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七年级下册英语周周清试题班级:_______________ 姓名:_______________ Ⅰ.单项选择。(共40分)

1.______ your brother playing chess with Jack?

A.are B.is C.Does D.Is

2.—What is Mary doing? —She's ______ something.

A.look at B.look like C.looking for D.looking

3. We must ________ to school at seven thirty.

A. go

B. going

C. are going D.to go

4. Listen! The baby _______ in the room.

A. crying

B. cried

C. is crying

D. cries

5. Tom ______ his bed every morning.

A.make B.is making C.makes D.makeing

6.Here is a photo_____ my family. There are five people_____ my family.

A. of; in

B. of; of

C. for ; in

D. about; of

7. My mother wants me ______ shopping with her.

A. go

B. to go

C. go to D.to go to

8.His uncle works ______ a restaurant ________ a waiter.

A. in, as

B. at, of

C. in, of D.for, as

9.He’s a policeman. It’s _______ job.

A. exciting B.excited C. an excited D.an exciting

10. The women are ________ in the park.

A.make photos B.taking photos C.making photo D. takeing photo

11. The women ________ to the radio.

A. listen

B. are listening

C. listening

D. is listening

12. She is eating lunch a friend.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. at

13. Where is Mary?------She at the mall.

A. shopping

B. shops

C. is shopping

D. are shopping

14. 10.There a pencil and some books on the desk.

A. be

B. is

C. are

D. am

15. ---Are you playing soccer?---No, we .

A. don’t

B. can’t

C. aren’t D .are

16. a student, you should study hard.

A. Like

B. As

C. he

D. she

17. We have for you.

A. a work .

B. a job

C. works

D. a jobs

18. Here some good news in today’s newspapers.

A. is .B .are C .am D. be

19. The family watching TV.

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. am

20. _____ the third photo, I____ at a mall.

A. On, shop

B. On, shopping

C. In, am shopping

D. In, am shoping


Mr. Green is our English teacher. He _21_ some pictures. He shows those pictures to us in class. He wants us _22_ something from them. In _23_of the pictures, we see a boy at work. He’s cleaning the room. In _24_ picture, a girl is singing. S he’s singing an American song. In other pictures, we see many people doing different things. One is running, another is _25_ a cake. And a girl is doing __26__ homework. We look __27__our teacher listens _28_ us. We learn English from our teacher and the pictures. Our teacher likes __29__. We like her and her _30__, too.

( ) 21. A: is B: are C: has D: have

( ) 22. A: learn B: learns C: learning D: to learn

( ) 23. A: a B: one C: an D: the

( )24. A: others B: the other C: another D: the others

( )25. A: make B: making C: do D: doing

( )26 A: my B: your C: her D: his

( )27. A: in B: with C: at D: for

( )28. A: to B: at C: in D : for

( )29. A: we B: us C:I D: me

( )30. A: name B: classes C: school D: classroom


There is a park near my home. People like to go to this park after work.

Some of them go to the park every day. Look! This is Mr. King. He is sitting on

a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game. Some

boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a big tree. They are talking about their favorite movies. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats on the water. Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents. Listen! A girl is sing ing. It’s really a nice park. I come here every day.

( ) 31 ____like to go to the park.

A: Children B: Parents C: Lucy and Lily D: People ( ) 32.There are some ____ in the park.

A: birds and cats B: chairs and boats C: balls and kites D: houses and buses

( ) 33 Lucy is talking with____.

A: Mr. King B: the boys C: Lily D: her parents

( ) 34. We can’t see ____ in the park.

A: children B: men C: women D: bird

( ) 35. What is the writer doing?

A: He’s watching the peopl e in the park.

B: He’s playing a game .

C: He’s sitting in a boat.


