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risk terrain modeling详解

risk terrain modeling详解Risk Terrain Modeling: A Comprehensive Guide

Risk terrain modeling (RTM) is a sophisticated spatial analysis technique used to understand and predict crime patterns within a specific geographical area. By identifying and analyzing various risk factors, RTM enables law enforcement agencies and urban planners to develop targeted interventions and preventive measures, ultimately improving public safety.

The first step in risk terrain modeling is to gather relevant data. This includes crime data, which provides information about the types and locations of criminal incidents that have occurred in the area of interest. Other essential data sources include socio-demographic information, such as population density, income levels, and education levels, as well as environmental factors like proximity to liquor stores, abandoned buildings, or public transportation hubs.

Once the data is collected, it is time to identify risk factors. RTM considers both social and physical variables that are associated with criminal activity. Social risk factors may include high poverty rates, unemployment, or a high concentration of young individuals. Physical risk factors can include poorly lit areas, inadequate surveillance, or areas with a higher concentration of abandoned buildings.

The next step involves conducting statistical analyses to determine the relationship between these risk factors and the occurrence of crime. This is typically done using techniques like logistic regression or geographical weighted regression. These analyses help to quantify the influence of each risk factor on the likelihood of criminal activity and provide a basis for further modeling.

After completing the statistical analyses, the risk terrain model is built. This is done by assigning weights to each risk factor based on their relative impact on crime occurrence. These weights are then combined spatially, creating a risk surface that highlights areas of higher and lower risk within the study area. Law enforcement agencies

can use this risk surface to allocate resources effectively and focus their efforts on areas with the highest likelihood of criminal activity.

One of the greatest advantages of risk terrain modeling is its ability to adapt to changing circumstances. As new data becomes available, the model can be updated and refined, allowing for continuous monitoring and evaluation of crime patterns. This flexibility enables law enforcement agencies to stay ahead of emerging trends and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Moreover, risk terrain modeling has been proven to be effective in preventing crime. Studies have shown that when law enforcement agencies utilize RTM, they can successfully reduce crime rates in targeted areas. By implementing interventions, such as increased lighting, improved surveillance, or community engagement initiatives, law enforcement agencies can create an environment that discourages criminal behavior and promotes community safety.

In conclusion, risk terrain modeling is a powerful tool that assists law enforcement agencies and urban planners in understanding and addressing crime patterns. By identifying and analyzing various risk factors, RTM provides valuable insights for targeted interventions and preventive measures. Through the use of statistical analyses and the construction of risk surfaces, law enforcement agencies can effectively allocate resources to areas with the highest risk of criminal activity. As a result, risk terrain modeling contributes to improved public safety and community well-being.


厦门市建设工程BIM模型规划报建 交付标准 (试行) 厦门市规划委员会 2018.9.1

目录 前言 (1) 总则 (2) 1术语 (3) 2基本规定 (6) 2.1 一般规定 (6) 2.2 基本规则 (6) 3建设工程BIM模型要求 (8) 3.1 一般规定 (8) 3.2 BIM模型深度要求 (8) 3.3 规划报建阶段BIM模型内容要求 (9) 4建设工程成果交付要求 (20) 4.1 一般规定 (20) 4.2 成果交付内容 (20) 4.3 成果交付格式 (21) 本标准用词说明 (23) 引用标准名录 (24)

前言 本标准由厦门市规划委员会会同有关单位编制而成。标准编制组经广泛调查研究,认真总结实践经验,参考有关国内相关标准,并在广泛征求意见的基础上,编制了本标准。 本标准的主要技术内容是:1 总则;2 术语;3 基本规定;4 建设工程BIM模型要求;5建设工程成果交付要求。 本标准由厦门市规划委员会负责管理,由厦门市规划数字技术研究中心负责具体技术内容的解释。 本标准组织单位:厦门市规划委员会

总则 为贯彻执行国家技术经济政策,推广厦门市BIM技术应用,统一本市建设项目BIM规划报建及使用要求,提高信息应用效率和效益,支撑建设工程审批制度改革的推进实施,制定本标准。 本标准适用于厦门市建设工程项目规划报建信息模型的成果交付。 厦门建设工程信息模型应用,除应符合本标准的规定外,还应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。

