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Project 1 Being a good student


一、教学内容:Project 1 Being a good student-A




3. 提高举一反三的学习能力。





Step 1 Free talk

T: Is your bedroom clean and tidy? Do you always put your things in order? Is it a good habit? Do you always help your parents? How? Is it a good habit? When do you usually get up in the morning? Does he/she get up early? Is it a good habit? …

Step 2 Revision

T: Do you still remember what habits Wang Bing have? (出示图片)

S: …

T: Does he have any bad habits? Is he a good student?

S: …

T: What about Liu Tao? What habits does he have? (出示图片)

S: …

T: Does he have any bad habits? What are his bad habits? Can you give him any advise? T: What about Mike? This time, please look at the pictures and finish it. (出示练习纸)

Mike likes eating m______ sweet food at a time. So he sometimes has a t_______. He has a f_____ eggs every week. He doesn’t like eating v________. He only drinks a l____ water every day. But he always helps his parents d__ the h________ at home. T: Does Mike have any bad habits? What is it?

S: He doesn’t have a healthy diet.

T: (出示健康饮食金字塔并引导学生归纳,并练习a little 和a few)

S: We should have a lot of rice, bread, and noodles. We should have some meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. We should have a little sweet food.

T: Mike doesn’t have a healthy diet, but Yang Ling does. What other habits does she have? Please take out your exercise paper and finish it.

Yang Ling has a ________ diet. She often has a ___of noodles ___ breakfast. But she eats a_____ rice. She also likes eating sweet food. But she only eats a ____ sweets at a time. She also has a lot of _______. For example (例如), she likes _______ and ______ the piano.

Step 3 Project 1 A

T: They all have many good habits. Everyone has many good habits. Look, they are having a class meeting to vote for good students. They are Amy and John. Who are you going to vote? First, let’s see something about John. This time, please read loudly by yourself and find out his good habits and bad habits. Then tell us if you are going to vote for him. (分析他的好习惯和坏习惯)

S: …

T: This is Amy. This time, you need to remember her information in 2 minutes. Then tell us her good habits and bad habit. Next tell us if you are going to vote for her.

S: …

T: Now, let’s vote. Who are you going to vote?

Step 4 Sum up: What makes a good student?

T: Just now, you chose…as a good student. Now, let’s talk about what makes a good student. (完成板书)

S: A good student should do well at home and school.

S: A good student should follow rules.

S: A good student should have a healthy diet.

T: What else should a good student do?


Step 5 Expansion

T: Now, let’s have a class meeting in our class: Being a good student. Now talk about your speech in your group, then recommend one as your spokesman. (让学生现场模拟选举)

Step 6 Conclusion

Everyone can try to be better. We should try to study harder, try to read more and try to climb higher. Remember to have courage, be confident and always try to be better!

Step 7 Homework

1.Review the key words and phrases in Units 1-4.

2. Review the grammar in Units 1-4.


Project 1 Being a good student






最后的Ticking time 和情感渗透意在让学生感受到复习课的学习成果,明确努力方向。

新译林牛津版《8B Unit 1》教案(Period 1)

Title (课题)Comic strip Type (课型) New 新授课 Period (课时) 1 Supporting theories (理论支持) A.任务型教学(Task-based Approach)是指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上完成任务来进行的教学。有助于激发学生的学习兴趣, 培养学生综合的语言运用能力,发挥学生的主体性作用,拓宽学生的知识面。使学生保持学习的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯,达到全面发展 B. 情境教学法(Situational Teaching Method) 是指在教学过程中,教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解教材,并使学生的心理机能能得到发展的教学方法。情境教学法的核心在于激发学生的情感。 情境教学中的特定情境,提供了调动人的原有认知结构的某些线索,经过思维的内部整合作用,人就会顿悟或产生新的认知结构。情境所提供的线索起到一种唤醒或启迪智慧的作用。 Aims & demands (教学目标)A: 知识目标 To introduce the concept of situations that started in the past and is continuing in the past. B: 能力目标 To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense. C: 情感目标 To let the students feel proud of the changes. Key points & diff iculties (教学重、难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法)Task-based approach Situational Teaching Method Aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)1. Get some cards with words ready. 2. Blackboard; computer; OHP (overhead projector). 教学设计 课前延伸 1. Preview the new words and phrases. 2. Finish off the exercises of this part. 让学生通过课前自学,小组内的团结合作解决预习中的一些问题,为上课做准备


