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To sum up总而言之


Safety protectionof crane起重机的安全保护Productive maintenance生产维修

Equipment service specification设备维修规程Periodic service of equipment 设备的定期检查Regional service of equipment设备的区域维修Dropping your pants降低产品价格求购

Lose face 失面子

Green light 可行的

Save one's neck免受处罚

Stare from scratch白手起家

Keep a good house受到好的招待

For a song 便宜的

Never say under不肯承认

Put onair摆架子

Encroach upon染指

Get snubbed碰钉子

Show magnanimity更高姿态

Dawdle a long待工

Small a rot 感到不妙

Covet money 贪财

Not reveal one's silver in pocket 财不外露Make a humble fortune 理财有方

Regard money as one's life 爱财如命

A mass great fortune 一大笔财富

Unit 2

Commodity inspection商品检测

Plant model selection设备模具的选择(设备选择) Investment plan of plant设备投资计划

Plant renewal 设备的更新

Open-case inspection 开箱检查

Claim for equipment 索赔(设备)

Cross over structure 跨越结构

Static strength 静力强度分析

The lion share 最大的分量

Think tank 智能团

Anoutright majority 绝大多数

Live up to a promise 实现,守诺言

Chief Representative行政专家

Chief executive行政主管

Department manager 部门主管

Research and development研究与发展

International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织

Human resource department人力资源部门


Make like an alligator急忙,匆忙

For good measure附加

Set one's heart on something非常想要

Load upon吃多了

The dead of night 深夜

Butter somebodyup哄骗

Here goes 马上着手

Tell on 告发,指控

Hear through道听途说

Be seem all in 筋疲力尽

As like two peas 非常相似的

To compete/to contend/to contest 激烈的竞争

The two teams are contend for the championship两队非常激烈的竞争冠军赛

It is good farther that knows his son再好的父亲都未必完全了解自己的儿子

It is good horse that never stumbles 人有失手,马有失蹄

It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest 再病的鸟也不会弄脏自己的窝

Showingoff 炫耀

Does the baby cat mother's milk or cow milk? Is the breast -fed or bottle-fed母乳还是人工奶

Artificial fed人工喂奶

Isn't shea killer?美人

Knock out绝世美人,非常出色

Safety procedure 安全程序

Routine inspection 例行检查

Unit 3

Operation specification of equipment设备操作规程

Specification of usage 设备使用规程

Equipment service specification 设备维护规程

Plant maintenance specification 检修规程

Plant manager system设备管理制度

Examinable a check system of plant manager设备管理考核制度Facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备检修评比

Book value and intrinsic valuce设备(指旧的)固有价值

Cyclical and secular周期性和长期性


Nominal and virtual 名义上经常做假账

Price/earnings ratio 市盈的能力

Off-balance transactions 负债之外的交易,帐外交易

Draw a blank 突然忘记,失忆

Dead serious极其严肃的

Eat to /to upset /to angry非常心烦意乱


That makes me sick恶心

Get out of shape十分生气

Get away with sth(to)做某事的诡计

Absolutely not绝对不是,绝对否认

Get out of someone's face不要打扰别人

Give someone a favor 帮某人一个忙

to be disgusting非常讨厌

Simplified and safe operation操作简单和安全

Act a test (to) to do extremely完全做测试做某事


Blow sth to/to fail at sth 做某事做砸了


With all / and soul 全心全意

One's heart being a five心急如焚

Ring in one's ~ 牵肠挂肚

Ingoing one's heart 进入某人的心

Bring ones ~ into one's mouth

Having the ~to dosth全心全意做某事

With a heavy ~ 心情非常沉重

Break one's ~ 心痛心碎

Bare heart 非常潜入的交心

Set ~ at ease 非常放心,放松

Witha half~做事三心两意

Will someone ~ 赢得某人信任

Have ~of gold 有金子般的心

From ~ button 发自内心的

Unit4 5

Meet with/come across/run into遇见某人

Three well doing for use of facility 设备“三好”

Operator "four basic skills"现场操作人员的“四会”

Safety procedure 安全规程

Routine in section 正常检修

A cat may look at a king 猫也是国王(小人也可以评论大人

物)A Penny saved is a Penny earned节约一个便士就是挣了一个便士A watch pot never boils 心急锅不开。水到渠成

A word to be wise 善于听取忠告

All is well that end well 结果好,切皆好

Bad news travel fast 坏事传播很快

Beauty is only skin deep 美貌是肤浅的(不要以貌取人)

Beggar can't be choosers 乞丐没有选择(没办法的选择)

Better safe than sorry 安全总比遗憾好

green eyes疲劳眼红

red eyes嫉妒眼红

Easy come. easy go来得快去得也快

Every little helps表示感谢,再少也不嫌少

Good wine needs no bush好酒不怕销

Iam allears洗耳恭听

If the cap fits,Wearit 意见忠良就接受

In for a penny, in fora pound赌一个便士是赌,一倍也是赌(一不做二不休)

