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在当今世界许多的地方,城市的发展需要高转换率的自然区和乡村用地。它所产生的严重的负效应使我们的食品安全以及我们的生态系统的生物多样性受到威胁。栖息地的丧失是物种灭绝的主要原因,栖息地的丧失和破碎化更多的是来自城市发展的直接结果(Beatley,2000)。城市低密度空间的扩展,也增加了城市区域的各种设施和功能之间的距离,因此,同时也增加了机动车出行的必要(N?ss, 1993b, 2006b; N?ss et al.,1996; Newman & Kenworthy, 1999)。同时,低密度的发展也使得它难以提供一流的公共交通系统,因为昂贵的成本费用。结合道路建设进行了满足预期的未来需求的道路通行能力,城市的扩张有助于创造高度依赖汽车的城市。虽然过渡到更环保的汽车在技术上是可行的,但这涉及到交通运输能源的使用,使得它很难达到温室气体减排目标。城市交通关系成长(可能是可再生能源)可以用在其他社会阶层的积极作用(如用于照明的能源使用,加热,冷却和住宅和商业建筑的能源使用和制造电器)。此外,除了能源的使用和



增加城市密度,而不是选择放任城市扩张,更利于对自然景观,耕地和生物多样性的保护(Beatley,2000;皮尼奥等人。,2011)。在特别的情况下,如果致密化可以将“棕地”网格化,陈旧的海港区和停车区是减少在城市中心的交通车不相容。为了开发保护自然的浓度,农田和能量是从跨学科的挪威研究项目环保城市发展的一个主要信息(缩写:挪威namit)在80年代末和90年代初(N?SS,1993;H?yer,2002)。集中的房屋类型(公寓和排屋)需要较少的加热能源,每平方米比分离的单户住宅(Holden,2001;Brown &沃尔夫,2007)。一个更紧凑的城市发展也可以通过接近而不是用高流动性的手段,如交通无障碍设施,因此,结合了环境和社会方面的可持续性。







二○xx 届毕业设计 外文文献翻译

学院:建筑学院 专业:城乡规划 姓名:xxx 学号:xxxxxxxxx 指导教师:xx 完成时间:20xx年x月

绿地,城市持续发展最重要的指标:城市规划效 用研究 Francisco Gómez;José Jabaloyes;Luis Montero; Vicente De Vicente;and Manuel Valcuende 摘要:本篇文章总结了在西班牙城市巴伦西亚开展的一次非常广泛的研究,即绿地在城市舒适度中起到的作用。之前,已经研究出了组成城市环境的环境参数。根据这些值,一系列的舒适指数被分析并被证实,这些指数证明了之前作出的决定中的最佳的行为。同样被研究的还有绿地在公共城市空间中的作用:对太阳辐射的保留度和污染滞留容量。根据绿地的总量,这在公式上达到了舒适指数的极限值,即通过统计相关性,测定出城市达到理论上的舒适所需的绿地的表面积。本篇文章对城市量度的公式进行了更宽泛的分析,通过对空间和环境以更广泛的视角和更丰富的多样性的研究。这三个舒适指数已经被巴伦西亚以最佳的运作状态表现出来了,即达到了统计学上的最确定性。这篇文章最后研究了早前在巴伦西亚进行的绿色规划实验。最终结果考虑到巴伦西亚的学术权威提出的保护许尔塔的建议,正是这个天然商品花园开始了巴伦西亚的形成,接着形成了欧洲地区的战略哲学和欧洲景观风俗。 DOI: 10.1061(ASCE)UP... ? 2011 美国土木工程师协会 关键词:城市规划,植物,树木,应用研究,可持续规划 引言:全球人口城市化速度的增长在最近几年值得注意,这一现象的发生根本上是由于城市为居民提供了更优的基本生活条件,极大地增加了他们的自由度。现实情况是,城市地区表现出越来越多的