1术语 1.1.1建筑信息模型building information model/building information modeling(BIM) 这个术语有两层含义:1. 建设工程(如建筑、市政、交通等)及其设施物理和功能特性的数字化表达,在全生命期内提供共享的信息资源,并为各种决策提供基础信息,简称BIM模型;2. 建筑信息模型的创建、使用和管理过程,简称模型应用。 1.1.2建设工程信息模型architectural engineering information model 建设工程及其设施的物理和功能特性的数字化表达。 1.1.3市政管线模型municipal Pipeline Information Model 市政管线工程及其设施的物理和功能特性的数字化表达。 1.1.4地形模型terrain model 用于表示地面形态的三维模型。 1.1.5交通设施模型traffic installation model 交通设施工程的物理和功能特性的数字化表达。 1.1.6交付delivery 根据建设工程项目的应用需求,将建设工程设计信息模型相关信息传递给需求方的行为。 1.1.7交付物deliverable 根据建设工程项目的应用需求,基于建设工程设计信息模型的各


第六章三维绘图软件Surfer7 6.1 网格文件及其建立 6.1.1简介网格文件──规则矩形网格的三维数组X,Y,Z文件。用来画等值线图、网框图、矢量图、粘贴图、立体阴影图、色谱图,计算面积、体积和画剖面图。 .GRD文件格式 .GRD文件:GS二进制文件(缺省网格文件格式)、GS ASCII文件 .DAT文件:ASCII XYZ数据文件 . Surfer7 还可以直接使用USGS [.DEM], GTopo30 [.HDR]和SDTS [.DDF] 文件。 6.1.2 由离散点的XYZ文件创建[.GRD] 文件 为了产生等值线图或线网图, 或执行需要网格文件的操作如网格代数处理、计算体积和面积, 光滑或计算残差,必须预先对数据文件进行网格化处理。 由Grid→Data 打开所需的数据文件后,出现散点数据插值法对话框Scattered Data Interpolationd。 该对话框由4个Tab组成。 1 Date 数据列组(Data Columns)设定X、Y和Z的值 对应于数据文件内的哪一列。 相同数据点处理方式选择。由下拉菜单Duplicates 可以选择对有相同的X、Y坐标但有不同的Z值的两个 或多个点Z值处理办法,包括取平均值(A verage)、保 留一个并删除其它值(Delete)、对各点Z值加和(Sum)等。 有些网格化方法还可以选择忽略这类数据点(Ignore)。 数据筛选(Filter)可以使用布尔表达式对原始数 据点进筛选。 原始XYZ数据对话框提供数据统计。显示在数据文件内指定列中,相应的X, Y和Z值的数据点数、最小值、最大值、平均值、方差和标准差等。 2 Genaral 网格线参数(Grid Line Geometry)选择X,Y方向网格的取值范围;设定产生网格文件时网格间隔和网格线的密度。改变网格线的密度,网格的间隔宽度会自动随着改变。网格线的密度高则较精密,但文件长度大,构筑网格费时间, 网格化方法(Gridding Method)设定采用网格化的方法。有下拉式菜单提供多种可用的网格化方法清单。9种网格化的数学方法见本章第二节。用不同的网格化方法处理数据时会产生不同的结果。选择时,首先应使你的数据最接近实际情况。其次应使表现数据的图形为最好。 Option 每种网格化方法都有相应的参数设定。 输出网格文件(Output Grid File)指定生成的网格文件的路径和文件名。缺省名与数据文件同名,扩展名.GRD,可点击浏览按钮以改变其路径或文件名并选择网格文件类型。 3 Search 搜寻功能决定在内插网格结点时,那些数据点参加插值计算。对于要用到全部数据文件的网格化方法,例如多项式回归法、最小曲率法和线性插值的三角形法等,搜寻功能不起作用,Search键不能激活。


