d4]

n. 膀胱

filament ['fil4m4nt]

n. 细丝,细线,灯丝单纤维

welt [welt]

n. 贴边,鞭痕,殴打,世界vt. 加贴边,鞭打

sore [s3:]

a. 一碰就痛的,悲伤的,痛的,给予痛苦的n. 痛处,溃疡,疮

whiplash ['hwipl15]

n. 鞭子的顶端,鞭绳

carapace ['k1r4peis]

n. 甲壳,壳

horny ['h3:ni]

a. 角的,角状的,角质的,老茧的

sole [s4ul]

n. 脚掌,鞋底,底部a. 唯一的,仅有的,单独的,独身的vt. 上以鞋底,触底



hawk [h3:k]

n. 鹰,掠夺他人的人,鹰派成员vi. 放鹰,像鹰一般地袭击,清嗓,咳嗽vt. 捕捉,咳出,散播,叫卖,兜售


(C) 1 (又作 loggerhead turtle) [动物]大龟2 (捕鲸船船尾的) 系叉索用圆柱(用以卷绕叉索以防其随叉飞出)

mysticism ['mistisizm]

n. 神秘,神秘教,神秘论

drum [dr8m]

n. 鼓,鼓声vi. 击鼓,作鼓声vt. 打鼓奏

grippe [grip]

n. 流行性感冒

grippy ['gripi]

adj. 患流行性感冒的

churn [t54:n]

n. 搅乳器vt.vi. 搅拌,搅动

taut [t3:t]

a. 拉紧的,整洁的,紧张的

commence [k4'mens]

vt.vi. 开始,倡导

compact ['k3mp1kt, k4m'p1kt]

a. 紧凑的,矮小结实的,紧密的,简洁的vt. 使装满,使简洁vi. 变紧密

thump [78mp]

n. 重打,重击声vt.vi. 重打,砰地撞到,用拳头打

shudder ['58d4]

n. 战栗,发抖vi. 战栗,发抖

steer [sti4]

vt. 引导,驾驶,航行,筹划vi. 驾驶,掌舵,行驶,被驾驶n. 驾驶设备,行路指南

smack [sm1k]

n. 风味,滋味,少量,拍击声,海洛因,小渔船,咂嘴声vi. 有味道,咂嘴,发出拍击声vt. 拍,打,掴,咂ad. 啪地一声,猛烈地


adj. 1 为暴风雨所阻的2

straggler ['str1gl4]

n. 游荡者,流浪者,落后者

prism ['prizm]

n. 棱镜,棱柱

myriad ['miri4d]

n. 万,无数,无数的人或物a. 无数的,一万的,种种的

fleck [flek]

n. 斑点,雀斑,斑纹vt. 使起斑点,使有斑纹,使有斑驳

annul [4'n8l]

vt. 废除,宣告无效,抹去,取消

trickle ['trikl]

n. 滴,细流vi. 滴流,细细地流vt. 使滴,使细流

stick [stik]

n. 棍,棒,刺,条状物,茎,枯枝vt. 插于,刺入,钉住,使停止,粘贴vi. 粘住,停留,伸出,陷住,坚持

forefinger ['f3:fi6g4]

n. 食指

strain ['strein]

n. 紧张,拉紧,张力,过劳,扭伤,血统,血缘,种,族,气质,口吻,旋律,曲调vt. 使劳累,拉紧,过分使用,扭伤,滤,曲解vi. 尽力,努力,被滤出,弯曲,紧拉

tentative ['tent4tiv]

n. 试验,假设a. 试验性质的,暂时的

unleash [8n'li:5]

vt. 解开...的皮带,解除...的束缚,解放,释放

tension ['ten54n]

n. 紧张,不安,拉紧,电压,压力,张力vt. 拉紧,使紧张

pivot ['piv4t]

n. 枢轴,支点a. 枢轴的vi. 在枢轴上转动vt. 装枢轴于

tow [t4u]

n. 拖,拖曳所用之绳,麻的粗纤维vt. 拖,曳,牵引

bitt [bit]

n. 缆柱vt. 系于缆柱

straw [str3:]

n. 稻草,麦管,草帽,一文不值的东西a. 稻草的,稻草色的,琐碎的,无价值的

jerk [d94:k]

n. 性情古怪的人,急拉,肌肉抽搐,牛肉干vi. 痉挛,急拉,急推vt. 猛拉

endure [in'dju4]

vt. (耐心地) 忍受,容忍a. 忍耐b. 对<做…事>忍耐,忍受<做…事> vi. (文语)1 维持; 持续,持久 (last) 2 忍耐,忍受

glow [gl4u]

n. 赤热,光辉,红光,热烈vi.发红光,红光焕发,发热

cramp [kr1mp]

n. 抽筋,腹部绞痛,铁箍a. 狭窄的,难解的vt. 使抽筋,以铁箍扣紧,束缚

course [k3:s]

n. 课程,路线,道路,一道菜,过程vt.vi. 追,(使)跑

cushion ['ku54n]

n. 垫子,橡皮软垫vt. 加垫褥,缓冲,掩盖

intolerable [in't3l4r4bl]

a. 无法忍受的,难耐的

phosphorescent [f3sf4'resnt]

a. 发出磷光的,磷光性的

streak [stri:k]

n. 条理,斑纹,倾向vt. 加条纹vi. 变成条纹,飞跑

porpoise ['p3:p4s]

n. 海豚,小鲸

desperate ['desp4rit]

a. 不顾死活的,危急的,令人绝望的,极渴望的

despaire [di'spe\]


scythe [sai0]

n. 长柄的大镰刀,战车镰vt. 以大镰刀割

club [kl8b]

n. 俱乐部,木棍,球棒vt. 用棍棒打,贡献vi. 协作a. 俱乐部的

rapier ['reipj4]

n. 轻巧而细长的剑

sandpaper ['s1ndpeip4]

n. 沙纸

lavender ['l1vind4]

n. 熏衣草,淡紫色a. 淡紫色的vt. 用熏衣草熏

pectoral ['pekt4r4l]

a. 胸的,肺病的n. 胸饰,遮胸,肺病药

pardon ['pa:dn]

n. 原谅,赦免vt. 宽恕,原谅

teachery ['ti:t54ri]

adj. 像教师的

snare [snA4]

n. 陷阱,诱惑,圈套vt. 以陷阱捕获,诱惑

gunwale ['g8nl]

