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等到老托福听力材料已经能听懂80%,就可以提高难度了。作为面向外国人的英语能力测试,老托福的语速、连读情况和真正美国人说话自然还是有差别。而在老托福的听力材料之后,我就直接强迫自己听VOA standard。这个跨度很大,主要是因为我没能找到难度居于两者之间的听力材料。VOA的语速已经比新托福考试要快了,但其价值也正是如此。所谓“求其上上得其上”,如果把VOA都能听懂,还怕托福听力吗?但果不其然,初听VOA时我大脑出现了严重的“罢工”现象,常常没听几分钟就走神了。为了让自己集中注意力,我开始“听说”。下面要重点说一下“听说”。

此“听说”非彼“听说”。我在尝试了几次后最终没有采用,一是因为很耗时间,二是因为过程很枯燥。如果有比较有决心的同学不妨一试。而我采用的方法是“听说”——耳朵听到的英语嘴巴跟着说,哪怕没听懂也尽量模仿那种发音。因为有了大脑的这个反馈过程,这样做能让自己专注于所听的材料,走神现象有了很大的改善。而与“听写” 想比,这种方法花的时间较少,而且由于可以很快地听新内容而不是纠结于某个句子而一再重听,相比之下也没有那么枯燥。

不过我必须承认一点:直到考完托福,我听VOA也是很吃力的。我当时是下载十篇几分钟一段的VOA standard,放到MP3里面反复听。第一遍往往只是听个大概,夸张一点说,就是抱着“寻宝”的态度去听——听着听着发现,“哟,这一句我能听懂唉!” 然而反复听,第二遍,第三遍,第十遍……今天听完明天继续,直到某天发现,这几篇报道的大意自己都明白了,就可以换一批新的了。注意,此时的“听明白”是个幻觉:我们只是能听明白这几篇文章,并不是说已经有听VOA standard的听力水平了。换十篇新的VOA,第一遍依然听得很崩溃。然后再是第二遍,第三遍……然后再换。




我考过两次托福,第一次听力只有20分,第二次听力是30分,而之间只隔了一个月多一点。这一个月里我的英语水平并没有大幅度提高,这10分的差别绝大部分要归结于考试时的心态。记得有位老师讲过,大部分同学第一次考托福是考不好的。他的理由是,之前中国学生的考试都是在纸上完成,第一次真正用电脑答卷,还是这么重要的考试,自然心态会比平时差。(当然,即将第一次考托福的同学也不要泄气,谁说你就不可以成为minority 呢?)我第一次考托福时,尽管准备得挺充分,但仍然很紧张。阅读做完时整个人都已经懵了——事后证明我的紧张很多余,那次托福阅读我拿了满分——再做下面的听力一个劲地在出冷汗,直到中间的10分钟休息,我才调整好状态。




2020托福听力满分攻略 托福听力满分有没有可能?只要认真备考提升听力能力,托福听力拿满分是非常有可能的。今天小编给大家带来了托福听力满分攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福听力满分攻略 三遍听写法听写练习 是指听写。将一篇听力录音中的原文全部听录下来,它是提高听力有效的方法。对于准备新托福考试的考生而言,比较好的听写材料是老托福的lecture。基础比较薄弱的学生,可以先花一个月的时间将新概念第二和第三册的美英版听写完,然后再来听写老托福的lecture。 创造全英语听力环境 是指“下意识的听力练习”。它是指为自己创造一个英文的环境,比如早晨一起床,我们就打开音箱播放英语,可以是托福的听力材料,可以是英文广播,也可以是一部英文电影等,这样做的好处是随时都可以听到英语,在潜移默化中不知不觉地加深对英语的敏感度。其实这点和泛听有点类似。 精听练习必不可少 是指精听。我们这里所说的“精听”步骤如下:一边听一边看原文,划出自己不认识或似曾相识但反应不过来的词;录音结束,开始查生词,写在原文的旁边,只要写出这个单词在这篇文章中的意思即可;将这篇材料当阅读文章快速精读一遍,彻底看懂;再一边看原文,一边放录音,嘴上要跟读,反复几遍,一直听到可以不看原文彻底听懂为止。精听材料有很多,推荐SSS(Scientific American’s Sixty-second Science),它非常短,但信息量很大,更重要的是,它是新托福听力出题的重要来源。 多做延伸听力练习 是指高质量的泛听。泛听的“泛”并不指态度的懒散,而是针对整体的要求。我认为泛听的材料有两个:一个是National Geographic(国家地理频道),另一个是Discovery(探索)。看的时候一定要有英文字幕。每天看,养成习惯,会有很大收获。虽然有些考生认为泛听没有效果,关键开始因人而异,找到适合考生自己的听力训练方法,自然事半功倍。


