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Nowadays with the development of industry ,our life becomes easier than before .But in the meanwhile it has also brought about air pollution .Because waste gas is increasingly discharged into the air around us ,which will do harm to our health.Besides with the number of the private cars becoming larger,more carbon dioxide has been let out in the air ,which has added to the air pollution.So now some immediate measures must be taken to reduce the air pollution.First I think we should plant more trees to make the air fresh.Second we should write to the editors to appeal to those industrial people to think about our health.Finally we should call on the drivers to reduce the use of cars .Only in that way can we sovle the problem of air pollution.


Nowadays,stopping air pollution has become the common issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life . Air pollution has caused a series of environment problems,such as the green house effect,damage to the ozone layer and acid rain. They all pose a threat to human living condition and health.

Therefore,effective measures should be taken to stop air pollution. First,the government must make sure related laws are put into practice.


Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less

damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a clean world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.


ow to stop air pollution

Nowadays,stopping air pollution has become the common issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life . Air pollution has caused a series of environment problems,such as the green house effect,damage to the ozone layer and acid rain. They all pose a threat to human living condition and health.

Therefore,effective measures should be taken to stop air pollution. First,the government must make sure related laws are put into practice. Those who give off waste gases into the air directly without disposal would be punished. Second,people get education about what they could do to stop air pollution. Everyone using more public transportation and less private vehicle will reduce emission dramatically. Finally,let the forests play a positive rule. We need to plant more trees to purify the air instead of cutting them down.

However, as a famous saying goes: easier said than done . Only the whole world works together and everyone takes action can human being succeed in stopping air pollution.






空气污染 Recently, the phenomenon of air pollution has become the focus of the public concern. (分析原因)What are the reasons for the phenomenon? On my standpoint, there are several as follows. First of all, the heavy air pollution was caused by ____(原因一). Besides, ____ (原因二)also lead to the smog in the air. In addition, ____(原因三). In view of the seriousness of the phenomenon, effective measures should be taken. On one hand, it is high time that people all over China should ____(市民角度的应对方法). On the other hand, the government should ____(政府角度的应对办法). Only in these ways can we successfully solve the problem. 最近,空气污染已经成为公众关心的重点。(分析原因)空气污染的原因是什么呢?依我来看,有以下原因。 首先,严重的空气污染是因为____(原因一)。此外,____ (原因二)也会造成雾霾。再者,____(原因三)。 考虑到该现象的严重性,我们应该去采取有效的措施。一方面,全国人民是时候去____(市民角度的应对方法)。另一方面,政府应该____(政府角度的应对办法)。只有这样,我们才能成功解决这个问题。


如何减少空气污染的英语作文 空气的污染,在高中的英语写作中,以话题的形式出现在我们的面前。下面是给大家整理的如何减少空气污染的英语作文,供大家参阅! 如何减少空气污染的英语作文1 How to stop air pollution Nowadays,stopping air pollution has become the common issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life . Air pollution has caused a series of environment problems,such as the green house effect,damage to the ozone layer and acid rain. They all pose a threat to human living condition and health. Therefore,effective measures should be taken to stop air pollution. First,the government must make sure related laws are put into practice. Those who give off waste gases into the air directly without disposal would be punished. Second,people get education about what they could do to stop air pollution. Everyone using more public transportation and less private vehicle will reduce emission dramatically. Finally,let the forests play a positive rule. We need to plant more trees to purify the air instead of cutting them down. However, as a famous saying goes: easier said than done . Only the whole world works together and everyone takes action can human being succeed in stopping air pollution. 如何减少空气污染的英语作文2 Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also,


