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现在阅读理解和完形填空试题中。如:shelter n.庇护,避难所→vt.保护,躲避,避难;storm n. 暴风雨,大动荡→vi.&vt.横冲直撞,猛攻; shoulder n. 肩,肩膀,肩部→vt.肩负,承担; trail n.小径,痕迹→vt.追踪。







Do you have dictionary?


He shook head sadly.


①Do you have a dictionary?

②He shook his head sadly.


experience经验 experiences经历









有些名词的复数属于不规则变化,需要考生在平时的学习中逐一记忆:child—children, foot—feet, tooth—teeth, phenomenon—phenomena, ox—oxen, mouse—mice, man—men, woman—women等。


集体名词people, police, cattle总是表示复数意义,不能说a people, a police, a cattle,但可以说a person, a policeman, a head of cattle。

The police are searching for the stolen boy.

The cattle are feeding on the grassland.

有些名词只用复数形式:trousers, congratulations, thanks, goods, clothes, socks, shoes, belongings, savings。


有些名词的复数形式同原形。这些名词有:deer, sheep, fish, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, li(里), jin(斤), yuan(元), mu(亩), means(方式,方法)等。

All possible means have been tried.

Every possible means has been tried.




①把主体名词变成复数,如:lookers-on, editors-in-chief(总编辑), fathers


②没有主体名词时,在词尾加-s,如:grown-ups(成年人), go-betweens(中间人)。





The bridge is made of stone.(不可数)

The bridge is made of 20,000 stones.(可数)


Tea is very good for our health.

Two teas, please.请来两杯茶。




Failure is the mother of success.(success表示抽象概念)

The meeting was a great success.(success表示具体的事情)


We had plenty of rain last years.


What a heavy rain!多么大的一场雨啊!





1.物质构成,如:steel bridge, paper money;

2.用途,如:coffee cup, fire escape;

3.时间,如:evening paper;

4.地点,如:city life, country life, country music;

5.种类,如:office work;

6.内容,如:body language, film industry。



sports shoes运动鞋

students reading room学生阅览室




(1)通常在单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词的词尾加‘s,如:Jack’s books,

Children’s Day, the boy’s bag, men’s room, Tom’s dog, Jones’s father, my brother’s books, sheep’s skin。

(2)以-s结尾的复数名词,在词尾加‘,如:the students’ books。

(3)作为一个整体的词组,一般在最后一个词的词尾加‘s,如:an hour and a half’s walk(步行一个半小时的路程);a month or two’s absence(一两个月的缺席)。

(4)以and连接的两个名词,表示共同所有时,在最后一个词的词尾加‘s,如:Kate and Mary’s father (Kate和Mary是姐妹俩);表示分别所有时,在每个名词后分别加’s,如:Kate’s father and Mary’s father (Kate和Mary不是姐妹俩)。


不定代词后接else时,其所有格放在else之后。如:somebody else's bag, somebody else's books。


(1)常表示有生命的东西。如:Tom's birthday, the dog's owner。


①时间:a day's work(一天的工作),today's newspaper;

②距离:twenty minutes’ ride, five minutes’ walk, a mile’s distance;

③天体:the sun’s heat, the moon’s surface;

④度量衡与货币价值:ten dollars’ worth, twenty pounds’ weight;

⑤国家、城市等:China’s industry, the city’s development, the government’s plan, China’s development。

(3)表示某人的家或店铺。如:at the doctor's在诊所,the tailor’s裁缝铺,the barber’s理发店,at my uncle’s在我叔叔家。


the+所有物+of+(this, that,. the, my/their...)+无生命之物。


of所有格主要用于无生命的事物,也可以用于有生命的事物。如:the window of the house; a map of Japan; the name of the girl standing at the gate。

Does anyone know the title of the novel?

They have the support of people of the developing countries.



(2)双重所有格的用法:表示整体中的一个或部分,用于修饰of前面的名词。如:a friend of my brother’s; this book of the professor’s; this lovely baby of my aunt’s。

Do you know any friend of my husband’s?



1.That car of Peter's is very nice.


2.The dog of Tom's is very fierce.














I have a computer. The computer is a great help to my studies.