托福TPO5综合写作阅读+听力原文+满分范文 【雷哥托福整理】 在备考托福写作的过程中,总是将托福的独立作文放在了第一位,但是实际上,综合作文也是占到了作文总分30分里面的50%的分值,不要等到分数出来了,才发现其实是综合作文的limited或者fair极大的影响了自己的分数。 考过的同学会发现托福综合作文分数不高,很大程度上是受我们听力实力的影响,我们很多托福考生的听力分数只有16分上下的时候,对于托福综合作文的听力妥妥的是束手无策,而且很多托福考生还感觉自己都听懂了,那也只能说明你听懂了大意,但是听力里面要的是每一个细节!请注意,是每一个细节! 雷哥托福小托君给大家分享TPO1-33综合作文部分的阅读和听力文本全集与综合作文的满分作文,以及满分作文的解析。如果自己的托福综合作文分数如果可以很给力的话,就已经搞定了15分的分数,可极大地缓解托福独立作文的压力。文末教你如何使用这个材料。 TPO5 综合写作听力+阅读原文 Reading As early as the twelfth century A.D., the settlements of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico in the American Southwest were notable for their "great houses," massive stone buildings that contain hundreds of rooms and often stand three or four stories high. Archaeologists have been trying to determine how the buildings were used. While there is still no universally agreed upon explanation, there are three competing theories. One theory holds that the Chaco structures were purely residential, with each housing hundreds of people. Supporters of this theory have interpreted Chaco great houses as earlier versions of the architecture seen in more recent Southwest societies. In particular, the Chaco houses appear strikingly similar to the large, well-known "apartment buildings" at Taos, New Mexico, in which many people have been living for centuries.


?????aá?°??ú′ó?ò??D§±???íD?££??a′ó?ò′?à′íD?£TPO46×?o?D′×÷???á?-??+ìyá|?-??+?ú·?·???£??£í???′ó?ò±???óD?ù°??ú?£ ????íD?£TPO46×?o?D′×÷???á?-????±?£o ????In the United States, medical information about patients traditionally has been recorded and stored on paper forms. However, there are efforts to persuade doctors to adopt electronic medical record systems in which information about patients is stored in electronic databases rather than on paper. It is argued that storing patients' medical records in electronic databases has several advantages over traditional paper-based record keeping. Reducing Costs First, the use of electronic records can help reduce costs by saving money on storing and transferring medical records. While paper records require a significant amount of storage space, electronic medical records take up virtually no space. Moreover, by having patients' records computerized in databases, doctors can easily access the records from almost anywhere and can easily duplicate and transfer them when necessary. This costs much less than copying, faxing, or transporting paper records from one location to another. Preventing Errors Second, electronic medical records are crucial to reducing the chances of medical errors. Illegible handwriting, improper transcription of data, and nonstandard organization of paper records have caused errors that in some cases have had serious consequences for the patients' health. In contrast, electronic records are associated with standardization of forms and legible computer fonts and thus minimize the possibility of human error. Aiding Research Third, electronic medical records can greatly aid medical research by making it possible to gather large amounts of data from patient records. It is often impractical, impossible, or prohibitively expensive to manually go through thousands of patients?ˉ paper records housed in doctors' offices. However, with the existence of electronic medical records, it would be simple to draw out the needed information from the medical databases because the databases are already formatted for data collection. Once in the electronic system, the records could be accessed from any research location. ????íD?£TPO46×?o?D′×÷ìyá|?-????±?£o ????The benefits claimed for electronic medical records are actually every uncertain. ????First, the costs savings are unlikely be as significant as the reading suggests. For example, there probably won't be any savings related to record storage. You see, doctors who adopt electronic records usually don't throw out or discontinue the paper records. They keep the paper records as an emergency backup or because the paper originals with signatures are needed for legal reasons. So as a result, most doctors who adopt electronic record keeping still have to pay storage costs associated with paper-based record keeping. ????Second, electronic medical records cannot eliminate the possibility of errors


