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(西安电子科技大学应用化学系,陕西西安 710071)

[摘 要] 导电聚苯胺性能优异,应用前景广阔。采用原位聚合法在不锈钢表面制备了绿色导电聚苯胺(P An )薄膜,研究了苯胺(An )与硫酸的物质的量浓度比、苯胺(An )与过硫酸铵(APS )的物质的量浓度比以及

反应温度对合成的影响。用点滴试验、阳极极化曲线评价了聚苯胺薄膜的耐腐蚀性能。通过正交试验确定了本试验条件下的最优工艺条件为:c (An )∶c (H 2S O 4)=1∶3,c (An )∶c (APS )=1∶1,反应温度为18℃;通过阳极极化曲线测试发现,在最优工艺条件下制备的覆盖了聚苯胺薄膜的不锈钢试片在3.5%NaCl 溶液中点腐蚀电位正移了1000mV 左右。说明该聚苯胺薄膜具有较好的耐腐蚀性能。

[关键词] 导电聚苯胺薄膜;耐蚀性;不锈钢

[中图分类号]TG174.46 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1001-1560(2008)07-0001-03

[收稿日期] 20080222

0 前 言

















1 试 验

1.1 试样及前处理

不锈钢试样尺寸为5.0mm ×2.0mm ×0.5mm ,并作如下处理:碱洗除油→水洗→化学抛光→4%Na 2CO 3中和→热水洗→冷水洗→自然晾干→待用。1.2 聚苯胺膜制备

分别配制50mL 0.3mol/L 的苯胺(An )硫酸溶液和等体积不同浓度的过硫酸铵(APS )溶液,然后将二者混合,放入待用的试片在不同温度下搅拌至基片膜变绿色,取出试片,用蒸馏水冲洗,100℃烘干,即制得耐蚀性聚苯胺薄膜。1.3 性能测定1.3.1 点滴试验

在室温下将10%HCl 点滴在试片表面,记录产生锈斑的时间,以此时间衡量聚苯胺膜的耐腐蚀性能。每个试样作3次点滴试验,计算平均时间。

第41卷 第7期2008年7月

材料保护M a ter i a ls Protecti on

Vol .41 No .7July 2008

1.3.2 阳极极化曲线


2 结果与讨论


2.1 反应温度的影响


表1 反应温度的影响


点滴时间/m in20272516--



S O4)=1∶3, c(An)∶c(APS)=1∶1。


2.2 苯胺与硫酸浓度比的影响



c(An)∶c(H2S O4)1∶11∶21∶31∶41∶5

点滴时间/m in1923271412



2.3 苯胺与过硫酸铵浓度比的影响

苯胺的氧化聚合电位较低,约为0.7V(vs SCE),因此在此之上的很多氧化剂均可用于引发苯胺的聚合,常用的有过硫酸铵、三氯化铁和重铬酸钾等。过硫酸铵由于氧化能力强,后处理简单,在-5~50℃内有很高的氧化活性而成为苯胺聚合中最常用的氧化剂。所以本工作采用过硫酸铵作为氧化剂来研究过硫酸铵浓度变化对苯胺聚合及耐蚀性的影响。试验结果见表3。

表3 苯胺与过硫酸铵浓度比的影响

c(An)∶c(APS) 1.0∶0.5 1.0∶1.0 1.0∶2.0 1.0∶3.0

点滴时间/m in23272513



S O4)=1∶3,温度18℃。


2.4 正交试验设计优选结果


表4 正交试验因素水平表



c(An)∶c(H2S O4)c(An)∶c(APS)掺杂温度/℃水平11∶1 1.0∶0.510

水平21∶2 1.0∶1.018

水平31∶3 1.0∶2.026根据表4,不考虑3个因素之间的交互作用,采用L9(34)正交表进行试验,结果见表5。

表5 正交试验结果

试验号A B C点滴时间/m in 111112

















2.5 阳极极化曲线


图1 试片在3.5%NaCl溶液中的阳极


3 结 论




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Journa l of M a ter i a ls Protecti on

(Monthly,Started in1960)

I SS N100121560 Jul.2008 Vol.41No.7 Serial No.354


The Corrosi on Resist ance of Conducti ve Polyan ili n e F il m on St a i n less Steel

