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Unit 1

1.The basic parts of a plant a the root system, which is below the ground , and the shoot system above. 一植株最基本组成部分是地下根系统和地上茎系统

2.It takes in, or absorbs, water and mineral from the soil through the root hairs, which are single cells near the tip of each root根毛是靠近根顶端的单细胞,它可以从土壤中吸收水分和矿物质

3.In addition, plants such as clover and Lucerne, known as ‘legumes’ have special bacteria which live on the roots. 另外,一些豆科作物,如三叶草和苜蓿,有特殊的寄生在根部的细菌

4.Another important function is to enable water and mineral to pass up from the roots to the leaves and flowers.另一种重要的功能是使水和矿物质从根运输到叶片和花上

5.Their main job is to make food for the plant by the process known as photosynthesis.它们的主要任务是光合作用为作物提供营养

6.Water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air are converted into sugars and other carbohydrates.来自土壤中的水和来自大气中的二氧化碳被转变成糖和碳水化合物

7.The stamens produce the male sex cells, or spermatic, which are carried in the pollen grains雄蕊产生雄性细胞或是性孢子,它们被花粉粒携带.

8.The fruit, the ripened ovary of the flower, encloses the seeds and protects them while they are developing,果实,花中成熟的子房,包围着种子,当它们发育时候并保护它们

9.The seed itself consists of an embryo and foodstore种子是由胚和.胚乳构成的

10.The embryo is the part which will develop into anther plant and the foodstore is necessary to provide nourishment for the young plant while it is growing.胚是能发育成另外作物的器官,胚乳是为发育中的幼体提供必要的营养

Unit 2

1.Seeds remain dormant, or in a resting state, if they are kept cool and dry.种子在低温和干燥条件下,处于休眠状态

2.When the amount of moisture and the temperature level are right, the seeds germinate and start growing.当温度和湿度适宜时,种子发芽并开始生长

3.This is because wet soils remain cold for a longer period of time than drier, well-drained soils.这是因为湿的土壤比干燥的排水好的土壤更能保持更长时间的低温

4.Dormant seeds require very little oxygen in order to stay alive, but when they start to germinate they require more. 种子在休眠状态时为保持活力需要较少o2,但当它们发芽时需要较多的o2

5.In the early stages of development the seedling depends entirely on the foodstore in the seed but as soon as the first leaves are produced, it is able to manufacture food for itself.发育早期,幼苗完全依靠种子中的胚乳,但是一旦第一片子叶产生,它就能为自己生产食物

6.In the process of pollination the pollen is carried by wind or insects from the stamens to the stigma of the carpel.传播花粉过程中,花粉被风或是昆虫从雄蕊传播,到雌蕊柱头上

7.It germinates on the stigma and grows down the style into the ovary, where fertilization takes place.它在柱头上产生并在子房中发育,进行受精

Unit 3

https://www.docsj.com/doc/f812381232.html,anic material originates from dead plants and animals and material other than this are derived from rocks of various kinds. 有机质发源于死的动植物,而矿物质是与之不同的不经分解,来源于不同种类的岩石

2.These rocks are broken down into small particles by mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition.这些岩石通过物理和化学分解成小颗粒

3.In arid regions weathering is mostly by physical means.在干旱地区,风化主要由于物理因素

4.But in humid regions chemical processes of weathering are equally important但是在湿润的地区,风蚀的化学过程是同等重要的.

5.Consequently, the insoluble mineral residues in the soils have less resemblance to the original rocks. 因此,土壤中难以溶解的残余矿物质与原始的岩石无什么类似处

6.Most of them contain various proportions of sand, silt and clay and these varying proportions make up a soil’s textural class.土壤主要包括沙子,粉砂,粘土。。它们不同的比例构成了土壤不同的质地等级

7.The principle classes in order of increasing fineness of material are sand, loamy sand, loamy, silt loamy, silty clay loam, clay loam, silt and clay.依照矿物质纯度顺序排列依次为沙土,壤砂土,壤土粉砂土,粘壤土,粉砂和粘土

8.That is to say, smaller sized particles can react or combine with water, nutrients and humus more sassily than larger sized particles.就是说,小颗粒与水,营养和腐殖质比大颗粒更容易结合

9.Humus from decomposed organic matter is vital to a soil as it makes a heavy soil lighter. 来源于腐烂有机物质的腐殖质,对土壤至关重要,因为它使土壤变的更疏松

