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外文名:Les Misérables












本片的前身是同名音乐剧,根据法国大文豪维克多-雨果(Victor Hugo) 1862年发表的长篇小说改编,故事围绕一名获释的罪犯冉阿让(Jean





外文名:Les Misérables










英语介绍电影:《阿甘正传》 Film review Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire! In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .


介绍电影 New York Minute Jane and Rozy Ryan(by Arshley Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen) are twin sisters. Although they look alike, they never spent time together. Jane is typically a good student, and she's fighting for her academic futer -- she wants to get a scholarship for Oxford University. Roxy hates school, she likes to make fun of her sister sometimes and she's a crazy rock star wanna-be. They both wanted to go to New York city. Jane is going to make a presentation, and Roxy wants to meet her favorate rock star. But on their way, funny and strange things happened. A policeman is trying to find Roxy, and some Chinese are also hunting the twins. These troubles brought the sisters together. They were united, and got what they want in the end.


英语演讲稿介绍电影 save the victims on their own way. However, the strength of a person is always small. Maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people. As for the victims, they can’t protect their property, dignity and even life. However, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again. Next winner is Cate Shortland. She got Best Director with the film LORE. Cate Shortland was born in Australia in 1968. Since directing the film called Bad Cop, Bad Cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including Somersault in 2004 and The Silence in 2006. In addition, Best Actor is Terence Stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film Song for Marion. Chinese actress Yan Bingyan gets Best Actress with the film Wanjianchuanxin. Sorry I don’t know how to translate. That is all I want to say. Thanks for listening. 英语演讲稿介绍电影【二】Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie


1.Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World 寻找穆斯林的喜剧 导演:阿尔伯特·布鲁克斯(Albert Brooks) 主演:阿尔伯特·布鲁克斯Rani,Rita,Akrawi,Mike,Nigam,Anjul等年份:2005 剧情介绍 为了解穆期斯林世界的人们为何能在贫瘠的生活条件下依旧笑口常开,美国政府派出好莱坞大导演阿尔伯特·布鲁克斯前去印度,巴基斯坦坦实地调查,和他同行的包括他的多年助手和两位白宫官员。他们从新德里的大型音乐会走到泰姬陵的如织人潮,从印度最落后的贫民区走到巴基斯坦的群山峻岭,终于找到这些普通人能够乐观向上的原因。 2.阳光小美女Little Miss Sunshine 导演:Faris, Valerie, Dayton, Jonathan 主演:Breslin,Abigail,格雷戈·金尼尔,保罗·丹诺,艾伦·阿金 类型:电影 / 喜剧 / 剧情年份:2006

剧情介绍 胡弗斯一家总是有着各种各样的理不清的问题,可当7岁的小女儿奥莉芙听到广播中传来的“阳光小美女”选美比赛那一刹那,他们决定,没有什么比小女孩的大梦想更为重要。这个可爱的六口之家随即踏上了从小镇阿尔伯克基长途跋涉到加州参加比赛的路途。 两个菜鸟级导演,5年的酝酿时间,剧本几经倒手,若不是一个富翁看了剧本后被深深感动,它至今还会在好莱坞大佬们的桌子间穿梭。在圣丹斯电影节上,经典灰姑娘故事再次上演:一部投资紧缺的好电影,在电影节上惊鸿一瞥,然后轰动观众,一夜之间成为各大发行商香饽饽。影片以破记录的1050万美元福克斯探照灯买下,成为圣丹斯电影节有史以来的最高卖价! 3.天际(2010) 导演:科林·施特劳斯, 格雷格·施特劳斯 主演:艾里克·巴弗尔,斯考蒂·汤姆森,大卫·札亚斯 年份:2010 类型:电影 / 动作 / 冒险 / 科幻

介绍一部电影英语 3篇

介绍一部电影英语 3篇 This is a moving story about a mother and her son.The son was lost one day and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn't find him. She was very sad and almost went mad.In the end,the son found his mother .But they don't know each other. I cried when I saw the movie.All people say it is so moving.The mother is so good and the son is so lovely.I like th e little boy.He makes me strong.I like it very much.It is my favorite. 介绍一部电影英语2Today, I read "home alone" with deep feeling. The main is about a little boy. Christmas is coming soon, the little boy is always making trouble. Therefore, his parents go to Paris on vacation, but forget the little boy at home. Two thieves found that adults do not have at home, like took the opportunity to steal things. But the little boy is very clever, through a lot of props and finally caught the thief. His parents came back hugged their children. From then on, the boy became all learning goals.


