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Is you waste time on me, make me become so precious.


Pictures are of your subject and time. We shot is not the space, it is time. We take the frame is actually the time!


Do you know miss a person's taste, like drinking a large glass of ice water, then use a long time into tears.


Irreversible time, do not insult is personality.


The rest of my original brave time by time, is you give me with no hope of fear.


Always complain that you don't have enough time

to accompany me, but still didn't pay attention to, you are always behind me.


Get into the habit of reading, is equal to the lonely time to exchange for the reserves of gold.


Busiest men find the most time.


Sometimes, feeling like a shy flower, should pass the test of time will not.


If you can have more fits the time, maybe we will be more serious about each other.


When you miss the one you love, especially time will slow.


Of all time, time will take away.


Cherish all the time, for good things, don't do meaningless.


Use time and heart to see people, but not with the eyes.


Time is always the past, let the time bring you trouble!


Success need to cost, time is also a kind of cost, to cherish time is to cost savings.


Give time a little time, let the past in the past, let began to start.


I will hand hat standing on a corner, please passers-by time to burn them into the inside.


The answer is very long, I'm going to use lifetime to answer, are you ready to listen to?


You joke with time, it is very serious to you.


Time is like a net, where are you now, where you will gain.


Rather than take the time to go to with friends and good, it is better to directly to friends.


All human power, is just the mixture of patience and time. The so-called strong, is both a will and can wait.


The depth of the time, is the only thing that got emotional hardness test.


She wouldn't have come here. She stood in two years, the boundless blue.


Others wronged you, if you are right, time will tell you; If you are wrong, time can prove to you.


Youth, let time to drill the holes, and the old burst its Banks and sophisticated.


A: I'm sorry, let our love lost to time, lost to the distance.


Time of sharp teeth gritting can do everything, is powerless against truth.


Immersed in real busy, no time and energy to miss the past, success is not far away.


Time will not pass. Time is our own.


Living life, must be the good situation, don't waste time, do not trouble.


In a dark tunnel through time is too long, the light is closer to a hallucination.


In front of the slot machines, you still have a little chance, in the face of time, no one can win.


Over time, distance, what will be faded.


We watch the time, like keep unknown light in the darkness. On the way of life we always all roads lead to Rome.


Memory is the time to sprinkle ash, into a drop of nectar, brand in mind now.


To prolong the time of day, the most wonderful way is setting from the night to steal in a few hours!


Because god is in the hands of the time and eternity, this two things are people cannot grasp.


At the right time to meet the right person, it is a fairy tale. At the wrong time meet the right person, this is the youth.


In each other for a long period of time after injury and escape, all the intention and outcome is unclear.


The fire burns the skin, heal over time; Words hurt, will always be a scar.


Time past so long, I have not the original me, you or I know you?


Time is a dose of the medicine of the bullying.


Or life is bought, god decided to buy time.


Time does not necessarily living feeling, but must see the heart. Sometimes also fear, time will tell the truth.


Look at the time of deep imprint on one knife in your face, and I could do nothing.


There are three paces of time: the future long overdue, the present is flying like an arrow, the past never stand still.


Time erodes my appearance, but can not change my heart.


Butterfly calculation, not months but moments, and has time enough.


Love this thing, time is the key. Know too early or too late, all not line.


There were no more persuasive than time because time without notice, we can change everything.


All problems are ultimately a matter of time, all the troubles are trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.


In addition to no other property of the wise, time is the only capital.


Spend time on the progress, not complain, this is the secret of success.


Don't sigh for the past time! We are on the way of

life, the best way is to look ahead, not back.


Hesitation is the thief of time.


We are busy, time to wash all the lead China, under the ending of love, how much is left of the past.


Time to straighten up our committed fault, dazed and confused to understand indifferent heart whisper of shallow sing innocent life.


