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何晓勤1 王晓露2

(1. 江西财经大学外语学院,江西 南昌 330013;2. 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院06级研究生国际会议传译专业,广东

广州 510420)










在第八届“21世纪杯”英语演讲赛中,来自北京语言大学的胡雪举了下面的例子说明环境污染给旅游景点造成的严重威胁:“T he Fra g rant Hill in the w estern su b ur b o f Bei j in g is no w almost b ere f t o f b irds b ecause o f human inter f erence, and it is sometimes parodied as ‘Nasty Hill’b ecause o f the unpleasant smell comin g f rom the chimneys o f roadside restaurants.”这个例子更有效地说明人类随意的行为破坏了美丽的香山。

在第九届“21世纪杯”英语演讲赛中,来自外交学院的范舒爽讲述了她在课堂上听到的一个故事:“O nce, an important b usiness ne g otiation w as held in Shan g hai. And the t w o parties w ere meetin g f or the f irst time.Un f ortunately, w hen the t w o representati v es f irst shoo k hands, one g entleman f ailed to ma k e eye contact, distracted instead b y cameras tele v isin g the e v ent.I t is not surprisin g that they ha v e done no b usiness since that meetin g.”通过讲这个故事,她强调交际技巧在商业交往中非常重要。


下面的演讲选自1999年国际英语演讲赛中南非选手Nicholas M arais的演讲。他用数据表明英语这门语言在新千年如何重要,如何普遍:“Time ma g azine recently su gg ested that b y the turn o f the millennium, En g lish w ill b e the lin g ua f ranca f or one q uarter o f the w orld’s population. Already today si x ty percent o f the w orld’s tele v ision and radio b roadcasts are produced and deli v ered in En g lish. Se v enty percent o f the w orld’s mail addressed in En g lish.”通过引用著名的《时代》周刊上的数据,这位选手有效地说明了英语作为一门国际语言的重要性和普遍性。

同样,美国前总统尼克松在北京对外经贸大学的演讲中列举了一串数据:“I n 1972, t h e r e w ere no Americans as tourists in the P.R.C; last year there w ere o v er 100,000.I n 1972, there w ere no students f rom the P.R.C. studyin g in the United States; last year there w ere o v er 12,000.

I n 1972, there w as no trade b et w een the t w o countries; last year trade w ent o v er si x b illion dollars.”这些数据有力地说明中美两国在建立合作关系方面前景广阔。


理性诉诸另一个主要的部分就是讲道理,如果同时能结合例子、数据和名言就能加强演讲者的说服力。好的演讲者应该有力地讲道理,但更重要的是让听众接受演讲者的说理方式。演讲者可以从具体的事件说理,也可以从一般的原则说理。此外,演讲者也可以用“causal reasonin g or analo g ical reasonin g”。但不论用哪种说理方式,演讲者应该避免f allacies。

比如,丘吉尔在针对希特勒侵占苏联的演讲中使用了the process o f reasonin g f rom

p r i n c i p l e。下面是他说理的压缩结构。大前提:“Anyone w ho f i g hts a g ainst Hitler is our f riend and anyone w ho allies w ith Hitler is our enemy.”。小前提:“R ussia is f i g htin g Hitler despite it b ein g a communist country.”。结论:“T here f ore, our policy is to support R ussia.”。在演讲中,说理的步骤是清晰明了的,但说理的过程应该清楚。




亚里士多德认为:尽管人本质是一个理性的动物,但却常常受情绪的影响接受事物。Stephen E.L ucas教授(2004)在《公共演讲的艺术》一书中写道,词语是演讲者的工具。语言的使用有三个方面:准确、清楚、生动。准确和清楚是告知演讲必不可少的,但生动是劝说演讲的有力工具。达到生动和激起听众的情绪有两个重要的方法——用形象的词语以及比喻性或有韵律的语言。


