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当前位置:文档视界 › 甘肃省武威第十八中学2017-2018学年高一英语下学期期中试题







1. Where was the man born?

A.In India.

B. In England

C. In Mexico

2. What does Jerry want to be?

A. A lawyer

B. A doctor

C. A teacher

3. How soon will the man’s general manager arrive at the airport?

A . In 50 minutes B. In 45 minutes C. In 40 minutes

4. What does the woman mean?

A. The lecture ended at one o’ clock.

B. She quite agrees with the man

C. The lecture was interesting.

5. How will the man get to work today?

A. By bike B .By taxi C. By bus



6. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Lend her a pair of glasses.

B. Fill in a form for her.

C. Give her passport to her.

7. Why is the woman going to France?

A. To spend a holiday. B .To get her daughter back. C. To take care of her grandson.


8. What does the householder insist?

A. The man wash his clothes by hand.

B. The man himself buy the washing machine.

C. The man pay to have the washing machine repaired.

9. How much does the man pay in rent each month?

A. 200 dollars

B. 100 dollars

C. 60 dollars

10. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Sister and brother.

B. Mother and son.

C. Aunt and nephew.

听下面一段对话,回答第 11至 13题。

11. When does the conversation take place?

A. At night.

B. In the afternoon.

C. At noon.

12. Why does the man have to stay in town?

A. He has to find his missing baggage.

B. He failed to get a train ticket.

C. He has missed his train.

13. Where is the 24-hour shop?

A. On the left down the hall.

B. Next to bank.

C. Next to a restaurant.

请听一段对话,回答第 14至 16题。

14. What is the main thing bothering the man?

A. He hurt his nose.

B. He has a very high temperature.

C. He coughed badly last night.

15. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Stay at home and get some rest.

B. Have a business trip next weekend.

C. Give up going abroad.

16. What should the man take twice a day?

A. The white pills.

B. The black pills.

C. The liquid medicine.


17. What’s the aim of the weekend?

A. To wele newers.

B. To plan a team project.

C. To build team spirit.

18. Where will the first activity be held?

A. In a hotel.

B. In the forest.

C. In the sea.

19. What will the listeners do tomorrow morning?

A. Swim with sharks.

B. Pick mushrooms.

C. Escape from a snake hole.

20. What will the listeners do next?

A. Wait to be chosen.

B. Study safety measures.

C. Build a ladder.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项。


For 52 years my father got up at 5:30 a.m. every morning, went to work, and returned home at 5:30 p.m.. I never saw my father stayed home from work ill, nor did I ever see my father lay down to take a nap. He had no hobbies, other than taking care of his family. All he asked from me, his daughter, was to help him while he was repairing something, so we could have some time to talk.

For 22 years, after I left home for college, my father called me at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. Nine years ago when I bought my first house, my father, 67 years old, spent eight hours a day for three days painting my house. He would not allow me to pay someone to have it done. All he asked for was a glass of iced tea. Five years ago, at age 71, my father spent five hours putting together a swing set for my daughter.

On the morning of January 16, 1996, my sister telephoned me; my father was in the hospital with an aneurysm(动脉瘤) in Florida. I got on an airplane immediately, and on the way I realized that I hadn't municated with him as much as I'd always wanted to. I vowed(发誓) that when I arrived, I would have a long talk with him. I arrived in Florida at 1 am, only to find that my father, at the age of 76, had passed away at 9:12 p.m.. This time it was he who did not have time to talk, or time to wait for me.

21. From the first paragraph we can infer that the author's father ______.

A. was a good driver

B. was in good health

C. sometimes fell ill

D. had no hobbies

22. The underlined phrase "other than" in the first paragraph can be replaced by "______".

A. except

B. including

C. without

D. due to

23. According to the last paragraph, we can know that the author's father was born in ______.

A. 1916

B. 1918

C. 1920

D. 1922

24. The author wrote the article in order to ______.

A. praise her father

B. remember her father

C. show her father loved her

D. let her father be known




Central Sports Centre, City Road.

All Stars vs Rockets, Saturday 8:30 p.m. $12

Northerners vs Tigers, Sunday noon $14


Meet at Wanda Station, Saturday 9:00 a.m. sharp for 3-hour walk to Canary Mountains. $7, call 341-5432.

Meet at Westley Station, Sunday 9:00 a.m. sharp for a full day walk to Wombak Valley. $5, call 341-8643: Bring your own lunch.


St Martins Sports Centre

St Martins vs Doonsberg, Saturday 2:00 p.m. $8

Eastside Central vs Light Hill, Sunday 2:00 p.m. $8

Neill Park Recreation Centre

Neill Park vs Robinson, Saturday 2:00 p.m. $11

Essen vs Springwood, Sunday 2:00 p.m. $11


Tans Town B.C

Tans Town vs White Vale, Saturday 9:00 p.m. $10

Wake Hill B.C.

Wake Hill vs Coils, Saturday 2:00 p.m. $9

25. _______ sports events are to be held at Saturday 2:00 p.m. according to the passage.

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

26. You may find the passage most probably in a ________.

A. handbook about tour

B. notice about sports

C. magazine about ball matches

D. blog about match reviews

27. If you have $18, you can go to both ________.

A. All Stars vs Rockets and the bushwalking at Westley Station

B. Wake Hill vs Colls and Essen vs Springwood

C. Neill Park vs Robinson and Eastside Central vs Light Hill

D. St Matins vs Doonsberg and Northerners vs Tigers


The snowman is one of my all-time favorite pieces of animation(动画片). Directed by Dianne Jackson and produced by Jonathan Coates, this film is truly filled with wonder. The music by Howard Blake, Walking in the air, stays with me for days every time I watch this film. Based on the best-selling book by Raymond Briggs, this animation is true to the original story and one you can share with your family during the holiday season.