(C) [航海]舷缘,舷侧上缘

sheath [5i:7]

n. 鞘,叶鞘,翅鞘

knot [n3t]

n. 结,群,困难vt.vi. 打结,(使)纠缠

broadbill ['br3:dbil]

n. 1 广嘴鸟(Eurylaimidae科鸟类之任一,产于非洲及热带的亚洲,有短而阔的啄和颜色鲜明的羽毛)2 其他数种广嘴鸟3 旗鱼

surge [s4:d9]

n. 巨涌,汹涌,澎湃vi. 汹涌,澎湃,放松,滑脱,振荡vt. 急放

coagulate [kou'1gjuleit]

vt.vi. 凝结a. 凝结的

tiring ['tairi6]

a. 麻烦的,无聊的

drag [dr1g]

n. 拖,拖累vt.vi. 拖累,拖拉,慢条斯理地走v. 拖动

warble ['w3:bl]

n. 鸟啭,颤声vt.vi. 鸟鸣,用柔和的颤声唱

teeter ['ti:t4]

vi. 1 (美)玩跷跷板2 a. 摇摆,摇摇欲坠b. [对…]踌躇,犹豫不决 [between,on] n. =


grip [grip]

n. 紧握,柄,手提包,控制,支配,掌握vt. 抓紧,抱住,吸住,控制,支配,掌握vi. 握牢

steady ['stedi]

a. 稳定的,不动摇的,沉着的,可靠的,坚定的,稳固的vt. 使稳定,使坚定vi. 变为沉着,稳固

stiffen ['stifn]

vt. 使坚硬,使僵硬,使生硬,使粘稠vi. 变粘,变硬,变猛烈

lurch [l4:t5]

n. 惨败,倾斜,徘徊,举步蹒跚,挫折vi. 惨败,倾斜,徘徊vt. 击败

submerge [s8b'm4:d9]

vt. 使浸水,使陷入,淹没vi. 潜入水中,

knelt [nelt]

v. kneel 的过去式.过去分词

longitudinal ['l3nd9i'tju:dinl]


wedge [wed9]

n. 楔子,楔形物,起因,使分裂的东西vt. 楔住,嵌,挤进,楔入vi. 楔入,挤进

carcass ['ka:k4s]

n.(宰杀后动物的) 尸体

cord [k3:d]

n. 绳索,束缚

disgust [dis'g8st]

n. 厌恶,嫌恶vi. 令人厌恶vt. 使作呕

lime [laim]

n. 石灰,粘鸟胶,酸橙vt. 以石灰处理,粘鸟胶于,撒石灰

rigor ['rig4]

n. 严格,严厉,苛刻,精确,严密

spit [spit]

n. 唾液,唾吐,一铲的深度,炙叉,小雨vt. 唾吐,吐出,,用炙叉穿过,降小雨vi. 吐唾沫,吐痰,唾弃,霏霏地下雨

rot [r3t]

n. 腐烂,腐蚀,败坏vi. 腐烂,烂,堕落,憔悴vt. 使腐烂,使腐朽,使堕落


adv. 良心上

straighten ['streitn]

vt. 弄直,使正确,使改正,清理,整顿vi.直起来,改正,好转

rub [r8b]

n. 摩擦,揉搓,困难,磨损处,难点,障碍vt. 擦,搓,摩擦,惹怒vi. 摩擦,擦破

raw [r3:]

n. 生肉,擦伤处,身上的痛处a. 生的,未加工的,生疏的,不成熟的,擦掉皮的,刺痛的,阴冷的vt. 擦伤

digest [di'd9est, 'daid9est]

n. 文摘vi. 消化vt. 消化,融会贯通

accord [4'k3:d]

n. 一致,调和,协定vt. 一致,给与vi. 符合

stretch [stret5]

n. 伸展,张开,一段时间,一段路,连绵a. 可伸缩的,弹性的vt. 伸展,张开,曲解,使过度伸展vi. 伸展,延伸

undulation [8ndju'lei54n]

n. 波动,弯曲,起伏

etch [et5]

vt. 蚀刻,蚀镂vi. 施行蚀刻法n. 腐蚀剂

blur [bl4:]

vt. 使模糊,弄脏vi. 弄脏,模糊

hurricane ['h8rik4n]

n. 飓风,暴风,暴风雨

cumulus ['kju:mjul4s]

n. 积云,堆积

pile [pail]

n. 堆,大堆,电池,大量,痔疮,软毛,桥桩vi. 堆起,堆积,积累,挤vt. 堆于,累积,用桩支撑,打桩于,堆叠

cirrus ['sir4s]

n. 卷须,藤蔓,触毛

humiliate [hju1:3'milieit]

vt. 使丢脸,使蒙羞,屈辱

diarrhoea [dai4ri:4]

n. 腹泻

ptomaine ['toumein]

n. 尸毒

vomit ['v3mit]

vt. 吐出,呕吐vi. 呕吐n. 呕吐,呕吐物,催吐剂

forearm ['f3:r2:m]

n. 前臂vt. 预先武装,准备

slap [sl1p]

