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人教版必修一第三单元Sports and Fitness-Living legends



该部分的活动主题是“选择你最喜欢的运动员”。某杂志请读者来信选出自己心目中的“体育界的活传奇”。本文介绍了两个传奇人物郎平和乔丹。这一中一外、一男一女不仅在体育方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,还有很多闪光的个人特质和魅力。第一部分以独特的语言形式介绍了郎平,主要从人物功绩,面临困难,迎头而上,最终荣获奥运金牌。第二篇介绍了“飞人”乔丹,主要从精湛的技巧,永不停止尝试的精神力量,乔丹本人坚守的信念,及其成功后乔丹分享成功等几个方面逐一介绍。学生不仅崇拜他们,而且从这些模范身上学到了很多人生哲理。重点词汇master, captain, determination, graceful, honor glory, failure, fall apart, lose heart, give up主要涉及体育传奇人物的身份、荣誉及其面临的困难时的态度。

本文的价值取向在于学生通过本文的学习,体会到“健康向上,不懈奋斗,团结协作”的体育精神,通过文本的梳理,人物的比对分析形成正确living legends 的评判标准。旨在培养学生理性思考和客观评判的思维品质。




1. To study some expressions to describe sports athletes

2. To learn some excellent qualities of some famous athletes

3. To know language features of magazines

4. To get to know and understand sportsmanship


1.Master some expressions to describe sports athletes.

2.learn how to predict and analyse the basic structure of the text.

the qualities of the living legends through further reading.

3.How to let students know and understand sportsmanship.


Multimedia, Blackboard, Chalk


Activity 1 Lead-in

Play and guess. Use your body language to show what your favorite sports are and

then tell us your favorite athletes.



Activity 2 Predict

Look at the pictures and the titles on Page 38 and predict what the text is probably about.

Tips for prediction

1.By looking at the pictures in the passage.

2.By thinking about the content before reading.

3.By relating what you will read to what you have known.



Activity 3 Read for main idea and structure

Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea

What’s the main idea of the text?

It is about two living legends of Sports: Lang Ping and Michael Jordan

Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A tour brochure

B. A story book

C. A sports magazine

D. A science report



Activity 4 Read for detailed information

1.Read the lead paragraph Who can be living legends?

They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.



2.Read the part of Lang Ping

Step 1:answer four questions

1.What’re the achievements of LangPing?

As a player, she brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China women’s volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad.

2.What’re the challenges LangPing had to face?

1)Her team was falling apart.

2)The time was tight.

3. How did Lang Ping deal with these challenges?

She didn’t lose heart and had confidence in her players.

4. What’re the results ? Had they won at last?

Her team won World Champions in 2015 and won Olympic gold in 2016 设计意图:


Step 2 Language features of magazines in this part

As a player........As a coach..... As a person........” what rhetorical device(修辞手法)does the the author use? Why is it used here? Which rhetorical device(修辞手法) is used?

A. Repetition (重复)

B. Alliteration(头韵)

C. Parallelism(排比)


Step 3 What can we learn from her?

Ask students to discuss this question and use some sentences to show qualities of Lang Ping and then introduce sportsmanship to them.

heart. 1.She was determined and didn’t give up.

2)She had faced difficulties young players could

win if they worked together as a team. 2.She had confidence in herself and her young players;3.She believed that Unity is strength(团结就是力量!).



3.Read the part of Michael Jordan

Step 1 Fill in the mind map and try to retell.


Use the words and phrases below to talk about a living legend in your mind.

Examples: Lang Ping : She brought glory and honour to the country

as both a player and a coach.

She always showed great determination and never lost heart,

proving she is a true champion.