In the snowman, a young boy called James wakes up one morning and finds snow on the ground. He quickly gets dressed and runs outside. He then builds a huge snowman. He gives it eyes, a nose, a scarf and a hat. He even gives it a big smiley face. After building the entire snowman by himself, it is time for James to go to bed. When he wakes up again he notices that the snowman has moved a little, so he runs downstairs and out of the door. He then notices the snowman is glowing, moves some more and then totally es to life. The snowman and James introduce themselves to each other and bee

great friends. The rest of the film shows the two flying around with so much fun and adventure throughout the day.

The book, the snowman, was adapted for the screen in 1982. It was nominated(提名) for an Academy Award for best animated short film. The scenes of the animation are just amazing, bringing to life so many memories from the days of movie shorts(电影短片). The silence in the film, meaning that there is no dialogue, makes it even more beautiful and old-fashioned.

I remend this film to children aged 2 to 6. Parents will enjoy not having to worry if it appropriate or not. I give the film 5 out of 5 stars.

28. The original story for the animation came from _______.

A. Howard Blake

B. Dianne Jackson

C. Raymond Briggs

D. Jonathan Coates

29. What’s the animation mainly about?

A. A snowman’s winter adventure

B. A boy’s happy time during the holiday

C. A boy’s worries about losing a snowman

D. A boy’s happy time with a living snowman.

30. From Paragragh3, we know that the animation ________.

A. is a pioneer animated short film.

B. has won an Academy Award

C. begins with funny dialogues

D. has very beautiful scenes

31. According to the text, the author________.

A. thinks highly of the snowman

B. doesn’t enjoy Walking in the air

C. used to play with snow when he was young

D. remends kids to read the book about James


Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than jobholders. An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases by 2%. All this es down to one point, work is helpful to health.

Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy away from loneliness. Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are busy. Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work people e into contact with each other. By collective activity they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him ill.

Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words.

From the above we can e to the conclusion that the more you work the happier and healthier you will be. Let us work hard and study hard and live a happy and healthy life.

32. The underlined word “average” in Paragraph 1 means ______.

A. healthy

B. lazy

C. ordinary

D. poor

33. The reason why housewives are not as healthy as career women is that ______.

A. housewives are poorer than career women

B. housewives have more children than career women

C. housewives have less chance to municate with others

D. housewives eat less food than career women

34. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 2?

A. Busy people have nothing to do at home.

B. High achievers don’t care about their families.

C. There is no friendship and warmth at home.

D. A satisfying job helps to keep one healthy.

35. The best title for this passage may be _____.

A. People Should Find a Job

B. Working Hard Is Good for Health

C. People Should Make More Friends by Work

D. The Loss of Work Means the Loss of Everything

第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)


Why do girls have to play sports? You might say “to get exercise” and you’d be right. To have fun? 36 But there’s more. In fact, there are at least four more reasons. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just health.

Girls who play sports do better in school. 37 But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don’t. Exercise improves learning, memory and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.

Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills. When working with coaches, trainers and teammates to win games and achieve goals, you’re learning how to be successful. 38 Playing sports builds up self-confidence. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves. Why? 39 Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape, keep a healthy weight, and make new friends.

Exercise cuts the pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help girls feel a little happier. How? 40 Friends are another mood-lifter. And being on

a team creates tight bonds between friends. It’s good to know your teammates will support you — both on and off the field!


【最新】甘肃省武威二中高二上学期期末文科数学试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.椭圆22 145 x y +=的一个焦点坐标是( ) A .(3,0) B .(0,3) C .(1,0) D .(0,1) 2.函数32)(ax x x f +-=,若1)2(='f ,则=a ( ) A .4 B .41 C .-4 D .41- 3.给出下列四个语句: ①两条异面直线有公共点; ②你是武威二中的学生吗? ③x ∈{1,2,3,4}; ④方向相反的两个向量是共线向量. 其中是命题的语句共有( ) A .4个 B .3个 C .2个 D .1个 4.已知a b >,那么下列不等式中正确的是( ) A > B .22a b > C .a b > D .a b > 5.已知椭圆)0(12222>>=+b a b y a x 的两个焦点分别是12F F ,,b=4,离心率为5 3,过1F 的直线交椭圆于A 、B 两点,则三角形2ABF 的周长为( ) A .20 B .16 C .12 D .10 6.一动圆的圆心在抛物线2 8y x =上,且动圆恒与直线02=+x 相切,则动圆必定过点( ) A .(2,0) B .(4,0) C .(0,2) D .(0,-2) 7.函数ln y x x =的单调递减区间是 ( ) A .1(,)e -+∞ B .1()e --∞, C .1(0)e -, D .(,)e +∞ 8.若方程C :2 21y x a +=(a 是常数)则下列结论正确的是( )


