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One morning a fox sees a cock.He

think,"This is my breakfast.''

He comes up to the cock and says,"I know

you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The

cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins

to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away.

The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''

The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.








Drunk One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk." "But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"

一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸,”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”


Logic Reasoning A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic. "Here is the situation," she said. "a man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yellin g for help. His wife hears the commotion, knows that he can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank?"

A girl raised her hand and asked, "to draw out all of his savings?"

小学四年级的教师正在给学生们上一堂逻辑课。她举了这么一个例子:“有这样一种情况,一个男人在河中心的船上钓鱼,突然失去重心掉进了水里。于是他开始挣扎并喊救命。他的妻子听到了他的喊声,知道他并不会游泳,所以她就急忙跑向河岸。谁能告诉我这是为什么?” 一个女生举手答道,“是不是去取他的存款?” [注]bank在英



The rabbit and the tortoise race running, the rabbit ridicules the tortoise to climb slowly.


The rabbit ran fast, and the tortoise crawled desperately. After a while, the rabbit and the tortoise had already left a great distance.


The rabbit thinks the game is too easy. It needs to sleep for a while.


The tortoise, on the other hand, crawls all the time. When the rabbit wakes up, the tortoise has reached the destination.



Act 1


The Ugly Duckling Hatches


A mother duck sits on many eggs.


Motber Duck: Oh,I am tired.I hope these eggs hatch soon. I wnat to swim in the water.




Duckling 1: Peep,peep!Where am I?


Duckling 2: Peep,peep!Where is Mommy?


Motber Duck: Quack,quack!Oh,my babies.I am here.


Finally,the last egg hatches.


Ugly Duckling: Peep,peep!Mommy!


Motber Duck: Oh,my!You are ont like the other ducklings.you are big and ugly!

鸭妈妈:噢,天呐!你和其他小鸭子长得不一样.你又大又难看.The mother duck takes her ducklings to the water.


Duckling 1: Wow!It is fun to swim in the water.


Ugly Duckling: Can I play with you?


Duckling 2: No!You are too big and ugly.We don't want to play with you.


Ducklings: Go away!


The Ugly Duckling goes to a farm.


Ugly Duckling: Hi!Can I play with you?


Farm Animals: No,you can't.We don't like you.You are a big ugly duckling.Go away!


Ugly Duckling: cryingNobody likes me!will run away.


Act 2


Nobody likes the Ugly Duckling


The Ugly Duckling runs to a matsh.


Ugly Duckling: Oh,there are big marsh ducks!to a marsh duckI want to play with you.


Marsb Duck: No!You don't look like us.Look into the water.You are an ugly duckling!


Ugly Duckling: looking into the waterThe marsh duck is right.I am an ugly duckling.sighingI am sad.

丑小鸭:往水里看去野鸭是对的.我是一只丑小鸭.叹了口气我很难过.The Ugly Duckling runs to a house.There is a big dog.


Big Dog: Growl!Who are you?


Ugly Duckling: Hello!I am Ugly Duckling.Can I live in this house with you?


Big Dog: Growl!No,you can't.I don't want to live with an ugly duckling.


The Ugly Duckling runs to a pond and sees beautiful swans.


Ugly Duckling: The swans are beautiful.They are swimming in the pond.sighingI want to be like them.


Act 3


The Ugly Duckling in winter


It is winter.The Ugly Duckling is in the pond.


Ugly Duckling: Oh,it is so cold.The water is frozen.I must keep swimming,or I will die.But I can't crack the ice.I can't swim.A man sees the Ugly Duckling.


Man: Oh,poor duckling!You are freezing.Don't worry.I will take you to my house.It is warm there.

男人:喔,可怜的小鸭子!你冻僵了.别担心,我会把你带回家.那儿很暖和.in the man's house


Ugly Duckling: It is very warm.I can move now.


Cbildren: laughingHa-ha!You are a big and ugly duckling.We don't like you.Go away!


Ugly Duckling: The children are bad to me.I am tired.I will run to the marsh.


in a cold home by the water


Ugly Duckling: It is cold here.cryingI am alone.I am lonely.


Act 4


The Ugly Duckling Becomes a Swan


Soon winter is past. It is spring.