一般的游戏测试流程 内部测试->内部封测->内部2阶段封测->综合版本不对外测试->玩家限量内测 ->公开内测->不删号内测->说不删就不删内测->免费版公测 ->加入新版本测试->新版本2测->全面公测->正式公测->完全正式公测 ->完善版本测试->完善版本公开测试->完美版测试 ->超级公测->中级公测->终极大公测->超级无敌公测->完美无暇版公测..... 一般的测试流程就是如此. 大家接触的大多是.封测内测技术测试压力测试. 下面讲下这些测试的含义以及相关的测试内容. 游戏封测定义: 是指某网络游戏,最初向部分玩家开放体验游戏的测试并且找出游戏中的漏洞,最后进行游戏删档。这个阶段叫做游戏封测. 游戏封测内容: 封测不是大规模的,所以当你可以拿到封测号的时候,往往对于你来说是一种肯定,玩家态度的肯定.网络游戏的封测是游戏正式发布之前非常重要也是必须经历的品质检验过程,参加封测的所有人都是我们的品质检验员,可以说这些人就是游戏研发的特殊成员。 网络游戏的设计目标是保证极大数量的玩家同时在线娱乐,这个特点导致世界上任何一家游戏公司都不可能自己在公司内部凭借有限的测试队伍对游戏进行深入彻底的测试。因此,网络游戏开创了游戏产品在正式发布之前的内部测试和公开测试流程,邀请有经验、负责任、对游戏有独到和深刻的理解的玩家们参加到测试过程中来。只有这样,才能够保证测试到游戏的每一个细微环节,才能够根据玩家所提供的意见和建议对游戏进行必要的修正与完善,才能够在最大限度上保证将来产品最终公布时的品质。而这也是互联网区别于传统行业的优势体现之一,尽管每一家公司都希望自己的产品在上市之前能够了解到更多用户的意见,但只有网络游戏才能真正组织到大量用户对产品进行真实的测试,并与这些用户一起最终完成产品。正是因为以上原因,游戏公司往往会在内部测试的阶段严格限制进入游戏的用户数量,而能够参与一款网络游戏的内部测试对于玩家来说也是一件很光荣的事情。 压力测试定义: 压力测试是对系统不断施加压力的测试,是通过确定一个系统的瓶颈或者不能接收的性能点,来获得系统能提供的最大服务级别的测试。 压力测试内容: 1、服务器方面考虑每台服务器最大的承压能力,在允许范围能保证多少人正在在线,如果超过这个正常数值会有什么应对办法? 2、考虑服务器地图切换一起同一地图场景中在线人数过多的应对办法。 3、测试游戏正常运行所需要的最低网络带宽数值,并且考虑电信与网通互访的问题(如果采用分线路服务器另说) 4、数据库考虑表是否建立的足够细分了,是否符合范式,是否按照数据库的建模语言来做得数据库架构. 关键是你需要先分析在整个游戏中的不同操作,那些是常用的,那些不常用,常用的最大并发量是多少,然后模拟尝试确认系统的最大负载能力,到后期就是性能调优的过程了 游戏内测含义: 内测是相对于公测来讲的,其实内测就是游戏制作商,游戏代理商以及相关的策划人员对游戏的运行性能,游戏的文化背景,以及游戏系统方面的问题进行技术阶段的全面测试,步


