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演讲稿开篇的目的是吸引听众。乔布斯在他的演讲稿开篇使用的是"关联话题与听众"的方式。这是一种比较有效的方法,因为人们一般对自己的事情都很关注,和自己相关的事情也会格外留意。乔布斯在演讲开篇说道:"Iamhonoredtobewithyoutodayforyourcommencementfromoneofthefin estuniversitiesintheworld.Truthbetold,Inevergraduatedfromcollege.Andt hisistheclosestI”veevergottentoacollegegraduation."高度赞美斯坦福大






如何清晰地阐释演讲者的观点或演讲要点,如何用相关事实有效地支撑演讲者的各个论点或要点,是演讲稿主体段写作时应该把握的关键。乔布斯在斯坦福大学的毕业演讲中明确给出了三个要点:①Thefirststoryisaboutconnectingthedots.②Mysecondstoryisaboutloveandloss.③Mythirdstoryisaboutdeath.为了清晰、有效地阐述自己想要表达的这三个要点,他运用了以下三种手段:首先是举例子。乔布斯在演讲中用了大量的事例来说明他怎么对待学习、工作和死亡。比如他说自己读书时旁听有意思的书法课程,这些课在当时对他没什么实质帮助,但是十年后在当他设计第一款Macintosh计算机的时候,这些东西全派上了用场,这个例子充分说明了他演讲的第一个要点--串起生命中的点滴。另一个手段是引用。乔布斯在演讲中引用了一些名言警句来阐述自己的观点。比如在讲到死亡时,他引用了一句格言:"Ifyouliveeachdayasifitwasyourlast,somedayyou”llmostcertainlyberight."这句话表明了他对于生命和死亡的看法,使听众印象深刻。第三个手段是数据支持。在讲第二个故事--关于爱和失去时,乔布斯用了一系列数据来支撑自己的观点。他说自己是幸运的,因为"WozandIstartedAppleinmyparents”garagewhenIwas20.Weworkedhard,andin10yearsApplehadgrownfromjus tthetwoofusinagarageintoa$2billioncompanywithover4000employees.W e”djustreleasedourfinestcreation-theMacintosh-ayearearlier,andI”djustturned30."数据很直观,能让听众更直接地认识和理解演讲内容。


演讲的结尾往往需要起到"画龙点睛"的作用,要尽量做到意味深长、启发思考。开篇和正文再好,如果结尾过于平淡,整个演讲的精彩程度也会大打折扣。那么如何做到结尾有"道"呢?首先我们来看看乔布斯的这篇演讲稿,他的结尾比开篇更加出彩,采用的是"引文结尾"的方式,达到了引人深思的效果。他在结尾说道:"StewartandhisteamputoutseveralissuesoftheWholeEarthCatalog,andthe nwhenithadrunitscourse,theyputoutafinalissue.Itwasthemid-1970s,andI wasyourage.Onthebackcoveroftheirfinalissuewasaphotographofanearly morningcountryroad,thekindyoumightfindyourselfhitchhikingonifyouwer esoadventurous.Beneathitwerethewords”StayHungry.StayFoolish.”Itwast heirfarewellmessageastheysignedoff.StayHungry.StayFoolish.AndIhaveal wayswishedthatformyself.Andnow,asyougraduatetobeginanew,Iwishthatf oryou.StayHungry.StayFoolish."乔布斯不仅在演讲结尾引用了这句"StayHungry.StayFoolish"(求知若渴,虚怀若谷),而且重复三遍,强化了听众的印象。这句话后来也被广泛传播,被誉为该篇演讲的精髓。


言,往往是演讲者自己的总结和心声。一个非常经典的例子是PatrickHenry的演讲"LibertyorDeath"。他在结尾时说道:"Islifesodear,orpeacesosweet,astobepurchasedatthepriceofchainsandsla very