It gets my goat它是我生气,暴怒

It slipped my mind从大脑划过,忘了

It takes two tango 两个人跳舞(孤掌难鸣)

It's all my eye 不在意,不生气

It my word against his/h 公说公有理,婆说婆有理

It's not my pigeon 这是与我无关

Keep your chin up 正确面对,勇敢起来

Like father like son 虎父无犬子

Little loads sink the ship千里之堤溃于蚁穴

Love begets love日久生情

Love is blind 爱是盲目的

Love me, lovemydog爱屋及乌

Mark my words让你记住我的话

Motherland is a place we all cherish deep in our heart祖国是我们深深爱的地方

Truth and liberty is the two pillar of society 真理和自由是社会的两种支柱

Struggle is where the significant of life lies 奋斗就是我们生命的意义所在

Unit 6

Man-hours quote for equipment repair设备维修人工工时

Material expense 材料费用

Material for equipment repair设备维修材料

Expense for equipment repair设备维修花费

Wear compensation for plant 设备磨损补偿

Plant reconstruction 设备改造

Plant ageing 设备老化

Discard of plant 设备报废

Technical document of plant设备技术档案

Combination of service &plant maintenance


Combination professional manager &mass manager 专业管理和具体操作人员相结合

Precise large scads rare plant精细的,大型的,稀少的设备

Idle plant闲置的设备

Plant in good condition 设备完好

Technical facilities in production生产技术设备

Combination technical manager &economic manager技术管理与经济管理Unit account of plant 设备的台账

Equipment failure设备故障(天灾)

Plant accident设备故障(天灾)

Liability accident 责任事故

Accident due to quality质量事故

Unit 8


Capacity expansion流型

Flow pattern容量膨胀

Technical revamping技术改造

Technical measure 技术措施

Rule with an iron hand严厉统治

See someone's hand in sth看见某人参与某事

Try one's hand at doing sth试一下身手

Wait on someone hand& foot把某人伺候得无微不至

Weaken someone's hand 拆人家的台

Show/reveal/one's hand分道扬镳

Development strategy公司的发展战略

Visit with 非常友好的访问,交谈

Meet with 见面,但这见面的过程会不愉快

Taking meeting 主持会议

Visit in precaution's on one another互相叫笃

Compunctions visiting of nature受到良心、道义的责备

Ring the market 垄断市场

A newspaper tycoon报业大款

Merchant prince商业巨贾

Proxy war代理人战争

Patent infringement侵犯专利权

Trade mark infringement商标侵权

Copyright infringement版权侵权

Commercial secrets infringement商业机密的侵权

American power a long can't make American safe美国自身能力不能保证自身的安全

In the long term, war and preparations for war and it is a sad unfortunate factaregood for capitalistic economies从长远看,战争和备战有利于资本经济是一个可悲的不幸事实

It is generally agreed that the extension and improvement of primary education is thebest weapon against illiteracy延长和改善初等教育的打败文盲最好的武器

Oil is the vital life line of the national economy inmuch middle Easton 石油是中东地区国民经济的生命线

Unit 9

Early failure period初期,故障期

Accident early failure period事故偶发期

Exhaustion early failure period损耗故障期(设备差不多损坏) Effective life有效使用寿命

Primary failure 原发性的故障

Secondary failure继发性的故障

Function failure功能性故障

Failure rate carve of equipment tab care设备故障曲线

Practices makes perfect实践使得完美

Where got, where gone 何来何去

Badly in need have 急需

Tribute show敬意

Domestic violence家庭暴力

The Spouses disloyally对原配不忠

An instant hit轰动

One-armed bandit老虎机

Racy novel生动小说

Showbiz celebrities娱乐界名人

Truelove knot同心锁

Matinee screen idol电影电视剧的流行性

Teen idol青少年偶像

A cultural icon文化影响

Recommend a new book介绍求新书

Introduce aguest介绍一位新人

Pass on experience介绍经验

Provide information提供信息

Goal/ adequate/enough seasons充足的理由

Solicitous service非常周到的服务

Strict rules非常严厉的规矩

low/dull/off season淡季

A promising Young man非常有所作为的年轻人

Just wait and see. I won't let you get a way with that 走着瞧,我不会让你得逞的

You'll be sorry 你会后悔的

You are going to get what coming to you你会遭到报应的

Ifyou're looking for a fight, you don't have to look for 想打架,不用看得太远

Watch your month, do you know who you're telling to?说话客气点,知道在和谁说话吗?

