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2.2.1《向量加法运算及其几何意义》同步练习(新人教A版必修) 5T0AU6

2.2.1《向量加法运算及其几何意义》同步练习(新人教A版必修) 5T0AU6
2.2.1《向量加法运算及其几何意义》同步练习(新人教A版必修) 5T0AU6


一.单项填空 ( )1.—Sorry,didn’t quite follow you.—’ll explain it to you later. A.Don’t worry B.Come on C.That’s right D.Don’t mention it ( )2.—We are going there by________sea. —Don’t you think it too slow?Why not take________train A.the;/ B.the;the C./;/ D./;the ( )3.Ten minutes later,a bus________and everybody got on it. A.came up B.added up C.looked up D.put up ( )4.As you can see,the number of cars on our roads________rising these days. A.was keeping B.keep C.keeps D.were keeping ( )5.Every minute must be made full use of________spoken English. A.to practise B.practising C.practise D.practised ( )6.She understood what I was talking about,________it was the first time we had spoken together. A.whether B.even though C.as though D.since ( )7.My uncle knows several foreign languages,________English,French and Japanese. A.for example B.for instance C.such as D.that is ( )8.As the project________at the meeting,it drew our attention. A.comes up B.was coming up C.came up D.had come up ( )9.—What do you think______an important part in their lives—Friends. A.plays B.takesw C.makes D.acts ( )10.This tree,among the tallest in the world,is________to a small area in southeastern Africa. A.present B.native C.official D.latter 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) A large cat arrived at a farm where many mice of them dared go outside for fear of being __1__by the cat. The mice decided to hold a __2__ to find a way of stopping themselves from being day,when the cat was out,mice of all ages__4__into the meeting room. “Let’s build a big trap,”one this idea was__6__,another said,“What about poisoning(毒死)her?”But __7__knew where to buy the young mouse,whose mother had become the cat’s food,__8__said,“Let’s cut her teeth,so she can do no more harm.”But the meeting did not accept his__9__. At last,one mouse,__10__than the rest,jumped onto a a bell,he called for__11__,“Be quiet!We’ll tie this bell to the cat’s tail,so we’ll always know__12__ she is!We’ll have__13__ to escape,and the slower and weaker mice will hear her coming and be able to__14__!”Hearing the words,everyone got__15__ and they congratulated him on his good idea. “We’ll tie it so tightly(紧紧地)that it will never__16__!” “She’ll never be able to walk__17__ again!Why,the other day,she suddenly appeared right in front of me!Just imagine...” However,the wise mouse said,“We must__18__who is going to tie it on her tail.”There was not a sound in the was__19__ enough to put the plan into meeting ended without any decision being made. It’s often very__20__to have bright ideas,but putting them into practice is a more difficult matter. ( )1.B.taught C.caught D.invited。 ( )2.B.test C.game D.meeting ( )3.B.danger C.fact D.need ( )4.B.swam C.flew D.stepped ( )5.B.explained C.suggested D.answered


【推荐】2020年外研版高中英语必修一(全册)精品教案汇总 第一学期高一英语讲义1 Book 1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 课时1词汇; 课型A(基础);课长30分钟 一、词汇互译 1.____________________ 换句话说 2. ____________________ 期待, 盼望 3. ____________________ 在……开始的时候 4. ____________________ 在……结束的时候 5. ____________________ 上大学 6. ____________________ 被(划)分成…… 7. take part in ____________________ 8. ____________________ 理科 9. ____________________ A 与 B 之间的区别 10. be similar to … ____________________ 11. ____________________ 对…的态度 12. teaching method ____________________ 13. ____________________ 写下, 记下 14. nothing like ____________________ 15. have fun ____________________ make fun of … ____________________ 16. 倍数表达法:

A is three times____________________ B. A is three times ____________________B. A is three times ____________________B. 17. ____________________ 不同于… 18. ____________________ 和…一样 二、词汇运用 1.the differences between A and B 你知道英语和美语有什么区别吗? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.one’s attitude to \ towards sth. (doing sth.) 对于学习英语, 你的态度是怎样的? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.behave oneself/behave badly 老实点! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.be friendly to 他对待别人总是很友好。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.introduce A to B\oneself 首先请允许我介绍一下自己。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6.in other words 你明天不用来上班了。换句话说, 你被炒了。 ______________________________________________________________________________