Unit 4

2.The ease with which water san pass through a soil depends on the proportions in it of coarse and fine particles such as sand and clay.水分渗入土壤的容易度依靠土壤粗细比例,例如砂土和粘土

10.Another advantage is that a well-drained soil will have enough air for aerobic bacteria to break down humus and so provide food for the plant.另一个优点是排水很好的土壤会有足够的空气,为好氧的细菌去分解腐殖质,然后为作物提供营养

12.Ditches can be cut at certain intervals between the crops.在作物之间沟渠被切割成特定的间隔

16.Porous drainage tiles may be laid in or on the land and these will help draw off the surplus water. 多孔排水管平放入地下或地面下,这样会有助于放掉多余水分

17.The distance between the drains will depends on the level of the land, the permeability of the soil, and the amount of rainfall.排水间的距离取决于土地的平坦程度,土壤渗透性和雨量的多少

22.We should distinguish between the collection of water and its application我们应辨别水的集合和它的利用之间加以区别.

23.There are two main sources of irrigation water: surface water and ground water.有两种主要的灌溉水资源:地表水和地下水31.By this we mean the amount of water which is needed to bring the soil to full capacity.意思是需要的水的量是能使土壤达到充分的?的数量

32.It also depends on the type of crop, the stage of growth of the crop and the amount which it will use at that particular time.它也取决于作物的类型,作物生育时期和它在特殊时期的使用量

34.Most plants require larger quantities of water during the later stages than in the earlier stages.大部分作物在后期比前期需要更大量的水

Unit 5

8.Finally, it makes up for the plant nutrients which have been removed by crops or lost by leaching and soil erosion.最终,它弥补了作物吸收,淋溶土壤侵蚀所流失的营养

14.So, they maybe grouped as nitrogenous fertilizers, phosphatic fertilizers, potassic fertilizers and so on.因此,它们被分为氮肥,磷肥,钾肥等

15.The most commonly used fertilizer which contains nitrogen is ammonium sulphate, which is made from ammonia and sulphuric acid, and which contains 21% nitrogen使用最普遍的肥料是含氮的,主要有硫酸铵等,它由氨和硫酸组成,其中含氮量百分二十一.

16.This element encourages rapid vegetative growth and gives plants a healthy green colour.这个要素促进作物快速生长并给作物一个健康的绿色

19.Phosphorous stimulates the formation of a plant's root, and promotes fruit and seed production.磷刺激根系形成,促进结果和种子产量

21.finally, wherever high crop yields are expected, potash is used together with nitrogen and phosphorous.最终,无论在哪高产量都是被期望的,通过k与n,p混合使用

23.This help plant to withstand mechanical damage such as broken branches and torn leaves.k有助于作物抵抗机械伤害,例如残枝败叶

27.It is usually supplied in the form of muriate of potash (potassium chloride), which contains 50 to 60% potassium oxide (K2O) and sulphate of potash (potassium sulphate).它总是以k的化合物形式被使用,包括百分五十到60的k2o和k2so4

32.If a soil is very acid, with a pH value of less than 5.0, lime can be added to correct this acidity.如果土壤极酸性,ph小于5,石灰能够改善土壤的酸性

35.Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are more easily available in a well-limed soil than in an acid soil.氮磷钾在用石灰处理的土壤中比在酸性的土壤中更容易被利用

Unit 6

1 In crop production the control of weeds, diseases and pests is essential to obtain high yields.杂草和虫害的控制对于获得高产量是有必要的

5 Weeds reduce crop yields on account of the fact that they compete with crops for water.杂草使作物产量降低的原因是它与作物竞争水分,营养,光照

7 Most weeds are aggressive and invasive, they grow quickly and spread far, and so are difficult to get rid of.大多数杂草是有竞争性和侵害性的,它们生长迅速,传播的远,因此很难摆脱

8 One recommended way of eradicating many persistent weeds is first to plough up the roots and underground parts of the plant.一种值得推荐的根除多年生杂草的方法是首先?根系和作物地下部分

11 Weeds may also be killed by means of chemicals which have the collective name of herbicides.杂草也可以被称为除草剂的化学药剂杀死

17 They must be used extremely carefully for the simple reason that they will eradicate all plants on contact-which includes the crop itself.它们在使用的时候必须相当小心,原因很简单就是它们会根除所有与之接触的植物包括作物本身

18 They are usually used before sowing or before the emergence of the crop itself.它们总是被用于播种前或作物出土前

23 Micro-organisms are reproduced and spread by minute bodies such as spores, fungi and bacteria.微生物通过芽孢,真菌,细菌等微小物体进行繁殖和扩散

25 It is very difficult to kill the fungi and bacteria, or to make the virus which is inside the host plant inactive消灭真菌和细菌或是使寄生在寄主中不活跃的病毒不传播病毒是非常困难的.