托福114分:听力阅读双满分 Ada高考英语102(满分120),在读大二学生,本科学校非常一般。四级570左右,英语水平不算很好,最多中等偏上,而且经过了一年多的大学生活,退步了不少。高二的时候准备过两个多月的雅思,但是基本已经忘光了。但就是这样,Ada却在短短的55天内使自己的英语水平实现了完美的蜕变,取得了让人惊羡的成绩:114分(听力30分+阅读30分+写作28分+口语26分)。 攻克单词 Ada在托福上课的时候,已经背完了单词。她背单词的习惯是每天定两个list。在美加本科托福时,她每天晚上都会上针对听力和单词开设的综合课,老师都会“督促”他们听写、默写,背诵单词,效率比较高。而且,老师课上会讲很多背诵单词的技巧和方法,这帮助她更好地记住单词。 词汇这个东西如果不复习,忘的比记的快,所以一定要复习。于是Ada养成了这样的习惯,每晚睡觉前过一遍,不求记住,但求看过,第二天早晨认认真真地背,背到看到单词一秒反应出中文为止,中午再巩固一遍,晚上默单词前复习一遍,默完再复习一遍,第二天一早背新单词前再看一遍,每周末对这一周背的所有单词总复习一次。她还给出了一些技巧,屡试不爽,在准备这些应用词汇的时候,要学会同义词和近义词联想,尤其是一些形容词和动词,这样积累起来就非常快了。 紧凑学习 Ada在美加本科TOEFL(冲100分)时的学习作息表,非常紧凑,但Ada却十分感谢这一次的紧凑的学习之旅,也很感谢这样浓浓的学习氛围。 备考书目 Ada根据个人经验推荐了几本很实用的参考书,并且详细介绍了每一本的使用价值,他们分别是:OG,小马过河托福专项进阶高级系列听说读写全四本,TPO。 OG:这本书绝对是必不可少的,是官方给出的关于评分标准,考试方向,考察目的等的最权威的指导,一定要吃透。而且Ada还建议大家可以好好利用后面的两套模考卷。 专项进阶:在听力方面,Ada给的建议是着重于后面的听力原文,用它来练习笔记。而且它的原文难度有的甚至比TPO还要难,如果把这后面的文章里的单词都搞定,托福听力的单词基本没什么问题了。口语方面,是按照Task来出的,每个Task共十个单元,每单元一道题,第一和第二个TaskAda主要是用机经来练习的,但是后面四个Task,除了上课练习