(a computer属于泛指,the computer属于特指,指的是上文提到的事物)

He is a doctor.(a doctor属于泛指,指的是医生中的一个)

A nurse is a person who takes care of the sick.(尽管person后有一个限制性定

语从句,但结合句义可知,此处是说明护士属于哪一类人,属于类指,因此用不定冠词) 【易错警示】


Our teacher is a warmhearted man.

He is a person who is ready to help others.



“a/an+比较级”表示“(众多人或事物中)比……更……的一个”,属于泛指;“the +比较级”表示“两者中较……的一个”。“the+最高级”表示三者或三者以上的人或事物中“最……的一个”;“a most+形容词”表示“很……,非常……”。请比较:This one is too small. Can you show me a larger one?

Tom is the older of the two boys.

Part One is a most difficult part but not the most difficult.





“a most+形容词”不含比较概念,most相当于very;而“the most+形容词”表示“最……”,句中必须有比较的范围。


表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词,如:sun, sky, moon, world等前面一般用定冠词,但其前有描绘性的修饰语时,用不定冠词。请比较:

As is known to all, the earth moves around the sun.

What a bright moon!




Man will die without water.(water表示泛指)

The water in this well is not fit to drink.(“The water”特指这口井里的水)

I know you don't like music very much. But what do you think of the music in the film we saw yesterday?


The door is made of wood.(wood表示泛指)

The wood outside was all wet.



The little boy looked at me in surprise.(surprise在本句中是抽象名词)

What a pleasant surprise to see you here!(抽象名词具体化,a surprise指一件令人惊奇的事情)




某些物质名词,如rain, snow, fog, wind, tea, coffee等,其前有形容词修饰时,形容词前应加不定冠词。如:

What a heavy rain!

Longjing is a famous Chinese green tea.






China, Smith, Bob(不用冠词)

the Great Wall长城

the United States美国


A Mr. Smith is waiting for you outside.


2.表示季节、星期的名词前一般不加冠词,如:in summer, on Monday,但是以下情况应用冠词:


He joined the army in the spring of 1987.

We had a very hot summer last year.

I will never forget the summer we spent in Hawaii.


I happened to meet my classmate Jack on a Wednesday.


—Have you had supper?

—Yes. We had a wonderful supper.




in hospital住院/in the hospital在医院里

in front of在……(外部的)前面/in the front of在…… (内部的)前面

at table进餐/at the table在桌子旁

out of question毫无疑问/out of the question不可能



go by train乘火车去

at noon在中午

at night在晚上

in town在城里

in surprise惊奇地

at work在工作



We have finished the first lesson, and now we will learn the second lesson.


I have three books. I want to buy a fourth one.


例7.Johnson had made up his mind to give it up, but on ________ second thought he determined to try ________ third time.

A. /; a

B. the; /

C. a; a

D. the; a

【解析】A。考查冠词。第一空on second thought是固定短语,意为“三思,再三考虑”;第二空序数词前用不定冠词表示“再一,又一”。句意:约翰逊已经下定决心放弃了,但是思虑再三后,他决定再试一次。


例1.【2018·江苏】—Can you tell us your for happiness and a long life?

—Living every day to the full, definitely.

A. recipe

B. record

C. range

D. receipt



【变式探究】【2018·浙江】4. It is important to pay your electricity bill on time , as late payments may affect your ______.

A. condition

B. income

C. credit

D. status


【解析】句意:准时付电费很重要,因为付晚了会影响你的信用。Condition条件;income 收入;credit学分,信用(卡)。根据句意故选C。



例2.【2018·浙江】2.______prize for the winner of the competition is

______two-week holiday in Paris.

A. The ; 不填

B. A ; 不填

C. A ; the

D. The ; a



【变式探究】 (2018·新课标Ⅱ,42改编)The adobe dwellings(土坯房)built(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even________most modern of architects and engineers.