26 But the evolution of plant varieties which can resist disease has completely changed methods of disease control但是能够抵抗病害的作物种类的进化,已经完全改变了病害控制的方法

36 One way is to use chemicals that easily change into a gas or vapour, which enter the soil and kill the harmful organisms. 一种方法是使用容易变成气体或烟雾状的化学药剂这样就能进入土壤消灭有害生物体


姓名:张晓星 导师:陈翠霞 专业班级:2010级农学2班 学号:20102642 日期:2013年7月13日 我国水稻育种现状、展望与对策 摘要:作物的育种是密切关系到人们的生活的一门技术,我国50%以上的人口是以稻米为主食,可见,水稻育种的研究和管理就显得非常重要了,随着21世纪科技的进步和普及,对于水稻的育种目标也并不是简单的高产,更多的研究是解决水稻优质和适应性问题。种子不仅解决了人类所需求的食物问题,而且有力地推动了经济发展和科技进步。 关键词:水稻育种育种方法科学技术 引言: 在植物栽培出现之初人类简单的种植和采收活动中,就已寓有作物育种的萌芽。经过几千年的发展演变,世界各地育种技术不断实现突破。继20世纪80年代国际水稻研究所实施超级稻育种计划之后,中国在1996年也正式启动水稻超高产育种项目[1]。近几年我国水稻超高产育种取得重要进展,处于国际领先水平[2]。本论文简要介绍我国水稻育种现状、展望与对策。 1国外水稻研究现状 国际水稻研究所(IRRI)的水稻育种专家认为,当前水稻育种面临着两个方面的挑战:一是要培育出适于灌溉地区的高产稳产品种;二是要培育出适于不良环境的高产耐逆境品种[3]。 为了培育抗逆境的改良种质,以提高这些地区的水稻产量及其稳定性,

以满足 21世纪对水稻的需求,IRRI已作出了许多努力,并取得了以下进展:①勾画出了适于各种不良环境的理想高产株型;②对雨养环境已有进一步认识,并确定了适于选择和鉴定育种材料的代表地区;③在不同国家目标环境下评价育种材料的合作已经建立;④非生物胁迫的供体已经发现;⑤胁迫性状的遗传正在研究。 IRRI还与各水稻生产国建立合作关系,共同进行水稻育种研究。目前,正与中国在水稻功能基因组研究、分子育种以及杂交稻和水稻种质交换等领域进行合作,重点研究水稻耐盐基因转育和评价、抗稻瘿蚊基因克隆,以及在补充灌溉条件下高产早稻的节水管理。 2我国水稻育种现状 2.1我国水稻育种进程 (1)解放初期地方品种评选,普及高秆良品种,单产提高5%左右; (2)上世纪50年代末至60年代初矮秆化育种,单产提高30%,第一次飞跃; (3)上世纪70年代杂种优势利用,三系杂交水稻育种,单产提高15-20%,第二次飞跃; (4)上世纪末超级稻育种提出,水稻育种第三次突破。 2.2我国水稻育种技术进展 2.2.1三系法杂交水稻育种 1964年,袁隆平先生率先在我国开展水稻雌性不育研究,并提出通过选育雄性不育系、雄性不育保持系和雄性不育恢复系的三系法途径来利用水稻的杂种优势[4]。


将下列句子译成汉语 1.This equipment has been employed for years. 这台设备已被使用了很多年。 2.Air is mixture of gases. 空气是混合气体。 3.Plants make use of the oxygen in carbon dioxide. 植物利用二氧化碳中的氧气。 4.A body with a negative charge possesses more electrons than protons. 带负电的电子所含的电子比质子多。 5.Other evaporation materials and processes will be discussed briefly. 其他一些蒸发材料和蒸发过程将简单地加以讨论。 6、The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 7、The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate. 电子从负的锌板流向正的铜板。 8、In their work they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice. 他们在工作中非常注重实践与理论的结合。 9、Petroleum convenience in use is evident. 石油便于使用是显而易见的。 10、These operations are used only for solute recovery or solute removal. 这些操作仅用于回收杂质或去除溶质。


