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Business License


No. 510705000002648(1-1) Name: Sichuan Jiuyuan Intelligent Monitoring System Co. Ltd

Type: Other Limited Liability Company

Address: No. 64-34, Mianshan Road, Mianyang City

Legal Representative: Cai Weimin

Registered Capital: 8,000,000(RMB)

Date of Establishment: 2nd, August, 2001

Duration of Operation: 19th, March, 2010-18th, March, 2020

Scope of business: fire alarming; security; electronic fire-fighting products; fire-fighting equipment; design, production and sale of alarming source; related engineering installation service; electronic products; computer application products; technical consulting service; design, installation and repair of security technology prevention engineering.(The operation have to be permitted)

(The operation has to be permitted by related department)

Registration Authority: Industrial and Commercial administration of Science City, Sichuan(seal)

4th, March, 2015


企业营业执照 Business License of the Enterprise (Duplicate) (1-1) Registered Number: xxxxxxxx The Enterprise Name: xxxxxxxxxxxx Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enterprise Type: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Person in Charge: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Scoop of Management: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Head Office: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Term of operation: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Establishing Date: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: 1.“Business License” for an enterprise is the certificate of its legal operations.

2.“Business License” has two copies: an original and a duplicate which have the equal legal effect. 3.The Original “Business License” should be placed visibly in the company’s business site. 4.“Business License” is prohibited to be forged, altered, leased, lent or transferred. 5.The enterprise shall apply an alternation registration to the agency for any changes of the registered items. 6.The registration authority shall proceed an annual inspection on the enterprise from every 1st of March to every 30th of June. 7.“Business License” shall become invalid automatically when invalidated by the registration authority. 8.The enterprise should return the original and duplicate copies of the Business License when canceling the registration. 9.If the Business License is lost or ruined, a statement of cancellation should be made on a pointed press and apply for another one. Date: xxxxxxxxxx

营业执照 翻译模板(签证申请)

Translation of the Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person (Duplicate Copy) Registration No. 1234567890(1-1) Beijing ABCDE Co.,Ltd (seal) The Enterprise Name: Beijing ABCDE Co.,Ltd Address: No.123 Minzhu Road , Dongcheng District, Beijing City Legal Representative: Tom Green Registered Capital: RMB1,000,000yuan Paid-in capital: RMB1,000,000yuan Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability(legal person) Scope of Business: Date of Establishment: 10 June 1999 Term of Operation: From 10 Jun 1999 to 9 June 2029 Notice 1.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3.The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5.Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6.Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 through June 30. 7.No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8.To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9.Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for a reassurance. Date of annual examination is from March 1 to June 30. Please put in the documents before June 30. Administration of Industry & Commerce of Beijing(seal)15 May 2009


No:No.1 01514879 Business License (Duplicate copy) Registration No.: 91110105560398889R Enterprise Name: Beijing XXXX International Consulting Co., Ltd. Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability(Foreign legal person) Residence: Room XXX,Office Building X, Beijing Landmark Towers, No.8 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Legal Representative: XXX Registered Capital: RMB Five Hundred Thousand Yuan Date of Establishment:XX.XX.XXXX Term of Business: From X th XX XXXX to X th June 2041 Scope of Business:Investment Advisory: Economic Consulting: public relations management consulting. ("1, without the approval of relevant departments, shall be open to the public to raise funds; 2, no public securities launched products and financial transactions; 3, shall not grant loans; 4, not to invest in enterprises other enterprises to provide guarantee; 5, not promise to investors against losses or capital investment the lowest income commitments"; the law is subject to the approval of the project, approved by the relevant departments according to the approved content to expand the business activities). Registration Office: Beijing XXXXXXXXXXXX X th January 2016 Enterprise credit management information system: https://www.docsj.com/doc/f56546331.html, State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China