35、化能合成作用需要二氧化碳和水吗? 硝化细菌的化能合成作用分两个阶段 与光合作用不同;合成有机物的能量来自化学能。 36、已分化的细胞不可逆.(细胞全能不就可逆了吗?花粉离体培养是有性生殖吗? 1、细胞分化是不可逆,这是指在生物体内.有的题目却说是可逆的,这是指在离体条 件。 2、花粉离体培养是有性生殖。 37、高度分化的细胞基因表达的特点是什么?凋亡的细胞在形态上有什么变化? 高度分化的细胞是基因选择性表达的结果。 凋亡的细胞在形态上最明显的变化是细胞核内染色质浓缩,DNA降解成寡聚核苷酸片 段,这与某些特异蛋白的表达有关。 38、“细胞的畸形分化与癌细胞产生有直接关系”这句话对吗? 正常的细胞是有寿命的。细胞分化的根本原因就是基因的选择性表达。细胞的正常分裂、分化后会衰老、死亡,在正常分裂和正常分化时,原癌基因都处于被抑制状态。如果由于某些原因,细胞畸形分化,原癌基因被激活,细胞就会无限分裂,成为不死的癌细胞。 39、细胞癌变的根本原因是在致癌因子的作用下,细胞内的__________,使正常细胞演变为癌细胞。答案是原癌基因或抑癌基因发生突变怎么解释啊不是被激活吗怎么是突变 啊 细胞中既有原癌基因,又有抑癌基因,其中原癌基因主要负责调节细胞周期,控制细胞生长和分裂的进程。抑癌基因则主要是阻止组织细胞不正常的增值。致癌因子使原癌基因或抑癌基因发生突变,从而导致正常细胞畸形分化为恶性增值细胞,即癌细胞。 40、为什么病毒是生物?(是不是因为其能生长繁殖?) 病毒被认作生物主要并不是因为能新陈代谢,恰恰相反病毒单独存在时不具备生物活性,不能独立进行新陈代谢。病毒被认作生物的主要原因是其能够进行增殖(产生后代并可 遗传性状)。 41、艾滋病病毒(HIV)、噬菌体、烟草花叶病毒、流感病毒、非典冠状病毒的结构及 遗传物质都是什么? 艾滋病病毒(HIV)、烟草花叶病毒、流感病毒、非典冠状病毒遗传物质是RNA。其它 如噬菌体等大多数病毒的遗传物质是DNA。


人教版必修一第二章 化学物质及其变化(含答案) 一、选择题 1.下列说法正确的是( ) A .NaCl 晶体中含有Na + 、Cl - ,所以NaCl 晶体能导电 B .CO 2溶于水能导电,所以CO 2是电解质 C .BaSO 4难溶于水,BaSO 4是非电解质 D .Cl 2的水溶液能够导电,但Cl 2不是电解质 2.下列有关叙述不正确的是( ) A .稀豆浆、淀粉溶液、氯化铁溶液都为胶体 B .用可见光束照射可区别溶液和胶体 C .用石膏或盐卤点制豆腐与胶体的性质有关 D .明矾能生成氢氧化铝胶体,可用作净水剂 3.下列关于氧化还原反应的叙述正确的是( ) A .H 2还原CuO 的反应只属于还原反应 B .置换反应都是氧化还原反应,所以,3CO +Fe 2O 3=====高温 2Fe +3CO 2既是置换反应又是氧化还原反应 C .3O 2=====电火花 2O 3是氧化还原反应 D .复分解反应一定不是氧化还原反应 4.高铁的快速发展方便了人们的出行,工业上利用铝热反应焊接钢轨间的缝隙,反应方程式如下:2Al +Fe 2O 3=====高温 2Fe +Al 2O 3,其中Al 是( ) A .氧化剂 B .还原剂 C .既是氧化剂又是还原剂 D .既不是氧化剂又不是还原剂 5.下列试剂中,属于纯净物的是( ) A .饮用纯净水 B .水银 C .石灰水 D .肥皂水 6.下列鉴别方法不可行的是( ) A .用光照的方法鉴别硫酸铜溶液和氢氧化铁胶体 B .用稀硫酸来鉴别氯化钡、氯化钠、碳酸钠三种溶液 C .用氯化钡溶液和稀硝酸来鉴别硫酸钠和硝酸银两种溶液 D .用四氯化碳来鉴别氯化铁溶液和溴水 7.甲、乙、丙、丁四种易溶于水的物质,分别由Ba 2+ 、Mg 2+ 、H + 、OH - 、Cl - 、SO 2- 4、NH + 4、HCO - 3中的不同阳离子和阴离子各一种组成,已知:①将甲溶液分别与其他三种物质的溶液混合均有白色沉淀生成;②0.1 mol·L - 1乙溶液中c (H + )=0.2 mol·L - 1;③向丙溶液中滴入AgNO 3溶液有不溶于稀硝酸的白色沉淀生成。下列结论不正确的是( )

