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《老人与海》英文读后感 400字左右

《老人与海》英文读后感 400字左右
《老人与海》英文读后感 400字左右

The filling of

I read when I was in junior middle school. At that time I do not know why the old man persists to take dentuso back. It’s so dangerous to fight with sharks. But he did not give up.

But now I’m really proud of Santiago. He is so brave and persevering. “But a man is not made for defeat” he said “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”

Santiago was old just as Hemingway said “Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.” He think every day is a new day. No matter how old he is. He said “It’s better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”

Santiago was poor; he had nothing except a little boat and harpoon. But he said “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”Santiago was alone. Mandolin can not go to sea with him because of his parents. He catches fishes alone. He fights with sharks alone. He can talk to nobody except himself. No one will help him.

But even though he faced hungry; weary and difficulty alone,

he does not give up.

Somebody said Santiago was a failure. Because at last he said he wishes that it had been a dream and the boy cried for him can really approve it.

In this way I think Santiago was a lucky person. Because he still had Mandolin. The boy loved him and pitied him. If Mandolin had no money his own, he begged or stole to make sure that Santiago had enough to eat and fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepts his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride.

I think Santiago is a hero and he is not a failure. Because catch fish is a part of his life and it is the memory of his mind and he catch a really big fish back at last. The value of his life was completely reflected in the way he catch fish. He is the real winner in his own world.

After I think about this book and Santiago. I realized that I’m not brave enough. I can not stay hopeful when I face laugh and indifferent. And I don’t have enough courage to do what I want to do. I’m so afraid of this world. I’m so afraid of the people’s words who speak it behind my back. I’m so cowardly and that’s the reason I always lose.

Now I know what to do. Don’t mind others. Be myself. I need

possess the quality of reason and shay cheerful and undefeated. Be kind and happy. Be strong and optimistic.


《老人与海》优秀读后感10篇 《老人与海》讲述的一名孤独的老人出海已有八十四次,但是每一次都是一鱼不获。今天橙子就与大家分享《老人与海》读后感,仅供大家参考! 《老人与海》读后感[200] 很多书我们读完后,会感到疲惫和劳累,但这本书却能使你精神振奋,它就是世界著名作家海明威的代表作《老人与海》。 这本书写的是老人圣地亚哥在84次出海之后都是一无所获的回来,他唯一的朋友——男孩马诺林也被父母安排到另一条已出海的大船上去了。可是他不灰心,终于在第85天,他如愿以偿地捕到一条比他的渔船还大的马林鱼。 然而,被扎伤的大鱼留下的血迹引来了鲨鱼,老人的希望一点一滴地被鲨鱼吞噬着,他强忍着伤痛顽强地与鲨鱼作斗争,哪怕最后留给自己的只有大鱼的骨骸…… “一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败”,这就是圣地亚哥的信念,它一直激励着圣地亚哥勇敢地向前。它也将激励我勇敢地不断向梦想靠近。 《老人与海》读后感[350字] 安嘉豪 假期里我读的是《老人与海》,这是一部小说,是无障碍导读版。它的作者是欧内斯特。米勤。海明威。 读了《老人与海》让我知道了要耐心才能做好事情。老人每天都出去耐心打鱼,这是为了打到鱼能够养家糊口。好心人知道老人的辛

苦,便送给了他很多东西。这样,全家人就能生活下去了。 老人对鱼很熟悉,儿子很喜欢老人的鱼,老人也喜欢自己的鱼。老人必须去打鱼。老人每天独自划着小船去捕鱼,前四十天里还有一个人和他一起捕,但一条都没有收获。他没有灰心,终于在八十天左右,就捕到了一条很好很好的鱼。 老人喜欢飞鱼。他们喜欢吃鱼,老人很爱儿子,儿子也爱老人很多种鱼的名字。老人和鲨鱼进行了五次战斗,鲨鱼吃光了老人所有的战利品。有一个人说:“老人杀死那条登多索鲨。”鲨鱼大概每次来袭击,老人都可以打准他们。战斗开始时,老人知道任何努力都是白费的。所以,老人就更加努力的捕鱼了。他是古巴圣地亚哥的老渔夫。 老人不打鱼,家就更没法支撑了。所以老人还是出海打鱼…… 我敬佩老人的坚持,他的这种精神值得我们学习。 《老人与海》读后感 《老人与海》其中讲述的是老渔夫桑提亚特独自乘着小船,打鱼了整整84天还未捕到过一条鱼后,在第85天时,他钓着了一条比他的船还要大的马林鱼。接着,老渔夫就与马林鱼开始了拉锯战,从白天到夜晚,又从黑夜到黎明,搏斗了两天。期间,老人还左手抽筋、全身冰凉、头昏眼花过,但他努力克服了这些困难,最后终于钓上了马林鱼。而后来,鲨鱼嗅到了马林鱼的味道,赶过来争抢马林鱼,老渔夫用刀用短棍,甚至用船舵赶跑了鲨鱼,但鲨鱼还是吃掉了马林鱼——他两天的辛劳。但我觉得,老渔夫不仅战胜了马林鱼,战胜了鲨鱼,更战胜了自己。