造成室内空气污染的主要原因 专家分析指出:造成室内空气污染的物质按状态分,主要有悬浮颗粒物和气态污染源两种: 1、悬浮颗粒物:较大的悬浮颗粒物如灰尘、棉絮等,可以被鼻子、喉咙过滤掉,至于肉眼无法看见的细小悬浮颗粒物,如粉尘、纤维、细菌和病毒等,会随着呼吸进入肺泡,造成免疫系统的负担,危害身体的健康。 2、气态污染源:室内空气中的气态污染源(也即有毒气相物)包括一氧化碳、二氧化碳、甲醛及有机蒸气。气态污染源主要来自建筑材料(甲醛)、复印机(臭氧)、香烟烟雾(尼古丁)、清洁剂(甲酚)、溶剂(甲苯)和燃烧产物(硫氧化物、铅)等,部分会附着在颗粒物上被消除掉,大部分会被吸入口肺部。医学证实这些气态污染源是造成肺炎、支气管炎、慢性肺阻塞和肺癌的主要原因。从目前检测分析,室内空气污染物的主要来源主要有以下几个方面:建筑及室内装饰材料、室外污染物、燃烧产物和人的活动。 1、室内装饰材料及家具的污染是目前造成室内空气污染的主要方面,油漆、胶合板、刨花板、泡沫填料、内墙涂料、塑料贴面等材料均含有甲醛、苯,甲苯、乙醇、氯仿等有机蒸气,以上物质都具有相当的致癌性。 2、建筑物自身的污染,此类污染正在逐步检出,一种是建筑施工中加入了化学物质,(北方冬季施工加入的防冻剂,渗出有毒气体氨)。另一种是由地下土壤和建筑物中石材、地砖、瓷砖中的放射性物质形成的氡,这是一种无色无味的天然放射性气体,对人体危害极大,美国国家环保署调查,美国每年有14000人的死亡与氡污染有关。 3、室外污染物的污染,室外大气的严重污染和生态环境的破坏,使人们的生存条件十分恶劣,加剧了室内空气的污染。 4、燃烧产物造成的室内空气污染,做饭与吸烟是室内燃烧的主要污染,厨房中的油烟和香烟中的烟雾成分极其复杂,目前已经分析出的3800多种物质,它们在空气中以气态、气溶胶态存在。其中气态物质占90%,其中许多物质具有致癌性。 5、人体自身的新陈代谢及各种生活废弃物的挥发成分也是造成室内空气污染的一个原因。人在室内活动,除人体本身通过呼吸道、皮肤、汗腺可排出大量污染物外,其它日常生活,如化妆、灭虫等也会造成空气污染,因此房间内人数过多时,会使人疲倦、头昏,甚至休克。另外人在室内活动,会增加室内温度,促使细菌、病毒等微生物大量繁殖。特别是在一些中小学校更加严重。 有关专家介绍,家庭室内空气污染主要包括两大类:一类是气体污染物。如厨房煮饭炒菜产生的一氧化碳、氮氧化物及强致癌物。室内装饰材料、化妆品、新家具等散发出的有毒有害物质,主要有甲醛、苯、醚酯类,三氯乙烯、丙烯腈等挥发性有机物等。人本身也是空气污染源之一,有关数据显示,每人每天呼出约500升二氧化碳气体的,皮肤散发的乳酸等有机物则多达271种。据测定,居室内一支香烟的污染比马路上一辆汽车的污染对人体的危害还要大。 另一类是微生物污染物。如细菌、病毒、花粉和尘螨等。室内潮湿的地方,容易滋生真菌,造成微生物污染室内空气。真菌在大量繁殖的过程中,还会散发出令人讨厌的特殊


空气污染与保护教案 空气污染与保护设计方案 、教学目标 1. 了解空气污染的危害性与防治措施。 2. 了解汽车尾气对空气的污染,了解可吸入颗粒物的危害,了解酸雨及其危害。 3. 看懂各种媒体发布的空气质量报告。 、教学重难点 重点 1. 空气污染的危害性 2. 空气污染的防治 难点空气质量报告发布 三、课堂教与学互动设计 创设情境,导入新课 打开第 1 张ppt】 师:同学们放学走在马路上有没有发现马路边的树的树叶上沾满了灰尘呢, 学: 有;(好像有; 不知道。) 师:那为什么树叶上会沾满灰尘呢, 学:因为空气中有灰尘沉积到树叶上…… 师:对啦?同学们真聪明。 师:那你们有没有被汽车派出的烟呛过呢, 学:有,很呛人的。(而且还很脏;挺好闻的呀.... .) 师:那同学们觉得这灰尘脏,尾气呛人外、呛眼睛外还有什么坏处吗学:…… 师:那他们会不会让我们生病呢,

