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1) 写作的基本理论及常识:包括一般的写作知识(如写作格式要求,包括移行、大小写、标点符号的规范用法等)、写作基本原理、同时还包括吸收当代语言学研究的新成果将其用来指导写作教学。

2) 段落层次写作,包括段落的结构和主题句,各种不同段落的写作方法(段落展开种类中的时间序列法、进程描述法、空间序列法、概括举例法、对比对照法、因果关系法、分类法和定义法等)等,强调段落的统一性、连贯性、和完整性等;

3) 短文层次写作:掌握文章的篇章结构安排和写作手段,包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、议论文等的写作要求和注意事项,其中三段式文章的写作要领等将作为英语四级考试作文题型的写作训练单独讲解;

4) 各种应用文的写作技巧,包括书信、便条、备忘录、个人简历、通知,告示,书评或影评等的写法。








英语作文范文 1.(2015安徽) 某英文杂志正在举办以“Fancy yourself as an interviewer”为主题的征文活动,请你以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview”为题,写一篇英语短文。内容包括: 1.采访的对象; 2.2.采访的原因; 3.想提的问题。 注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4.短文的标题已给出,不计入总词数。 A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview 答案: 查看解析 解析: [写作提示] 1.本文为提纲类作文,写作时主要采用第一人称,时态主要使用一般现在时和一般过去时,同时还要恰当使用虚拟语气。 2.内容要点: (1)表明采访的对象;(2)阐明采访的原因;(3)说明想提的问题。 One possible version: A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei. I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it. If I could interview him,I would ask him what made him an astronaut and


英语写作期末试题和答 案解析 https://www.docsj.com/doc/11494250.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

Part I M ultiple Choice(15%) Directions:There are 15 incomplete statements in this part. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best ONE to complete the statement. (1’x 15=15’) 1. According to the rules of writing a title, “__________” is correct. A. The Way To Improve Our English-Speaking Ability B. My View on the Negative Effects of Ads C. the Myth of a Negro Literature D. the war of Independence 2. Which of the following sentences has punctuation error? A. The alarm clock sounded, the students got up quickly. B. The alarm clock sounded; the students got up quick. C. The alarm clock sounded. The students got up quickly. D. When the alarm clock sounded, the students got up quickly. 3. __________ does not contain in the principles of “choice of words”. A. Accuracy B. Arbitrariness C. Appropriateness D. Conciseness 4. What kind of figures of speech(修辞格)is used in the sentence “This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.” A. Metaphor B. Personification C. Simile D. Hyperbole 5. During the TV interview, the singer announced that he was going to _____his new album soon. A.release B. renew C. relieve D. rehearse 6. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, __________ to find it locked. A. only B. just C. hence D. thus 7. As I’ll be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate __________ from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along. A. hearing B. to hear C. to be hearing D. having heard 8. An introductory paragraph should arouse the reader’s interest and __________ the main idea of the essay. A. ignore B. introduce C. develop D. emphasize 9. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? A. Coming up the hall, I heard the clock struck 10. B. While Wendy was driving on Greenwood Avenue yesterday afternoon, a tree began to fall toward her car.


《英语基础写作》教学大纲 一、课程名称:英语基础写作 二、课程类别:专业必修课 三、教学时数:周学时数2,总学时数68 四、学分:4 五、开课时间:第3-4学期 六、开课专业:英语专业 七、教学对象:英语专业本科 八、教学目的:《英语写作》是针对英语专业本科二年级学生开设的专业基础课程。本课程的任务是要求学生系统地掌握英语写作的基本理论、不同种类文体的写作方法及基本写作技巧,能够独立完成各种常用文体的写作。 九、课程内容: (1)文体:exposition, narration, description, argument, etc. (2)文体拓展方法:illustration, comparison and contrast, making analogy, classifying and dividing the subject, repetition, etc. (3)基本写作技巧:ways of brainstorming, ways of beginning, ways of conclusion, ways of development, readership awareness, genre awareness, peer editing, peer response, cohesion and coherence, responding to teacher feedback, how to use dictionaries, how to search and make use of internet resources, etc. 十、教学时间安排:


