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课题:牛津英语四年级下Unit5 Sport



本单元授课对象是四年级的学生。从英语知识能力方面说,四年级的学生经过四年扎实的英语学习,能就熟悉的话题交流信息,如讨论和分享自己喜欢做的事物及活动(e.g I like pandas. / I like singing.);他们乐于参与课堂的角色扮演活动,能够从简单的听力文段和阅读文段中提取关键信息。思维发展仍然以具体形象思维为主,部分学生的抽象逻辑思维开始发展,归纳和演绎能力初步发展。从儿童心理发展方面说,四年级的学生属于小学高段,能够在基于对学科的兴趣上,较好地控制自己的情绪,克制自己的行为,将兴趣、情绪、行为和思维统一于一体,能进行小组合作,能在老师明确的指导下能以相对较高的效率完成知识习得的过程;基于此,在设计教学时利用的是儿童最感兴趣的情景互动式教学法和任务型教学法,尽量还原真实的生活情境,小组合作,让学生在三节课的学习中都沉浸在愉悦而轻松的学习氛围中,以最生动自然的表达方式输出语言。


本单元来自上海教育出版社出版的小学四年级英语教材Unit5 Sport,Module 2。Listen and say 呈现了Joe和Peter讨论加入足球俱乐部的对话。核心句型是Does Alice like playing football? Yes, she does. Look and learn 通过图片呈现核心词组playing basketball, playing football, playing football. Ask and answer是操练栏目,呈现了五个小朋友喜欢的运动的调查表,要求学生用核心词汇和句型进行机械操练。Say and act呈现了Peter, Joe 和Alice 在教室讨论参加体育运动小组的场景,是对Listen and say作场景延伸和语言拓展。Think and write 是书写练习栏目,要求学生写一写自己和朋友喜欢的体育运动。本栏目除了要求填词完成句子,还要求学生独立书写完整句子。Learn the sounds呈现了包含字母组合ll的三个单词,并配有一首儿歌,通过儿歌跟读和朗诵,帮助学生感知ll组合在单词中的发音。


1.第一课时-能回答Yes,…does./No, …doesn’t.

(1)在游戏中理解并能拼读核心词汇play basketball, play football, play volleyball, 结合水围小学的羽毛球特色教学增加词汇play badminton,在海报中理解hit the volleyball, bounce the basketball, kick the football, bat the birdie(羽毛球)。

(2)在学生根据体育社团招新海报选择自己喜欢的社团的情境中理解掌握运用句型①Do you like playing football? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like / don’t like playing football. Peter likes / doesn’t like playing football. ②How about you? ③Would you like to come with me? Sure. / Sorry.

对于本单元的核心句型Does Peter like playing football? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 在本节课要求学生能够听到问题回答即可。

(3)小组合作:全班46人分为5个大组,每组3 3=9人,有一组为10人。在第一节课中,横排3人为一小组(A1A2A3 / B1B2B3 / C1C2C3),在海报的提示下,面对面交谈,使用核心词汇和句型Do you like playing …?来询问对方的在体育方面的兴趣爱好,并邀请对方与自己参加社团。同时能用Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 来回答对方的提问,完成do a survey 的任务的第①部分,即表格绿色部分。

在本节课下课后,学生继续完成表格的第②部分,即表格的黄色部分,采用的是竖排3人为一小组。(4)语言输出:以书写日记的形式完成本节课的语言输出。There is a new football club in our school.

I like playing football. I can run fast. I can kick the football. Football makes me strong. I want to join the football club. Peter likes playing football. Jill doesn’t like playing football. I would like to come with Peter. We can play together. How nice!

2.第二课时-能提问Does … like playing…?

(1)在任务中熟练运用核心词汇play basketball, play football, play volleyball

(2)在帮助Miss Fang完成学生信息卡(关于学生喜欢什么运动的信息卡)的任务中,以游戏的形式,熟练运用Does Peter like playing football? 来提问获取信息,并根据提示使用核心句型Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 来回答。

(3)小组合作:在上一课时中,每个学生都采访不同同学的兴趣爱好,同一小组的3位学生之间存在着信息差,在面对面交谈的情境中,使用核心词汇和句型Does … like playing …?来询问对方的朋友在体育方面的兴趣爱好,并用Yes, he/ she does. / No, he/ she doesn’t. 来回答对方的提问,完成do a survey 的任务的第③部分,即表格粉色部分。

(4)语言输出:在小组合作中使用学习的语言知识,以汇报的形式完成There is a __________ match.