老人与海英语读后感300字8篇 老人圣地亚哥是一位老渔民,老人与海就讲述了他在连续八十 四天都没有捕到一条鱼的情况下,终于独自一人钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这条鱼庞大的像一座山丘,所以将老渔民圣地亚哥的小渔船整整拖了几天几夜叉筋疲力尽,被老人杀死绑在了小船的一头。老人返航的时候却遇到了鲨鱼,他应用的抵抗鲨鱼的攻击。可最后回到港湾的时候,大鱼只剩下鱼头、鱼尾和一条脊骨。 这篇小说描写了老人在中亚紫霞仍保持着优雅的风度。作者这 样写突出了老人威严冷静的性格特点,就像我们小学五年级的一篇课文《桥》中的老支书一样。面对鲨鱼的攻击,老人并没有吓呆了,而是沉着的应对鲨鱼疯狂的攻击才保住了自己的性命。如果老人并没有沉着的应对鲨鱼的攻击,那老人将会一无所有(宝货老人的生命)这篇小说主要告诉我名字一个人应用有的最宝贵的精神—人可以被毁灭,却不可以被打败。圣地亚哥也因此而成为了文学史上最着名的“硬汉”之一 所以在生活上我们要学习老渔民圣地亚哥的品格与精神,才能 成为对住过有用的人。 开始,老人先是准备了几天,然后划船离开码头。几天后,他 找到合适的地点钓起鱼来。可令他非常意外的事情发生了,他捕到一条大鱼,然而当天,他没办法把那条鱼拉上来,因为鱼太大太有力量了。就这样,一场较量开始了。连继二天,他们都在拉来拉去。到了第三天,较量终于以老人获胜结束了。老人发现那条大鱼竟然比老人

的船还长,老人决定把那条大鱼绑在船舷上返航。可一件非常不幸的事发生了,途中鲨鱼开始吃那条鱼。就这样,老人和鲨鱼战斗起来。每天,老人都要打死一些鲨鱼,虽然很残酷,可要保住这条鱼又有什么办法呢。 最终,鱼肉被鲨鱼吃光了,只剩下骨架,老人被打败了。然而他休息了几天,又准备出海打鱼了。 我要学习老人坚持不懈的精神。 今天,我把《老人与海》这一本书读完了,这一本书主要讲了一位老人在海上钓鱼,可他一连84没有钓上一条鱼。 其实这本书我读完后,并没有完全理解这本书的意思,于是我就问了妈妈,妈妈就又给我讲了一遍,我才明白了一些。 老人一连84天没有任何收获,可是他没有放弃,仍然不停的给自己加油鼓劲,最后他决定去深海里捕捉一条大大的鱼,于是他就出发了。最后虽然他钓到了一条好大的鱼,但在在往回返的时候却被大鲨鱼给吃光了,只留下了一条巨大的鱼骨头。他很伤心。 看完这本书,我心里有点难过。我觉得老人很可怜。 今年暑假,我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知很难取胜,但仍不放

《老人与海》英文读后感 400字左右

The filling of I read when I was in junior middle school. At that time I do not know why the old man persists to take dentuso back. It’s so dangerous to fight with sharks. But he did not give up. But now I’m really proud of Santiago. He is so brave and persevering. “But a man is not made for defeat” he said “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” Santiago was old just as Hemingway said “Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.” He think every day is a new day. No matter how old he is. He said “It’s better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.” Santiago was poor; he had nothing except a little boat and harpoon. But he said “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”Santiago was alone. Mandolin can not go to sea with him because of his parents. He catches fishes alone. He fights with sharks alone. He can talk to nobody except himself. No one will help him. But even though he faced hungry; weary and difficulty alone,