关于家庭的名人名言英语 1、生命因关爱而美丽,人间因感恩而和谐。 Life is beautiful because of love, and the world is harmonious because of gratitude. 2、母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。 Mother is not the person to rely on, but the person to make dependence unnecessary. 3、家,是每个人值得依靠的地方,家是每个孩子成长的摇篮,是每个孩子栖息的港湾。 Home is everyone's place to depend on. Home is the cradle of every child's growth and the harbor where every child lives. 4、家家都有一本难念的经。 Every family has a difficult experience. 5、嫁人不仅是嫁给一个男人,也是嫁给一个家庭。 Marry not only to a man, but also to a family. 6、家庭乃是社会之缩影,事实上,家庭是具有自发维持能力的最小社会。 Family is the epitome of society. In fact, family is the smallest society with self-sustaining ability. 7、治家严,家乃和;居乡恕,乡乃睦。 Rule the family strictly, the family is peaceful; live in the home forgiveness, the home is harmonious. 8、亲人不睦家必败。 If family members do not live in harmony, they will lose. 9、养成教育与终身学习是家教工作永恒的主题。 Nurturing education and lifelong learning are the eternal themes of family education. 10、普通人啊。生在普通家庭,长在普通家庭,一张普通的脸,普通的成绩,想普通的事情。 Ordinary people. Born in an ordinary family, grew up in an ordinary family, an ordinary face, ordinary achievements, think about ordinary things. 11、学前教育更要重视孩子良好习惯的养成。 Pre-school education should pay more attention to the cultivation of children's good habits. 12、家的现代概念是:人从车库里出来后要去的地方。 The modern concept of home is where people go when they come out of the garage. 13、我不想家庭是从说谎开始的,这令人厌恶。 I don't want families to start by lying. It's disgusting. 14、人生即是一个要独立的过程,只有脚踏实地地走,才能留下一条属于自己生命的轨迹。 Life is a process of independence. Only by walking down to earth can


名言警句英文翻译【三篇】 【篇一】 等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。 Such as time, is a waste of time. 好好的管教你自己,不要管别人。 Teach yourself well; do not try to teach others. 人,往往是严于律人,宽以待己。 People, tend to be strict in law of the people, wide view themselves. 快乐是一种心态,不是一种状态。 Happiness is a state of mind, not a state. 贪欲是痛苦之根,淡泊是快乐之源。 Greed is the root of pain, indifferent is the source of happiness. 男人胆大去经商,女人胆大不化妆。 Bold to business men and women bold doesn't make up. 引人进步的是,让人毁灭的是贪欲。 Progress is the, let a person of destruction is greed. 青春之所以幸福,就因为它有前途。 Youth is happy, because it is promising. 用幽默雕塑智慧,用微笑感谢大生。

Wisdom, with humor sculpture thank big with a smile. 水不试不知深浅,人不交不知好歹。 Water not try know depth, people don't pay the unappreciative. 找一颗感恩的心,作一个感恩的人。 Find a grateful heart, as a grateful man. 在时间的大钟上,只有两个字现在。 On the time clock, now only two words. 你的生命你选择,你的选择你负责。 You choose your life, you are responsible for your choice. 我没有好的天分,但我比谁都认真。 I don't have a good talent, but I ratio who all seriously. 青春是美妙的;挥霍青春就是犯罪。 Youth is beautiful; Squandering youth is a crime. 复古永远是一种倒退,而不是进步。 Will always be a step backward restoring ancient ways, rather than progress. 白首壮心驯大海,青春浩气走千山。 Whitehead hero breaking the sea, the youth haoqi qianshan mountain. 只有创造新生活,才能享受新生活。 Only by creating a new life, to enjoy a new life.


21.Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 万物皆有时,时来不可失。 22.Take time when time cometh,lest time steal away. 时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。 23.When an opportunity is neglected,it never comes back to you. 机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。 24.Make hay while the sun shines. 晒草要趁太阳好。 25.Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 26.Work today,for you know not how much you may be hindered tomrrow. 今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。 27.Punctuality is the soul of business. 守时为立业之要素。 28.Procrastination is the thief of time. 因循拖延是时间的大敌;拖延就是浪费时间。 29.Every tide hath ist ebb. 潮涨必有潮落时。 30.Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 31.Wisdom is more to be envied than riches. 知识可羡,胜于财富。 32.Wisdom is better than gold or silver. 知识胜过金银, 33.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 胸中有知识,胜于手中有钱。 34.Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it. 为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。 36.If you want knowledge,you must toil for it. 若要求知识,须从勤苦得。 37.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 浅学误人。