Project 1 My school life Period 1 教学目标: 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习 1~4单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用 1~4 单元的单词和句型。 2. 以” Myschool life ”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高 语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用 1~4 单元词句进行交 流。 4. 让学生了解并能简单陈述学校地图的主要步骤,并能做简单的介绍。 Step 2 Free talk T: TOday I am yOur new teacher. I want tO knOw sOmething abOut yOu. Have a free talk with sOme students. What's yOur name? How old are you? 教学重点:培养学生的综合语言运用能力, 交流。 教学难点:让学生能谈论“ My school life 话题交流。 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting and warming up Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. At the beginning of the class, say, you can say. T: Today is Friday. I can say S1: MOnday/ … T: I like English. I can say S1: Chinese/ … . T: I can see a tree in yOur schOOl. I can say 让学生能综合运用 1 ~4单元词句进行 ”这一话题 , 并能运用所学词句进行 let 's warmup : Let 's play a game: I can Friday English a tree

牛津译林版英语1下Unit 7 What’s that教案

学习 内容 Unit 7 What’s that?( period 1 ) 学习目标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:cow、duck、lamb和pig; 2.能初步运用日常用语What’s this/ that?并用It's a ...进行回答; 3.继续培养学生参与英语学习和活动的兴趣,培养自信心。 重点难点1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:cow、duck、lamb和pig; 2.能初步运用日常用语What’s this/ that?并用It's a ...进行回答。 学习 过程 学生活动教师导学练习设计/评价要点 一、课前预习 二、歌曲导入揭示主题 三、动物单词学习单词:cow、duck、lamb 和pig 句型What’s this/that?并 用It's a ...进行回答 1、Free talk Good morning./ Hi... 2、Enjoy a song 《Moo,moo》 S:It can see a cow . S:Moo,moo 学生one by one 操练 S:I can see a pig. T: Let’s enjoy a song. T:I can see a dog! What can you see in the song? Teach: cow What does the cow says? T: Yes.Follow me. Cow ,cow, moo, moo, cow. T:What else can you see? 轻松简单的自由 交谈拉近师生距 离,用孩子们喜欢 的英语歌曲,既集 中了孩子的注意 力,又为下面的新 课做了准备。

牛津译林版三年级下册英语Unit1 第1课时 参考教案

Unit1 第1课时参考教案 教学内容:Story time 一、教学目标: 1.能听懂,会说,会读Mr, door, window, open, close. 2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up, sit down. open the door, close the window 3.学会使用礼貌用语:please 二、教学重点: 1.能听懂,会说,会读Mr, door, window, open, close. 2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up, sit down. open the door, close the window 3.学会使用礼貌用语:please 教学难点 1.能听懂,会说,会读Mr, door, window, open, close. 2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up, sit down. open the door, close the window 三、教学过程: Step1:warm up Greeting 2.sing a song :follow me T:I can sing.Can you sing? S:Yes, I can. 3.Free talk. Step2 Presentation: 1.听歌曲Follow me,并且教授词组stand up和sit down. T:You can sing, and you can sing very well. Let’s enjoy a sing now. T:What can you learn from it? 让学生说说从歌曲里听到了什么? (1)教授词组:stand up 个别读小组读全班读 (2)教授词组:sit down 个别读小组读全班读 2.Play a game: Act and say:看ppt提示单词,做动作,并且大声读出来。 Look at me: 根据教师