n. 掴,侮辱,拍击声vt.vi. 拍击,侮辱ad. 正面地,直接地,突然地

thigh [7ai]

n. 大腿,股

sword [s3:d]

n. 刀,剑,战争,武力

convince [k4n'vins]

vt. 说服,使相信

eagle ['i:gl]

n. 鹰,鹰状标饰

comfortable ['k8mf4t4bl]

a. 舒服的,轻松的n. 盖被

Hail Mary


Our Father


pectoral fin


shrug [5r8g]

n. 耸肩vt.vi. 耸肩

tavern ['t1v4n]

n. 酒馆,客栈

dock [d3k]

n. 码头,船坞,被告席,尾巴的骨肉部分vt. 靠码头,引入坞,剪短vi. 入船坞

kerosene ['ker4si:n]

n. 煤油,火油,灯油

referee ['ref4'ri:]

n. 仲裁人,调解人,裁判员vt.vi. 仲裁,裁判

traitor ['treit4]

n. 叛逆者,叛国者

call on


weed [wi:d]

n. 杂草,野草vi. 除草vt. 除...的草,剔除

bend [bend]

vi. 弯曲,屈服vt. 使弯曲,使屈服n. 弯曲

acrobatics [1kr4'b1tiks]

n. 特技,杂技

couch [kaut5]

n. 长椅,睡椅,卧榻vt. 横躺,睡,暗示vi. 躺下,蹲伏

plunge [pl8nd9]

n. 钻进,跳进,跳水,跳水池,落下,盲目投资,投入,下跌vi. 投入,跳进,急降,下降vt. 使投入,使插入,使陷入,使遭受

burnish ['b4:ni5]

vt. 磨,打磨,磨光vi. 磨光发亮n. 光辉,光泽

convulsive [k4n'v8lsiv]

a. 襕车?抽搐的,骚动的

still [stil]

n. 蒸馏室,寂静,剧照vt. vi. 蒸馏,(使)平静,(使)静止a. 静止的,不动的,静物摄影的,不起泡的,静寂的ad. 仍然,更,静止地conj. 然而,但是

toss [t3s]

n. 投掷,抛,掷钱币决定,震荡,摇摆vt. 投掷,猛抬,掷钱币决定,使不安,摇荡vi. 摇摆,颠簸,辗转,掷钱币决定某事

perceptibly [p4'septibli]

ad. 可知觉,看得见,显然地

gut [g8t]

n. 内脏,勇气,剧情,内容,海峡,肚子,内脏vt. 取出内脏

grasp [gra:sp]

n. 把握,抓紧,抓,理解,控制,柄vt. 抓住,紧握,领会vi. 抓

sustenance ['s8st4n4ns]

n. 生计,食物

Rigel ['raid94l]


sorrow ['s3r4u]

n. 悲伤,哀惜,不幸vi. 悲伤,懊悔,遗憾

peril ['peril]

n. 危险,冒险vt. 置...于险境,冒险

merit ['merit]

n. 优点,功绩,真相,功过,价值vt. 值得vi. 应受

comprehend ['k3mpri'hend]

vt. 理解,包括

comparatively [k4m'p1r4tivli]

ad. 比较地,相当地,多少

confide [k4n'faid]

vt. 吐露,信托vi. 信赖

rig [rig]

n. 装备,帆具,服装vt. 装配,装扮,垄断,操纵

slit [slit]

n. 裂缝,投币口,狭长的裂口vt. 切开,扯裂,使成狭缝vi. 纵切,纵裂

vent [vent]

n. 排气口,出口,通风孔,发泄vt. 发泄,排出,给...开孔

scoop [sku:p]

n. 铲子,勺子,独家新闻,口,穴vt. 汲取,舀取,挖空,抢先登出

gill [gil]

n. 鳃,菌鳃,峡谷,少女vt. 用刺网捕,去除内脏vi. 被刺网捕住

maw [m3:]

n. 反刍动物的第四胃,嗉囊,人的胃

slippery ['slip4ri]

a. 滑的,光滑的,靠不住的,含糊的,不稳固的,圆滑的

leprous ['lepr4s]

a. 麻疯病的,患麻疯病的,不洁的

leper ['lep4]

n. 麻疯瞉颊?受蔑视的人

descent [di'sent]

n. 降落,家系,侵袭,血统

fillet ['filit]

n. 头带,带子,肉排,里脊vt. 用带缚

particle ['pa:tikl]

n. 粒子,点,极小量

astern [4'st4:m]

ad. 在船尾,向船尾

phosphorus ['f3sf4r4s]

n. 磷

miserable ['miz4r4bl]

a. 悲惨的,穷困的,不幸的

nauseate ['n3:sieit]

vi. 作呕,产生恶感,厌恶vt. 使厌恶,使恶心

canyon ['k1nj4n]

n. 峡谷,溪谷

norther ['n3:04]

(C) (美)强烈北风

calloused ['k1l4st]

adj. 无情的; 起老茧的

cede [si:d]

vt. 放弃,割让

friction ['frik54n]

n. 摩擦,医疗摩擦,不和

stoop [stu:p]

n. 佝偻,屈服,弯腰vi. 弯下,弯下上身,堕落,弯腰,屈服vt. 俯曲,辱没

nausea ['n3:5j4]

n. 反胃,晕船,恶心,极度的不快

nourishment ['n8ri5m4nt]

n. 滋养品,养料,营养

grudging ['gr8d9i6]

a. 不愿的,勉强的

dizzy ['dizi]

a. 晕眩的,眼花缭乱的vt. 使晕眩

now that


shake [5eik]

n. 摇动,震动vt. 摇动,动摇,使震动,挥舞vi. 震动,发抖,动摇

badly ['b1dli]

ad. 严重地,


vbl. sink的过去式

dorsal ['d3rsl]

a. 背的,背部的,背侧的

dart [da:t]

n. 飞镖,投射vt. 投射vi. 疾走,突进

eel [i:l]

n. 鳗鱼,鳝鱼

placid ['pl1sid]

a. 平静的,沉着的,平稳的

bill [bil]

n. 帐单,钞票,鸟嘴,清单,票据,法案vt. 送帐单,宣布

interminable [in't4:min4bl]

a. 无限的,冗长的

summon ['s8m4n]

vt. 召唤,召集,号召,鼓起,唤起

altitude ['1ltitju:d]