Ugly Duckling: Oh,it is warm.Look!The birds are singing.The sun is shining.But I am still alone.


The Ugly Duckling looks up and points at the sky.


Ugly Duckling: There are beautiful swans flying in the sky!I want to fly like them.OK!I will try.The Ugly Duckling runs and runs.He spreads his wings.

丑小鸭:美丽的天鹅在天上飞!我想象他们那样飞.好!我要试一试.丑小鸭跑起来.他张开了翅膀.Ugly Duckling: Yes,yes!I can fly!to a swanLook at me!I am an ugly duckling.But I can fly!


Swan: Yes,you can fly.But you are not a duckling.Look into the water.You are a swan now.


Ugly Duckling: waht?The Ugly Duckling looks into the water.


Ugly Duckling: Oh,is that me?I am not an ugly duckling any

more.happilyI am a swan!



1.英语小故事简短及翻译 Wolf and egret The wolf mistake swallowed a piece of bone, very suffered, running about, look for to visit the doctor everywhere。He met the egret, and talk to settle the service fees to invite him to take out the bone, egret to stretch in the wolf's throat the own head, and the 叼 outs bone, then toward to settle the good service fees wolfThe wolf answer says:" hello,friend, you can since the wolf 嘴 take back the head in the peace ground,and the difficult way return the dissatisfied foot, and how and still speak the guerdon?" This story elucidation, guerdon badly person act charitably, and is a bad person of cognition and does not speak the reputation's innate character。 狼与鹭鸶 狼误吞下了一块骨头,十分难受,四处奔走,寻访医生。他遇见了鹭鸶,谈定酬金请他取出骨头,鹭鸶把自我的头伸进狼的喉咙里,叼出了骨头,便向狼要定好的酬金。狼回答说:“喂,朋友,你能从狼嘴里平安无事地收回头来,难道还不满足,怎样还要讲报酬?” 这故事说明,对坏人行善的报酬,就是认识坏人不讲信用的本质。 2.英语小故事简短及翻译 Once there were three foxes, they worked together. They lived a happy life. Little by little, the youngest fox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. The eldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too. Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiled. The eldest fox opened a new hill again.


简短的英文小故事_英语故事带翻译 多阅读英语故事可以提高我们的阅读能力,还可以丰富我们的知识,那么简短的英语小故事有哪些呢?下面小编搜集了一些简短的英文小故事_英文故事带翻译,欢迎阅读。 ▼▼目录▼▼ 英文童话短文 One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.'' The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree. 一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡。他想:这是我的早餐。 他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡很高兴。他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。”


英语小故事带翻译11篇 英语小故事带翻译(一) A Singing-bird was confined in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were asleep. One night a Bat came and clung to the bars of the cage, and asked the Bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night. “I have a very good reason for doing so,” said the Bird: ”it was once when I was singing in the daytime that a fowler was attracted by my voice, and set his nets for me and caught me. Since then I have never sung except by night.” But the Bat replied, “It is no use your doing that now when you are a

prisoner: if only you had done so before you were caught, you might still have been free.” 一只画眉鸟被囚禁在窗外挂着的一个笼子里,当其他鸟儿都酣睡时,她却在夜里唱歌。有一个夜晚,蝙蝠飞过来,抓住鸟笼的栅栏,问她为什么白天默默无声,却在夜里放声歌唱。小鸟回答说:“我这样做是有道理的,曾经有一次,当我在白天唱歌时,一个捕鸟人被我的歌声吸引,就用鸟笼子捉住了我。从此我只在夜里歌唱。”可是,蝙蝠却说:“你现在这样做根本没用了,因为你已经成为阶下囚。若是在被捉住之前这样做就好了,那样或许你依然是自由之身!” 英语小故事带翻译(二):工人和蛇The Labourer and the Snake A Labourer’s little son was bitten by a Snake and died of the wound. The father


简短寓言故事英文版及翻译【六篇】 【篇一】简短寓言故事英文版及翻译 Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always dreamed of becoming rich. He wished to become a millionaire, and so did his wife. He had heard from some old men before, that several ships loaded with diamonds and gold had once sunk in the nearby seashore. Because of this, for a long time he kept searching that whole area for this treasure. One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object. He excitedly pulled hard at it, and what he saw made him exclaim, "Wow! A big, shiny gold chain!" He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. His boat started to get over-loaded and the sea water filled his boat. However, he had begun dreaming of a big house, a big piece of land and buying horses and cows...He kept pulling in the chain though the boat kept sinking. The


