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Project 1 (Period 1)教案-小学《英语》五年级上册-译林版

Project 1 (Period 1)教案

教学内容:五年级上册Project 1 An animal school, Period 1



技能目标:1. 通过交流和合作,能够运用第1单元至第4单元所学的语言知识和语言技能进行交流,小组合作完成动物卡片设计。

情感目标:1. 在情境交流中,培养英语学习的兴趣。

2. 在童话故事的情境中,综合运用1-4单元所学知识,培养



1. 能够在参与活动中,综合运用1-4单元所学语言。

2. 能够用英语介绍自己和他人的兴趣爱好,并能运用所学知识描述动物等外貌。教学过程:

Step1 Warm up

1.Sing the song.

We all like climbing.

2.Free talk.

Talk with the Ss about hobbies.

What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing?



Step2 Revision

1.Do you like animals? (Review the animals)

2.Let’s building the school for them ,OK?

Lead to the title: An animal school

3. Review Unit 2

T: In our school,there are many rooms, do you remember the name of the rooms? Let’ s play a game ,and review the words .

Look , Say and shout

★When you see the word and the sentence, please say it quickly!

★When you see “Hey”, please shout “Hey” !

Step3 Presentation

1.Draw an animal school

T: This is my animal school, there are three floors in the building.

The first floor,the second floor and the third floor.

What can you see on the first floor?


2.Think, draw and say

Work in groups and design the animal school .then use the

sentences to introduce.

3.T: Who are the teachers and students?

(review the words , phrases and sentences can help us describe


4.It has…It can…They have…They can…

4. Show your animal school

Step3 Consolidation

Ⅰ. Put the words in correct orders.

1. computer, the, first, floor, room, on,

There is a computer room on the first floor.

2. our, animal, school, This, is ( .)

This is our animal school

3. trees, in, There, are, some, our, school ( .)

There are some trees in our school.

4. Where, is, room, the, table, tennis ( ? )

Where is the table tennis room?


( ) 1. There is a library on the ______floor.

A. one

B. first

C. a

( ) 2. There _____ some water in the glass.

A. is

B. are

C. have

Step4 Homework

1. Draw the rooms and animals in the animal school on Page 99..

2. Try to make a new animal card according to the one that your group members made.

新译林 3B Project1 My puppy (Period 1) 公开课教学设计

三下Project 1第一课时 Step1: Warm up 1. Name T: Hello, boys and girls. I'm your new English teacher today. I'm Miss Lu. Let's begin our class. S: Stand up. T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: ... T: Sit down, please. 2. Free talk T: I'm Miss Lu, may I know your name? 找一个孩子 T: Good morning, I'm Miss Lu. What's your name? S1: ... T: Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. 2组 T: You can talk in English. That's perfect. Step2: Talk Show 1. Throw, catch and say T: Boys and girls, we're having the English class in this classroom. It is new for me. Let’s talk about the things in the classroom. (PPT) Look around and tell me. You can say pencil case, desk and balabala. (Take out the toy puppy.) T: Please catch and say loudly. I'll make a start. Floor. S: (x8) 只要说到了个人文具就问: T: Where is your …? S: It’s … T: Is this your…? S: Yes/No. 1


Project 1 Being a good student (Period 1) Teaching contents:A (p46) Teaching aims and learning objectives: 1.能够综合运用前面单元所学的词汇、句型等语言知识展开活动。。 2.通过交流与合作,能够运用1到4单元所学的语言知识和语言技能进行交流,小组复习并总结学习和生活各方面的好习惯和坏习惯。 3. 指导学生运用学习策略,自主归纳复习。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty: 引导学生复习归纳学习和生活各方面的好习惯和坏习惯。 Teaching procedures教学过程: Step1.Warming-up Sing a song “This is the way”. T: Let’s change the song. (让学生自己随意替换歌词)T:Do you know seven steps hands washing? (播放七步洗手法视频,和孩子们一起学习七步洗手法。提高学生们疫情期间的防护意识,保护自己也保护他人。)