1.照相 2. 做作业

3 等待 4. 看书

5.游泳池 6. 在最后一张照片里

7. 电视节目8. 吃晚饭

9. 为…而感谢10. 电话交谈________

Ⅴ.写作(共20分) 假设你是Sonia,根据下列4张照片和所给的单词完成一封信,介绍你的朋友们都在干什么。写5到8个句子。

First photo: Tom and Mary, sing Second photo: Mike, run, like

Third photo: John, play soccer Fourth photo: Lisa, Amy and Eric swim, enjoy Dear Bob,

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


七年级英语周周清 一.根据中文及首字母提示下写出下列单词。(20分) 1.一月J 2.二月F 3.三月M 4.四月A 5.五月M 6.六月J 7.七月J 8.八月A 9.九月S 10.十月O 11.十一月N 12.十二月D 13.月份m 14.年y 15.何时w 16.学生s 17.忙的b 18.在那t 19.节日f 20.东西,事情t 二.写出下列数词对应的序数词。(10分) 1.one 2.two 3.three 4.four 5.five 6.eight 7.nine 8.twelve 9.twenty 10.thirty-six 三.单项选择。(15分) ( )1-What about basketball? –Sounds good. Let’s . A. playing, going B. play, go C. playing, go D. play, going ( )2.-What’s the date today? - . A. It’s a fine day. B. It’s Friday. C. It’s 6:00. D. It’s April 5th. ( )3.My brother is . Today is his birthday. A. five, five B. fifth, fifth C. fifth, five D. five, fifth ( )4.I come home four a hot(炎热的) afternoon. A. at, on B. on, in C. at, in D. in, on ( )5.When are birthdays? –Their birthdays are in June. A. Lucy and Lily’s B. Lucy’s and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy and Lily ( )6.- ? -He’s 40 years old. A. When is your father’s birthday B. How old is your mother C. What’s your father’s age D. How is your father ( )7.-Have a good time. - . A. You’re welcome B. Thank you C. Nice to meet you D. Me, too ( )8.-Do you have art festival? –Yes, I do. A. a B./ C. the D. an ( )9.I want a sweater red. A. to buy, in B. buy, in C. buy, at D. to buy, at ( )10. comes before September, but after July. A. November B. September C. August D. December ( )11.He wants some ice cream. A. to eat B. eating C eat D. eats ( )12.-Do you like English? –No, I don’t. It’s . A. fun B. interesting C.difficult D. great ( )13.-What’s your favorite(最喜爱的) ? –May. A. color B. day C. month D. sport ( )14.The price of the clothes in the store is . Let’s go and have a look. A. cheap B. low C. high D. expensive ( )15.It’s easy for him the question. A. answers B. answering C. to answer D. answer


英语周周清测试题 完形填空(每空3分) I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a 1 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be 2 at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and 3 to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the 4 . With several hours to spare, l went to a theater. 5 , when the last movie finished, it was six. 1 was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he 6 I’d been watch ing movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I 7 there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d 8 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I’ll never forget the 9 he gave me. “I'm disappointed you 10 you have to lie to me, Jason.” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t 11 , I called the garage to ask if there were any 12 , and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car.” I felt 13 as I weakly told him the real reason. A 14 passed through Dad as he listened


七年级英语周周清试卷 班级:号数:姓名:得分: 一、根据音标写单词(12分) 1、[?neib?] [?vizit?] [?weit?] 4、[?helpful] [k??mju:niti] [skil] 7、[?pr?bl?m] [?end?i?ni?] [t?ek] 10、[?br?uk?n] [fiks] [?k?lid?] 二、.词汇运用。(17分) 1. Zhou’s next door _______________ (邻居)Qi Hui is unhappy, too. 2. They have some ___________(技能). 3. I wish I could swim __________(像)a fish. 4. What are they? They are ____________(服务员). 5. Miss Wu is always ____________(乐于助人)to others. 6. There are shops in the ___________________(街区). 7. Do you know the _________(访问者) from different countries? 8Reading and writing are important ____________(技能). 9My brother is an able ____________(工程师). 10Whose is the ___________(坏了)toy. 11Can you ___________(修理)my puter. 12If you know ___________(某人)else who collects them, please tell me. 13We were ___________(幸运的)enough to catch the last bus. 14Can you help me to solve the __________ (问题)? With pleasure. 15What is your dream after __________(大学)? To do something helpful. 16 ________(志愿者) share their skills and help people in need. 17 The mechanic is __________(检查) the puter now . II. 单项选择。(36分) ( )1 _____________? He is very kind and friendly. A. What does he look like B. What is he like