营业执照经营范围大全 一、服务型企业经营范围参考 (一)服务类 电脑图文设计制作、企业形象策划、展览展示服务、市场调研、摄影服务、资料翻译服务、礼仪服务、赛事活动策划、公关活动策划、快递服务、室内保洁服务、婚庆礼仪服务、餐饮管理、其他居民服务、市政工程配套服务、(房地产开发、物业管理1年期); (二)咨询类公司经营范围 房产咨询、商务咨询、商务信息咨询、旅游咨询、旅游信息咨询、财务咨询、财务信息咨询、理财咨询、劳务咨询、劳务信息咨询、企业投资咨询、投资管理咨询、投资管理、企业管理咨询、企业营销咨询、人力资源咨询、人才信息咨询服务、职业发展咨询、市场调查及咨询服务、文化教育信息咨询、文化艺术交流策划咨询、医疗健康保健咨询、家政服务、包装服务、投资与资产管理、社会经济咨询、办公服务、企业营销策划及管理咨询、商务信息咨询、会务代理、会展咨询、展览展示代理、室内装潢设计咨询、房地产信息咨询、房屋经纪、房地产营销策划、物业管理咨询、度假信息咨询、法律信息咨询、医药信息咨询、医疗器械信息咨询、投资信息咨询(不含金融、证券、期货)、设计、制作、代理、发布国内各类广告业务(气球广告除外)、雕塑设计与制作等; (三)安装维修类公司经营范围 电器安装、制冷设备安装、水电安装、机电设备安装、网络布线、电脑安装维修、屋顶防水、建筑装潢、混凝土切割、植、,加固、水电安装、管道维修、工程机械设备维修、楼宇清洗、外墙粉刷、石林养护、地毯清洗、中央空调清洗、工业管道清洗; (四)工程、设计类公司经营范围 建筑工程、市政工程、绿化工程、园林工程、室内装潢、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计、园林绿化设计、建筑装修装饰设计、房屋建筑工程、土石方工程、地基与基础工程、建筑装修装饰工程、机电设备安装工程、建筑幕墙工程、预拌商品混凝土、混凝土预制构件、园林古建筑工程、钢结构工程、电梯安装工程、消防设施工程、建筑防水工程、防腐保温工程、金属门窗工程、爆破与拆除工程、建筑智能化工程、房地产开发等; (五)科技类公司经营范围 技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务:计算机领域、计算机技术咨询服务、计算机软硬件、网络科技、网络技术、通讯工程、网络工程、电子计算机与电子技术信息、汽车技术、生物与医药、生物工程及生物制品研制、开发、销售、化工新材料、光机电一体化、航天海洋与现代运输装备、能源与环保、民用核能技术、传统产业中的高科技运用、印务科技。从事机电领域内的技术开发,技术咨询。注:机电领域不可以做技术服务。 二.商贸型企业经营范围参考 1.百货(日用百货、服装服饰、皮革制品、鞋帽、洗涤用品、化妆品、护肤用品、摄影器材、玩具、音响设备及器材) 2.文化办公用品(纸制品) 3.包装材料


企业法人营业执照翻译模板 2011-04-06 09:02 企业法人营业执照 BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON

须知Notice 1.《企业法人营业执照》是企业法人资格和合法经营的凭证。 1. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2.《企业法人营业执照》分为正本和副本,正本和副本具有同等法律效力。 2. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3.《企业法人营业执照》正本应当至于住所的醒目位置。 3. The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4.《企业法人营业执照》不得伪造,涂改,出租,出借,转让。 4. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5. 登记事项发生变化,应当向公司登记机关变更登记,换领《企业法人营业执照》。 5. Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6. 每年三月一日至六月三十日,应当参加年度检验。 6. Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 through June 30. 7.《企业法人营业执照》被吊销后,不得开展与清算无关的经营活动。 7. No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted .


enterprise business license (template) 正本: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS LICENSE REGISTERED NO.: 110000450####### DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT: 9/03/2010 REGISTRATION AUTHORITY: BEIJING ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUDTRY AND COMMERCE DATE: 09/03/2019 No.1040936 COMPANY NAME:BEIJING ABC CO., LTD ADDRESS:ROOM##, FLOOR #, CHINA LIFE BUILDING, CHAOWAI STREET NO.16, CHAOYANG DISTRICT, BEIJING LEGAL REPRESATIVE: ##### REGISTERED CAPITAL 100,000dollar CAPTITAL PAID-IN: 0 dollar COMPANY TYPE: CORPORATE LIMITED (Taiwan HK MACAO enterprise) BUSINESS SCOPE Item per approval: none General item: Food and beverages consulting, social economic consulting, economic information consulting, economic trading consulting; company management consulting; investment consulting; Corporate Planning consulting; public relationship service. INVESTOR(S): THE RICCI GROUP LIMITED BUSINESS TERM: FROM 03/09/2010 TO 08/03/2040 副本: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS LICENSE (Duplicate) (2-1) REGISTERED NO. 110000450###### COMPANY NAME:ABC CONSULTING(BEIJING) CO.,LTD ADDRESS:ROOM #, FLOOR #, CHINA LIFE BUILDING, CHAOWAI STREET NO.16, CHAOYANG DISTRICT, BEIJING LEGAL REPRESATIVE: ##### REGISTERED CAPITAL 100,000DOLLAR CAPTITAL PAID-IN: 0 DOLLAR COMPANY TYPE: CORPORATE LIMITED (Taiwan HK MACAO enterprise) BUSINESS SCOPE: item per approval: none General item: Food and beverages consulting, social economic consulting, economic information consulting, economic trading consulting; company management consulting; investment


