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法语语法--si 从句




F:Si tu veux, tu peux me téléphoner .

E : If you want, you can phone me.


F: Si je le vois, je le dirai.

E: If I see him, I'll tell him.


F: Si tu sais, donne-moi la réponse, s'il te pla?t!

E: If you know, please tell me the answer!

2) 如果从句用未完成过去时,主句用条件式现在时,表示:

a) 在某一假设下将来可能发生的事。

例:如果有一天我有了钱,我就周游世界。( 我可能会有钱)

F:Si un jour, j’avais de l’argent, je partirais faire le tour du monde.

E : If one day, I have money, I would travel the whole world.

b) 现在已经不可能发生的事。与事实相反的假想。

例:假如他有时间,他会来看我的。( 事实上他没有时间)

F:Si il avait le temps, il viendrait me voir.

E : If he had time,he would come to see me.


a) 将来如此条件具备,此事可在一定时期内完成。


F: Si nous aurions des pièces la semaine prochaine, nous aurions pu finir votre voiture en deux mois.

E: If we would have parts next week, we could have finished your car within two months.

b) 假设是泛指的,动作和后果是未实现的事。


F: Si j'étais moins distrait, je n'aurais pas fait tant de fautes dans mon devoir.

E: If I were less distracted, I would not have done so many faults in my homework. 4) 如果从句用愈过去时,主句用条件式现在时,表示假设和条件均是过去的事,



F: S'il ne nous l'avait pas dit, nous ne le saurions pas encore.

E: If he had not told us it, we would not know it yet.

5) 如果从句用愈过去时,主句用条件式过去时,表示过去不可能发生的事情。例:要不是昨天下雨,我就去唐人街了。( 事实上昨天下雨了,没有去唐人街.)

F : S’il n’avait pas plu hier, je serais allé au Quartier chinois.

E : If it had not rained yesterday, I would have gone to Chinatown.


涉及that等引导的定语从句 定语从句历年都是高考的重难点,尤其是涉及that,which,as的考题。下面是定语从句的语法规则和具体应用,希望同学们好好揣摩。 一、限制性定语从句只能用that的几种情况 1. 当先行词是anything,everything,nothing (something 除外),few,all,none,little,some等代词时,或者是由every,any,all,some,no,little,few,much,each等词修饰时。例如: Have you taken down everything (that)Mr. Smith has said?你记下了斯密思先生说的一切吗? There seems to be nothing (that)seems impossible for him in the world. 对他来说,没有什么不可能。 There is little (that)I can do for you. 对你,我无能无力。 由此可知,一般情况下,可将that用括号括住。部分时候that也可以省略。例如: All that can be done has been done. 今日事,今日毕。 此外,当先行词指人时,偶尔也可以用who。例如: Any man that/who has a sense of duty won’t do such a bad

thing. 任何一个有责任感的人不会做这样的坏事。 2. 当先行词被序数词修饰时,例如: The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 他们访问伦敦时,首先去看大本钟。 3. 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时,例如: This is the best movie that I have seen. 这是我看过最棒 的电影。 4. 当形容词被the very,the only,the same,the last,any,little等修饰时,例如: This is the very good dictionary that I want to buy. 这是很好的词典,我想买。 After the fire in his house,the old motorcycle is the only thing that he owned. 家里失火后,旧摩托是他唯一所有的东西了。 当先行词指人时,偶尔也可以用who,例如: Erik is the only person in our company who will attend the meeting. 艾里克是我们公司唯一出席会议的人。 5. 当先行词前面有who,which等疑问代词时,例如: Who is the man that is sitting at the corner?坐在角落里的是谁? Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?什么T恤衫最配我?


