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一李颖:女,1993年生,博士研究生,研究方向为高分子复合材料的制备及性能研究一E-mail :y .mar y li@m y .sw j tu.edu.cn一周祚万:通信作者,男,1964年生,博士,教授,主要从事高分子复合材料和纳米功能材料的制备及应用一E-mail :zwzhou@sw j tu.edu.cn 面向金属/树脂复合材料的纳米注塑成型技术综述




金属/树脂复合材料的最大技术难点在于如何实现金属与树脂两相界面的牢固粘接三由于金属与树脂的性质差异较大,这种复合材料的加工方法不同于金属之间的焊接加工,也不同于树脂之间的熔融共混三因此,如何高效地制得低成本二性能优异的金属/树脂复合材料已成为这一领域的研究热点三目前,金属/树脂复合材料的加工方法主要有层压二激光焊接二摩擦叠焊二搅拌摩擦焊二超声焊接和纳米注塑等三其中,层压法只能用于制备结构简单二尺寸较大的产品;激光焊接二摩擦叠焊和搅拌摩擦焊会损伤制品表面,影响美观;超声焊接工艺复杂三而纳米注塑成型技术(Nano-moldin g techni q ue ,NMT )


为了制得性能优异的金属/树脂复合材料,NMT 的原理与工艺技术被不断探索与完善三目前较为被认可的NMT 原理是:胺系化合物和特定树脂发生反应并产生热量,促进树脂在纳米孔中的流动;嵌入金属表面的树脂固化后在两相间形成锚栓作用,极大地增强了两相界面的粘接强度三NMT 所适用的金属由原来的铝合金推广到了铜二不锈钢二钛二镁等金属三所用的树脂也由原先的几种工程树脂扩展到了聚苯硫醚(PPS )二聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇脂(PBT )二聚醚醚酮(PEEK )二聚邻苯二甲酰胺(PPA )和聚酰胺(PA )

等一系列树脂三文章重点概述了NMT 技术的粘接原理二工艺流程二性能测试二技术研究进展以及相关应用,并对其今后发展方向与亟待解决的问题进行了相关讨论三

关键词一一金属/树脂复合材料一纳米注塑成型技术(NMT )一粘接原理一工艺流程

中图分类号:TB333一一文献标识码:A一一DOI :10.11896/j .issn .1005-023X .2018.13.021The State-of-art of Nano-moldin g Techni q ue A pp l y in g to the Production of Metal /Pol y mer Com p osites LI Yin g ,MEI Yuan ,WANG Yin g ,MENG Fanbin ,ZHOU Zuowan (Colle g e of Material Science and En g ineerin g ,Southwest Jiaoton g Universit y ,Chen g du 610031)

Abstract 一一The lar g e ener gy consum p tion and hi g h cost in the fields of trans p ortation and electronics industries have been tri g -g erin g the ur g ent demand for li g hter and stron g er p roducts.Es p eciall y in the field of electronics p acka g in g ,metal /p ol y mer com p o-sites have g raduall y p revailed over metallic or p ol y mer materials due to their li g htwei g ht ,eas y p rocessin g and hi g h stren g th.Metal

/p ol y mer com p osites consist of metal and p ol y mer p hases which combined with each other b y inter p enetratin g interfaces.The chemical interaction and p h y sical anchor effect endow with hi g h bondin g stren g th of the resultant com p osites.Des p ite of the interfaces between two p hases ,metal and p ol y mer still exhibit their own intrinsic p ro p erties.How to achieve the stron g bondin g between metals and p ol y mers is the bi gg est challen g e to the fabrication of metal /p ol y mer com p osites.Owin g to the p ro p ert y dis p arit y between metals and p ol y mers ,the p rocessin g techni q ues a pp licable for metal /p ol y mer com p osites are q uite different from either weldin g for metals or melt mixin g for p ol y mers.The develo p ment of an efficient and low-cost p rocessin g techni q ue to obtain hi g h-p erformance metal /p ol y mer com p osites has hence become a hot to p ic in this field.The cur-rentl y feasible routes to p roduce metal /p ol y mer com p osites include lamination ,laser bondin g ,friction stitch weldin g ,friction stir weldin g ,ultrasonic bondin g and nano-moldin g .Amon g them ,lamination can onl y be used to fabricate p roducts with sim p le and lar g e-size structure.Laser bondin g ,friction stitch weldin g and friction stir weldin g could induce scars to the surfaces of p roducts.Ul-trasonic bondin g needs relativel y com p licated p rocessin g p rocedures.In com p arison ,nano-moldin g technolo gy (NMT )can achieve 四


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