文献综述城市规划 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

浅谈城镇建设存在的问题与未来 姓名:李里 摘要:在阅读多篇文章以后,总结出中国目前新城镇建设存在的普遍问题,由于追求快速城镇化,造成城市建设与城市空间都存在问题,同时建设时并没有考虑保护环境这一方面。目前,生态城市成为最新的城市改造建设模式,取代了传统的城市建设模式。 关键词:城镇建设,生态城市,海绵城市,低碳城市 一、城镇建设存在的问题 目前,新城建设中突出的问题是:新城求洋求新,导致千城一面的城市,形象特色危机;大拆大建导致的生态环境破坏和历史文脉隔断;部分新城人气不足,活力缺少,建设成效与期望差距甚远;过于关注形象和规模,新城认为不足,配套缺失;不够重视经济测算,造成一定的财政负担,前期投入多,后期收效不大。 不少城市的领导为了追求任期业绩,既不尊重投入产出规律,也不考虑经济效果和创新,更不考虑资金的回收问题。对老城区部分青红皂白一律推到重建,这是一种最原始、最不科学、最粗野的城市更新方式,造成一些有保留价值的建筑、设施、古木、风貌等的破坏,是城市的有形和无形资产严重受损,甚至完全消失。城市文脉是一座城市在长期建设中形成的历史的、文化的、特有的、地域的、景观的氛围和环境,是一种历史和文化的积淀。目前,城市中普遍存在着低水平的、低层次的简单城市更新,不注重保护和延续城市的文脉,是城市的文脉收到认为的破坏和割裂。城市正在走向雷同,特有风貌消失。随着世界经济一体化进程的加快和信息、文化、科技各个领域交流的扩大,城市更新改造中大量地运用了新技术、新工艺、新材料、新的设计理念大大促进了城市更新的进程和步伐。但是由于各地“追风”现象十分严重,效仿和追大潮成为时尚,是城市更新中出现了雷同,城市正在被克隆,正在失去领域的、文化的、传统的、多样化的特色,建筑正在失去个性和灵魂。在城市更新改造中,将保护建筑视为获得眼前利益的捷径,千方百计的肆意


外文文献翻译 2.5.1译文:看电影的艺术 1930年代中期,沃尔特·迪斯尼才明确以动画电影娱乐观众的思想,动画片本身才成为放映主角(不再是其他剧情片的搭配)。于1937年下半年首映的动画片《白雪公主与七个小矮人》为动画片树立了极高的标准,至今任然指导着动画艺术家们。1940年,这一年作为迪斯尼制片厂的分水岭,诞生了《木偶奇遇记》和《幻想曲>。这些今天成为经典的作品在接下来的二十年中被追随效仿,产生了一系列广受欢迎的动画娱乐作品。包括《小飞象》,《灰姑娘》,《爱丽丝漫游仙境》,《彼得·潘》,《小姐与流浪儿》,他们的故事通常源自广为人知的文学故事。这些影片最不好的地方在于它们似乎越来越面向小观众。 在1966年第四你去死后,他的制片厂继续制作手绘动画影片,但是创作能量衰减,公司转而专注于著作真人是拍电影。然而1989年,对于我们所有孩子来说,动画《小美人鱼》赋予了迪士尼新的生命活力(就像animation这个词本身的定义一样——使有生命活力),从该片开始,出现了一系列令人惊叹不已的音乐动画片。两年后,《美女与野兽》问世,塔尔在制作过程中利用了计算机作为传统手绘技术的辅助手段,这部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳电影奖提名,它是第一部获此殊荣的动画片。更好的还在后面,就想着两部影片一样,后面紧接着出现的众多优秀作品——包括《狮子王》,《阿拉丁》,《花木兰》——延续了迪士尼的经典传统:大胆醒目的视觉效果、精致的剧本,以及我们在所有伟大的电影中,不管是动画还是其他类型中都能找到的普适性主题和出乎意料之处。迪士尼的新版《幻想曲》,又被称为《幻想曲2000》,把原版中的部分片段与新的创作部分糅合在一起。(而且,按照迪士尼管理层的说法,该片是首部在IMAX巨幕影院首映的剧情长片。) 亨利·塞利克执导了蒂姆·波顿出品的两部影片,即《圣诞惊魂夜》和《飞天巨桃历险记》——前者是一部完全原创的定格动画,影片画面有时渗透着无限的恐惧,后者改编自罗纳德·达尔的畅销儿童书,该影片以真人实景拍摄开始。《飞天巨桃历险记》对暴力画面和重大恐惧(比如说,离弃)的表达和处理毫无掩饰,表达的真实感受对成人来说和对儿童一样生动鲜明,而蒂姆·波顿的影片《僵尸新娘》,仅仅从名字上就已经显示出影片内容和该幽默表达的“成人”特