[首发]甘肃省武威市第二十三中学【最新】九年级上学期第二 次月考(12月)地理试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题 1.关于亚洲自然地理特征的叙述,正确的是 A.以高山高原为主,平均海拔居各洲之首 B.季风气候显著,包括热带、亚热带、温带三种季风气候类型 C.大河都发源于中部高山地带,流入太平洋和印度洋 D.湖泊分布广泛,淡水湖面积居世界之首 2.暑假里,有四位同学分别到亚洲四个不同的地点旅行。下面是他们描述的旅行见闻,最不可信的是 A.在世界最大的半岛上,我乘着雪橇逛街景 B.我坐在去乌兰巴托的火车上,见到了一望无际的大草原 C.我不会游泳,可在死海中我没有带救生圈却畅游了大半天 D.在沙特阿拉伯,一些旅店把床铺安排在屋顶上 3.如图为亚洲三个人类文明发祥地,这三个地区的共同特征是 A.都位于热带地区B.都位于湿润地区 C.都位于河流中下游地区D.都位于干旱半干旱地区 4.北半球的寒极(最冷的地方)位于( ) A.南极洲大陆B.北冰洋沿岸C.加拿大境内D.西伯利亚地区 5.欧洲西部“冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,全年湿润,降水季节分配均匀”,下图中与之描述相符的是( ) A.B.C.D.

6.到南极科学考察的最佳时间是() A.北半球的夏季B.2月C.南半球的冬季D.7月 7.如果杨利伟乘坐的“神舟5号”经过北极上空,这时他看不见的大洲是( ) A.欧洲B.非洲C.南极洲D.南美洲 二、解答题 8.图中字母或者数字代表的地理事物名称是: (1)A._______半岛;B_________半岛C.____海峡D_________山脉③_______洋;④_________洋 亚洲的地形特点是:__________ 亚洲的河流分布特点是:_______ 9.读极地地区图,回答下列问题填出图中字母代表的地理事物名称: (1)大洲:A__________ ;B__________; C__________ 海洋:D_______________ E_______________; 海峡:F________海峡 (2)北极圈以内的地方,有时候能见到“午夜太阳”奇观。请写出可能见到“午夜太阳”的两个国家___________, ___________。


吉林市普通中学2018—2019学年度高中毕业班第四次调研测试 参考答案及赋分说明 四调仲裁名单 1.(3分)C(A“近”应是“迈过”,“人数”应是“人次”,后一句少了“在过去一年里”;B原文为并列关系,而非因果关系;D还包括中华优秀传统文化所积淀的经典价值观在当代土壤中的根深蒂固。) 2.(3分)B(“目的在于分析电影流浪地球取得巨大成功的原因”有误,本文的目的在于文艺作品创作的艺术倾向问题。) 3.(3分)C(A.“人类”说法扩大原文信息,应指我们国内B.是没有获得观众的普遍认可D.“并非是”在原文中是“应该是”。) 4.(3分)D(“关系不大”,有误。) 5.(3分)C(A应为“供给侧结构性改革是实现绿色发展的重要途径”。B少定语,是一些发达国家。D“民间环保组织的作用是关键”无中生有。 6.(6分) (1)理念:(2分) ①坚持通过供给侧结构性改革,加大经济能源、文化科技、制度体系的绿色供给,绿色发展的以人本自然观。 ②绿色发展必须坚持整体施策,形成全方位全地域持续推进机制。 (2)制度: ①提高企业进驻的环境门槛,实现从“招商引资”向“招商选资”的转变。 ②坚持完善信息公开披露机制,建立企业环保信用信息“黑名单”,加大环保失信信息的曝光力度。 ③健全生态环境保护责任追究制度,加大问责力度。实现绿色发展有法可依、有章可循。 ④建立积极调动民间环保组织和志愿者的生态参与制度,将公众的意愿、热情、智慧转化成

生态治理的具体行动。 7.(3分)C 从全文看,对作者态度的表述错误。 8.(6分。每点2分,意思对即可。若学生答“比较固执”可根据分析酌情给分。) ①质朴真诚,善良热情(体贴)。总是热情地向路人问好,提醒“我”吃早饭。 ②勤劳朴素,热爱劳动。宁愿摆摊擦鞋,也不愿意享清福。 ③认真细致,心灵手巧。擦鞋手艺高,工作态度一丝不苟。 9.(6分。注意学生答题时总——分结构也可以) ①第二段写早晨勤劳又新鲜,引出早早出摊的擦鞋女人,突出她的勤劳。 ②写夏日早晨无风、闷热,实际上是烘托“我”因为你没看到擦鞋女人,心情烦躁、不安。 ③结尾处的小城早晨“清新、美好、诗意”,是因为擦鞋女人的回归,作者移情于景,表达了“我”对她的美好品质的崇敬与赞美。 10.(3分)D(时太尉郗鉴使门生求女婿于导,导令就东厢遍观子弟。门生归,谓鉴曰:“王氏诸少并佳,然闻信至,咸自矜持。惟一人在东床坦腹食,独若不闻。”) 11.(3分)D(母亲,错,应该是丈夫的母亲,刘兰芝的婆婆) 12.(3分)B(后来答应做了护军) 13.(10分) (1)当时殷浩与桓温不和,王羲之认为国家的安定取决于朝廷内外的和睦,于是给殷浩写信来劝诫他,殷浩不听(他的劝告)。(“协”“因”“戒”各1分,句意2分) (2)老妇人按照他的话去做,(果然)人们争着都买扇子。有一天,老妇人又拿着扇子来了,王羲之(只是)笑着却不答应(题字)。(“如”“竞”各1分,句意3分) 14.(3分)A(都是实写;远望的近景,错;“郊游的惬意”,情感分析错误) 15.(6分。3点各2分) 示例1: (1)国家内忧外患,战事不断,走向衰败的景象。 (2)兄弟离散,孤身浪迹天涯、迟暮多病的身世之感。 (3)迟暮之年未能为朝廷贡献微薄之力,深感惭愧。 示例2: (1)成都之西仍派兵驻守,防范吐蕃入侵,战事不断,百姓也必定承担繁重的赋税;(2)经历过安史之乱,大唐王朝走向势衰没落; (3)自己飘零一生,与亲人分离,又未能为朝廷效力,迟暮之年又多病。 16.(6分) (1)盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长 (2)结庐在人境,而无车马喧 (3)扪参历井仰胁息,以手抚膺坐长叹 17.(3分)C(遍地开花,比喻好事情到处出现或普遍发展;与日俱增,随着时间一天天地增长。形容不断增长。接踵而至,形容人接连而来或事情持续发生;油然而生,形容思想感情自然而然地产生。休休有容,形容君子宽容而有气量;虚怀若谷,形容十分谦虚,能容纳别人的意见。层出不穷,形容事物连续出现,没有穷尽;川流不息,形容行人、车马等象水流一样连续不断。开眉展眼,高兴愉快的样子;大快朵颐,指吃喝方面,形容大饱口福、痛快淋漓地大吃一通、非常快活的享受美食) 18.(3分)D 19.(3分)B 20.(5分。找到5处并修改正确,即可) (1)“五四”运动——不准确:“五四运动” (2)《做新时代有志青年》——不准确:去掉书名号(可以换成引号) (3)写稿——不准确:改成“投稿” (4)没有具体字数要求,要结合对历史的回顾,抒发当代青年的人生理想——不简明(不合理),不属于“体裁”类,应该进行分类提出,如:三、稿件要求(写稿要求) (5)截至4月26日为止——“为止”去掉(或:为止——去掉)