Activity 6 Homework

1.Find more information on the Internet about your legends

2.Write a composition about your legends



高中英语新教材 必修一 Unit 3 Living Legend 教学设计

Unit 3. Living Legends Teaching aims: 1.Learn new words and phrases related to “sports and fitness”. 2.Analyse the reading material “living legends” in detail and comprehend the theme. 3.Talk about favorite athletes. Teaching Procedures: ◎Step 1: Warming-up 1.Play a two-minute video about Michael Jordan. 2.Ask some questions based on the video so as to preview some key words and expressions in this unit (master, championship, set a good example, Air Jordan). ◎Step 2: Lead-in 1.Briefly introduce the other athlete in the text. 2.Ask two questions: What do they have in common? Why are they called “living legends”? (These questions will be asked again.) ◎Step 3: Read for details https://www.docsj.com/doc/ab19221296.html,ng Ping Ask the following questions: 1). What are Lang Ping's achievements? (As a player, a coach and a person) 2). How was Lang Ping's determination tested in the 2015 World Cup? 3). How does the writer introduce Lang Ping? (Achievement; Story as a coach) 4). Why does the writer choose to tell a story of Lang Ping being a coach rather than a player or a person? 2.Michael Jordan Ask the following question: What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean? (Explain the nickname “Air Jordan”) ◎Step 4: Compare the writing structures Ask the following questions: 1. How does the writer introduce Michael Jordan? Ask the questions again: 1. What do they have in common? ◎Step 6: Activity Think about who would you choose as another “living legend”? Use some key words and phrases from the text to describe him/her. (Guidance: Name, Nationality, Sport, Achievements, Good qualities)


人教版必修一第三单元Sports and Fitness-Living legends 教学设计 一、文本分析 该部分的活动主题是“选择你最喜欢的运动员”。某杂志请读者来信选出自己心目中的“体育界的活传奇”。本文介绍了两个传奇人物郎平和乔丹。这一中一外、一男一女不仅在体育方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,还有很多闪光的个人特质和魅力。第一部分以独特的语言形式介绍了郎平,主要从人物功绩,面临困难,迎头而上,最终荣获奥运金牌。第二篇介绍了“飞人”乔丹,主要从精湛的技巧,永不停止尝试的精神力量,乔丹本人坚守的信念,及其成功后乔丹分享成功等几个方面逐一介绍。学生不仅崇拜他们,而且从这些模范身上学到了很多人生哲理。重点词汇master, captain, determination, graceful, honor glory, failure, fall apart, lose heart, give up主要涉及体育传奇人物的身份、荣誉及其面临的困难时的态度。 本文的价值取向在于学生通过本文的学习,体会到“健康向上,不懈奋斗,团结协作”的体育精神,通过文本的梳理,人物的比对分析形成正确living legends 的评判标准。旨在培养学生理性思考和客观评判的思维品质。 二、学情分析 本班学生为高一.一班。英语基础一般,学习态度端正。学生刚刚开始进入高中学习,学习的积极性和热情都很高,但大多数学生获取细节信息的能力一般,只有部分学生能用英语表达。在逻辑推理,分析比对,总结概括评价等方面的能力较欠缺。此外学生虽然对体育话题比较熟悉,但是本文两个人物学生不是特别了解,尤其迈克尔乔丹在2003年已退役的。学生对他们的新闻了解较少。高一的学生从初中到高中的学习会遇到很多的挑战,这一话题在必修一第一单元中有所学习。但面临如此多的挑战,如何解决困难呢?老师们在教学的过程中有所提及。但本单元让他们通过榜样的力量让孩子们在学习生活中,养成不畏艰难,团结协作的精神,并积极乐观的生活。 三、教学目标 1. To study some expressions to describe sports athletes 2. To learn some excellent qualities of some famous athletes 3. To know language features of magazines 4. To get to know and understand sportsmanship 四、教学重难点 1.Master some expressions to describe sports athletes. 2.learn how to predict and analyse the basic structure of the text. the qualities of the living legends through further reading. 3.How to let students know and understand sportsmanship. 五、教学工具 Multimedia, Blackboard, Chalk 六、教学过程 Activity 1 Lead-in Play and guess. Use your body language to show what your favorite sports are and