T:Wash hands before dinner is a good habit. Do you remember any other habits? Let’s play a game: Read and judge.(复习前面单元出现的一些单词和短语。) Step2. Revision 在这一环节中通过各种游戏和活动让学生复习前面单元的词汇,体现分层教学意识;各个环节紧密相连,由易到难、有浅入深,层层递进;重难点搭配着让学生做游戏。 1. Try to describe 让学生边看图片边描述图片上的各种行为习惯,并所说That’s a good habit or a bad habit.(在黑板上写出学生说出的一些副词:fast/slowly/badly/well/early/late...) 2. Let’s think 让学生总结黑板上单词的相同点,以及这些词在句子中的位置及其用法。 3. Describe yourself with these words 让学生任选副词造句,练习巩固副词的用法。 Step3. Presentation and practice T:You have so many good habits, let ’s read about John and Amy’s habits.Are they good habits or bad habits? 1. Read and judge 2. Read and circle 3. (1)Amy’s good habits:


Project 1 My school life Period 1 教学目标: 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习 1~4单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用 1~4 单元的单词和句型。 2. 以” Myschool life ”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高 语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用 1~4 单元词句进行交 流。 4. 让学生了解并能简单陈述学校地图的主要步骤,并能做简单的介绍。 Step 2 Free talk T: TOday I am yOur new teacher. I want tO knOw sOmething abOut yOu. Have a free talk with sOme students. What's yOur name? How old are you? 教学重点:培养学生的综合语言运用能力, 交流。 教学难点:让学生能谈论“ My school life 话题交流。 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting and warming up Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. At the beginning of the class, say, you can say. T: Today is Friday. I can say S1: MOnday/ … T: I like English. I can say S1: Chinese/ … . T: I can see a tree in yOur schOOl. I can say 让学生能综合运用 1 ~4单元词句进行 ”这一话题 , 并能运用所学词句进行 let 's warmup : Let 's play a game: I can Friday English a tree

2015新译林牛津小学英语五下公开课赛课集体备课教学设计 5B Project 1 Around our city第1课时教案

小学《英语》(五年级下册) Project 1 Around our city (Period 1) Teaching contents教学内容: Project 1 Part AB Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 会用where…? 句型询问并回答 2 Review the grammar point Where guides the special questions and Try to use it smoothly. 3 Be able to communicate with each other easily. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 2 Be able to communicate with each other and feel happy for communicating. 3 Be able to master the grammar point Where guide the special questions. Preparation教学准备: 1. 单词图片 2. 多媒体课件 Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up 1、让学生根据自己的实际情况回答问题。 (1) Where do you live? (2) How do you come to school? (3) Is there a zoo near your home? (4) Anywhere else? Step 2 Revision 复习已学词汇:根据老师的提示,让学生先读一读,再猜一猜,说出场所的名称。然后向学生出示各种场所标志的地图。加深巩固单词的学习,同时让学生看图说一说可以在这些地方做什么。 (1)It is a place. It is big. It is clean. We can see many doctors and nurses there. It is a ___________. . (2)It is a place. It is big and clean. People can see and learn about many interesting things there. It is a ___________. (3)It is a place. It is big and beautiful. We can see many animals there. They are cute and clever. It is a _______. (4)It is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there.

2020年苏教译林版英语六年级上册Project 1《A holiday album》教案

译林小学英语六上Project 1单元分析 一、教学目标 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇 holiday,weather, was,did,didn’t,Great Wall,went,for the holiday,how was the weather,National Day,go to。 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where did you go for tthe holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? WWhy did you call me?Did you ...?Yes,I did./No, I didn’t. How was the wweather? It was... 3、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Find photos or draw pictures. Ask and answer the questions about the photos or pictures.Make a holiday album and give a report. 4、能够制作一个假日相册并能作一个报告。 5、能对已学的知识进行综合性的运用。 二、单元教学重点: 1.复习1-4单元所学的单词句型。 2.学生能够在原有基础上更熟练的使用所学句型,并能运用于交流。 三、单元教学难点: 通过本单元的复习,要求学生能熟练地听、说、读、写已学过的词汇和句型。 四、活动任务: 1、利用照片或图片制作一本假日出游相册。 2、根据照片或图片上的信息,运用第一单元至第四单元所学的语言知识与同伴进行问答,分享假期乐趣。

Unit8 At Christmas教学设计-小学《英语》五年级上册-译林版(三起)