美军建模与仿真网上信息概览(1) 摘要:本文通过美军披露在互联网上公开网页中的大量信息来追踪美军的仿真模拟的组织机构,技术体系,应用系统,学术活动等,并选择“美国国防部建模与仿真办公室”(DMSO-Defense Modeling and Simulation office)下属的“建模与仿真信息分析中心”(MSIAC-Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center)列出的建模与仿真网页目录,概要地介绍美军仿真与模拟的概貌以及有关情况。 关键词:美军仿真建模 今天,越来越多的国家重视“超前的智能较量”。西方发达国家,特别是美国,在这方面做了大量的工作,并取得了一些成功的范例。“海湾战争”、“科索沃冲突”等近期的几场高技术局部战争,都包含有大量“超前智能较量”的内涵。前不久,美国又进行了太空战模拟演习,充分表明了他们对于仿真模拟的重视。在这种形势下,我们有必要对美军仿真模拟的组织机构、技术体系、应用系统、学术活动等进行分析研究。本文选择“美国国防部建模与仿真办公室”和国防部信息技术中心(DTIC—— Defense Technical Information Center)协同主办的“建模与仿真信息分析中心”(MSIAC)列出的建模与仿真网页目录,并循此目录探讨美军仿真与模拟情况。 1 美军建模与仿真(M&S)的主要网页 l.1 关键的建模与仿真网页(Key M&S Sites) DMSO,国防部建模与仿真办公室(Defense Modeling and Simulation opce)。HLA,国防部高级体系结构(DoD High Level Architecture)。MSRR,建模与仿真资源知识库(Modeling & Simulation Resource RePosi-tory)。 1.2 联合建模与仿真网页(Joint M&S Sites) ALSP,聚合级仿真协议(Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol)。CSL,冲突仿真试验室(The Conflict Simulation Lab)。发展和支撑联合冲突仿真(JCS)、联合战术仿真(JTS)和联合冲突和战术仿真(JCATS)。国防部建模与仿真资源知识库(Defense Intelligence MSRR)。HPCMP,高性能计算机模拟程序(High Performance Computing Modernization Program)。JASA,联合委派支援行动(Joint Accreditation Support Activity)。JSC,联合作战中心(Joint Baule Center)。JIMM,联合临时任务模型(Joint Interim Mission Model)。JMASS,联合建模与仿真系统程序办公室(Joint Modeling and Simulation System Progrsm office,Joint Chiefs of Stuff)。JSIMS,联合仿真系统程序办公室(Joint Simulation System Program office)。JWARS,联合作战仿真办公室(Joint WARfar Simulation office)。JWFC,联合作战中心(Joint WarFighting Center)。JWID 01,联合战斗协同演示01(Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration 01)。KBSC,朝鲜战争仿真中心(Korea Battle Simulation Center)。Live Fire Test and Evaluation,实弹演习与评估。MATRIS,人工训练系统,人的性能,人的因素(Manpower,Training Systems,Human Performance,Human Factors)。OSD Acquisition Deskbook,OSD采办手册。STOW,战争综合演示室(Synthetic Theater of War)。TSO,威胁系统办公室和自动联合威胁系统手册(Threat Systems Office and the Automated Joint Threat Systems Handbook)。


翻译: 1、GIS is a system of hardware,software aad procedures to facilitate the manipulation,analysis,modeling,representation and display of geo—referencedcomplex problems regarding planning and management of resollrces, 翻译:gis是一个由硬件、软件和程序组成的系统,便于管理、处理、分析、模拟、表现并显示地理参照数据,从而解决规划和资源管理的复杂问题。 2、GIS technology,integrates common database operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographical analysis benefits offered by maps.These abilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and make it valuable to a wide range of public and private enterprises for explaining events,predicting outcomes,and planning strategies(ESRI).翻译:地理信息系统技术将诸如查询和统计分析的常见的数据库操作和地图特有的可视化功能和地理分析优势集成起来。这些功能是区分地理信息系统和其他信息系统的关键,并且对于众多的公共和私营企业用于事件解析,结果预测和战略规划十分有价值(ESEI)。 3、Projection is a fundamental component of mapmaking.A projection is a mathematical means of transferring information from the earth’s three—dimensional,curved surface to a twodimensional medium--paper or a computer screen.Mathematically speaking,map projectionsare transformations of geographic coordinates(1atitude,longitude)into the Cartesian(x,y)coordinate space of the map. 翻译:投影是地图制作的一个基本要素,同时也是将信息从地球的三维曲面上传递到纸张或电脑屏幕二维介质上的一种数学手段。从数学上来讲,地图投影就是将地理坐标(纬度,经度)转换为地图的笛卡儿空间坐标(x,Y)。 4、A raster based system displays,locates,and stores graphical data by using a matrix orgTid of cells such as squares,triangular,or hexagonal cells,or even irregular triangles orpolygons,which are tessellated to form geographical representations. 翻译:基于栅格数据的系统采用栅格单元有正方形、三角形或六角形形成了地理表征。栅格矩阵或栅格单元显示、定位存储地理数据,这些,甚至不规则三角形或多边形,这些单元嵌合在一起形成了地理表征。 5、A vector based system displays graphical data as points,lines or curves,or areas withattributes.Cartesian coordinates (i.e.x and Y) and computational algorithms of thecoordinates define points in a vector system.Lines or arcs are a series of ordered points.Areasor polygons are also stored as ordered lists of points,but by making the beginning and endpoints the same node the shape is closed and defined. 翻译:基于矢量数据的系统用点、线或曲线、面及其属性显示图形数据。笛卡儿坐标(即光和Y)和坐标计算算法确定矢量系统中的点、线或弧段是一系列有序点。面或多边形也是用一系列有序点储存的,但是起始节点和结束节点相同以闭合和确定图形。 6、Geo-referencing describes the process of locating an entity in“real world”coordinates,establishing a relation between raster or vector images to map projections or coordinate systems. 翻译:空间参照描述了定位实体在“真实世界”的坐标及确立栅格或矢量影像与地图投影或坐标系统关系的过程。 7、Map projections are systematic transformations that allow the orderly representation ofthe earth’S spherical gratieule on a flat map.Mathematically speaking,map projections aretransformations of geographical coordinates(1atitudelongitude)into the Cartesian(x,Y)co—ordinate space of the map. 翻译:地图投影是一种系统转换,即将地球球面上的方格网有序地表示在平面地图上。从数学上来讲,地图投影是地理坐标(纬度,经度)到地图笛卡儿(x,Y)坐标空间的转换。