Forbidit,AlmightyGod!Iknownotwhatcourseothersmaytake;butasforme,gi vemeliberty,orgivemedeath!"③首尾呼应。在演讲结尾对开篇提到的主题和重点进行重新阐述,这是体现演讲内在统一性的经典形式,值得借鉴。



关于青春励志英文演讲稿 everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite . having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around! the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


我的梦想高中生英语演讲稿 my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true! thanks~ 我的梦想 你好大家!这是我很高兴能够分享我的梦想与你今天。 我的梦想是成为一名教师。 你知道作为一个教师,是一个东西,这是非常宝贵的,非常有趣。我认为它 必须是一个伟大的乐趣与子女所有。 如果我是一名教师, 我可以教我的学生很多 知识。他们可能会成为强大和聪明,因为我了。这是一个非常知足的感觉。 中国是一个发展中国家。中国人是不是优秀,在他们的智能。所以老师在中 国可能非常非常重要的。 他们可以提供社会了不少成功的人, 使中国成为更美好 的地方。 你认为我有一个很好的梦想,我将努力工作,使我的梦想变成真! [我的梦想高中生英语演讲稿


《一分钟英语演讲稿》 一分钟英语演讲稿(一): House by Limpid water Hi everybody。 How I wish to live a house surrounded by limpid water! From the windows of the house you could see the clear water flowing by。 And the fresh smell of the water could make you forget a days hard work and feel vigorous again。And the limpid water could bring us green trees, pleasant grass and colorful flowers。 Yes, it is like a beautiful drawing。 Yes, it is my good dream! Can this dream e true? A few years ago, the suZhou river was polluted。 But now, with the help of city governments, it bees clean。 So we should save and protect the water。 I do believe house by limpid water will e true。 In Shanghai the water will bee more limpid, the sky more blue, the air more fresh, and the people more healthy。 We are sure to have a better city and a better life tomorrow! Lets study hard and work hard, and wait to enjoy house by limpid water! thank you。 一分钟英语演讲稿(二): Beauty Hi everybody。 Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye。 A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful。 A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful。 A splendid waterfall ing down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful。 Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind。 The virtue of the Chinese nation-industry and bravery are taken as beautiful, because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world。 Einstein's theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful, for it explains many


关于青春励志英语演讲稿 青春是我们挥洒汗水的时期,青春是我们追梦的时期。青春无悔,在自己的青春时光要做到不要留下遗憾。以下是WTT小雅为大家整理了有关于青春励志的英语演讲稿3篇,希望对你有帮助。 关于青春励志英语演讲稿篇1 Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit of excellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today is “willing to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth.”; Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon, with all the enthusiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I really appreciate the “Agni youth,”; these words inside, and has been encouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should be burned, give off light only value! Burning of one's life may also be corrupt, in that case, I do not want to corrupt, not

初中英语演讲稿:我的梦想(my dream)

编号:_____ 初中英语演讲稿:我的梦想(my dream) 学校:_________ 教师:_________ ____年___月___日 (此文内容仅供参考,可自行修改) 第1 页共3 页

初中英语演讲稿:我的梦想(my dream) Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges Good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to bee a teacher.... As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don’t expect plete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life. I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction. I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of ic and cartoon away. They could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. That’s the rea l munication of heart to heart. I have the belief that my dreams should e true. I am looking forward to some day ing when I am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky. 第 2 页共 3 页