Unit8 At Christmas教学设计

T:What do people usually do at Christmas? PPT呈现: 1.尽可能得说出圣诞节的相关活动,以此一方面巩固旧知,另一方面为新知—顺序副词的学习作铺垫。 Pre-read ing 1. T: Today we will learn about Unit At Christmas. Are you ready? 2. T: First of all, let’s see the learning activities in this class. PPT: First/Next/Then/Finally… Ss: Yes! 引导学生感知时间 顺序副词,达成目 标3 While -reading 1. First, know something about Christmas. 1) When is Christmas day? T: If you know the answer, please put up your hand. 2) What’s on the 24th of December? Tips: Christmas is very important in western countries, like Spring Festival in China. 2. Next, learn words about Christmas. T: Do you know any words about Christmas? T: There are four important things: Present, stocking, Christmas tree Father Christmas. S: Christmas in on the 25th of December. S: Christmas Eve. Ss: Christmas tree/ Father Christmas/ present/stocking/card/ turkey/pudding…… Learn the words 通过设置问题来引 发学生对圣诞节的 兴趣,让他们了解 圣诞节的一些基本 信息,达成目标1. Christma


. 五上Unit8 At Christmas(Period1) Pre-reading 1.Enjoy a song about Christmas(We wish you a Merry Christmas) 2.Q: What do you know about Christmas? 3.Q: What do you want to know about Christmas? While-reading 1. know more about Christmas Date, Christmas symbols(Christmas tree, Father Christmas, turkey,...) 2.Q: Do you like Christmas? Why?(I like it becaus e…) T: They always have a lot of fun at Christmas. 3.Mike’s family(Learn the first sentence of the story) 4.Watch and order Watch the whole story and order the four pictures. A. B. C. D. (通过看卡通的活动,让学生整体感知故事,特别让学生要抓住关键词:first, next, then, finally。并让学生了解图C/D是发生在圣诞前,图B发生在平安夜,图A发生在圣诞节那天。) 4.Read and underline(Read p1、2) What do they do before Christmas? 5.Listen and answer What do children do on Christmas Eve? 6.Discuss in groups

Home is best!绘本教案-2021-2022学年小学《英语》五年级上册-译林版(三起)

Home is best!绘本教案 一、教材分析: 这是一个鹦鹉找寻新家的故事。最初,鹦鹉觉得自己的房子又小又旧,于是他飞去了许多地方,在经历一次次的欣喜和失望之后,又累又饿的他再次审视自己的房子,觉得自己的家变得又温暖又漂亮。 二、教学目标: 1. 通过阅读绘本,能够整体感知理解Home is best,绘本内容。 2. 借助图片、音频、上下文等,能够理解:somebody else, wet and cold,windy ,dangerous, dirty, noisy, far, move in, place 等词语。 3. 学生能够在理解故事,阅读故事的基础上,尝试表演。 4. 通过看图预测、合作阅读等方式,能够尝试运用一些阅读技巧,体验绘本阅读的乐趣。 5. 学生能够理解East or West, home is best.的深刻含义,热爱自己的家和家乡。 三、教学重难点: 1、重点:能较为流利的朗读故事并了解故意的大意。 2、难点:学生能表演故事重点片段内容。 四、教学辅助工具: PPT课件,板书,贴图,鹦鹉头饰 五、教学步骤: StepⅠ: Pre-reading 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk Self-introduction and lead-in. StepⅠ: While-reading 1.Show the first picture of story and talk about Mr Parrot’s house in the forest. How is Mr Parrot’s house? Is it new/big? Is he happy? Why?

小学英语译林版五年级下册Project1 第1课时教学设计

英语(五年级下册) Project 1 Around our city 第1课时 无锡市花园实验小学李勤 Teaching contents 教学内容 A B Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 (一) 知识目标: 1. 综合复习2-3单元所学公共交通及路线方位的词汇以及问路指路的词汇; 2. 综合复习2-3单元所学的句型和日常用语:Where is …? It’s in/on … Where do you live? I live in/on … How do you go/come to …? I go/come to … by… 3. 拓展B部分地名类词汇restaurant, post office, bank, 要求能听懂、会说、会读。 (二) 能力目标: 1. 能绘制简单的城市地图,确定学校和家所在的位置,并准确标注出地标建筑; 2. 能根据所绘制的城市地图,综合运用第二和第三单元所学的词汇和句型介绍交通方式及路线。 (三) 情感目标: 培养学生识地图、认地图、讨论地图的能力。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:运用第2和第3单元所学的词汇和句型准确描述城市地图上家、学校以及地标建筑的位置。 教学难点:能根据所绘制的城市地图,综合运用第二和第三单元所学的词汇和句型介绍交通方式及路线。 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song Rabbit dance T: Stand up, boys and girls. Let’s sing and dance. S: … (学生根据PPT上的歌词跟随节奏一起表演) 2. Sing a song The wheels on the bus T: Boys and girls, do you remember the song The wheels on the bus? S: Yes, I do. T: Look, I’m the bus driver. Team 1,you’re my passengers. I need you to stand in a row, touch the shoulders of your classmate before you, and then, sing and run.