ACCOUNTING ENGLISH Middle-of-term Test Papers PartⅠ.Translating the following terms 1、Notes to financial statements 2、Accounting elements 3、Variable costs 4、Economic entity 5、Depreciation expense 6、Deferred income taxes 7、Nominal accounts 8、ROA 9、LIFO 10、Work in process 11、现金收支 12、原材料 13、制造费用 14、相关性 15、持续经营 16、复式记账 17、优先股 18、预付费用 19、购货退回与折让 20、永续盘存制

PartⅡ.True or False 1、 The accounting process generates financial reports for both “internal ”and “external”users. 2、The balance sheet reflects the basic accounting equation and the means of financing the organization's assets. 3、The existence of Accounts Receivable on the Balance Sheet indicates that the company has one or more creditors. 4、Liabilities are classified and presented in increasing order of liquidity. 5、Working capital equals current assets less current liabilities. 6、Declaration of dividends reduces the retained earnings portion of the owners' equity of the corporation and creates a liabilities called Dividends Payable. 7、A chart of accounts is a listing of the titles of all accounts. 8、The cash basis of accounting often violates the matching rule. 9、Closing entries convert real and nominal accounts to zero balance. 10、The work sheet is published with the balance sheet and income statement, as a supplementary statement. 11、A company's sustainable growth rate is the highest growth rate in sales it can attain without issuing new stock. 12、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems.


各种农作物翻译 cereals, grain 谷物coarse grain 谷粒 rye 黑麦 barley 大麦 oats 燕麦 millet 粟, 黍 sorghum 高粱 bran 麸; 糠 flour, meal 粗磨谷粉wheat 小麦 spring wheat 春小麦 maize 玉米 (美作:corn) maize cob 玉米棒子(美作:corn cob) rice 稻 buckwheat 荞麦 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 cocoa 可可树 coca 古柯 tobacco 烟草 hop 蛇麻; 啤酒花 tuber crops 块茎作物sugar cane 甘蔗 sugar beet 糖用甜菜potato 马铃薯 sweet potato 甘薯vegetables 蔬菜 carrot 胡萝卜 cassava, manioc 木薯turnip 芜菁 yam 山药; 薯蓣 pulses, leguminous plants 豆类植物 bean 菜豆 pea 豌豆 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 lentil 小扁豆 soya bean 大豆(美作:soybean) forage plants 饲料作物fodder grain 饲用谷物clover 三叶草 lucre, lucerne 苜蓿 (美作:alfalfa) textile plants 纤维植物cotton 棉; 草棉 flax 亚麻 hemp 大麻American agave 龙舌兰 sisal 剑麻; 西沙尔麻 kapok tree 木棉树 jute 黄麻 Manila hemp 马尼拉麻 raffia 酒椰 yucca 丝兰 oil plants 油料植物 sunflower 向日葵 groundnut, peanut 落花生 olive 油橄榄 olive tree 油橄榄树 sesame 芝麻 castor oil plant 蓖麻 rape seed 油菜籽 rubber tree 橡胶树 resin plant 树脂植物 mangrove 红树 fruits 水果 fruit tree 果树 grapevine 葡萄藤 grape 葡萄 农业专业词汇一 a horizon a 层 a humid acid a 型胡敏酸 a line 不育系 a priori 先天的 a priori probability 先验 概率 abandoned land 荒地 abattoir by product 屠宰 场副产物 abaxial 远轴的 abaxile 远轴的 abdomen 腹 abdominal 腹部的 abdominal aorta 腹织脉 abdominal apoplexy 腹率 中 abdominal appendage 腹肢 abdominal cavity 腹腔 abdominal fin 腹 abdominal foot 腹足 abdominal gland 腹腺 abdominal leg 腹足 abdominal reflex 腹壁反 射 abdominal respiration 腹 呼吸 abdominal segment 腹节 abdominal wall 腹壁 abducens nerve 外展神经 abducent nerve 外展神经 abduction 外展 abductor 展肌 abductor muscle 展肌 aberration 畸变 abies 冷杉属 abietic acid 松脂酸 abiogenesis 自然发生 abiosis 死亡 abiotic 非生物的 abiotic factor 非生物因 素 ablactation 断乳 ablation 切断术 ablepharia 无睑 ablepharon 无睑 ablephary 无睑 ablution 清洗 abnormal behaviour 变态 习性 abnormal climate 异常气 候 abnormal division 错分裂 abnormal egg 异常卵 abnormal estrus 异常发情 abnormal high temperature 异常高温 abnormal ovum 异常卵子 abnormal spermium 异常精 子 abnormal value 异常值 abomasitis 皱胃炎 abomasum 第四胃 aboral 反口的 aboral pole 反口极 abortin 龙毒素 abortion 龙 abortive 龙的 abortive grain 秕粒 abortive infection 顿挫 性感染 abortive pollen 败育花粉 abortive transduction 败 育转导 aboveground part 地上部 分 abscess 脓肿 abscisin 脱落素 abscission 切掉 abscission layer 离层 absinthe 亚洲蒿 absolute age 绝对年龄 absolute alcohol 绝对酒 精 absolute dried soil 绝对 干土 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute extreme 绝对极 值 absolute frequency 绝对 频率 absolute humidity 绝对湿 度 absolute lethal 绝对致死 absolute milk production 绝对产奶量 absolute period of livestock use 家畜绝对利 用年限 absolute quantity 绝对量 absolute temperature 绝 对温度 absolute value 绝对值 absorbability 吸收能力 absorbent 吸收剂;吸收的 absorbing capacity 吸收 能力 absorbing complex 吸附复 合体 absorbing function 吸收 机能 absorbing velocity of fertilizer 肥料吸收速度 absorption 吸收 absorption capacity 吸收 容量 absorption coefficient 吸收系数 absorption obstacle 吸收 障碍 absorption ratio 吸收率 absorptive 吸收的 absorptive amount 吸收量 absorptive cell 吸收细胞 absorptive hair 吸收毛 absorptive tissue 吸收组 织 absorptivity 吸收力