I like _________ _____________. In our group, _______ students like ___________ _________________. They are ____________________________________ and me. We can make a team of ______________. 3.第三课时-能自问自答并书写问答Does…like playing…?

(1)理解并能扮演绘本故事Flash and sports. 疯狂动物城的Flash失踪了,Judy根据Flash的兴趣爱好判断Flash可能会去的地方,最后找到Flash,Flash由于动作缓慢,参加不了很多运动,在教室里哭泣,最后Judy推荐Flash参加瑜伽社。在绘本故事中体会人有长处和短处,理解扬长避短。(2)改编故事,在改编的过程中使用并书写核心句型Does like …? Yes, .. does. / No, … doesn’t.

________ and sports

Dick: Help! Help! _________ is missing.

Judy: Does ______ like ______________? We can find ______ in / on / at ________.

Dick: Yes, _______ does. / No, ______ doesn’t. But _______ is ________.

Judy: Does ________________________? We can find ______ in / on / at ________.

Dick: Yes, ___________. / No, ____________. But _______ is ________.

Judy: _____________________________? We can find ______ in / on / at ________.

Dick: ______________________. But _______ is ________.

Judy: Look! _____ is there! ______ is crying.

______: I like sports. But I am ______. I can’t join any clubs. I am sad.

Judy: You are __________. But you are __________. You can join the _______ club.

______: Horry! I can join the ____ club. I am happy!


1. 第一课时:learn the sounds, look and learn, listen and say的前半部分对话和say and act的前半部分对话,think and write

2. 第二课时:look and learn, listen and say的后半部分对话和say and act的后半部分对话,ask and answer

3. 第三课时:look and learn,listen and say, say and act



(1)能听、说、读、写有关体育运动的词汇play football, play volleyball, play basketball。

(2)能听、说、读、写有关询问他人是否喜欢某项体育运动并能对他人的询问做出适当回应, Does …

like …? Yes, he/ she does. / No, he/ she doesn’t.

(3)能用句型Would you like to …? 邀请别人参加活动或征求意见,同时能用Sure. / Sorry. 对别人的邀请作出适当反应。

(4)能读懂故事Flash and sports并能体会其中的道理。

(5)能正确读出字母组合ll在单词中的发音,并能迁移到其他含有该字母组合的单词拼读和chant 中。


(1)能在真实情景中运用Does … like …? Yes, he/ she does. / No, he/ she doesn’t. 询问他人是否喜欢某项体育运动并能对他人的询问做出适当回应。
















Ball games I like


1.能听、说以及书写本单元核心词汇:play basketball,play football,play volleyball

2.能运用重点句型:Do you like playing …? 来询问对方是否喜欢某一类运动,并能对他人的询问做出相应的回答Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 能使用句型… likes / doesn’t like playing…来描述他人的兴趣爱好。

3. 用核心句型Would you like to …? 来邀请对方参加活动,并能对他人的邀请做出回应Sure. / Sorry.



1. 在情境中能听、会说词汇play basketball,play football,play volleyball

2. 能运用重点句型:Do you like playing …? 来询问对方是否喜欢某一类运动,并能对他人的询问做出相应的回答Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 能使用句型… likes / doesn’t like playing…来描述他人的兴趣爱好。

3. 能根据情境,用Yes, … does./ No, … doesn’t. 来回答Does … like playing …?


通过创设情景,联系实际,引导学生对play basketball,play football,play volleyball和Do you like playing …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. … likes / doesn’t like playing…这些词汇和句型灵活运用。






1.Would you like to come with me? 这个句子的操练不够。

2. He / She likes playing …操练不够




第一课时通过情境创设,学生积累了有关球类运动的文化知识和语言知识,能在真实的情境中熟练运用句型Do you like playing …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.来询问对方是否喜欢某项体育运动,能根据信息用Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn’t. 来初步回答Does… like playing…? ,并能对他人的体育兴趣爱好使用句型He / She likes / doesn’t like playing ….