新牛津译林三上《Project 1》教案(精品)

教学目标 1、能熟练掌握26个字母的正确发音和书写。 2、能运用所学知识打招呼以及自我介绍 3、能运用所学知识流利地介绍家人和朋友 2学情分析 对于三年级的孩子来说,首次全面地接触英语的学习,所以在激发孩子学习的兴趣和激情方面尤为重要,因此我从孩子们的认知特点出发,参加一些流行地孩子们关注的元素,来使课堂充满活力! 3重点难点 4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 教学活动 活动1【导入】Step1. Greeting and lead-in T: Good morning/ Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/ Good afternoon, Tina. T: Today I’m your Cunzhang, OK Ss: OK. T: 刚刚我们欣赏了有关什么的广告 Ss: family. T: Yes, 我们青青草原班就是一个—— Ss: family (点题) T: I love the family. I love you, class. 今天我们来看看哪个羊羊小组表现最 棒!Group1, are you Xi yangyang 以此介绍6个小组,并把奖惩公示于黑板上。活动2【讲授】Step2. Presentation and Practise

show ticking time, 整体呈现今天要完成的任务。 Task1: I can say and write all the letters. sing ABC song 说出字母的左邻右舍 音素归类 一个任务完成就统计一下各小组得到红牌的数量,并在相应地方打勾。 Task2: I can greet and introduce myself. 情景提问,比方:早上碰到他(Mike),你会怎么跟他打招呼复习句型:Hello/Hi. Good morning/afternoon/evening. (一方面让学生熟悉语句的使用场合,另一方 面也复习了几个重要的任务) 认识两个新朋友Alice, Tom 复习如何进行自我介绍: I’m…Are you… Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Say rhyme 第二个任务完成,统计得红牌数并进行ticking. Task3: I can talk about my family and friends. show Mike’s family, review “father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma〞 通过学习Alice, Tom的介绍家人的方式,来试着发现介绍家人的方法:This is … I love my family. 并拿出课前做好的卡片跟周围同学交流。 从最后一个上台交流的学生引出如何介绍朋友,先听Tom如何介绍他朋友的, 复习句型:This is …He’s/She’s my friend (too). 再让学生用卡片相互交流。 第三个任务完成,统计得红牌数并进行ticking. 活动3【练习】Step3. Consolidation 1. 假设你和家人在以下三个场景地碰到了你同学和她家人,你们可以展开怎 样的谈话呢 PPT呈现三个不同的场景,分别是早上在学校,下午在马路上,晚上在超市,都是 真实的,每个学生都熟悉的场景。学生自由组合创编对话。

小学英语译林版五年级上册Unit7 《Story time》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案

小学英语译林版五年级上册Unit7 At weekends《Story time》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课 教案 【省级名师教案】 1教学目标 1. 理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并初步表演对话。 2. 能正确运用日常交际用语:What do you do at weekends? I always\usually\often\... sometimes . . . 3. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:at weekends, visit, grandparents, play with, very muc h, chat, Internet, go to the cinema 2学情分析 本堂课是“小学英语任务型教学的策略研究”课题的研究课。通过任务型教学,培养学生的自主学习能力,关注学习过程性评价。 根据英语这门课及五年级学生的特点,我通过设计具体形象的情景,以旧带新,让学生直观地感知与理解知识点。同时创设数个任务活动,从单词到短语到句子到对话,使学生在师生、生生之间的多向交流中进行有意义的练习与实践,充分发挥他们的学习主体性,培养他们学习致用的能力。 引导学生通过朗读、讨论逐渐感悟语言的魅力,让学生在多层次的学习中体会到学习英语的必要性,鼓励学生积极思维,大胆尝试。 根据本课的教学内容、教学目标、学生的年龄特征和心理特征,为了更好地激发学生学习兴趣,从而能积极主动参与学习。教学中运用多媒体课件、图片等教学辅助手段,置抽象的句型于一个个生动的情景之中,不仅使学习过程自然轻松,更能较好地启智开思。 3重点难点 1. 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话。 2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:at weekends, visit, grandparents, play with, very muc h, chat, Internet, go to the cinema 4教学过程 4.1第一学时 教学活动 1【导入】教学设计