risk terrain modeling详解

risk terrain modeling详解Risk Terrain Modeling: A Comprehensive Guide Risk terrain modeling (RTM) is a sophisticated spatial analysis technique used to understand and predict crime patterns within a specific geographical area. By identifying and analyzing various risk factors, RTM enables law enforcement agencies and urban planners to develop targeted interventions and preventive measures, ultimately improving public safety. The first step in risk terrain modeling is to gather relevant data. This includes crime data, which provides information about the types and locations of criminal incidents that have occurred in the area of interest. Other essential data sources include socio-demographic information, such as population density, income levels, and education levels, as well as environmental factors like proximity to liquor stores, abandoned buildings, or public transportation hubs. Once the data is collected, it is time to identify risk factors. RTM considers both social and physical variables that are associated with criminal activity. Social risk factors may include high poverty rates, unemployment, or a high concentration of young individuals. Physical risk factors can include poorly lit areas, inadequate surveillance, or areas with a higher concentration of abandoned buildings. The next step involves conducting statistical analyses to determine the relationship between these risk factors and the occurrence of crime. This is typically done using techniques like logistic regression or geographical weighted regression. These analyses help to quantify the influence of each risk factor on the likelihood of criminal activity and provide a basis for further modeling. After completing the statistical analyses, the risk terrain model is built. This is done by assigning weights to each risk factor based on their relative impact on crime occurrence. These weights are then combined spatially, creating a risk surface that highlights areas of higher and lower risk within the study area. Law enforcement agencies

大气估算模型AERSCREEN简要中文使用手册User Guide_cn.pdf

大气估算模型AERSCREEN (v16216) 简要用户手册 环境保护部环境工程评估中心 国家环境保护环境影响评价数值模拟重点实验室 2017 年 9 月

手册说明 本手册基于 AERSCREEN(v16216)的英文版用户手册编写,主要对美国环境保护署(U.S. EPA)网站所提供的 AERSCREEN 模型的使用方法提供中文版简要说明,更详细的程序使用说明请查阅相关的软件手册及技术文档。 本手册由国家环境保护环境影响评价数值模拟重点实验室组织编写,主要编写与测试人员:于华通丁峰伯鑫易爱华牛晓静。 网络维护及平台支持:邢可佳、赵越、左文浩。 模型基础数据及在线计算服务平台支持:丁峰伯鑫易爱华牛晓静。国家环境保护环境影响评价数值模拟重点实验室网站:https://www.docsj.com/doc/fa19272591.html, 基于互联网的环境影响评价应用平台网址:https://www.docsj.com/doc/fa19272591.html,/ 本手册所涉及的模型系统及本手册电子版本下载地址: https://www.docsj.com/doc/fa19272591.html,/hjzlmx/pages/air/air.html。 本手册版权所有,转载及印刷请与环境保护部环境工程评估中心联系。 意见反馈:aceedf@https://www.docsj.com/doc/fa19272591.html, 环境保护部环境工程评估中心 国家环境保护环境影响评价数值模拟重点实验室 2017 年09 月01 日