打开第 5 张 ppt 】 追问: 它们会对大气造成影响吗 , 那又是造成什么影响呢 ,我们又该怎么防治 呢, 师: 今天我们要学习的新课里就有大家想知道的答案了。 打开第 2张 ppt 】 师: 下面同学们把课本翻到 69 页。 今天老师就要和大家一起来学习《空气污染与保护》,空气污染就包括我刚刚 提到的灰尘和汽车尾气对大气的污染。 那么有同学知道什么是空气污染吗 , 知道的情举手 打开第 3张 ppt 】 (有空气污染的定义 ) 师 :xx 同学,你来给大家解答下吧。 学: 当进入空气中的有毒有害物质超过了它的自净能力就称之为空气污染。 很好,请坐。 师: 同学们看 ppt ,告诉老师你们喜欢生活在左图的环境中还是右图的环境中呢 学:当然是左图啦? 师 : 呵呵,大家都知道生活在环境优美没有污染的的环境中,那你们知道空气 染的危害吗 , 打开第 4张 ppt 】 (震惊世界的几起大气污染事件 ) 师:大家看 ppt ,有什么想法 , 学: 空气污染危害好大啊? 师 : 其实这还不是全部。 师: 同学们看这就是被光化学烟雾笼罩的 1943 年的洛杉矶,这些气体课时致癌 的呀? 师:


Although some city's air quality is improving, but it is estimated that the number of deaths due to air pollution each year up to 358000 people.[5] according to the self assessment, air quality in the recorded data of 338 cities, two-thirds is considered contaminated, two-thirds of which was rated as moderate or severe pollution.Related to air pollution in China, breathing and heart disease is the top killer.Thirty percent for acid rain place.The Chinese government's environmental regulations are thought to have 20 years behind the United States, 20 to 30 years behind that in Europe.And because of car usage increases, a true problem is worsening. Draw lessons from the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai world expo and the guangzhou Asian games air quality guarantee of successful experience, promote the pearl river delta regional environmental cooperation, the implementation of regional air pollution defense measures from spreading.Host during the universiade held in shenzhen air pollution index is less than 30, the air quality is superior, the successful completion of the "green universiade" air quality security tasks.


人教版科学六年级下册第三章第4课《空气污染及其防护》word教案 一、教学目标 1.了解空气污染的危害性与防治措施。 2.了解汽车尾气对空气的污染,了解可吸入颗粒物的危害,了解酸雨及其危害。 3.看明白各种媒体公布的空气质量报告。 二、教学重难点 重点1.空气污染的危害性 2.空气污染的防治 难点空气质量报告公布 三、课堂教与学互动设计 创设情境,导入新课 【打开第1张ppt】 师:同学们放学走在马路上有没有发觉马路边的树的树叶上沾满了灰尘呢?学:有;(看起来有;不明白。) 师:那什么缘故树叶上会沾满灰尘呢? 学:因为空气中有灰尘沉积到树叶上…… 师:对啦!同学们真聪慧。 师:那你们有没有被汽车派出的烟呛过呢? 学:有,专门呛人的。(而且还专门脏;挺好闻的呀……….) 师:那同学们觉得这灰尘脏,尾气呛人外、呛眼睛外还有什么坏处吗?学:……… 师:那他们会可不能让我们生病呢? 追问:它们会对大气造成阻碍吗?那又是造成什么阻碍呢?我们又该如何防治呢? 师:今天我们要学习的新课里就有大伙儿想明白的答案了。 【打开第2张ppt】 师:下面同学们把课本翻到69页。 今天老师就要和大伙儿一起来学习《空气污染与爱护》,空气污染就包括我刚刚提到的灰尘和汽车尾气对大气的污染。 那么有同学明白什么是空气污染吗?明白的情举手 【打开第3张ppt】(有空气污染的定义) 师:xx同学,你来给大伙儿解答下吧。 学:当进入空气中的有毒有害物质超过了它的自净能力就称之为空气污染。师:专门好,请坐。 师:同学们看ppt,告诉老师你们喜爱生活在左图的环境中依旧右图的环境中呢?学:因此是左图啦! 师:呵呵,大伙儿都明白生活在环境优美没有污染的的环境中,那你们明白空气污染的危害吗?