【答案】the 句意:由美国西南部的印第安村庄的印第安人建造的土坯房甚至被最现代的建筑师和工程师欣赏。根据后面的most modern可知应为“最现代化的”,最高级前要用定冠词the。


In 1863 the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. z&xxk It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible __61__(crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and ___62__ word. It took three years to complete and was built using an interesting method. This included digging up the road, ____63___(lay) the track and then building a strong roof over___64___

2020高考英语复习资料 三维设计M7U4学生版

(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 1.rail n.________________________ 2.outer adj. ____________________________ 3.metropolitan adj. ____________________ 4.tunnel n. ______________________ 5.section n. ________________________ 6.ownership n.[纵联1]_____________________ 7.architect n. ________________ 8.prime adj. __________________________ n. _______________ 9.minister n. ___________________ 10.user-friendly adj. _____________________ 11.platform n. __________________ 12.handful n. ______________________ 13.choke v i.& v t. ________________________ n. ____________________ 14.interval n.[纵联2]_____________ 15.pedestrian n. _________________ adj. ________________ 16.crash n.& v i.& v t.[纵联3]____________________ 17.17.brake n. __________________ v t. ______________ Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 1.__________n. 具体情况,详情,细节 2.________________ n. 权力,权威;官方,当权者;批准,授权3._________________ v t.& v i. 扩大,扩展,增大

高考英语 总复习练习题11

2012届高考英语总复习练习题112012届高考英语总复习练习 题 11 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2011·厦门质量检测)TheUNofficialssayitcouldbemanyweeksandevenmonths________adealisreached. A.before B.after C.when D.as 2.I’msurethebeautyof________naturetherewill make________excellentimpressio nonyou. A.the;the B.the;an C./;an D./;/ 3.________tocomputergames,theboyhaslostallinterestinhislessons. A.Addicted B.Havingaddicted C.Addicting D.Addict 4.(2011·株州模拟)I’dappreciate________ifyoucouldcomeandhelpmeoncemoreandIalwa ysappreciate___ _____mewithmyEnglishinthepast. A.this;youtohelp B.that;youhelping C.it;youtohelp D.it;yourhelping 5.(2011·安庆高三调研)Thegirls________intothecompanyrecentlyhavetoreceivestricttrainingbeforetheys tarttowork. A.accepted B.accepting C.admitted D.admitting 6.(山东高考)Woulditbe________foryoutopickmeupatfouro’clockandtakemetotheairport? A.free B.vacant C.handy D.convenient 7.(浙江高考)Thereareplentyofjobs________inthewesternpartofthecountry. A.present B.available C.precious D.convenient 8.Itwasbymakinggreatefforts________shecaughtupwithotherstudents. A.how B.when C.what D.that 9.________herselfwithroutineofficetasks,shehadnotimetoattendtoherchildren. A.Occupying B.Occupied C.Beingoccupied D.Tobeoccupied 10.Shereadplentyofbooksonhistorybeforegoingtouniversityandofcourseshe_____ ___alotfromit. A.received B.profited C.derived D.benefited 11.—Look,Peter’sclothesarethelatestfashion. —________?Fineclothingdoesn’tmakehimrespectable. A.Forwhat B.Howcome C.Why D.Sowhat 12.Hetolduswhether________Frenchhelptosolvetheseproblemswasstillunderdiscu

