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A Manyteenagersfeelthatthemostimportantpeopleintheirlivesaretheirfriends.Theybelievethat theirfamilymembers,especiallytheirparents,don'tknowthemaswelltheirfriendsdo.Inlargefa milies,itisoftenforbrothersandsisterstofightwitheachotherandthentheycanonlygototheirfrie ndsforadvice.Itisveryimportantforteenagerstohaveonegoodfriendormanyfriends.Evenwhe ntheyarenotwiththeirfriends,theyusuallyspendalotoftimetalkingamongthemselvesontheph one.Thiscommunicationisveryimportantinchildren'sgrowingup,becausefriendcandiscusss omethingdifficulttosaytotheirfamilymembers.

However,parentsoftentrytochoosetheirchildren'sfriendsforthem.Someparentsmayevenstop theirchildrenfrommeetingth eirgoodfriends.Thequestionof“choice”isaninterestingone.Hav eyoueverthoughtofthefollowingquestions?

Whochooseyourfriends? Doyouchooseyourfriendsoryourfriendschooseyou? Haveyougotagoodfriendyourparentsdon'tlike?





D. classmates

22. Whenteenagersstayalone,theusualwayofcommunicationisto_________.





23. WhichofthefollowingisDIFFERENTinmeaningfromthesentence“Someparentsmayeve nstoptheirchildrenfrommeetingtheirgoodfriends.”?





24. Themainideaofthispassageisthat___________.






Somepeoplethinkthattheywillgetilliftheyusetheirbrains(大脑)toomuch..Itisnottrue.Throughmanystudies,scientistsshowusthatthemoreyouuseyourbra ins,thebetteritwillbe,andtheclevereryouwillbecome.

Ofcourse,ifyouwanttokeepyourmindclearandactive,youmusttakeaproperrestandstudyprop erly.Totheteenagers,usingtheirbrainsinthemorningisgoodfortheirhealth. Therearemanywaystorest.Oneisapeacefulrest.Sleepisapeacefulrest.Anotherisanactiverest. Forexample,takeawalkoutdoors,domoreexerciseseveryday.Tochangethewayofthebrains’a ctivitiesisalsoagoodwaytorest.

























A.adriver B.anairhostess

C.ateacher D.ateacheroranairhostess




31.Mary,aged26,knowsEnglishandJapanese.Whichjobcanbegiventoher? A.DrivingforCapesTaxi. B.WorkingforChinaAirlines. C.TeachingatInstantLanguagesLtd. D.Advertising. 32.WhatpreventsJack,anexperiencedtaxidriver,workingforCapesTaxi? A.Likingbeerandwine.





Therearesomeverygoodthingsaboutopeneducation.Thiswayofteachingallowsstudent stogrowaspeople,andtodeveloptheirowninterestsinmanysubjects.Openeducationallowsstu dentstoberesponsiblefor(负责)theirowneducation,astheyareresponsibleforwhattheydoinlife.Somestudentsdobadlyintradit ionalclassrooms.Theopenclassroommayallowthemtoenjoylearning.Somestudentswillbeha ppierin anopeneducationschool.Theywillnothavetoworryaboutgradesorrules.Forstudentsw howorryaboutthesethingsalot,itisagoodideatobeinanopenclassroom.

Butmanystudentswillnotdowellinanopenclassroom.Forsomestudents,therearetoofewrules .Thesestudentswilldolittleinschool.Theywillnotmakegooduseofopeneducation.Becauseop eneducationissodifferentfromtraditionaleducation,thesestudentsmayhaveaproblemofgettin gusedtomakingsomanychoices.Formanystudentsitisimportanttohavesomerulesintheclassr oom.Theyworryabouttherulesevenwhentherearenorules.Evenafewruleswillhelpthiskindof students.Thelastpointaboutopeneducationisthatsometraditionalteachersdonotlikeit.Manyte achersdonotbelieveinopeneducation.Teacherswhowanttohaveanopenclassroommayhavem anyproblemsattheirschool.