介绍电影的英语作文 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

介绍电影 New York Minute Jane and Rozy Ryan(by Arshley Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen) are twin sisters. Although they look alike, they never spent time together. Jane is typically a good student, and she's fighting for her academic futer -- she wants to get a scholarship for Oxford University. Roxy hates school, she likes to make fun of her sister sometimes and she's a crazy rock star wanna-be. They both wanted to go to New York city. Jane is going to make a presentation, and Roxy wants to meet her favorate rock star. But on their way, funny and strange things happened. A policeman is trying to find Roxy, and some Chinese are also hunting the twins. These troubles brought the sisters together. They were united, and got what they want in the end. 动画设计中对2D方面的色彩研究 内容摘要:近些年来,我国的动画片色彩设计有了长足的进步,表现在创作者能够吸收和借鉴各种创作元素,比如电影中的色彩元素,国画中的色彩元素,民间皮影、剪纸中的色彩元素等,而且我国的动画创作者还能大胆学习国外先进的色彩设计经验,移植国外成熟的创作模本,来为我国的动画创作服务。但是,我国动


选择其中两个话题,写两篇短评,每篇短评字数至少300英文单词。 ●请一定根据作品进行评析,内容切题,言之有据,不要泛泛而谈; ●要进行论证,不仅仅是叙述,采用适合的论证方法,如举例法; ●语言要通顺,尽量避免语法错误。 ● 1. Analyze the theme of Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”. (In your opinion, what was the reason that made the speaker stop by the woods on a snowy evening? What might the woods and snow and dark symbolize? Why can’t the speaker stay longer by the woods to appreciate its mysterious beauty?)Your answer should be at least 300-word long. ● 2. How do you see Dreiser’s naturalism influencing his work in Sister Carrie? (What is Naturalism? What kind of person is Carrie?)Your answer should be at least 300-word long. ● 3. How does Gatsby represent the American dream? What does the novel have to say about the condition of the American dream in the 1920s? Your answer should be at least 300-word long. 1.How do you see Dreiser’s naturalism influencing his work in Sister


初中关于介绍电影的英语作文 介绍电影 New York Minute Jane and Rozy Ryan(by Arshley Olsen and Mary Kate Olsen) are twin sisters. Although they look alike, they never spent time together. Jane is typically a good student, and she's fighting for her academic futer -- she wants to get a scholarship for Oxford University. Roxy hates school, she likes to make fun of her sister sometimes and she's a crazy rock star wanna-be. they both wanted to go to new york city. jane is going to make a presentation, and roxy wants to meet her favorate rock star. but on their way, funny and strange things happened. a policeman is trying to find roxy, and some chinese are also hunting the twins. these troubles brought the sisters together. they were united, and got what they want in the end._初中关于介绍电影的。 动画设计中对2D方面的色彩研究