城市规划专业的英文自我介绍 during school achievement is outstanding, curious, has own individuality, teamwork spirit is strong, also thering is no lack of independence, and accept new things of ability, dedication and lequn, professionally has certain innovation ability. i am a love design, believe design will be after the professional oneself want, i also believe oneself can have a design personnel shall have the quality, because i am a self-motivated person, i will diligently enterprising! although i don’t have much of social experience, but i’ll work harder and harder to recover my gap, and i believe that life won’t heroine in a moment, but to see own struggle degree, is a persist in learning, to improve the process of self! i am from shandong yantai’s a girl, i think life should not be flatly light hasten paper-cover profane, should have their own pursuit, have the courage to challenge the limits of life, because i believe that human potential is very large, only in some pressure will play out, so i would rather choose a competitive pressure for me greater environment to live! such life is positive, happy! life should be is rich and colorful! university i have been in various aspects due to fill the oneself, excellent results, i was fortunate to chose us city planning department as my mentor, in the last two years, i follow mentor do a lot of engineering, including the design, drawing, have relatively good graphics operation ability, and from various aspects divergent my design ideas, therefore, also developed my works is responsible earnestly, sureness fine style of our work is supposed to make mankind harmonious home, so i want to do a project attitude is very important! 1/ 1


文献信息 文献标题:Exploring Environmental Colour Design in Urban Contexts (城市环境色彩设计初探) 文献作者:Galyna McLellan, Mirko Guaralda 文献出处:《The Journal of Public Space》,2018,3(1):93-102 字数统计:英文3636单词,20879字符;中文7078汉字 外文文献 Exploring Environmental Colour Design in Urban Contexts Abstract The increasing complexity of urban colour and growing recognition of its psychological effects prompts rethinking of the current conceptual and methodological approaches to environmental colour design. Contemporary designers are challenged to understand how evolving colour knowledge can be integrated with the fundamentals of colour design. This paper aims to elaborate on the concept of environmental colour composition (ECC) and outlines an alternative approach to colour design in urban environments. A better understanding of the dynamic relationships between the tangible and perceptual elements of an ECC can bring new meaning to the consideration of colour as an integral component of city design. The proposed concepts of environmental colour events and scenarios provide a foundation for both further theoretical inquiry and practical application of synthesised colour knowledge in the design of urban environments. Keywords:environmental colour composition, environmental colour design, colour event, colour scenario ‘What is the colour of your favourite public place?’ Surprisingly, this simple question often causes confusion among many interviewees. Indeed, the complexity and ambiguity of visual information presented to viewers in a contemporary urban space make it difficult to determine what the prevailing spatial colour is. However,


Animation Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways. The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. Early examples An Egyptian burial chamber mural, approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion. Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion. Five images sequence from a vase found in Iran A 5,000 year old earthen bowl found in Iran.It has five images of a goat painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early animation. However, since no equipment existed to show the images in motion, such a series of images cannot be called animation in a true sense of the word. A Chinese zoetrope-type device had been


专业英语词汇整理 一、城市规划专业词汇 1、专业词汇 act of urban planning 城市规划法 development strategy 发展战略 enforcement 规划实施 formulation guide 编制办法 global city system 全球城市体系 historic preservation 历史古迹保护 conservation of historical cultural cities 历史文化名城保护 conservation of historic landmarks and sites 文物古迹保护 conservation of scenic spots 风景名胜保护 conservation of historic buildings 古建筑保护 conservation:对于野生动、植物、自然资源及人造资源的利用,所采取的一种措施,以确保这些资源得到保护和补充,包括在规划和设计工程时,保护现存具有重要机制的自然资源。始终具有更积极意义的古迹保护,它倡导估计能为今用。Perservation则指的是原样不动的消极保护。 land use administration 用途管理 planning theory 规划理论 theory in planning theory of planning planning reform 规划改革 public space 公共空间 open space 空地 Warehouse仓库 residentialisation 居住区改造 settlement 居住 town cluster 城镇群 the build environment 建成环境 Urban and Rural Planning Law 城乡规划法 new town policy 新城政策 urban-rural dual planning system 二元规划体系 green belt policy 绿带政策 design review 规划评价 Urban Image 城市意向 Cityscape 城市风貌 urban competitiveness 城市竞争力 urbanization 城市化


本科毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 专业名称:土木工程 年级班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二○年月日