Younowknowwhatopeneducationis.Someofitsgoodpointsandbadpointshavebeenexpla ined.Youmayhaveyourownopinionaboutopeneducation.Thewriterthinksthatopeneducatio nisagoodidea,butonlyintheory.Inactualfact,itmaynotworkverywellinarealclassorschool.Th ewriterbelievesthatmoststudents,butofcoursenotallstudents,wantsomestructureintheirclass es.Theywantandneedtohaverules.Insomecases,theymustbemadetostudysomesubjects.Man ystudentsarepleasedtofindsubjectstheyhavetostudyinteresting.Theywouldnotstudythosesu bjectsiftheydidnothaveto. 33.Somestudentslikeopeneducationbutsomestudentswilldolittleinanopenclassroom

because .




D.theyworryabouttherules 34.WhichofthefollowingisNotmentionedinthepassage?




D.Theteachers’feelingsandattitudesareimportanttothestude nts. 35.Whichofthefollowingcanbestsummarize(总结)thepassage?






Takinggoodnotesisatime-savingskillthatwillhelpyoutobecomeabetterstudentinsever always36Second,yournotesareexcellentmaterialstorefertowhenyouarestudyingforatest.Thi rd,note-takingoffersvarietytoyourstudytimeandhelpsyoutoholdyourinterest.

Youwillwanttotakenotesduringclassroomdiscussionsandwhilereadingatextbookord oingresearchforareport.37Wheneverorhoweveryoutakenotes,keepinmindthatnote-takingis aselectiveprocess.38Thefollowingmethodsmayworkbestforyou.

●Readthetextquicklyt ofindthemainfactsandideasinit.

●Carefullyreadthetextandwatchforwordsthatcanshowmainpointsand supportingfacts.



●Noteanyquestionsorideasyoumayhaveaboutwhatwassaidorwritten. Asyoutakenotes,youmaywanttouseyourownshorthand(速记).Whenyoudo,besurethatyouunderstandyoursymbolsandthatyouusethem allthetime.40







G.First,thesimpleactofwritingsomethingdownmakesiteasierforyoutounderstandandremem berit.




Mylittlegirl,whoiseightyearsold,isexperimentingwithsmilesandkindness.Shehasbeen __41_herowncolorful smilecardsand oftentakesthemtoschoolorpacksherpocketswiththem whenwegoshopping.

LastSunday,I tookhertotheshoppingcenter_42_me.Shepackedherpocketswithabout2 0ofher homemade smilecards. Shewas _43_ toseeJohn,whoisanelderlyman_44_samples(样

品)tocustomers.Weseehimfromtimetotimeandheisso_45_and friendlythatwecan’thelpfeeli ngnicetalkingtohim.Johnwasn'tatthe_46_onSunday,somydaughter__47_togivehersmileca rdstoalltheotheremployees.Itwentvery__48_.Theysmiledatherwhenthey49__hersmilecard s.

Thebiggest _50_Ithinkshegotfromourshoppingtripcamewhenshehad_51_cards.She waswalkingbyawomanwithtwobabiesinhercart.Mydaughter_52_herandtheyoungmothers

https://www.docsj.com/doc/f48757421.html,ter,Shecametomeandsaid,"Mom,Ijust_53something.Youdon't need_54_tom akesomeone smile.55_youneedtodoismakeeyecontactandsmileintotheireyesandtheywills mileback."

Whata_56_lessonmydaughter remindedmeof.Itisso_57_forustomakeeyecontactwithpeopl e.Youcanmakeajokeor_58_afriendlywordortwotothepersonpouringyourcoffeeordrivingth ebusorjustsay_59_toastranger.Andyouare_60_toolatetoexperimentwithkindnessandsmiles



Alan: Why?


I'mnotsurewhat 61 (happen).Imadesomesandwichesearlierandleftthemonthetable 6 2 Iwenttoanswerthephone.Butsomeonemusthavetakenthembecausethey're 63 (go). Alan: Oh,itmusthavebeenDad.I'msurehewasinthekitchen 64 (early).


No,hewentofftohistennismatchbeforeIfinished 65 (make)them,sohecouldn'thavedonei t. 66,hecouldn'tcarryaplateofsandwichesaswellasallhistennisstuff,soI'msure 67 wasn'thim .

Alan:(openingthefridgedoor)Well,itwasn'tme.ButMum,look!Aretheseyoursandwichesher eonthebottomshelfof68fridge?