下面是来自国际关系学院陈冀佳的演讲。当他说到参加研究生考试辅导班的课时,他说:“Almost 15,000 students w ere sittin g in a hu g e classroom, listenin g, ta k in g notes or sleepin g. T he smell o f b oo k s, dust and s w eat, the b uzz o f handsets, the rustles o f pens and the w hispers o f the listeners, intermin g led w ith the lecturer’s o v er-ampli fi ed v oice echoin g in the stu ff y, cro w ded and un-air-conditioned room. All this b rou g ht nothin g b ut dizziness and su ff ocation.”这些具体词引起人们的视觉和听觉,感觉和情绪能把听众带入演讲中。

比喻性或有韵律的语言包括明喻、暗喻,即用“l i k e”或“a s”比较两个本质上不同但有相同之处的事物。下面是著名的M artin L uther Kin g, J r.的演讲I Have A Dream:T his momentous decree came as a g reat b eacon li g ht o f hope to millions o f Ne g ro sla v es w ho had b een seared in the fl ames o f w itherin g in j ustice.I t came as a j oyous day b rea k to end ni g ht o f their capti v ity.这些明喻表达了他希望黑人能得到真正的平等相待,并最终有一天能得到解放。

下面是山东大学苗婧的演讲:“T h a n k s t o the e x panded enrollment, w e can say g ood b ye to those days w hen g oin g to colle g e w as li k e passin g o v er a narro w b rid g e, w ith only a f e w, a v ery f e w, a b le to ma k e it to the other side.”这个明喻生动地描述了大学录取的残酷竞争。

暗喻,指的是用“li k e”或“as”比较两个本质上不同但有相同之处的事物。

在第七届21世纪英语演讲比赛中,来自青岛海洋大学(现中国海洋大学)的李军在他的演讲中这样描述全球化:“A specter is hauntin g the w orld—the specter o f g lo b alization, w ith these a b ilities, w e can trans f orm the specter, the e v il specter o f g lo b alization into a b ene v olent g enie.”这个暗喻生动而又恰当地描述了全球化的到来,演讲者成功地说明全球化的势不可挡和普遍性,进而呼吁人们应拿出勇气和创造性,不应害怕全球化。



例如,在第九届21世纪杯英语演讲赛中,北京大学的王冕说道:“I see the dictatorship o f mar k et v alues in education; it is v ul g arizin g k no w led g e, it is narro w in g people’s v ision, it is depreciatin g the ideals o f uni v ersities, it is leadin g to educational b an k ruptcy.”。



1985年,美国前总统尼克松发表演讲,他设想了一个丰富多彩、多样化的世界:“I see a w orld w here the honor o f b ein g called g reat is b esto w ed not on the w orld’s w arriors b ut on the

w orld ’s peacema k ers . And I see one w orld, b ut not a w orld dra b in its uni f ormity b ut one enriched b y its di v ersity . And I see a w orld in w hich there w ill continue to b e con fl ict b ut w here competition b et w een g reat peoples w ill b uild rather than destroy —w here it w ill b e a f orce f or peace and pro g ress rather than a f orce f or w ar .”

通过重复“I see a w orld ”这一词组,演讲者激发了听众的想象,想象到了总统所描述的新世界。

另外一个典型的例子是著名的演说I H a v e A Dream : so let f reedom rin g f rom the prodi g ious hilltops o f Ne w Hampshire . L et f reedom rin g f rom the mi g hty mountains o f Ne w Yor k. L et f reedom rin g f rom the hei g htenin g Alle g henies o f Pennsyl v ania . L et f reedom rin g f rom the sno w -capped R oc k ies o f Colorado . L et f reedom rin g f rom the cur v aceous slopes o f Cali f ornia . But not only that, let f reedom rin g f rom Stone M ountain o f Geor g ia . L et f reedom rin g f rom L oo k out M ountain o f T ennessee . L et f reedom rin g f rom e v ery hill and molehill o f M ississippi, f rom e v ery mountainside .