空气的污染和保护 教学目标: 1、了解空气污染的危害性与防治措施。 2、了解汽车尾气对空气的污染,了解可吸入颗粒物的危害,了解酸雨及其危害。 3、看懂各种媒体发布的空气质量报告 教学重点:空气污染的危害性;空气污染的防治 教学难点:空气质量报告的分析 一、引入 展示中国全景的卫星图,问:你们知道图中的绿色部分表示什么?中国和日本之间有什么区别? 学生答…… 老师补充:日本的森林覆盖率高达67%,而中国只有17%。 提问:它们是怎么做到的呢? 看资料一:,日本政府看重森林, 问:森林有什么重要作用? 学生答…… 教师总结:森林的作用(光合作用,和吸尘的主要作用)出示吸尘的树叶 展示尘埃的来源、特点和危害,颗粒物越小对人的伤害就越大。引出,指出应提高检测标准。并引出可吸入颗粒物为大气污染物之一。 提问:除了吸附灰尘外,森林里的有些植物还能吸收二氧化硫等有害气体。如:樟树,榆树、丁香、枫树等。 教师解说二氧化硫等的来源和危害,再引出二氧化硫、氮氧化物为大气污染物。 教师:酸雨对自然界中物质有什么危害?,我们来做一个模拟酸雨的实验。 问学生:你们看到了什么变化或现象,联系实际主要是破坏什么呢?(讲论) (对树叶的危害由于实验效果不明显,通过图片展示逐渐危害的效果。 教师总结:酸雨的危害 同学们不要小看植物,他们的作用可大了,它们还能杀菌消毒呢?比如松树等 综述——森林的净化作用。并引出森林是地球之肺,且可吸入颗粒物,二氧化硫,氮氧化物等都是污染大气的主要物质之一,所以我们把他们作为判断空气质量的标准之一。那么我们国家的空气质量如何呢?以北京为例我们来看看吧! 展示:杭州空气质量日报 结合课本72页,完成题目:(叫一位学生回答) 我国目前的空气质量到底如何呢? 看资料二:两会期间,环境保护就是热点问题。 举国上下都在重视环境保护,作为学生我们更要为保护大气尽自己的一份力。 教师问:


关于空气污染的英语作文 关于空气污染的英语作文范文一:空气污染 Air Pollution In the past few decades, our Earth has changed a lot, but to the bad direction. Among these changes, the air pollutions resulting from a huge number of automobiles and coal-burning is almost the severest. The severe air pollution alarms humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, with the deepening of urbanization, more cars are needed, which will make the air pollution worse. Therefore, the following actions should be taken. First, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. Second, try hard to develop possible transportation means, which are enviromental friendly. So that the citizens can reduce the dependence on cars. In short, our humans should take responsibilities for the air pollution and have to find ways to solve this problem. 在过去的几十年中,我们的地球发生了很大变化,但是是往坏的方向。在这些变化中,大量汽车和煤燃烧产生的空气污染是最为严重的。严重的空气污染警告人类,我们无休止的的生产和使用汽车给我们的地球带来了沉重的负荷。然而,随着城市化的加深,汽车的需求量也越大,这


大气污染的防护和防治措施 一、尽量选择郊区及不靠近村民住宅的场地建设石料水稳站、沥青搅拌站等,合理安排水稳搅拌站的各部位功能分区,全面考虑本项目部的合理布局。搅拌料场位置应当在当地最大频率风向的下风侧,使得废气及吹响居住区的次数最少。避免大型装卸运输车辆经过靠近居民住宅区的线路,尽量减少废气的排放污染。保持每天连续对运输车辆经过的软土质路基道路进行洒水,使其减少尘土飞扬的污染现象。 二、.在工人的舍宿进、办公室四周围行加强种植绿化。植物除美化环境外,还具有调节气候、阻挡、滤除和吸附灰尘,吸收大气中的有害气体等功能。 三、加强对居住区内局部污染源的管理。材料堆放处、各种生活垃圾等均可散发有害气体污染大气,并影响室内外空气,项目部各级管理人员应配合各班组长、加强对员工宿舍、厨房等卫生管理。 四、控制各种机械的排气污染。 五、加强工艺措施。①加强工艺过程,采取闭路循环以减少污染物的排除等。②加强生产管理。防止一切可能排放废气及灰尘污染的情况发生。 为保证让施工现场周围的单位、居民有一个良好的工作、学习和生活环境,在施工过程中要严格执行以下不扰民施工措施: 1.晚上十点至早上六点,原则上停止一切建筑施工活动,特别是噪声较大的施工活动,以免影响周围的单位、居民的休息。不可避免要在该时段内施工作