条件状从和让步状从练习 一.单选题 1._______ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year. A. As B. When C. Even though D. In case 2. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if ______ regularly, can improve our health. A. being carried out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 3. You will never gain success you are fully devoted to your work. A. when B. because C. after D. unless 4. It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties_________ it gets more financial support from the European Union. A. if B. unless C. because D. since 5. It was a nice meal, _______a little expensive. A. though B. whether C. as D. since 6. I don’t really like the author,_______ I have to admit his books are very exciting. A. although B. unless C. until D. once 7. I don't believe we've met before, _____ I must say you do look familiar. A. therefore B. although C. since D. unless 8. You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card. A. unless B. if C. while D. as 9. I'll be out for some time. ______ anything important happens, call me up immediately. A. In case B. As if C. Even though D. Now that 10. One's life has value ____one brings value to the life of others. A. so that B. no matter how C. as long as D. except that 二.填空题 11. In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, ______ it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world. 12. One can always manage to do more things, ____ full one’s schedule is in life. 13.________ great difficulties we are faced with, we’ll never give up. 14. ________ great the difficulties are, we’ll never give up. 15. ______ we have enough evidence, we can't win the case. 16. If _____ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once. (ask) 17.____________ the weather is like tomorrow, I will set out for Hongkong. 18. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice ___________ they know it to be valuable. 19. Much ______ I admire David as a poet, I don’t like him as a man. 20. In time of serious accidents, ______ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives. 三.改错题 21、It won’t matter even he refuses. 22. Though the work was difficult, but we managed to finish it in time. 23. I’m not going to talk on the point any further, though it is neither important nor very interesting. 24. You will be late if you leave immediately. 25. Take an umbrella with you in case of it should rain.


t 条件状语从句 一、 条件状语从句通常由 if (如果), unless (除非),as long as (只要)引导。 例如:If it rains tomorrow, we won ’go to the park. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去公园了。 Unless weather stops me, I go for a walk every. 我每天都会去散步,除非遇上坏天气。 Our parents will be pleased with our performance as long as we try our best. 小试牛刀:1、只要我们竭尽全力,父母就会满意我们的表现。 Our parents will be pleased with our performance _____ _____ ______ we try our best. 2、如果人人为保护环境做出贡献,世界将会变得更美好。______ ______ ______ _____ _______ to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 二、if 引导的条件状语从句 (1)“if 从句+祈使句”的句子。其实,if 作为一个连词,主句也可以是其他形式的句子。 例如:If you want to go, please let me know. If the green light isn ’t on, wait for a minute. (2)“祈使句 + and (or)+ 陈述句” 在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语从句的复合句。 注意:A. “祈使句 + and + 陈述句”可以转化为 if 引导的肯定条件状语从句,而且主语是第二人称。 B. “祈使句 + or + 陈述句”可以转化为 if 引导的否定条件状语从句,而且主语是第二人称。 例如:Study hard and you will pass the exam. =If you study hard, you will pass the exam. Hurry up, or you ’ll be late. =If you don ’t hurry up, you ’ll be late. 考题 (2010 重庆中考)Work hard ,________ you may catch up with your classmates soon. A.or B.but C.and D.yet 思路解析:本句是“祈使句+and”的句型,句意为“努力学习,你会很快赶上其他同学的”,and 在句中表示承接 关系,所以选 C 项。答案:C 黑色陷阱:本题的陷阱是句型,本句型区别于“祈使句+or”,这个句型的含义是“……,不然的话/否则……”。 绿色通道:祈使句后面既可以加 and ,也可以加 or ,所以要全面分析句意,再作决定。 小试牛刀:用 if 连接下列句子 1、Go to bed early and you will have a good rest. 2、Hurry up, or you ’ll miss the bus. 三、if 从句与主句具有以下特点: 1.If 从句中用一般现在时,表示未来的一种条件,从句中可以加时间状语。 e.g.If yo u can’t come tomorrow, we can hold the party a little later.明天你如果不能来,我们可迟一点举行宴会。


1.时间状语从句 常用引导词:when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since , till, until 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner … than, hardly …when, scarcely … when 2.地点状语从句 常用引导词:where 特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhere 3.原因状语从句 常用引导词:because, since, as, for 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that. 4.目的状语从句 常用引导词:so that, in order that 特殊引导词:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that 5.结果状语从句 常用引导词:so … that, such … that, 特殊引导词:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that 6.条件状语从句