英语简短小故事带翻译 英语简短小故事带翻译1 “Daddy,who is this woman?”Five-year-old daughter asked her father and pointing the photo. “She is my favorite woman,my true love, and my angel.”The father said. “But she is not my mom!”The daughter yelled.”Mom has a large scar on her face!” “Oh,yes.If there is no fire at home,your mother is still very beautiful.” “爸爸,这个女人是谁?”五岁的女儿指着一张照片问父亲。 “她是我最爱的女人,我的真爱我的天使。”父亲说道。 “但是她不是我妈妈!”女儿大叫到,“妈妈的脸上有一大块疤!” “是啊,如果家里没有那场大火,你妈妈依然很漂亮。” 英语简短小故事带翻译2 Ground Rules One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau was known of his droll sense of humor. Explaining his ground rules to one freshman class, he said, “Now I know my lectures can often be dry and boring, so I don‘t mind if you look at your watches during class. I do, however, object to your pounding them on the desk to make sure they‘re still running.”


英语简短小故事带翻译 【篇一:英语简短小故事带翻译】 万圣节(halloween)为每年的10月31日,源自古代凯尔特民族(celtic)的新年节庆,此时也是祭祀亡 魂的时刻,在避免恶灵干扰的同时,也以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵以祈平安渡过严冬,是西方传统节日。随着各个国家节日的 【篇二:英语简短小故事带翻译】 英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下: midway tactics three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. observers waited for mayhem to ensue. the retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, gigantic sale! and super bargains! the store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, prices slashed! and fantastic discounts! the owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, entrance . 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁 观者等着瞧好戏。 右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书:大减价! 特便宜! 左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称:大砍价! 大折扣! 中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:入口处。very pleased to meet you during world war ii, a lot of young women in britain were in the army. joan phillips was one of them. she worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers. one evening she met captain humphreys at a dance. he said to her, i m going abroad tomorrow, but i d be very happy if we could write to each other. joan agreed, and they wrote for several months. then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in england. joan went there and said to the matron, i ve come to visit captain humphreys. only relatives are allowed to visit patients here, the matron said. oh, that s all right, answered joan. i m his sister.


英语故事小短文带翻译 幼儿英语故事是提高英语教学的有效方法之一,幼儿英语故事教学是幼儿英语教学中的一种基本形式。店铺整理了英语故事小短文带翻译,欢迎阅读! 英语故事小短文带翻译篇一 One year in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a serious famine in I-Jenan. 东汉时的某一年,河南一带,饥荒严重。 One night, a thief sneaked into Chen Shi’s house and hid himself on the beam. When Chen Shiwas aware of this, he got out of bed without haste, called his children and grandchildren to hisroom and said in a stern voice: 一天夜里,一个小偷潜人陈宴家,躲藏在屋子的横梁上。陈宴觉察到后,不慌不忙地起了床,把儿女子孙们都叫到屋里,严厉地说: One must always restrain and encourage oneself no matter under what circumstances. Badmen were not born bad. It is only become they don’t restrain themselves that they developbad habits and turn bad gradually. That gentleman on the beam is just a case in point. “一个人无论在什么情况下,都要克制自己,勉励自己。坏人,不是天生就坏,而是因为平时不克制自己而养成了坏的习惯,才慢慢地变坏的。那位梁上君子就是这样。” Much ashamed upon hearing this, the thief hiding on the beam promptly jumped down to theground, kowtowed and begged for forgiveness. 躲在梁上的小偷听了,很惭愧,连忙翻身落地,磕头求饶。 Chen Shi enlightened him by saying: 陈宴开导他说: Judging from your appearance, you don’t look like a bad


英语小故事100字带翻译 故事是用来娱乐的,但也不要忘了它深藏的道理哦。下面是网整理的英语小故事,欢迎阅读。 英语小故事(一) One good turn deserves another I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. Harry worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Harry saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me &2. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. 'I have never borrrowed any money from you,' Harry said,'so now you can pay for my dinner!'礼尚往来 我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在又家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班,他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱,但他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。“我还未向你借过钱。”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!” 英语小故事(二) The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young." 老猫