目录 1AERSCREEN 简介 (1) 2AERSCREEN 运行环境及流程 (1) 3模型的参数及设置要求 (2) 3.1输入初始信息 (2) 3.2输入污染源信息 (3) 3.2.1点源/POINT POINTCAP POINTHOR (3) 3.2.2火炬源/Flares (3) 3.2.3体源/Volume source (3) 3.2.4矩形面源/Rectangular area sources (4) 3.2.5圆形面源/Circular area sources (4) 3.2.6其它选项 (4) 3.3建筑物下洗/D OWNWASH (4) 3.4气象和地表参数/M ETEOROLOGY AND SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS (5) 3.4.1气象参数 (5) 3.4.2地表参数 (5) 3.5地形/TERRAIN (6) 3.5.1复杂地形情况 (7) 3.6熏烟/ F UMIGATION OPTIONS (7) 3.7其它选项 (7) 4结果输出 (8)


水土保持报告中土方测算方法英文回答: Methodologies for Earthwork Quantity Estimation in Soil and Water Conservation Reports. Soil conservation reports are essential tools for managing soil and water resources and mitigating soil erosion. An accurate assessment of earthwork quantities is crucial for effective planning and implementation of soil conservation measures. Several methodologies are available for estimating earthwork quantities, each with its own advantages and limitations. 1. Manual Methods. Manual methods involve field measurements and calculations using traditional surveying techniques. These methods are labor-intensive and require skilled personnel.

Cross-sectional Method: This method involves taking cross-sectional measurements at regular intervals along the project area. The cross-sectional area is then multiplied by the distance between the sections to estimate the total earthwork volume. Grid Method: This method involves dividing the project area into a regular grid pattern and measuring the elevation at each grid point. The earthwork volume is estimated by interpolating the elevation data and calculating the volume between adjacent grid points. 2. Photogrammetric Methods. Photogrammetric methods utilize aerial photographs or satellite imagery to derive elevation data. These methods can provide detailed and accurate results, but they require specialized software and expertise. Stereo Photogrammetry: This method uses overlapping aerial photographs to create a three-dimensional model of the terrain. The earthwork volume can be estimated by


三维城市建模流程 Building a 3D city model is a complex process that involves various stages and considerations. 三维城市建模是一个复杂的过程,涉及到各种阶段和考虑因素。 From data acquisition to 3D visualization, each step requires meticulous planning and execution. 从数据获取到三维可视化,每个步骤都需要精心的规划和执行。 The first step in creating a 3D city model is data acquisition. 建立三维城市模型的第一步是数据获取。 This involves gathering information from various sources such as satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and LiDAR data. 这涉及从各种来源收集信息,如卫星影像,航空摄影和激光雷达数据。 This data is then processed and converted into a format suitable for 3D modeling. 然 后对这些数据进行处理,并转换成适合进行三维建模的格式。 Once the data is acquired, the next step is to create a digital terrain model (DTM) of the city area. 一旦数据被获取,下一步是创建城市区域 的数字地形模型(DTM)。 This involves using the acquired data to create an accurate representation of the terrain and topography of the city. 这涉及使用获取的数据来创建城市地形和地貌的准确表示。 This DTM will serve as the foundation for the 3D city model. 这个数字地形 模型将作为三维城市模型的基础。 The creation of a DTM is crucial as it