《《老人与海》读后感感想400字五篇 《老人与海》给予我们的启示是,人生本来就是一种无止境的追求,无论成功与否,都不能停下进取的脚步,努力或许得不到成功,但是不努力就一定不能收获成功。下面就是小编给大家带来的五篇400字《《老人与海》读后感感想,希望大家喜欢! 篇一:读《老人与海》有感 闲来无事,拿出身旁的《老人与海》细细品读,翻开书卷,我能聆听到一颗鲜活跳动的心。 老人远赴大海,仅为了捕鱼吗?我想绝不是如此的。海明威笔下的老人被赋予了一种不可征服的顽强精神。当老人在出海的84天后却一无所获时,面对多次失败,老人并未绝望,那份淡然是我们值得学习的;当他用粗陋的武器一次次刺进鲨鱼头颅时,我们看到了老人身上那份顽强的勇气和一颗永不屈服的心;当老人回家时后看到马林鱼只剩下一副的鱼骨架时,老人只淡然地说道“人尽可以被毁灭,却不能被打败”。虽然这句话听上去显得简简单单,但在我看来却蕴含着大道理。 肉体,可以被折磨,但精神是绝对不能被侵犯的,这是我对老人的话的理解。英雄,可以不需要有强壮的体魄,但绝对不能没有巨大的精神力量,而老人就是这样的英雄。他没有强壮的体魄却有着战胜自己对缺陷、挑战了自己的极限的巨大精神。挑战极限永远是值得我们尊敬的,因为他向我们展示了最高贵的自信。 我们的人生总是在无止境地追求中,或许我们的路上满是坎坷和荆棘,但只要我们用一颗充满自信的心去面对,我们总会成为胜利者。 篇二:老人与海读后感 在现在快节奏的生活脚步和匆匆忙忙的生活让大家过得越来越紧张和拘束,似乎没有了昔日的欢愉和心灵上的栖息地供大家歇息,而现实的压力最让我们这一新生的朝阳越来越困顿、越来越迷茫,遭遇了一点点失败就怨天尤人、自甘堕落。书籍,本是人们的精神寄托,通过阅读,我们可以在书中将生活中的戾气沉淀,净化心灵。


《老人与海》优秀读后感 2020《老人与海》优秀读后感范文 《老人与海》这本书讲述了一个老人与一个孩子之间的纯洁、挚真的友谊,还有很多老人出海时遇到的经历。接下来为您带来了2020《老人与海》优秀读后感范文,欢迎阅读! 老人虽然失败了,但他在与鱼斗争的过程中表现出了超常的毅力和勇气,表现了一种不可被征服的精神上的胜利,他可以说是一个顶天立地的大丈夫。 老人没有被任何困难压倒,他尽自己最大的努力与生活中的磨难做不屈不挠的斗争。老人说过一生令我最难忘的话:“一个人并不是生来就要给打败的,你可以消灭他,却不能打败他。”“失败是成功之母。”当碰到困难时,一定不能被挫折压倒啊!一个人的一生中不可能没有失败,但我们假如能够从失败中获取有益的经验,发现成功的曙光,把失败看成是同乡成功的必经之路,那才是从失败中获取的最大的收获。 人生本来就是一种无止境的`追求。它的道路漫长、艰难,而且充满坎坷,但只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心去迎接挑战,他将永远是一个真正的胜利者!

读了美国著名作家海明威流芳百世的名着《老人与海》,使我大有所感。 我很佩服书中的渔夫自己的意志,他让我懂得了一个道理:人要是有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得巨大的成功。 我读了《老人与海》,我被书中的爷爷感动了,他与海水和巨浪一共奋战了85天,一桑提阿果爷爷。听说这本书中的故事全部属实,主要讲了爷爷独自一人划着破旧的船,在海中与一条大鱼搏斗,最终战胜了这条巨大的鱼。 其实,爷爷并不是什么伟大的人,在很多地方都被人嘲笑,可他都不理会,只会宽容。 说实话,我们也应该像爷爷他那样,不管做任何事情,都要坚持不懈,不能半途而废。只有这样,才可以做好每一件事。 我曾经读过很多书,如:《爱的教育》、《鲁滨逊飘流记》、《猜猜我有多爱你》,但是,最让我能学到知识的是《老人与海》。