通过一系列的“let f reedom rin g ”,演讲者表达了自己的希望,希望黑人在不久的将来能享受真正的平等,这能激励黑人为理想而奋斗,并增强他们对美好未来的信心。演讲中不断重复“I ha v e a dream ”,现在已经成为引用率较高的词组,激励不同民族的人们为自由、平等和幸福而奋斗。马丁·路德·金是一位受人尊敬的领袖,永远被人们铭记,他的话语情感强烈,仍触动着全世界数百万人的心弦。

头韵,即重复相近或相邻的词语的首字母。2000年,希拉里·克林顿在纽约发表参议院竞选演说:“...and ho w f ortunate w e are indeed to li v e in the most di v erse, dynamic and b eauti f ul state in the entire union . You k no w , f rom the South Bron x to the Southern T ier, f rom Broo k lyn to Bu ff alo, f rom M ontau k to M assena, f rom the w orld ’s tallest s k yscrapers to b reath-ta k in g mountain ran g es, I ’v e met people w hose f aces and stories I w ill ne v er f or g et .”



肯尼迪在就职演说中的开头说道:“W e o b ser v e today not a v ictory o f party b ut a cele b ration o f f reedom —sym b olizin g an end as w ell as a b e g innin g —si g ni f yin g rene w al as w ell as chan g e ...

...L e t t h e w o r d g o f o r t h f r o m t h i s t i m e and place, to f riend and f oe ali k e, that the torch has b een passed to a ne w g eneration o f Americans ...”



如肯尼迪的就职演说:“...L e t u s n e v e r ne g otiate out o f f ear . But let us ne v er f ear to ne g otiate ...

...United, there is little w e cannot do in a host o f cooperati v e v entures . Di v ided, there is little w e can do —f or w e dare not meet a po w er f ul challen g e at odds and split asunder ...

...And so, my f ello w Americans : as k not w hat your country can do f or you —as k w hat you can do f or your country .

M y f ello w citizens o f the w orld : as k not w hat America w ill do f or you, b ut w hat to g ether w e can do f or the f reedom o f man .”


情感诉诸常常用在讨论价值观问题、政策问题以及纪念性的演讲中。如果没有被打动,那么很少人会改变他们的态度和行为。正如I. A . R ichards(1936)在The Philosophy of Rhetoric 中写道:“When persuasion is the end, passion also must b e en g a g ed .” 同样,纪念性演讲的目的是激起观众的自豪感、爱国精神以及对一种思想、一个传统或是一位英雄的崇敬和欣赏。因此演讲者必须唤起观众的情感。







在第九届21世纪英语演讲赛中,山东大学的苗婧引用了名言:“T he cele b rated historian, T oyn b ee, once declared,‘All pro g ress comes f rom correspondent response to challen g es’.”这里,一位名人的话语证明了演讲者的观点,即大学生不应害怕挑战,而应抓住机遇,勇敢地面对激烈的竞争。

在第九届21世纪英语演讲赛中,第二名得主复旦大学的魏香君强调做出选择的重要性,“Colle g e education, as British philosopher Al f red North Whitehead said,‘should b e ener g izin g as the poet o f our dreams and the architect o f our purposes.’”这一引用有效地支撑了她的观点,她认为目标、自律和远见都要靠选择的艺术。


在肯尼迪的就职演说中,他说:“I d o n o t shrin k f rom this responsi b ility, I w elcome it.”


个人态度同样也能提升可信度。中国人民大学的刘芳开始演讲时,讲述了她自己的旅游经历,并阐述听众也能做同样的事情——现在行动,一步一步地做有益的事情。她还说:“I am stron g ly con v inced that w e are all a w are o f the importance, so it is hi g h time no w to turn our passion into action.Gi v e our b lue planet an opportunity to display its b eauty f reely, lea v e our ne x t g enerations a b ri g hter, g reener and b etter w orld to stay in, and g i v e oursel v es a b ri g hter f uture to head to.If not us, w ho? If not no w, w h e n?”听众的热烈掌声表明他们已经被演讲者的真诚的态度深深地打动了。

布什总统在就职演说中重申了他的信念:“I w ill li v e and lead b y these principles, to ad v ance my con v ictions w ith ci v ility, to pursue the pu b lic interest w ith coura g e, to spea k f or g reater j ustice and compassion, to call f or responsi b ility, and try to li v e it as w ell.I w ill b rin g the v alues o f our history to the care o f our times. A f ter presentin g his o w n b elie f and principle, the president re q uired his citizens:I as k you to b e citizens; citizens, not spectators; citizens, not su bj ects; responsi b le citizens b uildin g communities o f ser v ice and a nation o f character.”