2012高考复习资料之英语难点讲解大全:难点17 独立主格结构

难点17 独立主格结构 英语与汉语在表达习惯上有些不同,独立主格结构便是其中之一。独立主格结构是学习的难点。独立主格结构用作状语,多用来表示行为方式或伴随的情况,也可用来表示时间、原因、条件等。 ●难点磁场 1.(★★★★) ,they will go and visit the zoo. A.Weather permitting B.Weather permitted C.Weather being permitted D.Weather having permitted 2.(★★★★)The problem ,they all went home happily. A.settling B.to be settled C.settled D.to settle 3.(★★★★)A lot of work ,he had no time to talk with us. A.done B.to do C.doing D.to be doing ●案例探究 1.Everyone________ their seats,the meeting began. A.taken B.taking C.having taken D.to take 命题意图:此题考查独立主格结构作时间状语。此题属五星级题目。 知识依托:名词或代词+现在分词作状语,名词或代词就是分词的逻辑主语。 错解分析:A项taken为过去分词,它与逻辑主语之间逻辑上是被动关系,而此题中everyone与take their seats 应为主动关系。B项强调动作与句子谓语表示的动作同时发生,而此题中应是先就座,后开会,有明显的先后顺序。 解题方法与技巧:①everyone与take their seats是主动关系。 ②分词与句子谓语有明显先后顺序。分词应用过完成式。 答案:C 2.He stood there,his hands________ behind. A.tying B.tied C.were tying D.were tied 命题意图:此题旨在考查独立主格作方式状语。此题属四星级题目。 知识依托:“名词或代词+过去分词”作为独立主格结构作状语。名词/代词与过去分词构成逻辑上的被动关系。 错解分析:D项干扰性最强,但是若选D项,题干为两个独立的简单句,缺少连词,可把句子改为He stood there and his hands were tied behind. 解题方法与技巧:弄清楚名词与分词之间的逻辑关系。 答案:B 3.________,Mother had to stay at home and looked after him. A.Being ill B.He was ill C.Tom being ill D.To be ill 命题意图:此题考查独立主格结构作原因状语。此题属五星级题。 知识依托:名词或代词加现在分词构成的独立主格结构。 错解分析:干扰性最强的选项为A项,A项为现在分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语应是句子的主语Mother,那和“Mother had to…looked after him”意思不一致了。


2020年高考英语复习资料(精编)姓名目标分数 第一部分:词汇专题 1. abolish. vt 废除,废止(习俗、制度) eg: Should we abolish the death penalty?我们应该废除死刑吗? 2. abortion. n. ①[u]人工流产,打胎②[c] 人工流产手术③[c]完全失败的计划或行动 3. absurd. Adj ①unreasonable; not sensible. 不合理的;荒唐的;谎谬的 eg: What an absurd suggestion! 多么荒唐的建议 ② foolish;in a funny way. 愚蠢的;怪诞不经的 eg: That uniform makes them look absurd. 他们穿着那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。 4. abundant. adj ① more than enough ;plentiful.丰富的,充裕的 We have abundant proof of his guilt ②作表语,富有某事物~in sth :having plenty of sth; rich insth。 5. adolescent adj 青春期的;青春期特有的。adolescence. n. 6. advocate. v. speak publicly in favor of sth; recommend ; support. 拥护;提倡;主张。eg: Do you advocate banning cars in the city centers? 你支持禁止汽车在市中心通行这一主张吗? advocacy. n . 7. alcoholic, adj ①酒精的;含酒精的;②由喝酒引起的。 8. algebra. n .[u]. 代数学,代数。 9. alternative. adj 作定语。可用以代替其他事物的;另一可选用的;其他的。 Have you got an alternative suggestion?你有没有其他的建议? 10. altitude. n. ① height above sea-level 海拔,高度. eg :What is the altitude of the village? ②常作复数,海拔甚高的地方。eg:

高考英语大一轮复习讲义 Unit 1 Art(含解析)新人教版

Unit 1 Art 1.abstract(adj.) 抽象的;深奥的 (n.) 摘要 2.aim(n.) 目标;目的 (vi.& vt.) 瞄准;(向某方向)努力 3.adopt(vt.) 采用;采纳;收养 4.attempt(n.) 努力;尝试;企图 (vt.) 尝试;企图 5.specific(adj.) 确切的;特定的 6.exhibition(n.) 展览;陈列;展览会 7.appeal(vi.) 有感染力;呼吁;求助 (vt.) 将……上诉 (n.) 呼吁;恳求 8.reputation(n.) 名声;名誉 9.faith(n.)信任;信心;信念→faithful(adj.)忠实的,守信的→faithfully(adv.)忠实地 10.typical(adj.)典型的;有代表性的→type(n.)类型;典型 11.possess(vt.)拥有;具有;支配→possession(n.)(尤作复数)所有;财产 12.coincidence(n.)巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合→coincident(adj.)同时发生的;同一时间发生的 13.predict(vt.)预言;预告;预测→prediction(n.)预言→predictor(n.)预言者14.preference(n.)喜爱;偏爱→prefer(v.)喜爱;偏爱 15.civilization(n.)文明;文化;文明社会→civilize(v.)使文明;使开化 16.visual(adj.)视觉的;看得见的→vision(n.)视力;视野 1.concentrate...on 集中……于 2.a_great_deal 大量 3.on_the_other_hand 另一方面 4.in_the_flesh 活着的;本人