常用引导词:if, unless, 特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case that, on condition that 7.让步状语从句 常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though 特殊引导词:as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首),no matter …,in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever 8.比较状语从句 常用引导词:as(同级比较), than(不同程度的比较) 特殊引导词:the more … the more … ; just as …,so…; A is to B what /as X is to Y; no … more than; not A so much as B 9.方式状语从句 常用引导词:as, as if, how 特殊引导词:the way

That 引导的宾语从句

That 引导的宾语从句 如:he suggests that the park is very popular. Lingling thinks the park will be busy . I don’t think they allow people to swim in the lake . 放在动词后面作宾语的句子,叫宾语从句。分三类,,一类是that 引导的宾语从句,二是whether(无论)/if 如果,引导的宾语从句。还有就是连接代词,连接副词引导的宾语从句。 (1)that 引导宾语从句,that 没有实际意义,通常可以省略。但不一定所有的动词可以接that 宾语从句。常用的有:suggest think believe expect feel hear hope prefer Promise report say see tell understand warn(警告) (2)有时that 是不能省略 宾语从句主语是that,如:he says that that is a useful book. 当宾语从句前有插入语时。如:it says ,on the card ,that it is made in China. 当宾语从句中含有主从复合句时。I’m afraid that you lost it ,you must pay for it 当两个或多个宾语从句并列连词连接时,除第一个从句中that 可以省略外,其 它从句的that 不能省略。如:he says the film was interesting and that he enjoy it. (3)宾语从句的时态 主句现在的现在某种时态(一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时)从句可根实际情况来定。 如果主句是过去的某种时态(过去进行时,一般过去时)宾语从句一定要过去的某种时态。(包括,一般过去,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时) 宾语从句表示是客观事实或真理,主句是过去式,从句也用一般现在时。 Teacher told me that the earth is round . (4)宾语从句中的否定转移, 谓语动词是think believe 等,做否定时,主句是否定,从句是肯定句。


语法10单元语法再现梁老师组稿2017-12-31 一、观察下面的句子 If you go to the party, you will have a great time. If you do , you will be late. If you do,you will be sorry. If they have it today, half the class won’t come. If we ask people to bring food, they will just bring potato chips and chocolate. 以上几个句子中“if”有相同的含义“如果”,引导条件状语从句逗号后面的句子是主句。整个连起来的大句子叫主从复合句。 注意主句和从句的时态有什么特点。 总结:If引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。 简称“主将从现” 练习:(1)If you ______(come)here, you ___________(be) happy. (2) If it _________(rain) tomorrow, we__________(not, go) to the park. (3) If he _________(come) here, I ___________(call) you. (4) If it ___________(not rain), we _________(have) a picnic(野餐). (5) If we do that, more people _________(want) to play the games. 页脚内容1


引导时间状语从句的五类引导词 引导时间状语从句的从属连词(以下称引导词)很多,为方便记忆,现作以下分类:1. 基本类 包括before, after, when, while, as, since, till, until, once, as soon as 等。如: Did anyone call when I was out? 我不在家时谁来过电话吗? We have known each other since we were children. 我们从小认识。 You’ll feel better after you take the pills. 吃完药丸后你会感到好一些。Make sure that all the lights are off before you go to bed. 睡觉前一定要关灯。 Don’t promise him anything till we’ve had time to think about it. 在我们有时间考虑之前别答应他什么。 2. 名词类 即由名词词组充当引导词,包括the moment, the minute, the second, the instant 等(均表示“一……就……”。如 I loved you the instant (that) I saw you. 我一见到你就爱上你了。 Tell me the moment (that) you get the results. 你一拿到结果就给我打电话。 3. 副词类 即由副词充当引导词,如 immediately, directly, instantly等。如: I came immediately you called. 你一打电话我就来了。 Directly I walked in the door I smelt smoke. 我一进门就闻到烟味。 4. 短语类 主是几个涉及time短语,如every time,each time,(the) next time,any time,the last time,the first time 等。如: Next time you come in, please close the door. 下次你进来,请关门。 My roof leaks every time it rains. 每次下雨,我的房顶就漏。 He felt nervous each time she spoke to him. 每次她和他讲话,他都感到紧张。 The last time we talked he said he needed another two days. 上次我们谈话时他说他还需要两天。 5. 句型类 包括no sooner…than, hardly…when 等。如: I had no sooner closed the door than somebody knocked. 我刚把门关上就有人敲门。 Hardly were the words uttered when he began to regret them. 话刚说出口他就开始后悔了。