必修Unit3 一阅读课教学设计

阅读语篇教学设计Living Legends 主题语境:人与社会——体育精神 语篇类型:杂志文章(其他语篇类别)——人物介绍 教材:人教版(2019版) 课题:必修一Unit 3 Living Legends (Reading) 授课时长:两课时(每课时40分钟) 语篇分析 从单元角度而言,本单元的主题是Sports and Fitness,本课属于Reading and Thinking板块,此前学生已经通过Listening and Speaking板块积累了与体育项目、体育赛事相关的词汇和背景知识,本课主要是关于体育人物和体育精神的学习和思考,为随后的Listening and Talking板块作铺垫。 在体裁方面,本文属于杂志文章中的人物介绍,体裁特征明显,由精美插图、标题、小标题、引领段、正文、页面角落附加段组成;标题“Living Legends”使用了头韵吸引眼球。 在选材内容方面,本文的引领段提供了活动情境,即某杂志社请读者来信推选自己心目中的“体育界的在世传奇”,并列出了两条标准:一是“masters in their sports”, 二是“set good examples for others”。正文围绕这两条标准展开,分别用一个段落(各约150词)介绍两位体育界的在世传奇:郎平和乔丹,体现严密的行文逻辑。虽然两人在国籍、种族、肤色、性别、领域、为谁而战等方面存在差异,但都在体育方面

取得令人瞩目的成就,在做人和做事方面都是“模范”。其中,对郎平的介绍采用的“总-分”结构,先概述郎平作为“player”,“coach”和“person”的身份分别取得的成就,再以“2015 World Cup”和“2016 Olympics”的事例详略得当地描述她的团队精神、领导才能和迎难而上的决心。对乔丹的介绍首先是场景描写和“Air Jordan”对篮球的影响,表现了乔丹的高超球技。然后以过渡句承上启下,引出乔丹的精神力量:坚持不懈、从失败中学习。最后介绍乔丹对公益事业的贡献:分享成功经验、成立慈善机构帮助年轻人。 在语言表达方面,本文使用了排比、举例子、作对比、描述性的语言、比喻、拟人、直接引语、间接引语等手段,生动、形象、具体地描述了事实信息并反映了人物的性格和精神品质,使人印象深刻。“总-分”结构和过渡句的使用使得文章条理清晰,更好地表达主题意义。 学情分析 本班学生属于珠海市的优秀生源,整体外向、思维活跃,学习态度认真,充满学习热情。大部分学生英语基础较好,在篇章阅读时有一定的获取信息的能力,但梳理整合信息的能力较弱,对语篇的深度文本解读能力偏弱,用英语表达观点的能力也有待提高。 在相关知识储备方面,大部分学生对郎平和乔丹这两名“体育明星”的了解仅停留在郎平作为排球队员和教练的身份、乔丹作为篮球球员的身份、两人的“昵称”,并不清楚知道两人的事迹和精神品质。这是“追星”学生当中的普遍现象。此外,学生已经在本单元听说板块学习中积累了关于体育赛事和体育运动的词汇和知识、学习了附加疑问句的语音知识。

高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Period2 Reading and Thinking Living Legends优秀教学设计

Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Period 2 Reading and ThinkingLiving Legends 教学设计 教材分析 This lesson focuses on the discourse analysis of its organization and features. Through the questions, the students are guided to sort out why Lang Ping and Jordan are masters and what role models they set. On this basis, the students are allowed to use the language they have learned to talk about the sports stars in their minds. 教学目标与核心素养 1. Read quickly to get basic information about Lang Ping and Jordan; read deeply to understand why they can be called sports legends. 2. Understand the meaning of some languages in the context of the text through question guidance, such as "time seems to stand still, graceful" and so on. 3. Read and clarify the context of each part of the text, learning how to talk and write sports legends. 4. Through comparative analysis, we can form the criteria for judging the legendary figures and learn to choose the legendary sports stars we like. 教学重难点 1.Get basic information about Lang Ping and Jordan; read deeply