新人教版 高一英语必修一unit同步练习及答案

一.单项填空 ( )1.—Sorry,sir.I didn’t quite follow you.—________.I’ll explain it to you later. A.Don’t worry B.Come on C.That’s right D.Don’t mention it ( )2.—We are going there by________sea. —Don’t you think it too slow?Why not take________train? A.the;/ B.the;the C./;/ D./;the ( )3.Ten minutes later,a bus________and everybody got on it. A.came up B.added up C.looked up D.put up ( )4.As you can see,the number of cars on our roads________rising these days. A.was keeping B.keep C.keeps D.were keeping ( )5.Every minute must be made full use of________spoken English. A.to practise B.practising C.practise D.practised ( )6.She understood what I was talking about,________it was the first time we had spoken together. A.whether B.even though C.as though D.since ( )7.My uncle knows several foreign languages,________English,French and Japanese. A.for example B.for instance C.such as D.that is ( )8.As the project________at the meeting,it drew our attention. A.comes up B.was coming up C.came up D.had come up ( )9.—What do you think______an important part in their lives?—Friends. A.plays B.takesw C.makes D.acts ( )10.This tree,among the tallest in the world,is________to a small area in southeastern Africa. A.present B.native C.official D.latter 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) A large cat arrived at a farm where many mice lived.None of them dared go outside for fear of being __1__by the cat. The mice decided to hold a __2__ to find a way of stopping themselves from being in__3__.One day,when the cat was out,mice of all ages__4__into the meeting room. “Let’s build a big trap,”one mouse__5__.When this idea was__6__,another said,“What about poisoning(毒死)her?”But __7__knew where to buy the poison.One young mouse,whose mother had become t he cat’s food,__8__said,“Let’s cut her teeth,so she can do no more harm.”But the meeting did not accept his__9__. At last,one mouse,__10__than the rest,jumped onto a table.Waving a bell,he called for__11__,“Be quiet!We’ll tie this bell to the cat’s tail,so we’ll always know__12__ she is!We’ll have__13__ to escape,and the slower and weaker mice will hear her coming and be able to__14__!”Hearing the words,everyone got__15__ and they congratulated him on his good idea. “We’ll tie it so tightly(紧紧地)that it will never__16__!” “She’ll never be able to walk__17__ again!Why,the other day,she suddenly appeared right in front of me!Just imagine...”


1.细胞的统一性体现在 ( ) ①细胞都有相似的基本结构,如细胞膜、细胞质、 体中含有 DNA ,原核细胞拟核中含有 DNA 而真核细胞和原核细胞又不一样 DNA 分子等②真核细胞细胞核内染色 ③真核细胞多种多样,原核细胞多种多样, 2. 用一般光学显微镜观察生物的细胞与组织,下列叙述不 正确的是 A ?用10倍物镜观察水绵玻片时,玻片与物镜的距离为 则玻片与物镜的距离应调整在 1.5 cm 左右 B. 若载玻片上有 d 字母,则视野下呈现 P 字母 C. 观察向日葵叶片的保卫细胞时, 若将玻片标本向右方移动, 则视野下保卫细胞向左 方移 动 D .视野下观察到眼虫游向右上方,则应将玻片向右上方移动以便追踪 3. 某单细胞生物,体内不具有叶绿体但有叶绿素,它最可能是 A .真核生物 B .异养生物 C .无核膜的生物 D .有线粒体的生物 物镜和细准焦螺旋,结果得到下面各图。请问其中视野最暗的是 (2010山东枣庄模拟)下列关于玉米、蓝藻和变形虫细胞结构和生理功能的正确叙述是 A ?都能进行细胞分裂,都有细胞周期 B. 遗传物质都是 DNA ,细胞内都有转录和翻译过程 C ?细胞内都含有核糖体,但都不含中心体 D ?三者的原生质层都有选择透过性,都能选择性地吸收和排岀物质 (常考易错题)对于下列各结构在生物中的叙述,不正确的是 A .① B.② C .①② D .①②③ 4. (2009广东六校联考n )实验中用同一显微镜观察了同一装片 4次,每次仅调整目镜或 0.5 cm ,若改用30倍物镜观察时, 需?? 13 5. 6.