业,施工前要先取得周围的单位、居民或居委会的同意,并到政府有关部门办理相应施工许可手续。 2.施工过程中所产生的垃圾、废水、废气等有可能污染周围环境的,应采取相应措施及时处理,不可随意倾倒、排放。 3.施工现场车辆进出场时,要避开每日上、下班(学)时段,不要造成施工现场周围交通不畅或发生事故。 4.施工现场材料的运输车辆要冲洗干净,方可进出现场,运送散装材料的车辆要有防止散落、飘落的措施,防止污染周围地面。运送砂、石的车辆在卸车时,要避开居民休息时段,以免卸料噪音影响他人休息。 5.施工过程中若造成周围环境地面及空气污染,应及时中止施工并采取有力措施及时清理、整改。 6.施工现场周围设置安全警示牌,提醒路人注意施工可能对其造成影响。若施工需要破附近的路面或在路边挖坑,一定要设防护,夜间要设照明和警示灯。在近行人出入的附近施工,应设置封闭的防高空坠物走道,并悬挂安全警示牌。 7.教育好工人要遵纪守法,严禁施工人员骚扰附近单位、居民。 8.施工现场要公布施工投诉电话,虚心接受他人批评意见。 9.要经常与当地单位、居委会保持联系、交流情况,经常征求其意见,及时消除施工给带来的扰民隐患,切实做好文明施工。


空气污染形成的原因空气污染的治理措施 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《空气污染形成的原因空气污染的治理措施》的内容,具体内容:空气污染对人类及其生存环境造成的危害与影响,已逐渐为人们所认识。空气污染形成的原因是什么呢?空气污染的治理措施有哪些呢?下面是我整理的空气污染形成的原因,欢迎阅读。空气污染... 空气污染对人类及其生存环境造成的危害与影响,已逐渐为人们所认识。空气污染形成的原因是什么呢?空气污染的治理措施有哪些呢?下面是我整理的空气污染形成的原因,欢迎阅读。 空气污染形成的原因 大气污染主要由人的活动造成,大气污染源主要有:工厂排放、汽车尾气、农垦烧荒、森林失火、炊烟(包括路边烧烤)、尘土(包括建筑工地)等。 (1)工业:是大气污染的一个重要来源,工业排放到大气中的污染物种类繁多,性质复杂,有烟尘、硫的氧化物、氮的氧化物、有机化合物、卤化物、碳化合物等。 (2)生活炉灶与采暖锅炉:城市中大量民用生活炉灶和采暖锅炉需要消耗大量煤炭,煤炭在燃烧过程中要释放大量的灰尘、二氧化硫、一氧化碳等有害物质污染大气。 (3)交通运输:汽车、火车、飞机、轮船是当代的主要运输工具,它们烧煤或石油产生的废气也是重要的污染物,成为大城市空气的主要污染源之一。汽车排放的废气主要有一氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物和碳氢化合物

等,前三种物质危害性很大。 (4)焚烧农作物的秸杆、森林火灾中的浓烟 (5)焚烧生活垃圾、废旧塑料、工业废弃物产生的烟气 (6)吸烟 (7)做饭时厨房里的烟气 (8)垃圾腐烂释放出来的有害气体 (9)工厂有毒气体的泄漏 (10)居室装修材料(如油漆等)缓慢释放出来的有毒气体 (11)风沙、扬尘 (12)农业生产中使用的有毒农药 (13)使用涂改液等化学试剂 (14)复印机、打印机等电器产生的有害气体等。 (15)火山爆发产生的气体 我国大气污染的原因 我国现在的大气污染十分严重,不仅危害到人们的正常生活,而且威胁着人们的身心健康。我们必须加强重视,造成我国大气污染的主要有这些: (1)、环境意识薄弱.对可持续发展战略认识不足。大气环境是人类赖以生存的可贵资源,大气环境资源的破坏是一种不可逆的过程,恢复良好的大气环境质量要比采取措施从根本上防治大气污染付出更多的经济代价。但这种观念长期以来并没有被一些部门和一些地区充分的理解和认识。他们只考虑近期的、局部的经济发展需要,在制订一些综合的经济政策、产业政策以及城市建设发展规划中缺乏对保护大气环境的考虑,往往以牺牲