I'll get even with you sooner or later我早晚会报答你

Listen. You're picked the wrong person to quarrel with

听着! 你找错吵架对象了

You better take that back最好收回你的话

You want to take it outside? Anytime你想到外面打架吗?随时奉陪Don't mess with me! Don't get fresh with me别惹我。放尊重点That such a cheap novel这本小说很低级无聊

Feel cheap 感到愧疚

Hold someone/something cheap看不起,诋毁

Make oneselfcheap作践自己

Be so cheap非常小气


We are so proud ofyou我们为你感到骄傲


Peanut brittle花生糖


Drop Brittle脆糖




cube ~咖啡糖


Crystal ~冰糖



Coconut~ 椰子糖Crunch~压碎糖Sticky~牛皮糖Candy floss棉花糖Sweet 甜蜜的

Sweetheart情人,恋人~ temper 温和的

Little baby小巧可爱的

Sweet gas一帆风顺(smooth sailing)

Unit 10

From the bottoms of one's heart发自内心

Make hands of tails ofsth至始至终

Not a have a leg to standon站不住脚,不成立

With one's tails between one's leg 尾巴夹在腿中间

Stand on one's own legs自食其力

Out of sight/out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

Upon one's mouth too wide要价过高,狮子大开口

Lead someone a found by the nose 牵着鼻子走

Hold one's tongue 保持沉默

Know life a palm of one's hand对.... 了如指掌

Have a finger in the pie插手某事

The spirit willing bat the flesh is weak心有余而力不足Thorn in one's flesh眼中钉,肉中刺

Flesh and blood血肉之躯


With one foot in the grave将死,一只脚在坟墓里

Have an eye for sth 有眼力,有判断力

Turn a blindeyetosth睁只眼闭一只眼

Have eyes in the back of one head 眼睛在后脑勺上

Aquack doctor江湖上:

Crony relation裙带关系

Society rut casts社会败类

The halo effect光环效应

A wand kind 一种魔杖

With open arms热情奔放

Behind one's back背地里

Rack one's brains绞尽脑汁

Tum a deafearof不理睬

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙Feast one'seye一饱眼福

Armed to the teeth武装到牙齿(全副武装)

Periodic inspection定期检查

Fix point in section of equipment设备点检

Main tem of fixed point inspection点检主要环节

Periodic fix point inspection定期检查

Accuracy inspection精度检查

Technical service技术维修

Seasonal technical service季节性技术维修

Inspection under disassemble condition解体检查

Daily lubrication check日常润滑检查

Unit 12

Staff shortage人手不足

Discount store 一元店

Completion date竣工日期

Leisure facilities休闲场所

Fixed asserts固定资产投入

Following/under mentioned goods下列商品

Under funded project 资金不足的项目

Poor (thin) excuse 通不过的借口

Data inquiry in various types 灵活多样的数据询问功能] intuitive &friendly Graphic 好的图形界面

Capable of transient simulation 瞬间模拟

Model structure easily to extend模块化表示

Output in speed sheet & figure type 表格和图形化的数值Market access商品市场准入

Cross border supply跨境交易

Commercial presence商业的存在

National treatment 国民待遇

Government procurement最惠国待遇

Multilateral trading system 多边贸易系统

Dispute settlement body解决争端的机构


intellectual property right知识产权

initial negotiating right 最初的谈判

Memorandums of understanding (谈判)备忘录

Fake and faulty goods 伪劣产品

fraudulent practices欺诈行为

Pubic price hearing价格听证会

Price hike 物价上涨

Peak time 高峰期

Price setting定价

Price-float range 价格波动

Migrant laborers农民工

Price of passenger train tickets 列车乘客价格

National responsibility民族责任

Panda hedgers侵华

Leave be hinder弃权

Audience rating收视率

Attract investment from overseas海外招商

Life long tenure终身制


网易电力专业英语词汇(较全) 1)元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Busbar 输电线:TransmissionLine 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 分接头:tap 电动机:motor 2)状态参数 有功:active power 无功:reactive power 电流:current 容量:capacity 电压:voltage 档位:tap position 有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator 功角:power-angle

上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit 并列的:apposable 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 升压变压器 step-up transformer 高压侧 high side 输电系统 power transmission system 输电线 transmission line 固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 功角稳定 angle stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 装机容量 installed capacity 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation 补偿度 degree of compensation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 无功补偿 reactive power compensation 故障 fault 调节 regulation 裕度 magin 三相故障 three phase fault 故障切除时间 fault clearing time 极限切除时间 critical clearing time 切机 generator triping


第一章第一篇sectiong Two variables u(t) and i(t) are the most basic concepts in an electric circuit, they characterize the various relationships in an electric circuitu(t)和i(t)这两个变量是电路中最基本的两个变量,它们刻划了电路的各种关系。 Charge and Current The concept of electric charge is the underlying principle for explaining all electrical phenomena. Also, the most basic quantity in an electric circuit is the electric charge. Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured in coulombs (C). 电荷和电流电荷的概念是用来解释所有电气现象的基本概念。也即,电路中最基本的量是电荷。电荷是构成物质的原子微粒的电气属性,它是以库仑为单位来度量的。 We know from elementary physics that all matter is made of fundamental building blocks known as atoms and that each atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons. We also know that the charge e on an electron is negative and equal in magnitude to 1.60210×10-19C, while a proton carries a positive charge of the same magnitude as the electron. The presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons leaves an atom neutrally charged. 我们从基础物理得知一切物质是由被称为原子的基本构造