比如,第九届21世纪英语演讲赛的主题是“Colle g e Education in T oday’s Competiti v e Wo r l d:C h a l l e n g e s a n d O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r Students”,中国人民大学的杜维回忆了自己的经历:“L ater, I w or k ed f or a ne w spaper durin g summer.I n doin g my f irst report, it too k me si x hours to w restle f or b etter w ordin g b e f ore I handed in the short story to the editor. But g uess w hat? T he editor shoo k his head in dis b elie f that a simple assi g nment li k e that should ha v e ta k en me so lon g.O n campus, w e are encoura g ed to trace do w n e v ery detail to ma k e an essay truly per f ect, w hereas people in the real w orld only v alue timin g and e ff iciency.”杜维强调大学教育和社会需求之间有很大的差距,她认为高等教育应注重培养学生接受挑战,适应快速变化的社会的需求的能力。演讲者自己也是一名学生,她阐述自己的经历,有效地表明了观点。

在第三届21世纪英语演讲赛中,北京广播学院(现中国传媒大学)的何琳琳表达了自己对East and West:Can We L i v e in Tw o Cultures? 这一主题的看法。在整个演讲中,她叙述了她与

美国的R o b inson之间的友谊。演讲者回忆了她们


解为什么她们之间有那么多的差异:“We w ere

di ff erent in s k in color.R o b inson w as b lac k, b ut I

had yello w s k in.We w ere di ff erent in lan g ua g e,

she spo k e En g lish w hile my nati v e lan g ua g e

is Chinese.We w ere di ff erent in eatin g ha b its.

R o b inson w as clumsy w ith Chinese chopstic k s

b ut she tau g ht me w hich hand holds a f or k and

w hich a k ni f e.We w ere di ff erent in w ays o f

thin k in g and b eha v in g. A f ter the class, R o b inson

rushed out o f the classroom to play b as k et b all

w ith the b oys.Well, I w as too shy to spea k to





















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经典英语短篇演讲三篇 英语在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,联合国秘书长的当选条件之一,今天小编给大家分享一些经典英语短篇演讲,希望对大家有所帮助。 经典英语短篇演讲一I work extremely hard every day, but I’m very tired. I need to work smarter, not harder. I must find better ways to do my job. I must find more time to enjoy life. I know hard work is a part of everybody’s life. But I work too hard. My hard work is ruining my health. My hard work is killing me. Other people have time for fun, going to bars and going to parties. All I do is get in my car and go to work every day. This life is too hard. I need to make a fresh start. 经典英语短篇演讲二Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening. Today I’d like to talk about the importance of smiling and kindness. Life is like a mirror. When you smile, people will smile back. When you treat other people kindly, they will treat you kindly in return. Try to spend one day smiling and being kind


大学英语演讲稿主题 篇一:3分钟英语演讲稿带翻译3篇 My Chinese Dream 我的中国梦 I am very glad to stand here to give thier a short my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 When preparing for the English speech contest, I simply want to search some articles as the contents of my speech. I read a lot of articles, some from the university professor, some from the famous host, some from the college students, and even from junior high school students. But after reading it, I gave up the idea, I even felt shameful. Today,the topic I want to talk about is a solemn and serious theme full of glory and pride, which is a common aspiration of all our Chinese. Every Chinese has his own dream of China, and of course, there is a dream lingering in my heart only belongs to my own. 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我看过很多文章,有著名主持人