英语简短小故事带翻译 幼儿英语故事是提高英语教学的有效方法之一,幼儿英语故事教学是幼儿英语教学中的一种基本形式。小编精心收集了简短英语小故事带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 简短英语小故事带翻译1 太太您富有吗 They huddled inside the storm door —two children in ragged outgrown coats. 他们蜷缩着相互偎依在我家的挡风门栋里——两个衣衫褴褛的孩子,他们的衣服小得不能再小了。 "Any old papers, lady?" “太太,请问您有旧报纸吗?” I was busy. I wanted to say no — until I looked down at their feet. Thin little sandals, sopped with sleet. 当时,我正忙着,本来想对他们说没有,但当我看到他们脚上只穿着一双被冰雪浸湿得再单薄不过的便鞋时,我再也说不出口了。 "Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa." “进屋来吧,我来给你们煮一杯热可可茶。” There was no conversation. Their soggy sandals left marks upon the hearthstone. 默默地他们跟我进了屋,炉边他们浸湿的便鞋留下了一串脚印。 I served them cocoa and toast with jam to fortify against the chill outside. 我给他们端上可可茶和果酱面包,我想这能帮助他们抵御外面的风寒。 Then I went back to the kitchen and started again on my household budget. 然后我回到了厨房,像往常一样,为了明天的生活而精打细算。 The silence in the front room struck through to me. I looked


简单的英语小故事带翻译 简单的英语小故事带翻译300字大全 对于英语初学者来说,带有中文翻译的简单英语小故事是学习英语的好方法。以下是店铺为大家整理了300字左右带有翻译的简单英文小故事,一起来看看吧! 简单的英语小故事带翻译篇1 狼和七只小山羊 There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One day she wanted to go into the forest and fetch some food. So she called all seven to her and said, "Dear children, I have to go into the forest, be on your guard against the wolf; if he comes in, he will devour you all -- skin, hair, and all. The wretch often disguises himself, but you will know him at once by his rough voice and his black feet." The kids said, "Dear mother, we will take good care of ourselves; you may go away without any anxiety." Then the old one bleated, and went on her way with an easy mind. 从前有只老山羊。它生了七只小山羊,并且像所有母亲爱孩子一样爱它们。一天,它要到森林里去取食物,便把七个孩子全叫过来,对它们说:“亲爱的孩子们,我要到森林里去一下,你们一定要提防狼。要是让狼进屋,它会把你们全部吃掉的——连皮带毛通通吃光。这个坏蛋常常把自己化装成别的样子,但是,你们只要一听到他那粗哑的声音、一看到它那黑黑的爪子,就能认出它来。”小山羊们说:“好妈妈,我们会当心的。你去吧,不用担心。”老山羊咩咩地叫了几声,便放心地去了。 简单的英语小故事带翻译篇2 与众不同的螃蟹 A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways.


英语故事小短文带中文翻译 在儿童成长所需的这个丰富多彩的世界里,故事能够很好的满足学生的好奇心,娱乐心,探索心,智慧心和游戏心。店铺整理了英语故事小短文带中文翻译,欢迎阅读! 英语故事小短文带中文翻译篇一 杯弓蛇影 In Jin Dynasty there was a man named Yue Guang who was fond of drinking alcohol. 晋朝有个叫乐(yuè)广的人,爱喝酒。 One day, he invited a friend to his house to drink together. 一天,他邀请朋友到家里来对斟对饮。 Suddenly, his friend saw the reflection of a snack swimming in the goblet. 忽然,朋友看见酒杯里有条蛇影在游动。 He got so much frightened that he took ill on bed after getting home. 他受了惊吓,回去便一病不起。 And neither any doctor or any medicine could cure his illness. 请医服药,都无起色。 Yue Guang came to see him and asked about the cause of his disease. 乐广跑来看他,问明起病的缘由。 When he got to know the cause, he pulled his friend from the bed immediately and took him to his house. 乐广听后一把拉起朋友往家走。 Yue Guang made his friend sit where he used to, pouring a goblet of alcohol for him, and asked him," Is there any snake reflection in the goblet?" 他让朋友坐在原处,斟满酒问:“有蛇影吗?”