高中英语人教版必修一Unit3 Living Legends教案

《Living Legends》教学设计 Teaching Objectives: 1.Students can learn to get information through reading with the help of mind maps and analysis forms. 2.Students can learn the way of expressing their own opinions and how to support the ideas in both speaking and writing. 3.Students can know the qualities of great/influential people. Focuses and Difficulties: 1.To make sure the students understand the structure of an essay in which opinions are expressed. 2.To make the students use the qualities they learned in the class to describe people they admire. Teaching Preparations: Multi-media, videos, worksheets 教学环节Steps 教师指导与学生活动 Teaching Activities 设计意图 Intention 1. Lead-in 2. Fast Reading 1. Lead-in 1. Teacher plays a video clip of the film (). 2. Questions &Answers T:Have you watched this movie? Ss: Not yet. T: I know you are busy, but you must have heard of it, right? Ss: Yes! T: Yeah, it has been such a great hit! Why it is so popular? S1: Because it shows the spirit of Chinese people. S2: Becuase of the main character Lang Ping has a lot of fans! T: Yes! Lang Ping is very influential! Do you know there is a magazine trying to select the greatest athletes as living legends? Now let’s go and have a look! 2. Fast Reading 利用热点话题,激 发学习兴趣,创设 情境讨论,让学生 思考到主人翁郎 平作为一个体育 界的领袖人物所 带来的影响,从而 引入到课文学习 中。 通过快速阅读,让


《Unit 3 Sports and Fitness》单元教案 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Period 1 Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking 【教材分析】 In this period, the theme is “sports and health”. Students will have a general understanding of how to invite a friend to a sports event and voice one’s own opinions about sportsmanship by listening and ultimately can form a healthy lifestyle and good attitudes towards sports. Listening and Speaking introduces the topic of sports events with posters advertising them, along with related vocabulary and grammar, and is a warm-up for the activities which follows. Listening and Talking introduces idea of sportsmanship by listening to a conversation, matching speakers’ opinions and giving and discussing one’s own opinions. 【教学目标与核心素养】 1.Instruct students to get main facts by listening and motivate them to talk about the topics about how to invite a friend to a sports event ,voice one’s own opinions about sportsmanship by listening. 2.Develop students’sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability. 3.Develop students’different listening skills to solve different listening comprehensive problems. 【教学重难点】 1.Teach students how to focus on key words, not on single words or grammar. 2.Prompt Ss to talk about the related topics, such as how to invite a friend to a sports event and voice one’s own opinions about sportsmanship. 【教学过程】


教学案例 必修一unit3 sports and fitness Living Legends 本节课是关于人与自我,人与社会的主题内容。主题是“选择你最喜欢的运动员”(Choose your favourite athlete)。文本提供了活动的情境,即某杂志社请读者来信选举自己心目中的“体育界的活传奇”(Living Legends of Sports)。要求学生在理解语篇信息的基础上,总结评选标准,推荐自己心目中的体育明星,并给出推荐的理由。该活动旨在培养学生理性思考和客观评判的思维品质。 一、教学指导思想: 北师大著名专家郭华教授说:“深度学习是指在教师引领下,学生围绕着具有挑战性的学习主题,全身心积极参与、体验成功、获得发展的有意义的学习过程。”本课题重在研究学生实现深度学习必备的学习经验是什么?如何引导学生去学习?用什么方法指导最有效?怎样设计具有挑战性的学习,才能使学生全身心积极参与课堂活动,自主探究、合作探究和评价与自我评价等,促使学生在知识、技能、思维和情感态度的提升,目的是促进学生深度学习,真正激发学生学习的内在动机,乐于学习、终身学习。真正培养学生英语核心素养。 二、教学背景分析: 以《普通高中英语课程标准》的内容“重视以学科大概念为核心,使课程内容结构化,以主题为引领,使课程内容情境化。”选取人教新版高中英语必修一unit3 sports and fitness为例,主题内容关于人与自我,人与社会。以运动和健康为主题,从不同方面说明运动除了竞赛的目的,更多的还是为了身心的健康。年轻人参加运动不仅能强身健体,还可以锻炼意志和耐力,学会与人合作,学会承受压力和失败,学会挑战自己的极限。本单元选择了年轻人展跑作为主题图,体现出一种奋进向上以及“生命在于运动”的积极意义。引导学生参与到“全民运动"和“全民健身”活动中。 三、教学内容: 本节阅读课的主题是“选择你最喜欢的运动员”(Choose your favourite athlete)。文本提供了活动的情境,即某杂志社请读者来信选举自己心目中的“体育界的活传奇”(Living Legends of Sports)。要求学生在理解语篇信息