高考英语复习训练题 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2019·日照检测)Along with the standard pigments(颜料) and paintbrushes,artist Sean Yoro(known as Hula),requires an unconventional piece of equipment for his particular brand of mural(壁画) making:a paddleboard. The Hawaiian muralist,balanced on the top of the floating platform,describes women from various sites across the world,whose homelands are often threatened by the effects of global warming. For his most recent project,titled“What If You Fly”,Hula traveled to Baffin Island,off the coast of Nunavut,Canada,to paint a portrait of local Inuit woman Jesse Mike,who lives there with her daughter. In a short film telling of the artist's process,Mike explains her frustrating previous experiences working with filmmakers who reported on the terrible circumstances troubling her endangered landscape.“For most people,it's about the polar bears,it's not about the people,”she said.“Well,let's make it about the people.” Hula and his team spent 14 hours searching for the perfect iceberg canvas(油画布),knowing all the while that the ice itself,and any image created on the top of it,would soon melt away into nothing. “It's a little ambitious t o do this larger-than-life ice mural in the Arctic,and somehow,at the same time,make a connection to the human culture,”climber and filmmaker Renan Ozturk said of the project. When Hula found his proper ice,he painted a portrait of Jesse he took earlier on his camera.Working against the power of time and Mother Nature,the artist aimed to finish as much of Jesse's portrait as he could before the iceberg disappeared. The massive image,Hula's most remote and technically challenging piece yet,communicates a memorable reality—the consequences of climate change,first and foremost,affect people. 【语篇解读】本文主要叙述了壁画大师Hula去往Baffin Island,通过在冰上画一位因纽特女性的肖像来提醒人们气候变化的后果正在影响人类这一现实。 1.What is“What If You Fly”? A.A film about the muralist.

高考英语总复习-首字母填空 讲义

高考英语总复习-首字母填空攻略 首字母填空,学名“ 限制性完形填空” ,艺名“ 高分拦路虎” ,是比我们传统的选择性完形填空更加高大上的存在,也是历来考试的失分点,可谓是引无数小英雄竞折腰。该题型的考查范围极广,不仅包括对词汇和语法的掌握,还考查我们的阅读分析能力、逻辑推理能力,以及情景语感,可谓是即锻炼智商又锻炼情商的好题型啊…… 作为在江湖中威名远播的BOSS 级题型,想要从这一题里拿到高分并不是太容易,相反失分率倒是挺高。据多方消息来报,首填已成为学生们共同的敌人。兵法有云知己知彼,要想拿下这个敌人,我们就先要对它有足够的了解。 那么就从大家最关心的方面为什么会失分作为导引,来一探首填题型的全貌吧! 首字母填空题失分的主要原因: 一. 词汇量出了问题 二. 词义理解出了问题 三. 词性判断出了问题 四. 词形变化出了问题 五. 没有仔细检查 下面我们就结合中考英语真题来逐一分析上述问题: 一. 词汇量 词汇功在平时,它所依靠的不是突击,而是日常的持续积累。词汇量是内功,非一朝一夕可成,但朝朝夕夕必成。 二. 词义理解 词义判断是要建立在对文章意思的理解基础之上,在语境之下做出正确的判断。应对的方法是:文章通读,首句细读,生词暂不纠结,把握文章大意。它的关键在于五字真言“ 上下文照应”。 词义判断的类型有: ①语言知识型:考查结合语境,单词的基本用法、习惯用法、常用搭配、特定 意义,句型、句式等。 例:2009中考 The touchstone was a small pebble(卵石) that could t__74__ any common metal into pure gold. 2011年中考 Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something b__77__their understanding.