材料专业必备英语词汇编号中文英文 1 设计design 2 性能properties 3 温度temperature 4 应用application 5 工艺process 6 焊接welding 7 应力stress 8 腐蚀corrosion 9 强度strength 10 合金alloys 11 组织microstructure 12 参数parameters 13 激光laser 14 变形deformation 15 加工machining 16 热处理heat 17 模拟simulation 18 机床machine 19 材料material 20 不锈钢stainless 21 金属metal 22 涂层coating 23 力学性能mechanical 24 硬度hardness 25 铝合金alloy 26 疲劳fatigue 27 机理mechanism 28 数控nc 29 轧制rolling 30 模具die 31 软件software 32 铸造casting 33 高温temperature 34 铸铁iron 35 成形forming 36 切削cutting 37 裂纹crack 38 轧机mill 39 应变strain 40 断裂fracture 41 晶粒grain 42 有限finite 43 精度precision 44 耐磨wear 45 冷却cooling 46 误差error 47 磨损wear 48 凝固solidification 49 数值numerical 50 有限元finite 51 工艺参数parameters 52 磨削grinding 53 设备equipment 54 仿真simulation 55 计算机computer 56 寿命life 57 刀具tool 58 韧性toughness 59 显微组织microstructure 60 焊缝weld 61 氧化oxidation 62 厚度thickness 63 镁合金magnesium 64 优化optimization 65 残余residual 66 形状shape 67 奥氏体austenite 68 摩擦friction 69 淬火quenching 70 退火annealing


a function of …的函数absorption:吸附acetone 丙酮 acrylics丙烯酸树脂Aerospace 航空agricultural engineering农业工程 agricultural engineer农艺师Amalgam 汞齐,水银;混合物,交叉 ammonia 氨ammonium nitrate硝酸铵ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵analyte分析物analytical chemistry分析化学 amorphous 非定型的,非晶型的,非结晶的,玻璃状的;无一定目的的,乱七八糟approximate to:接近,趋近area 面积argon氩aromatic 芳香烃的 as a whole整体而言ash纯碱asphalt沥青 a priori:先验的,既定的,不根据经验的,由原因推出结果的,演绎的,直觉的 accessory heater 附属加热器accident prevention事故预防 accountant会计师,会计,出纳activity coefficient活度系数 actualrate of absorption 实际吸收速率adiabatic绝热的,不传热的 alkane烷烃ammonia-air mixture 氨气-水混合物 ammonium phosphate磷酸铵anhydrous无水的applied Chemistry应用化学 aquatic plant 水生植物artificial人工的asphaltene沥青油 assay分析化验at right angles to 与…成直角,与…垂直 bottoms product塔底产品baffle-plate折流挡板,缓冲挡板 balance 抵消,平衡barrier障碍物batch间歇的;benzene苯 binary distillation双组分精馏bioengineering生物工程bionics(仿生学) biosynthesis生物合成blower 风机boundary layer 边界层 brick wall 墙壁brittleness 脆性bubble-cap tower 泡罩塔 Buchner funnel 布氏漏斗bulk explosive集装炸药buoyancy force 浮力 by virtue of 由于,根据,凭借于barrel桶(国际原油计量单位) base塔底,基础biological production生物制品生产 biomechanics生物力学bitumen沥青blood-flow dynamics血液流动动力学 boiling point 沸点bottom 底部,塔底branched chain支链烷烃 branched-chain(带支链的)bulk chemical 大宗化工产品 capillary action毛细管作用carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 capital expenditure 基建投资 carbon skeleton碳骨架 capital outlay 费用,成本,基建投资carrier载体 carbon tetrachloride四氯化碳straightforward简单明了的catalyst 催化剂 catalyst催化剂,catalytic cracking 催化裂化 catalytic oxidation催化氧化chemical additive添加剂 centrifuge离心.离心机,离心分离chemical process safety 化工过程安全 chain-shaped链状的chemical reactor transfer of heat, evaporation, crystallization结晶chain链c hlorofluorocarbon二氯二氟化碳,氟里昂 chemical reaction化学反应c irculating gas 循环气 civil engineer土木工程师closed system封闭系统 cleansing agent清洗剂compound化合物 close teamwork紧密的团队协作computer microchip 计算机芯片 coefficient系数concentration difference 浓度差 columnar liquid chromatography柱状液相色谱仪concentration gradient 浓度梯度combustion燃烧condensate冷凝液,凝缩液 commercial proportions 商业规模condensation冷凝