A man can be destroyed but not defeated -----comment of《The old man and the sea》专业:测控技术与仪器姓名:学号:成绩: This semester, we saw the movie —《The old man and the sea》. The movie which was adapted from the novel written by Hemingway tells us a story about an old man fight against the nature. The novel narrates an old fisherman named Santiago didn’t catch a fish after 84 days on the sea. Finally, he made a decision that going fishing to the unfamiliar sea area. Luckily, he discovered a huge marlin. After fierce fighting, he conquered the marlin despite he was exhausted. Drawn the short straw, the smell of marlin’s blood attracted the sharks. Sharks raided the old man and bit the meat of marlin. The old man resisted the attack from the sharks desperately. However, when he went back the harbor, there was only the marlin’s skeleton left. And there were many discussions about the skeleton among people in harbor. Although the old man failed again and again, he was never disappointed. His calm showed us a matchless strong heart. Despite Santiago is old and miserable, he would never like to quit. He persisted in struggling with the destiny. Sometimes our destiny can not be dominated by us. But we can confront the fate optimistically and accept it calmly. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Though our human body can be tormented, our determination can never be encroached. The marlin is a


《老人与海》读后感_读书笔记5篇 海明威说:”我试图描述一个真正的老人,一个真正的孩子,真正的大海,一条真正 的鱼和许多真正的鲨鱼。然而,如果我能写得足够逼真的话,他们也能代表许多其他的事物。以下是小编整理的读书笔记5篇,希望可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 老人叫桑提亚哥,可我却更习惯叫他“老人”。 他是个倒霉的渔夫,幸运之神遗忘了他已84天。可他却没有放弃,在第85天,老 人依旧如同往常一样出海了。我不明白为什么他还是这样的执着,整整84天,全镇的渔 名民谁不在笑他捕不到一条鱼,甚至是一条小鱼?老人老了,不在像年轻时那样强壮,当 满载而归的小伙子被人们欢呼雀跃地围在中间,像个大英雄时,老人的心中也只能辛酸地回想:“20年前,我……”也许,正是那样的骄傲,老人坚决要出海去,捕上一条大鱼…… 清晨陆风的气味伴着老人,老人出海了,他向着那一片漆黑的海洋驶去。我不禁打了 一个寒战,漆黑的海,漆黑的前路,老人能够顺利吗?海洋是仁慈的,并十分美丽的。然 而她能变得这样残暴,又是来得这样突然。 就在这一片漆黑里,老人感到天快要亮了。又划了一会儿,天亮了,可老人发现自我 所到的地方比预料的更远。老人不怕,照样下饵,等…… 太阳已出来两个小时了,他一无所获。斜斜地望去,飞鱼浅浅地游在水下,更有的即 将迸出水面。老人又有了信心。不久手中的吊绳被微微地撞击了一下,再之后,老人感到 吊绳正悄悄地从自我手中滑下,老人心中大喜。我慢慢的看他将绳绕在背上,紧紧地拉住,然后吊绳开始往水中拉曳,他牢抓不放,身子抵住坐板,对抗起来。“是条大鱼!”我心中大喊,想必老人早已知悉。 小船被大鱼拖着,开始慢慢向西北移动。四小时过去了,大鱼牵着老人;黑夜来了,还是大鱼牵着老人;天又亮了,依然是大鱼牵着老人…… 为什么他不放手?毕竟这条鱼太大,毕竟时间太长。舍不得鱼吗?舍不得这荣耀吗?。舍不得的也许是八十多天来唯一的期望! 老人不倦地与大鱼纠缠着。 最终,他胜了,把鱼牢牢地绑在船上,我们的胜利者就再也站不住了,他太累。 可幸运之神来了又走了,好似发现自我串错了门又匆匆离去。大海终究不是人类的地盘,海洋霸王……鲨鱼来了。“老头儿,要镇定,要坚强。”他说。


老人与海读后感350字5篇 篇一:《老人与海》读后感[350字]安嘉豪 假期里我读的是《老人与海》,这是一部小说,是无障碍导读版。它的作者是欧内斯特。米勤。海明威。 读了《老人与海》让我知道了要耐心才能做好事情。老人每天都出去耐心打鱼,这是为了打到鱼能够养家糊口。好心人知道老人的辛苦,便送给了他很多东西。这样,全家人就能生活下去了。 老人对鱼很熟悉,儿子很喜欢老人的鱼,老人也喜欢自己的鱼。老人必须去打鱼。老人每天独自划着小船去捕鱼,前四十天里还有一个人和他一起捕,但一条都没有收获。他没有灰心,终于在八十天左右,就捕到了一条很好很好的鱼。 老人喜欢飞鱼。他们喜欢吃鱼,老人很爱儿子,儿子也爱老人很多种鱼的名字。老人和鲨鱼进行了五次战斗,鲨鱼吃光了老人所有的战利品。有一个人说:“老人杀死那条登多索鲨。”鲨鱼大概每次来袭