湖南省衡阳市2017-2018学年高一英语上学期期中试题 请注意:时量120分钟满分100分 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,每小题0.5分,满分10分); 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上. 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍. 1. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Keep studying. B. Wake up early. C. Get some rest. 2. Where does the woman live now? A. On Main Street. B. On Sutter Avenue. C. On Third Avenue. 3. What are the speakers doing? A. Watching TV. B. Seeing a movie. C. Listening to the radio. 4. What time is it now? A. 4:45 a.m. B. 6:45 a.m. C. 7:00 a.m. 5. How does Annabelle know Sara? A. They're in the same science class. B. They're on the same sports team. C. They're working on a project together. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍. 听第6段材料,回答第6, 7题。 6. How many cups of sugar do the speakers need? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.


武威二中高三化学二模试卷 、单选题(2*20 ) 2?《梦溪笔谈》中记载有:“信州铅山县有苦泉,流以为涧。挹其水熬之,则成胆矶。烹胆 矶则成铜;熬胆矶铁釜,久之亦化为铜。”下列对文中内容的解释正确的是() A. 胆矶受热不能分解 B .胆矶的化学式为CuSO C. “苦泉”可使蛋白质变性 D .胆矶与铁通过复分解反应可炼铜 3?常温下,1mol化学键分解成气态原子所需要的能量用E表示,结合表中信息判断下列说法 不正确的是 共价键H- H F—F H- F H— Cl H-1 E/kJ/mol436157568432298 A. 432 kJ /mol>E(H —Br)>298kJ/mol B . 表中最稳定的共价键是H —F 键 C. H2(g)T2H(g)△ H=+436kJ/mol D . 1/2H 2(g)+l/2F 2(g)=HF(g)△ H= -25kJ/mol 4. 设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值。下列说法正确的是 A. 0.1mol SiO 2晶体中含有Si-O键的数目为0.2N A B. 56g铁粉与高温水蒸气反应,生成H2数目为1.5N A C. 标准状况下,22.4 LCl 2溶于水,转移电子数为 N A D. 18gH218O和2HaO的混合物中,所含中子数为92 5. 碘在地壳中主要以NalQ的形式存在,在海水中主要以I -的形式存在,几种粒子之间的转 化关系如图所示。下列说法中正确的是 f* l 1 1 AS 1t 足H仙 1. F列有关原子、分子或物质所对应的表示式正确的是 A. C. 氯化钠电子式:N


——学年度第一学期期中考试试卷 八年级数学 (满分120分,考试时间100分钟) 一、精心选一选:(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.) 1.在下列各电视台的台标图案中,是轴对称图形的是 ( ) A. B. C . D . (2题) (3题) (4 题) 2.如图所示,亮亮书上的三角形被墨迹污染了一部分,很快他就根据所学知识画出一个与书上完全一样的三角形,那么这两个三角形完全一样的依据是 ( ) A. SSS B. SAS C. AAS D. ASA 3.如图所示,△ABD ≌△CDB ,下面四个结论中,不正确的是 ( ) A.△ABD 和△CDB 的面积相等 B.△ABD 和△CDB 的周长相等 C.∠A +∠ABD =∠C +∠CBD D.AD ∥BC ,且AD =BC 4.如图所示,BE ⊥AC 于点D ,且AD =CD ,BD =ED ,若∠A BC =54°,则∠E =( ) A.25° B.27° C.30° D.45° 5.以下列各组线段为边,能组成三角形的是 ( ) A. 2 cm ,3 cm ,5 cm B. 3 cm ,3 cm ,6 cm C. 5 cm ,8 cm ,2 cm D. 4 cm ,5 cm ,6 cm 6.如图,把长方形ABCD 沿EF 对折后使两部分重合,若AEF =110°, 则∠1=( ) A.30° B.35° C.40° D.50° 7.等腰三角形一腰上的高与另一腰的夹角为60,则顶角的度数为 D A E D A C B