高中英语人教版必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 阅读课教案

Living Legends阅读课教案 1.Teaching Objectives ●Language ability: Students can understand the meaning and master the usage of some words and phrases. ●Learning ability: Students can improve their ability to analyse the structure of the article and learn how to write sports legends. ●Thinking quality objective: Students can realize the importance of sports and do more exercise in their daily life. ●Cultural consciousness objective: Students know famous athletes from different countries and broaden their horizons 2.Teaching Key and Teacning Difficult Point Teaching key points : Students can understand the meaning and master the usage of some words and phrases. Teaching difficult points : Students can improve their ability to analyse the structure of the article and learn how to write sports legends. 3.Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in (5 minutes) ●Show the students some pictures of famous athletes and ask if you know who they are. ●Ask students “Who is your favourite athlete? Why?Could you introduce him/her briefly?”(Justification:this step can attract student’s interest and introduce the topic.)


教学设计 课程基本信息 学科英语年级高一学期秋季课题Unit 3 Sports and fitness (reading and thinking) 教科书书名:普通高中英语教科书英语必修第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社出版日期:2019年6月 教学目标 1.读懂文章,掌握文章大意和细节。 2. 分析文章信息并制作出思维导图。 3. 加深对两位运动传奇的精神的了解思考并表达出自己观点和看法。 教学内容 教学重点: 1.使用阅读技巧,分析文章信息,锻炼学生的语言能力和学习能力。 2.挖掘文章的精神内涵,提升学生的文化品格和思维品质。 教学难点: 1.学生们可能难以找到恰当语言表达自己的观点和态度。 2.学生们可能对阅读技巧不甚熟悉。 教学过程 【学习任务一】Pre-reading引入 Watch a piece of video. Then read the title and predict the content of the text. 【学习任务二】Fast Reading 泛读过程中引入阅读技巧 Task 2 Skim the passage and answer the following questions. Reading skill: Skim means to read the text quickly in order to find the main points. 【学习任务三】Intensive Reading 精读过程中引领学生带着问题读 Task 3. Read the legend of Lang Ping carefully and fill in the blanks. Reading skill: Never read the text before knowing specific questions.