电力电子-专业词汇中英文对照(一) AbsorberCircuit 吸收电路 AC/ACFrequencyConverter 交交变频电路ACpowercontrol交流电力控制ACPowerController交流调功电路ACPowerElectronicSwitch交流电力电子开关AcVoltageController交流调压电路AsynchronousModulation异步调制BakerClampingCircuit贝克箝位电路 Bi-directionalTriodeThyristor双向晶闸管BipolarJunctionTransistor--BJT双极结型晶体管Boost-BuckChopper升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper升压斩波电路BoostConverter升压变换器BridgeReversibleChopper桥式可逆斩波电路BuckChopper降压斩波电路BuckConverter降压变换器Commutation 换流 Conduction Angle 导通角ConstantVoltageConstantFrequency--CVCF 恒压恒频

ContinuousConduction--CCM (电流)连续模式ControlCircuit 控制电路 CukCircuit CUK斩波电路CurrentReversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路CurrentSourceTypeInverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloconvertor 周波变流器 DC-AC-DC Converter 直交直电路 DCChopping 直流斩波 DCChoppingCircuit 直流斩波电路 DC-DCConverter 直流-直流变换器DeviceCommutation 器件换流DirectCurrentControl 直接电流控制DiscontinuousConductionmode (电流)断续模式displacementfactor 位移因数 distortionpower 畸变功率 doubleendconverter 双端电路 drivingcircuit 驱动电路 electricalisolation 电气隔离 fastactingfuse 快速熔断器 fastrecoverydiode 快恢复二极管fastrevcoveryepitaxialdiodes 快恢复外延二极管


英语专业四级词汇?新大纲? ??◆??? ???◆???? ??吸收;使专心 ??◆????? ???◆?????? ??抽象的 ??摘要的 ???????? ????????? ??丰富的;大量的 ???????? ? ?????????? ??学院的;学术的 ????●????? ???◆?●? ????? ????使?加快;促进 ?????????● ? ??◆????? ●? ??偶然的;非本质的 ?????? ? ???◆???? ???◆ ???? ??口音,腔调;重音 ????◆◆ ? ???◆?◆? ?? 接近;通道,入口 ?????????? ???◆??? ??◆? ??接受,验收;承认 ??????????? ?????? ????? ???容纳;供应,供给 ????????????? ?????? ??????? ??招待设备;预定铺位 ????????? ????????? ???陪伴,陪同;伴随 ??????●?◆? ??????●?? ???达到?目的?;完成 ?????????? ?????? ??◆? ??一致;和谐;授予 ?????????●? ????????●?? ???因此,所以;照着 ??????? ???????? ??记述;解释;帐目 ??????●??? ?????? ???●???? ???积累 ???堆积 ???????? ???????◆? ??准确?性?;准确度 ???????? ???????? ??准确的,正确无误的 ????◆? ???????? ???指责;归咎于 ????◆????? ????◆?? ??? ??惯常的;习惯的 ???? ???? ???痛;想念 ??疼痛 ??????? ???????? ??完成,实现;达到 ??????????? ???????????? ??完成;成就,成绩 ???? ??◆??? ??酸;酸的,酸性的 ???????????? ??????????◆? ??认识;了解;熟人 ??????? ???????? ??取得;获得;学到 ???? ?????? ? 英亩??????亩? ?????● ???????● ??实际的;现行的 ?????●●? ???????●? ???实际上;竟然 ????? ??????? ?? 使适应;改编 ?????◆◆ ?????◆? ? 地址;演说;谈吐 ???????? ????????? ??足够的;可以胜任的 ????????? ????????? ??形容词 ??形容词的 ????◆? ?????◆?? ???调整,调节;校正 ??????◆??????? ??????◆????????? ??管理;管理部门 ?????? ???????? ???钦佩,羡慕,赞赏 ????◆◆??? ???????? ??允许进入;承认 ????? ??????? ? ?承认;准许 进入 ????? ??????? ? ?收养;采用;采取 ???●? ????●?? ? 成年人 ??成年的 ??????? ???????◆? ???前进;提高 ??进展 ???????? ???????◆? ??先进的;高级的 ????????? ????????? ??? ??优点,优势;好处 ????????? ????????? ??冒险;惊险活动 ?????? ???????? ??副词 ???????◆????? ????? ??◆????? ??广告;公告;登广告 ????◆??●? ?????????