( ) A.30° B.30°或150° C.60150或 D.60或120 8.下列图形具有稳定性的是 ( ) A. 正方形 B. 长方形 C. 直角三角形 D. 平行四边形 9、正n 边形的内角和等于1080o,则n 的值为 ( ) A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10 10、如图:∠EAF=15°,A B=BC=CD=DE=EF , 则∠DEF 等于( ) A :90° B : 75° C :70° D : 60° 二、细心填一填:(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.) 11. 点A (2,-1)关于x 轴对称的点的坐标是 . 12. △ABC 中,∠A=1000,BI 、CI 分别平分∠ABC ,∠ACB ,则∠BIC= 13.如图,已知AD AB =,DAC BAE ∠=∠, 要使ABC △≌ADE △,若以“SAS ”为依据,补充 的条件是 . 14.等腰三角形的两边分别为1和2,则其周长为 . 15. 如图:从镜子中看到一钟表的时针和分针,此时的实际 时刻是________; 16. 在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,∠A=30°, AB +BC=12㎝,则AB= ㎝; 17. 如图:DE 是?ABC 中AC 边的垂直平分线,若BC=8厘米, AB=10厘米,则?EBC 的周长为 18、在⊿ABC 中,∠A = 34o,∠B = 72o,则与∠C 相邻的外角为________。 19.△ABC ≌△DEF ,且△ABC 的周长为12,若AB =3,EF =4,则 AC = . 20.如图,已知ABC △的周长是21,OB ,OC 分别平分∠ABC 和∠ACB , 4OD BC D OD ⊥于,且=,△ABC 的面积是_______. A C E B D A D O C B C A F E C E B D A


柘皋中学2018-2019-1期中考试高一英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1、What did Ted give his father on Father’s Day last year? A. A beautiful tie. B. A greeting card. C. Nothing. 2、Where are the man and the lady? A、In a shop. B、In a museum C、In a classroom. 3、Where did this conversation probably take place? A、In a restaurant. B、At a theatre. C、At a hospital. 4、What time is it now? A、6:15 B、6:25 C、6:35 5、What did Penny do? A、Had lunch herself. B、Had lunch with the woman. C、Had lunch with Bob Thomas. 第二节(共15题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题 6、What are the two speakers talking about? A、Their homework. B、What they did in the last holiday. C、The girl’s family. 7、What is the girl going to do in the coming holiday? A、She will go travelling. B、She will stay at home. C、She hasn’t decided. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8、What is the man going to do next Wednesday? A、To make a table for four. B、To have dinner with others. C、To visit a restaurant. 9、What will the man order?


武威市基本情况调查报告摘要【武威市基本情况介绍】 武威市基本情况介绍 武威,位于甘肃省中部,河西走廊的东端,是中国旅游标志—马踏飞燕的出土地。1986年被国务院命名为全国历史文化名城和对外开放城市,2005年被命名为中国优秀旅游城市,2006年被命名为省级文明城市。现辖凉州区、民勤县、古浪县和天祝藏族自治县,总面积3.3万多平方公里,总人口181.5万。 武威地处亚欧大陆桥的咽喉,是河西走廊的东大门,东接兰州, 南靠西宁,北临银川、呼和浩特四大省会城市,西连新疆,南通西藏,处于西部地区的中心位置。兰新铁路、干武铁路、G30国家高速、312国道贯通全境,宁夏至武威高速(营双高速)、S211、S308省道和金武高速等地方道路纵横交错、四通八达,是河西走廊人流、物流、资金流、信息流最集中的地区,也是辐射西北及中亚地区的最佳交通枢纽和节点城市。 近年来,市委、市政府强力推进工业强市战略,坚持引项目、找矿藏、建园区、上规模、增效益,工业经济快速发展。目前,全市已引进建设了光伏发电、风力发电、水泥、电石、新型建材、碳基材料、化工、食品加工和物流等方面的一批骨干项目,新型产业体系初步形成,工业经济进入了加速发展阶段。2011年,全市实现生产总值267.5亿元,增长13.7%,全社会固定资产投资303亿元,增长60%,工业增加值达到81亿元,增长20.4%,大口径财政收入达到20亿元,增长54.3%。“十二五”期间,全市将全力实施工业强市战略,培育壮大支柱产业,推进工业化 发展。到2016年,全市生产总值达到600亿元,年递增14%;工业增加值达到300亿元,年递增25%。 一、全市资源情况 武威市内地势平坦,可利用土地广阔,土地资源较为丰富,是承接产业转移的理想之地。区域内矿产资源十分丰富,现已发现矿产9大类、30多种,各类矿产点100多处,初步探明储量的矿种15种,其中石墨667万吨、煤炭20亿吨、石灰石18亿吨;此外,为承接新疆煤炭资源而新建的武南国家煤炭集疏运中心也已开工建设,未来将形成年交易煤炭资源4亿吨的吞吐能力,各类矿产资源开发前景广阔。 武威区域日照时间长,昼夜温差大,为农产品的生长发育提供了良好的环境,是全省瓜果蔬菜基地、放心肉繁育基地、绿色食品最佳产区,也是甘肃及西北地区重要的农产品生产加工基地。主要农林牧资源有小麦、玉米、油料、瓜果、蔬菜、棉花、畜产品等。其中小麦总产量95万吨,啤酒大麦总产量13万吨,玉米总产量43万吨,马铃薯产量50.6万吨,葡萄种植面积约10万亩,产量5万吨,棉花种植面积15万亩,产量1.54万吨,油料种植面积28万亩,产量9万吨,蔬菜种植面积53万亩,产量176万吨,瓜类种植面积4.6万亩,产量17万吨,红枣种植面积6万亩,产量近1.4万吨,肉类总产量24万吨。以此资源为依托,初步形成以淀粉业、酒业、面业、醋业、肉类加工业为主的食品工业体系,产品品种达到150多类1400多种;重点产品小麦粉产量86.75万吨,混配合饲料31万吨,食用植物油23410吨,白酒5336吨,啤酒83476吨,葡萄酒10000吨。 同时,区域内太阳辐射强,年日照时数在2570—3030小时之间,日照百分率58—68%,年总辐射量5530兆焦/平方米—6200兆焦/平方米;风能资源亦非常丰富,多年平均风速均≥3.5m/s,主导风向全年较稳定;≥26m/s的极大风速少,有效风能利用时数均≥5000小时,每日可利用风能时数达13.9小时以上,风速变化均衡,跃变较小,是甘肃建设河西“陆上三峡”能源基地的重要节点区域。 “十二五”期间,武威将努力发挥资源优势,积极承接产业转移,培育壮大支柱产业。力争汽车产能达到5万辆,光伏组件500兆瓦,葡萄酒20万吨,电解铝110万吨,焦炭300万