BA I Chun2yu,L I A NG Yan2p ing(Depart m ent of App lied Che m istry, Xi’an University of Electr onics Science and Technol ogy,Xi’an 710071,China).Cailiao B aohu2008,41(07),01~03(Ch). Green conductive polyaniline fil m s were p repared on stainless steel u2 sing in2situ poly merizati on method.The effects of the concentrati on rati o of aniline/H2S O4and aniline/a mmoniu m persulfate and reacti on te mperature on the synthesis of polyaniline fil m s were studied.The op ti m al synthetic technics was established by orthogonal text.Moreo2 ver,the corr osi on resistance of the polyaniline fil m s was evaluated u2 sing che m ical titrati on test and electr oche m ical anodic polarizati on curves.The op ti m al concentrati on rati o of aniline/H2S O4and aniline/ persulfate was deter m ined t o be1∶3and1∶1,res pectively,while the op ti m al te mperature was suggested as18℃.The corr osi on poten2 tial of stainless steel coated with polyaniline in the s oluti on of3.5% NaCl increased by about1000mV as compared with blank,indicating that the conductive polyaniline fil m s had good corr osi on resistance. Key words:conductive polyaniline fil m;corr osi on resistance;stain2 less steel

Prepara ti on of Green M i cro2Arc O x i da ti on Ceram i c Coa ti n g on M agnesi u m A lloy

Y AN Feng yun a,F AN S ong2yan b,ZHANGW en2qun b,ZHANG Yu 2hai b(a.State Key Laborat ory of Gansu Advanced Non2ferr ousMetal Materials;b.Key Laborat ory ofM inistry of Educati on f or Non2ferr ous Metal A ll oys,Lanzhou University of Technol ogy,Lanzhou730050, China).Cailiao B aohu2008,41(07),04~06(Ch).Green cera m ic coating was p repared on the surface of AZ91D magnesiu m all oy by m icr o2arc oxidati on.The appearance and compositi on of the cera m ic coating obtained at a K2Cr2O7concentrati on of0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8, 1.0,1.2g/L and1.4g/L and m icr o2arc oxidati on ti m e of5,10, 20,30m in and40m in were investigated.It was f ound that unifor m and dense green ceram ic coating could be p repared fr om the electr o2 lyte containing10g/L Na A l O2,1g/L K2Cr2O7,and a s mall a mount of Na OH and H2O2,via m icr o2arc oxidati on col oring reacti on.It was feasible t o contr ol the col or of the m icr o2arc oxidati on coating by p r operly adjusting the col oring reacti on ti m e,and the col or of the ce2 ram ic coating becomed deeper with increasing col oring reacti on ti m e. Moreover,the green cera m ic coating was composed of M g O,A l2O3, MgCr2O4,and MgCr2O4was the col oring phase.

Key words:m icr o2arc oxidati on;magnesiu m all oys;green cera m ic coating

Syn thesis and Appli ca ti on of Resi n for Ultrav i olet2Curable Ca2 thod i c Electrophoresis Coa ti n g

AN Feng2lei,Y ANG Zhen2qing,L I U Ren,Z HANG Sheng2wen,L I U Xiao2ya(School of Che m ical&Material Engineering,J iangnan Uni2 versity,W uxi214122,China).Cailiao B aohu2008,41(07),07~09 (Ch).An energy2saving and envir on mentally friendly resin used for p reparati on of ultravi olet2curable cathodic electr ophoresis coating was synthesized.Thusβ2hydr oxy2ethyl acrylate(HE A)was used t o par2 tially bl ock t oluene diis ocyanate(T D I),all o wing the generati on of un2 saturated mono mer T D I2HE A containing is ocyanic radical.The unsatu2 rated mono mer T D I2HE A containing is ocyanic radical was then grafted ont o epoxy resin E2552NR3t o p repare water2s oluble phot osensitive resin containing vari ous functi onal gr oup s.The effect of electr ophoresis p r ocess on the depositi on of the resin coating was exa m ined,and the op ti m ized electr ophoresis conditi ons were deter m ined.A t the sa me ti m e,the effects of flash evaporati on te mperature and curing ti m e on the perf or mance of the electr ophoresis coating were investigated.Re2 sults indicated that the op ti m al potential and ti m e for electr ophoresis were80V and100s,res pectively.And the electr ophoresis coating p repared at a flash evaporati on te mperature of80℃and curing ti m e of 5m in sho wed excellent resistance t o s olvent attack.