基于DIMINE软件的三维建模在数字矿山中的应用 马恒亮胡晓婷 摘要:三维建模是数字矿山中的核心组成部分,对于矿山工程设计和管理决策等具有十分重要的意义。本文详细阐述了基于DIMINE 软件建立矿山三维模型的方法,及其与传统方法的对比,发现基于DIMINE软件建立的实体模型更加逼真的反映了矿山开采现状,更加直观、形象、容易理解。最后介绍了基于DIMINE的三维模型在地质、测量、采矿设计、现场管理等领域的应用,为建立数字化矿山提供了一个探索的实例。 关键词:数字矿山三维建模 DIMINE软件生产应用 数字矿山作为矿山领域的前沿技术,使得矿山工程逐渐向综合集成化、数字化、可视化的方向发展。三维建模作为矿山数字化的核心技术,对矿山工程设计与管理决策具有十分重要的意义。传统的平面表达方法使得矿山信息表达不充分,决策者难以理解和分析,不利于矿山的安全生产管理。本文基于DIMINE软件,建立地表模型、巷道模型、矿体模型,与传统表达方法对比,该模型直观、形象、容易理解,能够很好的为矿山安全生产管理提供了有效和可靠地决策依据,具有很高的实用意义。 1.数字矿山和三维地质建模 1.1数字矿山 数字矿山也称智慧矿山,是建立在矿山数字化基础上能够完成矿山企业所有信息的精准适时采集、网络化传输、规范化集成、可视化展现、自动化操作和智能化服务的数字化智慧体。[1] 1.2三维地质建模 三维地质建模(3D Geosciences Modeling),就是运用计算机技术,在三维环境下,将空间信息管理、地质解译、空间分析和预测、地学统计、实体内容分析以及图形可视化等工具结合起来,并用于地质分析的技术,它是随着地球空间信息技术的不断发展而发展起来的,由地质勘探、数学地质、地球物理、矿山测量、矿井地质、GIS、图形图像和科学计算可视化等学科交叉而形成的一门新兴学科,这一概念最早是由加拿大的Simon W Houlding于 1993年提出的[2]。 在国外,地质建模已经发展了几十年,已经形成了相当的规模,编制出较为成熟的软件产品,严格地讲,地质建模并不能算是很新的技术。中国自20世纪80年代末开始引入EarthVision,但目前总体研究水平不高,很多工作才刚刚起步,亟待发展[3]。 本文基于DIMINE软件论述三维建模在矿山中的实际应用,对矿山的数字化建设及其应用做了初步说明,为建立数字化矿山提供了一个探索的实例。 2.基于DIMINE软件的三维模型的建立 2.1地表模型的建立 地表模型,即数字地面模型,简称DTM(Digital Terrain Model)。地表的三维模型是在DTM的基础上生成有高低起伏的、还原真实地表的面状地形模型。 地表模型的建立过程是将现有地形图里所含的测量数据(高程点或等高线)导入到DIMINE软件中,经过编辑查错后,利用实体建模工具中的整体工具得到结果。DIMINE 软件


Table of Contents Uuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) 2 Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量) 6 Unit 3 Distance Measurement(距离测量) 10 Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement(角度和方向测量) 14 Unit 5 Traversing (导线测量) 18 Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determination(高程测量方法) 22 Unit 7 Robotic Total Station (智能型全站仪) 26 Unit 8 Errors in Measurement(测量工作中的误差) 30 Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors 34 Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision (准确度和精度) 37 Unit 11 Least-Squares Adjustment 40 Unit 12 Geodesy Concepts 42 Unit 13 Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid 44 Unit 14 Datums, Coordinates and Conversions 46 Unit 15 Map Projection 48

Unit 16 Gravity Measurment 51 Unit 17 Optimal Design of Geomatics Network 53 Unit 18 Construction Layout (施工放样) 56 Unit 19 Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Struvture 59 Unit 20 Understan ding the GPS(认识 GPS) 62 Uuit 21 Understanding the GPS (II) 认识 GPS(II) 65 Unit 22 Competition in Space Orbit(太空轨道上的竞争) 68 Unit 23 GIS Basics(GIS 的基础) 73 Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS GIS中的数据类型和模型 79 Unit 25 Digital Terrain Modeling(数字地面模型) 83 Unit 26 Applications of GIS 88 Unit 27 Developments of photogrammetry 92 Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (遥感的基础) 95 Unit 29 Digital Image Processing and Its Applications in RS 99 Unit 30 Airborne Laser Mapping Technology(机载激光测图技 术) 104 Unit 31 Interferometric SAR(InSAR) 108


专业术语英译汉 affine 仿射 band 波段 cartography 制图学 clip 剪切 digitizer 数字化仪 DLG 数字线划图 dpi 每英寸点数edgematching 边缘匹配 equator 赤道 equiarea 等积 geoid 大地水准面geospatial 地理空间 GPS 全球定位系统Habitat 栖息地 Interface 接口 Item 项目 Latitude 纬度 legend 图例 longitude 经度 median 中值 meridian 子午线 metadata 元数据 neatline 图廓线 Object-Based 基于对象的 parcel 宗地photogrammetry 摄影测量precipitation 降水量 range 范围 raster 栅格 resample 重采样 resolution 分辨率 RMS 均方根 scanner 扫描仪 siting 选址 TIGER 拓扑统一地理编码topology 拓扑 tuple 数组 UTM 通用横轴墨卡托投影vector 矢量