2019人教版高中英语必修一Unit 3 单元整体设计

Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 单元整体设计 本单元的主题为“运动与健康”。运动不仅包括运动竞技场上的激烈角逐,也包含了日常的健身及保健。运动增强人类体质和提高生活质量,学生通过学习和观看体育项目更深刻地了解体育的本质;通过阅读体育杂志,了解体育人物,激发学生的运动热情并深刻理解体育精神;通过聚焦运动的积极作用,增强身心健康。 基于单元整体内容的分析,将教学资源进行整合,形成四个课题(session)。 一、单元整体教学目标 Through learning this unit, students are able to: 1. explore and categorize the sports events around the world; 2. read discourses of famous athletes and analyse their achievements; 3. listen to conversations and view to discuss sportsmanship; 4. compare and connect sports with fitness and create a story of their own. 二、四个课题及各课题涵盖课时 Period 1 Listening and Speaking 教学设计 Activity 1 Pre-listening 1. Students look through the posters and review vocabulary related to sports events. Besides the sports events mentioned in the posters, what other sports or events would you like to watch or try? Do you know something about e-sports or a Blue-Paint run? Activity 2 While-listening Task 1 Extensive listening Based on pre-listening, learn the language of giving invitations and replies. At the same time, predict the content of the listening material and get ready for the listening tasks. Finish Ex. 2 on P36 after the first listen. Task 2 Intensive listening 1. Finish Ex. 3 on P36 after the second listen, and circle the stresses. 2. Listen to conversation 2 and finish Ex. 4 on P37. Activity 3 Post-listening 1. T: Show the discourse of conversation 2 to student, and ask the following questions: What is the purpose of the “Blue Paint” run? Do you want to join the “Blue Paint” run? Why? 2. T: Let students compare their own experience with that of the conversation. S: Think and organize materials to invite and reply to people. What kind of language do you use to invite others? How do we accept or refuse the invitation? 3. Students create new conversations using what they have learned in class. (Refer to Ex. 5 on P37) 4. Understand the function of rising tone and falling tone through Pronuncia tion and focus on “Tag questions”. Activity 4 Homework Make a conversation on inviting your friend to an event. Period 2 Discovering Useful Structures 教学设计 Activity 1 Situational study Read conversations in Ex. 1 on P40, and underline the tag questions.


Teaching and Learning Design 人教社2019年版高中英语新教材Book1 Book 1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 单元语篇教学设计 单元语篇课时教学设计 Period 2 Teaching and learning contents: Reading and thinking—Reading prehension prehensive teaching and learning objectives: By the end of this period, the students will have been able to: 1) Read and prehend the reading text to learn about two living legends by skimming the text to find out the main idea of the text, grasping the main content of the text and analysing the text structure; (Language petence + Cultural awareness) 2) To master and use the vocabulary of excellent athletes’ quality and to talk about the “Living Legends of Sports”; (Learning ability + Language petence) 3) Think and talk about their own challenges, feelings and solutions in high school. (Language petence + Thinking quality) 3) Reflect on passages, to form and discuss opinions about successful athletes, and choose other suitable examples to pare in the discussion; (Learning ability + Cultural awareness) Teaching and learning important points: 1) Reading prehension of the text; 2) Activating students’ own knowledge of famous athletes, inspiring their interest to discover more, and learning the good qualities from the two legends. Teaching and learning difficult points: Reading prehension of the text by using some reading strategies such as making predictions. Teaching and learning procedures: Step 1 Review Activity 1 Review Review the main contents of the previous period including the content of the listening conversations, the new words, chunks and expressions. Step 2 Prereading


M1 Unit3 Sports and Fitness Reading: Living Legends Motto: Life is like a river, movement against the moldy. 生命像河流,运动防腐臭。 I. Learning aims 1. To read about famous athletes at home and abroad. 2. To talk about the “Living Legends of Sports”. II. Learning guidance and tests Tests Learning guidance 1.Lead-in 1.Do you like sports? Who are your favourite athletes? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Skimming 1.Look at the titles and pictures on the book. What do you think the text is about? _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Where is the text probably taken from? A. A tour brochure B. A story book 3.Scanning Task 1. True or False ( )1. Lang Ping is successful both as a player and as a coach. ( )2. The captain of Lang Ping’s team had to leave because she was badly injured. ( )3. Lang Ping’ team won the champion of the 2016 World Cup. ( )4. Jordon succeeded because he learned from failures. ( )5. Jordon started the Boys and Girls Club to help young people. Task 2. Multiple choice ( )1. How was Lang Ping's determination tested in the 2015 World Cup? A. One of the best players had been injured. B. The team captain had to leave because of heart problems. C. The volleyball team she had built was falling apart. D. Lang Ping lost her heart. ( )2. It can be inferred from the passage that Lang Ping is a ________ person. A. stubborn B. determined