成人高考-专升本英语复习资料大全 (1)

专升本英语词汇和语法考点总结 词汇 一、名词和代词 一)重点名词和代词辨析 1、result,effect,outcome,ending,consequence,fruit result 普通用词,多指好的结果.另:比分,成绩;effect 名词:效果,影响。动词:实现;outcome 多指成就,成果;ending 结局,结尾;consequence 多指不良的结果,后果;fruit 水果,产物。 2、feature,appearance,virtue,character,characteristics feature 1,特色,2,面貌,相貌;appearance1,出现,露面2,外观,外貌,外表;virtue 1,美德,2,优点,长处;character特征,品质,角色;characteristics 特性,特色。 3、accident,incident,event,conflict,trouble,occurrence,crash,crisis accident 事故,意外。意想不到的事情,往往引起损伤或伤害;incident事件,小插曲。事变(外交,政治中的政变);event 特指重大事件;conflict冲突,矛盾;trouble烦恼,麻烦;occurrence 1,发生,出现。2,突发事件;crash使(飞机)坠毁、使(车辆)猛撞等;crisis危机,紧急关头。 4、currency,income,wage,bonus,salary,award,reward,fee,allowance,honour,benefit,profit,interest,prize,wealth,capital,money,cash,coin,fund,debt,loan currency 流通货币,经济学用词;Income泛指收入;Wage 特指工资;Bonus指提成的奖金;Salary = wage + bonus 薪水;Award授予的奖项,包括奖励的奖金;Reward 回报,报酬,酬金;Fee泛指费用;Allowance 表示津贴,补贴;honour 荣誉,名誉。常用in honour of ,以….为纪念,向…表示敬意;benefit 名词:利益。动词:对….有益be benefit to;profit名词:1,好处,益处。2,利润。动词:有益于,有利于vt,及物动词;interest 名词:1,兴趣,爱好,2,利息。动词:对….感兴趣;prize 奖金,奖品;Wealth财产,财富。既可指金钱财富,也可指精神财富;Capital 可以是形容词和名词。1,形容词:大写的,首要的,首都的。


(附参考答案) 单词识记: adventure ancient awkward caution civilized concern custom particular remind remove silent tradition typical fascinate cooperation anniversary restrict religion casual expand 短语扫描: add to增添 as a whole总体来说 be of great value很有价值 come into being形成;产生;出现 end up with 以……告终 in memory of为了纪念 pass down from generation to generation一代一代传下来 date back to/date from 追溯到 follow a custom 遵循习俗 crowd into涌入 [跟踪训练] 在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式 1.Keep your office space looking good,(particular) your desk. 2.(typical),she couldn’t find her keys. 3.We were very (concern) to keep the staff informed about what we were doing. 4.Madagascar is the most (fascinate) place I have ever been to. 5.As soon as he got home,he (remove) the mud from his shoes. 6.The population a whole is in favour of the reform. 7.Many kinds of flavor substances come being in milk when heated,which changed the flavor of milk. 8.Altogether,90 percent of all college graduates end up a decent job in Japan,he added.


2019-2020年高考英语语法专题复习讲义必备句型全归纳 1.as soon as…一…就…= directly / immediately / instantly… = the second / the minute / the moment / the instant… Eg. He came around to see me as soon as / the moment/ immediately he checked in the hotel. 他刚一入住宾馆就来看我. They informed us the news immediately / directly they got it. 他们一得到消息就通知了我们. The policeman came to the spot the moment / the instant / the minute she heard of the accident.一听说事故,这位警察就到了现场. 2.….before…. (1). 没来得及…就… The roof fell before he had time to dash into the room to save his baby. 他还没有来得及冲进房间把孩子就出来,房顶就塌了. He ran off before I could stop him. To my great disappointment , my favorite singer left the concert before I could have a word with him. (2).过了多久才怎么样,动作进行到什么程度才怎样 They walked about thirty miles to the west before they saw a village. They worked day and night about three days before everything returned to normal. Three years passed before I knew it. 3.It was + 时间段+ before….过了多久才…. ; It was not long before…不久就… It will ( not ) be + 时间段+ before …要过多久( 不久)…..才….. Eg. It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position. It was three years before he came back. It will be half a year before you graduate from this school. 4. no sooner …than…= hardly…when…一…就…., 刚刚…就… No sooner / hardly + 过去完成时,than / when + 一般过去时 如果no sooner, hardly 位于句首, 主句要倒装. He had hardly sat down to have a rest when the door bell rang and in came Allan. No sooner had he got off the train than his daughter ran towards him. Hardly had we arrived when she started crying to go home. 5. once 一旦…., 表示时间和条件 Once you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty. Once you have decided to do something, you should do it well. Once you enter the chemistry lab, you should follow the teacher’s instructions. 6. since …自从….以来 Since 引导的从句不论是延续性或非延续性动词, 都表示的是动作或状态的完成或结束. 注意一下句子翻译: Since he lived in Nanjing, I have not heard from him. (= since he left Nanjing…)