电力电子专业英语 1、元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrCln Trans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblCl mnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Bus bar 输电线:Transmission Line 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator

功角:power-angle 电压等级:voltage grade 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 电阻:resistance 电抗:reactance 电导:conductance 电纳:susceptance 导纳:admittance

无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator 功角:power-angle 上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit 并列的:apposable 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 电力系统 power system 发电机 generator


注:电气工程及其自动化专业英语翻译 1~7面 班级:1002班 学号:20 姓名:王定瑞 PART 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals 第1部分的电气工程基础 第1章电路原理 Electrostatic Charges 静电荷 Protons and electrons are parts of atoms that make up all things in our world. The positive charge of a proton is similar to the negative charge of an electron. However, a positive charge is the opposite of a negative charge. These charges are called electrostatic charges. Each charged particle is surrounded by an electrostatic field. 质子和电子部件的原子构成一切事物在我们的世界。正电荷的质子是类似于负电荷的电子。然而,一个正电荷的反面是一个负电荷。这些指控被称为静电荷。每个带电粒子周围是一个静电场。 The effect that electrostatic charges have on each other is very important. They either repel (move away) or attract (come together) each other. It is said that like charges repel and unlike charges attract. 这个效应,静电指控对方是非常重要的。他们要么排斥(离开)或吸引(一起)每个其他。据说,同种电荷排斥和异种电荷吸引。 The atoms of some materials can be made to gain or lose electrons. The material then becomes charged. One way to do this is to rub a glass rod with a piece of silk cloth. The glass rod loses electrons ( - ) , so it now has a positive ( + ) charge. The silk cloth pulls electrons ( - ) away from the glass. Since the silk cloth gains new electrons, it now has a negative ( - ) charge. Another way to charge a material is to rub a rubber rod with fur. 原子的一些材料可以获得或失去电子。材料然后变成带电。一个办法是摩擦玻璃棒用一块丝绸。玻璃棒失去电子(-),所以它现在有了一个积极的(+)费用。丝绸布拉电子(-)远离玻璃。因为丝绸布获得新电子, 现在有一个负(-)费用。另一种方式收取材料是磨橡胶棒带毛皮。 It is also possible to charge other materials because some materials are charged when they are brought close to another charged object. If a charged rubber rod is touched against another material, the second material may become charged. 2 Remember that materials are charged due to the movement of electrons and protons. Also, remember that when an atom loses electrons ( - ), it becomes positive ( + ). These facts are very important in the study of electronics. 也有可能收取其他材料,因为一些材料费用当他们带来了接近另一个带电物体。如果一个带电橡胶棒是感动与另一个材料,第二材料可能成为带电。2记住材料被指控由于电子和质子的运动。同时,也要记住,当一个原子失去电子(-),它成为积极的(+)。这些事实是非常重要的在学习电子产品。 Charged materials affect each other due to lines of force. These imaginary lines cannot be seen. However, they exert a force in all directions around a charged material. Their force is similar to the force of gravity around the earth. This force is called a gravitational field. 带电材料互相影响由于力线。这些假想的线不能被看到。然而,他们施加一个力向四面八方围绕一个带电材料。他们的力量是类似于重力围绕地球。这个力称为引力场。 Most people have observed the effect of static electricity. Whenever objects become charged, it is due to static electricity. A common example of static electricity is lightning. Lightning is caused by a difference in charge ( + and - ) between the earth's surface and the clouds during a storm. The arc produced by lightning is the movement of charges between the earth and the clouds. Another common


材料专业英语常见词汇(一Structure 组织Ceramic 陶瓷Ductility 塑性Stiffness 刚度Grain 晶粒Phase 相Unit cell 单胞Bravais lattice 布拉菲点阵Stack 堆垛Crystal 晶体Metallic crystal structure 金属性晶体点阵 Non-directional 无方向性Face-centered cubic 面心立方 Body-centered cubic 体心立方 Hexagonal close-packed 密排六方 Copper 铜Aluminum 铝Chromium 铬 Tungsten 钨Crystallographic Plane 晶面 Crystallographic direction 晶向 Property 性质 Miller indices 米勒指数Lattice parameters 点阵参数Tetragonal 四方的Hexagonal 六方的Orthorhombic 正交的Rhombohedra 菱方的Monoclinic 单斜的Prism 棱镜Cadmium 镉 Coordinate system 坐Point defec点缺陷 Lattice 点阵 Vacancy 空位Solidification 结晶Interstitial 间隙Substitution 置换Solid solution strengthening 固溶强化Diffusion 扩散Homogeneous 均匀的Diffusion Mechanisms 扩散机制Lattice distortion 点阵畸变Self-diffusion 自扩散Fick’s First Law菲克第一定律 Unit time 单位时间Coefficient 系数Concentration gradient 浓度梯度Dislocations 位错Linear defect 线缺陷Screw dislocation 螺型位错Edge dislocation 刃型位错Vector 矢量Loop 环路Burgers’vector柏氏矢量Perpendicular 垂直于Surface defect 面缺陷Grain boundary 晶界Twin boundary 晶界 Shear force 剪应力Deformation 变形Small ( or low) angel grain boundary 小角度晶界Tilt boundary 倾斜晶界Supercooled 过冷的Solidification 凝固Ordering process 有序化过程Crystallinity 结晶度Microstructure 纤维组织Term 术语Phase Diagram 相图Equilibrium 平衡Melt 熔化Cast 浇注Crystallization 结晶Binary Isomorphous Systems 二元匀晶相图Soluble 溶解Phase Present 存在相Locate 确定Tie line 连接线Isotherm 等温线Concentration 浓度Intersection 交点The Lever Law 杠杆定律Binary Eutectic System 二元共晶相图Solvus Line 溶解线Invariant 恒定Isotherm 恒温线Cast Iron 铸铁Ferrite 珠光体Polymorphic transformation 多晶体转变Austenite 奥氏体Revert 回复Intermediate compound 中间化合物Cementite 渗碳体Vertical 垂线Nonmagnetic 无磁性的Solubility 溶解度Brittle 易脆的Eutectic 共晶Eutectoid invariant point 共析点Phase transformation 相变Allotropic 同素异形体Recrystallization 再结晶Metastable 亚稳的Martensitic transformation 马氏体转变Lamellae 薄片Simultaneously 同时存在Pearlite 珠光体Ductile 可塑的Mechanically 机械性能Hypo eutectoid 过共析的Particle 颗粒Matrix 基体Proeutectoid 先共析Hypereutectoid 亚共析的Bainite 贝氏体Martensite 马氏体Linearity 线性的Stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线Proportional limit 比例极限Tensile strength 抗拉强度Ductility 延展性Percent reduction in area 断面收缩率Hardness 硬度Modulus of Elasticity 弹性模量Tolerance 公差Rub 摩擦Wear 磨损Corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀性Aluminum 铝Zinc 锌Iron ore 铁矿Blast furnace 高炉Coke 焦炭Limestone 石灰石Slag 熔渣Pig iron 生铁Ladle 钢水包Silicon 硅Sulphur 硫Wrought 可锻的Graphite 石墨Flaky 片状Low-carbon steels 低碳钢Case hardening 表面硬化Medium-carbon steels 中碳钢Electrode 电极As a rule 通常Preheating 预热Quench 淬火Body-centered lattice 体心晶格