3分钟励志演讲稿精选范文汇总 3分钟励志演讲稿精选范文汇总 青春,让我们肆无忌惮,畅然释怀,体味风那样的自由,感受云那般的自在,因为青春赋予我们的是生命的巅峰,我们无须成熟,我们不再无知,我们唯有执着。青春里的正能量。强大的能量助我支撑起坚定的信念,让我对充满挑战的明天信心满满。下面给大家分享关于3分钟正能量晨会演讲稿,方便大家学习。 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们; 大家好! 古人云:“半亩方塘一鉴开,天光云影共徘徊”。高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”。每当我们打开书本,它总可以教给我们很多。 翻开略带清香的书页,洁净的纸上迸出一些辞句:“退一步天高地阔,让三分心平气和”,总会溢出一种智慧――宽容。书本告诉我们,宽容是一种高尚的品德;父亲告诉我们,宽容是一种成功的心境;母亲告诉我们,宽容是烘焙感情的暖炉;老师告诉我们宽容是一把解读人生的钥匙。一颗拥有宽容的心,就像天空一样高远,像大海一样深邃,它超脱于凡尘俗世的琐碎,情系于朗朗乾坤的潇洒。生活有了宽容,我们的天空不再阴霾风雨;我们有了宽容,生活的土壤一派盎然春意。 生活中我们经常见到的是:“他人之过,我辈一笑处之”的宽容,然而宽容并非单纯的容人容事,我们应更全面地看待它。

宽容是对国家、对社会的责任感。宽容者心怀天下,以一天下之心而为天下之事。于兵马乱世,他们挺身而出,安定四方;处太平盛世,他们“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”。在宽容者心中,不仅有人、朋友,更多的是国家、是民族、是天下苍生。他们可以“为中华之崛起而读书”,可以“指点江山,激扬文字”,可以“捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归”!试问倘无司马迁为天下修史之决心,何来“无韵之离骚”?又试问倘无千万革命先辈胸怀天下的赤子之心,何来今天的共和国?他们都是历史的强者,在他们身上都闪耀着一种光芒――宽容。 宽容还是对优秀多元思想的兼容并包。“大海不择细流,方能就其深;泰山不让土壤,故能成其大。”勇于包容他人的思想,博采众长,也是一种宽容。正因唐太宗能虚心接受魏徵的谏言,才成就一代明君。唐王朝始终以一种大国气度容纳天下,才为世界所敬服;而反观明清二朝,却严令禁海,闭关锁国,枉称大国,而无大国之气度,终将中国拉入了落后的深渊,酿成中国难以回首的百年耻辱,读史当明理,作为我们,要以史为鉴,志存高远,万不可因一时得失而迷失自我。 人常言:“比大地广阔的是海洋,比海洋广阔的是天空,比天空广阔的是人的胸怀。”在中学时代,我们不仅要努力学习知识,还要学做人,学做一个宽容的人;从不因一时意气斤斤计较,而是严以律已,宽以待人,与人为善,团结奋进。 学会了宽容,成于中而形于外,我们自然就拥有了气质与风度;

励志的短篇英文演讲稿-Never, Never Give Up

励志的短篇英文演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up 本文是关于励志的短篇英文演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 励志短篇演讲稿:Never, Never Give Up we often hear people say, “never give up.” these can be encouraging words and words of determination. a person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. in my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. therefore, i believe that we should never give up. one reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. it is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. if we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. if we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities. in short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people. furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.


dreams and ultimately made them come true. When I was young, I saw a dog one day. I threw a stone at it just for fun. Then it fell down and looked very weak. At that moment, I was surprised to notice it was pregnant. I can’t remember what happened next, but there’s one thing I know: that I felt guilty. It was the first time that I found life could so easily pass away. At that time, I had a dream, which was to help those people who needed help. There are too many wars and disasters. About 16,000 people have died in the Iraq War and one child dies every eight seconds in Africa because of starvation. I have dreams, you have dreams and they have dreams too. We should help them. We should save their lives so that they can pursue their own dreams.