关于时间的英语名言 导读:本文是关于关于时间的英语名言的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、在所有批评家中,最伟大、最正确,最天才的是时间。 Of all the critics, the greatest, the most correct and the most talented is time. 2、我们要学会珍惜,珍惜青春,珍惜时间,珍惜现在拥有。 We should learn to cherish, cherish youth, cherish time and cherish what we have now. 3、时间有三种步伐:未来姗姗来迟,现在象箭一样飞逝,过去永远静止不动。 There are three steps of time: the future is late, the present is flying like an arrow, and the past is never moving. 4、青年是一个美好的而又是一去不可再得的时期,是将来一切光明和幸福的开端。 Youth is a beautiful and unreachable period, and the beginning of all future brightness and happiness. 5、想成事业,必须宝贵时间,充分利用时间。 If you want to be a career, you must have precious time and make full use of it. 6、最不善于利用时间的人最爱抱怨时光短暂。

Those who are the least good at using their time are the ones who complain about the short time. 7、时间过的太快了,胖子瘦子都赶不上。 Time flies so fast that fat and thin people can't catch up. 8、时间是一个伟大的作者,它会给每个人写出完美的结局来。 Time is a great writer, it will give everyone a perfect ending. 9、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。 A year's plan is spring, and a day's plan is morning. 10、人生三千万:一千万要有自己的理想和追求,二千万要珍惜自己的时间,三千万要珍惜亲人和朋友。 Life is 30 million: 10 million people should have their own ideals and pursuits, 20 million people should cherish their time, 30 million people and friends. 11、时间就是这样,某年某月某一刻感觉似曾相识,悄然流逝之后才忽然发觉再也回不去了。 Time is like this, a certain year, a certain month, a certain moment feel like acquaintance, quietly after the passage of suddenly found that never go back. 12、我们很可能会在此节约更加宝贵的时间,而时间就是金钱,更是资源,还会是找不回来的流金岁月。 We are likely to save more precious time here, and time is


亲情英语名言 1、儿女抱在身,方知父母恩。 When children are in their arms, they know their parents'kindness. 2、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 Whoever speaks in an inch of grass will be rewarded with spring sunshine. 3、亲情是多么平凡,渗透在生活中的点点滴滴,萦绕在我的周围。 Family love is so ordinary that it permeates every bit of my life and lingers around me. 4、骨肉之间,多一分浑厚,便多留一分亲情,是非上不必太明。 Between the flesh and the bones, a little more thick, it will leave a little more family, right and wrong need not be too clear. 5、妈妈你在哪儿,哪儿就是最快乐的地方。 Mom, where are you, where is the happiest place. 6、世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。 All the glory and pride in the world come from mothers. 7、世界上一切其他都是假的,空的,唯有母亲才是真的,永恒的,不灭的。 Everything else in the world is false and empty. Only mother is real, eternal and immortal. 8、世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。 There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, that is the mother's call. 9、母爱只有做母亲的才知道。 Mother's love is only known to mothers. 10、爱情,亲情,友情,我都有了,马上就要迸发激情了。 Love, family, friendship, I have, will burst into passion soon. 11、没有母亲,何谓家庭? What is a family without a mother? 12、父母者,人之本也。 Parents are the foundation of human beings. 13、人们听到的最美的声音来自母亲,来自家乡,来自天堂。 The most beautiful voices people hear come from their mothers, from their hometowns and from heaven. 14、慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜? Mother's arms are made of love. How can a child sleep in them not sweet? 15、女人固然是脆弱的,母亲却是坚强的。 Women are fragile, but mothers are strong. 16、父子不信,则家道不睦。 Father and son do not believe, then family is not harmonious. 17、没有父母的爱培养出来的人,往往是有缺陷的人。 People without parents'love are often defective. 18、孩子是母亲的生命之锚。


【英语激励名言带翻译】英语名人名言带翻译 激励性的名言充满着正能量,总是能够给我们力量。下面为你分享的是英语激励名言带翻译,希望你喜欢! 智者的梦再美也不如愚人实干的脚印。 Wise dream again beautiful also not fool pragmatic footprints。 是英雄表现出来,是人才体现出来,是蠢才显现出来。 Is a hero, is talented person, is a fool。 没有激流就称不上勇进没有山峰则谈不上攀登。 Not without a torrent yong into no peaks are not climb。 信心好比一粒种子,除非下种,否则不会结果。 Confidence is like a seed, unless seeding, no fruit。 每个人都要长大、但不是每个人都懂得长大。

Everyone has to grow up, but not everyone understand grew up。 行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder of suess, the more, the higher the。 谁有历经千辛万苦的意志,谁就能达到任何目的。 Who will, who has experienced hardships can achieve any goal。 伟大的作品不是靠力量,而是靠坚持来完成的。 Great works not by strength, but by insist to plete。 第二天叫醒我的不是闹钟,其实,是梦想! The second day wake up my not alarm clock, in fact, is a dream!