第二课时承接第一课时的话题,以学校运动会,创设情境,每个班级要选出它们最受欢迎的一个体育项目参加校运会。通过小组合作设置信息差,学生不仅通过交流获得另外两名组员的信息,还能通过提问间接得知两名组员在上一节课中的组员信息。使用句型Does…like playing…?来获取关于他人的信息,并用Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn’t.进行回答他人的询问,最后找到跟自己一样喜欢某项运动的队友。


Ball games we like



2、能根据信息用Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn’t.回答关于他人兴趣爱好的询问。

3、小组合作中,进行交流,使用句型Does… like playing…?来获取关于小组中他人的信息,并用Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn’t.进行回答他人的询问。


小组合作中,进行交流,使用句型Does… like playing…?来获取关于小组中他人的信息,并用Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn’t.进行回答他人的询问。


小组合作中,进行交流,使用句型Does… like playing…?来获取关于小组中他人的信息,并用Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn’t.进行回答他人的询问。




3. 拼读单词match

4. 跟读核心句型Does



12 Play a game: 在游戏中操练核心句型Does.. like playing…? Yes …/No…




Dick: Help! Help! Flash is missing.

Judy: Does he like playing basketball? We can find him in the basketball court. Dick: Yes, he does. But he is slow.

Judy: Does he like playing football? We can find him in the football court. Dick: Yes, he does. But he is slow.

Judy: Does he like playing badminton? We can find him in the badminton court. Dick: Yes, he does. But he is slow.

Judy: Look! Flash is there! He is crying.

Flash: I like sports. But I am slow. I can ’t join any clubs. I am sad.

Judy: You are slow. But you are pliable. You can join the Yoga club.

Flash: Horry! I can join the Yoga club. I am happy!


一、判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。(5分) ()1. A. me B. we C. he ()2. A. name B. skate C. cake ()3. A. happy B. sad C. rabbit ()4. A. big B. with C. bike ()5. A. home B. box C. not 二、选择填空。(5分) ()1. Can you _______? A. some B. sing C. singing ()2. Alice has _______ uncle. He is a doctor. A. a B. an C. / ()3. How many _______ are there? A. apple B. banana C. triangles ()4. _______ there _______ restaurants near the supermarket? A. Are; any B. Is; any C. Are; some ()5. What’s the weather like in Guangzhou? It is _______ and _______. A. sun; rain B. warm; sunny C. sun; rainy 三、从所给的句子中选出合适的完成对话,并将其字母编号写在相应的横线上。 A: Hello, Bobby. _ (1) B: I can draw. A: _ (2) B: Yes, I can. I’m drawing a star. A: How many stars can you draw? B: _ (3) A: Can you see stars in the sky? B: _ (4) Can you draw, too? A: _ (5) B: Me, too. 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 四、连词成句。(5分) 1. restaurants; are; there; near; any; home; your (?) ________________________________________________________ 2. the; on; table; it’s (.) ________________________________________________________


牛津英语五年级下册知 识点 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

M o d u l e1U s i n g m y f i v e s e n s e s Unit1 What a mess 生词: notebook paints crayon school bag tape glue brush 音标: 法: Whose ...? It’s mine/ yours /his/hers/ours/theirs. They’re... Unit2 Watch it grow 生词: caterpillar butterfly chick chicken duckling duck puppy dog 音标:

语 法: ...was/were... Unit3 How noisy 生词: drill lorry bus car motorbike 音标: 语法: ...did... Module2 My favorite things Unit1 Food and drinks 生词: Meat: pork beef chicken fish Vegetables: tomatoes potatoes carrots cabbages beans Fruit: apples oranges bananas grapes Staple Food: rice noodles bread Drinks: juice water milk tea 音标:

语法: What did you have for...? I had... Unit2 Film 生词: ticket ticket office entrance exit seat 音标: 语法: Shall we... Unit3 school subject 生词: Chinese English Maths Art Music IT PE 音标:


Discontent is the first step in progress.不满足是进步的开端。 Units 3 look and s ee Grade four 一、词汇 v.升起 The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。 拓展:rise过去式rose n.影子 My shadow is short at noon.我的影子在中午很短。 拓展:字母a在shadow中发 n.中午 I eat lunch at noon.我在中午吃午餐。 拓展:形近词:moon月亮合成词:afternoon下午at noon 在中午 adj.高的 It's a high building.它是一栋很高的建筑物。 拓展:比较级:higher 最高级:higher 近义词:tall 反义词:low

n.天空 There is a plane in the sky.天空中有一架飞机。 拓展:in the sky在天空中对应词:ground地面 down落下 The sun goes down. 太阳落山了。 7. evening n.傍晚,晚上 Tom likes watching TV in the evening.汤姆喜欢在晚上看电视。 拓展:近义词:night in the evening在晚上this evening 今晚 adv.再,又 Can you say it again,please?请你再说一遍好吗? 拓展:形近词:gain 获得once again再一次again and again再三地 n.夜晚 We are going to see a movie tomorrow night.我们打算明晚去看电影。 拓展:at night在夜晚day and night夜以继日 反义词:day 近义词:evening 形近词:right 对的light 光 n.月亮 There's no moon tonight.今晚看不见月亮。