八年级上册英语单词表 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 2.任何人__________________ 3.在任何地方__________________ 4.精彩的,绝妙的________________ 5.不多;很少__________________ 6.相当多;不少__________________ 7.最多;大多数__________________ 8.某事;某物__________________ 9.没有什么;没有一件东西__________________ 10.每人;人人;所有人__________________ 11.当然;自然__________________ 12.我自己;我本人__________________ 13.你自己;您自己__________________ 14.母鸡__________________ 15.猪__________________ 16.好像;似乎;看来__________________ 17.厌倦的;烦闷的__________________ 18.某人__________________ 19.日记;记事簿__________________ 20.活动__________________ 21.决定;选定__________________ 22.尝试;设法;努力__________________ 23.滑翔伞运动__________________ 24.给……的感觉;感受到__________________ 25.鸟__________________ 26.自行车;脚踏车__________________ 27.建筑物;房子__________________ 28.商人__________________ 29.想知道;琢磨__________________ 30.差别;差异__________________ 31.顶部;表面__________________ 32.等待;等候__________________ 33.伞;雨伞__________________ 34.湿的;潮湿的;下雨的__________________ 35.因为;由于__________________ 36.在……下面;到……下面__________________ 37.足够的(地);充足的(地);充分的(地)_______ 38.饥饿的__________________ 39.像……一样;如同__________________ 40.小山;山丘__________________ 41.鸭__________________ 42.不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物)___________ 43.中央公园(美国纽约)__________________ 44.黄果树瀑布(贵州)__________________ Unit2 How often do you exercise? 1.家务劳动;家务事__________________ 2.几乎不;几乎没有__________________ 3.在任何时候;从来;曾经__________________ 4.几乎从不__________________ 5.一次;曾经__________________ 6.两次;两倍__________________ 7.(国际)互联网;因特网__________________ 8.节目__________________ 9.忙的;满的;充满的__________________ 10.摆动;秋千;(使)摆动;摇摆_______________ 11.摇摆舞__________________ 12.大概;或许;可能__________________ 13.最小;最少;最小的;最少的________________ 14.至少;不少于;起码__________________ 15.无用的东西;无价值的东西________________ 16.垃圾食品__________________ 17.咖啡__________________ 18.健康;人的身体(或精神)状态______________ 19.结果;后果__________________ 20.百分之……__________________ 21.在线(的);联网(的)__________________ 22.电视节目;电视机__________________ 23.虽然;尽管;即使__________________ 24.以;凭借;穿过__________________ 25.头脑;心智__________________ 26.身体__________________ 27.这样的;那样的;类似的__________________ 28.例如;像……这样__________________ 29.在一起;共同__________________ 30.消失;灭亡;死亡__________________ 31.作者;作家__________________ 32.牙科医生__________________ 33.杂志;期刊__________________ 34.然而;不过__________________ 35.(有以引出比较的第二部分)比__________ 36.多于__________________ 37.几乎;差不多__________________ 38.没有一个;毫无__________________ 39.较少;较小__________________ 40.少于__________________ 41.得分;点____________________


老人与海的单词难点注释 1.Ernest Hemingway --海明威,欧内斯特·米勒:(1899-1961) 美国作家。他1954年获诺贝尔文学奖 2.skiff轻舟, 小艇(通常指单人划的). 3.Gulf Steam墨西哥湾流:由北美洲东部发源的大西洋北部的温暖洋流。由墨西哥湾、佛罗里达海峡向北及东北流动,与北大西洋暖流会合 4.definitely肯定地; 确实地 5.salao倒霉的、不吉利的, 西班牙文salao正确的拼写应为salado,意为加了盐的,咸的,苦的,转义为倒霉的、不吉利的 6.at their orders听从他们的命令 7.go down to do sth 走下岸边去..... 8.coiled line--卷绕成圈的钓鱼线/钓索 9.gaff--鱼叉,stick with an iron hook for pulling large fish out of the water 鱼叉(将鱼拉出水者). 10.harpoon-鱼叉:一种象标枪一样但顶端有钩的用于捕捉鲸鱼和大鱼的武器 11.sail帆, 蓬 12.furl--卷起:收卷或把(例如旗或帆)卷到其它物上 13.mast--桅杆, 樯 14.patch补,打补钉 15.flour sack面粉袋 16.permanent永恒的 17.defeat失败的事实;击败的行为 18.gaunt-(指人)(因饥饿或疾病)憔悴的, 骨瘦如柴 19.wrinkle--皱纹 20.blotch--(皮肤﹑纸张﹑材料等上的)大斑点 21.benevolent--与人为善的; 助人为乐的 22.skin cancer皮肤癌 23.reflection--光、高热、声或形象等的反射 24.tropic--热带的 25.cheek颊, 脸蛋 26.run well down--if something long such as a road or wire runs in a particular direction, that is its position, or that is where you put it(狭长的东西)延展,沿着.....蔓延下去 27.deep-creased皱痕深的 28.scar伤疤 29.handle处理;操作 30.cord绳索 31.erosion侵蚀 32.fishless desert--无鱼的荒漠 33.cheerful--快乐的 34.undefeated?未被击败的 35.Santiago圣地牙哥桑提亚哥 36.haul up把…拖上来 37.doubt怀疑