Urban transportation Planning An urban transportation system is basic component of an urban area's social,economic,and physical structure. Not only does the design and performance of a transportation system provide opportunities for mobility,but over the long term,it influences patterns of growth and the level of economic activity through the accessibility it provides to land. Planning for the development or maintenance of the urban transportation system is thus an important activity,both for promoting the efficient movement of people and goods in an urban area and for maintaining the strong supportive role that transportation can play in attaining other community objectives. There are several basic concepts about an urban transportation system that should be kept in mind. Most important,a transportation system in an urban area is defined as consisting of the facilities and services that allow travel throughout the region,providing opportunities for:(I)mobility to residents of an urban area and movement of goods and (2) accessibility to land .Given this definition,an urban transportation system can be further characterized by three major components: the spatial configuration that permits travel from one location to another; the transportation technologies that provide the means of moving over these distances; and the institutional framework that provides for the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of system facilities. The Spatial Configuration of a Transportation System One way to describe the spatial dimension of an urban transportation system is to consider the characteristics of individual trips from an origin to a destination. For example, a trip can consist of several types of movement undertaken to achieve different objectives. Travelers leaving home might use a local bus system to reach a suburban subway station(a trip collection process),proceed through the station to the subway platform (a transfer process),ride the subway to a downtown station (a line-haul process),and walk to a place of employment (a distribution process). Similarly,one can view a home-to-work trip by car as consisting of similar segments,with the local street system providing the trip collection process, a freeway providing the line-haul capability,a parking lot in the central business district serving as a transfer point,and walking,as before,serving the distribution function. The facilities and services that provide these opportunities for travel,when


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:气候学知识在城市规划中的应用文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

气候学知识在城市规划中的应用 埃利亚松Ingegaè编写 哥德堡大学气候学在自然地理学、地球科学研究中心 瑞典哥德堡Box 460,S-405,30 收稿于1999年7月19日,修稿于1999年11月1日,发行于1999年11月23日 摘要 城市景观创造的气候会反过来影响城市,这是一既成事实;例如:人类的舒适性,空气质量以及能量消耗。然而尽管理论上如此,人们往往认为气象因素对于城市规划实施的实际操作影响很小。其原因是一重要的课题,因为答案要求之于气候学家,规划者和规划过程中。目前研究的主要目标旨在探讨如何以及何时使用气候变化知识在城市化过程中。该研究策略是由跨学科研究团体及气候学家和规划者策划的。案例研究包括不同的采访技巧以及历史数据,这是由在瑞典的三个直辖市从事城市规划工作的各种参与者提供的。研究表明,城市规划者对气候方面较感兴趣,但对气象信息的使用却是杂乱无章,从而结果得出气候学对城市规划影响较低。低冲击是由于几个可能与五个解释变量:概念和基于知识、技术、政策、组织和市场有关。这次讨论提出了某些方面的一些关键的结论,旨在解决这些限制。城市气候学家满足规划者需求驱动的需要提供好的参数,合适的方法和工具是很重要的。城市气候学家也鼓励规划者、决策者和公众提高对城市气候重要性的认识。然而,随着规划是一项政治活动并非总是基于甚至关系到科学知识,一些确定的约束只能通过中和在社会环境的规划制度能力的改善。 关键词:城市气候;城市结构;土地利用;环境规划 1、介绍 1.1、城市气候——简短背景 城市景观为当地创造了一个不同于周围的乡村景观的气候。最证据确凿的是城市热岛效应,研究表明城乡在晴朗和平静的夜晚存在12℃的温差(奥科;1981)。然而城市土地利用变化常常与由一个温暖与寒冷地区拼接的独特的城市土地利用的变化作比较;例如,在公园和建筑物周围能产生的内部城市温度差异高达7℃(斯普瑞肯?史密斯、奥科;1998)。街道几何也是非常重要的城市温度场。天空视角系数(SVF),图1已表明城市温度与其表面温度有关,而不是空气温度(Baè rring et al., 1985;Eliasson, 1992, 1994)。然而对于一个城市的平均SVF已被证明不同城市与最大城市热岛(空气温度)有良好的相关性(Oke, 1981; Park, 1987)。城市中的物质(沥青、砖块、玻璃等)的热特性不同于与在农村发现的物质(树、草、裸露的土壤等)。一般来说,建筑材料在城市中的运用会通过它们储存热量的特性来加剧城市的热岛效应。奥科认为材料和结构的多样性同样是热岛效应的两个主要原因。其他一