英语写作的重要性 几乎所有的英语学习者都很注重听力和口语,如果不是要应付考试,极少有人会尝试进行英语写作。殊不知,光是会溜溜地说而不会写一篇完整的文章,基本上可以算作是半个英语文盲。 我们中国人学英语主要用途是什么?是因为要出国?还是因为要经常和老外face 2 face 的对话?恐怕我们的英语学习人群中最多只有1%的有机会出国,不会超过10%的人有机会和老外直接对话。英语实实在在使用最多的地方还是英文邮件书信往来。尤其涉外工作,则必须具备良好的英语写作能力。 经常进行英语写作练习,将会很好的提高自己的英语逻辑思维能力,同样对提高口语表达能力大有帮助。 英语写作的重要性 几乎所有的英语学习者都很注重听力和口语,如果不是要应付考试,极少有人会尝试进行英语写作。殊不知,光是会溜溜地说而不会写一篇完整的文章,基本上可以算作是半个英语文盲。 我们中国人学英语主要用途是什么?是因为要出国?还是因为要经常和老外face 2 face 的对话?恐怕我们的英语学习人群中最多只有1%的有机会出国,不会超过10%的人有机会和老外直接对话。英语实实在在使用最多的地方还是英文邮件书信往来。尤其涉外工作,则必须具备良好的英语写作能力。 经常进行英语写作练习,将会很好的提高自己的英语逻辑思维能力,同样对提高口语表达能力大有帮助。 英语(论坛)是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言 从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过了任何语言的人数,10多个国家以英语为母语,45个国家的官方语言是英语,世界三分之一的人口(二十几亿)讲英语。比如在日本,除了他们的本国母语——日语之外,英语是他们的第二语言,很多高层次的日本人以会说英语为荣。

经济政治与社会 心得

《经济政治与社会》教材体会 根据《中等职业学校德育课课程教学大纲》的要求,同时为适应我校新的教学改革的要求,我有幸接触《经济政治与社会》这门课程,在拿到教材的短短两周时间里,我对教材进行了认真阅读与学习,因时间紧,我深知对教材体会还很显浅,不足之处还望各位领导与同事指正。 我对教材的体会用五个“走进”来概括,即走进历史、走进社会、走进生活、走进心灵、走进网络,从而激发学生对政治课的兴趣,调动学生积极性,帮助学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。 一、走进历史 《经济政治与社会》教材具有鲜明的政治导向性和强烈的时代感,要让学生体会到经济、政治与社会三者的关系,就必须运用历史观点来分析世界各国或民族的发展进程。曾经有人说过“说当今的时事,用历史的观点来看问题”,因此应通过重温历史来让中专生认识人类社会发展进程,同时也让他们看到发展已成为当代世界的主题。 如讲“货币产生发展的过程”时,可以通过货币的相关图片和资料来让学生认识货币是商业发展的产物,其演变反映了商业发展水平,又与政治环境有关,政治安定、国家统一,则货币统一。又如,要讲“人民当家作主”时,我想先播放一段新中国成立时的录像,一下子就吸引了学生,让学生知道毛泽东建立并领导了中国历史上第一个人民当家作主的国家,也可以看到人民当家作主是从哪些地方体现出来的,从而激发了学生的学习兴趣。再如,要讲“我国经济体制改革”和“改革开放”时,可以通过《我国改革开