营业执照中英文翻译 营业执照是什么? 营业执照是工商行政管理机关发给工商企业、个体经营者的准许从事某项生产经营活动的凭证。其格式由国家工商行政管理局统一规定,营业执照分正本和副本,二者具有相同的法律效力。正本应当置于公司住所或营业场所的醒目位置,营业执照不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、转让。没有营业执照的工商企业或个体经营者一律不许开业,不得刻制公章、签订合同、注册商标、刊登广告,银行不予开立帐户。 营业执照包含哪些内容? 企业名称、地址、负责人、注册资金数额、经济成分、经营范围、经营方式、从业人数、经营期限等。 2019年3月1日起,在全国启用新版营业执照。新版营业执照将印制国徽、边框、标题(营业执照)、国家企业信用信息公示系统网址、登记机关公章、年月日、国家市场监督管理总局监制等内容,打印统一社会信用代码及号码、记载事项名称及内容、二维码等内容,其中副本照面加打年报提示语。 哪些业务营业执照需要翻译? 1.国内公司有涉外业务需求 2.公司员工申请签证,为了证明其所在单位的资质,进而证明收入证明的真实有效性 3.外国公司在中国境内办理公司业务需要提供外籍营业执照 4.中国公民对外投资移民 营业执照翻译注意事项: 1.营业执照属于法律文件,翻译件要求表述准确,排版要保持基本一致。 2.营业执照的翻译难点在于经营范围,因为涉及的领域比较广泛,词语的专业化程度较高,

对译员素质有较高要求。 3.营业执照翻译件涉及法人姓名、这册资本、经营期限、统一社会信用代码应与原件保持绝对一致。 4.新版营业执照翻译时应将营业执照上的二维码截图保留至翻译件上,并加以说明。 5.营业执照翻译件应加盖正规翻译公司中英文公章、翻译专用章、涉外专用章 6.如果向英属联邦制国家提交翻译件时,翻译件的文末应附译者声明和译员的个人信息(包括:译员签名、所属公司或机构地址、翻译日期、联系方式) 正规的营业执照翻译公司在哪里? 1.网络搜索正规的翻译公司,一般正规翻译公司都可以提供营业执照翻译服务。 2.利用便民服务软件比如:大众点评、美团、百度地图、高德地图等,搜索所在地区用户评价较高的翻译公司。 3.正规的翻译公司有具体的办公地点和一定数量的译员团队,用户可以实地上门进行核实。 4.正规翻译公司有严格的质量管理体系,接单—签订合同—付款—开始翻译—校对—排版—最终审校—交稿,如果有任何翻译问题,正规翻译公司都会进行无偿修改,不会收取额外的费用。 5.正规的翻译公司可以出具翻译服务类型的正规公司发票。 文章来源:营业执照翻译


Certificate of Incorporation Registration企业法人营业执照 副本Copy(2-2) Registration No: xxxxxxxxx Company Name:名称 Address:住所1F,xxx Building, xxx Road, xxx District, Beijing Legal Representative:法定代表人 Registration Capital:注册资本10 Million USD Paid-up Capital:实收资本10 Million USD Character of Business:有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)Limited company wholly invested by xxx ltd. Scope of Operation: Licensed business items: None许可经营项目:无 General busines s item s: Laws, administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and national industrial policies of foreign investment, shall not be prohibited by operation; laws and administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and national industrial policies of foreign investment restrictions on the operation of the project, approved by the approving authority and the administrative department for Industry and commerce registration before operation; laws and administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and the foreign countries investment industrial policy did not limit the operation, choose to operate the project to carry out business activities.一般经营项目:法律、行政法规、国务院决定和国家外商投资产业政策禁止的,不得经营;法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定应经许可和国家外商投资产业政策限制经营的项目,经审批机关批准并经工商行政管理机关登记注册后方可经营;法律、行政法规、国务院决定和国家外商投资产业政策未限制经营的,自主选择经营项目开展经营活动。 Shareholders:XXX Ltd. Business Term: From May.01, 2001 to May.01, 2021 Foundation Date: May.01, 2001 No.xxxxxxxxxx Statement 1. The Business License is the certificate of an enterprise as a legal person and its legal operations. 2. The Business License has two copies: an Original and a Duplicate which have the equal legal effect. 3. The Business License should be placed visibly in the company’s business site. 4. The Business License is prohi bited to be forged, altered, lent or transferred. 5. When the enterprise is going to alter the items on its registered license, it shouldsubmit an application to the registration government agency to change its registration and receive a new Business License. 6. The registration government agency will conduct an annual check-up for the enterprise, at a time between March 1st and June 30th each year. 7. After the Business License is revoked, only business activities related to liquidation can be carried out. 8. When registry of the enterprise is written off, the original and the duplicate copy(s) should be returned to the registration government agency. 9. In case that the Business License is lost or ruined, a statement of cancellation should be made on a press pointed by the registration government agency and a new Business License should be applied for. Registered with: industrial & commercial administration bureau of Beijing (seal) Jul.01,2010