2019-2020武威二中高三英语考卷 考试时间:100分钟;命题人: 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第一卷 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出选项. A Theme Park Tourist is your essential source for news, reviews and park guides for theme parks in Orlando, Florida and beyond. We offer a special perspective (观点) on all the latest news from Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and other parks and resorts, and are proud to deliver some of the most in-depth, well-researched articles about theme parks available anywhere on the web. Here are a few of the features we have to offer: ● Latest news — regular updates from theme parks around the world, including Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and many more. ● In-depth features —fascinating articles about almost every aspect of theme parks- behind the scenes information and more. ● Park reviews and guides — all of the key information for over 90 theme parks, including reviews of attractions, restaurants and hotels. ● Reha b schedules —listings of temporary attraction closures that could affect your theme park visit. Contact us We are always keen to receive details of upcoming new attractions, ride repair news, special offers and any other theme park news—click here to get in touch by e-mail. Learn more Advertise with us — information for companies interested in advertising on Theme Park Tourist. Donate (捐赠) to us — Are you interested in donating to Theme Park Tourist? Click here to learn more. 1.Theme Park Tourist is probably a(n) ________. A.person guiding people to theme parks B.website offering information about theme parks


座号: 武威第二十三中学2014——2015学年度第一学期期中试卷 九年级语文 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 一、积累与运用(2—8每题3分,总共38分) 1.请从下列10个成语中圈出4个错别字,并加以订正。(4分) 强聒不舍言行相故自知之名恼羞成怒克尽职守 涕泗横流 2.下列词语注音有错误一组是()(3分) A.稍逊(xùn) 分外(fan) 又间令吴广(jiàn)济慈(cí) 鸿鹄( hú ) B.喑哑(ān) 丝缕(1ǚ) 襁褓(qiáng bǎo)折腰(zh?) 所罾(zēng) C.闪烁(shu?) 颤抖(chàn) 凝望(níng)留滞(zhì) 舴(z?)艋 D.静谧(mì) 遐想(xiá) 栖息(qī)洞穴( xu?) 造诣(yì) 3. 下列语句中划横线的成语使用有误的一项是( )(3分) A.我这题目,是把《礼记》里头“敬业乐群”和《老子》里头“安其居,乐其业”那两句话,断章取义造出来的。 B.伏尔泰具有女性的温情和英雄的怒火,他具有伟大的头脑和浩如烟海的心胸。 C.有这种诗人灵魂的传统的民族,应该有气吞斗牛的表现才对。 D.能够从客观的立场分析前因后果,做将来的借鉴,以免重蹈覆辙。 4.下面句子没有语病的一项是( )(3分) A.通过这次语文综合性学习,让我们从一个侧面感受到了戏剧的魅力。 B.从小学到现在,你一定有过被小说的情节深深吸引的时候。 C.晚会过后,她那优美的舞姿,动听的歌声,还回响在我耳边。 D.当今时代,科学技术已推动生产力发展的巨大动力。 5.下列各句中,标点符号的使用合乎规范的一项是()(3分) A.团风县林家大湾及相邻村湾,是片神奇的土地,孕育了革命家林育南、林育英、地质学家李四光、文学家秦兆阳等一代志士仁人。 B.在“爆竹声声辞旧岁,梅花朵朵迎新春”的节日里,“嗵——啪——”的礼炮声不绝于耳。 C.“你现在就去把它要回来!”妈妈坚定地说:“那么贵重的东西怎么能够随便送人呢?要不我和你一起去!” D.我在天空垂钓,钓一池晶莹剔透的繁星,我在自然垂钓,钓几缕怡神养性的空灵,我在书海垂钓,钓些许开启混沌的真谛,我在尘世垂钓,钓几多感人肺腑的真情。 6.下列文学常识中,有误的一项是( )(3分) A.《敬业与乐业》一文,梁启超阐述了人生与事业的关系。 B.雨果的演讲,是对人类先贤伏尔泰关于思想与人格力量的礼赞。 C.苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基通过书信形式,阐述了自己的主张,反对女儿早恋。 D.通过书信形式,傅雷劝慰、激励儿子保持谦卑,不惧孤独,勇于攀登艺术高峰。 7.在下面的情景或场合中,语言最得体的一项是()(3分) A. 建筑工地:施工给您带来了不便,请绕行,谢谢合作。 B. 饭店里:请勿随地吐痰。 C. 公共场所:禁止吸烟,违者罚款。 D. 患者愈后送给医生的锦旗上:救死扶伤是医生的天职。 8.把下列带序号的句子依次填入文中横线处,使上下文语意连贯。( ) (3分) 出土于河南新郑的莲鹤方壶是东周时期青铜礼器的代表器物。__________;__________;_________;_________。_________。其造型宏伟气派,装饰典雅华美,堪称“国之重宝”。 ①壶底还铸有两只卷尾兽,支撑全器重量 ②壶颈两侧有附壁回首的龙形怪兽双耳 ③腹部的四角各攀附一条立体飞龙 ④方壶通体满饰龙凤花纹,凝重而不失华丽 ⑤壶冠呈双层盛开的莲瓣形,中间平盖上立有一只展翅欲飞的仙鹤 A.⑤②③①④ B.④⑤③②① C.⑤③①②④ D.④⑤①②③ 9.名著阅读。(5分) 《水浒传》是我国第一部歌颂农民起义的长篇体小说,鲜明地表现了“”的主题,塑造了一大批栩栩如生的人物形象,如、、等。 10. 默写与诗歌鉴赏。( 8分) (1)《江城子?密州出猎》中作者运用典故希望受到重用的诗句, 。 (2)《沁园春雪》的主旨句是,。 (3),燕然未勒归无计。 (4)《武陵春》中叙述词人哀伤原因和哀伤程度的句子是, 。 (5)过尽千帆皆不是,。肠断白蘋洲。 二、阅读理解 (一)阅读梁启超《敬业与乐业》片段,回答问题。(15分) 敬字为古圣贤教人做人最简易、直捷的法门,可惜被后来有些人说得太精微,倒变得不适实用了。惟有朱子解得最好,他说:“主一无适便是敬。”用现在的话讲,凡做一件事,便忠于一件事,将全副精力集中到这事上头,一点不旁骛,便是敬。业有什么可敬呢?为什么