下面这40部遗产性英语片是专门强荐给那些读不进书的人儿,均是英文听力+阅读助力极好的强片,要是不看,比较地道的纯正听力+口语语感从何而来?? 读也不读,看又不看,听也不听,正确语境的认知,以及低失误率的大词汇量,高多信息化的阅读理解和真实的生活阅历就永远是句空话empty talk!! 1. Big Fish II《大鱼老爸2》;American Beauty 《美国丽人》;Pretty Friends 《漂亮朋友/ 丽人行》 2. Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》;The Sound of Music 《音乐之声》;Dances with Wolves 《与狼共舞》 3. A Walk in clouds 《云中漫步》;Gone With the Wind 《飘/乱世佳人》;Jane Eyre 《简·爱》 4. Independent Day 《独立日》;Superman I-II 《超人》+《超人归来》;King Kong《金刚》 5. Mission: Impossible I-II-III《不可能完成的任务/碟中谍1,2,3》; 或者 James Bond 007 《007》全集 6. Congo 《刚果惊魂》;Jurassic Park I-II-III 《侏罗纪公园1,2,3》;Man in Black II 《黑衣特战警》 7. The Pearl Harbor 《珍珠港》;The Rocks 《石破天惊》;Fair Game《对抗性游戏》;RainMan《雨人》 8. Titanic《泰坦尼克》;Broken Arrow《断剑》;Air Force One 《空军一号》;The Fugitive 《亡命天涯》 9. Silence of the Lamb 《沉默的羔羊》;Lion King《狮子王》;Sleepless Seatle《西雅图不眠人》; 10.Shawshank's Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》; Seven Sins 《七宗罪》;Pretty Women 《漂亮女人》 11. Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》; Wild Geese 《野鹅敢死队》; Serpent 《蛇》;Last Assassin《最后刺客》 12. North by Northwest 《西北偏北》;Cassandra Crossing 《卡桑德拉大桥》;Roma Holiday 《罗马假日》 13. King Solomon's Mine《所罗门王的宝藏》;National Treasure 《国家宝藏》;Vertical Limit 《垂直极限》 14. Golden Pond 《金色池塘》;Speed 《生死时速》I-II-III; Topgun 《壮志凌云》;Seawolf 《海狼》; 15. Bathing Beauties 《出水芙蓉》;Ring III《美版--午夜凶铃》;Kramer V.S. Kramer 《克莱默夫妇之争》 16. Victory 《胜利大逃亡》;Escape to Athena 《逃往雅典娜》;Robotcop I-II-III 《机器战警123》 Garrison's Gorillas [TV-Series] /《加里森敢死队》;The Bridges of Madison County 《廊桥遗梦》; The Waterloo Bridge 《魂断蓝桥》。。。等等等等~~~