1.细胞的统一性体现在() ①叶绿体②染色体③核膜④核糖体⑤细胞壁⑥拟核 A.菠菜和发菜体内都含有①③④⑤


第二章同步习题 1.一物体做匀变速直线运动,下列说法中正确的是() A.物体的末速度与时间成正比 B.物体的位移必与时间的平方成正比 C.物体速度在一段时间内的变化量与这段时间成正比 D.匀加速运动,位移和速度随时间增加;匀减速运动,位移和速度随时间减小 2.物体做直线运动时,有关物体加速度,速度的方向及它们的正负值说法正确的是 ( ) A.在匀加速直线运动中,物体的加速度的方向与速度方向必定相同 B.在匀减速直线运动中,物体的速度必定为负值 C.在直线线运动中,物体的速度变大时,其加速度也可能为负值 D.只有在确定初速度方向为正方向的条件下,匀加速直线运动中的加速度才为正值 3.物体做匀加速直线运动,其加速度的大小为2 m/s2,那么,在任一秒内( ) A.物体的加速度一定等于物体速度的2倍 B.物体的初速度一定比前一秒的末速度大2 m/s C.物体的末速度一定比初速度大2 m/s D.物体的末速度一定比前一秒的初速度大2 m/s 4.原来作匀加速直线运动的物体,若其加速度逐渐减小到零,则物体的运动速度将 ( ) A.逐渐减小 B.保持不变C.逐渐增大D.先增大后减小5.汽车关闭油门后做匀减速直线运动,最后停下来。在此过程中,最后连续三段相等的时间间隔内的平均速度之比为: A.1:1:1 B.5:3:1 C.9:4:1 D.3:2:1 6.物体做初速度为零的匀加速直线运动,第1 s内的位移大小为5 m,则该物体( abd ) A.3 s内位移大小为45 m B.第3 s内位移大小为25 m C.1 s末速度的大小为5 m/s D.3 s末速度的大小为30 m/s 7.一物体做匀加速直线运动,初速度为0.5 m/s,第7 s内的位移比第5 s内的位移多4 m,求: (1)物体的加速度 (2)物体在5 s内的位移