五下 一、(1) 樱桃cherry 榴莲durian 眼镜glasses 在……前面in front of 在……里面inside 在……外outside 李子、梅子plum 升起rise 影子shadow 大楼block (日、月)落到地平线下go down 公寓flat (2) 睡着asleep 醒着awake 满的full 空的empty 锤子hammer 把……藏起来hide 螺丝刀screwdriver 摇动器shaker 线string 轮子wheel 放、安置put 系、栓tie (用剪刀)剪下cut out 仔细的careful 豆、菜豆bean 响亮的loud 杯子cup 试、试用try 两个都both 女士lady

(3)靠垫cushion 有绒毛的fluffy 我的(东西)mine 包裹parcel 粗糙的rough 光亮的shiny 他们的(东西)theirs 你的,你们的(东西)yours 我们的(东西)ours 他的(东西)his 移动move (4) 救save 丢失的lost 烟smoke 不同的different 饮料drink 相同的same 舌、舌头tongue 鼻子nose 二、(1) 树枝branch 笼子cage 时间表timetable 大门gate 肉meat 鹦鹉parrot 左边left 右边right 千克,公斤kilo 台阶step 沿着,顺着along (2) 钥匙key 拜访,看望visit 玩具toy 给give 恐龙dinosaur 木偶puppet 电脑computer

(3) 家具furniture 市场market 警察局police station 架子shelf 沙发sofa 灯lamp 镜子mirror 打滚roll over 三、(1) 她的(东西)hers 叶子leaf(leaves) 敞开的open (2) 刷净brush 吵闹的noisy 进来come in 日记diary 起床get up 进球得分goal 发嘶嘶声的hissing 发嗡嗡声的humming 流行的pop 组group 得分score 顶好的,超级的super 二十五twenty-five 飞fly(flew) (3) 水稻,大米rice 小鸡chicken 建造build 温度temperature 度,度数degree 三十五thirty-five 毫米millimetre 暴风雨storm 共102个


Module 1 Unit 1 Touch and feel 教案 第一课时 一、教学目标; 1.帮助学生学习表示感觉的单词Look and learn中的单词 2.学生用已学的句型描述物品的触觉; 3.能用What is it? It’s ….来确认事物的名称;教学重点: 二、教学重点: 词汇:hard, soft, thick, thin 句型:How does it feel? It’s soft.1. thin, thick的发音。 三、教学难点 1.如何短时间背thick , thin, soft这三个单词。 2. 能用句型:How does it feel? It’s… . 来询问并描述物品的触觉; 四、教学栏目:Look and learn Ask and answer, Listen and enjoy 五、教学准备: 各种实物、录音机、单词卡、玩具 六、教学过程: (一) 导入活动 1.出示不同食物和饮料并通过问题引导学生用形容词以过些物品进行描述. 2、对着食物和饮料,做饥饿状,然后问学生,他们是否也感到饿,如果是, 想吃什么东西. T: Are you hungry? S1: yes, I’m hungry . T: What do you want? S1: I want a cake\ some bread.可用中文回答。 (二) 呈现新课 (Presentation) 1、教师顺接上一个教学活动中最后一个学生的话语引出hard, soft.请学生跟读hard, soft.然后请学生分别触摸一本厚的书和一本薄的书,引出单词thick , thin,最后请学生跟读Look and learn中的单词。 2.提问学生生活中具有这些触觉的物品还有哪些。把学生说到的物品写在相关的形容词旁边。