老人与海 翻译

加几张图片 The Old Man and the Sea 他是一位独自在湾流中划船捕鱼的老人,虽然外出已有八十四天了却一无所获。在起初那四十天里,有个男孩一直陪伴他。可是四十天后,老人依旧没有捕到鱼儿,孩子的父母不得不跟男孩说道:“那个老头儿已经倒霉透顶(salao)了,根本没有什么运气可言。”在父母的安排下,男孩上了一只运气尚好的船,第一周就捉到了三条大鱼。每次老人出海回来时,船舱里总是“空无一物”,看到这场景的男孩难受极了;每逢此时,男孩总会像往常一样帮老人搬运杂乱无章的鱼线、手钩(注释:将大鱼托出水面的钩子)、鱼叉以及裹在桅杆上的船帆。布满褶皱的、船帆是用面粉袋缝制而成,收拢的船帆就像一面彰显“永远失败”的旗帜。 老人身体单薄、憔悴不堪,脖颈上爬满了深深的皱纹。热带洋面极易反射太阳光线,这引起了老人的良性皮肤癌变,因此他的脸颊上布满了褐色斑纹。它们从他脸的两侧蔓延下去。由于常年用绳索拖拽大鱼,手上的疤痕像沟壑一样纵横密布。这些疤痕都有些年代了,就像是无鱼沙漠的风华侵蚀现象一样富有历史。 老人看起来那么的老态龙钟,除了他那双海蓝色眼睛,它们是那么的愉悦欢乐,释放着不可战胜的光芒。 “圣地亚哥,”当他们从小船停泊地儿上岸时,男孩跟老人说道:“我们又能一起出海捕鱼了,我们家挣了一些钱。”

老人教授男孩捕鱼技术,男孩也因此爱惜他。 “不行”,老人说:“你现在的那条船运气十足,你就跟他们出海捕鱼吧。” “可是请你别忘了有一次我们出海捕鱼,一连八十七天都一无所获,后来的三周内我们每天都能捕到几条大鱼啊!” “我没忘记呢,”老人说,“我知道你对我还是有信心的,这是你没有离开我的原因吧!” “是爸爸让我离开你的,作为他的孩子我必须言听计从。” “我晓得,”老人说,“这挺正常的。” “我爸爸对你没有信心啊。” “是啊,”老人说,“可是我们信心十足啊。对不对啊?” “嗯,”男孩说道,“我请你到特勒斯酒吧喝杯啤酒吧,完了我们再把东西搬回去。” “何乐而不为呢?”老人说,“这是渔民间的传统。” 老人和男孩坐在特勒斯酒吧时,旁边的不少渔民嘲弄老人,老人却泰然自若、不为所动。其他的一些渔民伤心地看着老人,他们并没有表现出来,只是彬彬有礼地谈论洋流、描绘他们鱼线的深度、赞美稳定的好天气以及捕鱼时的见闻。那天捕到大鱼的渔民早就坐在酒吧了 “圣地亚哥,”男孩喊道。 “怎么了?”老人回答说。此时他手里端着酒杯,正在追忆许多年前的琐事呢。


《老人与海》好词好句 导读:《老人与海》好词好句 老人与海好词 深深的皱纹、褐色斑块、双颊、镌刻、很深的伤疤、风化、永不言败、泊船、白得耀眼、高耸、海岬、拍岸海浪、穿浪而行、填絮、瘦骨嶙峋、静悄悄、难以置信、银光闪闪、模模糊糊、有滋有味、血肉模糊、轻手轻脚晦气、倒霉透顶、听从吩咐、空舟而归、常败将军、瘦骨嶙峋、颈背、寂静无声、海底深渊、峭壁、旋涡、深不可测、水底洞穴、凌空飞翔时、莫大的恩惠、从容、平坦无浪、越发明亮、何人更直、湾流深处、精确、分毫不差、有所准备、盘旋飞翔、倏地、纹丝不动、随即、猛然俯冲、拚命、耸立、穿梭、浮游生物、船舷、高高兴兴、形态优美、游水迅速、、不怀恶意、残酷无情、身强力壮、抬眼望去、四处逃窜、四面八方、颤巍巍、干净利落、砰砰有声、自言自语、难以相信、挥动双臂、双膝跪下、竭力、身强力壮、相亲相爱、怜悯 老人与海好词好句赏析 1.他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人,至今已去了八十四天,一条鱼也没逮住。 点评:吸引人的悬念。海明威在《老人与海》中一开始就设了两个悬念:老人一连84天一条鱼也没捉到,他准备第85天继续捕鱼,他很背运(孩子的父母这样看他),那么,他能否捕倒一条大鱼?老人

在感到他的力气可能不支的情况下,认为自己有信心有诀窍,认为像他这样一个“古怪”的老头子会做好一切的,那么,他有什么样的信心和诀窍?他的“古怪”又表现在哪里呢?这是读者迫切想要知道的,这股巨大的吸引力牢牢牵着你去寻找你所想知道的一切,最后读完作品才会得到比较圆满的答案。 2.他身上的每一部分都显得老迈,除了那一双眼睛。那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。 点评:“那双眼啊,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快的,毫不沮丧的。”这就是老人的青春之貌。书中虽然没有写出老件轻时的快乐生活,但我们依然可以想象得出,这在描绘老人屋内陈设时已作暗示. 3.风在不住地吹,稍微转到东北方去,他知道这就是说风不会减退了。老头儿朝前面望了一望,但是他看不见帆,看不见船,也看不见船上冒出的烟。只有飞鱼从船头那边飞出来,向两边仓皇地飞走,还有一簇簇黄色的马尾藻。他连一只鸟儿也看不见。 点评:这是一段否定式的景物描写,看似无景,实则有景,老人多么想看到这一切啊,他太孤独了,可他什么也没有看到,因而情中生景。 4.大马林鱼开始快速地围着小渔船游动,将缆绳缠绕到了桅杆上,老人右手高举着钢叉,在它跃出水面的一瞬间,竭尽全力地向它的心脏掷去,一声哀鸣结束了大鱼的生命,它静静地浮在水面上…… 点评:我的心也像一块大石头落了地。我非常钦佩老人那种毫不