空气污染与保护 一、学情分析: 1、本节内容是在学生学习了空气成分以及初步学习了化学的一些知识后,进 一步学习大气的污染及其保护。教学中要收集一些生活资料,让学生从生活中去体会空气污染的现象及其危害,自主意识到保护大气的重要性。2、平时,学生对空气污染已有初步的认识,但毕竟是零散的,不完整的,教 学中要帮助学生归纳、整理,使其形成体系。 3、教学中要注重学生各方面能力的培养,尽量让学生学会自主学习,积极探 讨,发挥创造性思维的培养。 二、教学目标: 1、知识与技能: 初步认识空气污染的几种典型现象,了解汽车尾气、可吸入颗粒物、酸雨等的污染及其危害,学会看懂各种媒体发布的空气质量报告,探讨空气污染防治的措施。 2、过程与方法: 通过本节的学习培养学生从材料中获取信息的能力,培养用科学知识去解释生活中的一些现象,培养学生创新意识。 3、情感、态度、价值观: 通过情景教学,培养学生学习探讨的兴趣;通过实验,培养学生动手观察能力和实事求是的科学态度;学习对科学的评价,学习科学知识与生活实际相联系,培养学生团结协作的能力。 三、教学设计: (一)材料引入: 出示图片一(她怎么了?)还有一些大气污染的照片。 问:这些图片共同反应了一个什么问题? 引入:第七节空气污染与保护 (二)情景教学: 情景一: [招聘启事一]由于空气污染的日益严重,环境案件频频发生。有人把某四起环保案件画成四幅漫画,引起了人们的极大关注。环保局为了尽快制止此类案件的发生,特向社会招聘侦破人员对四起案件进行侦破,请能力较强的

人员抱着对全社会负责的态度积极参与。 1、出示四幅漫画。分别是“伞破难遮”、“明天我们去哪里”、“雨中垂钓”、“天 下乌鸦一般黑吗?” 2、要求学生结合资料和课本内容,分别对以上的四个漫画进行分析,完成以 下问题: ①给四个案件起个名(即是什么大气污染现象)。 ②分别说出它们的污染物是什么? ③分别说出它们的来源、有什么危害? ④对这些现象分别谈谈如何防治。 3、学生反馈后教师总结:(结合课件和课文实验) 大气污染现象:臭氧层空洞——氟氯烃 温室效应——二氧化碳 酸雨——二氧化硫、氮的化合物(视频播放) 粉尘——可吸入颗粒物 主要来源:工厂废气和粉尘、汽车排放的尾气(视频播放)、居民炉灶、建筑材料排放有毒有害气体、自然因素 防治方法:①植树造林 ②控制污染源 ③使用清洁能源 ④加强空气质量的检测 过渡:环境检测之后,你将如何公布于众呢? 情景二: [招聘启事二]为了加强对空气质量的检测和报告,敲起环境保护的警钟,环保局特向社会征集空气污染的报道方案和招聘本工作的人才,谨请大家积极参与,为环保献谋献策。 1.请大家动动脑筋,你将如何做好这份工作? 2.学生反馈。(教师给予鼓励) 3.看看报纸上是如何对大气质量进行预报的,出示表格。


How do you see more and more people getting face-lifting now? 我认为现在最大的污染问题是空气污染。阴霾严重影响了我们的生活经历。尤其是在雾霾污染较严重的北京,人们因外出空气污染而不得不戴口罩,这给人们的生活带来了极大的不便。空气污染严重影响我们的健康。空气污染的主要原因是汽车尾气和工厂废气排放。鉴于这些原因,我们应该减少私家车出行,严格检查汽车尾气排放是否超标,工厂废气排放也应严格处理。只有这样,我们才能持续有效地减少空气污染,并有助于创造一个更清洁的环境。其次,改善天气条件和更多的蓝天也有助于改善城市人口的整体健康和福祉。 I think the biggest pollution problem now is air pollution. The haze has seriously affected our life experience. Especially in Beijing, where haze pollution is more serious, people have to wear masks when they go out because of air pollution, which also brings great inconvenience to people's lives. Air pollution seriously affects our health. The main causes of air pollution are automobile exhaust and factory exhaust emissions. In view of these reasons, we should reduce private car travel, strictly examine whether automobile exhaust emissions exceed the standard, and factory exhaust emissions should also be treated strictly. Only in this way can we continuously and effectively reduce air pollution and help to create a cleaner environment. Secondly, improved weather conditions and more blue sky days can also help to improve the overall health and well-being of the urban population.