英语童话短故事带翻译 童话对儿童来说具有重要的发展价值,对者来说具有重要的教育学意义,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇童话短故事带翻译。 英语童话短故事带翻译1:小袋鼠换尾巴 Kangaroo has a tail, thick and hard. He felt his tail long too ugly. Baby bunny picked and soft, a short tail. He felt his tail is too short, don't look good. One day, they met together, happily in the tail. Kangaroos bouncing in the woods to find something to eat, a busy morning, now it's time to sit down and rest. Oh, that's too bad! The kangaroo fell a casualty. Small kangaroo tail is hard and long, with two hind legs walked on the earth, and just become a "three feet on the bench". In the tail can't sit, wallabies out in a rash. The rabbit, with a long tail, to play in the woods, suddenly ran into a Wolf. Little rabbit desperately run, run, can be as big tail in tow, always run fast. See the rabbit will be caught up the Wolf, suddenly, from the woods and a rabbit, oh, turned out to be a mother rabbit. Mother rabbit ran quickly and opened the Wolf. Little rabbit, from behind the tree sadly low head. He hate the long tail. The original tail much good, gentle, soft, run really. Find a kangaroo! Kangaroos and the rabbit find each other, can't wait to change back to its own tail. From then on, they do not feel the tail of the ugly. 小袋鼠长着一条又粗又硬的尾巴。他觉得自己的尾巴长得太难看了。小兔子长着挑又软又短的尾巴。他嫌自己的尾巴太短了,不好看。 一天,他俩碰到一起,高高兴兴地换了尾巴。


英语故事带翻译简短 1.短篇英语小故事(要有翻译) 狐狸孵蛋狐狸肚子饿了,便到处找东西吃。 他在河边的草丛里东翻翻,西找找,竟然看到一个大鸭蛋!狐狸一个健步跳上去,把蛋抱住,迫不及待地把它放到嘴里。这时脑袋里却有个声音,说:“你想吃鸭蛋,还是肥嘟嘟的小鸭子呢?”狐狸决定把鸭子孵出来,在大吃一顿。 他一屁股坐在蛋上,但是立即就跳起来:“这样不是会把蛋给压破了么?”他想到一个好主意,便在地上掘起洞来。狐狸把蛋放在塞满干草的洞口,用前爪和后爪紧趴在洞的前后方,只有软软的肚子轻轻地覆在鸭蛋上。 这个主意想起来不错――蛋能饱暖,又不会被压破,可是这个姿势太像苦刑了,不到五分钟,狐狸的四肢便痛的受不了。狐狸又想到一个好主意。 他捡到一条长长的树皮。他正得意自己的杰作呢,没想到在追兔子的时候,树皮松落,差点把宝贝蛋给砸破了。 狐狸气的把蛋放在嘴里,想一口吃掉算了。哪知道这时候刚好蛋被孵出来了,生出一只健康活泼的小鸭子。 更没想到的是,小鸭子忽然朝着狐狸的鼻子尖冲过来:“妈妈!妈妈!”狐狸被吓呆了,结结巴巴地说:“我,我不是你妈妈,我,我是男的,只能做爸爸。”“爸爸!爸爸!”小鸭子爬上了狐狸的鼻子。

小鸭子吃的肚皮圆滚滚的,把头钻到狐狸的爪子底下,睡眼朦胧的说:“谢谢你,爸爸,我好爱你,爸爸。”狐狸又叹口气:“少了顿大餐,多了一个儿子,这就是我的命 吧?”Thefoxsetoneggsthefoxbellytobehungry,theneverywherelo okedforthethingtoeat.Heeastflipsintheriversidethickpatchofg rass,westlooks,seesunexpectedlytoabigduckegg!afoxrun-up,gra spsvigorouslytheegg,putsimpatientlyitbetweenlips.Bynowinthe headactuallyhadasound,said:“youwanttoscoreagooseegg,fattoo ttootsmallduck?”thefoxdecidedthathatchestheduck,iseatinggr eatly.Heuptoone'sasssitsontheegg,butjumpsimmediately:“will notbelikethiswillgivetheeggtheimplosion?”hethoughtthatagre atidea,theningroundturnstopickthehole.Thefoxplacestheeggcro wdsthehayDongkou,liespronetightlybeforethefingernailandthel atterfingernailbeforeholereararea,onlythenthesoftbellyturns roundgentlyontheduckegg.Thisideathoughtthegood-eggcanhavepl entyoffoodandclothing,notbytheimplosion,butthisposturetooli kelytorture,lessthanfiveminutes,fox'sfourlimbsthenpainfulbe ingablebear.thefoxthinksofagreatidea.Hepickstoalongbark.Hes elf-satisfiedtheirmasterpiece,hadnotthoughtinpursuesrabbit' stime,thebarkpinefalls,almostfordestroyedthetreasureegg.the foxismadplacestheeggbetweenlips,thoughtthatastutteringfalls considersasfinished.Whichknewatthistimejusttheeggishatched,