击,老人都可以打准他们。战斗开始时,老人知道任何努力都是白费的。所以,老人就更加努力的捕鱼了。他是古巴圣地亚哥的老渔夫。 老人不打鱼,家就更没法支撑了。所以老人还是出海打鱼…… 我敬佩老人的坚持,他的这种精神值得我们学习。 篇二:《老人与海》读后感 《老人与海》其中讲述的是老渔夫桑提亚特独自乘着小船,打鱼了整整84天还未捕到过一条鱼后,在第85天时,他钓着了一条比他的船还要大的马林鱼。接着,老渔夫就与马林鱼开始了拉锯战,从白天到夜晚,又从黑夜到黎明,搏斗了两天。期间,老人还左手抽筋、全身冰凉、头昏眼花过,但他努力克服了这些困难,最后终于钓上了马林鱼。而后来,鲨鱼嗅到了马林鱼的味道,赶过来争抢马林鱼,老渔夫用刀用短棍,甚至用船舵赶跑了鲨鱼,但鲨鱼还是吃掉了马林鱼——他两天的辛劳。但我觉得,老渔夫不仅战胜了马林鱼,战胜了鲨鱼,更战胜了自己。 正如文中的老人所说:“不过人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以


[读后感]老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感: It’slonglongago,’,’s prettybrisk,,IlikedElizabeth,theheroine,thoughIdidn’tthinkshe’’,Ididn’’,Ihaven’treadthewholestoryinEnglishoritschineseversion, Infact,Ididn’’,butIdidn’tfindwhere’’snormal, 老人与海英文读后感: 老人与海读后感英文版 whenIwasamiddleschoolstudent,I’,Ireally,formypart,thatistrue. Firstly,,majorcharactersandthetopicofit. TheoldmanandtheSeaisastorybyErnestHemingway,,itcentersuponSantiago,anagingcubanfishermanwhostruggleswithagiantmarlinfaroutintheGulfStream. TheoldmanandtheSeaservedtoreinvigorateHemingway’sl;itrestoredmanyreaders’confidenceinHem ingway’,Scribner’s,onanearlydustjacket,calledthenovellaa”newclassic,”andmanycriticsfavorablypareditwithsuchworksaswilliamFaulkner ’s”TheBear”andHermanmelville’smoby-Dick. Thisbookgivesmeadeepimpressionespeciallythedescriptionabouttheman’sbravenessandpersistence. Inthisbook,inordertosuggesttheprofundityoftheoldman’ssacrificeandtheglorythatderivesfromit,HemingwaypurposefullylikensSantiagotochrist,who,accordingtochristiantheology,’spalmsarefirstcutbyhisfishingline,,whenthesharksarrive,Hemingwayportraystheoldmanasacrucifiedmartyr,sayingthath,theimageoftheoldmanstrugglingupthehillwithhismastacrosshisshouldersrecallschrist’—facedownwithhisarmsoutstraightandthepalmsofhishandsup— oystheseimagesinthefinalpagesofthenovellainordertolinkSantiagotochrist,whoexemplifiedtranscendencebyturninglossintogain,defeatintotriumph,andevendeathintorenewedlife. Themajorcharactersinthisbookarealsovividandlively. Santiago?,theoldmanofthenovella’stitle,,,,andofhiscraft,isunparalleledandhelpshimpreserveasenseofhoperegardlessofcircumstance. Themarlin?,Santiagohooksthemarlin,whichwelearnattheendofthenovellameasureseighteenfeet,?,aboypresumablyinhisadolescence,manolinisSantiago’’srecentbadluck,manolin’,however,stillcaresdeeplyfortheoldman,towhomhecontinuestolookasamentor. joeDimaggio,althoughDimaggioneverappearsinthenovel,,andhisthoughtstur?,Perico,thereaderassumes,ownsthebodegainSantiago’,butheservesanimportantroleinthefisherman’martin,likePerico,martin,acaféownerinSantiago’svillage,,whooftengoestomartinforSantiago’,martinisamanoffrequentkindnesswhodeservestoberepaid. Fromtheveryfirstparagraph,—’sstruggle,thesailofhisskiffresembles“theflagofpermanentdefeat.”Buttheoldman refusesdefeatateveryturn:here solvest,tyinghisrecordofeighty-sevendaysafterabrutalthree-dayfight,andhecontinuestowardoffsharksfromstealinghisprey,eventhoughheknowsthebattleisuseless.