2013-2014学年度第二学期七年级第十三周周清试卷 一、基础。(50分) 1.根据提示填空。(24分,每空2分) 1.赵师秀《约客》一诗中,表达诗人候客时长而失望焦躁情绪的两句是:有约不来过夜半,闲敲棋子落灯花。 2. 赵翼《论诗》一诗中,说明人才辈出,各个时代都有有才华有成就的新人出现的两句是:江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。 3.__荷笠带斜阳___ ,青山独归远。刘长卿《送灵澈散人》 4.默写《滁州西涧》 _独____ ,_____ 。_____ ,_____ 。 2.根据拼音写汉字。(14分,每空2分) (1)十几个别的少年也大悟,立刻cuān duo(撺掇)起来 (2)怪家里的人不早定,xù dao(絮叨)起来 (3)他们太dài màn(怠慢),是待客礼数里从来所没有的。 (4)他时而激情满怀,时而yì fèn tían yīng( 义愤填膺 )。 (5)觉得要和他弥散在含着豆麦yùn zǎo(蕴藻)之香的夜气里。 (6)委实没有一个不会fú shuǐ(凫水)的。 3.根据你的观察和生活的感悟,仿写画线句子。(4分) 母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如春; 母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘依然纯洁明净。 仿写:父爱是一颗白杨,让你的心灵即使在炎热的沙漠也能感到阵阵清凉______ 父爱是一座高山,让你的情感即使经受旅途的风雪依然历久弥新 ______ 4.下列句子没有语病的一项是 ( D) (3分) A.这是最后一天的劳动,是同学们最紧张、最愉快、最有意义的一天 B.今年春节期间,这个市的210辆汽车和3000多名消防官兵,放弃休假,始终坚守在各自的岗位上. “汽车”后面加“司机” C.他那崇高的革命品质,经常浮现在我的脑海中 D.有关部门对极少数不尊重环卫工人劳动、无理取闹的人及时进行了批评教育和严肃处理。 5.下列成语使用正确的一项是( C )(3分) A.王红和张艺原来在学校是好朋友,毕业之后一直过从甚密,可谓藕断丝连 比喻表面上断了关系,实际上仍有牵连,指男女之间情思难断,不能形容友谊 B大会主席团作出决定,会议期间不准无故迟到,对那些不遵守大会纪律的不速之客要通报批评。


七年级下册英语周周清试题班级:_______________ 姓名:_______________ Ⅰ.单项选择。(共40分) 1.______ your brother playing chess with Jack? A.are B.is C.Does D.Is 2.—What is Mary doing? —She's ______ something. A.look at B.look like C.looking for D.looking 3. We must ________ to school at seven thirty. A. go B. going C. are going D.to go 4. Listen! The baby _______ in the room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries 5. Tom ______ his bed every morning. A.make B.is making C.makes D.makeing 6.Here is a photo_____ my family. There are five people_____ my family. A. of; in B. of; of C. for ; in D. about; of 7. My mother wants me ______ shopping with her. A. go B. to go C. go to D.to go to 8.His uncle works ______ a restaurant ________ a waiter. A. in, as B. at, of C. in, of D.for, as 9.He’s a policeman. It’s _______ job. A. exciting B.excited C. an excited D.an exciting 10. The women are ________ in the park. A.make photos B.taking photos C.making photo D. takeing photo 11. The women ________ to the radio. A. listen B. are listening C. listening D. is listening 12. She is eating lunch a friend.