英语演讲稿:正能量英语演讲稿 未经历坎坷泥泞的艰难,哪能知道阳光大道的可贵;未经历风雪交加的黑夜,哪能体会风和日丽的可爱;未 经历挫折和磨难的考验,怎能体会到胜利和成功的喜悦。以下是小编整理的关于正能量英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家参阅。 正能量英语演讲稿一:保持积极的心态 I t i s n a t u r a l t h a t d i f f i c u l t i e s h i d e i n e v e r y c o r n e r o f o u r l i f e,s o w e h a v e t o f a c e t h e m a t t i m e s.W h a t e v e r w e h a v e u n d e r g o n e i n o u r l i f e,w e s h o u l d n t c o m p l a i n a b o u t i t. W e m a y g e t a l o t o r l o s e s o m u c h i n o u r l i f e j o u r n e y, b u t k e e p i n g a p o s i t i v e a t t i t u d e s h o u l d a l w a y s b e t o g e t h e r w i t h u s. N o t h i n g c a n d e f e a t u s i f w e a r e c o n f i d e n t a n d d i l i g e n t. J u s t a s s a y i n g g o e s,G o d i s e q u a l t o e v e r y o n e.A s h e c l o s e s t h e d o o r, h e w i l l a l s o o p e n a w i n d o w f o r u s. M a n y o f u s h a v e s e e n a p i c t u r e o n t h e I n t e r n e t o f a m a n w i t h a n i c e s m i l e i s s t r u g g l i n g a l o n g w i t h t h e a i d o f a s t i c k b e c a u s e o f l o s i n g o n e o f h i s f e e t,a n d a n o t h e r m a n i s s i t t i n g o n t h e g r o u n d


传递正能量,共筑中国梦 商南县鹿城中学八(7)姚琦 “正能量”是当今富有时代气息的新名词,在我看来,正能量就像阳光一般和煦又简单;正能量是一种健康乐观、积极向上的动力和情感。现在,中国人为所有积极的、健康的、催人奋进的、给人力量的、充满希望的人和事,都贴上了“正能量”的标签。它已经上升成为一个充满象征意义的符号,表达着我们的渴望、我们的期待。中国梦,是新一届国家领导人描绘的关系民生大事的宏伟蓝图,宏大而充满激情,是亿万人民对生活的新期待。作为一名中学生,讲文明,有礼貌,懂感恩,心向上,从小做乐观积极的阳光少年,就是传递新时期的正能量,汇聚简单而又伟大的中国梦。 在今天这个物质高度发达的社会,我们必须承认,这个世界并不总是那么的美好,我们的人性也并不总是那么的高尚,我们的身边还有很多不和谐的音符:北京大兴的摔童事件、山西临汾的男童挖眼事件、近几年来发生的一系列少年犯罪报道让我们一度感到道德的迷茫:为什么人性如此的贪婪、冷漠和残忍?为什么通往真理的道路如此的曲折?为什么好人得不到好报?于是,有人沮丧,有人彷徨,似乎人们已经找不到方向,似乎社会已经失去了力量。但“最美女教师张丽莉“、“最美司机吴斌”、“最美妈妈吴菊萍”、2010年度“感动中国”十大人物之一的郭明义伯伯的事迹再一次告诉我们:世界上不光有冷漠和残忍,更多的是正义和仁爱!社会也好,人性也罢,都有着像硬币一样的正反面,我们不能仅从一面就妄下结论,这个世界,有黑暗也有阳光,有失望也有希望。而这阳光与希望就在我们每个人的身上,只要我们打开心灵之窗,恪守道德底线,传承仁爱之心,我们的社会就会形成道德与爱的强大气场,我们的身边就充满势不可挡的正能量。 被网友们称为“最美女教师”的张丽莉老师,在车祸来临的一刹那,义无反顾


中学生关于英语励志演讲稿 很多人在学习英语方面觉得很困难,其实英语要多听多读多练,那你的英语口语能力就会提上来了。小编为大家整理了中学生关于英语励志的演讲稿3篇,希望对你有帮助。 中学生关于英语励志演讲稿篇1 Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful. But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story. This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by. But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly. We were all very angry with the young man. To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home. We all praised the girl. From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance. A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful. 中学生关于英语励志演讲稿篇2 It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty. Everybody was born with a heart for beauty.