英文电影简介 1、国王的演讲 《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech)是一部由汤姆·霍珀指导,科林·费斯、杰弗里·拉什主演的英国电影。影片于第35届多伦多电影节获得了最高荣誉观众选择大奖。获2011年第83届奥斯卡提名名单上,《国王的演讲》获得12项提名,并最终拿到最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳原创剧本四项大奖。科林·费斯凭借本片获得金球奖最佳戏剧片男主角。影片还获得金球奖、美国制片人公会、导演公会和影视演员公会奖等多项提名和奖项。 剧情:1936年英王乔治五世逝世,本该继位的爱德华八世不爱江山爱美人,选择了退位。王位留给了艾伯特王子,也就是后来的乔治六世。当时的乔治六世不但不想做国王,还有着严重的口吃。为了改掉这个毛病,他找来了语言治疗师罗格. 国王成功了。播音室门开了,大家为国王鼓掌。国王再次面向罗格:“谢谢你,罗格,我的朋友。国王携妻子和一双女儿走到阳台上,向民众致意。国王得到了臣民们热烈的拥戴。” 从此以后,每次演说,罗格都陪伴在国王身边。乔治六世的演讲极大地鼓舞了人民抗击希特勒的斗志。1944年乔治六世授予罗格皇家维多利亚勋章。国王和罗格在余生的岁月中始终保持好朋友的关系 2、卢旺达饭店 《卢旺达饭店》(Hotel Rwanda)是一部由英国、南非、加拿大和意大利四国于2004年共同拍摄的电影。此片是第77届奥斯卡提名影片,一部会让我们灵魂受到强烈震颤的电影,电影成功得做到了不忘记历史的目的。该片取材于发生在1994年的卢旺达大屠杀,以此为背景由真人真事所改编,讲述了一位卢旺达胡图族饭店经理保罗·路斯沙巴吉那(Paul Rusesabagina)在种族仇杀中设法挽救1268位图西族及胡图族难民的故事。 电影剧情 1962年,卢旺达宣布独立后,胡图族与图西族两部族之间矛盾重重,多次发生冲突,战事持续不断。 1994年4月6日,一架载着卢旺达胡图族总统朱韦纳尔·哈比亚利马纳和布隆迪总统西普里安·恩塔里亚米拉的座机在卢旺达首都基加利上空被火箭击落,两国元首同时罹难。4月7日,空难在卢旺达国内引发了胡图族与图西族两族的互相猜疑,从而爆发了一场规模空前的武装冲突和种族大屠杀,令世界震惊的人间惨剧拉开了帷幕。被胡图族种族主义者控制的广播电台也为大屠杀的行为煽风助阵,他们叫嚣着“让一切的郁积都爆发出来吧。在这样一个时刻,鲜血将滚滚而出”,失控的人群在媒体的号召下四处搜寻和杀死图西族人,空气中弥漫着血腥的味道。 当一个国家陷入了疯狂,世界也闭上了双眼时,有一个名叫保罗·卢斯赛伯吉纳的饭店经理却敞开了温暖的怀抱,他经营着当地一家云集着欧洲游客和军界政要的米勒·科林斯饭店,八面玲珑地运用着一切关系尽心地呵护着饭店的顾客们。保罗是胡图族人,而他的妻子塔莎娜(苏菲·奥康尼多饰)却是图西族的,对他而言,在动荡的时局中,保护他的图西族的亲戚与朋友成为了一生中面临的最大使命与挑战。联合国维和部队的无所作为和与世界媒体的隔绝使得保罗夫妇二人和在饭店中避难的1268名当地居民更加坚定了活下去的信心与勇气,“我们一定让全世界都无地自容地去采取应有的行动”。事态越来越严重,百日之内竟有约100万人死于非命,但米勒·科林斯饭店却成为了嗜血荒漠中的一片生命绿洲 3、心灵捕手 《心灵捕手》是一部由格斯·范·桑特于1997年导演的电影,取景地点是马萨诸塞州的波士顿。影片讲述了一个名叫威尔·杭汀 (Will Hunting)的麻省理工学院的清洁工的故事。威尔在数学方面有着过人天赋,却是个叛逆的问题少年,在教授辛·马奎尔和朋友查克的帮


The Crying Game 又译:乱世浮生 This highly original film put screenwriter-director Neil Jordan on the international map. The story begins at a carnival in Ireland with British soldier Jody (Forest Whitaker) kidnapped by IRA terrorists Jude (Miranda Richardson) and Fergus (Stephen Rea). Fergus is assigned to guard Jody, and they become friends. After the kidnapping goes horribly wrong, Fergus escapes to London to track down Jody's girlfriend, Dil (Jaye Davidson), to fulfill a promise to Jody and ends up falling in love with her. The only problem--well, it's not the only problem--is Jude has also come to London with news that the IRA is after Fergus and has a dangerous new mission in mind. 以上有两个地方有点困惑。我详细予以说明。 1 After the kidnapping goes horribly wrong按字面它的意思是'绑架发生可怕错误后'这里英文原文说的不够详细。看中文介绍才明白原来Jody遭绑架后,有次乘机逃跑,但不幸身亡。那么我不知外国人看了这句能否明白。总之,如果中文写成'绑架发生可怕错误后'我想许多中国人读了都不知所云。当然也有可能是原文故弄玄虚,做广告而已。 2 ends up falling in love with herend up


十部原声英语电影及其跟读模仿资料全面提高听力口语和发音水平! 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.docsj.com/doc/467123413.html, 英语学习资料贵在精不在多, 只有在快乐中学习才能真正有效提高英语, 通过本资料,好好把这十部英文电影学好,三个月后, 你的英语听力、口语和发音水平一定会有一个质的飞越! 本资料最大的优点就是可以为你的英语学习节省大量宝贵时间, 同时让你在快乐和享受中有效提高英语! 视频介绍:十部原声英语电影及其跟读模仿资料 这份原声英语资料主要包括两部分: 【10部清晰完整的英语电影】和【10部电影的原声英语跟读模仿资料】 共有12.6G的容量,储存于三张光盘(4.7G的DVD光盘)。 10部电影的特点:

1.精心选择的10部最适合学英语的电影; 2.每部电影附有非常准确到位的可自由切换的三种字幕:中英文、中文和英文字幕,同时还可以隐藏字幕; 3.电影画面非常清晰,看这样清晰流畅的电影绝对是种享受; 4.这10部电影具有学习、娱乐和收藏的三重意义。 10部电影的原声英语跟读模仿资料的特点: 1.共有1500个精华句子,全部来自这十部电影的原声英语; 2.可自由选择听1遍、听多遍、跟读模仿1遍和跟读模仿多遍,可以有效提高听力、口语和发音; 3.每一个原声英语音频都有LRC歌词文件,方便随时查看对照,也方便你按照自己的方式进行学习。 已使用过的朋友来信说 舒婷: 我现在模仿了电影口语后,感觉自己现在说英语特有美国人的味,我们团队的人都说我学得很像,如果是以我现在的水平给大家做一次英语演讲,一定会让他们羡慕死的。我觉得这很大程度上都与你给我的这个资料有关,真的很感谢你。谢谢。 teddylily999: I've tried the gift you sent to me. I extremely enjoy it. I play it in class to help my students to improve their listening and speaking. Definitely it is amazing. My students love it a million. It has added a lot of ingridients to my class. Words can't express my thanks to you. I also benefit a lot from it. I follow it every day to improve my pronuciation. Thanks again for the efforts you've made. Bless you. 明汪: 收到了您寄来的资料,感觉非常有说服力,效率提高10000倍的确有其道理。其实我以前也有过类似您这样的想法---将电影上的台词做成跟读MP3。但一方面 自已的技术有限,另一方面也由于自已的惰性,而未能实施。现在看到您探索出的成果,深感到您为广大英语学习者做了一件前所未有的好事。我觉得凡是正在学或是打算学英语的朋友应尽早接触您的英语方法和资料,这样才能真正少走弯路,学习效率提高10000倍。 …… 以下分别重点介绍这两部分内容:


100部校园电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部)6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(2006林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!)17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!](Ⅰ和Ⅱ都喜欢)18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕

20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿PRADA的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王

41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点SEX)〔超级推荐I LOVE HILTON SISTERS〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕 43,SA VED 44,疯狂有理 45,初露锋芒 46,美丽坏宝贝〔超级推荐(很有教育意义)〕 47, 新欢乐满堂 48,几乎正常 49,总统千金欧游记 50,辣妹保镖 51,我爱猫头鹰 52,朋友一场 53,偶像有约 54,彻夜狂欢 55,窈窕美眉 56,第1女儿〔超级推荐〕 57,被拯救者 58,对此承诺〔超级推荐〕 59,魔法保姆


介绍电影的英语作文怀旧电影的名言 ·《天下无双》很多时候,爱一个人爱得太深,人会醉,而恨得太久,心也容易碎。世间最痛苦的事莫过于等待,我不知道她等了我多久,我一直以为我不会再有机会见到她,突然间,我不知道该怎么开口,不知道怎么讲第一句话,告诉她,我真的很爱她。原来尘世间有很多烦恼是很容易解决的,有些事只要你肯反过来看,你会有另外一番光景,我终于明白,静花水月是什么意思,其实情之所至,应该你中有我,我中有你,谁是男谁是女,又有什么关系,两个人在一起开心不就行了,今天她是小霸王,可能明天又会轮到我了。·《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》 也许每一个男子全都有过这样的两个女人,至少两个.娶了红玫瑰,久而久之,红的变了墙上的一抹蚊子血,白的还是“床前明月光”;娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。 ·《西游记之仙旅奇缘》 ——我一直在骗你你知道吗? ——骗就骗吧,就像飞蛾一样,明知道要受伤,还是会扑到火上——飞蛾就那么傻? ·《乱世佳人》 tomorrow is another day. ·《东方不败》