放三十年》专题片更好地让学生了解过去,正视现实,展望未来。 二、走进社会 《经济政治与社会》教材中注重把思想道德教育融入学生生活、职业发展和社会服务的各个环节,帮助学生提高思想政治素质,提高辨析社会现象、主动参与社会生活的能力。所以,在教学过程中,应结合社会时事,选取中职学生感兴趣的问题,将知识点与社会焦点融为一体,帮助学生既消化和掌握教学内容,又能关心变化莫测的世界,把书读“活”。如,要讲“个人所得税”时,可以结合我国十一届全国人大常委会第二十次会议初次审议《中华人民共和国个人所得税法修正案(草案)》的经过,将修正前后的个人所得税法作比较,使学生对本知识点更清晰。又如,要讲“遵循市场规则,维护市场秩序”时,可以借助2011年3月中旬的日本大地震引发中国少数商家哄抬盐价的实例,让学生清楚认识到事件所折射出来的问题,绝非只是几包盐的事情,而是与经济、市场秩序、社会公德、国民教育相关的大事,这样的做法不仅破坏市场经济秩序,也毁坏商业伦理和商业道德。整个社会正常秩序的维护,社会道德的养成,需要公共部门防微杜渐,尽早向民众释疑解惑,传播科学的知识、正确的信息。再如,要讲“依法行使民主权利”时,我觉得应该带学生们到当地的行政服务中心进行调查,了解民众行使民主权利的情况及人民政府如何为民办事、服务于民,走访相关窗口负责人,对政府职能部门的“服务质量、公共形象、职能履行”的公众满意度进行调查总结。“两耳不闻窗外事,一心专读圣贤书”的传统教育正在被世人所抛弃。应让学生走出校门、走向社会,把书本知识与社会实践相结合,全面提高学生的整体素质。 三、走进生活 我认为,思想政治课教学关键是要做到“贴近生活,贴近实际,贴近学生”,这是新课程改革的核心理念之一。在课堂教学过程中


Part I Multiple Choice(15%) Directions:There are 15 incomplete statements in this part. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best ONE to complete the statement. (1’x 15=15’) 1. According to the rules of writing a title, “__________” is correct. A. The Way To Improve Our English-Speaking Ability B. My View on the Negative Effects of Ads C. the Myth of a Negro Literature D. the war of Independence 2. Which of the following sentences has punctuation error? A. The alarm clock sounded, the students got up quickly. B. The alarm clock sounded; the students got up quick. C. The alarm clock sounded. The students got up quickly. D. When the alarm clock sounded, the students got up quickly. 3. __________ does not contain in the principles of “choice of words”. A. Accuracy B. Arbitrariness C. Appropriateness D. Conciseness 4. What kind of figures of speech(修辞格)is used in the sentence “This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.”? A. Metaphor B. Personification C. Simile D. Hyperbole 5. During the TV interview, the singer announced that he was going to _____his new album soon. A.release B. renew C. relieve D. rehearse 6. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, __________ to find it locked. A. only B. just C. hence D. thus 7. As I’ll be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate __________ from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along. A. hearing B. to hear C. to be hearing D. having heard 8. An introductory paragraph should arouse the reader’s interest and __________ the main idea of the essay. A. ignore B. introduce C. develop D. emphasize 9. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? A. Coming up the hall, I heard the clock struck 10. B. While Wendy was driving on Greenwood Avenue yesterday afternoon, a tree began to fall toward her car. C. When I was ten, my grandfather died. D. None of the above. 10. Which one is not used as a transition word to give examples?


徐州中健科技职业技术学校 《经济政治与社会》课程教学大纲 一、课程性质与任务 经济政治与社会是中等职业学校学生必修的一门德育课。本课程以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,对学生进行马克思主义相关基本观点教育和我国社会主义经济、政治、文化与社会建设常识教育。其任务是使学生认同我国的经济、政治制度,了解所处的文化和社会环境,树立中国特色社会主义共同理想,积极投身我国经济、政治、文化、社会建设。 二、课程教学总体目标 引导学生掌握马克思主义的相关基本观点和我国社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设的有关知识;提高思想政治素质,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的信念;提高辨析社会现象、主动参与社会生活的能力。 三、教学内容及具体教学目标和要求 (一)透视经济现象。 教学目标 使学生透过常见的经济现象,掌握有关的经济知识,树立正确的消费观、劳动观,增强创新、诚信、效率、公平等意识,树立依法纳税的观念,提高参与经济生活的能力。 教学要求 认知:了解有关商品交换、消费、生产以及收入分配的基本知识,