直升机helicopter 机体 fuselage,body 座舱 main cabin 旋翼桨叶rotor 旋翼桨毂rotor head 旋翼铰rotor hinge 自动倾斜器swashplate 尾桨桨叶tail rotor 尾桨桨毂tail rotor head 主减速器 main gearbox 中间减速器middle gearbox 尾部减速器rail gearbox 功率输出轴power transmissionshaft 尾部传动轴tail transmissionshaft 水平尾翼,平尾 horizontal tail 垂直尾翼,垂尾 vertical tail 水平安定面 stabilizer 垂直安定面 fin 起落架 undercarriage,landing gear 定轴式涡轮轴发动机fixed shaftturbine yur-boshaft engine 辅助动力装置auxiliary powerunit 燃油调节器 fuel regulator 驾驶杆control stick ,cyclic 脚蹬 pedal,anti-torque pedal 总距杆collective 旋翼转速 rotor speed 尾翼 tail 重心 center of gravity 外挂物 external stores 高度表 altimeter 空速表 air-speed meter,air-speed indic-tor 升降速度表 vertical-speed indicator,rate-of-climb meter

功率 power 转速 speed of revolution 进气道 air intake,air inlet 表速 indicated airspeed 真速 true airspeed 高度 height altitude 升力 lift 拉力 thrust 阻力 drag 诱导阻力 induced drag 摩擦阻力 skin-friction drag 压差阻力 pressure drag 升力系数 lift coefficient 阻力系数 drag coefficient 迎角 angle of attack,angle of incidence 失速 stall 升阻比 lift-drag ratio 地面效应 ground effect 标准大气压 standard atmosphere 侧滑角 angle of sideslip 俯仰角 angle of pitch,inclination angle,el-evation 偏航角 angle of yaw,azimuth angle 滚转角 angle of roll,angle of bank,bank angle 航迹倾斜角 flight path angle,flight-pathinclinationangle,flight-path climb an-gle,angle of velocity pitch 轨迹偏转角course angle,flight-path track angle,angleof velocity yaw 速度滚转角angle of roll,flight-path bankangle,angle ofvelocity roll 俯仰角速度rate of pitch 偏航角速度rate of yaw 滚转角速度rate of roll