Plot Summary In a small fishing village in Cuba, Santiago, an old, weathered fisherman has just gone 84 days without catching a fish. On the 85th day, he is determined to catch a big, impressive fish. For years, Santiago has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolin's second father, and has taught the young boy everything about fishing. Manolin is extremely loyal to Santiago and makes sure that the old man is always safe, fed and healthy. Manolin's parents, however, force the boy to leave Santiago and fish on a more lucrative fishing boat. Manolin does not want to leave Santiago, but must honor his duty to his parents. On the new boat, Manolin catches several fish within the first few days. Santiago, meanwhile, decides to head out on the Gulf Stream alone. He feels the 85th day will be lucky for him. He sets out on his old, rickety skiff. Alone on the water, Santiago sets up his fishing lines with the utmost precision, a skill that other fisherman lack. Finally, he feels something heavy tugging at one of his lines. A huge Marlin has found Santiago's bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people - he can no longer see land from where the fish drags him. The struggle takes its toll on Santiago. His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish. Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiago's case, emotionally. He respects and loves the Marlin and admires its beauty and greatness. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat. He feels brave, like his hero Joe DiMaggio, who accomplished great feats despite obstacles, injuries or adversities. After enjoying a few moments of pride, a pack of sharks detects the blood in the water and follow the trail to Santiago's skiff. Santiago has to fend off each shark that goes after his prized catch. Each shark takes a huge bite out of the Marlin, but the old man fends them off, himself now bruised, but alive. He sails back to shore with the carcass of his Marlin. He is barely able to walk and slowly staggers back to his hut, where he falls into bed.


The Old Man and the Sea Chapter 1 The old man’s hard life bang 重击 beg 乞求 blanket 厚的覆盖物 block 街区 blotch 皮肤上的红疤,疙瘩,大斑点 breeze 微风 butcher 屠杀 charcoal 木炭 coast 海岸 cost net 撒网 cove 小海湾,河湾 crease 褶皱 defeat vt打败,战胜;n失败,击败 desert 沙漠 dew 露 doorway 门口 fibered 纤维的 flatten 使变平

flesh 肉 furled 卷起 gaff 渔叉 gamble 冒险 gaunt 憔悴的 gear 工具 green 精力旺盛guano 海鸟粪 gulf n海湾 harpoon 渔叉 haul 用力拖,用力拉hide skin 兽皮 hoist 吊起 Jesus 耶稣 liver 肝脏 marlin 青枪鱼 palm 棕榈 patch 补块 plank 木板 pride 自尊 relic 遗物 sack 粗布袋子

sacred 圣神的 sail 帆 salao = salado 盐的,咸的,苦的;转义为倒霉,不吉利。scar 创伤 serve 发球 shack 小屋 shade 阴影 shaft 矛柄 shield 盾 slap 拍 staggering 摇动的,蹒跚的 strip 条 sturdy 结实的 tackle 处理 tear n眼泪,破缝;vi流泪,被撕破;vt撕,撕破terrace ;balcony 阳台 thwart 划船者所坐的船板 tint 淡色 trick 戏法,窍门 turtle 口船,翻覆 Virgin 圣母玛利亚 wrinkle 皱纹


[读后感]老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感: It’slonglongago,’,’s prettybrisk,,IlikedElizabeth,theheroine,thoughIdidn’tthinkshe’’,Ididn’’,Ihaven’treadthewholestoryinEnglishoritschineseversion, Infact,Ididn’’,butIdidn’tfindwhere’’snormal, 老人与海英文读后感: 老人与海读后感英文版 whenIwasamiddleschoolstudent,I’,Ireally,formypart,thatistrue. Firstly,,majorcharactersandthetopicofit. TheoldmanandtheSeaisastorybyErnestHemingway,,itcentersuponSantiago,anagingcubanfishermanwhostruggleswithagiantmarlinfaroutintheGulfStream. TheoldmanandtheSeaservedtoreinvigorateHemingway’sl;itrestoredmanyreaders’confidenceinHem ingway’,Scribner’s,onanearlydustjacket,calledthenovellaa”newclassic,”andmanycriticsfavorablypareditwithsuchworksaswilliamFaulkner ’s”TheBear”andHermanmelville’smoby-Dick. Thisbookgivesmeadeepimpressionespeciallythedescriptionabouttheman’sbravenessandpersistence. Inthisbook,inordertosuggesttheprofundityoftheoldman’ssacrificeandtheglorythatderivesfromit,HemingwaypurposefullylikensSantiagotochrist,who,accordingtochristiantheology,’spalmsarefirstcutbyhisfishingline,,whenthesharksarrive,Hemingwayportraystheoldmanasacrucifiedmartyr,sayingthath,theimageoftheoldmanstrugglingupthehillwithhismastacrosshisshouldersrecallschrist’—facedownwithhisarmsoutstraightandthepalmsofhishandsup— oystheseimagesinthefinalpagesofthenovellainordertolinkSantiagotochrist,whoexemplifiedtranscendencebyturninglossintogain,defeatintotriumph,andevendeathintorenewedlife. Themajorcharactersinthisbookarealsovividandlively. Santiago?,theoldmanofthenovella’stitle,,,,andofhiscraft,isunparalleledandhelpshimpreserveasenseofhoperegardlessofcircumstance. Themarlin?,Santiagohooksthemarlin,whichwelearnattheendofthenovellameasureseighteenfeet,?,aboypresumablyinhisadolescence,manolinisSantiago’’srecentbadluck,manolin’,however,stillcaresdeeplyfortheoldman,towhomhecontinuestolookasamentor. joeDimaggio,althoughDimaggioneverappearsinthenovel,,andhisthoughtstur?,Perico,thereaderassumes,ownsthebodegainSantiago’,butheservesanimportantroleinthefisherman’martin,likePerico,martin,acaféownerinSantiago’svillage,,whooftengoestomartinforSantiago’,martinisamanoffrequentkindnesswhodeservestoberepaid. Fromtheveryfirstparagraph,—’sstruggle,thesailofhisskiffresembles“theflagofpermanentdefeat.”Buttheoldman refusesdefeatateveryturn:here solvest,tyinghisrecordofeighty-sevendaysafterabrutalthree-dayfight,andhecontinuestowardoffsharksfromstealinghisprey,eventhoughheknowsthebattleisuseless.