高一英语必修一第五单元练习题 一、单词拼写 二、1. Q_______ is more important than quantity. 三、2. After 4 years’ university study, he ______ his study for a bachelor’s degree. 四、3. She is not only beautiful, but also well e________. 五、4. She did a very good job and got a r_______ from the company. 六、5. I hated being treated with v________. 七、6. The c_______ of life put an end to his life. 八、7. In our country people of or over 18 have the right to v________. 九、8. The event has put him into an embarrassing p___________. 十、9. Boys are usually not a_________ in English class. 十一、10. He broke the law and was put in p________. 十二、二)短语翻译(每空一词)。 十三、1.刚开学的那天,我们的老师就给我们提了一些学习英语的建议。 十四、On the very first day of school, our teacher __________ us ___________ English learning. 十五、2.大多数下岗的人员都是文化不高的人。 十六、Most of the people who ___ ____________ usually have little education. 十七、3.别灰心,你会成功的。 十八、Don’t __________. You will succeed. 十九、4. 相信自己,别相信他的鬼话。 二十、____________ yourself. Don’t ___________ him.二十一、5. 大学尚未毕业,他就创办了自己的公司。二十二、He ___________ his own company before graduating from college. 二十三、6. 他从不为考试担心。 二十四、He ______never ___________________ examination. 二十五、7. 只有通过努力拼搏,才能实现自己的梦想。二十六、Only by working hard _____ you _________ your dream. 二十七、8. 我们决不能嘲笑那些陷入困境的人,相反,我们应该帮助他们。 二十八、We should never laugh at those ______ ________. On the contrary, we should try our best to help them. 二十九、9. 他上台后就推出了一系列的改革方案。 三十、After ______ ______ _________, he carried out a series of reform. 三十一、10. 他乐于助人。 三十二、He ______ ______ _____ ______ others. 三十三、三)单项选择三十四、1. _____ out for the game. Some girls stay in the classroom, talking. 三十五、A. Not all the students go B. All the students not go 三十六、 C. Both the students don’t go D. All the students go 三十七、2. You can’t pass the coming examination if you ______. 三十八、 A. lose your heart B. lose heart 三十九、 C. lose hearts D. lose your hearts 四十、3. You can’t _____ until tomorrow morning aft er the blood examination. 四十一、 A. not only eat but also drink B. either eat or drink 四十二、 C. neither eat nor drink D. both eat and drink 四十三、4. If my brother is allowed to go out, ______. 四十四、 A. so I should B. so am I C. so should I D. so I am 四十五、5. He ______ prison two years ago and now he _______. 四十六、 A. was put in; was set free B. was shut into, is set free 四十七、 C. put into, has been set freely D. was put into; has been set free 6. Only at that time ______ that he had made a lot of mistakes in his homework. A. he realized B. did he realize C. he did realized D. realized he 7. This is the plane _______ he went to Shanghai ______ business. A. where, for a B. by which, on the C. on which, on D. where, on 8. —I can ’t see the words on the blackboar d clearly.—Why, your eyes need _____ .Perhaps you need _______ glasses. A. to examined, to wear B. to examine ,to wear C. to be examined, to wear D. examining, wearing 9. Instead, he seemed to see Tom ’s face, with the wide smile he ______ whenever he told a joke. A. wore B. brought C. appeared D. carried 10. This is ______ that dog. A. as a big dog as B. as big a dog as C. a as big dog as D. a big as dog as 11. A new school was ______ in the village last year. A. held up B. set up C. sent up D. brought up 12. The number of the students in our school _____ large. A. are B. Is C. am D. be 13. The road to the mountains _____ by the snow for


一小测验 Ⅰ.课标单词 1. __________ adj. 热心的,热情的→enthusiasm n. 热心;热情 2. __________ adj. 令人惊异的→ _______ v. 使吃惊→ ________ adj. 感到吃惊的→ amazement n. 惊愕,惊异 3. __________ n. 信息→ inform vt. 通知,告知 4. __________ n. 指示,用法说明→ instruct v. 教导,命令,指示 5. _________ adj. 令人厌烦的→ _______ adj. (对某人/事物)厌倦的,烦闷的→ ______ vt. 使厌烦 6. ___________ adj. 尴尬的,难堪的→ __________ v. 使困窘,使局促不安→ _____________ adj. 令人为难的→ embarrassment n. 窘迫;为难 7. __________ n. 行为,举止→behave v. 举动,举止 8. __________ n. 描述;形容;描写→ describe vt. 描写,记述 9. _______ vt. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记→ __________ n. 印象,感想→ impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的 10. __________ n.纠正,改正→correct adj.正确的→ _______ v.改正,纠正,批改 11. __________ v. 鼓励,激励→ __________ adj. 鼓舞人心的→ ___________ adj. 受到鼓舞的,更有信心的→ encouragement n. 鼓励,奖励 12.enjoyment n. 享受,乐趣→ _______ v. 享受,喜欢→ ________ adj. 令人愉快的,有乐趣的 13.fluency n. 流利,流畅→ _______ adj. 流利的,流畅的 14. _____________ adj. 失望的→ ______________ adj. 使人失望的,令人失望的→ disappoint vt. 使失望→ _____________ n. 失望 15. _________ n. 助手,助理→ assist v.帮助 Ⅱ.常用短语 1.____________________________________与……相似 2.____________________________________某人对(做)某事的态度 3.____________________________________离……远,远非 4.____________________________________一点不像,与……完全不同 5.____________________________________玩得很开心 6.____________________________________起初,一开始 7.____________________________________换句话说 8.____________________________________期待;盼望 9.____________________________________对……印象深刻 10.____________________________________在……开始的时候 11.____________________________________在……结束的时候 12.____________________________________被(划)分成…… 13.____________________________________参加