四年级英语第二学期期末测评试卷题号卷面听力部分笔试部分总点数等级 得点数 Listening Comprehension 听力部分 Ⅰ、Listen and Choose (听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)(共10分) 1、()A、again B、away C、April 2、()A、hard B、half C、have 3、()A、garden B、grape C、grow 4、()A、club B、catch C、clock 5、()A、with B、wear C、water Ⅱ、Listen and Choose (听录音选出你所听到的句子。)(共10分) 6、()A、It’s Joe’s guitar. B、It’s Joe’s piano. C、It’s Joe volin. 7、()A、Peter gets up at half past nine. B、Peter goes home at half past nine. C、Peter goes to the cinema at half past nine. 8、()A、It’s sunny and hot. B、It’s windy and cold. C、It’s sunny and warm. 9、()A、Does Alice like playing football? B、Does Alice like playing basketball? C、Does Alice like playing baseball? 10、()A、We like English. B、We have PE and Music in the morning. C、We have Science and Music in the afternoon. Ⅲ、Listen and Number(听录音,根据录音内容用ABCDE给下列图片排序。)(共10分) 11.()12.()13.()14.()15.() Ⅳ、Listen and choose. (听录音,选答句)(共10分) ()16. A.It’s soft. B.It’s hard. C.It’s sweet. ()17.A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.It’s lemon juice. ()18.AYes, he does. B.No, he doesn’t. C.No, he likes playing football. ()19.A. I have breakfast at half past eight. B. I have dinner at half past eight. C. He has breakfast at half past eight. ()20.A. I like Science. B.I like Ebglish. C.I like China. Ⅴ、Listen and fill (听录音,根据录音内容填写单词。)(共10) The sun 21 in the morning. The 2 2 is long. There is a new football 23 in our school. Kitty 24 her teeth at a 25 to seven. On 26 , Peter 27 volleyball with his friends. In 28 , Chhilderen’s Day is in 29 . How’s the 30 in June?


Module2 My favourite things U1 Sports I.词汇 1.核心词汇/词组 play football play table tennis play volleyball play badminton play basketball sport poster join club 2.其他词汇 ask remember enjoy favourite never yourself mine before swimsuit hobby goggles pool 重要词组 (掌握介词用法*) would like to do…let me see want to do…talk with… get in make sb. + adj. enjoy yourself in one’s spare time in a line French fries 3. 词汇解析 1) play的意思是玩,和球类运动搭配时就是“踢,打”的意思。如,play football/basketball。 但是注意play的“玩”,和中文中“我们出去玩吧”的“玩”并不一样,后者可以用hang out…(强调出去玩,逛逛等)如,Let’s hang out somewhere. I like to hang out with my friends in the school yard. 2) exercise 是运动,训练活动的意思,如,morning exercise,也有练习的意思,如, Please do this exercise after school. 课后请完成这些练习。 3) before 在…之前,after在…之后。是一组反义词,都是时间介词,表示在某个时间之前或之后。 let’s sing a song before class/let’s go and play basketball after school. II. 语法 1. like doing sth和like to do sth区别 like doing sth表示长时间的喜欢做某事,指兴趣爱好.在意义上比较一般和抽象,时间观念不强,不指某一次动作; 例:I like watching TV .我喜欢看电视. Do you like singing 你喜欢唱歌吗 She likes swimming.她喜欢游泳.(经常性的,爱好) I like eating fish .(我喜欢吃鱼,个人口味而已,一种爱好,喜欢) like to do sth想去做某事(表示有个趋向性,好像是要到某处去做某事) like to do sth 则常指某个具体的动作,表示偶尔一次喜欢做某事、或者突然喜欢干某事,想要干某事. 例如:She likes to swim this afternoon.她今天下午想游泳.(特指某一次的动作) 另外,在搭配(使用方法)上, “ like to do ”一般与“ would ”搭配表示意愿. 例: I would like to swim with you .我愿意和你去游泳.


My room This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework there. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase (花瓶), a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my football under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside. 根据短文内容,补全下列句子 1. Near the window there is a_________ . 2. There are some____ , some______ in a vase, a____ and a _____ . 3. There is a_______ above the end of my bed. 4. I usually put my______ under my bed. 5. There is a______ in front of the desk. My classmate Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose ,mouth and ears are all big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class. 阅读后做判断,在括号里填入"T"或"F" ( ) 1. Tom is an English boy. ( ) 2. Tom’s hair and eyes are blue. ( ) 3. The boy with big eyes, big ears ,a big nose and a big mouth is LiuT ao. ( ) 4. Tom likes basketball. ( ) 5. Tom’s favorite color is blue. Job Nancy : Who’s that man with a big mouth and two small eyes? Yang Ling: He’s my uncle and he’s a doctor. Nancy: My father is a doctor too. What’s your aunt’s job? Yang Ling: She’s a bus driver. What about your mother? Nancy: She’s an English teacher.