理解价值规律的作用、企业发展的重要条件、我国的分配制度。 情感态度观念:正确看待金钱,以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,崇尚诚信,树立依法纳税的观念。 运用:正确辨析常见的经济现象,理性消费,以实际行动提高自身素质,尝试设计家庭理财方案。 教学内容 1.商品的交换与消费 (1)透视商品交换的现象,了解商品的基本属性,理解货币在商品交换中的作用。 (2)透视商品价格的变化,懂得影响价格的因素,认识价格变动的影响,理解价值规律的作用。 (3)透视选购商品的现象,评析常见的消费心理,树立正确的消费观。 2.企业的生产与经营 (1)透视企业的不同类型,了解企业的含义和分类,理解企业提高经济效益的主要途径。 (2)透视企业经营的状况,理解企业形象、诚实守信、名牌产品对企业发展的重要性,增强诚信意识和创新意识。 (3)透视人在生产经营中的作用,理解提高劳动者素质的重要意义,全面提高自身素质。 3.个人的收入与理财 (1)透视家庭收入的多元化,理解我国的分配制度、正确处理效率与公平关系的意义,增强劳动光荣、热爱劳动的情感,增强效率意识和公平意识。

英语写作(一) 期末考试试题及参考答案

英语写作试题(一) I. Supply the missing paragraph (20 points) The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided. Attaining Success in College Succeeding in college is not only important to getting and education, but also crucial in this day and age to success in the work place. To me, the three most important things for attaining a successful college experience are having smart classroom conduct, taking advantage of campus resources, and making college the first priority. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Making good use of campus resources is also of great importance to college success. The school library has many resources for the growth of the students’ mind. With computers and copy-machines for individual use, computer labs and writing labs are there not just for learning purposes but also for actual help with writing papers. The “office hours” will help the students build a close relationship with their professors and give them access to the professors’ mind. From the professors the students can acquire possible extra information that may put them ahead of their study. All these resources are free, since they are funded by student tuitions. So taking good advantage of the resources can only make the students’ education more attainable. Finally, any students who want to assure success must establish school as the top priority. Personally I have watched some students slowly loosen up; I have seen a pattern of partying and a lack of motivation. Many of the freshmen have no idea why they are in college, and their “eyes” often tell it all. This world is so rich in distractions that it is hard to keep a strong focus, especially if one is just starting his or her academic career. It is said that the first semester is often the most “unsuccessful” one. This certainly rings true for me. I made mistakes in this regard and eventually learned that, to achieve success, school must always be placed above other things. In my college experience, I have observed and learned how to achieve success. I wish someone had told me earlier the importance of having that smart classroom conduct, of fully utilizing the school resources, and of making college my top priority. Then, my college beginnings would not have been so rocky and tough. II. Write an outline (20 points) Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it. Smell Smell, as a means of nonverbal communication, is important. Odor communicates not only when we are face to face with another person, but also when the other personis not present. People from different cultures may have different attitudes toward body odors. Most people in the West respond negatively to what they consider bad odors such as body odor, breath odor, or


The media should not report crimes in detail. To what extent do you agree? The issue of whether the media shoul d report crimes in detail, in my view, it is not about amout of crimes are reported, but about whether these crimes are positive or negative influence on individuals. I tend to agree that it will bring an excessive amount of negative effects on audience. There are three main reasons as follows. First, amount of crimes are reported on tel evision will make individuals fear for their safety. If peopl e suppose that there are l ots of dangerous around with them, they will live on the society which can not be trusted by each other, also, their presure will increase which is not necessary. Second, it is no doubt that crimes are reported on tel evision will bring negativbe influence on audiences, especialy, most of which are those not meant to be viewed by the chil d’s age group. Most of the formative years of a chil d may imtate the criminal acts. Since they cannot regonise the acts that are good or bad. Third, with the help of technology, criminal acts become more and more smart. If the media report crimes in detail, peopl e who make a criminal plan will avoid the same