从大气污染原因浅析我国大气现状及对策 摘要:我国现在的大气污染十分严重,不仅危害到人们的正常生活,而且威胁着人们的身心健康。我们必须加强重视,因此就所学环境质量评价与系统分析课程,通过查阅相关资料,抽取环境的一个要素大气来进行研究,浅析大气污染的原因。以便为相关工作者提供参考依据,提出更好的解决办法。 关键词:大气大气污染环境 正文:一:大气污染的定义:在干洁的大气中,痕量气体的组成是微不足道的。但是在一定范围的大气中,出现了原来没有的微量物质,其数量和持续时间,都有可能对人、动物、植物及物品、材料产生不利影响和危害。当大气中污染物质的浓度达到有害程度,以至破坏生态系统和人类正常生存和发展的条件,对人或物造成危害的现象叫做大气污染。 二:大气污染物的分类:大气污染物主要可以分为两类,即天然污染物和人为污染物,引起公害的往往是人为污染物,它们主要来源于燃料燃烧和大规模的工矿企业。颗粒物:指大气中液体、固体状物质,又称尘。硫氧化物:是硫的氧化物的总称包括二氧化硫,三氧化硫,三氧化二硫,一氧化硫等。碳的氧化物:主要包括二氧化碳和一氧化碳。氮氧化物:是氮的氧化物的总称,包括氧化亚氮,一氧化氮,二氧化氮,三氧化二氮等。碳氢化合物:是以碳元素和氢元素形成的化合物,如甲烷、乙烷等烃类气体。其它有害物质:如重金属类,含氟气体,含氯气体等等。 三:大气污染的原因: (1)环境意识薄弱.对可持续发展战略认识不足。大气环境是人类赖以生存的可贵资源,大气环境资源的破坏是一种不可逆的过程,恢复良好的大气环境质量要比采取措施从根本上防治大气污染付出更多的经济代价。但这种观念长期以来并没有被一些部门和一些地区充分的理解和认识。他们只考虑近期的、局部的经济发展需要,在制订一些综合的经济政策、产业政策以及城市建设发展规划中缺乏对保护大气环境的考虑,往往以牺牲环境为代价换取经济的快速发展,形成了盲


关于空气质量的英语专业术语 这两天大家一定都很关注空气质量情况的播报,也许你会好奇空气质量指数到底是根据哪些污染物算出来的?各种等级的污染对我们有哪些危害?下面就来为大家科普下这些基础知识吧: 【关于空气质量的术语】 环境空气ambient air 指人群、植物、动物和建筑物所暴露的室外空气 空气质量指数air quality index (AQI) 定量描述空气质量状况的无量纲指数。 空气质量分指数individual air quality index (IAQI) 单项污染物的空气质量指数。 首要污染物primary pollutant AQI大于50时IAQI最大的空气污染物。 超标污染物non-attainment pollutant 浓度超过国家环境空气质量二级标准的污染物,即IAQI大于100的污染物。 总悬浮颗粒物total suspended particle (TSP) 指环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于100μm的颗粒物。 颗粒物(粒径小于等于10μm)particulate matter (PM10) 指环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于10μm的颗粒物,也称可吸入颗粒物。 颗粒物(粒径小于等于2.5μm)particulate matter (PM2.5) 指环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5μm的颗粒物,也称细颗粒物。 * 此前我们国家采用的空气质量标准是API (Air Pollution Index),也就是空气污染指数;但在2012年2月后进行了修订,改为AQI,最重要的一个变化就是加入了PM2.5的监测。 【AQI基于哪些空气污染物】 The AQI level is based on the level of 6 atmospheric pollutants: ①二氧化硫:sulfur dioxide (SO2) ②二氧化氮:nitrogen dioxide (NO2)