最新mydream英语演讲稿带翻译doc 篇一:五分钟英语演讲稿__My_dream My dream Dear teachers and students, good afternoon !Today,I'm very glad to stand here to share my dream with you. Everyone has a dream. Some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.Different people have different dreams. I have a great dream,too. I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me . I never thought of my dream when I was a kid. Later,my dream always changed. At that time, I don't know what my dream is. I haven't studied English at all when I was in primary school. So you can imagine how awful my English is. I think it is impossible for me to study English well. Because I never read English words and English articles. I don't like English ,either. And I can't read the English well. But one day something changed , I have already changed my mind . I fall in love with


青春正能量英语演讲稿5篇 青春正能量英语演讲稿1 We often hear people say, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. Benjamin Franklin once said,”Great works are performed not by strength,but by perseverance.”From the remark,we can infer that,of all the advantageous characteristics,perseverance plays a crucial role in one’s success. Remember that year, I bought a bike,but I cant ride a bike! Mom seems to understand my thoughts, gently to me: "tomorrow Ill show you to your square, teach you to ride a bicycle." "Good!" Im happy to reply. The next morning, my mother and I went to the square. Mother let me push this bike, and look for the feeling, I have to not boring to walk cycles. Fifteen minutes passed, and my feet really acid! I want to back down. Well, learn the bike how so difficult, it is better not learn! At this time, my mother said to me ": well, quite good!" Listened to mothers words, my heart is light suddenly full of

[实现中国梦演讲稿] 有关中国梦的演讲题目

[实现中国梦演讲稿] 有关中国梦的演讲题目 以两会胜利闭幕为起点,新的奋斗征程已经开启。在这次大会上,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,道出了全国各族人民的心声,凝聚着全国各族人民的共识。要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福,这是全国人民为之奋斗终生的目标和固守,作为中华儿女,xx人义不容辞肩负起这个荣耀且重大的责任。那么,如何实现中国梦,如何汇集我们的点滴绘制中国梦的壮美蓝图,答案只有一个,立足本岗位、本部门,全力以赴xx事业做大做强,为实现中国梦积蓄足够强大的正能量”。 将岗位工作和中国梦的实现联系在一起似乎太过牵强,其实不然。实现中国梦,需要我们每一个人继续付出辛勤劳动和艰苦努力,脚踏实地地做好自己的事情,心往一处想,劲往一处使。我们是xx人,我们是中国人,我们为中国梦的实现所能做的最真诚的事情,便是立足本职、埋头苦干、锐意进取,奋力于徐大堡项目的早日开工。但是项目的开工也仅是我们为实现中国梦所走的一小步,我们更长远的目标是把xx做大做强,为实现中国梦积蓄足够强大的正能量。

历史和现实告诉我们,越是接近梦想,前进的路就越是艰辛。今天的中国,已经是世界第二大经济体,仍面临着发展方式的转变、改革深水区的挑战。同理,今天的xx,虽然在企业成长的道路上一路凯歌,但在项目开工、工程管理上仍有诸多课题。在走向富强的关键节点上,我们仍需谦虚谨慎、戒骄戒躁、脚踏实地、再接再厉。 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。xxxx年是全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神和十八届一中、二中全会精神的开局之年,也是十二五规划的攻坚之年。我们肩负做大做强辽宁核电的使命,这是信任,更是责任,这是荣誉,更是重托。在接下来的挑战中,相信我们全体职工会进一步增强大局意识、人民意识、责任意识,秉承四个一切”核工业精神,践行发展xx,造福辽宁”的企业宗旨,为xx做大做强尽忠职守,为实现中国梦积蓄正能量。


关于青春励志英语演讲稿 关于青春励志英语演讲稿篇 1 Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit of excellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today is willing to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth. Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon, with all the enthusiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I really appreciate the Agni youth, these words inside, and has been encouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should be burned, give off light only value! Burning of ones life may also be corrupt, in that case, I do not want to corrupt, not corrupt, I would like to burn up! Friends present here! You like it? Youth is our most beautiful season of life, she is breeding in early spring of life, demonstrating a warm summer, with autumns master real hidden, which makes clear the hope of winter, full of poetic passion and not a lack of hard work, fashion, romantic and full of the hard struggle. When a persons youth integrate into