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO29口语Task4阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO29口语Task4阅读文本: Scatter Hoarding Many animals live in environments where food is plentiful during certain times of the year and scarce during other times of the year. In such environments, some animals collect and prepare food when it is plentiful, then hoard it – store it – for future use. Some types of hoarders engage in scatter hoarding. Unlike other types of hoarders, scatter hoarders do not store the food all in once place; instead, they scatter it – divide it up and hide it in many different places. Later, at a time when food is scarce, the hoarders return to these hiding places and recover the food. 托福TPO29口语Task4听力文本: Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a biology class. (male professor) OK, so we sometimes see this with animals that live in parts of the world where it gets very cold in the winter. For example, in the northeaster United States, there's a species of squirrels that does this. This squirrel, like many species of squirrel, loves to eat nuts. Nuts are one its primary sources of food. Now, nuts are very difficult to find in the winter. But in the autumn, they are lying all over the place because that's when they fall from the trees.So, what this squirrel does is in the autumn it spends a lot of time finding nuts. After it finds a nut, it prepares it. It takes off the outer shell and cleans it. This preparation may in some way help preserve the nut and or may make it easier to eat later on. The squirrel then digs a little hole in the ground and buries the nut. In one autumn, this squirrel may bury hundreds of nuts.But it doesn't just dig a big hole and put all the nuts in it and cover them up. No, it digs hundreds of holes all over the place. And it puts just one nut in each hole. Now, why would it do that? Well, probably primarily because even if other animals happen to find some of the holes, some of the nuts, the squirrel will still have a lot of other holes with nuts in them so it’ll still have enough food to survive the winter. 托福TPO29口语Task4题目: Explain how the example from the professor’s lecture illustrate the practice of scatter hoarding. 托福TPO29口语Task4满分范文: Animals usually hoard some food for the time when there's no food. And some animals


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO12综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO12综合写作阅读原文文本: Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most famous of all English novelists, and today her novels are more popular than ever, with several recently adapted as Hollywood movies. But we do not have many records of what she looked like. For a long time, the only accepted image of Austen was an amateur sketch of an adult Austen made by her sister Cassandra. However recently a professionally painted, full-length portrait of a teenage girl owned by a member of the Austen family has come up for sale. Although the professional painting is not titled Jane Austen, there are good reasons to believe she is the subject. First, in 1882, several decades after Austen's death, Austen's family gave permission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition of her letters. Austen's family clearly recognized it as a portrait of the author. So, for over a century now, the Austen family itself has endorsed the claim that the girl in the portrait is Jane Austen. Second, the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in Cassandra's sketch, which we know depicts Austen. Though somewhat amateurish, the sketch communicates definite details about Austen's face. Even though the Cassandra sketch is of an adult Jane Austen, the features are still similar to those of the teenage girl in the painting. The eyebrows, nose, mouth, and overall shape of the face are very much like those in the full-length portrait. Third, although the painting is unsigned and undated, there is evidence that it was painted when Austen was a teenager. The style links it to Ozias Humphrey, a society portrait painter who was the kind of professional the wealthy Austen family would hire. Humphrey was active in the late 1780s and early 1790s, exactly the period when Jane Austen was the age of the girl in the painting. 托福TPO12综合写作听力原文文本: Professor:The evidence linking this portrait to Jane Austen is not at all convincing. Sure, the painting has long been somewhat loosely connected to Austen's extended family and their descendants, but this hardly proves it's a portrait of Jane Austen as a teenager. The reading's arguments that the portrait is of Austen are questionable at best.First, when the portrait was authorized for use in the 1882 publication of her letters, Jane Austen had been dead for almost 70 years. So the family members who asserted that the painting was Jane had never actually seen her themselves. They couldn't have known for certain if the portrait was of Austen or not.Second, the portrait could very well be that of a relative of Austen's, a fact that would explain the resemblance between its subject and that of Cassandra's sketch. The extended Austen family was very large and many of Jane Austen's female cousins were teenagers in the relevant period or had children who were teenagers. And some of these teenage girls could have resembled Jane Austen. In fact, many experts believe that the truesubject of the portrait was one of those relatives, Marianne Kempian,