小学英语五年级下册英语教案- Project 1 Period 1-译林版三起

mar municate with each other eai 教学重点: 能掌握1-4单元的单词及词组。 能熟练运用句型在实际中交流。 熟练掌握特殊疑问句的用法。 教学难点: 1 能够进行自我介绍,内容丰富具体。 2 能完成一份书面的自我介绍。 教学准备: 光盘 教学过程: Ste e to choo 3 I there a oo near our home 4 Anwhere ee 2、Review the word about e to choo T: Who i our good friend T: Where doe our good friend/he/he ive T: Do ou come to choo with him/her T: What do ou ie taing about Ste e/choo

I it near or far awa Where i it Where do ou ive T: How do ou get there …… 1、Mae a card 2、Eno a ong: aueum, 3.retaurant, a, hoaret, ban Stemar 1 Read the “Stor time” from Unit1 to Unit4 2 Act the “Stor time” from Unit1 to Unit4 in roe or in grou ewor 1 Read the dri of e, tr to memorie them 2 Finih the ma of our cit on Page 99 3 Thin about how to introduce the citie to the whoe ca 板书设计: Proect 1 Around our cit Period 1 Where do ou ive Where doe he ive I ive in …Town/on …Street He ive in… Where’ our choo It' on Street


五年级上册英语教案Project 1 An animal sch ool译林版(三起) 教学目标: 复习Unit1-4的单元交际话题,重点能以完整的语篇输出为主。 能合理,自如地谈论school/ animal,并能综合进行an animal school 话题的交流。 培养学生对文本信息的概括、归纳能力。 培养学生积极摸索,勇于尝试的良好学习品质。 教学重难点: 1.复习Unit1-4的单元交际话题,重点能以完整的语篇输出为主。 2.能合理,自如地谈论school/ animal,并能综合进行an animal school 话题的交流。 教学步骤: Step1.Before teaching: Let’s guess:Who is she?(Goldilocks) She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She has golden(金色的) hair. She has three bear friends. She likes playing games. Play a game. Rules: If you’re the same,please stand up,say “Me too”. If you’re different, please sit down,say“No,no,no.”. There is a gym in her school. There are a lot of books in her bedroom. She can play the piano. She likes travelling. Step2. Talk about the school Ask some questions.(What?\ How many? Where?)

最新译林版英语五年级下册Project 1教案

Project 1Around our city 【教学目标】 1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 会用where…句型询问并答复 2 Review the grammar point Where guides the special questions and Try to use it smoothly. 3 Be able to communicate with each other easily. 【教学重难点】 1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 2 Be able to communicate with each other and feel happy for communicating. 3 Be able to master the Project 1 Around our city (Period 1) Where do you live (Where does he live) I live in .…Town/on .…Street. (He lives in…) Where’s our school It's on ... Street. How do you get there / How does he get … I take a bus to go there. /He takes… 【教学准备】 1. 单词图片 2. 多媒体课件 【教学过程】 Step 1:Warm up 让学生根据自己的实际情况答复以下问题。 (1) Where do you live (2) How do you come to school (3) Is there a zoo near your home (4) Anywhere else Step 2:Revision

五年级上册英语教案(绘本阅读)-Reading-Little Zoe Looking for Mum 译林版(三起)