Chest plain film/plain chest radiography 胸部平片Posteroanterior 后前位 Left-lateral 左侧位 Contour 轮廓 Symmetric 对称 Lung field 肺野 Lung marking 肺纹理 Lesion 病变 Lung hilar 肺门 Mediastinum 胸廓 Diaphragm 膈肌 Rib 肋骨 Round-shaped 类圆形的 Mass 团块 Post-basic segment 后基底段 Lobulated-edge 边缘分叶 Well-defined margin 边界清楚 ill-define margin 边缘不清vague margin Homogeneous attenuation 密度均匀 Thoracic vertebraes 胸椎 Obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张 Sign of “recersal S”反S征 Bilateral 双侧的 Cloud-shaped areas 大片密度增高区域 Piece-like high attunuation 片状高密度Pulmonary edema 肺水肿 Node 结节 Acute miliary tuberculosis 急性粟粒性肺结核Anteroposterior abdomen plain film 腹部平片Supine overhead projection 仰卧前后位投照Radiopaque foreign body 不透光异物 Stone 结石 Liver 肝gallbladder 胆kidney 肾 Bowel 肠 Distension 扩张 Free gas 游离气体 Vertebrate and pelvis bone 腰椎和骨盆 Plain film of pelvis 骨盆平片 Acetabulun 髋臼 Hip joint 髋关节 Bone destruction 骨质破坏 Femoral head 股骨头 The left hip joint space 左髋关节间隙Osteoporosis 骨质疏松


The diode consists of a tungsten filament, which gives off electrons when it is heated, and a plate toward which the electrons migrate when the field is in the right direction.二极管由一根钨丝和一块极板组成:钨丝受热时放出电子,当电场方向为正时,这些电子便向极板移动。Objectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or form naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed. 要从这样的煤气或天然存在的烃类气体中除去有害物质硫化氢。就要用能吸收硫化氢的各种碱性溶液来洗涤. 作业:翻译,注意定语的译法 Over a period of more than 400 million year, trees have evolved as the tallest, most massive, and longest lived organisms ever to inhabit the Earth. Introducing the table which gives the correspondence of volumes and system numbers with divisions and classes and applying the classification thus determined to find out the appropriate volume. 作业:翻译,注意被动语态的译法 Everying in the world is built up from atoms. No work can be done without energy. Evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion of the solvent to produce a concentrated solution or thick liquor. 作业:翻译,指明词序的转变 Two widely used alloy of copper are brase and bronze. Having been well insulated, the wire may be used as a conductor. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体句子成分转换的译法 Sodium is very active chemically. Methane is less than half as heavy as water. The different hydrocarbons in crude oil boil at different temperatures. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体词类转换的译法 Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. Many chemical reactions need heat to make them take place. Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonic. The expression of the relation between force, mass and acceleration is as follows. He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer. Generally speaking, methane series are rather inert. One of the outstanding properties of carbon atom is its ability to share its electrons with other carbon atoms.



一学习总结 1理论课程学习总结 人说,“走进大学就一只脚踏进了社会”,这句话没说错。上大学之前,我们有三分之二的时间在学校认真学习科学知识,缺乏自理能力,不懂人情世故。而上了大学之后,不仅要学习,还要管理好自己的生活、处理好与同学、老师的关系。所有这些都不是老师和爸妈能教会的,要靠自己在日常生活中不断的学习和总结经验教训。 在大学里,有些人刻苦专研专业知识,希望将来在专业方面有所突破或能继续深造;有些人则在学好功课的基础上,发现了自己某方面的潜力,比如:较强的社交能力、体育比较好等。而大学这样一个宽松的环境正为他们提供了一个实现自我的舞台。因此,在大学里,我们不仅可以更深入的学习科学知识,还可以在业余时间挖掘自身的潜力和增强自身的特长。但不管将来你从事什么工作,首先要学好英语和用好计算机,这是形势所迫,也是现实。随着现代化步伐的加快,计算机已经成为我们进行各项工作的主要工具,而学好英语是用好计算机的基础,以后走上工作岗位,不会英语和计算机,我们将寸步难行。 但有很多同学说,英语很难学,就是学不好。其实并不是不能学好,我认为没有学不会的东西,除非你不去努力或方法不对。说句实在话,学语言确实是一件比较困难的事,尤其是在一个没有相关语言环境的情况下去学。因为学语言包括听,说,读,写四个方面,要想做到这四个方面都强确实不容易。但我们可以先掌握好基础知识,再根据自己以后的发展方向决定在哪个方面进行提高。比如,你决定以后从事软件开发的工作,那你可以多看看这方面的英文版的书籍。 可是,尽管英语是如此的难学,很多同学还是不以为然。许多同学进入大学后就想着如何去玩,觉得初中、高中这六年憋得实在不行了。可是放松也要有限度,不能荒废了学业,难道辛辛苦苦考上大学就是来玩的吗?因此,当我们在享受大学生活给我们带来新鲜和刺激时,不要忘了花点时间去读读单词,看看英语文章。把英语学习当成一种乐趣,而不仅仅是应付学校的考试和通过四六级。 其次,就要说到计算机知识的学习了,对于我们信息管理专业来说,计算机就是我们谋生的工具。首先,我们应学会最基本的使用电脑的操作,如开机、关机、软件的安装、office的使用、电脑的日常维护等。此外,随着科学技术的日新月异的发展,网络在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用,不管是日常生活、交友、娱乐还是工作,人们越来越依赖于网络。因此我们还要学会上网,学会利