英语演讲稿mydream 篇一:五分钟英语演讲稿__My_dream My dream Dear teachers and students, good afternoon !Today,I'm very glad to stand here to share my dream with you. Everyone has a dream. Some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.Different people have different dreams. I have a great dream,too. I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me . I never thought of my dream when I was a kid. Later,my dream always changed. At that time, I don't know what my dream is. I haven't studied English at all when I was in primary school. So you can imagine how awful my English is. I think it is impossible for me to study English well. Because I never read English words and English articles. I don't like English ,either. And I can't read the English well. But one day something changed , I have already changed my mind . I fall in love with

正能量英语演讲稿三分钟 正能量演讲稿三分钟

正能量英语演讲稿三分钟正能量演讲稿三 分钟 感谢大家给我一个上台的机会! 俗话说:"台上一分钟,台下十年功。"如果一个人很有成就,不是别人给予的,更不是从天上掉下来的。是靠自己的努力、勤奋争取的。才能主要来自勤奋学习是不可猜疑的。 每一个人的才能不是天生就有的,而是靠自己的勤奋努力而来的。比如说德国数学家、物理学家和天文学家高斯。他从小就酷爱学习,一生为科学事业做出了巨大贡献,但是如果他没有从小的勤奋努力学习,他也不可能成为着名的科学巨人。没有勤奋努力的学习是不可能有成就的。这样的例子有很多很多,可以说每一位有成就的人都曾努力学习、努力探索过。 学习的关键在于"肯学"和"敢学"。如果你的愿望是成为一名有成就、有才能让人敬重的人物,但你又不肯,或不敢去学习最终还是会一事无成的。居里夫人和她的丈夫为了证明镭的存,千辛万苦,冒着可能失去生命的危险,经过他们的勤奋、努力最终提炼出了十分之一克极纯净的氯化镭,并准确地测定了它的原子量,证实了镭的存在。这是一次多么让人惊叹的事实。正是居里夫人的肯做、敢做才证实了镭的存在。因此,要想成为有才能的人,就要从小"肯学"、"敢学"。正能量演讲稿三分钟 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!

今天我讲话的主题是"有始有终,定能成功"。古希腊著名哲学家苏格拉底曾经在中学当教师,有一天他对班里同学说,我们来做个甩手游戏吧。游戏很简单,就是把手使劲往前甩三百下,再往后甩三百下,但要求每天都这样做。同学们纷纷说这个游戏容易,保证能做好。一个星期以后,苏格拉底问同学们游戏完成得怎么样?同学们全都举起了手。一个月以后,当苏格拉底再做统计时,全班仍有百分之九十的同学在坚持做。一年以后,当苏格拉底在课堂上再次向大家了解情况时,只有一位同学举起手,他就是后来成为大哲学家的亚里士多德。亚里士多德在自己的学习和生活中,凭着这种持之以恒的精神,自觉锻炼自己的意志,终于在哲学领域取得了前所未有的成就,其哲学思想直到现在仍然放射着智慧的光芒。 同学们,这个甩手游戏从动作上看很简单,但每天坚持,却是一件不容易的事,需要持之以恒的精神。这个故事告诉我们,做事情要有始有终,绝不能半途而废,如果我们能养成这样的好习惯,就一定会取得好成绩。人们常说,在科学之路上没有平坦的大道,只有敢于在崎岖的小路上不断攀登的人,才能到达希望的顶点。让我们认准自己的努力目标,坚持不懈地努力,不断地鼓励自己,这样我们就会体验到成功的喜悦和收获的快乐。 最后,我送给大家一句法国生物学家巴斯德的名言:"告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神!正能量演讲稿三分钟 书山跋涉,需要用勤奋的步伐,在无边的莽野中,踏出一条通向

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