Little Zoe looking for Mum教学设计 --跟上兔子英语分级阅读 一、教学内容 本节课的教学内容为Little Zoe looking for mum,是跟上兔子英语分级阅读中的一个故事,适合五年级的学生阅读。故事主要讲述小兔子走出动物园后,看到猫妈妈和她的孩子,自己感到非常的孤单,也想要找自己的妈妈。小兔子通过不断地寻找最后找到一个充满爱心的熊,愿意做她的妈妈。故事通过绘画和文本两种媒介的交织,表达了满满的爱和温情。整个绘本内容比较简单,但篇幅较长,语言结构和文章脉络清晰,故事中反复出现Can you...? You have...,but I don’t...,这些语言呈现是学生课本中接触到过并且能够胜任的,字里行间所表达的爱的付出、爱的传递这些情感也是学生能够感受和体会到的。语言结合图片反复呈现,为学生体验语用功能提供了机会,也为学生运用语言复述表达提供了支撑,同时还为学生谈论自己的阅读体验奠定了基础。 二、学情分析 通过两年多的英语学习,五年级的学生已经具备了一定的词汇基础和英语阅读经历。学生能够读懂简单的故事或配图短文,能够借助图片就阅读话题进行几句话的简单叙述,能和他人进行读书讨论,分享阅读内容情节或人物,表达自己对文本的喜好。同时学生也已经由形象思维向抽象思维转变,对事物有自己的喜好和想法,欣赏探究式的学习方式,喜欢有挑战性的学习活动,善于表达和表现自我。 三、教学目标 1. 知识与技能 (1)能读懂绘本故事的大意; (2)能自主阅读文本的重点片断,并合作表演其内容; (3)能在思维导图的帮助下简单复述故事梗概,并将故事介绍给他人; 2. 策略与方法 (1)能自主学习新词新句,通过观察图片理解hug,penguin,tortoise等,能够联系上下文猜测lonely,carrot,other的意思,通过已学知识迁移学习如parrot -carrot,能够查词典学习each other等; (2)能通过阅读提取文本中的关键信息,完成阅读任务;


2021学年苏教版牛津译林版小学英语五年级 英语上册第一学期课课练 苏教版牛津译林版小学英语五年级英语上册课课练参考答案 Unit l Goldilocks and the three bears Period 1 A Listen and judge 1 This soup is too cold. 2 This soup is just right. 3 The boy is afraid. 4 This bed is too hard. 5 This chair is too soft. 6 Goldilocks is very happy. (1 2 3 4 5 6 ) B Read and judge 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T C Read and order 1 6 4 3 5 2 Period 2 A Think and say 略 B Listen and number 1 G: I’m tired. B: Here’s a chair. G: Thanks. Oh, this c hair is too hard. 2 A: What’s the matter with the monkey? B: He’s afraid. He’s between the bears. 3 A: Mum, I’m thirsty. B: There’s a glass of juice on the table. 4 A: It’s spring.

B: Look. There are a lot of beautiful flowers in front of the hill. 5 A: Where’s my English book? B: It’s beside the schoolbag. 6 W1: Would you like this bed? W2: It’s too soft. (a 5 b l c 6 d 3 e 4 f 2) C Look, read and write 1 room, hungry, soup, jacket 2 under, trees, are 3 glass, water 4 watch TV, seven D Read and choose 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 b 6 c E Read and choose 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a Period 3 A Look and say 略 B Listen and circle 1 A: In the forest, there is a beautiful house. It is big and clean. There are three bears in it. Q: What’s in the forest? 2 A: Grandma, I’m hungry. W: There are some cakes in the fridge. Q: Where are the cakes? 3 A: What’s the matter with you, Su Hai? Are you ill? G: No, I’m not. I’m just tired. Q: What’s the matter with Su Hai?