Aretheythere?Oh,mygoodness.I 69haveputthemintherewhenthephonerang.Oh,dear.Ir




together.Thankstohisgreathelp,https://www.docsj.com/doc/f48757421.html,styear, shedecidetostudyabroad.Thatistosay,wewouldnolongerseeandtalkwith eachotherforlongtime.Afterherleaving,Ipreparedagifttoshowmybest

wishestoher.Shesaiditwasthemostbestgiftshehadeverhad.Fromthen,we’ve keptintouchwitheachotherthroughE-mails.Ilookforwardtoseeheragain.






_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________






21-25:BDACD 26-30:BCDCD 31-35:ACBCA 36-40:CBCAB









四.短文改错friend→friendsspend→spenthis→her&of→indecide-decidedfor^longtime→foralongtime after→before去掉mostnow→thensee→seeing


Shouldstudentsmakefriendsonline?Somepeoplesayyes.Theinternethelpsmakemanyfriends .Chattingonline,studentscanmorefreelyexpresstheirfeelingsandopinions,andevengethelpwi ththeirforeignlanguagestudies.

Others,however,thinkstudentsshouldnot.Theysaymakingfriendsonlineisawasteoftime, whichshouldbespentmoremeaningfullyonstudy.Besides,somestudentsgetcheatedonline.

Itismyopinionthatstudentsshouldplacetheirstudy,healthandsafetybeforeotherthings.As forfriendship,wecanreadilyfinditinourclassmatesandotherpeoplearoundus.

高一新生分班考试英语试题及答案 (1)

2018高一新生分班考试英语试题(1) I.单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1. She is worried ______ her son’s eyesight because he often plays online games. A. about B. for C. with D. of 2. — Got any information about buying the Olympics Opening Ceremony tickets online? ----Well, I was trying to, but found _____. A. some B. none C. nothing D. no one 3. When I can’t understand ______, I always raise my hand to ask. A. what the teacher says B. how the teacher says C. what does the teacher say D. how does the teacher say 4. — Who writes _______ in your class? — Kate does, of course. A. more carefully B. the most careful C. the most carefully D. more careful 5. — Two Yangtze Evening Paper, please! — Only one copy left. Would you like to have ______, sir? A. one B. it C. this D. them 6. —Are you sure you have to? It’s been so late. —I don’t know _______ I can do it if not now. A. when B. how C. why D. what 7. Which do you enjoy ______ your coming weekend, going touring or staying at home? A. spending B. to spend C. spend D. spent 8. — What do you think the weather is like today? — It’s still a little bit cold, though not so ______ as yesterday. A. cold B. colder C. coldest D. much colder 9. I’m good at Chinese ______ my sister does very well in English. A. while B. when C. because D. as 10. I was born ______ a warm spring afternoon of 1992. Now I am 16 years old. A. at B. in C. on D. to 11. Please come to me _______ you need my help. A. wherever B. whatever C. whenever D. however 12. — _____ will your father be back? I have something important to tell him. — Perhaps in two days, I think. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How much 13. Mike _______ very hard. When I saw him at eleven last night, he was still studying in his room.


第一部分听力理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共五小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面五段对话.每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话紧读一遍. 1. According to the weatherman, what is the forecast for tomorrow? A. It will rain. B. It will be cold C. It will be windy. 2. What does Mr.Brown most probably do at the school? A. He teaches art. B. He learns painting. C. He repairs equipment. 3. What was the weather like last Saturday? A. It was sunny. B. It was raining all day. C. It turned fine in the afternoon. 4. What’s the woman’s occupation? A. A shopkeeper. B. A bank clerk C. A driver. 5. What does the woman think of the film/ A. She thinks the film will win the prize. B. She doesn’t think the film is good. C. She isn’t interested in it. 第二节(共15题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所