初一英语上册周周清(Unit 3) 命题人:张威审核人:张威审批人:卓应春2012-9-18 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. This is clock. It's English clock. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; an ( )2. Is that pencil case? A. he B. him C. his ( )3. Her watch in her backpack. A. am B. is C. are ( )4. --________ do you spell "watch"? --W--A--T--C--H, watch. A. What B. Who C. How ( )5. --Are you Jenny? --Yes,_______. A. it is B. you are C. I am ( )6. --Is this his pen? --_______ . It's her pen. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn't C. Yes, it isn't ( )7. Her name is Gina Green. Her last name is_______ A. Gina B. Green C. Gina Green ( )8. --What's that in English? --________ a dictionary. A. It' s B. That' s C. This is ( )9. Please call Jenny ______ 536-4428. A. in B. to C. at ( )10. -What color is it? --________ A. It's a pen B. It's black C. It's a black 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文.从每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。 This boy is Jim Smith. His 1 name is Jim. His 2 name is Smith. This is 3 School. His school 4 number is 666--4856. His English teacher is Miss Wang. Miss Wang 5 a good teacher. Li Ming is a Chinese boy. Li Ming is his good 6 Look! 7 a pencil sharpener. Is the pencil sharpener 8 ? I 9 know. Let's 10 Li Ming at 495--6555. ( ) 1. A. first B. family C. last ( )2. A. first B. good C. last ( )3. A. you B. that C. his ( )4. A. computer B. name C. phone ( ) 5. A. am B. are C. is ( )6. A. father B. friend(朋友) C. boy


郑中国际学校2020--2021学年上学期八年级英语学科周清测试 考试时间:50分钟试卷总分:90分 一、用所给单词的适当形式或根据汉语意思填空。(每空1分,共10分) 1.He is one of the ______________ (friendly) people in the shopping center. 2.Lucy and her twin sister look the same, but Lucy is ___________ (heavy). 3.I_________( choose) a few books from the shelf yesterday morning. 4.The ________ (win) of this year’s Young Star Award is Daniel. 5.Some students in our school are truly _____________( talent). 6.He is _____ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _________ (bad) at English. 7.Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second _____________ (deep). 8.They usually play a role in __________ (decide) the important plans. 二、单项选择。(每题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. --Learning to love is like learning to walk. --Yes, ______we step out bravely, we’ll find it’s not so difficult. A.as if B.even though C.as long as D.as far as ( ) 2. I think _____ is always interesting _______ others show their talents. A.that; to watch B. it; watching C. it; to watch D. that; watching ( ) 3. --My teachers often encourage me _______ more friends but I find it difficult . -- Your teachers’ idea is right. The more friends you make, _________ you will be. A.to make; the more happy B. to make; happier C. Making; the happier D. to make; the happier ( ) 4.My father often _______ funny stories to make me _______ loudly. A.ends up; to laugh B. dresses up; laugh C. makes up; laugh D. turns up; to laugh ( ) 5.How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends the ____ time and makes the ____ mistakes. A.least; fewest B. least; least C. fewest; least D. most; fewest ( ) 6. -The service is wonderful and the weather is quite fine. - Yes, this holiday is so great. We never had _____before. A.the best one B. a good one C. a better one D. the better one ( ) 7. The earth is about ________ as the moon . A.as fifty time big B. fifty times as big C. as big fifty times D. fifty as times big ( ) 8. In order to sell more products, we need to come up with more ________ ideas. A.true B. common C. simple D. creative ( ) 9.-- ______ is it from your school to the bus stop? -- It’s about 5 minutes’ walk. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far ( ) 10. --Shall we clean the room this afternoon or tomorrow? -- _________. Any time is OK. A.It is up to you. B. Have a good time. C. I’m afraid I can’t. D. Excuse me. 三、完形填空。(每题1分,共15分) Colors can ___1___ people’s moods. So different nations like different colors. Chinese people like red most. We call it Chinese Red. Some foreigners know___2___ about China, so they can’t ___3____ how much Chinese people like these color. In China, red is ___4____, such as red flag, Chinese knots, red lanterns and so on. Many foreigners wonder __5____Chinese people like it so much. Red has special ___6____ in Chinese culture and history. Red is the color of the fire, the sun and the life. It makes us warm and ____7____. In the past, people colored the walls red to ___8____ dignity (尊严) and power. Red also ____9____ luck, health, happiness and peace. Chinese people think red can protect us from illness and ___10______ . So we dress ourselves in red and eat red eggs for good luck __11_____a new baby comes to the world.