生物必修一易错题集锦 ◆第一章走近细胞 易错点1 不能区分不同生物生命系统的层次 生命系统最基本的层次是细胞,病毒无细胞结构,也就无生命系统的层次,单细胞生物有细胞、个体两个层次,没有组织、器官、系统这三个层次。多细胞生物需区分动物与植物,植物没有系统这一层次,动物有组织、器官、系统这三个层次均有。对动物的常见组织要会辨认,例如呼吸道、消化道上皮组织,血液、皮下脂肪、肌腱属结缔组织,骨骼肌属肌肉组织,脑、脊髓属神经组织。还要知道人体的八大系统:消化系统、呼吸系统、泌尿系统、循环系统、运动系统、神经系统生殖系统、内分泌系统。 例一辨析下列事实属于生命系统的什么层次 ⑴一个乳酸菌⑵一个乳酸菌菌落⑶被杂菌污染的乳酸菌菌落⑷培养基中的所有成份 分析:⑴属于细胞或个体⑵属于种群⑶属于群落⑷属于生态系统 例二下列事实按生命系统的层次由简单到复杂排列 ⑴皮肤⑵胃粘膜⑶叶片⑷神经元⑸变形虫⑹细胞内的蛋白质等化合物⑺人体内的所有HIV ⑻同一草地上的所有山羊⑼池塘内的所有鱼类⑽池塘内的所有生物⑾一滴雨水 分析:⑹、⑺、⑼不属于生命系统的层次,其余的排列如下:细胞⑷、⑸→组织⑵→器官→⑴、⑶个体⑸→种群⑻→群落⑽→生态系统⑾ ★方法技巧1 如何认识病毒 1.主要成分:仅为核酸和蛋白质两种,故又称为“分子生物”。 2 生活方式:专性寄生 非胞结构,不能进行独立的代谢活动,只有寄生在活细胞中才能生存。因此,培养病毒的培养基中必须有活细胞。 3.遗传物质

每种病毒只含一种类型的核酸:RNA或DNA。 DNA病毒的遗传物质是DNA,一般是双链结构。RNA病毒的遗传物质是RNA,一般是单链结构,不如DNA双链稳定,容易发生基因突变。 4. 分类 分类依据病毒分 类 举例 按照病毒寄生的宿主细胞动物病 毒 流感病毒、艾滋病病毒、SARS病毒植物病 毒 烟草花叶病毒、车前草病毒等 细菌病 毒 噬菌体(如痢疾杆菌噬菌体) 按照病毒内的遗传物质DNA病毒乙肝病毒、噬菌体等 RNA病毒 禽流感病毒、口蹄疫病毒、脊髓灰质炎病 毒、 5.增殖 病毒不存在个体的生长和二分裂等细胞繁殖方式,只能在活的寄主体细胞内以复制的方式进行繁殖。各类病毒的增殖过程基本相似。病毒进入细胞,一般包括吸附→注入→复制合成→组装→释放等大致五环节。 ★方法技巧2 区别原核细胞与真核细胞 原核细胞真核细胞 细胞大 小 较小较大 细胞核无核膜、核仁,无成形的细 胞核。核物质集中在拟核,DNA 成环状,不与蛋白质结合成染 色体 有核膜,有核仁,有成形的细胞核。DNA与蛋白质结合成条状的染色体 细胞质除核糖体外,无其他细胞器有各种细胞器 细胞壁绝大多数有细胞壁,主要成 分为糖类和蛋白质组成的肽聚 糖植物细胞、真菌细胞有细胞壁,主要成分为纤维素和果胶,真菌含几丁质 代表生物 细菌、放线菌、蓝藻、支原 体 动物、植物、真菌