2012译林版牛津英语三年级下册第一单元 教案

第一单元教学计划 教学内容 本单元的课题是In class,本单元的话题为“课堂用语”,出现了一些简单的祈使句,主要功能为引导学生掌握open/ close, stand up/ sit down, look at/ don’t…等一些祈使句,了解课堂上的一些常用语言。 本单元的story time以课堂为场景,展示了同学间、师生间的一些简单对话,主要学习祈使句open/ close, stand up/ sit down。本单元的Cartoon time以Bobby为小老师,Sam和其他动物为学生,教学了一些单词和句型,主要复习What’s this? It’s a…的句型,并呈现了新句型look at/ don’t…在本单元的Sound time中,主要归类了字母b 的发音。这一发音比较单一,基本都发成/b/,只要学生能够回忆出带有字母b的单词就能够操练。本单元的Checkout time为Look and say. 通过图片的描述操练句型。 教材分析 本学期的英语教材相比较上学期而言在板块上稍有变动。第一板块为Story time,是单元核心板块。通过生动的课文,帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。本学期的Story time的对话明显比上学期的内容丰富,句型多了许多。 第二板块为Fun time. 通过游戏,手工等趣味的环节巩固操练交际语言。这一板块是句型操练板块。通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生熟练掌握Story time中呈现的主要词语和句型,以提高他们用英语进行简单交流的能力。 第三板块为Cartoon time. 此板块是拓展性趣味阅读板块。通过以小老鼠Bobby和小猫Sam 等卡通人物为中心的趣味小故事,以滚雪球的方式帮助学生在学习单句或单一情景的基础上形成综合,帮助学生复习本单元的语言知识,训练语言技能,提高阅读理解能力,并在故事的末尾铺垫下一单元的新语言。 第四板块有所变动。在学习了26个字母和一些单词的基础上,本学期将第四板块更新为Sound time,此板块为本册教材的另一个核心板块。这一板块是语音学习板块。通过含有字母或字母组合的歌谣,帮助学生了解单词中字母的发音和简单的拼读规律。此板块帮助学生有意识地开展音素归类,在课堂中有意识地增加首字母发音练习,培养学生自然拼音的能力。 第五板块为Rhyme time/ Song time. 通过唱歌曲、诵歌谣等活动,激发学生的兴趣,活跃学生的身心,帮助学生潜移默化地巩固所学内容,形成良好的语感,提高听说能力和思维能力。 第六板块为Checkout time,按照单元词语和句型等方面的教学目标,通过形式多样的综合性语言应用活动,帮助学生复习巩固所学的主要内容。 第七板块为Ticking time,通过自我评价,引导学生了解自己对本单元所学主要内容的掌握情况,体验进步与成功,反思和调控自己的学习过程。 本单元的课题是In class,本单元的话题为“课堂用语”,出现了一些简单的祈使句,主要功能为引导学生掌握open/ close, stand up/ sit down, look at/ don’t…等一些祈使句,了解课堂上的一些常用语言。 本单元的story time以课堂为场景,展示了同学间、师生间的一些

牛津译林版三年级英语下册第一单元第1课时Story time优质教案

英语(三年级下册) Unit 1 In Class Story time Teaching contents 教学内容 Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 能正确地听、说、读单词Mr, door, window, stand up, sit down, open, close. 2. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在图片的帮助下尝试表演对话。 3. 能在真实的情景中正确运用日常交际用语:Please Come in. 和I’m sorry. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演课文。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的祈使句让别人做事。 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting 1. Enjoy a song (教师播放与打招呼有关的英文歌曲,引导学生一起唱。) 2. Greeting (1) T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Miss … I’m your English teacher. I’m … You can call me Miss/Mr ... (2) T: Good morning, xx. S: Good morning. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too.

【设计意图:以歌曲开场,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,营造积极的英语学习氛围。师生问候,拉近与学生的距离。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Stand up./Sit down. T: Class begins. S: Stand up. T: (呈现Stand up并带读,做up的动作) Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss xx. T: Sit down, please. (出示Sit down并带读,做down的动作) Can you read “stand up”/“sit down”? S: Yes. 2. Be a little teacher. (一个学生做“小老师”发出指令,其他学生做动作) 【设计意图:在真实情景中,通过老师示范和模仿学习stand up/sit down,并把词和动作结合起来,做到音、形、义结合。】 Step 3 Story time 1. Mr (1) T: Boys and girls, we are ha ving a class. We are in class. Today, we’ll learn Unit 1 In class. Look, who is he? S: He is Mr Green. (2) T: Mr means “先生”. What do “Miss” and “Mrs” mean? S: Miss means “小姐”. Mrs means “女士”. T: Look, there’s a tip for you. S: (读Tip,了解Mr,Miss和Mrs的用法) 2. Watch and answer T: Who’s late? S: Mike is late. 3. I’m sorry./Come in please.