初中英语――if引导的条件状语从句 在主从复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词、副词等的从句叫做状语从句,状语从句一般可分为时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句、比较状语从句和方式状语从句九种。 在句子中做条件状语的从句称为条件状语从句。可置于句首、句尾,有时还可置于主语和谓语之间。引导条件状语从句的连接词有:if ,unless,as/so long as等 1.if引导的条件状语从句 表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生。 If we pay much attention to the earth, we'll have a better world. 如果我们多关爱地球,就会拥有一个更美好的世界 If it rains tomorrow, what shall we do? 如果明天下雨,我们怎么办? 注意:if还可以引导虚拟条件句,表示不可实现的条件,从句中多用一般过去时或过去完成时。 What would happen if there were no water ? 如果没有水会怎样? 2.unless引导的条件状语从句 unless的意思是如果不,除非。可与if...not互换。 You will fail in English unless you work hard. 你英语考试会不及格的,除非你更加努力。 3.as /so long as引导的条件状语从句 as /so long as意思是“只要” So long as you're happy,i will be happy. 只要你高兴,我就高兴。 4.once引导的条件状语从句 once引导的条件状语从句,意为“一旦...,就”,从句可置于主句前或后 Once you begin,never stop. 一旦开始,就绝不要停止 Maths is easy to learn once you understand the rules. 一旦你理解了规则,数学就不难学了。 提示:在条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用一般过去时代替过去将来时。 If the weather is bad next week, we'll put off the climbing. 如果下周天气不好,我们将推迟爬山。 Father told me if i worked hard he would buy me a gift. 爸爸告诉我,如果我努力学习,他会给我买一份礼物。


状语从句引导词的含义 1、表示时间的: ·when(何时;什么时候) ·whenever(每当;无论何时) ·as(同样的;像......一样;当......的时候) ·while(一段时间;当......的时候;和......同时;然而) ·before(在......以前)after(在......时候) ·until、 till(直到......为止) ·since(从......以来;自从;由于;既然) ·ever since(从那时起一直到现在) ·now( that) (既然;由于) ·once(一次;一度;从前) ·so (as) long as (只要) ·as soon as(一......就......) ·every time (每次;总是) ·the moment (片刻) ·instantly(立即,即刻) ·directly (马上,立即) 2、表示地点的: ·where(在哪里) ·wherever(无论在(到)哪里;在(到)任何地方)no matter where 3、表示原因: ·as(同样的) ·because(因为) ·since(既然) ·seeing (that)(由于) ·considering? that(考虑到) ·now that(既然,由于) ·not that ......but that (不是.......而是......) 4、表示目的: ·that(那,那个) ·so that(以便,以致;结果是) ·in order(以便;为了) ·lest (唯恐,免得。在被连接的状语从句中常用should或原形动词)·for fear that (免得,省得) ·in? case(以防、以备) 5、表示结果: ·that (那,那个) ·so? that(以便,以致,结果是) ·so......that (如此......以致) ·such......that (如此的.....以致)