高考英语复习资料大全 1 be used to 〔doing〕 sth 对……习以为常,习惯于,适应 [词语辨析] used to do sth, be used to doing sth 和 be used to do sth 的用法比较▲used to do sth 指的是过去的习惯性动作,目的在于与现在形成对照. I used to work hard. 我过去常常努力工作.暗含的意义是:我现在不努力工作了. ▲习惯于,to 是介词. He was used to the cold weather after he lived there for two years. 在那里住了两年后,他已习惯了寒冷的天气. I think it is a bit difficult for you to get used to the humid weather here. 我想让你习惯于这里潮湿而炎热的天气有点困难. You'll soon get used to living in the country. 很快你就会习惯于住在乡下了. ▲be used to do sth 被用来做某事,to 是不定式符号. A metal bar was used to force the door open. 用金属棒把门撬开了. 2 intend v. 想要,打算 [基本构词] intention n. 意图,打算 [短语搭配] intended a. 打算的,预期的;故意的,有意的 intend to do sth 打算做某事 intend sb/sth to do 打算让某人或某物做…… intend sb/sth for 打算将......供给……; 打算使......成为……; 想让......从事某事be intended to do 是为了〔做〕

2021届新高考版英语主题一轮复习讲义:主题4 学习 基础过关

第一步默写达标 分层单词 ?写作词汇 1.experience vt. & n.经历,体验 2.earn vt.获得;赚,挣得 3.select vt.选择,挑选 https://www.docsj.com/doc/e32392395.html,rm vt.通知,告知 5.donate vt.捐赠 6.exchange n. & vt.交换;交流 7.struggle n.难事;斗争;努力vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎 8.devote vt.致力于;献身 9.host n.主持人;主人,东道主 10.average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的 ?阅读词汇 1.academic adj. 学业的,学术的 2.challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 3.splendid adj. 极佳的,非常好的 4.generation n. 一代,一代人 https://www.docsj.com/doc/e32392395.html,position n. 作品;成分 6.creativity n. 创造性 7.instruction n. 指导,教导 8.assignment n. 作业 9.enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 10.somehow adv. 不知为什么,不知怎么地

?拓展词汇 1.experience n.& vt.经历,体验→experienced adj.有经验的→inexperienced adj.(反义词)没有经验的 2.satisfaction n.满意→satisfy vt.使满意;满足→satisfying adj.令人满意的,令人满足的→satisfied adj.感到满意的,感到满足的 3.graduate vi.毕业n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业 4.donate vt.捐赠→donation n.捐赠(物) 5.independent adj.独立的→independence n.独立→dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的→depend vi.依赖,依靠,取决于 6.approve vt. & vi.批准,通过;赞成→approval n.赞成,同意;批准,认可→disapprove v.(反义词)不同意 7.preparation n.准备,筹备→prepare vt.& vi.准备→prepared adj.准备好的 8.devote vt.致力于,献身→devoted adj.忠实的,挚爱的→devotion n.奉献,忠诚,挚爱 9.select vt.选择,挑选→selection n.可选之物,所选之物;选择,挑选 10.respect n. & vt.尊敬,敬重→respectful adj.尊重人的;表示敬意的→respective adj.各自的,各个的→respectable adj.值得尊敬的,可敬重的 高频短语 1.be fond of喜爱,喜欢 2.for free免费 3.make use of利用 4.look back (on)回忆,回顾 5.more than超过,不仅仅 https://www.docsj.com/doc/e32392395.html,e up with提出,想出 7.in charge of负责,掌管 8.look up to尊敬 9.devote oneself to (doing) sth. 致力于(做)某事