和时间有关的英语名言 和时间有关的英语名言精选Time is money(时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金)Time flies(光阴似箭,日月如梭)Time has wings(光阴去如飞)Time is a file that wears and makes no noise(光阴如锉,细磨无声)Time flies时光易逝。 Time is money一寸光阴一寸金。 Time and tide wait for no man岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。 Time tries all时间检验一切。 Time tries truth时间检验真理。 Time past cannot be called back again光阴一去不复返。 All time is no time when it is past光阴一去不复返。 No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again昨日不复来。 Tomorrow comes never切莫依赖明天。 the morning sun never lasts a day 好景不长;朝阳不能光照全日。 time tames the strongest grief 时间能缓和和极度的悲痛。 time and tied wait for no man 岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人time tries all 时间检验一切time tries truth 时间检验真理。 time part cannot be called back again 时间不能倒流all time is no time when it is past 光阴一去不复返。 the day is short but the work is much 工作多,光阴迫。


关于家庭的英语名言 1、家是他们的天堂。 Home is a paradise for them. 2、家有敝帚,享之千金。 Have our broom, enjoy the daughter. 3、让礼一寸,得礼一尺。 Let the ritual one inch to one foot. 4、克勤于邦,克俭于家。 G and bond, g waste at home. 5、家必自毁,而后人毁之。 Home will self-destruct, but later destroyed. 6、文学是社会的家庭教师。 Literature is the tutor of the society. 7、家,在中国,是礼教的堡垒。 The home, in China, is the bulwark of moral codes. 8、家富则疏族聚,家贫则兄弟离。 Home rich or thin poly, GuPin is brothers.

9、家是姑娘的监狱,女人的教养院。 Home is the girl's prison and the woman's workhouse. 10、每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。 The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress. 11、要使婚姻长久,就需克服自我中心意识。 To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. 12、他是世界上最快乐的,因为他的家庭和睦。 He is the happiest in the world, because he finds peace in his home. 13、你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭更重要。 You will have a family is more important than the family you came from. 14、好的家庭与坏的家庭都会影响下一代的成长。 A good family with a bad family will affect the development of the next generation. 15、不幸的家庭各有不幸,幸福的家庭却是相像的。 Unhappy family each have unfortunately, happy families are alike. 16、穷人的孩子早当家,但必须警惕“人穷志短”。 The poor children early take charge, but must be alert to "let".


1.The first step is as good as half over. 第一步是最关键的一 步。 2.You never know your luck. 命运 好坏不由己。 3.The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神的财富是唯一 的财富。 4.You can't judge a tree by its bark. 人不可貌相。 5.Bad times make a good man. 艰 难困苦出能人。 6.There is no royal road to learning. 求知无坦途。 7.Doubt is the key to knowledge. 怀疑是知识的钥匙。 8.Wasting time is robbing oneself. 浪费时间就是掠夺自己。 9.The best hearts are always the bravest. 心灵最高尚的人,也总 是最勇敢的人。 10.Good is good, but better carries it. 精益求精,善益求 善。 11.Honesty is the best policy. 诚 实为上策 12.Conceit is the quicksand of success. 自负是成功的流沙。 13.He that makes a good war makes a good peace. 正义的战争创造持 久的和平。 14.It is easy to be wise after the event. 事后诸葛亮容易当。 15.He that makes a thing too fine, breaks it. 做事过于苛求,反把 事情弄坏。 16.The world is his who enjoys it. 活着感到快乐,世界就属于你。 https://www.docsj.com/doc/503897022.html,ugh and grow fat. 心宽体胖。 18.He is rich that has few wants. 寡欲者富。 19.Truth and roses have thorns about them.真理和玫瑰,身旁都 有刺。20.All things are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难。21.Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴少。22.Keep conscience clear,then never fear.问心无愧,永无畏惧。 23.When you're good to others,you are best to yourself.善待他人, 即是最善待自己。 24.Nothing so popular as goodness. 最受欢迎的是善行。 25.The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recompence.太阳绝不为 它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任 何报酬。 26.Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher美德和幸福犹如母 女。 27.TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。 28.It's the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself.自欺是世上最易之事。29.An old man in a house is a good sign.家中有老是一个好迹象。30.How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults.or resolution enough to mend them!承认并改正错误,需要 有足够的勇气和决心。 31.If you do what you should not,you must hear what you would not.若做了不应做之事,则 必然会听见不愿听之语。 32.Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.主动 性就是在没有人告诉时做正确的 事情。 33.Think twice before acting.三思 而后行。