2020关于英语励志文章精选 励志是一门学问,这门学问不管多厉害的人都读不懂,学不精,进而形成一个独 立学科"成功学"。以下是小编给大家精心整理的关于英语励志文章精选,欢迎大家阅 读! 英语励志文章1:Happiness is a state of thinking Every day of your life, it is important to take the time to “smell the roses” — to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness. This is part of being truly happy. Happiness is a state of mind. It starts with accepting where you are, knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment along the way. You know how to be happy, and feel that you have enough time or money or love or whatever you need to achieve your goals. And just feeling that you have enough of everything means that you do indeed have enough. You have to choose to be happy, and focus upon being happy, in order to be happy. If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achieve something, you will never be happy, as you have not learned to “smell the roses”. The irony is that when you are happy, you are inevitably more productive, and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers are seeking. 翻译:幸福是一种思考状态 在你生活中的每一天,花些时间“闻闻身边的玫瑰”是十分重要的——停下脚步, 品味那些带给你幸福的经历。这是真正快乐的一部分。 幸福是一种思考状态。当你开始接受自己现在的生活状态,知晓你将来如何发展,并已做好准备享受这过程中的每个瞬间时,幸福便已悄悄来到你身边。你知道如何才 能幸福,并感到自己拥有充裕的时间和金钱,足够的爱,和其他任何能够帮助你达成 目标的东西。当你感到自己已拥有一切,这才是真正的知足。 如果你想幸福,就必须去选择它。你需要专注于幸福这件事本身,以使幸福降临。但如果你总是想着,你若能完成某件事就会变得很幸福,那么你将永远无法得到幸福,因为你没有学会“闻闻身边的玫瑰”。而讽刺的是,当你感到幸福美满,你将不可避免 地更加富有成就,并更有可能比那些“执着于得到一切的人”拥有更多。 英语励志文章2:Look Within to Find Happiness


经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 还在为找不到合适的英语演讲稿发愁吗?为大家整理了经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇,欢迎大家阅读。 经典英语演讲稿带翻译篇1 As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese... I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.


英语演讲幽默开场白 作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。 作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较。当他演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是计划委员会。 幽默注释:演讲者讲得太糟糕了,组织者哭得很伤心。 演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡poise is when you finish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowing full well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast. 幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好象推开了很多事才赶去似的。 过去我演讲时常常会比较紧张,但那时我看到一条信息说如果你想象所有的观众都是裸体会有所帮助。此时此刻,我站在这里想象着观众都是裸体,真的起作用,我不再紧张了,但眼睛有些疲劳。 i used to get nervous when giving a speech but then i read that it helps to think of the entire audience as being naked. and so, at this very moment, i’m standing up


英语演讲稿开场白【三篇】 篇一 经典英语演讲开场白范文: 1.We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three-and-a-half million news stories a year. That’s just one source. My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run? That’s the idea behind The Long News. It’s a project by The Long Now Foundation, which was founded by TED stars including Kevin Kelly and Stewart Brand. And what we’re looking for is news stories that might still matter 50 or 100 or 10,000 years from now. And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot falls by the wayside. 2.Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, General Caslen, for that introduction. General Trainor, General Clarke, faculty and staff at West Point, you have been outstanding stewards of this proud institution and outstanding mentors for the newest officers in the United States Army.

[励志英语演讲小短文初三] 英语演讲小短文

[励志英语演讲小短文初三] 英语演讲小短文 39;t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the reminder of our lives. 我希望未来会比过去更好。我不希望未来会被那些充斥在历史中的错误所污染。我们应关心未来,因为往后的余生都要在未来中度过。 The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will effect it. 往昔已一去不复返而且是静止的。任凭我们怎么努力都不能改变过去。未来就在我们眼前而且是动态的。我们的所作所为都会影响未来。 Each day will brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our businesses, if we will only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.