有人就有恩怨,有恩怨就有江湖。你怎么退出? ·《半生缘》 世均,我们再也回不去了。 ·《情书》 藤井树,你好吗?我很好。 ·《东方不败》 天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催;皇图霸业谈笑间,不胜人生一场醉 ·《河东狮吼》 从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一事都要做到,对我讲得每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心了,你就要陪着我开心,我不开心了,你就要哄我开心,永远都要觉得我是最漂亮的,梦里也要见到我,在你的心里面只有我,就是这样了。 ·《我的野蛮女友》 第 一、不要叫她温柔。 第二、不要让她喝三杯以上,否则她会逢人就打; 第三、在咖啡馆一定要喝咖啡、不要喝可乐或橙汁; 第四、如果她打你,一定要装得很痛,如果真的很痛,那要装得没事;


1阿甘正传“FORREST GUMP”主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆汉克斯 2电子情书“YOU’VE GOT MAIL”主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆汉克斯Meg Ryan 梅格瑞安 3居家男人“THE FAMILY MAN”主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯凯奇Tea Leoni 蒂里奥尼 4公主日记. “THE PRINCESS DIARIES I II”主演:Julie Andrews 朱丽安德鲁斯Anne Hatthaway 安妮哈德威已看 5逃跑的新娘“THE RUNAW AY BRIDE”主演:Juliet Roberts 朱丽叶罗伯斯Richard Gere 理查基尔无 6新岳父大人“FATHER OF THE BRIDE”主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫马丁Diane Keaton 戴安基顿 7BJ单身日记“BRIDGET JONES’DIARY I II”主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼奇维格Hugh Grant 休格兰特 8奔腾年代“SEA BISCUIT”主演:Toby McQuaire 托比迈奎尔 9蒙娜丽莎的微笑“Mona Lisa’s Smile”主演:Julia Roberts朱丽叶罗伯斯Julia Stiles 朱丽亚斯蒂尔斯Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕等斯特 10甜心先生“Jerry Maguaire”主演:Tom Cruise 汤姆克鲁斯Renee Zelleweger 雷尼奇维格 11热血强人“Remember the Titans”主演:Danzel Washington 丹泽尔华盛顿 12铁血教练“Coach Carter”主演:Samuel Jackson萨姆尔杰克逊 13重建人生“Life As a House”主演:Kevin Cline 凯文克莱恩Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁斯科特托马斯Hayden Christensen 海登克里斯滕森 14海上钢琴师“The Legend of 1900”主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆罗斯 15大话王“Liar Liar”主演:Jim Carrie 金凯利 16单身插班生“About a Boy”主演:Hugn Grant 修格兰特 17风流奇男子“Alfie”主演:Jude Law 裘德洛 18妙手情真“Patch Adams”主演:Robin Williams 罗宾威廉斯 19变人“Bicentennial Man”主演:Robin Williams 罗宾威廉斯 20猫屎先生“As good as it gets”主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克尼科尔森Helen Hunt 海伦亨特 21完美男人“The Perfect Man”主演:Hilary Duff 希拉里荙芙Chris Noth 克里斯诺斯 22婚礼男友“The Wedding Date”主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉梅西Dermot Mulroney 德莫特麦隆尼 23男人百分百“What Women Want”主演:Mel Gibson 梅尔吉普森Helen Hunt 海伦亨特 24老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸“Big Daddy”主演:Adam Sandler 亚当桑德勒 25大鱼“Big Fish”主演:Evan McGregor 伊万麦克格 20部最浪漫电影 1. 缘分的天空(又名“西雅图不眠夜”)(1993) 主演:汤姆汉克斯和美琪莱恩 “这部电影使我们更加相信爱情的魔力,可能我们确实都有各自不同的命运,而相爱的人生命的轨迹是会交汇在一起的。”


介绍几部学英语的最好的电影 Wall Street (华尔街) Night At The Museum (博物馆惊魂夜) When Harry Met Sally (当哈利遇上莎莉) House of Sand and Fog (尘雾家园) Elf (圣诞精灵) A Beautiful Mind(美丽心灵) Apollo 13(阿波罗13) Casablanca(北非谍影) Cast Away(荒岛余生) Legally Blonde(律政俏佳人) philidelphia(费城) Shrek(怪物史莱克) The Fugitive(亡命天涯) Titanic(铁达尼号) 1幸福终点站.汤姆汉克斯语速适中,而且片子也好看,我觉得很好懂.凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯也同样精彩.