绝密★启封并使用完毕前 2018-2019学年度第一学期模块监测 高一英语 2018.11 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。 2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 该部分分为第一、第二两节。做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 I. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a hospital. B. In an office. C. In a restaurant. 2. What advice does the man give the woman? A. Raise a dog. B. Get a cat. C. Keep a goldfish 3. What is the man's brother doing? A. Waiting outside. B. Parking the car. C. Talking to the woman.


武威市基本情况介绍 武威,位于甘肃省中部,河西走廊的东端,是中国旅游标志—马踏飞燕的出土地。1986年被国务院命名为全国历史文化名城和对外开放城市,2005年被命名为中国优秀旅游城市,2006年被命名为省级文明城市。现辖凉州区、民勤县、古浪县和天祝藏族自治县,总面积3.3万多平方公里,总人口181.5万。 武威地处亚欧大陆桥的咽喉,是河西走廊的东大门,东接兰州,南靠西宁,北临银川、呼和浩特四大省会城市,西连新疆,南通西藏,处于西部地区的中心位置。兰新铁路、干武铁路、G30国家高速、312国道贯通全境,宁夏至武威高速(营双高速)、S211、S308省道和金武高速等地方道路纵横交错、四通八达,是河西走廊人流、物流、资金流、信息流最集中的地区,也是辐射西北及中亚地区的最佳交通枢纽和节点城市。 近年来,市委、市政府强力推进工业强市战略,坚持引项目、找矿藏、建园区、上规模、增效益,工业经济快速发展。目前,全市已引进建设了光伏发电、风力发电、水泥、电石、新型建材、碳基材料、化工、食品加工和物流等方面的一批骨干项目,新型产业体系初步形成,工业经济进入了加速发展阶段。2011年,全市实现生产总值267.5亿元,增长13.7%,全社会固定资产投资303亿元,增长60%,工业增加值达到81亿元,增长20.4%,大口径财政收入达到20亿元,增长54.3%。“十二五”期间,全市将全力实施工业强市战略,培育壮大支柱产业,推进工业化

发展。到2016年,全市生产总值达到600亿元,年递增14%;工业增加值达到300亿元,年递增25%。 一、全市资源情况 武威市内地势平坦,可利用土地广阔,土地资源较为丰富,是承接产业转移的理想之地。区域内矿产资源十分丰富,现已发现矿产9大类、30多种,各类矿产点100多处,初步探明储量的矿种15种,其中石墨667万吨、煤炭20亿吨、石灰石18亿吨;此外,为承接新疆煤炭资源而新建的武南国家煤炭集疏运中心也已开工建设,未来将形成年交易煤炭资源4亿吨的吞吐能力,各类矿产资源开发前景广阔。 武威区域日照时间长,昼夜温差大,为农产品的生长发育提供了良好的环境,是全省瓜果蔬菜基地、放心肉繁育基地、绿色食品最佳产区,也是甘肃及西北地区重要的农产品生产加工基地。主要农林牧资源有小麦、玉米、油料、瓜果、蔬菜、棉花、畜产品等。其中小麦总产量95万吨,啤酒大麦总产量13万吨,玉米总产量43万吨,马铃薯产量50.6万吨,葡萄种植面积约10万亩,产量5万吨,棉花种植面积15万亩,产量1.54万吨,油料种植面积28万亩,产量9万吨,蔬菜种植面积53万亩,产量176万吨,瓜类种植面积4.6万亩,产量17万吨,红枣种植面积6万亩,产量近1.4万吨,肉类总产量24万吨。以此资源为依托,初步形成以淀粉业、酒业、面业、醋业、肉类加工业为主的食品工业体系,产品品种达到150多类1400多种;重点产品小麦粉产量86.75万吨,混配合饲料31万吨,食用植物油23410吨,白酒5336吨,啤酒83476吨,葡萄酒10000吨。