关于珍惜时间的英语名言 有哪些优秀的英语句子适合我们用来提醒自己要珍惜时间呢?下面整理了关于珍惜时间的英语名言,请欣赏。 关于珍惜时间的英语名言:1.time is a versatile performer. it flies, marches on , healsall wounds, runs out and will tell. 时间是个多才多世的表演者。它能飞,能大步前进,能治愈一切创伤,即使消逝,也能留下影响。 2.time still, as he flies, brings increase to her truth, and gives to her mind what he steals from her youth. 时间在飞逝中仍然带给她更多的真理,使她意识到青春丢失的东西。 3.time tames strongest grief. walt kelly.british picture story book painter 时间能冲淡巨大的悲伤。 4.today's today. tomorrow, we may be ourselves gone down the drain of eternity. 今天就是今天,明天我们就消失于永恒之中。 5.we always have time enough, if we will but use it aright. 只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。

6.weep no more, no sigh, nor groan. sorrow calls no time that's gone. 别哭泣,别叹息,别呻吟;悲伤唤回流逝的时光。 7.write it on your heart that every day is the best of the year. ralph waldo emerson. 铭记在心:每一天都是一年中最好的日子。 8.youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a regret. 青年鲁莽犯错,中年奋斗不止,老年后悔无穷。 9.a generation without a cause in its youth has no legacy in its old age. eeward kennedy. american plliticia 一代人如果年轻时候没有事业,老了就不会有遗产可以传下去。 10.age is a matter of feeling, not of years. 年纪只是个感觉的问题,而不是岁月的问题。 11.an energetic middle life is ,i think, the only safe precursor of a vitally happy old age. 我认为,精力旺盛的中年生活是生气勃勃的幸福晚年的唯一可靠预兆。 12.as soon as you feel too old to do a thing, do it. 一旦你觉得做某件事年纪太大了,赶紧做它。


英语名言录之一——恋爱与家庭 Love and Family恋爱与家庭 Love makes the world go round.——Dickens 爱使世界转动。——狄更斯 Gather the rose of love,whilst yet in time. 趁着花儿盛开,爱的玫瑰及时采。 Of soup of love,the first is the best. 第一道汤最美味,第一次恋爱最珍贵。 Love needs no teaching. 爱不用人教。 First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.——Shaw 初恋不过是些许愚蠢加上大量的好奇。——萧伯纳 Follow love and it will flee;flee love and it will follow thee. 爱情,你追求它,它会避开你;你避开它,它会跟着你。 Two things a man cannot hide;that he is drunk,and he is in love.——Antiphanes 有两件事男人不能隐藏:喝醉了酒或是正在恋爱。——安提菲尼斯 Real love stories never have endings.——Bach 真正的爱情故事从来不会结束。——巴赫 Absence sharpens love,presents strengthen it. 别离使爱情浓化;相聚使爱情强化。

Love is a sweet tyranny,because the lover endures his torments willingly. 爱情是一种甜蜜的暴虐,它使人心甘情愿地受折磨。 Love is a sweet torment. 爱情是一种甜蜜的痛苦。 The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned.——Maugham 永恒的爱是无须回报的爱。——毛姆 If all else perished,and he remained,I shall still continue to be;and if all else remained,and he annihilated,the universe would turn to a mighty stranger:I should not seem a part of it.——Bronte 如果其它一切都消亡了,而他还活着,我应该继续存在下去;如果其他一切还存在着,而他却遭到毁灭,宇宙就会变成一个庞大的怪物:我就不该成为它的一部分。——勃朗特 He who is in love is wise and is becoming wiser,sees newly every time he looks at the object beloved,drawing from it with his eyes and his mind those virtues which it possesses.——Emerson 恋爱的人是聪明的,并且越来越聪明。每次看到他所爱的对象时,他都能发现一些东西,并能用双眼和头脑从中汲取其所具优点。——爱默生 If you would be loved,love and be lovable.——Franklin 要想被人爱,就要去爱别人,并让自己可爱。——富兰克林 The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved——loved for ourselves,or rather,loved inspite of ourselves.——Hugo 人生最大的幸福就是确信我们自己被人爱着——单方面被人爱着,确切地说,被人一厢情愿地爱着。——雨果 The course of true love never did run smooth.——Shakespeare 通向真爱的路从无坦途。——莎士比亚 It is impossible to love and to be wise.——Bacon 爱令智昏。——培根