海拉尔实验高中2014-2015年度高一上学期英语 出题人:宫景光 第一部分 第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members, especially their parents, don't know them as well their friends do. In large families, it is often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or many friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication is very important in children's growing up, because friend can discuss something difficult to say to their family members. However, parents often try to choose their children's friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of “choice” is an interesting one. Have you ever thought of the following questions? Who choose your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a good friend your parents don't like? 21. Many teenagers think their _______ know them better than their parents do. A. friends B. teachers C. brothers and sisters D. classmates 22. When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of communication is to _________. A. go to their friends B. talk with their parents C. have a discussion with their family D. talk with their friends on the phone 23. Which of the following is DIFFERENT in meaning from the sentence “Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends.”? A. Some parents may even not allow their children to meet their good friends. B. Some parents may even ask their children to stay away from their good friends. C. Some parents may even not let their children meet their good friends. D. Some parents may want their children to stop to meet their good friends. 24. The main idea of this passage is that ___________. A. Teenagers need friends B. Friends can give good advice C. Parents often choose their children's friends for them D. Good friends can communicate with each other B Some people think that they will get ill if they use their brains (大脑) too much.. It is not true. Through many studies, scientists show us that the more you use your brains, the better it will


注意事项:2017 级高一入学考试英语试题 时间:90 分钟满分:150 分 10. Laura couldn’t help the jellyfish. They sparkled like jewels. A. watched B. to watch C. watch D. watching 11. One Saturday morning he walked Blossom Street as usual. A. face to face B. from time to time C. up and down D. here and there 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B 铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A 后的方框涂黑。 2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 一、单项填空(共15 小题:每小题1 分,满分15 分) 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Seal stopped singing and floods of tears. A. burst into B. set into C. brought into D. took into 2. Every morning, Mr. Flinch up the hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. A. to wake B. has woken C. waking D. woke 3. Daisy said ‘_it wasn’t bori ng.’ A. at times B. at last C. at least D. at most 4. I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand he needs it. A. as B. if C. unless D. though 5. Some of the asteroids were big office blocks A. as, that B. as, so C. as, as D. so, as 6. Lenny nudged him in the back and sai d, “ Your shorts are mine!” A. same that B. the same as C. same as D. the same that 7. The other two cleaning ladies to be Captain Smith and Captain Jones. A. turn over B. turn out C. turn into D. turn on 8. That was because you couldn’t eat rice pudding without most of it down your shirt. A. to put B. being put C. put D. putting 9. They saw Captain Smith and Captain Jones cleaning ladies and holding up mirrors. A. dressed as B. dressing as C. are dressed as D. is dressed as 12. Half an hour , they were both tired and fed up. A. latter B. later C. late D. latest 13. We are to hear the bad news. A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising D. surprisingly 14. Pa stopped playing his fiddle, but he never hope. A. gave out B. gave in C. gave up D. give up 15. He learned about his own people, the Xhosas, how they had fought against the British. A. bravely B. carefully C. luckily D. likely 二、完形填空 (共20 小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 There was a problem at the castl e. “I giv e up,” said Mrs Binns, The royal cleaner, “There’s too 16_ work here for one person.” Mrs Binns gave Queen Norah the keys 17_ the castle and left. Queen Norah told the rest of the royal family. “What are we going to do?” a sked the Princess Jane. “For a start ,you 18 not have your friends round here any mor e.” said Queen Nort h. “Why not?” asked Princess Jane. “19 they make too much mess.” “Perhaps we can 20 try to keep the castle tidy,” said King Harry. “I’m sure 21 Captain Jones and Captain Smith will help. I can 22_ do a bit of washing myself.” “Wha t!” shouted Queen Norah. “People will say that King Harry does his own cleaning! Never!” “We can put up an advert for 23_ cleaner,” said Princess Jane. “Good ide a,” said Queen Norah. “W rite an advert at once.” Princess Jane 24 a notice. She pinned it to the castle door. The days went by and 25 came to ask about the cleaning job. The castle became dirtier 26 dirtier. There were no more clean clothes and no more clean plates. One morning Queen Norah heard singing 27 from the kitchen. She popped her head round the door. She saw a shocking sight. King Harry was at the sink doing the dishes. Captain Smith was mopping the floor. Captain Jones was washing the royal shirts.