牛津小学英语4B全册教案 Unit 1 第一课时一、教学内容Unit 1 A: Read and say. 二、教学目标1、理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。 2、正确运用日常交际用语Welcome to our school. Who’s that boy? I’m new here. 3、能正确的听、说、读单词boy, woman, teacher, student, nurse 三、教学重点能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话 四、教学难点流畅地朗读对话,并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话 五、课前准备1、人物图片Mike ( student ), Miss Li( teacher ) Miss King ( nurse) Gao Shan (student ) 人物头饰Ben 2、单词卡片student, teacher, woman, teacher ,boy 六、教学过程(一) Free talk 1、Hello, nice to meet you. 2 、How are you ? / How are you this morning? 3 、Are you happy today? 4 、Welcome back to school.

5、Good morning. Glad to meet you. Welcome back to school. (二) Presentation and practice: Ask and answer 1、Good morning, boys and girls . Glad to meet you . Welcome back to school. 出示Welcome back to school. 理解并领读。 2、I have many pictures here .I like them very much. Do you like them? 出示所有的图片 3、根据出示的照片复习单词boy , girl,man, woman 4、Do you know these boys and girls? (出示Mike , Gao Shan, Nancy David, Helen 的照片): (1) Who’s this boy? (Who’s that boy?) He’s _______. He’s a student. (学习新单词student ) (2) Who’s this girl? (Who’s that girl?) She’s _________. She’s a student. 5、Do you know these men and women?( 出示Miss Li, Miss Gao Miss King , Mr Green, Mrs Green 的照片)(1)Who’s this man? ( Who’s that man?)


Unit l Meeting new people 知识梳理 一、Words: 1.meet结识2.new新的3.morning早晨4.classmate同班同学 5. her她的6.name名字 7.sit坐8.afternoon下午9.his他的 10. boy男孩11. here这里12. sister姐姐,妹妹 \ 13. girl女孩14. brother兄弟15. nice好的 二、Phrases: 1. good morning早上好2.good afternoon下午好 3.sit here坐在这儿4.your new classmate你的新同学 5.my name我的名字6.my classmate我的同学 7.her name她的名字8.his name他的名字 三、Sentences: 1.Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 ( 2.My name is Jill.或My name's Jill.我的名字叫Jill。 3.This is your new classmate.这是你的新同学。 4.Her name's Kitty.她的名字叫Kitty。5.You can sit here.你可以坐在这儿。 6.This is my brother.这是我的兄弟。7.What about you 你呢/你怎么样呢 重点点拨 1.hello和hi的用法区别:hello和hi都用在日常见面时打招呼,中文意思表示“你好”、“嗨”或“喂”;hello比hi更正式,hi比hello显得更随便:在同学或较熟悉的人之间常用hi,在打电话时只能用hello问候对方。2.Nice to meet you.在第一次见面相互认识时经常会用这句话来问候对方,回答时经常会说Nice to meet you,too. 3.注意形容词性物主代词(简称“形物”)的使用:my(我的),your(你的),his(他的),her(她的),its(它的),our(我们的),your(你们的),


四年级上U1: May I have …? 学习目标 May I have …句型及回答 This …is for …句型 介词for 的用法 b 和 c 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1.May I have …是用来请求别人许可获得某样东西 2.This …is for …意思是“这个……是给……的。”是用来给某人东西的。 3.for 是介词,for 这里是“为了,给”的意思,for somebody 是指“为了某人,给某人”的意思。 4.big /b/; boy/b/; cap/k/; cat/k/ (The cat and the big cap are for the boy. 这只猫和这顶大帽子是给这个男孩的。 四年级上U2: In a toy shop 学习目标 What's this/that? 句型及回答 Can I …? 句型 I'd like …; I like 句型 d 和f 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1. What's this/that? 是在问“这/那是什么?”,是特殊疑问句,回答要用It's …

2. this, that: this 是这,这个的意思,指近处的东西,that 是那,那个的意思,指代远处的东西 3. Can …句型用来请求能不能做某事 4. I'd like …是I would like 的缩写,表示“我想要……” 5. I like …是表示“我喜欢……” 6. five /f/;fat/f/;dogs /d/;desk/d/ Your five fat dogs are on the desk. 你的五只胖狗狗正在桌子上呢。 四年级上U3: A purse 学习目标 Is this/that …句型及回答 Where 来提问地点及回答 名词所有格 g 和h 在单词开头的发音 主要知识点 1. Is this/that …? 是一般疑问句句型,意思是“这/那是……?” 2. Where …引导的特殊疑问句是用来询问地点,可以用介词短语来回答。 3. 名词所有格是指在某人的名字后面加上's 来表示“某人的”。 4. girls /g/;get /g/;hot /h/;hamburger/h/ The girls get up and eat a hot dog and a hamburger. 女孩们起床后吃了一个热狗和一个汉堡包。 四年级上U4: I like ... 学习目标