中等职业学校《经济政治与社会》教学大纲 一、课程性质与任务 经济政治与社会是中等职业学校学生必修的一门德育课。本课程以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,对学生进行马克思主义相关基本观点教育和我国社会主义经济、政治、文化与社会建设常识教育。其任务是使学生认同我国的经济、政治制度,了解所处的文化和社会环境,树立中国特色社会主义共同理想,积极投身我国经济、政治、文化、社会建设。 二、课程教学总体目标 引导学生掌握马克思主义的相关基本观点和我国社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设的有关知识;提高思想政治素质,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的信念;提高辨析社会现象、主动参与社会生活的能力。 三、教学内容及具体教学目标和要求 (一)透视经济现象。 教学目标 使学生透过常见的经济现象,掌握有关的经济知识,树立正确的消费观、劳动观,增强创新、诚信、效率、公平等意识,树立依法纳税的观念,提高参与经济生活的能力。 教学要求 认知:了解有关商品交换、消费、生产以及收入分配的基本知识,理解价值规律的作用、企业发展的重要条件、我国的分配制度。 情感态度观念:正确看待金钱,以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,崇尚诚信,树立依法纳税的观念。

运用:正确辨析常见的经济现象,理性消费,以实际行动提高自身素质,尝试设计家庭理财方案。 教学内容 1.商品的交换与消费 (1)透视商品交换的现象,了解商品的基本属性,理解货币在商品交换中的作用。 (2)透视商品价格的变化,懂得影响价格的因素,认识价格变动的影响,理解价值规律的作用。 (3)透视选购商品的现象,评析常见的消费心理,树立正确的消费观。 2.企业的生产与经营 (1)透视企业的不同类型,了解企业的含义和分类,理解企业提高经济效益的主要途径。 (2)透视企业经营的状况,理解企业形象、诚实守信、名牌产品对企业发展的重要性,增强诚信意识和创新意识。 (3)透视人在生产经营中的作用,理解提高劳动者素质的重要意义,全面提高自身素质。 3.个人的收入与理财 (1)透视家庭收入的多元化,理解我国的分配制度、正确处理效率与公平关系的意义,增强劳动光荣、热爱劳动的情感,增强效率意识和公平意识。 (2)透视个人所得要依法纳税的现象,了解税收在我国财政收入中的地位和作用,增强自觉纳税意识。 (3)透视财富增值的不同渠道,理解存款储蓄、债券、股票、


Writing A Comparison / Contrast Paragraph AIMS: ordering material using the point-by-point method or the block method improving coherence by using transitional phrases common to comparison/contrast writing taking a step-by-step approach to create comparison/ contrast paragraphs studying model paragraphs to create comparison/ contrast paragraphs Comparison shows similarities between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations. Contrast points out the differences between persons, places, things, ideas, or situations. Two Basic Methods for Organizing Comparison / Contrast Paragraphs 1. If you let A and B stand for the two things (subjects) being compared, then you can use the block method in which you tell all about A, then tell all about B. Thus you discuss A in a block and B in a block. 2. If you let A and B stand for the two things (subjects) being compared, then you compare them point by point. Every time you say something about A, you also say something about B – right in the same sentence or in the sentence immediately following.