专业术语汉译英 保护区protected area 比例尺Scale bar 标准差Standard deviation 标准图幅Standard picture frame 单精度Single precision 地理空间数据Geospatial data 点缓冲区Point buffer 动态分段Dynamic segmentation 度量标准Metrics 多项式变换Polynomial transformation 高程基准Elevation base 跟踪算法Tracking algorithm 规则格网Rules grid 过渡带Transition zone 基于位置服务Based on location service 畸形线Malformation line 几何变换Geometric transformation 检验图Inspection chart 解析几何Analytic geometry 空间要素Space element 平面坐标系统Planar coordinate system 曲流河Meandering river 人口普查地段Census Lot 上四分位数The upper quartile 矢量数据模型Vector data model 数据可视化data visualization 数据探查Data exploration 双精度Double precision 水文要素Hydrological elements 泰森多边型Tyson Polygons 统一建模语言Unified Modeling Language 投影坐标系统Projection coordinate system 线缓冲区Line buffer 遥感数据Remote sensing data 用材林Timber forest 晕渲法Halo rendering method 指北针Compass 属性表Property sheet 最短路径分析Shortest path analysis 最小二乘法Least squares method


D efinitions of GIS “GIS”is an acronym meaning of Geographic Information System . In order to provide a good understanding of GIS , the following two definitions given by Rhind ( 1989 ) and the United States Geological Survey ( USGS , 1997 ) respectively are presented first. 地理信息系统”是一个缩写含义,地理信息系统。为了提供一个很好的了解,下面给出的定义由兰德(1989)和美国地质调查局(美国地质勘探局,1997)分别是第一次提出. 1 “. . . . a system of hardware, software, and procedures designed to support the captu re, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, and display of spatially referenced data for solving complex planning and manage ment problems .” 1“GIS是一个由硬件,软件,和程序设计,支持捕获,管理,处理,分析,建模,并显示空间参照的数据,以解决复杂的规划和管理的问题的一个系统。” 2 “. . . . a computer system capable of assembling , storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information , i . e ., data identified according to their location .” 2“。。。。是一个计算机系统能组装、存储、操作和显示地理参考信息,等等。。,根据其位置来数据证实。”GIS books generally adopt the ideas expressed by these two definitions . These two characteristics distinguish GIS from other types of information systems: GIS书籍通常采用的想法表达了这两个定义。这两个特征区分GIS与其他类型的信息系统: The word “ Geographic ”in GIS explains “spatially”where things are such as the location of nations, states, counties, cities, schools, roads, rivers, lakes, and the list can go on and on . “地理”在GIS的解释“空间”就像是比如位置的国家,州,县、市、学校、道路、河流、湖泊和列表可以之类的。Spatially means where on the earth’s surface an object or feature is located . This can be as simple as the latitude and longitude of a feature . The geographic feature or object can be anything of interest“Infor mation” in GIS is the“data”or“attribute”information about specific features that we are interested in . 空间意味着在地球表面上的一个对象或功能所在地。这可以是简单的认为是纬度和经度的特性。地理特征或对象可以是任何感兴趣的“信息”,在GIS是“数据”或“属性”我们有兴趣的信息的特性. The name of the feature, what the feature is, the location of the feature , and any other information that is important . An example could be the name of a city , where it is located , ho w big it is in square feet (area) , its population , its population in the past, and any other information that is important . 特性的这个名字,什么是特性,,它所位于的概念,及其他信息是重要的意义。一个范例可以是一个城市的名字,它的位置,它有多大的平方英尺(地区),它的人口,其在过去的人口,和其他信息是重要的。 ”Syste m “in GIS is the computer software that is written to help people analyze the data, look at the data and combine it in various ways to show relationships or to create geographic models . A GIS can be made up of a variety of software and hardware tools, as long as they are integrated to provide a functional geographic data processing tool . “系统”在GIS中是计算机软件编写的帮助人们分析数据,看看数据,结合它以不同方式来显示关系或创建地理模型。GIS系统可能会由各种各样的软件和硬件工具,只要它们是集成提供一个功能地理数据处理工具。 As mentioned above , GIS is a computer system that links geographic information ( where things are) with descriptive information ( what things are) . Unlike a flat paper map , where “what you see is what you get”, a GIS can present many layers of different information . 正如上面提到的,GIS是一个电脑系统链接地理信息(事情)用描述性信息(是什么)。不像平面纸质地图,“你

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