2019年托福听力讲座部分篇章结构之总分结构解题技 巧 托福听力,作为整场托福考试中耗时最长,强度的部分,一直是 所有考生出国留学征程上的拦路虎之一。面对无论是相对接地气的对 话部分(Conversation),还是绝对高大上的讲座部分(Lecture),一个 个学霸们都会肃然起敬,一片片学渣们更是闻风丧胆。以前,大家往 往认为,导致听力部分困难的原因是陌生词汇多,材料不熟悉。不管 是讲座部分涵盖的艺术人文(绘画/音乐/舞蹈/电影/雕塑/建筑),自然 科学(天文/地质/环境/生态),生命科学(动物/植物/微生物/基因), 社会科学(历史/政治/商业/心理/语言),还是学术场景类对话(论文/ 考试/办公室答疑),甚至是在最简单的生活场景类对话(图书馆/食堂/ 选课/就业)中,都有可能出现考生之前没有接触过的知识和情景。不过,这其实并不是最重要的原因,因为大家在完成托福阅读部分的时候,同样会遇到完全陌生的信息,却依然能够回去查看原文,通过考 点在文章中的定位来协助解题。而在听力部分中,考生却没有机会再 回去听力材料中寻找,因而必须在首次接触的时候,就搞清篇章结构,以便解题。 而且大家也都知道,托福中听力水平的测试,不但是通过听力部 分来实现的,也通过四道综合口语题,以及一道综合写作题来间接考查。不过万幸的是,托福口语后四道题中各自对应的那四篇听力材料,每一篇都有自己固定的结构,而托福综合写作里那段听力材料的结构 则更是千篇一律的三段式,所以考生相对来说还是比较容易把握。而 真正的听力部分中,结构还是比较多样化,不过即便这样,我们还是 能够将所有的文章划分成几种类型。下面,我们就具体来聊聊如何通 过一些关键的字词,来识别听力文章的结构,从而协助我们解题。 通常情况下,一次考试会有两个听力正题部分(Section),每个部 分包含一篇对话和两篇讲座。也就是说,每次考试中我们会有遇到两 篇计分的对话,和四篇计分的讲座。其中,所有的讲座结构又能够被


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO49综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO49综合写作阅读原文文本: Like many creatures, humpback whales migrate long distances for feeding and mating purposes. How animals manage to migrate long distances is often puzzling. In the case of humpback whales, we may have found the answer: they may be navigating by the stars, much as early human sailors did. What we know about humpback whales makes this a distinct possibility. First, humpback whales seem to be intelligent enough to use stars to navigate by. Whales' brains have a high degree of complexity--a common determiner of intelligence. This suggests that the whales' brain power far exceeds that of most other animals. The whales' well-developed cognitive ability seems to provide a sound basis for the ability to use a complex, abstract system of sensory stimuli such as the night sky for orientation. Second, humpback whales migrate in straight lines. Animals can maintain movement in a straight direction for long distances only if they orient themselves by some external objects or forces. Many birds and other terrestrial creatures, for example, use physical landmarks to help them stay on track as they migrate. Whales, which swim in the open ocean, cannot rely on land features; they could, however, rely on stars at night to provide them with external signs by which to maintain direction over long distances. Third, humpback whales exhibit an unusual behavior: they are sometimes observed floating straight up for minutes at a time, their heads above the water as though they were looking upward. The behavior is known as spy-hopping, and it is very rare among marine animals. One explanation for the function of spy-hopping is that the whales are looking at the stars, which are providing them with information to navigate by. 托福TPO49综合写作听力原文文本: Professor: The theory that humpback whales use the stars to navigate the open seas is a fascinating one, but the evidence supporting the theory is not very convincing. First, there doesn’t seem to be any real connection between intelligence and an animal's ability to use stars for navigation. You know, there are other animals that use stars to navigate. Some birds have this ability, like ducks for example. Now the general cognitive ability of ducks is only average. They are not highly intelligent. The fact that the ducks evolved the ability to use stars for navigation does not seem to have much of a connection to their overall intelligence. It's just an instinct they were born with, not a sign of intelligence. So the fact that humpback whales happen to be intelligent does not make them particularly likely to use stars for navigation. The two things just don't seem to be connected. Second, there may be a different explanation for the humpback whale’s ability