甘肃省武威第二十三中学2020届九年级英语上学期期中试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

2020学年度第一学期期中考试试卷 九年级英语 (满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 一.单项选择题。(每小题1分,共25分) ()1. I want to keep a pet dog. Can you give me _____ ? A. an advice B. some advices C. a advice D. some advice ()2.There are 30 _____ people in our city. A. millions B. million C. million of D. millions of ()3. This summer, there is _____ rain and it is ______ cool A. much too…too much B. too much…much too C. too much…too much D. much too…much too ()4. I have _____ to tell you. Listen carefully. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. I mportant anything ()5. I study English ______ making flashcards. A. of B. by C. in D. on ()6. Can you tell me ______ learn a foreign language well. A. what to B. how to C. what I can D. how can I ()7. They enjoyed _____ piano. A. play B. playing C. playing the D. to play a ()8. I don’t know _____ it next. A. what to do B. how to do C. what can I do D. how can I do ()9. _____ you _____ to go to the park when they were children? A. Did, use B. Did, used C. Do, used D. Do, use ()10. --- __________? --- She is of medium height. A. What’s she like? B. How is she? C. What does she like? D. How does she like? ()11. I will eat ice, meat _____ noodles.


吉林省吉林市桦甸市第四中学高一下学期期末数学试题 一、单选题 1.22sin 3π?? - = ?? ?( ) A . 12 B .12 - C D . 【答案】C 【解析】用诱导公式化简求值. 【详解】 22222sin()sin(8)sin 3332 ππππ- =-+== . 故选:C . 【点睛】 本题考查诱导公式,掌握诱导公式是解题基础. 2.某校高一年级有男生540人,女生360人,用分层抽样的方法从高一年级的学生中随机抽取25名学生进行问卷调查,则应抽取的女生人数为( ) A .5 B .10 C .15 D .20 【答案】B 【解析】利用分层抽样的定义和方法求解即可. 【详解】 设应抽取的女生人数为x ,则25 360540360 x =+,解得10x =. 故选B 【点睛】 本题主要考查分层抽样的定义及方法,意在考查学生对这些知识的理解掌握水平,属于基础题. 3.如果连续抛掷一枚质地均匀的骰子100次,那么第95次出现正面朝上的点数为4的概率为( ) A . 1920 B . 16 C . 120 D . 195 【答案】B 【解析】由随机事件的概念作答.

抛掷一枚质地均匀的骰子,出现正面朝上的点数为4,这个事件是随机事件,每次抛掷出现的概率是相等的,都是1 6 ,不会随机抛掷次数的变化而变化. 故选:B . 【点睛】 本题考查随机事件的概率,属于基础题. 4.已知扇形AOB 的圆心角3 AOB π ∠=,弧长为2π,则该扇形的面积为( ) A .6π B .12π C .6 D .12 【答案】A 【解析】可先由弧长计算出半径,再计算面积. 【详解】 设扇形半径为R ,则 23 R π π=,6R =, 1 2662 S = ?π?=π. 故选:A . 【点睛】 本题考查扇形面积公式,考查扇形弧长公式,掌握扇形的弧长和面积公式是解题基础. 5.函数()f x = ) A .2,2()6 3k k k Z π πππ? ? + + ∈??? ? B .,()6 3k k k Z π πππ? ? + + ∈??? ? C .522()1212k k k Z ππππ? ?+?+∈??? ? D .5,()1212k k k Z ππππ? ?++∈??? ? 【答案】D 【解析】根据偶次根式可得1 sin 22 x ≥,再结合正弦函数的图像列式可解得结果. 【详解】 因为()f x =2sin210x -,即1sin 22 x ≥ , 解得5()12 12 k x k k Z π π ππ++ ∈. 故选:D


2018-2019 学年度下英语期中考试 高一英语试卷 第I卷 (选择题) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答 有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man want? A. Some bottles. B. Some water. C. Some juice. 2.How much is the tip? A. $1. B. $5. C. $2. 3.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The Murder. B. Traffic. C. Weather. 4.What happened to the woman? A. Her house was robbed. B. Her furniture was destroyed. C. Her jewelry was stolen. 5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Friends. B. Colleagues. C. Stranger 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间 阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话 科网或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 、7题。 6.Why does the man worry about his mother? A. She is too old. B. She is too ill. C.She gets bad-tempered. 7.What does the man invite his mother to do? A. Live with them. B. Visit his family. C.Meet his girlfriend. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 、9题。 8.Why does the man leave the company? A.He ’s not satisfied with the boss. B.He didn ’ t get promoted for a long time. C. He doesn’t think it’s the right place for him. 9. How does the man get his new job? A. Through the newspaper. B. Through his friend. C. Through the Internet. 听第 8 段材料,回答第10 至12题。 10. How soon will the movie start? A. In a few minutes. 11. Who will pay for the woman B. In a few seconds. ’ s ticket? C. In a few hours.

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