2019-2020学年度Unit7人教版七年级下册英语第六次周清测试题 总分:80分时长:45分钟 班级:姓名:学号:等级: 一、单项选择。(每题1分,共10分) ( A )1.My brother has many books. He often _____ them on weekends. A.reads B. reading C. looks D. looking ( C )2.It’s six o’clock. Jim _______ at his friend’s home. A.study B. studies C. is studying D. studied ( D )3.Lucy is talking _____ her brother _______ the phone. A、with; at B. to; in C. to; with D. with, on ( C )4.--________English every morning? --Yes, but now I ________Chinese. A. Are you reading; read B. Do you read; read C. Do you read; am reading D. Are you reading; am reading ( C )5.—Let’s swim in the swimming pool. —._______ A. No, we don’t. B. Thank you. C. Sounds good. D. Yes, we do. ( C )6.He wishes _______ his mother today. A.see B. look C. to see D. to watch ( A )7.I’d like to listen _______ CDs. A.to B. for C. with D. on ( C )8.I have two brothers. One is a teacher, and _______ is a doctor. A.other B. others C. the other D. another ( A )9.—Where is Linda? —She _______ the piano in the music room. A.is playing B. play C. plays D. are playing ( D )10.But there’s _______ no place _______ home. A. like; like B. still; likes C. like; still D. still; like B. 二.完形填空(每小题1分, 满分10分) 先通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的A, B, C, D中选出最佳答案。 It’s nine o’clock on Sunday morning. I’m at home with my family. We are all busy now. 11. ____! My grandpa is playing tai chi. This year he is 66 years old 12. ____ he is still very


七年级下册第十八周周清作业(语文) 命题人:齐月伟 一、给下列加点的字注音: 沁.园春()惟余莽莽.()原驰蜡.象()成吉思汗.()花枝俏.()素裹.()分.外()妖娆.()稍逊.()还看今朝.()悬崖.() 二、解释下列加点字词在句子中的意思: 1.大河上下,顿失.滔滔: 2.引无数英雄竞折腰 ..: 3.须.晴日,看红妆素裹: 4.数.风流人物: 5.待到山花烂漫 ..时: 三、为下列句子划分朗读节奏: 1.看红妆素裹,分外妖娆 2.风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到 3.引无数英雄竞折腰 4.待到山花烂漫时 四、文学常识填空: 1.《沁园春·雪》中的“沁园春”是,“雪”是题目名。 2.“稍逊风骚”中的“风骚”是的意思。“风骚”原是指《诗经》中的《国风》和《》中的《》。 3.词可以分为派和派,《沁园春·雪》大气磅礴,气势恢宏,属于派。 4.陆游,字务观,号放翁,(朝代)著名爱国诗人,其代表作为《》。 五、名篇默写: 1.,原驰蜡象。 2.已是悬崖百丈冰,。 3.《沁园春·雪》中由上片写景转入下片评论历史人物,起承上启下作用的句子是 ,。 4.《沁园春·雪》中想象雪晴后,美好河山景象的句子是:,, 。 5.“嫦娥三号”成功登月,并向地球发回高清图片,至此,我国实现了飞行器登月的梦想。请你用毛泽东《沁园春·雪》中的句子来表示自己的喜悦情:,,。 六、诵读诗歌,品味词句: 1. “北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘”,中的“千里”“万里”由什么作用? 2.“惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。”一个“惜”字,包含着词人怎样的感情? 我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大事,算起来也很不少;但在我心里,都不留什么痕迹,倘要我寻出这些事的影响来说,便只是增长了我的坏脾气,--老实说,便是教我一天比


七年级英语周清试卷 Unit4 Topic1(满分100分) 第一部分翻译(30分) 一.汉译英(20分) 1.我能为你做些什么? (1)___________________ (2)__________________ 2.为某人买某物 (1)______________(2)_______________ 3.试穿一下它____________ 4.你穿上它非常漂亮。_________________ 5.你认为...怎么样________________ 6.考虑____________ 7.仍然谢谢你。_________________ 8.购物(1)_______________ (2)______________ 9.(1)两千克苹果________________ (2)四袋大米________________ 10.我这样认为。_____________ 二.数字(10分) 14__________ 20__________ 40__________ 29__________ 46__________ 58__________ 101___________________ 256___________________ 678___________________ 999__________________ 第二部分基础知识运用(50分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分) ( )1. I like these shoes. Can I ____? A. try them on B. try on them C. try it on D. try on it ( )2. —Dad. I’m sorry I can’t find the shop. —____ A. Not at all. B. I’m not happy. C. Thank you all the same. D. You can’t come back. ( )3. The dress is very nice and I’ll ____ it. A. think B. take C. want D. bring ( )4. That’s too expensive(贵的). ____ thirty yuan? A. How many B. How much C. Why not D. How about ( )5. He wants two ____ salt and three ____ eggs. A. bags; kilos B. bags of; kilos C. bags of; kilos of D. bags; kilos of