Today,our term is going to talk about the source and control technology of air pollution.And we will talk about this topic in the following five points:Actuality of Air Pollution,Source of Air Pollution,Types of Air Pollution,Results of Air Pollution,and Control of Air Pollution. The first is Actuality of Air Pollution.Before talking about it,i want to mention the Definition of Air Pollution. Air pollution is the presence of undesirable material in air, in quantities large enough to produce harmful effects.It causes harmful effects on human health, property, aesthetics, and the global climate. We all know that clean air is important to good health. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always surrounded by a sea of gases that we call air. If there are impurities(杂质)in the air, they may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. We need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is globally present, especially in cities. Along with the economical development, also caused serious air pollution. Countries also begin to pay close attention to the problem, and taken the relevant measures. Some countries have made about air pollution regulations and rules, and get substantially improved. But we are facing new


2016考研英语作文必背30篇:7.大气污染 范文(七) Writing (图画提纲式议论文) 1. Describe the picture 2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the picture 3. Suggest your counter – measures 范文: The cartoon presents the Earth with a personified human face that seems quite unhappy. A examination of the picture immediately reveals that the source of its mood is the air pollution resulting from a huge number of automobiles spread around its surface. The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, the majority of people merely indulge in the

celebration of the convenience brought by cars, while forgetting or simply neglecting their harmful impact on the atmosphere. Admittedly, there are various factors contributing to the current worldwide air pollution, but it is undeniable that the exhaust from automobiles is categorized as one of the major elements. I would like to make the following proposals to solve this problem: firstly, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. It should also be guaranteed that the clean energy be inexpensive so that it can be widely accepted. Besides, there should be attempts to develop possible transportation means, so that citizens can be diverted from dependence on cars. In short, it is humans' responsibility to resume clean air for Earth. 译文: 这幅漫画以拟人的方式呈现地球,它的脸显得非常不高兴。仔细观察这幅图就会发现其郁闷来自于空气污染,这是由于其表面上有着无数车辆在行驶。 毫无疑问,这幅漫画意在向人们敲响警钟,即人类永不知足的生产和使用汽车给我们的地球带来了巨大的负担。但是,大部分人却沉溺于汽车带来方便,而忘记了或者是忽略了其对大气层的负面影响。诚然,有很多因素导致了现在的全球空气污染问题,但是不能否认的是汽车废气被归为最重要的因素之一。 为了解决这个问题,我想提出以下建议:第一,我们应该运用最先进的技术从而以新能源替代化石燃料。同时,我们要确保清洁能源的价格低廉以得到大众的接受。此外,我们应该尝试发展各种交通方式,这样市民们能够摆脱对于汽车的依赖。简而言之,人类有责任来恢复地球的清洁空气。


Improve Air Quality——Everyone Should Get Involved Background information: My neighborhood is a rural area in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. Almost each family there has a piece of farmland of their own. At the beginning, residents made a living mostly by eating food produced by them and selling extra food. Recently as economy grows, more and more residents have chosen to rent their farmland out to make space for factories, at the same time they can get an opportunity to work in factories. Generally speaking, this area is still in its early stage of industrialization. Just like many other places which have gone through or are undergoing industrialization, my neighborhood also faces the conflict between economic growth and environment protection. In addition, residents there sometimes do activities which damage the environment even without realization due to poor knowledge of the causes of environmental unsustainability. One of the most serious aspects of the environment is the decline in air quality. My neighborhood used to have fresh air, but now smog appears from time to time. So in this report, I am going to focus on air pollution in my neighborhood. Causes and solutions: 1. Industrial pollution Just as stated above, my neighborhood is in its early stage of industrialization, so air pollution there must have a close relation with industrial wastes. On the one hand, factories are continuously producing air-borne emissions. Among them, factories such as the rubber factory give out waste gases with an unpleasant smell, which is particularly unbearable to people living nearby. On the other hand, large area of farmland and woods are turned into industrial land, thus causing a weakened function of vegetation purifying air. Although there are many examples that cities go for economic growth in sacrifice of environment and repair the environment after becoming rich, we need not necessarily repeat the model of “pollution first, treatment later” in the course of industrialization. I think we can report those factories to local environmental protection agency, forcing them to release waste gases after treating through legal procedures. We can also use the power of public opinion by posting those factories onto “weibo”.

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