Chinese by Jerry Norman 龚群虎 Page number, Chinese, English 1 0 2 共时synchronic 3 历时diachronic 4 linguist 语言学家 5 汉语研究Chinese studies 6 调号tone mark 7 1-1 8 甲骨文oracle bone inscription/script 9 古汉语Classical Chinese 10 中古汉语Middle Chinese 11 早期白话Early Vernacular Chinese 12 上海方言Shanghai dialect 13 书面语言written language 14 口头语言spoken language 15 文化连续性cultural continuity 16 汉语方言Chinese dialects 17 北京话Peking dialect 18 广州话Cantonese 19 文言文Literary Chinese 20 方言学家dialectologist 21 金文bronze inscription/script 22 孔子Confucius 23 孟子Mencius 24 方言描写dialect description 25 高本汉(人名)Bernhard Karlgren 26 中古汉语(高本汉)Ancient Chinese 27 赵元任(人名)Yuen Ren Chao 28 吴语Wu dialects 29 方言调查dialect survey/fieldwork 30 共通语koine 31 现代汉语Modern Chinese 32 方言dialect 33 1-2 34 (汉语)周边语言neighboring languages 35 阿尔泰语系Altaic language family 36 突厥语言Turkic languages 37 蒙古语言Mongolian languages 38 通古斯语言Tungusic languages 39 日语Japanese