Section ⅡGrammar 时间、条件和让步状语从句 时间、条件和让步状语从句在高考中约占3分,考查形式主要有单选、完型填空、语篇填空和改错,主要考察这三种从句中的引导词、谓语动词。 幻灯片3 一、时间状语从句 1.no sooner...than与hardly...when 都表示主句与从句的动作相继发生,意为“一……就……,刚刚……就”,主句动词用过去完成时。如no sooner,hardly位于句首时,主句用倒装形式。 He had hardly gone to bed when the doorbell rang. =Hardly had he gone to bed when the doorbell rang. 他刚睡下门铃就响了。 No sooner had he got off the train than his daughter ran towards him. 他刚下火车,他女儿就向他跑了过来。 幻灯片4 2.as soon as,the moment,immediately 引导的从句表示从句动作一发生,主句动作随即发生,常译为“一……就”。名词词组the second,the minute,the moment,every time,any time,next time,the first/last time,the day/week/month等亦可作连词,引导时间状语从句。 They told me about it as soon as/immediately/the moment they got the message.他们一听到口信就把消息告诉了我。 Every time he walked by the lake,he thought of his childhood life.每当他走过那个湖时,就会想起童年的生活。 注意:immediately可用做连词也可用做副词。 幻灯片5 3.till和until 词义是“直到……,一直……为止”,表示一个动作持续到某一时刻或某一动作发生为止,在句首只能用until。在肯定句中,主句中要用延续性动词;在否定句中,可以用非延续性动词。 She stood there till/until he had passed out of sight. 她站在那里看着,直到望不见他的身影。 Until they had finished the work,they did not go home. =Not until they had finished the work did they go home. 直到工作完成了他们才回家。 幻灯片6 注意:(1)在not...until结构中not until位于句首时主句部分倒装。在强调句中,强调until引导时间状语时,常把not提前,构成It isn’t/wasn’t until...that...。(2)not...until和not...before意思相同,表示“直到……才,在……以前不”。 幻灯片7


If引导条件状语从句的详细用法解答 引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是if,常见的if条件状语从句表示在某条件下,某事很可能发生,条件是可能存在的,主句中某种情况发生的概率也是很高的。如: If you ask him,he will help you.如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 If you fail in the exam,you will let him down.如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。 If you have finished the homework,you can go home.如果你作业做完了就可以回家了。 另外,if从句还表示不可实现的条件或根本不可能存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设。从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时,表示对现在或过去的一种假设。如: If I were you,I would invite him to the party.如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。 I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic.要不是交通堵塞,我本会来得早一些。 另外你还要注意if 条件句的时态搭配 1.if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时 If he runs he’ll get there in time. 如果他用跑的,他就会及时赶到那儿。 The cat will scratch you if you pull her tail. 如果你拉猫的尾巴,它就会抓你。2.if从句用一般现在时,主句用may/might/can If the fog gets thicker the plane may/might be diverted. 如果雾在大一些,飞机可能就会改在别的机场降落。 If it stops snowing we can go out. 如果雪停了,我们就可以出去。 3.if从句用一般现在时,主句用must/should If you want to lose weight you must/should eat less bread. 如果你想减肥,你必须少吃面包。 4.if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般现在时 If you heat ice it turns to water. (也可用will turn)如果把冰加热,它就会化成水。5.if从句用现在进行时,主句用一般将来时 If you are looking for Peter you’ll find him upstairs. 如果你是在找彼得,上楼就会找到他。 6.if从句用现在完成时,主句用一般将来时 If you have finished dinner I’ll ask the waiter for the bill. 如果你吃完了,我就叫服务生来算账 注意: 学习" if " 引导的条件状语从句的用法,现在总结一下: if 条件句不一般,几个要点记心间; 条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间。 条件句表可能,主句多用将来时; 条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。