英语初一下译林牛津版unit1教案(第1课时)Unit1Dreamhomes〔第一课时〕 【单元总览】同学们,欢迎进入本单元学习!本单元是有关“梦想之家”这一主题内容。你有自 己梦想的家吗?会使用英语来描述一些国家和首都、房屋和家居设施的名称吗?本 单元介绍了具有有用功能的描述“梦想之家”的用语,并介绍了一些家中使用物的 词汇,还介绍了基数词、序数词和介词。 【差不多知识及技能】本单元需要学生掌握与环境设施相关的常用见词汇及表达法,要求学生具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。通过听、说、读、写掌握本单元的对话、短文和相关词汇, 并运用新词汇来谈论各自不同的居住情况。 【情感态度及文化意识】激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,在了解本单元学习的内容要点后,指导学生有效地学习和掌握国家、首都和家居的词汇;让学生在合作中体会集体智慧的力量, 取长补短,共同进步;了解不同国家的居住条件和文化差异的时候,进行爱国主 义教育,团结各国朋友。 Comicstrip+Welcometotheunit〔第一课时〕 【学习目标】 1、听、说、读、写以下词汇:dream,capital,palace 2、2、掌握nextto,wouldliketodo…初步掌握形容词比较级和最高级。 【课前预备】 〔一〕你明白以下国家的首都吗? China_________France_____________England____________America________Russia______ _____Thailand____________Japan_________ 〔二〕依照汉语意思完成句子。 1.你想住在宫殿里吗?______you_____toliveina_______? 2.那个老人想住在旅馆的隔壁。 Theoldman_______tolive__________a________. 3.你最喜爱的城市是哪个?Whichisyour____________? 4.最大的那个是我的。The______oneis______. 【体验与实践】: 1.预习情况交流:同学们,你们能完成本课时的词汇背诵任务吗?能否说出这些国家 的首都吗?加油呀! 从第二栏中找出与第一栏对应的国家。 ()1.ToykyoA.France ()2.ParisB.China ()3.BeijingC.Thailand ()4.MoscowD.Russia ()5.LondonE.TheUK ()6.BangkokF.theUSA ()7.WashingtonDCG.Japan 【知识链接】 1、nextto相邻,隔壁,在……旁边,紧靠…… A、Helivesnexttome.他居住在我隔壁。 B、Theylivenexttoeachother.他们住的特别近。


英语 - 教课协助资料 - 打印版 课题: Unit1 in class 主备人姚莲蒂课时1总课时 教课目的: 1、能力目标 : 1)能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗诵对话。 2)能正确地听、说、读单词door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down,open,close. 3)能在真切的情形中正确运用please. Come in/和平时社交用语I ’ m sorry 教课重、难点:1、能比较流利地朗诵对话,并能运用所学对话描绘。 2、能正确朗诵单词door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down,open,close. 课前准备: 1、教具:多媒体,2、板书:写好课题Unit1 In class 教课过程二次备课 Step1: Warm up Step2 : Presentation 1.Teach: stand up/sit down T: Class begins. SS: Stand up. T: Sit down , please. ( 出示板书 Sit down .) 带读,做 down 的动作。 1.教讲课题In class T: ( 出示 Mike 和 Mr Green 的头像 ) Who ’ s he? They ’ re our old friends. Boys and girls, we’ re in the classroom. We’ re in class. We’ re in the English class. Do you know where our old friends are. Look at the screen, and then answer“ Where are they?” 2. Teach:I’ m sorry . comein SS: Watch the video about Picture 1, 2 ,3 ,and then answer“ Who’ s late?” 4.Read the dialogues. 5.Read in a role and act.(分为两部分 ) Picture 1~2---Practise in pairs and show. Picture3~4-Practise in groups and show. Step6: Consolidation.

译林牛津版六年级英语下册教案 Unit1 Period 1

Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 第一课时 一、教学内容: Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Story time 二、教学目标: 1.能理解并会朗读故事,初步说出故事大意。 2.在故事学习过程中掌握large, strong, woke, weak, net, bit, sharp等新单词,体会副词sadly, quietly, loudly, happily的用法。 3.通过学习本课的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。 三、教学重点: 在故事中通过读体会副词sadly, quietly, loudly, happily的用法。 四、教学难点: 能从不同角度理解故事的寓意。 五、教学准备:PPT,动物头饰,单词卡片等。 六、教学过程: Step 1: Greeting and Lead-in 1. Greeting T: Hi, boys and girls. Welcome back to school again. 2. Learning tips T: This is a new term now. And it’s the last term in your primary school time. So first of all, today let’s talk about your study plan for this term. What’s your study plan?