Unit 1 1.The basic parts of a plant a the root system, which is below the ground , and the shoot system above. 一植株最基本组成部分是地下根系统和地上茎系统 2.It takes in, or absorbs, water and mineral from the soil through the root hairs, which are single cells near the tip of each root根毛是靠近根顶端的单细胞,它可以从土壤中吸收水分和矿物质 3.In addition, plants such as clover and Lucerne, known as ‘legumes’ have special bacteria which live on the roots. 另外,一些豆科作物,如三叶草和苜蓿,有特殊的寄生在根部的细菌 4.Another important function is to enable water and mineral to pass up from the roots to the leaves and flowers.另一种重要的功能是使水和矿物质从根运输到叶片和花上 5.Their main job is to make food for the plant by the process known as photosynthesis.它们的主要任务是光合作用为作物提供营养 6.Water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air are converted into sugars and other carbohydrates.来自土壤中的水和来自大气中的二氧化碳被转变成糖和碳水化合物 7.The stamens produce the male sex cells, or spermatic, which are carried in the pollen grains雄蕊产生雄性细胞或是性孢子,它们被花粉粒携带. 8.The fruit, the ripened ovary of the flower, encloses the seeds and protects them while they are developing,果实,花中成熟的子房,包围着种子,当它们发育时候并保护它们 9.The seed itself consists of an embryo and foodstore种子是由胚和.胚乳构成的 10.The embryo is the part which will develop into anther plant and the foodstore is necessary to provide nourishment for the young plant while it is growing.胚是能发育成另外作物的器官,胚乳是为发育中的幼体提供必要的营养 Unit 2 1.Seeds remain dormant, or in a resting state, if they are kept cool and dry.种子在低温和干燥条件下,处于休眠状态 2.When the amount of moisture and the temperature level are right, the seeds germinate and start growing.当温度和湿度适宜时,种子发芽并开始生长 3.This is because wet soils remain cold for a longer period of time than drier, well-drained soils.这是因为湿的土壤比干燥的排水好的土壤更能保持更长时间的低温 4.Dormant seeds require very little oxygen in order to stay alive, but when they start to germinate they require more. 种子在休眠状态时为保持活力需要较少o2,但当它们发芽时需要较多的o2 5.In the early stages of development the seedling depends entirely on the foodstore in the seed but as soon as the first leaves are produced, it is able to manufacture food for itself.发育早期,幼苗完全依靠种子中的胚乳,但是一旦第一片子叶产生,它就能为自己生产食物 6.In the process of pollination the pollen is carried by wind or insects from the stamens to the stigma of the carpel.传播花粉过程中,花粉被风或是昆虫从雄蕊传播,到雌蕊柱头上 7.It germinates on the stigma and grows down the style into the ovary, where fertilization takes place.它在柱头上产生并在子房中发育,进行受精 Unit 3 https://www.docsj.com/doc/f812381232.html,anic material originates from dead plants and animals and material other than this are derived from rocks of various kinds. 有机质发源于死的动植物,而矿物质是与之不同的不经分解,来源于不同种类的岩石 2.These rocks are broken down into small particles by mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition.这些岩石通过物理和化学分解成小颗粒 3.In arid regions weathering is mostly by physical means.在干旱地区,风化主要由于物理因素 4.But in humid regions chemical processes of weathering are equally important但是在湿润的地区,风蚀的化学过程是同等重要的. 5.Consequently, the insoluble mineral residues in the soils have less resemblance to the original rocks. 因此,土壤中难以溶解的残余矿物质与原始的岩石无什么类似处 6.Most of them contain various proportions of sand, silt and clay and these varying proportions make up a soil’s textural class.土壤主要包括沙子,粉砂,粘土。。它们不同的比例构成了土壤不同的质地等级 7.The principle classes in order of increasing fineness of material are sand, loamy sand, loamy, silt loamy, silty clay loam, clay loam, silt and clay.依照矿物质纯度顺序排列依次为沙土,壤砂土,壤土粉砂土,粘壤土,粉砂和粘土 8.That is to say, smaller sized particles can react or combine with water, nutrients and humus more sassily than larger sized particles.就是说,小颗粒与水,营养和腐殖质比大颗粒更容易结合 9.Humus from decomposed organic matter is vital to a soil as it makes a heavy soil lighter. 来源于腐烂有机物质的腐殖质,对土壤至关重要,因为它使土壤变的更疏松 Unit 4 2.The ease with which water san pass through a soil depends on the proportions in it of coarse and fine particles such as sand and clay.水分渗入土壤的容易度依靠土壤粗细比例,例如砂土和粘土 10.Another advantage is that a well-drained soil will have enough air for aerobic bacteria to break down humus and so provide food for the plant.另一个优点是排水很好的土壤会有足够的空气,为好氧的细菌去分解腐殖质,然后为作物提供营养 12.Ditches can be cut at certain intervals between the crops.在作物之间沟渠被切割成特定的间隔 16.Porous drainage tiles may be laid in or on the land and these will help draw off the surplus water. 多孔排水管平放入地下或地面下,这样会有助于放掉多余水分 17.The distance between the drains will depends on the level of the land, the permeability of the soil, and the amount of rainfall.排水间的距离取决于土地的平坦程度,土壤渗透性和雨量的多少


Chapter 1 Introduction: Why Project Management? True/False 1) Projects have a process orientation. F 2) Client interest in a project is highest during the termination and conceptual phases. T Multiple Choice 1). A project typically has: A) A defined start and end date. B) A defined start date but no defined end date. C) No defined start but a defined end date. D) No defined start or end date. 2) Which of the following statements about project success criteria is best? A) Project cost is an external performance measure. B) Completion time is an internal performance measure. C) Client acceptance is an internal performance measure. D) Client acceptance is often referred to as conducting a quality check. Short Answer 1) What changes in the business environment have necessitated a greater use of project management skills?


农学专业考研英文自我 介绍 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Dear professors, good morning/afternoon. It is my great honor to have this opportunity for your interview. My name is XX and 21 years old. I graduated from XX university, majoring in agricultural resources and environment. My hometown is XX, a beautiful ancient city in XX province. In the past 4 years, I spent most of my time on study,I have acquired basic knowledge of soil science and plant nutrition both in theory and in practice. I have received National Encouragement scholarship for 3 consecutive years. Then my character? I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and energetic. I also do many things as part-time job, which brought me a lot of social experience. I think I have learned what I can not acquire in my study . It is worth doing them. I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything. My favorite pastime is playing badminton, traveling by bicycle and so on. I like my major. I will study hard in it in the postgraduate period. I think the postgraduate study can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future career. That is all. Thank you for your listening!