检测内容:Unit 9 得分________卷后分________评价________一、单项选择。(10×1.5分=15分) 1.I like reading and I read books for ________hour every evening. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.We just have one lesson ________ Friday afternoon. A.at B.in C.on D.for 3.Please write the numbers from 1________ 10 in English. A.for B.on C.to D.with 4.—Is Mr. Lee always ________ every day? —Yes.He is lazy (懒惰的) and he doesn't do any work. A.happy B.tidy C.busy D.free 5.—Why do you like Friday? —Because the next day is ________. A.Saturday B.Wednesday C.Tuesday D.Monday 6.—Can I go out to play football,Mom? —When you ________ your homework,you can go out. A.take B.finish C.help D.call 7.I don't like the T-shirt ________ it's very big for me. A.so B.but C.or D.because 8.—Bob,what is your favorite ________?


四年级第九周英语周周清试卷 学号班别姓名 一.单词填空(2*18) 二.根据中文提示把句子补充完整。(2*13) 1. Let show you our . (让我带你们参观我们的新学校) 2. It is a very school. (漂亮的) 3. is your .(你们的教室在哪里?) 4. It’s , next the library. (它在那里,图书馆旁边) 5. there a swimming ? (有游泳池吗?) 6. It is the playground. (它在操场的对面) 7. We sometimes have lessons there. (我们有时候在那里上体育课) 三.选择填空(2*7) () 1. Let me you my house. A. show B. to show C. showing () 2. We sometimes TV there. A. watch B. watches C. watching () 3. It’s near the room. A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’

() 4. Let me show new school. A. you I B. your our C. you our () 5. draw here. A. Let B. Let’s C. Let’s me () 6. This is our , we can read a book here. A. library B. gym C. playground () 7. The playground is in front the classroom building. A. on B. to C. Of X|k |B| 1 . 四、找出合适的活动,连线。(2*6) We read books on the playground We sometimes have PE lessons in the library We play games in the dinning hall We have English lessons in the swimming pool We eat meals in the teachers’ room Teachers work in the classroom 五、阅读短文,判断下列句子,用“T”和“F”表示。(2*6) Welcome to our new school. There are two buildings in our school. This is the classroom building. There are 24 classrooms and five teachers’rooms in it. In front of the classroom building, there is a red building. In this building,there is a computer room,an art room,a music room,and a library. I like reading books in the library. Behind the red building,there is a playground. We have PE lessons on it. But there isn’t a s wimming pool in our school. () 1. There is one building in our school. () 2. There are 24 classrooms in our school. () 3. There are four teachers’ rooms in our school. () 4. There is a music room in our school. () 5. There is a gym room in our school. () 6. There isn’t a swimming pool in our school. () 7. We have PE lessons on the playground.