课一A Communications 通讯 1. equation n.相等, 平衡, 综合体, 2. communication n. 通信, 通讯, 交通communicate v.沟通, 通信, 3. triode n.三极管 4. storage n. 存储 5.transmission n. 传输, 传送, transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导 6. amplifier n.放大器,扩音器 amplify v. 扩大,放大,增强amplification n. 扩大,放大 7. oscillator n.振荡器 8. correlate v. 是相互关联 correlation n.相互关系, 相关(性) 9. transmitter n.发射机 transmit receive transmission reception (发射) (接收) 10.subsequent adj.随后的 课一B Capacitors 电容 1.capacitor n. 电容器 2.capacitance n. 电容量(值) Resistor resistance capacitor capacitance inductor inductance 3. fixed adj. 固定的 variable adj. 可变的 4. dielectric n. 电介质,绝缘材料 adj. 绝缘的 5. relatively adv. 相对地 absolutely adv.绝对地 6. maximum adj. 最大的 n. 最大值 minimum adj. 最小的 n. 最小值 7. farad n. 法(拉) F ohm n. 欧姆Ω Henry n. 亨(利)H 8. trimmer n. 调整者, 整理者, 9. screwdriver n. 螺丝起子,改锥课二A Radio Transmitter无线电发射机 1. radio transmitter 无线电发射机 radio n. 无线电,无线 2. telecommunication n.电信,电信 学,无线电通信 telephone n.电话,电话机 telegraph n.电报, 电报机, 电讯 报 3. transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导, 发射, 发报 transmit receive transmission reception transmitter receiver (发射) (接收) 4. intelligence n.信息、情报、智能 information/message n.信息 5. potential adj.潜在的, 可能的, 势 的, n.潜能, 潜力, 电位 6. generate v.产生,发生 generation n.产生, 发生, 一代,7. frequency n.频 low frequency 几个Hz到几十 kHz high frequency 几个MHz到几十 MHz radio frequency 几百MHz到 几个GHz 8. pulse signal 脉冲信号 9. wavelength n.波长用λ表示 10. output n.输出,产量 input n.输入 11. band n. 带,波段,频带 课二B Electromotive Force 电动势 1. electromotive adj.电动的,电动 势的 electromotive force 电动势 2.driving adj.驱动的 driving force n. 驱动力 driving unit 传动装置 3. volt n. 伏特 4. distinguish v.区分 5. potential difference 电位差 课三A Time Constant 时常数 1.nuclear adj.原子能的, n.核武器, 有核国 nuclear arms 核武 nuclear energy 核能 2.constant n.常数 adj.不断, 不断的, time constant 时间常数 3. instantaneously adv.瞬间地,即刻 instant n.瞬息, 一会儿, 时刻 4. dependent adj. 依赖的,依赖于,取决 于 5. capacitive adj.电容的,容性的 capacitor n.电容器 capacitance n.电容值 6.discharge n.放电v.放电 charge n.电荷,充电v.充电 7.universal 普遍的, 全体的, 通用的, 课三B RL Time Constant RL时序常数 1.inductor n.电感器 inductance n.电感值(量) inductive adj.感应的; 电感的 2. function n.功能, 函数,作用, 3. Decay n.衰减v. 衰减 decay constant 衰减常数 decay factor 衰减因子 4. reverse adj.反向的, 相反, 逆转的 5. peak value 峰值