高一下学期期中考试英语试题 一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 1. 阅读理解 TheBest Ice Rinks in Europe ZeroDegrees, London, the UK TheMaritime Museum in Greenwich has opened an ice rink this year for the firsttime. It’s outside the Queen’s House and has agreat view of the R iver Thames, creating a wonderful skating experience. It’s alittle cheaper than competing museum ice rinks, and less busy, too. There is noneed to book tickets online. You can simply turn up and buy tickets there. Nextto the outdoor ice rink there is an indoor bar for those who simply wish towatch, and it’s open until late. Ticketprices: adult from £13.50, child from £6.75 SkatingHeroes, Hungary Budapest’sCity Park ice rink opens daily from November to February: it’s one of thelargest and oldest open-air rinks in Europe and it is beautiful. It is easilyreached by train or subway. A cafe serve hot chocolate, wine and traditionalchimney cakes. If you are fortunate, you may see some of Budapest’s olderresidents ballroom dancing on the ice. Ticketprices: adult from £3.50, child free Bite-Size,Poland


2018~2019学年度第二学期《英语》期末考试试卷(A卷) 班级学号姓名总分 (考试形式:闭卷时间:120分钟) 适用班级:高一英语 说明: 1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分, 共10 页6大题。 2. 满分150分; 答题时间120分钟。 3. 卷I答案需用2B铅笔填涂到答题卡上相应题号下,卷II答案用黑色水笔、黑色钢笔 书写到答题卡上。铅笔书写卷II内容不得分。 第I卷(共90分) 第一部分听力(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 略 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 从A、B、C及D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. On this map what does a star ________? A. tell B. represent C. say D. mean 17. I first met Mr Smith in America. He ________ at Stanford University then. A. studied B. had studied C. is studying D. was studying 18. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ________, our minds are developed by learning. A. Possibly B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally 19. ________, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classical music better. A. In a word B. In general C. In time D. In total 20. The letter “X” can be used ________ an unknown number. A. to expressing B. to express C. expressing D. expression


高一(下)英语入学测试题 考试时间:120分钟试题满分:150分 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的试卷将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who is coming for tea? A. John. B. Mark. C. Tracy. 2. What will the man do next? A. Leave right away. B. Stay for dinner. C. Catch a train. 3. What does the man come for? A. A lecture. B. A meeting. C. A party. 4. What size does the man want? A. 9. B. 35. C. 39. 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. Life in Southeast Asia. B. Weather conditions. C. A holiday tour. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the man doing? A. Giving a speech. B. Chairing a meeting. C. Introducing a person. 7. Why does the woman sing so well? A. She has a great teacher. B. She teaches singing. C. She is young. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What is the second gift for Jimmy? A. A car. B. A watch. C. A computer. 9. Why does Jimmy feel happy? A. He lives with his parents. B. He’s got what he dreamt of. C. He’s received lots of presents. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. They are friends. B. They are strangers to each other. C. They are husband and wife. 11. Why does the woman come to talk with the man? A. To get a job. B. To take a test. C. To see the secretary.


高二试卷 第一节:单项填空 1. I won’t go there. It’s late now. __________, it is raining so hard. A. That’s B. What’s more C. However D. So 2. After ______quick dinner, Stephanie likes to play ________ guitar for a while in the garden. A. a。 a B. a。 the C. the。 a D。不填。the 3.It is suggested that another school___________ in our city. A. should build B. be set up C. will be set up D. will build 4.You can never imagine what great trouble we have ______the matter. A. taken to deal with B. taken dealing with C. took to deal with D. taking dealing with 5.Though he had felt that English was difficult to learn, he never _______, and finally he succeeded. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave out D. both A and B 6. ______ is certain is ______ the mystery of Stonehenge has never been fully explained. A. It, that B. What, what C. It, what D. What, that 7. Professor Zhang gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except ___ who had already taken them. A. these B. ones C. the ones D. the others 8.My father always tells me that as long as I work hard my wish to be a scientist will surely ______. A. come about B. happen C. take place D. come true 9.Because of the hard work of the farmers the desert finally ______ rich farmland. A. changed B. turned C. turned into D. turned to 10.In the north people sometimes tie straw ropes (草绳> round the trees in winter to ______ them from the cold. A. stop B. prevent C. save D. protect 11.He paid thirty yuan to post the moon cake, not ______ the charge (费用> for the container. A. keeping B. taking C. including D. containing 12. --_______ will you leave for Hawaii? --In around two weeks. I am waiting for my passport. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. When 13. ------What about going out for a walk after supper? -------______. Walking after meals is good for health. A. I co uldn’t agree more. B. I’m afraid not. C. I believe not. D. I don’t think so 14. The driver was about to drive to cross the street _________ the red light turned on. A. as B. when C. before D. while

2019高一下学期期末英语 试卷

本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(听力),第II卷(英语知识运用)和第III卷(读写能力测试)三部分。满分为100 分,考试用时为100 分钟。考试结束时,请将试卷全部上交。 题号第Ⅰ卷第II卷第III卷总分 得分 第Ⅰ卷 得分听力(共三节,15小题,每题1分;满分15分) 评卷人 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the woman probably doing? A. Giving a speech. B. Preparing for her speech. C. Watching TV. 2. What does the man mean? A. He can play the computer games. B. Mark should practice his drawing.