最新老人与海的读后感400字 “书中自有黄金屋。”这句话我们早就已经背的滚瓜烂熟了,但是,又有谁真正的找到了书中的黄金呢?人们常把:书是人类进步的阶梯这句话挂在嘴边。但是有谁能理解这句话呢。我自豪地说:我之所以出类拔萃,是因为从书中找到了成功的秘诀! 《老人与海》这本书出自著名作家海明威之手,内容讲述了一个老人有一身捕鱼的本事。有一次出海,老人的鱼钩钩住了一条大鱼,展开了一场搏斗,老人在海上漂泊了三天,那条大鱼拉着小船跑了三天,最后,老人坚持了三天,终于杀死了大鱼,但是出海太远,老人急忙往回走,而大鱼流了好多的血,使海上的鲨鱼垂涎欲滴,老人与鲨鱼们搏斗了一番,最后,大鱼被鲨鱼咬得一点肉也没剩,但老人没有被打倒,他准备着下一次的再出海! 读了这个故事,我明白了坚持不懈其实就是成功的关键,《老人与海》一文中的老人并没有输,他打败了鲨鱼,虽然大鱼没有了肉,但老人能坚持下来,在精神上早已打败了不计其数的人!我以后也会传承这种坚持不懈的精神。读了《老人与海》一文,使我想起了以前。我曾经帮妈妈干家务活,总是干着干着就不耐烦了,觉的一点意思也没有,于是便不干了。因为总是这种态度,我不幸获得虎头蛇尾的称号。读了这本书,我深受老人的影响,今后一定会

改正半途而废的坏习惯,下决心要成为一个像文中的老人一样的人! 《老人与海》这个故事激发了我读书的兴趣,读书让我明理,读书让我成长,读书让我思考人生……今后我一定去读好书,让我成为书之国的访客! 《老人与海》这本书中,老人84天没有捕到鱼,但是老人没有放弃,老人在海边住下来了,第85天又出去打鱼,“功夫不负有心人”终于出现了个大家伙——马林鱼。马林鱼和老人不分上下,老人拉着这条鱼在船边转了好几圈,他用了九牛二虎之力才搞定了这巨大的马林鱼。 之所以老人成功捕获到了马林鱼,正是他那永不言弃、坚持不懈的精神,正如他的一句著名的言语:“一个人可以被毁灭,但绝不能被打败!”因为被打败了只要还有一口气在就还能够重新再站起来。 老人的精神一代一代地流传下来。例如:霍金,他小时候双脚瘫痪了,到了现在,他全身都瘫痪了,只有右手的三根手指能动,但他还是坚持不懈,终于获得了一项伟大无比的成功!他曾说过:


《老人与海》读后感优秀文章 人生路上,条条路坎坷,充满不公平。生命总是向前的,你唯一能做的只有坚持!我 们虽不能决定生命的长度,但一定可以拓宽生命的宽度!不管遇到什么挫折什么荆棘,都 要坚持到底,站在人生顶峰,大喊:“我是生命的强者!”下面就是小编给大家带来的五篇 《老人与海》读后感优秀文章,希望大家喜欢! 每一本书都有自己独特的灵魂!最近,我读了海明威的小说《老人与海》,读完这本书,我不禁思绪万千:胜利在这部小说里已经不显得那么得重要,重要的是一个人的生命价值,老人敢于挑战做不到的事,一次次地超越自我,不得不令我们感到敬佩,它所带给 我们的是一种自信,一种强大的精神力量,一种不屈的意志。 初读,我的脑子顿时迷茫了:一个孤独的渔翁是如何与汹涌的大海进行搏击的呢?小 说描写的是一位年迈六十的老渔夫,他凭着永不言败的精神在大海上生活着。他连续八十四天没捕到鱼,就在一次出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,但由于鱼实在太重了,拉不上来,之后他明白这是大马林鱼,老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天大鱼,鱼才终于筋疲力尽浮上水面,被 他杀死,在途中一再遭到鲨鱼的袭击,但都被他化险为夷,让其他渔夫敬佩不已。 要有着坚持不懈的精神,才能胜利,可书中的老人经常都是坚持着,屡屡失败。读完后,我不断思考着,之后我又明白:他象征着坚不可摧的精神,生活上,他失败了,但在 精神上他始终是胜利者。他那顽强抗击的精神,展现了人的高贵和尊严。而我却恰恰相反。 每当我遇到难题是就头疼了,都没思考就请教别人。但如今读了这本书,我不禁感到惭愧,一个老人都有着执着的精神,何况我们这些青年呢?从今天起,我们要学会坚持!因 为有了坚持,我们才会朝着目标坚定地前行;因为有了坚持,我们才会努力寻求解决困难的办法;因为有了坚持,我们才有可能把梦想变为现实。只有这样,我们才会看到人生的辉煌! “宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”人生路上,条条路坎坷,充满不公平。生命总 是向前的,你唯一能做的只有坚持!我们虽不能决定生命的长度,但一定可以拓宽生命的 宽度!不管遇到什么挫折什么荆棘,都要坚持到底,站在人生顶峰,大喊:“我是生命的强 者!” 一个简单的故事,一个平凡的老人,一条普通的大马林鱼,在茫茫大海上发生了看似 平凡而又不平凡的经历。 也没有大海,就没有鱼,没有鱼,也就没有鱼夫,同样也就没有折断不凡的经历了。 正因为有了大海,才让鱼夫钓上了一条大马林鱼,但却在海上拖了三天三夜才把鱼杀死, 但又遭到鲨鱼的袭击,贼后的结局可想而知,这条大马林鱼只剩下了鱼头鱼尾和一条脊骨。