英语寓言故事带翻译 一、站在屋顶的小山羊与狼 Standing on the roof of a small goat and the Wolf Kid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, "oh, buddy, scold me is not you, but your terrain." This story to illustrate, dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong. 翻译:站在屋顶的小山羊与狼 小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他。狼说道:“啊,伙计,骂我的不是你,而是你所处的地势。” 这故事说明,地利与天机常常给人勇气去与强者抗争。 二、狗和狼 The simple English fable:The dog and the wolf A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you. "Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regu larly" "I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work." So the wolf and the dog went to the town together. On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the do g's neck. He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that 11


三分钟英语小故事带翻译(十篇) 1.三分钟英语小故事带翻译篇一 a man was going to the house of some rich person. as he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. he said, “i do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat.” then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. he went on and came to a river. the river had become very big; so he could not go over it. he waited for some time; then he said, “i cannot go to the rich man‘s house today, for i cannot get over the river.” he began to go home. he had eaten no food that day. he began to want food. he came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time. 翻译


英语小故事3分钟短篇带翻译 故事对人们来说,有着天然的吸引力。阅读一些英语小故事能提高英语对我们的吸引力。今天店铺整理了一些3分钟英语小故事给大家,欢迎大家阅读! >>>点击这里更加精彩“精彩英语故事” 3分钟英语小故事篇一 On the tenth day after leaving Troy,Odysseus and his men came to an island,where the people only took lotus fruit and flowers as their food.This plant had such a magic effect on its eaters that it could make them forget their past and produce a dreamy laziness over them.When Odysseus' men arrived,they were kindly invited by the people on the is land to eat the sweet food.Its magic power began to work on the mimmediately.They fell into a deep daydream.They lost all wishes for future,To them the sea and ship appeared dull and hateful.And they were not eager to see wife,child and kingdom.When he saw no trace of his men coming back,Odysseus became suspicious.He set out with some well armed men to find out the truth.It did not take him long to find out the magic effect of the food.Not allowing his followers to touch the plant,he ordered them to drag their lazy friends back to their ship.There he had them tied to the benches until they slept off the harmful effect of the lotus .Without hesitation they set sail,leaving the dreamy lotuseaters behind. 翻译: 离开特洛伊城的第10天,奥德修斯跟他的随从来到了一个岛上。岛上的居民只以忘忧树的果实和花为食物。这种神奇的动物,魔力极大,谁只有吃了它,就会忘记往事,而陷入模模糊糊的昏睡状态。当奥德修斯的侍从到达时,岛上居民友好地邀请他们吃这种甜美的食物。


带翻译励志英文小故事 带翻译励志英文小故事1: Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? 你知道吗?鹰在暴风雨爆发之前就知道暴风雨就要来了。 The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it. 鹰会飞到一个很高的地方,等待着暴风雨的来临。当暴风雨来临的时候,它会展开翅膀,这样暴风就可以把它拖起,将它置于暴雨之上。当暴风雨肆虐的时候,鹰已经翱翔于暴雨之上了。 The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. 鹰没有逃避暴风雨,它只是利用暴风雨让它飞得更高,它翱游于带来暴风雨的飓风之上。 When the storms of life come upon us—and all of us will experience them—we can rise above them by setting our belief that we can make it. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow our inner power to lift us above them. 当生活中的暴风雨降临的时候--这是我们每个人都要经历的--我们可以坚定我们的必胜信念,这样我们就可以凌驾于暴风雨之上.暴风雨并不一定会摧毁我们,我们内部的能量可以让我们超越暴风雨。