沪教牛津版英语四年级下册 Module 1 测试 1

(沪教牛津版)四年级英语下册 Module 1 测试 年班姓名 亲爱的同学们,时间过得真快,一个模块的学习结束了,你一定有很多收获!希望你认真审题,用心答卷,祝你取得好成绩! ※卷面分:2分 听力部分(共38分) 一、Listen and choose. 听句子,选单词。(4分) ()1. A. white B. write C. right ()2. A. here B. hear C. hair ()3. A. two B. to C. too ()4. A. there B. their C. they’re 二、Listen and choose. 听录音,选句子。(4分) ()1. A. These felt-pens are thin. B. Those felt-pens are thick. ()2. A. Has Kally got twelve cocks? B. Has Kitty got twenty clocks? ()3. A. The crayons are behind the book. B. The crayons are beside the book. ()4. A. The children are drawing. B. The children are dancing. 三、Listen and choose. 根据听到的内容找出相应的答句和问句。(10分) ()1. A. I can sleep. B. I am sleeping. C. Yes, I am. ()2. A. Yes, I have got a bear. B. I’ve got a bear. C. No, I have got a bear. ()3. A. There is one. B. It’s one yuan. C. I’ve got one. ()4. A. It’s Peter’s. B. They’re Peter’s. C. He’s Peter. ()5. A. They’re playing the guitar. B. He’s playing the guitar. C. She’s playing the guitar. ()6. A. It’s hard. B. No, it’s hard. C. It’s nice. ()7. A. Its name’s Sam. B. Her name’s Kitty. C. His


牛津英语四年级下期末试卷 一、Choose a different kind of words in each group.(选出不同类单词)(10分) ( ) 1. A. piano B. guitar C.table ( ) 2. A. brush B. paint C. pet ( ) 3. A. she B. he C. are ( ) 4. A. behind B. under C. is ( ) 5. A. hard B. smooth C. balloon 二、Write the words according to the words underlined.(写出两个与划线部分同类的单词)(12分) 1. What can you taste? ________ ________ 2. There are many pens in my bag. ________ ________ 3. Eddie can singwell. ________ ________ 4. I have a pet. It is a cat. ________ ________ 5. I have got a banana. ________ ________ 6.It’s cold in December.__________(写出反义词) 7. You’re a beautiful swan.__________(写出反义词) 三、Rearrange the numbers.按照从小到大的顺序为数字排序。(每小题1分,共8分) twenty-two fifty eleven twelve threethirty forty-sixten three<______<______<______<______<______<______<______ 四、Read and choose.(选择填空)(15分) ( ) 1. I’m sitting behind Peter. So(所以) Peter is sitting _____ me. A. behind B. in front of C. beside ( ) 2. --Are Kitty and Winnie good friends? - Yes, _____ are. A. we B. you C. they ( ) 3. There ____ a bed, a computer and a desk in my room. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 4. Mog ____ digging a hole now. A. doesn’t B. can’t C. isn’t ( ) 5.It’s yellow. It’s sour. It’s _____ juice. A. lemon B. peach C. apple ( ) 6. The mouse is looking ____ the bread. The frog is listening ____ the music. A. on…to B. in…of C. at…to ( ) 7. Eddie can play _____ guitar. A. a B. the C. an ( ) 8. Mark’s book is in ____ his bag.

2018年牛津上海版(深圳)英语四年级下册Unit 4《Subjects》单元测试 题

沪教版英语四年级下册Module2 Unit4 Subjects单元测试班级:姓名:分数: 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词并将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A.Chinese B. English C.Maths ( ) 2. A. English B.PE C.Art ( ) 3. A. PE B. Music C. Science ( ) 4. A. Art B. English C. Music ( ) 5. A.Chinese B. Music C. Science 二、听录音,按你所听到的顺序给下列句子排序。(10分) ()I like PE and Art. ()What about you? ()What subjects do you like? ()What lessons do we have today? ()We have English,Chinese,Maths and Art in the morning. 三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子并将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A. What lessons do we have today? B. What lessons do you have today?( ) 2. A. We have Maths and Art in the morning B. We have Maths and Art in the afternoon. ( ) 3. A. I like Maths and Science. B. I like PE and Science. ( ) 4. A. What subjects do you like? B. What animals do you like? ( ) 5. A. I like painting. B. I like paint.2 四、听录音,选择你所听到的问题的答案,将序号写在题前括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. We have PE and Art. B. I like PE and Art. ( ) 2. A. I like Music and Art. B. Thank you. ( ) 3. A. Mr. Li. B. I like PE. ( ) 4. A. He sits on a rock. B. He is sitting on a rock.