单词识记: across base exist through apart aside board brown central circle disappear golden opposite surface upper wooden float locate surround fade 短语扫描: ahead of 在……前面 as far as远至…… at the other end of在……的另一端 face to face 面对面地 get close to靠近;接近 in front of 在……前面;在……面前 out of/beyond sb.’s reach(某人)够不到的地方 be located in 坐落于;位于 on board在(船/火车/飞机等)上;上(船/火车/飞机等) in the distance在远处 [跟踪训练] 在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式 1.The film (base) on a novel by D.H. Lawrence. 2.The Greeks got into the city by hiding in a (wood) horse. 3.The new library was built in the (central) of the campus. 4.Little of the (exist) housing is of good enough quality. 5.When spring comes,the snow and ice (disappear).6.The election was held six months ahead schedule. 7.We should seize every opportunity to get close the masses. 8.We went board Athens yesterday morning. 9.The teacher stands in front the students. 10.She catches a glimpse of a car the distance.


高考英语总复习第11讲 第一部分词汇精讲 重点词汇 1. abuse [??bju:s] v.滥用;虐待 2. violate[?va??le?t] vt.违反;违背;侵犯;践踏 3. extend [?k?stend] vt.延长vi.延伸;绵延 4. rob [r?b] vt.& vi. 抢劫;抢夺;掠夺 5. foresee [f?:?si:] vt.预见 6. wipe [wa?p] v.擦;擦去;消除 7. invest [?n?vest] vt.投资 8. spill [sp?l] v. 溢出 9. fold [f??ld] vi.&vt. 折叠 10. controversial [?k?ntr??v?:?l] adj.有争议的 11. content ['k?ntent] n.内容;目录;满足;容量 12. slide [sla?d] vi.滑落;打滑 13. defend [d??fend] vt.&vi.辩护;防守;保卫 14. In general adv.通常;一般而言 15. wonder[?w?nd?(r)] vt.想知道vi.吃惊n.奇迹 16. contribute[k?n?tr?bju:t] vt.&vi 贡献;捐赠 17. sense [sens] vt.感觉;理会;n.感觉;意识;观念 18. approve [??pru:v] vt.&vi.赞成;同意 19. considerate[k?n?s?d?r?t] adj. 体贴的,体谅的; 深思熟虑; 20. strict[str?kt] adj.精确的; 绝对的; 严格的,严谨的;


专题一记叙文 2017年 Cloze 1 2017全国卷Ⅰ,30分话题:学习美式手语词数:235 While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this 1 process and found something that has changed my 2 at college for the better: I discovered ASL —American Sign Language(美式手语). I never felt an urge to 3 any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The 4 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往). Little did I know that I would discover my 5 for ASL. The 6 began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club 7 their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very 8 of communicating without speaking 9 me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 10 . This newness just left me 11 more. After that, feeling the need to 12 further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL Club’s meetings. I only learned how to 13 the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my 14 progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to 15 those meetings and learn all I could. The following term, I 16 an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was 17 . I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 18 , if there had been any talking, it would have 19 us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the 20 way of communication it opens. 1.A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal 2.A. progress B. experience C. major D. opinion 3.A. choose B. read C. learn D. create 4.A. official B. foreign C. body D. spoken 5.A. love B. concern C. goal D. request 6.A. meeting B. trip C. story D. task 7.A. recorded B. performed C. recited D. discussed 8.A. idea B. amount C. dream D. reason 9.A. disturbed B. supported C. embarrassed D. attracted 10.A. end B. past C. course D. distance 11.A. showing B. acting C. saying D. wanting 12.A. exercise B. explore C. express D. explain 13.A. print B. write C. sign D. count 14.A. slow B. steady C. normal D. obvious 15.A. chair B. sponsor C. attend D. organize 16.A. missed B. passed C. gave up D. registered for 17.A. prohibited B. welcomed C. ignored D. repeated 18.A. Lastly B. Thus C. Instead D. However 19.A. required B. caused C. allowed D. expected 20.A. easy B. popular C. quick D. new Cloze 2 2017全国卷Ⅲ,30分话题:赠送机票词数:233 A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman. But 1 apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher and have a Canadian 2 .

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