高中化学必修一第二章单元测试题及答案 第I卷选择题(共44分) 一、选择题:(本题包括18 小题, 1-10每小题只有1个选项符合题意,每小题2分,共20 分。11-18每小题只有1个选项符合题意,每小题3分,共24 分。) 1.下列物质中属于氧化物的是 A.O2 B.Na2O C.NaClO D.FeSO4 2.根据我省中心气象台报道,近年每到春季,我省沿海一些城市多次出现大雾天气,致使高速公路关闭,航班停飞。雾属于下列分散系中的 A.溶液B.悬浊液C.乳浊液D.胶体 3.能用H++OH-=H2O来表示的化学反应是 A.氢氧化镁和稀盐酸反应B.Ba(OH)2溶液滴入稀硫酸中 C.澄清石灰水和稀硝酸反应D.二氧化碳通入澄清石灰水中 4.下列反应中必须加入还原剂才能进行的是 A.Cl2→Cl-B.Zn→ Zn2+C.H2→H2O D.CuO→CuCl2 5.将饱和FeCl3溶液分别滴入下列液体中,能形成胶体的是 A.冷水B.沸水C.NaOH溶液D.NaCl溶液 6.以下说法正确的是 A.物质所含元素化合价升高的反应叫还原反应 B.在氧化还原反应中,失去电子的元素化合价降低 C.物质中某元素失去电子,则此物质是氧化剂 D.还原剂中必定有一种元素被氧化 7.在碱性溶液中能大量共存且溶液为无色透明的离子组是 A.K+、MnO4-、Na+、Cl-B.K+、Na+、NO3-、CO32- C.Na+、H+、NO3-、SO42-D.Fe3+、Na+、Cl-、SO42- 8.对溶液中的离子反应,下列说法:①不可能是氧化还原反应;②只能是复分解反应;③可能是置换反应;④不能有分子参加。其中正确的是 A.①③B.③C.①②D.③④ 9.下列反应属于氧化还原反应的是 A.CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+CO2↑+ H2O B.CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2 C.2H 2O22H2O+O2↑D.CaCO3CaO+CO2↑ 10.下列反应的离子方程式书写正确的是 A.氯化铜溶液与铁粉反应:Cu2++Fe=Fe2++Cu B.稀H2SO4与铁粉反应:2Fe+6H+=2Fe3++3H2↑ C.氢氧化钡溶液与稀H2SO4反应:Ba2++SO42-=BaSO4↓ D.碳酸钙与盐酸反应:CO32-+2H+=H2O+CO2↑ 11.从海水中提取溴有如下反应:5NaBr+NaBrO3+3H2SO4=3Br2+Na2SO4+3H2O,与该反应在氧化还原反应原理上最相似的是 A.2NaBr+Cl2=2CaCl+Br2 B.AlCl3+3NaAlO2+6H2O=4Al(OH)3↓+3NaCl C.2H2S+SO2=2H2O+3S↓D.2CO+O2=2CO2

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1 同步练习及单元测试题(有答案)

Part 1Warming Up, Pre?reading, Reading and Comprehending I. 根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 1. He had completely i________ her words, preferring his own theory. 2. I will do everything in my p________ to help you. 3. If the weather’s good, we’ll eat ________ (在户外). 4. There was frequent t________ and lightning, and heavy rain. 5. The table is rather d________. We should wipe it clean. 6. It still ________ (使心烦) him when he thinks about the accident. 7. The ________ (整个的) family was staring at him, waiting for him to speak. 8. The animals got l________ and ran away. II. 用适当的介词填空。 1. It’s wrong to laugh ________ others for being different. 2. Alice is crazy ________ music and she plays the piano all day. 3. John’s mother told him to take care ________ his younger brother. 4. I’ve decided to go ________ holiday to London with my parents next month. III. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。 1. I could hardly wait to tell him the good news but I had to ______________ before I could speak. 2. You will never know what she ______________ to educate her children. 3. The police asked him to ______________ what he had seen last night. 4. ______________ these figures and see what the total is. 5. Although my parents ______________ my living alone, I know I need to be on my own. IV. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。(每小题2分,共16分) 1. The street lights come on ________ ________ (在黄昏时刻) and go off at dawn.

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