日本动漫产业发展趋势外文翻译 本科毕业论文外文翻译 外文题目: Japan Animation Industry Trends 出处:JETRO Japan Economic Monthly, June 2005 作者:Japanese Economy Division译文: 日本动漫产业发展趋势 日本动画不仅在日本,同时在海外也备受关注。在扩大电影,电视和录像的国内市场后,日本动画电影制作人的视线也已经转向海外市场。与此同时,在电影制作多元化筹资方式的方面已出现新的发展。在此背景下,日本动漫产业正在努力处理某些人力资源的技能短缺,国内电影生产基地缩减和扩大海外业务的挑战。 1、市场概述 2004年日本动画市场。2004年在日本会谈的亚洲动画市场是吉卜力工作室红极一时的《哈尔的移动城堡》工作室在三年内的第一个新版本,将在11月开幕。导演宫崎骏的著作在短短44天超过了10万观众,比在日本的任何电影都快。此后其受欢迎程度不断,观众上升到1423.0万,截至到3月8日,打破标志的是宫崎骏的《魔法公主》,并将它放在日本电影史上的第两位。现在的问题是如何关闭由《千与千寻》在日本创下的所有的2350万的时间纪录。2005年6月开始《哈尔的移动城堡》也将在韩国和其他国家,包括美国60多个城市放映。 市场环境。日本动画(“动漫”)已被赞誉为始祖,日本的文化和内容,对所谓的程度,这是世界范围内的“Japanimation。”导演押井守的动画电影《无辜

的人》2004年在第57届戛纳电影节上被提名。《纯真》是到《攻壳机动队》(1995)的续集,在美国的Billboard影片排行榜上名列第一。宫崎骏的《千与千寻》2003年在第75届奥斯卡奖项上荣获奥斯卡动画长片奖,同时在2002年柏林电影节金熊奖上再次获奖和证明日本是生产世界一流动画的国家。据说许多美国和亚洲动画师想要制作日本的动漫作品,这表明日本动画被领先的专业人士认可。《千与千寻》的商业成功,同时表明在全球公众的日本动漫的优点和国际竞争力。世界已经明确看好日本动漫具有巨大的商业潜力。 尽管如此,业界还没有转移的态势,足以应付海外的一致好评。展望未来,日本动漫产业不仅要扩大海外,它也必须制定必要的生产/配送系统和人员,利用对动画片和其他内容的全球商业机会。事实上生产系统已经成立,但业内人士仍然具有在国内/海外发行和权利上有许多突出的弱点,如在一般的国际许可和业务专长。在发展领域的人员,动画师没有一个适当的高社会地位,所以对其他行业和国家,例如人员外流,已成为一个大问题。 2、多变的市场规模 日本国内的动漫市场大致可分为三类: 正片长度的电影 电视节目 上述视频和DVD两个版本外,还有原作品 据媒体发展研究所透露,在2003年日本的动漫市场销售额下降了10.4%至一千九百十二亿日元,包括动画电影的票房收入,电视动画制作费,销售、出租录像带和DVD产品的利润。这是在两年内(图1)的首次下降。在2001年和2002年实现实质性成果主要是由于2001年《千与千寻》成功的票房(30.4亿日元)然


Riverfront Landscape Design for London 2012 Olympic Park Client: Olympic Delivery Authority Location: London, UK Project Credit: Atkins Text: Mike McNicholas, Project Director, Atkins How do you plant along a river's edge, knowing that millions of people could be passing through thesite in the near future? How do you design, create and maintain the surrounding wetlands, knowing that man-made wet woodland is very rare and transitionalby nature? How do you ensurethat the habitat being created remains viable and sustainable in the long-term? Atkins’engineers of the wetlands and river edges on the London 2012 Olympic Park were tasked with fi nding answers to all of these questions. Covering more than 246 hectares of formerly derelict industrial land, London’s new Olympic Park for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is one of Europe’s biggest-ever urban greening projects. Rivers and wetlands are at the heart of the vision for the new park, which lies in east London’s Lower Lee Valley. Th e landscape that’s now emerging will provide a backdrop for the main action of


城市规划专业英语 unban planning 城市规划 town planning 城镇规划 act of urban planning 城市规划法 urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划 urban detailed planning 城市详细规划 Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规 regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 规划类的专业课程 reginal planning 区域规划 urban system planning 城镇体系规划 urban sociology 城市社会学 urban economic 城市经济学 urban geograghy 城市地理学 urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划 (water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building) (城市供水、供电、道路修建)urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划 urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面 urban management information system 城市管理信息系统GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统 RS=remote sensing 遥感 Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划Urban design 城市设计

城市规划 外文翻译英语词汇总结

草图Draft drawing/sketch 平面Plan 总平面master plan 剖面Section 立面Elevation 正立面Fa?ade 透视图Perspective 轴测图Axonometric view 示意图/分析图Diagram 地图分析/制图mapping/ mapping diagram 图表chart/table 容积率floor area ratio 覆盖率Coverage 城市设计Urban design; civic design 区域规划Regional planning 总体规划comprehensive planning/ master planning/ overall planning 分区规划District planning/ zoning act