C. Mark should go over his lessons. 3. Where are the two speakers? A. At home. B. In a restaurant. C. On the street. 4. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Father and daughter. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student. 5. What will the man do this Sunday? A. Visit some small rooms. B. Go to the zoo. C. Climb a hill. 第二节 听下面2段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6至第8题。 6. How long has Peter Waters lived here? A. A few months. B. About twenty years. C. Nearly the same as the man. 7. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. On the bus. B. On the street. C. At the police office. 8. What is Peter Waters’house like? A. Old and red. B. New and blue. C. Old and blue. 听下面一段材料,回答第9至第11题。


高一年级英语学科(期中试卷) 金台高中张景慧 第一卷(选择题共70分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共三节,满分40分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A B C D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 1.pocket A. shock B. stone C. remove D. moment 2. deal A. season B. great C. meant D. dealt 3. polite A. distance B. service C. sign 4. wasted A. fixed C. needed D. changed 5. cloth A. clothing B. breathe C. southern D. length 第二节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A B C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. With time ______, she came to understand her mother was trying to teach her an important lesson. A. go by B. went by C. going by D. gone by 7. It was on the beach ______ he spent his vacation ______ he met Susan. A. that; that B. where; where C. that; where D. where; that 8. However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty ______ each other. A. to understand B. to talk C. in understanding D. with understanding 9. If you pu t the fruits in the fridge, they’ll ______ fresh for many more days. A. stay B. last C. go D. continue 10. ---It’s said that we’ll have a sports meet this semester. ---When do you think ______? A. will it come about B. will it happen C. it will take place D. it will break out 11. The landlady always told Mr. Brown ______ his umbrella in the stand. A. don’t forget to put B. to not forget to put C. not to forget putting D. not to forget to put 12. The reason ______ was ______ I didn’t get up on time. A. for my late; because B. why I was late; because C. of my late; that D. for my being late; that 13. ______ be late for work, he gets up very early every morning. A. In order to B. So as to C. In order not to D. So as not to 14. Shanghai has _______ more US dollars this year than last year. A. brought down B. brought up C. brought in D. brought out 15. Is this park _____ we visited during the National day?


长郡中学高一新生入学考试英语试卷(答案) 考生须知: 1、本试卷共五个大题,总分100分,考试时间90分钟,请将答案做在答题卷上。 2、答题前,先用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题卷规定位置上填写姓名、考场号、座位号。 一、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. __ Excuse me, to the nearest post office, please ? __ Go straight and take the second turning on the left. A. where the way is B. which the way is C. where is the way D. which is the way ll come for second time. 2. Changsha is most beautiful city and I beIieve I’ A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the 3. — Oh, I'm hungry. Mum, can I have the hamburger on the plate? —No. It tastes A. terribly B.terrible C. good D. well ; 4. —What's the best way of losing weight? — . A.why not playing games? B.why don’t you play games? C. I advise you to playing games D. You'd better to play games. 5. When I dropped in, Dr Smith ,so we only had time for a few words. A. just left B、was Just leaving C. has just left D. had just left 6. —lt‘s a secret between us. Don't tell anybody. —Sure, . A. I do B. I don't C. I will D. I won't 7. —What a beautiful watch! Is it new? —No, I have it for 2 year. A、had B、sold C、borrowed D、bought 8. Her hobby is taking photos collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers. A. either ; or B. both; and C. not only ; but also D. neither ;nor 9. The students here after school yesterday. A. have seen to play B.were seen to play C. were seen play D.have been seen palying 10.—May I put my bike here? —No, you you should put it Over there. A. couldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D.won't 11.—How about going shopping this weekend ? —Sorry,dear,I prerfe rather than . A.to stay at home ; go out " B, to go out; stay at home C. going out ;stay at home D.staying at home ; go

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