定语从句:只能用that引导的十三种情况 1.在there + be 的句型中,句子的主语是先行词,而且又是物。 例如: There are two novels that I want to read.我要读的有两本小说。 There is no work that can be done now. 没有什么工作现在能做的了。 2.当先行词为主句的表语或者关系代词为从句的表语时。 例如: This is the book that was bought yesterday.这就是昨天买的书。 Our school is no longer the school that it used to be. 我们的学校不再是以前的学校了。 3.以Here is (are)开头的句子时。 例如: Here is a film that will move anyone.这是一部将使任何人受感动的电影。 Here are two books that I will buy.这是我要买的两本书。 4.It is (high)time +定语从句中。 例如: It is time that we should have a rest.我们应该休息了。 It is high time that they started out. 他们该动身了。 5.当先行词是way等词时,关系代词用that或者in which在定语从句中作方式状语时,在口语中,常可省略。 例如: This is the way that my father did this work.这就是我父亲做此工作的方式。 She admired the way in which I answered the questions.她羡慕我回答问题的方式。 6.在双重限定性定语从句中,如果一个从句用who或者which引导时,那么另一个从句用that 引导。 例如: He is the student that I have ever see who can jump highest.他是我曾经看到过跳得最高的学生。My brother studies in the school which is the most beautiful in our city that isn't far from here. 我的弟弟在我们的城市最美丽的学校读书,并且离这儿不远。 7.当先行词被the last , the very 和the only修饰时。 例如: This is the very pen that I am looking for. 这正是我找的钢笔。 The only book I want to read is missing. 我唯一想看的书不见了。 8.在强调句子中,并且以who ,which, what开头时。 例如: Who was it that was lost ?究竟是谁迷路了?(此句中,最好不用who来代替that,避免重复。) What was it that you did last week?你上周究竟做什么了? 9.当先行词有序数词时。 例如: You are the first person that I want to ask for.你是我要见的第一个人。 This is the second book that I have ever written.这是我写的第二本书。 10.当先行词被all, every, no , some, few , little, much, both等修饰时, 例如:

条件+让步状语从句 学案+习题

条件状语从句Adverbial Clauses of Conditions (1) if, unless(除非if not...) eg. ________ we have enough evidence, we can’t win the case. ________ I was in charge, I would do things differently. (2) only if 只有,只要 eg. We will go only if it clears up./ Only if it clears up, __________________ Only if we work together_____________________只有一起努力,我们才能成功。 区分:only if Vs. if only _______________________________________ eg. If only I were a superman. /If only I could fly./If only I had taken his advice yesterday. (3) on condition that 条件是,前提是 eg. You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat. He spoke to the reporters on condition that he was not identified. (4) as long as/so long as 只有,只要 eg. You may use the room as long as you clean it up afterwards. We can get there early so long as the children will cooperate. (5) in case 假使,万一 eg. In case we fail, we won't lose heart. We won’t lose heart in case of failure. (6) providing/provided (that) ; suppose/supposing(that) 倘若,假使 eg. We'll visit Europe next year, provided that we have the money. Suppose/Supposing (that) I don’t have a day off, what shall we do? 让步状语从句Adverbial Clauses of Concession 2)Two heart attacks in a year. It hasn't stopped him smoking,__________. 3)Good ___________ he is, he will never be the top of his class. (adj.) 4)Hard ___________ he works, he makes little progress.(adv.) 5)Child___________ he is, he knows a lot. (n.是[C]单数时, a/an删去) 6)Try ___________ he might, he couldn't find a job. (v.原形) 7)_________________ I'm willing to help, I don't have much time available. (5) even if/though 即使 eg. She won’t attend such parties even though/if she is invited. We won’t be discouraged even if /though we fail ten times. (6) whether…or 无论……还是 eg. __________ the weather is good or bad, they will set off as they planned. __________ he drives or takes the train, he will be here on time. (7) Whatever, whenever…=no matter what/when… 状从 eg. Whatever/No matter what you say, I won’t believe you. ________从句 Whatever she did was right. ________从句

If 引导的条件状语从句

If 引导的条件状语从句 If 引导的条件状语从句遵循主过从过、主将从现的原则。 主将从现(主情从现、主祈从现) If it rains tomorrow,I won’t climb the hills. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,I will go to the countryside with my friends. If 引导的条件状语从句 If 引导的条件状语从句遵循主过从过、主将从现的原则。 主将从现(主情从现、主祈从现) If you will help me,I'll finish it on time. We may go out if it's fine tomorrow. If you finish your homework,you can watch TV. Please call me if you go shopping next Sunday. If I go there,I'll take her some flowers. We'll stay at home if it rains tomorrow. Please call me if he’s at home. If you work harder,you’ll pass the exam. She will visit her grandpa if she has time tomorrow. We’ll take a taxi to the city if the train doesn’t arrive on time. The teacher will be angry if he is late. If引导的条件状语从句与unless引导的条件状语从句的转换 If+否定形式=unless+肯定形式