第一章第一篇sectiong Twovariables u(t)and i(t)arethemostbasicconceptsinanelectriccircuit,theych aracterizethevariousrelationshipsinanelectriccircuitu(t)和i(t)这两个变量是电路中最基本的两个变量,它们刻划了电路的各种关系。 ChargeandCurrent ×10 ed. 于1.602100×10-12C,而质子所带的正电量在数值上与电子相等。质子和电子数量相同使得原子呈现电中性。 Weconsidertheflowofelectriccharges.Auniquefeatureofelectricchargeorelect ricityisthefactthatitismobile;thatis,itcanbetransferredfromoneplacetoano ther,whereitcanbeconvertedtoanotherformofenergy让我们来考虑一下电荷的流

动。电荷或电的特性是其运动的特性,也就是,它可以从一个地方被移送到另一个地方,在此它可以被转换成另外一种形式的能量。Whenaconductingwireisconnectedtoabattery(asourceofelectromotiveforce),th echargesarecompelledtomove;positivechargesmoveinonedirectionwhilenegativ echargesmoveintheoppositedirection.Thismotionofchargescreateselectriccur ~ 上时( 于是电流就是电荷的时率,它是以安培为单位来度量的。从数学上来说,电流i、电荷q以及时间t之间的关系是: Thechargetransferredbetweentime t0and t isobtainedbyintegratingbothsidesofE q.(1-1).Weobtain从时间t0到时间t所移送的电荷可由方程(1-1)两边积分求得。我们算得:



A a-grain 高铝颗粒 specification 的规范abbe number or abbe value 阿贝值 abbe refractometer 阿贝折射计 abbertite 黑沥青 ablation 耗损 ablative shielding 剥落,散热性屏蔽(太空) abnormal setting 异常凝结 abnormal steel 异常钢 abradant 摩擦剂 Abram's law 亚伯姆定律 Abrams method of proportioning 阿不伦氏配合方法abrasion 磨耗 abrasion cutting 磨切 abrasion resistance 耐磨抗力 abrasion test 磨耗试验 abrasive 研磨剂,磨料 abrasive belt 研磨带 abrasive brick 研磨砖 abrasive cloth 研磨布,砂布 abrasive disc 金刚砂研磨盘 abrasive grain 研磨粒 abrasive grains 研磨粒 abrasive hardness 耐磨硬度 abrasive paper 砂纸 abrasive paper 磨擦纸 abrasive stone 磨石 abrasive tool 磨具 abrasive wheel 砂轮,磨轮 abros 阿伯罗期1-一种抗腐蚀合金88% Ni;10%Cr;2%Mn) absolute temperature 绝对温度 absorber1 中子吸收材料2 动能吸收材料(如铅,金属,蜂巢,塑胶泡沫等) absorption 吸着 absorption band 吸收带 absorption coefficient 吸收系数 absorption edge 吸收限 absorption limit 吸收限 absorption test 吸收率试验absorption-type inhibitor (inhibiter)吸着型(腐蚀)抑制剂 Abyssinian gold 阿比西尼亚金88% Cu,%Zn,%Au AC parametric test/AC testAC 参数试验/交流测试 AC test 交流测试 accelerated aging 加速老化(橡胶) accelerated cement 速凝水泥 accelerated gum 速成胶 acceleration 自旋马达之加速度特性 acceleration factor 加速因数 acceleration tube 加速管 acceleration voltage 加速电压 accelerator 催速剂;加速器 acceptable wafer size 适用晶圆尺寸 acceptor 受素;受体 acceptor impurity 受素不纯物 acceptor level1 受素能阶2 受者能阶 accessory mineral 附生矿物 accommodation kink 缓和节 accumulate/accumulation 累积加算 accumulator metal 蓄电合金(90% Pb, %Sn, %Sb) accuracy 精度 accuracy test 精度试验 acetone 丙酮 acetylene 乙炔 acetylene tetrabromide 四溴化乙炔 Acheson furnace 艾其逊炉(制碳化矽用电弧炉) Acheson process 艾其逊法(用电弧炉制碳化矽) acicular cast iron 针状铸体 acicular powder 针状粉末 acicular structure 针状组织 acid Bessemer converter 酸性柏思麦转炉 acid Bessemer process 酸性柏思麦法 acid Bessemer steel 柏思麦钢 acid brick 酸性砖 acid brittleness 酸洗脆性 acid bronze 耐酸青铜 acid dip 酸浸 acid earth 酸性土 acid electric arc furnace 酸性电弧炉 acid electric furnace 酸性电炉 acid embossing 酸刻