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO21口语Task6听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO21口语Task6听力文本: Listen to a part of a lecture from a history class. The professor is talking about the Industrial Revolution. (female professor) Back in the18th century, in a time known as the Industrial Revolution, some countries, well, England in particular, started using new technology, like steam-powered machines to produce goods. And the use of these machines brought about some significant changes. Let's go over two main changes that occurred.One change was that the center of production moved from homes to factories. Um, let's take fabric, or cloth, as an example. Historically, for a very long time, people had made cloth by hand in their homes, earning a little money from their home-based cloth production. But then these new steam-powered machines for weaving cloth were invented and placed in factories, and these machines could weave cloth much more quickly and efficiently. So there wasn't any reason to keep making cloth slowly in homes when it could be made faster on factory machines. Thus the majority of cloth productions shifted from home-based businesses to factory production. Another result of the new technology is that cities started forming around factories, like let’s say there was a cloth factor y that was built in a certain small village. Now, of course, the factor y needed workers to operate the machines used in cloth production. So the factory would hire a lot of rural workers who would then move from the country side to the village. So instead of spreading all over the country side, the workers started to congregate in the village with the factory. As a result, the village got bigger and bigger and eventually grew to a city. 托福TPO21口语Task6题目: Using points and examples from the talk, describe two changes that occurred after machines began to be used for manufacturing goods. 托福TPO21口语Task6满分范文: The first change was that the manufacturing center has shifted from home to factory. Before the invention of machine, people made their product, like fabric cloth, by hand at home, which was slow and not very efficient. However, when the machine was introduced, it was faster and it could wave cloth more quickly and efficiently, so factories soon replaced the home-based production businesses and became the center of production. Another result is that cities began to form around factories. When a factory was built in a village, it would need workers to operate the cloth machine. So the farmers who used to live in the countryside then would have to move to the village. And they started to congregate there. As a result,the village


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO24口语Task6听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO24口语Task6听力文本: Listen to part of a lecture in a literature class. (female professor) Authors of fiction, um, short stories and novels, of course have many decisions to make when they're writing their works. One of those decisions is how they are going to narrate or tell the story. What perspective or what point of view the story would be told from? So, authors need to choose a type of narrator, some person or voice to tell the story. And this narrator can affect the readers' experience when they read the story.Now, the author might choose to have an objective narrator. An objective narrator can describe what people, the characters in the story, what they do and what they say, but that's about all. So, suppose we have a story, for example, that is about a man and woman about to take a trip. When the story is told by an objective narrator, the only information that we get as readers is what the characters say to each other, what they do. They get on the train, they sit down, they look out the window, that’s all. And this leaves questions that force the reader to interpret the events, to fill in information and decide what the characters’ conversation and actions might mean. Another kind of narrator an author might use is an omniscient narrator. In this case, the narrator, the voice that is telling the story, knows everything, and I mean everything about the characters. So, let’s imagine our same man and woman traveling but described by an omniscient narrator. Not only do we, the readers, know what they do and say, but we also know what they’re thinking. For example, we’re told that the couple is going to visit an old friend of the man ’s and we learn what the man is thinking that he is nervous because he hasn’t seen his friend in a long time, that he is worried if his wife would like the friend. So an omniscient narrator provides more information and answers questions that the reader might have about the characters or the action. 托福TPO24口语Task6题目: Using the examples from the lecture, discuss two types of narrators that an author of fiction might use. 托福TPO24口语Task6满分范文: There're two types of narrator/perspectives of storytelling. The first one is objective narrator, by which the writer only shows what the characters say and what they do, and leaves the rest to the readers to imagine and fill in the information. For example, there's story in which a man and a woman are about to take a trip, and we only know that they get on the train and look out the window, but we have no idea what they're thinking. Objective narrator doesn't provide the information. But by

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