牛津英语四年级语法知识汇总 Class__________ Name_________ 一、名词 这里强调一点:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is 可数名词单数变复数规则: 二、人称代词和物主代词

注意:人称代词:有单复之分,有主格和宾格之分。动词前用主格。在动词和介词(to,with,at等)后用宾格。 物主代词只有有单复之分。 三、指示代词 四、冠词 有a、an、the。a和an的区别:an用于元音音素(一般就是元音字母a、e、i、o、u)前,a用于辅音音素前(除元音字母a、e、i、o、u之外)。 五、句型: (一)否定句 1.be动词(am、is、are)+not/ (2)情态动词can+ not (3 助动词(do、does)+ not 2. 如何将一个肯定的陈述句改为否定句: (1)看句中有无be动词,如有,直接在be动词后+ not。 (2)看句中有无情态动词,如有,直接在情态动词后+ not。 (3)如上述二者都没有,就应用助动词+ not。分四个步骤: A.肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上去,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前。 B.确定助动词用do、does,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does, C.在助动词后加not。 D.原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。 注意:有some的要考虑是否要用any。 (二)一般疑问句 1.如何将一个肯定的陈述句改为一般疑问句: (1)看句中有无be动词,如有,把be动词提到句首即可。

(2)看句中有无情态动词,如有,把情态动词提到句首即可。 (3)如上述二者都没有,就应把助动提到句首。分四个步骤: A.肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上去,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前。 B.确定助动词用do还是does,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does C.把助动词后提到句首。 D.原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。 注意:有some的要考虑是否要用any。 (三)特殊疑问句 表示疑问,有疑问词(在开头),回答有很多种可能。 (四)动词单三 1.什么时候用单三:当主语是第三人称单数或为不可数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。 2.哪些是第三人称单数:除了I(我),we(我们), you(你),you(你们)外,其他所有的人称代词和名词短语都是第三人称,只是第三人称里分单数和复数。如第三人称单数:my book, your book, our book, he, she, her brother, his sister, their book, Jack, Lucy, it等。 注意:第三人称复数和第一人称,第二人称+动词原形。如第三人称复数:my books, your


牛津五年级英语下册 一、根据所给字母补全单词,并翻译 1. Ch ___ n ___ s ___ ___________ 2. Sc ___ ___ nc ___ ___________ 3. W ___ dn ___ ___ d ___ y ___________ 4. t ___ ___ m ___________ 5. ___ ___ ter ___ st ___ ___ ___ ___________ 6. l ___ s ___ ___ n ___________ 7. s ___ b ___ ___ ct ___________ 8. w ___ ___ k ___________ 9. S ___ t ___ ___ d ___ y ___________ 10. m ___ ___ n ___ ___ ___ ___________ 二、英汉互译 1. 第一节课____________________ 2. 八门科目____________________ 3. 在晚上____________________ 4. 怎么样____________________ 5. 在一周中____________________ 6. 一本有趣的书____________________ 7. thirty minus thirteen ____________________ 8. this term ____________________ 9. from Monday to Friday ____________________ 10. at once ____________________ 11. have an English lesson ____________________ 12. welcome back ____________________ 13. get better ____________________ 14. a high fever ____________________ 15. anything else ____________________ 16 a lot ____________________ 三、单项选择 ( ) 1. What ______ is it today? It’s Monday. A. date B. day C. week ( ) 2. What lessons do you have ______ the afternoon? A. in B. on C. at ( ) 3. How ______ lessons do you have on Monday? A. much B. many C. any ( ) 4. What ______ do you like? A. lesson B. subject C. lessons ( ) 5. I like Chinese. _______ you? A. Who are B. How about C. Where are ( ) 6. What’s 321 ______ 123?It’s 198. A. minus B. plus C. and ( ) 7. Mr. Li and his students are ______ a lessons. A. have B. having C. going ( ) 8. _____ I help you? A. Could B. Would C. Can ( ) 9. We have two Chinese lessons ______ Monday morning. A. in B. on C. / ( ) 10. Who ______ your English teacher?

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