《英语》五年级上册(译林版)教材分析 一、教材概览 1. 指导思想 小学《英语》五年级上册教材以《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》规定的课程目标和教学要求为依据,在原有教材的基础上:进一步注重素质教育,全面渗透德育,有机融入社会主义核心价值体系;进一步面向全体学生,解决“内容偏多、要求偏高、难度偏大”的问题,切实减轻学生的课业负担;进一步设计教学目标,突出语言学习的实践性和应用性,有效地培养学生初步的语言能力和基本英语素质;进一步优化教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲,引导学生学会学习,使教材在思想性、科学性、趣味性和灵活性等方面更加符合课程改革的精神。 2. 体例结构 小学《英语》五年级上册共设计了8个单元和2个综合语言实践项目(Project)。每个单元由Story time, Grammar time, Fun time, Sound time, Culture time或Song time(这两个板块交替出现), Cartoon time, Checkout time, Ticking time 8个板块组成。与四年级教材比较,减掉了Rhyme time,增加了Grammar time和Culture time。从篇幅上来看,Story time增加了一页检测阅读理解的练习题,Cartoon time的篇幅也增加了一页。Checkout time在说的基础上多了写。 本册教材还在每个单元设置了Learning tip(学习提示),Learning tip通过简要的提示和说明,引导学生逐步掌握有效的学习方法,养成良好的学习习惯,提高学习效率。同时帮助学生了解一些英语基础知识以及在英语学习中需要注意的问题。 五年级上册安排了Learning tips和Word lists两个附录。 附录一Learning tips:对各单元中的Learning tip作简要说明。 附录二Word lists:分Word list(Ⅰ)和Word list(Ⅱ)。 Word list(Ⅰ)按照在单元中出现的先后次序列出单词和习惯用语。 Word list(Ⅱ)按照英文字母顺序列出单词和习惯用语,并注明其在教科书中的出处。 3. 主要内容 在小学《英语》五年级上册里,将读到经典童话故事Goldilocks and three bears, 还将继续与Miss Li和她的学生Mike、Wang Bing等以及新朋友Nancy一起交流爱好,介绍自己父母的职业,谈论动物朋友、网友、学校设施和周末活动,了解欧美人过圣诞节的习俗。还将了解一些有关楼层、信封地址、体育运动等方面的中外文化异同。 语音:c、u、y、w、s、j 等字母在单词中的基本读音。 词汇(116个单词和30个短语或习惯用语)及主要句型: U1: 方位词:beside,between,in front of 形容词:afraid, soft, hard house, room, bear, forest, there, soup, just right, really, then, find, their 句型:There be…in/on/beside/in front of/between… U2: 学校设施:art room, classroom, computer room, library, music room, playground first, second, third, show…around, floor, swing, push, heavy, high, great 句型:Is there a/an…?Are there any…? How many…are there…? May I speak to …? This is … speaking. I’m sorry to hear that. See you soon. Sorry, wrong number. U3: 身体部位名称:arm, body, foot, leg, tail, wing, finger rabbit, one…the other… have和has的肯定句和一般疑问句Do you/they have…?Does he/she have…?


Unit 1 A Goldilocks and the three bears Period 1 【教学目标】 知识目标 1.三会词汇:bear, forest, there, soup, just right, hard, soft, really, then, find 2.三会句型:what a beautiful house!This...is... Who are you? 3.四会词汇:house, room, in front of, her, beside, between 4.四会句型:There is...There are...Help! 技能目标 1.听懂,会说,会读单词和词组。 2.能正确理解、掌握Story time,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 情感目标 引导学生知道不能随便进入陌生人的房子,尤其是在主人不在的情况下,要培养学生养成良好的社会公德。 【教学重难点】 1.能够理解、掌握Story time,并能朗读和初步表演对话。 2.能比较流畅地朗读Story time,并在掌握课文的基础上运用自己所学语言描述这篇童话故事。 【教学准备】 1.多媒体课件、bear和girl的头饰。 2.准备教学图片,录音机和磁带。 3.板书准备:课前在黑板上写好课题。 【教学过程】 Step1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk. What day is it today? What lessons do you have in the morning? What subjects

do you like? 复习已经学过的句型,让学生在轻松的语言环境中迅速的进入到英语学习的氛围中来。 3.Listen to a song:《Three bears》 Step2 Presentation and practice 1.T:What can you see in the song? I can see... What are the bears? They are in... 通过以上问题,引出单词forest,并教学。 2.T:There is a story about bears. Do you want to know it? Now let’s watch the cartoon about the story.在学生学习的过程中教师引导学生掌握生词:Goldilocks 和soup。 ( )(1)Who’s in the story? She’s_______. A.Goldilocks B.Alice C.Betty ( )(2)What’s on the table? There is_______. A.some bread B.some soup C.some milk ( )(3)What’s in the room? There are_______. A.three beds B.three chair C.three tables 3.T:There is some soup on the table. How about the soup? 引导学生在小组内朗读课文,并完成习题。让学生在朗读的过程中理解句型There be...和This...is...。 4.操练There be...句型 T:There is a TV in my classroom.教师先示范并板书句型,让学生理解句型,让学生理解句型。然后PPT呈现图片让学生运用There is/are...进行描述。 5.Listen and imitate T: There are some beds in the room. How about the beds? 让学生模仿朗读录音,然后完成习题。在学生自主学习的过程中引导学生掌握生词:hand,soft 和just right。 6.Look and say T:(PPT呈现Story time最后一幅图)How does Goldilocks feel now? Why is she afraid? 让学生掌握生词:afraid, in front of, her. 7.学生自由练、读。 8.师生分角色朗读。 Step3 Consolidation

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