老人与海读后感英文版 读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服 小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的 精神,才能获得成功。下面是WTT为您收集整理的示例范文,仅 供参考! 篇【1】 this year summer vacation, i read the american well-known writer hemingway's novel “ old person and sea ”. i extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully. the novel deion is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull. the senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up.


外国文学老人与海(中英文对照) He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone 老人除了两颊布满斑点,双手则刻着深深的勒痕,那是操作粗鱼绳的结果。 eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been 这些疤痕没有一处是新的伤口,它们就如同一个了无生机的沙漠所经历过的侵 with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy's parents had told him that the 蚀那样久远。 old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the the first week. sea and were cheerful and undefeated. 他一个老人,划着小船独自在墨西哥湾中捕鱼;八十四天了还没有捕到过老人是这么的苍老,但唯有双眼依旧有着像海水一样的颜色,既充满了欢一条鱼。最初的四十天里,小男孩一直都跟着他,而四十天后,男孩的父母便愉,也好像是从来没有被打败过似的。 告诉孩子说:这老人的运气肯定是跌到了谷底,简直就是倒霉透顶了。于是男孩在他父母亲的命令下,转到了另外一条船上去捕鱼,结果不出一个星期,就"Santiago," the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from where the


老人与海 skiff skif 小帆船 coil [k3il] n. 卷,环绕,骚动vt. 盘绕,卷 gaff g1f n.鱼叉 v.用鱼叉插鱼 harpoon [ha:'pu:n] n. 鱼叉vt. 用鱼叉叉,用鱼叉捕获 furl [f4:l] vt. 卷收,叠,收下vi. 卷起,收拢n. 卷收,卷起,卷起之物 mast [ma:st] n. 桅,桅杆,杆vt. 装桅杆于 sail [seil] n. 帆,篷,船只,帆状物,航行,航程vi. 航行,启航,张帆而行vt. 航行于,驾船 patch [p1t5] n. 片,补缀,碎片,傻瓜vt. 补缀,掩饰,平息 sack [s1k] n. 麻布袋,洗劫vt. 装入袋,洗劫 gaunt [g3:nt] a. 憔悴的,荒凉的,瘦削的 blotch [bl3t5] n. 大斑点,污斑,疙瘩 benevolent [bi'nev4l4nt] a. 慈善的 crease [kri:s] n. 皱痕,折痕vt.vi. (使)起皱痕 erosion [i'r4u94n] n. 腐蚀,冲蚀,侵蚀 haul ho:l v. 拖、拽

obey [4'bei] vt. 服从,遵从,顺从vi. 服从 faith [fei7] n. 信心,信任,忠实,保证 terrace ['ter4s] n. 梯田的一层,梯田,房屋之平顶,阳台,,露台a. 成平顶的,成梯形的vt. 使成梯形地,使...成坛 current ['k8r4nt] n. 涌流,趋势,流a. 流通的,现在的,最近的a. 当前的 butcher out 宰杀干净 plank [pl16k] n. 厚木板,支架vt. 铺板,立刻付款vi. 睡在板上 stagger ['st1g4] n. 蹒跚,踌躇vi. 蹒跚,犹豫vt. 使摇摆,使踌躇,交错,错开a. 交错的,错开的 cove [k4uv] n. 山凹,小湾vt.vi. (使)内凹,(使)成拱形 hoist [h3ist] n. 升高,起重机,推动vt.vi. 升起,升高,举起 tackle ['t1kl] n. 工具,复滑车,扭倒,装备,滑车vt. 固定,处理,抓住vi. 扭倒 block [bl3k] n. 街区,木块,石块,滑轮vt. 阻塞,封锁,使成块状n. 块 fin [fin] n. 鳍,鱼翅,鳍状物,五元纸币vi. 猛挥鳍vt. 装上翅,切除鳍 hide [haid] n. 兽皮,迹象,躲藏处vt. 藏,隐瞒,遮避,剥...的皮vi. 躲藏v. 隐藏 skin [skin] n. 皮肤,皮vt. 剥皮,使愈合vi. 长皮,愈合,蜕皮 faint [feint] n. 昏厥,昏倒a. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的vi. 昏倒,变得微弱