只要我们体会的出来,每天都可以发现新的知识领域伴随而生,可能是在家里,也可能是在我们的事业中。我们正处在人类所努力钻研的每个领域中进步的起点。 初三励志英语演讲小短文篇二 永不放弃 We often hear people say, "Never give up. 我们常听到人们说:"永远不要放弃。" "These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in this will keep trying to reach his or her goal no matter how many times he or she has failed. In my opinion, it is important to be determined. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up. 这句话可能是要鼓励别人,也可能是表示自己的决心。相信这一信念的人,不管经历多少次失败,都会不断努力要达到目标。我认为,有成功的决心是很重要的。因此,


英语演讲稿:只需专注10分钟 We live in an incredibly busy world. The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something. So with that in mind, I'd like you just to take a moment to think, when did you last take any time to do nothing? Just 10 minutes, undisturbed? And when I say nothing, I do mean nothing. So that's no emailing, texting, no Internet, no TV, no chatting, no eating, no reading, not even sitting there reminiscing about the past or planning for the future. Simply doing nothing. I see a lot of very blank faces. (Laughter) My thinking is, you probably have to go a long way back. And this is an extraordinary thing, right? We're talking about our mind. The mind, our most valuable and precious resource, through which we experience every single moment of our life, the mind that we rely upon to be happy, content, emotionally stable as individuals, and at the same time to be kind and thoughtful and considerate in our relationships with others. This is the same mind that we depend upon to be focused, creative, spontaneous, and to perform at our very best in 1 / 12


4篇英语励志小短文30字【带翻译】4篇英语励志小短文30字一 Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young. 无论是60岁还是16岁,你需要保持永不衰竭的好奇心、永不熄灭的孩提般求知的渴望和追求事业成功的欢乐与热情。在你我的心底,有一座无线电台,它能在多长时间里接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量的信息,你就会年轻多长时间。 4篇英语励志小短文30字二 Sometimes we think of dreams as fantasies - it's easy to do when you have money, rent, and work. But you can't prepare yourself and jump off the cliff: you should grow your wings first. A little bit toward the dream. Step by step. Take a step forward. After all, it's your mission. 有时,我们把梦想看成是幻想——当有钱、有租金、有工作时很容易去做。但是,你也不能不加准备及跳下悬崖:你该先长出自己的翅膀。一点点的朝梦想靠近。一步一步的往前走。往前迈一步吧。毕竟,这是你的使命。


关于经典名人英语演讲稿 目前我国高校英语演讲教学效果差强人意,学生英语演讲水平整体不高。学习外国 名人演讲有助于提高我们的英语水平。下面小编为你整理经典名人英语演讲稿,希望 能帮到你。 经典名人英语演讲稿范文 asking the devotees of civil rights, "when will you be satisfied?" we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. we cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. we can never be satisfied as long as a negro in mississippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes he has nothing for which to vote. no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousnelike a mighty stream. 出气就会心满意足的人将大失所望。在黑人得到公民权之前,美国既不会安宁, 也不会平静。反抗的旋风将继续震撼我们国家的基石,直至光辉灿烂的正义之日来临。 but there is something that i must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. in the proceof gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterneand hatred. 但是,对于站在通向正义之宫艰险门槛上的人们,有一些话我必须要说。在我们 争取合法地位的过程中,切不要错误行事导致犯罪。我们切不要吞饮仇恨辛酸的苦酒,来解除对于自由的饮渴。 we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. 我们应该永远得体地、纪律严明地进行斗争。我们不能容许我们富有创造性的抗- 议沦为暴-力行动。我们应该不断升华到用灵魂力量对付肉体力量的崇高境界。 the marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced


幽默又有意义的英语演讲稿篇一:幽默的英语演讲稿 英语演讲幽默开场白 作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法 入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较。当他 演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是计划委员会。幽默注释:演讲者讲得太糟糕了,组织者哭得很伤心。演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头 微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡poise is when you finish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowing full well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast.幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好

象推开了很多事才赶去似的。过去我演讲时常常会比较紧张,但那时我看到一条信息说如果你想象所有的观众都是裸 体会有所帮助。此时此刻,我站在这里想象着观众都是裸体,真的起作用,我不再紧张了, 但眼睛有些疲劳。 i used to get nervous when giving a speech but then i read that it helps to think of the entire audience as being naked. and so, at this very moment, i’m standing up here imagining every one in this audience as being naked. and it really works. i no suffer from nervousness. eyestrain. yes幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了。创新句子:大部分人站在讲台上都会有点儿紧张,我属于少部分人,我非常紧张。 我本人不自负——我简直不能告诉你们我是多么钦佩我这一点。 personally, i have never been conceited --- and i can’t tell you how much i admire myself for that. 幽默句子:他因为自己不自负,所以变得非常骄傲。创新句子:我一点儿都不自负,我希望别人也这么看我.我先