精品文档 七年级周周清(1) 1. 给下列加点的字注音,或根据拼音写汉字。 潜心贯注()赫然()燮而不舍()迭起() I i尽心血()shu 8微()迥乎不同()k ai g慨()气冲斗牛()兀兀() 2. 结合语境解词有误的一项是() A. 说得真痛快,动人心,鼓壮志,气冲斗牛,声震天地。 气冲斗牛:形容气势之盛可以直冲云霄。 B. 别以为这房间杂乱无章,我曾经想收拾一下,后来发觉那是徒劳的杂乱无章:又多又乱,没有条 理。 C. 平沙无垠,复不见人。平沙:平旷的沙漠。 D. 他时而激情满怀,时而义愤填膺;有时热烈激动,有时雄辩过人。 义愤填膺:胸中充满了正义的愤恨。 3. 填空。 闻一多先生是_________ 、__________ 、 _________ 。本文作者是 _________ 4默写 ①竹里馆 ②春夜洛城闻笛 二、课内精段阅读 “人家说了再做,我是做了再说。” “人家说了也不一定做,我是做了也不一定说。” 作为学者和诗人的闻一多先生,在30年代国立青岛大学的两年时间,我对他是有着深刻印 象的。那时候,他已经诗兴不作而研究志趣正浓。他正向古代典籍钻探,有如向地壳寻求宝藏。仰之弥高,越高,攀得越起劲;钻之弥坚,越坚,钻得越锲而不舍。他想吃尽、消化尽我们中华民族几千年来的文化史,炯炯目光,一直远射到有史以前。他要给我们衰微的民族开一剂救济的文化药方。1930年到1932年,“望闻问切”也还只是在“望”的初级阶段。他从唐诗下手,自来窥园,足不下楼,兀兀穷年,沥尽心血。杜甫晚年,疏懒得“一月不梳头” 闻先生也总是头发零乱,他是无暇及此的。饭,几乎忘记了吃,他贪的是精神食粮;夜间睡得很少,为了研究,他惜寸阴、分阴。深宵灯火是他的伴侣,因它大开光明之路,“漂白了的四壁”。 不动不响,无声无闻。一个又一个大的四方竹纸本子,写满了密密麻麻的小楷,如群蚁排衙。几年辛苦,凝结而成《唐诗杂论》的硕果。 他并没有先“说”,但他“做”了。作出了卓越的成绩。 “做”了,他自己也没有“说”。他又由唐诗转到楚辞。十年艰辛,一部“校补”赫然而出。别人在赞美,在惊叹,而闻一多先生个人呢,也没有“说”。他又向“古典新义”迈进了。他潜心贯注,心会神凝,成了“何妨一下楼”的主人。 做了再说,做了不说,这仅是闻一多先生的一个方面,一一作为学者的方面。 1. 能概括选文内容的一句话是什么? 2. 选文中闻一多先生都“做”什么了? 3. 分析段中两处划线字的含义。 (1)“诗兴不作”: (2)开一剂救济的文化药方: 4. 选文在叙述中穿插了哪些形象描写?试分析这些描写的作用。 5. 选文最后一段,在文章里起的作用是什么?从哪个词中可以看出? 三、课外文言文阅读 荀巨伯探友 荀巨伯①远看友人疾,值胡贼②攻郡,友人语巨伯曰:“吾今死矣,子可去!”巨伯曰:“远来相视,子令吾去。败义以求生,岂荀巨伯所行邪?”贼既至,谓巨伯曰:“大军至,一郡尽空,汝何男子,而敢独止?“巨伯曰:“友人有疾,不忍委之,宁以我身代友人命。”贼相谓曰:“我辈无义之人,而入有义之国。”遂班军③而还,一郡并获全。 (选自刘义庆《世说新语?德行》) 【注释】①荀巨伯:东汉颍川(今河南)人。②胡贼:古代泛指西北少数民族的入侵者。③班军:撤回军队。 译文:荀巨伯从远方来探望重病的朋友,正好赶上胡贼攻打城池。荀巨伯的朋友对荀巨伯说:“我如今就要死去了,你赶紧离开!”荀巨伯说:“我从远方来探望你,你却让我离开,为了 苟且偷生而毁掉道义,这难道是我荀巨伯应该做的吗?”这时胡贼已经到了,问荀巨伯:“大 军到了,整个城都空了,你是什么人,竟敢独自留在城中?”荀巨伯说:“我的朋友身患重病,我不忍心舍弃他,我宁愿用我的性命来换取朋友的性命。”胡贼听了说:“我们这些不懂道义的人,却侵入了这么有仁义的国家!”于是调回外出打仗的军队,使整个城都因此获救。 1、解释下列句子中加点的词。(4分) (1)值胡贼攻郡()(2)子可去() (3)贼既至()(4)而敢独止()

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