老人与海英文读后感 篇一:老人与海读后感英文 在这部小说中,我非常佩服老渔夫的意志,老渔夫让我懂得了一个人必需要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。小说通过人与自然的斗争,表达了人要勇敢地面对失败。桑提亚哥在同象征厄运的鲨鱼的斗争中虽然失败了,但他并没有在厄运面前屈服,认为人虽可以暂时战败,但人的精神和意志是永远也打不垮的。“一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他”,他的这句话在我心中留下了深刻的印象。小说在艺术上具有很高的概括性、寓言性和象征性。运用反衬法、内心独白来刻画人物性格。 ThenoveltoldastoryabouthowtheoldfishermanSantiagostruggledw iththesea.SantiagogainedahugefishcalledMarlinafterhavingdri ftedintheseafor84days.Itwasafishthatis2feetlongerthantheboa

tandthathaddraggedhisboatfortwodaysbeforebeingstabbedtodeat h.Itseemedthattheoldmanwasn’ tsosuccessful,becauseheencounteredashark,struggledwiththese riousenvironments,eventheonlyspoil——Marlinjustleftaskeleton.However,themostimportantthingisthat Santiagohadnevergivenupforamoment. Inthisnovel,Iamdeeplyimpressedbyhispersevering.Iadmiretheol dfishermanforhissteel-likemindandpersistence.Ithinkthere’sarealyoungmaninsidehim,althoughheisatanoldageandnolongergo esbacktohisyouth.Fromthestrongcomparisonbetweentheoldlookan dtheyoungheart,wecaneasilyfindthatitisthepositivefirmspirit sthatmakeusholdourhopesandkeeptryingallthetimeandfinallygui detheroadstowardssuccess.


老人与海读后感英文版 读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服 小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的 精神,才能获得成功。下面是WTT为您收集整理的示例范文,仅 供参考! 篇【1】 this year summer vacation, i read the american well-known writer hemingway's novel “ old person and sea ”. i extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully. the novel deion is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull. the senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up.


《老人与海》读后感五篇 读后感灵活多样,可以是受书中的内容启发而引起的思考与联想,可以是因读书而激发的决心和理想,也可以是因读书而引起的对社会上某些丑恶现象的抨击、讽刺。下面是小编带来的《老人与海》读后感范文,欢迎阅读参考。 《老人与海》读后感(一) 读了《老人与海》,我便被主人公乐观,勇敢与执着的硬汉形象所深深吸引。 主人公桑迪亚哥是位“背运”的老人,连续84天没有捕到鱼,第85天出海,经过两天三夜的搏斗,最后捕获一条一千五百多磅的大马林鱼。然而,天有不测风云,在归航途中,多次遭遇鲨鱼袭击,老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,结果大马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了,老人最后拖回家的只剩下一副光秃秃的鱼骨架。在这期间,老人以非凡的勇气,惊人的毅力,忍受着常人难以忍受的孤独,饥饿,疲劳和伤痛,一次次地超越人类的极限。但我们从中没有看见一滴失败者的眼泪,却分明看到强者失败时高傲的微笑,他是一个硬汉,是一个虽败犹荣的英雄。 这是一场孤独的历程,一个人划着一条小船缓缓地驶向远海,被大鱼拖着在漫无方向,复杂的洋流中四处飘荡,那种令人恐慌的迷失感,就像一个人在黑夜森林中寻找出路一样,老人只能和自我对话,和鱼对话,和大海对话。 “一个人并不是生来要给打败的,”“你尽能够把它消灭