附件: 《经济政治与社会》教学大纲 课程代码: 课程归属单位:贵阳职业技术学院 编写人:余墨林编写日期:2017年02月28日 审核人:审核日期:年月日 一、课程的性质、任务 1.说明课程的基本类型、基本属性和为实现培养目标所承担的任务。 2.教学的基本要求:学生学完课程后,在知识、技能和能力上分别应达到的程度。 3.适用专业与学时数:说明教学大纲适用的专业及学时数。 4.本门课程与其他课程关系:简要说明本课程与相关课程的关系及学生在学习本课程之前应具备的基础知识。 5.推荐教材及参考书:推荐教材及参考书能反映该学科最新的研究成果、理论动态。 6.主要教学方法与媒体要求:说明本课程教学所采取的主要教学方法及在教学过程中所需要的基本实验仪器、设备、教学辅助设施等。 二、各章教学内容和要求 1.该章的基本内容、基本要求与基本知识点。 2.要求学生掌握的基本概念、理论、原理。 3.教学重点和难点。 4.具体教学内容和学时要求。内容详略以能表达清楚知识、技能的范围和深度为度,充分反映课程的知识和技能要求,体现出课程的特点。 三、实践教学内容与要求 实践教学内容。有实践教学要求的,应说明实践教学目的、要求、作业与实践报告、时间与学时分配等相关内容。单独开设实践性教学课程的,要单独编写实践教学大纲。

《经济政治与社会》教学大纲 一、课程性质与任务 经济政治与社会是中等职业学校学生必修的一门德育课。本课程以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,对学生进行马克思主义相关基本观点教育和我国社会主义经济、政治、文化与社会建设常识教育。其任务是使学生认同我国的经济、政治制度,了解所处的文化和社会环境,树立中国特色社会主义共同理想,积极投身我国经济、政治、文化、社会建设。 二、课程教学总体目标 引导学生掌握马克思主义的相关基本观点和我国社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设的有关知识;提高思想政治素质,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的信念;提高辨析社会现象、主动参与社会生活的能力。 三、教学内容及具体教学目标和要求 (一)透视经济现象 教学目标 使学生透过常见的经济现象,掌握有关的经济知识,树立正确的消费观、劳动观,增强创新、诚信、效率、公平等意识,树立依法纳税的观念,提高参与经济生活的能力。 教学要求


2017大学英语期末考试作文 Until6 Write a article about your classmates’ eating habits using the results of Activity 6 in Part Three. Your composition should include both their similarities and differences. Sample 1 Our Eating Habit The survey shows that students usually spend little time eating. They eat three meals a day, with rice as their basic food (staple). Students from the North like pasta, for example, noodles, steamed bread, and dumplings. Most students like fresh fish, seafood and eggs. Most students eat their meals at the school cafeterias. They don’t cook at home, and some haven’t even tried cooking. Their parents or grandparents do the cooking in their families. What is unusual is the fact that many students don’t eat vegetables. They think fruit can provide all the necessary nutrients their bodies need. With some students, milk is gradually taking the place of water and other drinks. Besides, in many families, it is now the father who does


7. Some people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer? Explain why. Similar friends may be able to offer more clear advice in times of need, but it is only with different friends that we prosper and grow as individuals. Similar friends are useful of course because of their similar qualities. A friend who is very similar to you can offer advice that is easy to understand and relate to, because you would likely offer them the same advice at a different place and time. People will often feel very comfortable around a similar friend to, and so it makes speaking about sensitive topics a little easier. Sometimes when we are merely looking for reassurance, a similar friend will be very good at providing the background support we need. On the other hand, different friends are the type that we learn the most from. Tolerance and understanding are two of the most difficult traits to learn as we grow in society, but having people near us with very different opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds can help push us towards these goals. If we like to live exciting lives, our different friends can remind us that it is often beneficial to be calm and reflect on a situation before making too rash a decision. If we are more timid, our different friends can remind us to seize opportunity and to remain assertive, possibly while trying new and exciting experiences. Different friends will never be boring, simply because they are different and are a radical departure from what we are used to. Different friends might be a burden to deal with sometimes. We are not accustomed to their methods of speech and their way of giving advice. Similarly, an overly daring friend might make us feel uncomfortable and apprehensive. Still, the people that push us beyond our safety zones