英语演讲稿精彩开场白集锦 尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享…… honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!i feel really honored to stand here and make a i"m going to look together with you into this question:…… good morning everybody!it's my honor to speak here,and i am very glad to share my topic with you. then today i'd like to talk something about..... (大家早上好!能在这里做此次演讲我十分荣幸,也很高兴能跟大家一起分享我的主题,今天我想演讲的是......) good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the english speaking competition for grade XX. (掌声~~~) first of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. i’m sammy from cla6, grade XX. (译文:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到05级英语演讲比赛的现常首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。我是今晚的主持人—来自05级6班的典典。) there are all together 26 contestants to compete


Think Positive Thoughts Every Day 积极看待每一天 If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. 如果你觉得心有余力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动力,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度。 Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive to follow through on your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance. 欢迎收听Faith轻松电台,我是Faith。试着训练自己的思想朝好的一面看,这样你就会汲取实现目标的动力,而不会因为消极沉沦停滞不前。 Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.


经典英语演讲稿带翻译范文(2) Someone said we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite . I don t know who wrote these words, but I ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. How to spend the youth? It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask what do you understand by the word youth? Youth is not a time of life, it s a state of mind. It s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It s the matter of the will. It s the freshneof the deep spring of life. A poet said To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I d like to share it with all of you. Let s show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let s make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves. We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Don t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, we ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. We ve learnt that we can t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesn t mean you don t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. Failure doesn t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder. As what I said at the beginning, we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite . The past has gone. Nothing we do will change it. But the future is in front of us. Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us.


[英语演讲开场白]精彩英语演讲开场白示例篇一: 精彩英语演讲开场白示例 精彩英语演讲开场白示例 有了好的开头,英语演讲便成功了一半。 英语演讲稿开头怎么写?希望岱恩英语老师分享的精彩英语演讲开场白示例能够为你提供帮助。同时,岱恩英语老师也要提醒大家,一场成功的英语演讲光靠英语演讲稿是不够的,还需要掌握很多英语演讲方法和技巧,并且一个人的英语演讲能力也是需要反复锻炼才能提升的。希望大家好好学习,早日成为英语演讲高手! 最新英文演讲稿开场白 尊敬的评委,尊贵的来宾,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!能够站在这里进行演说,我感到十分荣幸。今天我将和大家一起分享?? honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen,good evening!I feel really honored to stand here and make a speech.today I”m going to look together with you into this question:?? Good morning everybody!It’s my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I’d like to talk something about..... Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the English

Speaking Competition for Grade 2005. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. I’m Sammy from Cla6, Grade 2005. There are all together 26 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition, all from Grade 2005. And this competition will be mediated by a panel of five judges. Also on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of today’s contestants. Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges. Ladies and gentlemen, MiLiu, welcome; MiLuo, welcome?OK, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules of the competition. Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech and 2 minutes to answer questions raised by the judges. During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left. Then, at the end of 3minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. So, please raise the red board. Thank you!


英语演讲开场白 英语演讲开场白:欢迎听众(正式) - wele to our pany - i am pleased to be able to wele you to our pany... - i'd like to thank you for ing. - may i take this opportunity of thanking you for ing 英语演讲开场白:欢迎听众(非正式) - i'm glad you could all get here... - i'm glad to see so many people here. - it's great to be back here. - hello again everybody. thank you for being on time/making the effort to e today. - wele to x part ii. 英语演讲开场白:受邀请在会议上致词 - i am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - i am grateful for the opportunity to present... - i'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... - good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - it's my pleasant duty today to... - i've been asked to... 第1 页共17 页