《老人与海》 一、基本知识 1.作家作品 海明威,美国小说家。1954年度的诺贝尔文学奖获得者,是20世纪上半期美国著名作家和记者。1952年发表的中篇小说《老人与海》是他后期的代表作,集中体现了他的创作特色。这部小说表现了一种奋斗的人生观,即使面对的是不可征服的大自然,但人仍然可以得到精神上的胜利。也许结果是失败的,但在奋斗的过程中,我们可以看到一个人如何成为一个顶天立地的大丈夫。 2.简述《老人与海》的主要故事情节。 答:《老人与海》写古巴老渔夫圣地亚哥在连续八十四天没捕到鱼的情况下,终于独自钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这鱼实在太大,把他的小船在海上拖了三天才筋疲力尽,被他杀死了绑在小船的一边,在归程中一再遭到鲨鱼的袭击,最后回港时只剩鱼头鱼尾和一条脊骨。 3. 概述《老人与海》中的圣地亚哥的形象。 答:圣地亚哥是一个典型的面对厄运,百折不挠的“硬汉”形象。他面对浩瀚的海洋、凶猛的大马林鱼、凶恶的鲨鱼、恶劣的气候和多舛的命运都毫不气馁,表现出顽强的毅力和必胜的信心。他虽然失败,但仍然是英雄,他是一个精神上的强者。 4.请简要说明《老人与海》蕴含的深层内涵。 答:海明威在《老人与海》中通过展现老人的精神与命运,赞美和讴歌了不服输的硬汉子精神。作者让我们体会人与自然的观念,并启示我们:自然法则是人类力量不可抗拒的,人类可以利用自然、改造自然,但人类不能征服自然。人类尽管最终会失败,但他毫不退缩,敢于斗争,可以充分享受胜利者的欢乐,体现出人的尊严。 5.老渔夫圣地亚哥最具特色的一句名言? 答:“不过人不是为失败而生的,”他说,“一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。”(这句话表现了圣地亚哥坚毅刚强的性格) 6.简述《老人与海》的象征意义。 答:海明威酷爱斗牛、渔猎,以及种种的冒险,尤其喜爱非洲原野上的雄狮,认为那是勇敢、力量与胜利的象征。他还认为,人处在充满敌意的世界里只有坚忍不拔、勇敢地经受考验和面对自己的悲剧,才能体现人生的最高意义和最高价值,才能在永恒不变的悲剧里表现人的本质。《老人与海》这部作品是他悲剧世界观和硬汉性格的寓意性表现,他借老人与海的搏斗揭示出多方面的人生哲理。 7.在与鲨鱼搏斗后,老人为什么认为“他终于给打败了”?你是怎么看待的? 答:老人认为自己给打败了,是因为他的马林鱼仅剩一副空骨架,因为他的身体、精神疲劳到了极点,他甚至后悔捕到这条鱼。但是,在我们的眼中,他是一位胜利者,不仅仅因为他杀死了许多条鲨鱼,更主要的是从他的搏斗经历中,让我们看到他那高傲、坚强的精神,看到了一个真正的硬汉子形象。 8.“狮子”的意象贯穿于整部小说的始终,对此如何理解? 答:①“狮子”意象在作品中反复出现,有助于深化主题。②狮子为百兽之王,是勇敢、自信、坚强的象征。孤独贫困的老人屡遭厄运,从不灰心,总力图在狮子身上汲取力量,不断进取,与命运做不懈的抗争。 9.《老人与海》:结尾“曼诺林送来罐热咖啡,并告诉老人,以后和他一起出海。”一句表明厂马诺林什么样的想法?


老人与海读后感英文150字 《老人与海》是海明威最著名的作品之一。它围绕一位老年古巴渔夫,与一条巨大的马林鱼在离岸很远的湾流中搏斗而展开故事的讲述。它奠定了海明威在世界文学中的突出地位,这篇小说相继获得了1953年美国普利策奖和1954年诺贝尔文学奖。 老人与海读后感英文150字第一篇: the Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a GREat part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.My first impression of this story was from screen.It’s long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I don’t remember which movie edition


This winter holiday, I read a book called "the old man and the sea" classic. I benefit a lot from it. This book is about: an old fisherman, he is called the San Diego. The old fisherman for eighty-four straight days at sea without fish. At first, there is a called manolin told the boy and he a out to sea, but after forty days without a fish the boy was parents arrange to another vessel, because they think that children follow the old man not good luck. Eighty-five days, the old man, the ship is far out in the morning, he unexpectedly caught a larger than the ship QiangYu. The old man and the fish tries to two days, finally fork it in it. But the injured QiangYu at sea for a trace of the bloody left, attract numerous sharks for crazy. The old man struggling to fight with sharks, but back to harbour, QiangYu left with a huge skeleton, the old man to a head of ducking out on land. Children come to see the old man, he thought that the old man was not defeated. That afternoon, the old man in the shack asleep, a dream he saw the lion. After reading this book, I have a lot of feeling. Especially the old fisherman San Diego, his strong, generous, kind, loving, even in the life of the defeated in the battle, in the face of the inevitable fate, he is still strong in spirit, is "butch". He faced great pressure in the outside world and bad luck strikes, the strong and unyielding, still ahead, or even deadly opponents, though he failed, but keep the human dignity and courage, with the winner of poise. This story reflects the people in "full of violence and death of real life" expression comes out of courage. Try to think of, an old and poor and alone, or even the old man to death, but to his deadly and these weaknesses, struggle to maintain his identity and dignity, to re-establish his circle in the name, and those who love and he can inheritance of the traditional culture of people keep good relationship. But ultimately the old man a hero's struggle not only save yourself, also inspired those around him, and make them the spiritual to sublimate. The outcome is the San Diego in "full of violence and death of real life" showed the best proof of courage. This also reminds me of life some of the people, and they may and San Diego, old age, poor and alone, around by the death. But it is very different, it's that they chose dejected, accept, let it be. The end result is caused by: they look down on people, by the destiny tinkering with, again without your chance to blow. In fact, sometimes, just a little, confidence a bit stubborn, it will be possible for his life by entirely different effects. I believe, dares the fate, life and the struggle of the people, no matter how, is the strong!!!!