3. Lead-in T: Here’s a study plan. Can you read this plan? T: Look, in this plan, the planner wants to spend more time on reading English. Indeed, reading is very important. And story reading is very good for English learning. So today, I bring you a story. Step 1: Presentation 1. 30-second’s talk show T: This story is about two different animals. (PPT) The name of the story is The lion and the mouse. (课题) Before the story, I want you to be one of them and try to say something. (教师示范,学生练习并反馈) 2. Prediction T: Yes, as you all know, the lion and the mouse are very different, aren’t you? What if they met each other one day? Can you guess? T: Let’s watch a cartoon and see what happens. (学生看后预测) 3. Read and order T: Nice. Now you know what happens. Here are some sentences, but they are not in order. Can you read your story on your book quickly and put then in order? T: Now they are in order. But here’s a problem. Even if they are in the right order, this story is still not completed. So can you read this story again and try to say three more sentences to complete this story?

牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B Unit1 第1课时教案

牛津译林版七年级英语下册 7BUnit 1 Dream homes Comic strip and Welcome to the unit I.Teaching aims and demands: 1.谈论学生自己的理想居所,引导学生思考不同的居住环境。 2.识别不同国家的标志性建筑。 3.认识不同国家及其首都的英语表达方式。 II.Teaching importances and difficulties: 1. 认识不同国家及其首都的英语表达方式。 2.一些词组和句型:Would you like t o …?I’d like to … Which is your favourite ? The capital of…is … III.Teaching steps: Step 1 Free talk 1. Revise some sentences use “Would you like to …?Yes, I’d like to---” “Which is your favourite …? My favourite …is …” 2. Ask and answer in pairs. Step 2 Show the aims Show the learning aims to the students. Step 3 Presentation 1.Ask the Ss:What countries in the world do you know? 2.Teach the following countries: China Japan UK USA France Russia Thailand 3. Show some places of interest to the students : Here are some beautiful pictures. They are some of the most famous places in the world. Do you know where they are? Look at this mountain. What is its name ? What country is it in? 4. Use the same way to teach the other countries. 5. Show a picture of the Great Wall and ask :What country is it in ? What city is it in? It’s in Beijing .Beijing is the capital of China. 6. Teach the other capitals.

小学英语牛津译林版(三起)六年级下册第1课时(Story time)教案

优质资料---欢迎下载 英语(六年级下册) Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Story time 苏州市金阊实验小学张玲 Teaching contents 教学内容 Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 能听懂、会读、会说large, strong, quietly, weak, loudly, mouse, walk by, wake … up, some day, let … go. The next day, net, bite, sharp, sadly, just then, soon, from then on。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语The mouse said sadly. The lion laughed loudly。 3. 能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能在板书与图片的帮助下尝试复述。 4. 能初步了解副词的用法。 5. 能体会故事内涵。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能在板书与图片的帮助下尝试复述。教学难点:能听懂、会读、会说不规则动词bite, let, wake的过去式。 能在板书与图片的帮助下尝试复述故事内容。 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Free talk & Warm-up T: Hello, boys and girls. Did you have a nice winter holiday? What are you going to do in the new term? Can you make a study plan?

译林牛津版7B Unit1全套教案

7B Unit 1 Dream homes Period 1: Comic strips & Welcome to the unit I. Teaching objects Knowledge: Students will be able to: 1) know some other countries about their names, capitals and famous attractions. 2) use the useful expressions like would you like to… , I’d like to…etc.. Ability: Students will be able to: 1) know some information about different countries. 2) talk about where they would like to visit best. Emotion: Students will have general understanding of dream homes. II. Key points of teaching: Students will be able to know some information about different countries and describe them. III. Teaching difficulties: How to read the names of the countries and capitals correctly. IV. Teaching and learning methods: Watching, listening, acting, describing, discussing. Pair work, group work. V. Teaching aids: PPT, blackboard VI.Teaching procedures: Teaching steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activit ies Intention of the design Step1 Learning aims& checking work 1.Checking work Teacher checks the Ss' preview papers first. 2.Showing learning aims Look and remember. To know what we will master today. Step 2 Lead-in Ask some questions about countries in the world. Answer the questions and show their ideas. Give some relevant knowledge and pave the way for the lesson. Step 3 Presentation Present some pictures about famous attractions in some other countries. Try to find the names of the countries by watching relevant pictures. Recognize and learn some other countries and their most famous attractions. Step 4 Practice Give some more pictures about other Match the pictures with the countries. Practice matching, describing. Give

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