掉,可就是打不败他。”外在的肉体能够理解折磨,内在的意志却是神圣不可侵犯的。被打败的能够是肉体,但绝不能是我们的意志。最大的敌人永远都是自我,当一个人的意志坚不可摧时,那么便没有任何事物会再让你畏惧。 所谓的“背运”,从未在老人心里起过一丝涟漪,他在大海上时刻面临着生与死的挑战,却始终没有产生退缩的心理。而反思我们此刻所定义的挫折,磨难,难以跨越的荆棘,是何等的肤浅。或许,应对这些,老人的脸上只有淡淡的不屑。 尽管老人最终并没有将大马林鱼安全地带回家,不是最后的胜利者。但是从另一个角度看,老人难道就不是一个令人崇敬的胜利者吗?因为他至始至终,都没有向大海,向大马林鱼,更没有向鲨鱼妥协和投降,他在精神上取得了虽败犹荣的胜利。在暗潮汹涌的海面上,残破的小船,冷冷的海风夹杂着浓烈的血腥味,也许这才是人真正害怕的,唯有不羁的灵魂,才能与大海对抗,与自然对抗,与命运对抗,这才是真正的伟大,即使他不曾成功过。 《老人与海》读后感(二) 今年国庆,我读了美国着名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人必须要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 小说描述的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海

老人与海读书报告 英文版 读后感

Reading Report of The Old Man and the Sea Recently I have read The Old Man and the Sea, I was deeply moved by the old man and his spirit. The author of the book Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American novelist, short-story writer and essayist. The Old Man and the Sea was written in 1951 in Cuba, and published in 1952 and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1953 and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. The book was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works. It’s a story about a old man struggling with nature, though he was defeated at last, in some extent, he has already challenged himself and nature.Santiago, the hero of the story, had gone eighty-four days without t aking a fish back. At first, a boy named Manolion had been with him, but Santiagocatch even one fish. The boy had gone at his parents’orders in a lucky boat which caught three good fish the first week. Santiago is a very old Cuban fisherman, even he had been unable to catch a single fish for totally eight-four days. He didn’t give up. he made his decision that he should fish again to get over the unlucky time. And he held the belief that


This winter holiday, I read a book called "the old man and the sea" classic. I benefit a lot from it. This book is about: an old fisherman, he is called the San Diego. The old fisherman for eighty-four straight days at sea without fish. At first, there is a called manolin told the boy and he a out to sea, but after forty days without a fish the boy was parents arrange to another vessel, because they think that children follow the old man not good luck. Eighty-five days, the old man, the ship is far out in the morning, he unexpectedly caught a larger than the ship QiangYu. The old man and the fish tries to two days, finally fork it in it. But the injured QiangYu at sea for a trace of the bloody left, attract numerous sharks for crazy. The old man struggling to fight with sharks, but back to harbour, QiangYu left with a huge skeleton, the old man to a head of ducking out on land. Children come to see the old man, he thought that the old man was not defeated. That afternoon, the old man in the shack asleep, a dream he saw the lion. After reading this book, I have a lot of feeling. Especially the old fisherman San Diego, his strong, generous, kind, loving, even in the life of the defeated in the battle, in the face of the inevitable fate, he is still strong in spirit, is "butch". He faced great pressure in the outside world and bad luck strikes, the strong and unyielding, still ahead, or even deadly opponents, though he failed, but keep the human dignity and courage, with the winner of poise. This story reflects the people in "full of violence and death of real life" expression comes out of courage. Try to think of, an old and poor and alone, or even the old man to death, but to his deadly and these weaknesses, struggle to maintain his identity and dignity, to re-establish his circle in the name, and those who love and he can inheritance of the traditional culture of people keep good relationship. But ultimately the old man a hero's struggle not only save yourself, also inspired those around him, and make them the spiritual to sublimate. The outcome is the San Diego in "full of violence and death of real life" showed the best proof of courage. This also reminds me of life some of the people, and they may and San Diego, old age, poor and alone, around by the death. But it is very different, it's that they chose dejected, accept, let it be. The end result is caused by: they look down on people, by the destiny tinkering with, again without your chance to blow. In fact, sometimes, just a little, confidence a bit stubborn, it will be possible for his life by entirely different effects. I believe, dares the fate, life and the struggle of the people, no matter how, is the strong!!!!

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