Enterprise Business License Duplicate Registration No.: 4201002000160000 Name: XXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. Address:Room X, Building X, , Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China Legal Representative: XXXX Registered Capital: RMB 8,000,000 Paid-in Capital: RMB 8,000,000 Enterprises Category: Limited Liability Company Business Scope: Forestry projects investment, management, and consulting. Research and development on biological products. Forestry harvesting and processing. Forestry ownership transferring agent and consulting. Forest plantations and maintenance. Forest Inventory, design and revegetation. Forest products production, processing and marketing. Tourism project planning and consulting. Foundation Date: June 23, 1998 Operation Period: June 23, 1998 to June 22, 2028 Steal by Wuchang Branch, Business Administration Bureau of Wuhan Issue date: August 22, 2013


Individual-owned Business License (Duplicate) Registration No .: xxxx Notes 1. Business license for industrial and commercial units is the certificate for an enterprise to obtain enterprise legal person qualification and legal operation. 2. The license is made in original and duplicate, with same authenticity. 3. Original license shall be placed at eye-catching place of the venue of enterprise legal person. 4. Business license shall not be forged, modified, rented, transferred, or assigned. 5.When registration issues of enterprise legal person change, the original registration authority shall be approached to apply for amendment of registration. 6. From January 1 to May 31 each year, registration authority will make annual inspection to enterprise legal person. 7. After being suspended, business license shall automatically go void. Enterprise legal person shall engage in no business activities other than liquidation. 8. When an enterprise cancels registration, business licenses in original and duplicate shall be returned. 9. In case of loss or damage of the Business License for industrial and commercial units, Enterprise legal person shall, publish Cancellation Notice on appointed newspaper or periodical, then apply with registration authority for receiving new one. Sealed by Issuing date: Formulated by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China


BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON (Duplicate) Registration No.XXXXXXXXXXX Name of enterprise: XXXXXXXXXXXX Address: XXXXXX Legal representative:XXXXXXXX Registered capital: XXXXXXXXXX Paid-up capital: XXXXXXXXXX Type of business:XXXXXXXXXXX Scope of business: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Date of establishment: Duration of operation: Notices 1. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations. 2. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duplicates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3. The original of Business License of Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching place of the domicile. 4. BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON shall not be forged, altered, let out, lent and assigned. 5. Any change in the registered items shall be registered with the company registration authority so as to replace the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON. 6. Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from Mar. 1 through Jun.30. 7. No business activity relating to the liquidation may, after the revocation of the BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON, be conducted . 8. To cancel its registration, the company shall have the original copy and duplicates of BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON returned. 9. Should BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON be lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for an reassurance. Annual Review of the Enterprise Please submission the enterprise registration materials of annual examination before Jun. 30th,without any further notice. XXXXX Administration for Industry and Commerce (sealed) Oct. 21, 2011


BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON ( DUPLICATE ) (1-1) Register Number: XXX Date of Set-up: Issued By: The Bureau of XXXXXX Industrial and Commercial Administration XXXXXX Branch (seal) Date: The Enterprise Name: Address: Legal Representative: Capital Amount: Economic Type: Scope of Business: Main Business: Operation Type: Operation Period:

ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON According to "The People's Republic of China Enterprise Legal Person Registration Regulations," the relevant provisions of the enterprise legal person shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. A registered company registered in the competent authority for approval to collect a "Business License" means to obtain legal personality. Enterprise Legal Person With a "Business License" can be engraved seals, open a bank account, signed a contract to carry out business activities. 2. Enterprise legal person shall be registered within the approved business scope engaging in business activities. 3 Enterprise legal person to change the name, residence, business premises, legal representative, of an economic nature, scope, mode of operation, registered capital, operating period, and the addition or revocation of branches, the competent authority shall apply for registration of change of registration. 4 Enterprise legal separation, consolidation, migration, the competent authority shall apply for registration of change of registration, open registration or cancellation of registration. 5 Out of business enterprise legal person has been revoked, declared bankrupt or for other reasons the termination of business, the competent authority shall apply for registration of cancellation of registration. 6 Enterprise legal person receiving "enterprise legal person business license," after the expiry of six months or the cessation of business activities have not yet carried out a full year of operations as if they go out of business, the registration authorities shall be confiscated "enterprise legal person business license" and its copies and official seal. 7 Enterprise legal person registration of each of the competent authority should be required to submit annual report, balance sheet or the balance sheet, handling an annual inspection. 8 Registration issued by the competent authority "enterprise legal person business license" is the enterprise legal documents, in addition to the registration authorities in accordance with legal procedures may be withheld or revoked, the other of any unit or individual shall not be confiscated, seized and destroyed. "Business License" and its copy shall not counterfeit, alter, lease, lend, transfer, sell, and unauthorized copying.

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