控制性详细规划Regulatory Plan 修建性详细规划Site planning (constructive-detailed planning) 场地规划Site planning 近期建设规划Immediate planning 步行轴Walking axis 概念设计conceptual design 方案设计schematic design 扩初设计design development 详细设计、细部设计Detail Design 城市化Urbanization 城市生态Urban ecology 城市农业urban farming/ urban agriculture 经济能量来源Economy energy sources 可持续发展Sustainable development 历史性城市的保护规划Preservation Plan of historic cities 旧城更新、改造-Urban Regeneration/Urban Revitalization/Retrofitting Plan 城市再开发-Urban Redevelopment


城市和城市化 2.0.1 居民点 settlement 人类按照生产和生活需要而形成的集聚定居地点。按性质和人口规模,居民点分为城市和乡村两大类。 2.0.2 城市(城镇)city 以非农不业和非农业人口聚集为主要特征的居民点。包括按国家行政建制设立的市和镇。 2.0.3 市 municipality; city 经国家批准设市建制的行政地域。 2.0.4 镇 town. 经国家批准设市建制的行政地域。 2.0.5 市域 administrative region of a city 城市行政管辖的全部地域。 2.0.6 城市化 urbanization 人类生产和生活方式由乡村型向城市型转化的历史过程,表现为乡村人口向城市人口转化以及城市不断发展和完善的过程。又称城镇化、都市化。 2.0.7 城市化水平 urbanization level 衡量城市化发展程度的数量指标,一般用一定地域内城市人口占总人口的比例来表示。 2.0.8 城市群 agglomeration 一定地域内城市分布较为密集的地区。 2.0.9 城镇体系 urban system 一定区域内在经济、社会和空间发展上具有有机联系的城市群体。 2.0.10 卫星城(卫星城镇)satellite town 在大城市市区外围兴建的、与市区既有一定距离又相互间密切联系的城市。 城市规划概述 3.0.1 城镇体系规划 urban system planning

一定地域范围内,以区域生产力合理布局和城镇职能分工为依据,确定不同人口规模等级和职能分工的城镇的分布和发展规划。 3.0.2 城市规划 urban planning 对一定时期内城市的经济和社会发展、土地利用、空间布局以及各项建设的综合部署、具体安排和实施管理。 3.0.3 城市设计 urban design 对城市体型和空间环境所作的整体构思和安排,贯穿于城市规划的全过程。 3.0.4 城市总体规划纲要master planning outline 确定城市总体规划和重大原则的纲领性文件,是编制城市总体规划的依据。 3.0.5 城市规划区 urban planning area 城市市区、近郊区以及城市行政区域内其他因城市建设和发展需要实行规划控制的区域。 3.0.6 城市建成区 urban builtup area 城市行政区内实际已成片开发建设、市政公用设施和公共设施基本具备的地区。 3.0.7 开发区 development area 上国务院和省级人民政府确定设立的实行国家特定优惠政策和各类开发建设地区的统称。 3.0.8 旧城改建 urban redevelopment 对城市旧区进行的调整城市结构、优化城市用地布局、改善和更新基础设施、整治城市环境、保护城市历史风貌等的建设活动。 3.0.9 城市基础设施 urban infrastructure 城市生存和发展所必须具备的工程性基础设施和社会性基础设施的总称。 3.0.10 城市总体规划 master plan, comprehensive planning 对一定时期内城市性质、发展目标、发展规模、土地利用、空间布局以及各项建设的综合部署和实施措 施。 3.0.11 分区规划 district planning



Animation Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways. The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. Early examples An Egyptian burial chamber mural, approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion. Five images sequence from a vase found in Iran There is no single person who can be considered the "creator" of film animation, as there were several people working on projects which could be considered animation at about the same time. Georges Méliès was a creator of special-effect films; he was generally one of the first people to use animation with his technique. He discovered a technique by accident which was to stop the camera rolling to change something in the scene, and then continue rolling the film. This idea was later known as stop-motion animation. Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion. An Egyptian burial chamber mural , approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion. A 5,000 year old earthen bowl found in Iran.It has five images of a goat painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early animation. However, since no equipment existed to show the images in motion, such a series of images cannot be called animation in a true sense of the word. A Chinese zoetrope-type device had been invented in 180 AD. The phenakistoscope, praxinoscope, and the common flip book were early popular animation devices invented during the 19th century. These devices produced the appearance of movement from sequential drawings using technological means, but animation did not really develop much

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