人教版高中英语新教材Unit 3 Living Legends 教学设计

Unit 3: Living Legends第1课时教学设计 一、教学内容 本课时着眼于文本的信息梳理和整体理解,通过问题引导学生梳理为什么郎平和乔丹是masters,他们树立了什么样的榜样,在此基础上让学生运用所学语言谈论自己心目中的体育明星。 二、课时目标 1. 快速阅读获取有关郎平和乔丹的基本信息;深入阅读理解为什么他们能称为体育传奇人物。 2. 通过问题引导,在文本的语境中理解一些语言的含意,例如,“time seemed to stand still, graceful”等。 3. 阅读并理清正文每部分的脉络,初步感知如何写体育传奇人物。 4. 通过对比分析,形成传奇人物的评判标准,学会选择自己喜欢的传奇体育明星。 三、教学过程 Activity 1 Activating background information about sports stars 本活动为实现课时教学目标1作铺垫。 1. Talk about favorite sports stars with given pictures. Q1: Who are your favorite sports player? Q2: Do you like him/her? Why? 2. Talk about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan. Q1: What do you know about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan? Q2: What else do you want to know about them? [设计意图] 借助图片,由学生谈论自己喜爱的体育明星入手,引出主题背景,激活学生已知信息,并引导自主提问,形成阅读期待。 Activity 2: Reading to get related information about the two sports star 本活动旨在通过快速阅读落实课时教学目标1。 1. Read quickly to answer students’ own questions and the following questions. Q1: What contributions did Lang Ping make in volleyball? Q2: What contributions did Michael Jordan make in basketball? Q3: What’s special about Michael Jordan in his life? 2. Discuss answers and deal with some new words. [设计意图] 学生自主提问和教师提问引导相结合,在兴趣及问题的引领下进行整体阅读,读后师生共同讨论问题的答案,教师适时处理部分生词,获取文本有关郎平和乔丹的信息。

高中英语_Unit 3 Living Legends教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Unit 3 Living Legends教学设计 一、教学内容 本节课的主题是“选择你最喜欢的运动员”,文本提供了活动的情境,即某杂志社请读者来信选举自己心目中的体育界的传奇,要求学生着眼于杂志文章语篇信息理解,通过问题引导学生梳理为什么郎平和乔丹是masters,他们树立了什么样的榜样,在此基础上让学生总结评选标准推荐自己心目中的传奇人物,并给出推荐的理由,并运用所学语言谈论自己心目中的传奇人物。 二、课时目标 1. 通过文章的图片,标题及副标题,猜测语篇的主旨大意并通过语篇结构猜测文本类型。 2. 通过速度查读细读,及对比阅读,获取有关郎平和乔丹的成就;并深入阅读理解传奇人物的标准和品质。 3. 阅读并理清语篇每部分的脉络,初步感知如何谈论或写作传奇人物。 4. 通过中外语言对比,在文本的语境中理解语篇的语言手段,例如,排比,拟人,引言等。 5. 通过语篇话题的词块语言输入及本节课形成的传奇人物评判标准,学会选择并分享自己的传奇人物。 三、教学过程 Activity 1 Activate background information about legends. 本活动为学生扫清词汇障碍,并阐释legends真正含义,实现课时教学目标5作铺垫。 1. Talk about legends based on title. Q1: What does legend mean? Q2: What kind of people can be legends? [设计意图]从标题入手,学生阐释legends真正含义,引出主题背景,激活学生已知信息,并引导自主提问,形成阅读期待。 Activity 2: Read to predict. 本活动旨在通过指导阅读前猜测的技能,落实课时教学目标1。 1. What is the text mainly about?

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