2女男变错身.推荐你这部主要是因为女主角以前生活在日本,后学的英语,所以发音非常准.而且语速同样不快.另外片子也搞笑男变女,女变男. 3电子情缘.汤姆汉克斯和梅格瑞恩的片子,经典电影.同样适合你.4诺丁山.不知推荐这一部会不会被骂啊,因为休格兰特的英国口音有些不清楚,但个人实在是喜欢这一部电影,所以一定要推荐给你.5闻香识女人.这是一部非常好看的影片.另外阿尔帕西诺是个大嗓门.所以他说英语很慢很清楚.我觉得他的英语最好懂. 6荒岛余生.还是汤姆汉克斯的,因为这部影片被选入了英文教科书.是学英语必须要看的,因为只有一个人自言自语,所以非常易懂.7BJ单身日记.蕾妮齐薇格本身的英语发音就非常有趣.本片以日记的形式来讲故事.我觉得很不错. 8老友记(连续剧)这是必须说给你听的连续剧.因为我很多的短语和口语俚语都是看这部电视剧练就的.可以说是电视版的英语教材 《Forest Gump》阿甘正传 《Lion King》狮子王 《Philadelphia》费城 《Shawshank's Redemption》肖申克的救赎 《Seven》七宗罪 《阿甘正传》、《情归巴黎》、《我最好朋友的婚礼》 如何通过看原版电影学英语


Resident Evil It has been ten years and five films of the series have been released. The whole film is adapted from the famous video games by Sony corporation and In my opinion, its success is a result of adding many imagination into the plot instead of sticking to the game itself. Also, Alice ,played by Milla Joverwich is my favorite actress Maybe that’s some part of the reason why I love this film so much. The story is rather simple. The umbrella corporation , one of the biggest commercial enterprises in the world, was secretly researching and developing some extremely dangerous viruses called the T-virus underground .One incident caused the virus to escape and not long after that it spread to the whole world.Most people on earth died, and brought back to “life”by the virus. Trouble was, they are not really “alive” however, they became horrible undead creatures. Alice, a security operative used to work for umbrella, managed to combine her DNA with the virus.She became the final hope of the human race. So, if you are heading for something exciting,if you are in love with science-fiction and horror films,Resident Evil is Despite of exciting fighting scenes,I believe this film series can offer you more.obviously a good choice. 1.The story takes place in the umbrella Company bioengineering laboratory -- " the hive ", hundreds of genetics, bioengineering experts are now a science, a virus broke out suddenly and rapidly spreading, but the super computer " Empress of flame " in order to control the virus does not make its leakage to the ground will hive, all closed, the virus quickly infected all of the staff. Alice, and Matt Ryan led a rescue team was command ?Later at the hive, they have led the task force members were such a nest has been destroyed for all personnel of virus isolation ?故事发生在安布雷拉(保护伞)公司的生物工程实验室——“蜂巢”里,数百名遗传学、生物工程学专家正在进行一项科学研究,一种病毒突然爆发了并迅速传播着,而超级计算机“火焰女皇”为了控制病毒不让其外泄到地面上,将蜂巢全部封闭,病毒很快感染了所有的工作人员。以艾丽丝、瑞恩和马特为首的一个救援小组接到命令 ?后来到了蜂巢,他们必须带领着特遣队员们将这种已毁灭了蜂巢所有人员的病毒隔离起来。 ? ? 2.However, the players soon found that these workers is not really dead. They are now hovering in the hive has become the terror of the zombie within. People are bitten or scratched by them will be infected, and even become a zombie immediately. The face of almost impossible to control

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