Key words:cathodic electr ophoresis coating;UV2curing;water s olu2 ble;resistance t o s olvent attack

Sulf i de Stress Corrosi on Crack i n g of X80P i peli n e Steel

Z HANG Peng2cheng1,T ANG D i1,WU Hui2bin1,HUANG Guo2 jian2,WANG Lu2bing1,X I E Guang2yu1(1.Nati onal Engineering Re2 search Center f or Advanced Rolling Technol ogy,University of Science and Technol ogy Beijing,Beijing100083,China;2.Center of Tech2 nol ogy,Anshan Ir on and Steel Gr oup Cor porati on,Anshan114001, China).Cailiao B aohu2008,41(07),10~12(Ch).NACE three2 point standard bent2bea m test was conducted t o investigate the sulfide stress corr osi on cracking(SS CC)of X80grade p i peline steelswith and without all oying ele ments.Thus the corr osi on tests of the p i peline steel in aqueous s oluti on of0.5%CH3C OOH saturated with H2S gas(puri2 ty above99.9%)were carried out at a te mperature of(25±3)℃and for a durati on of200h.Results indicated that the p i peline steel with Cu and N i as m icr o2all oying ele ments had a critical stress of over1390 MPa,while that without Cu and N i registered a critical stress of only 770MPa.The intr oducti on of the Cu and N i m icr o2all oying ele ments led t o the f or mati on of fine and unif or m acicular ferrite m icr ostructure and hence increased resistance t o SS CC.Na mely,in the p i peline steel with the m icr o2all oying ele ments,the hydr ogen p ressure was shared by more grains,leading t o obvi ously increased critical stress and resist2 ance t o SS CC aswell.Moreover,both the high density tangled disl oca2 ti on and p reci p itati on of carbonitrides of m icr o2all oying ele ments in disl ocati on net w orks p layed i m portant r oles as hydr ogen entrappers, which was one of the main reas ons for acicular ferrite t o have excellent resistance t o SS CC.

Key words:sulfide;acicular ferrite;p i peline steel;sulfide stress corr osi on cracking

Corrosi on I nh i b iti on of I ndustr i a l A lu m i n u m by D ecyl am i n e

GE Ke1,WANG Q ing2,Z HANG Sheng2tao1(1.College of Che m istry and Che m ical engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China;2.Chengdu Tongdi W ater Treat m ent Co.,L td., Chengdu610031,China).Cailiao B aohu2008,41(07),13~15 (Ch).The inhibitive perfor mance of decyla m ine t o alu m inu m in hy2 dr ochl oric acid was investigated by measuring the electr oche m ical po2 larizati on curves at a scanning vel ocity of1mV/s.The cathodic and a2 nodic acti on coefficients of decyla m ine at vari ous concentrati ons were exa m ined,and the ex peri m ental data were analyzed and discussed u2 sing ads or p ti on theory.Results sho wed that the inhibitive efficiency of decyla m ine gradually increased up t o a maxi m u m of89.3%with in2 creasing concentrati on,while the acti on coefficients rap idly decreased with increasing concentrati on of decyla m ine and kep t al m ost unchanged at0.01mol/L.I n general,decyla m ine was a kind of m ixed inhibit or, and its ads or p ti on behavi or obeyed Fl ory2Huggins is other m model. Key words:industrial;alu m inu m;inhibit or;decyla m ine;electr o2 che m ical

Corrosi on I nh i b iti on of M ild Steel i n Hydrochlor i c Ac i d by N2 D odecyl Benzotr i a zole Ca ti on i c Surfact an t

WANG Hong2jun,CHE N Hong2ling(College of Chem istry and Chem ical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technol ogy,Nanjing 210009,China).Cailiao B aohu2008,41(07),16~17(Ch).The inhibiti on behavi or of N2dodecyl benzotriazole cati onic surfactant (DBCS)f orm ild carbon steel in1.0mol/L HClmediu m was investi2 gated by means of weight l oss measure ment,polarizati on curve p l ot2 ting,and scanning electr on m icr oscop ic(SE M)observati on.The in2

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