时间的英语名言名句 时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿意挤,总还是有的。这句关于时间的经典名言名句激励着很多人,有哪些英语名言名句是关于时间的呢?以下是分享的时间的英语名言名句的内容,希望你喜欢! 我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。 I hope all I wasted time to come back, let me to waste it again. 时间待人是平等的,而时间在每个人手里的价值却不同。 Time to treat people is equal, and time in every man's hand value is different. 相爱真的没有那么容易,需要双方都能抵挡时间的危害。 Love really is not so easy, need both sides can withstand time. 人生的时间,由大大小小的悲喜堆叠而成过去,由错错对对的选择建构而成未来。 The time of life, composed of large and small feeling stack in the past, made from a wrong wrong construction on the choice of the future. 在时间和现实的夹缝里,青春和美丽一样,脆弱如风干的纸。 In the time and reality of cracks, youth and beauty, as

fragile as dry paper. 大多时间都在匆忙追赶,其实仅差一个转身回眸而已。 Most of the time in the rush, actually just a turn and look back. 如果有时间抱怨时间的不美,不如换个角度体会它的绚烂多彩。 If you have time complain that time is not beautiful, colorful than experience it from a different Angle. 想念被距离拉远,也被时间冲淡,现实像一块橡皮,擦去了曾经的浪漫! Miss distance is far, also be time dilute, reality is like a piece of rubber, wipe away the once romantic! 最能表达爱的方式是付出时间,因为时间就是生命。 Most can express love way is to pay the time, because time is life. 没有一种不幸可与失掉时间相比。 There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time. 风能吹落花,吹老时间,却吹不了心中的爱。 Wind blowing out, blow to the old time, but not the love of the heart. 该怎么告诉你你还在我心里,再多的时间也不能抹去。 What to tell you that you are in my heart, no amount of


关于家庭的名言英语 导读:本文是关于关于家庭的名言英语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、欢乐的笑声是家中的阳光。 Joyful laughter is the sunshine at home. 2、家有不义之财,则伤本。 If a family has unjust wealth, it will hurt its capital. 3、走遍天涯觅不到自己所需要的东西的人,回到家里就发现它了。 He who travels all over the world and finds nothing he needs finds it at home. 4、爱情是两个人的事,婚姻是两个家庭的事。 Love is a matter of two people, marriage is a matter of two families. 5、金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。 Golden nest, silver nest, better than their own grass nest. 6、“爱心、平安、和谐”社会,以人为本。 "Love, peace and harmony" society, people-oriented. 7、互相信任才算好伙伴,互相关心才算幸福的家庭。 Trust each other is a good partner, care for each other is a happy family.

8、家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一。 Family is one of the masterpieces created by nature. 9、科学的博爱精神把分散在世界各地、各种热心科学的人联结成一个大家庭。 The philanthropic spirit of science connects people who are scattered all over the world and who are enthusiastic about science into a big family. 10、家庭是爱的港湾,没有爱的家庭是没有意义的。 Family is the harbor of love. It is meaningless to have a family without love. 11、静以养身,俭以养性。 Quiet to keep fit, thrifty to keep fit. 12、家庭的基础无疑是父母对其新生儿女具有特殊的情感。 Family is undoubtedly based on the special emotions of parents towards their newborn daughters. 13、文明家庭敬老为先,幸福之户以德为本。 The civilized family respects the elderly first, and the happy family takes morality as the foundation. 14、不读书的家庭,是思想上残缺的家庭。 Families that do not read are ideologically incomplete. 15、未有和气萃焉,而家不吉昌者。未有戾气结焉,而家不衰败者。


带翻译的英语格言大全 A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 做贼心虚。 A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怨工具差。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。 A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。 Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚爱益切,离别情更深。 A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。 A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。 A clear conscience is a soft pillow.

问心无愧,高枕无忧。 A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,胜券在握。 A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。 A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast. 宁为清贫,不为浊富。 A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入,祸从口出。 A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. 夜郎自大。 A common danger causes common action. 同仇敌忾。 A contented mind is perpetual feast. 知足常乐。 Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜於雄辩。 Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。 A fair face may hide a foul heart. 人不可貌相。

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