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A Generalization of the Hyperspace Approach Using Meta-Models

A Generalization of the Hyperspace Approach Using Meta-Models

Daniel Lohmann, Jürgen Ebert

University of Koblenz-Landau

Institute for Software Technology

Universit?tsstra?e 1, D-56070 Koblenz

{daniel, ebert}@uni-koblenz.de


In this paper we describe a generalization of the Hyperspace approach of T ARR and O SSHER that is applicable to design de-scription languages. We understand artifact languages de-scribed by meta-models as the primary dimensions of a multi-dimensional concern space. This space is filled by concrete concerns and by concrete artifacts to build an integrated graph-based multi-paradigm design description. Secondary dimen-sions may be added to describe non-artifact-based concerns. User-defined views to and extraction of concern subsets is fa-cilitated by a transitive closure approach.

1. Introduction

During software development, a lot of different concerns have to be taken into account. New concerns come in from very dif-ferent sources and show up in every stage of the development process [1]. Depending on persons and stages these concerns are expressed in different ways. For example, one typical form of concern in object-oriented design is expressed by classes; during analysis we usually speak about concerns like features or performance requirements, etc.

These different kinds of concerns can be understood as differ-ent views to the system. T ARR and O SSHER introduced the idea to interpret these views as dimensions of a concern space and to do multi-dimensional separation of concerns (MDSoC) on this integrated model[2, 3]. They call this approach the Hyper-space approach.

Concerns are usually described in some form of formalism. We call these formalisms artifact languages. Like a dimension in the Hyperspace, an artifact language describes a specific view on the software system. For example, UML provides a set of sublanguages that are used for different views (e.g. static view, dynamic view …) at different stages.

We are convinced that there is a strong relationship between views/dimensions on the one side and artifact languages on the other side. For successful MDSoC over the whole software de-velopment cycle, one therefore needs a model that supports on-demand integration of artifacts and artifact languages. How-ever, current attempts for MDSoC and aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) mainly focus on single languages and mainly on the implementation phase. Our goal was to find a model that supports MDSoC by language integration already in the earlier stages of software development, especially dealing with the languages of software design.

In this paper we introduce an approach for MDSoC by lan-guage integration using meta-models. Our approach is based on the Hyperspaces idea of O SSHER and T ARR, which also claims to support MDSoC over all stages of the software development cycle [3, 4]. However, the current instantiation in Hyper/J again supports only one type of artifacts (namely Java .class files) and thus it emphasizes the implementation phase. Our in-vestigations showed that some constraints of the formal Hyper-space model are too strict for less formal languages like the ones typically used in software design. Hence we decided to extend and generalize the Hyperspaces idea with a focus on language integration of design languages.

This paper is organized as follows: First, we introduce the ter-minology and basic concepts of the Extended Hyperspace model in section 2. In section 3, the model is then put into practice by an example. Section 4 discusses the main differ-ences to the original Hyperspace model and gives an overview of other related work. Finally, in section 5 we conclude our work.

2. The Extended Hyperspace Model

In this section we introduce the Extended Hyperspace model. As mentioned above, our model is based on the Hyperspace idea by O SSHER and T ARR. We use the same basic concepts and terminology where appropriate.

2.1. Basic Concepts and Terminology

Software consists of artifacts, i.e documents describing the concerns of a software system. Artifacts are written in artifact languages,like the UML family of languages and its sublan-guages (e.g. class diagrams, use-case diagrams …).

An ideal artifact language describes just one kind (dimension) of concerns. While this is (mostly) true for the UML languages, other real languages may be a combination of more than one ideal language. In this paper we assume that we have to deal with ideal languages only.

Each artifact language consists of a set of syntactical constructs that can be used to build concrete artifacts. We call these syn-tactical constructs unit types. Examples for unit types in UML class diagrams are class, attribute and method.

Syntax and semantics of an artifact language itself has to be de-fined in some formalism. For the visual languages used in software design, meta-modeling is a suitable and common way to do so1. Here we use meta-modeling for describing the ab-stract syntax of artifact languages. Each syntactical concept (unit type) of the language is represented by a meta-class in the meta-model, and each relationship between them is represented by a meta-association. However, the abstract syntax makes no assumptions about shaping and layout of units and relation-ships.

1 For text-oriented artifact languages, one would probably use formal gram-mars for similar purposes.


For illustration purposes, we use very simple and minimal meta-models here. These meta-models are intentionally kept simple for comprehensibility reasons; the whole approach should work for real-life meta-models as well. Our meta-models contain only those unit and relationship types that are actually used in the concrete artifacts of the example. We also omit all additional properties of the unit and relationship types like cardinalities, constraints etc. Figure 1 shows the meta-model for class diagrams. It consists of only one unit type class and two relationship types: isSuperclassOf for super-/subclass relationships and hasRelationshipTo for associations. This is a fairly simple meta-model, but powerful enough to instantiate artifacts like the class diagram shown in Figure 2.

Similarly, a meta-model for use-case diagrams is defined in Figure 3 with a concrete use case diagram being shown in Figure 4.

2.2. Integrating Dimensions into a Concern Space

In the (Extended) Hyperspace model, units and concerns are organized in a concern space. A concern space consists of a set of dimensions, a set of concerns and a set of units. Each con-cern is placed in exactly one dimension . Each unit is mapped to zero or more concerns, namely the concerns it addresses.

The aim of a concern space is to integrate units and concerns of a software system in such a way, that concerns can be easily identified and separated, that relationships between different concerns become clear and that a software system can be built out of selected concerns [3].

As stated above, we understand artifact languages as dimen-sions of a concern space. Thus, a concern space can be seen as an integrated and multi-paradigm design description of a soft-ware system. It is built by integrating all the dimensions of concerns (artifact languages ), and integrating the descriptions of concrete concerns (artifacts ) into it.

Integration of artifact languages corresponds to integration of the underlying meta-models [5]. Figure 5 shows this integra-tion for our meta-models of class and use-case diagrams. Here, the integration is done by adding an additional relationship that connects unit types from different languages. A new meta-association isUsedIn has evolved. Its intention is to connect a class to those use-cases that utilize services of the class e.g. by working on its instances.2 This integration information is the key benefit of integration; it provides extra knowledge about inter-dimensional connections and dependencies that is not available from the original artifacts. We will use it later on for selecting and separating concerns.

2.3. Secondary Dimensions of Concerns

The dimensions we have taken into account so far are all based on artifact languages. Each artifact language used to describe concerns of our software system opens up one dimension of concerns. For example, the concerns modeled by class dia-grams are classes, so we place each class as a concern on a dimension and map all units to it that describe it: Methods units, attribute units, and, of course, the class unit that represents the concern itself. We call these artifact-based con-cerns primary concerns and their dimensions primary dimen-sions , respectively.

Note that we are distinguishing between class unit and class concern. The first one is a syntactical construct provided by the artifact language; the second one is an intentional construct of our mind. However, often there is a one-to-one relationship be-tween them: Each class concern usually coincides with exactly one class unit, i.e. the unit is a syntactical representative of the


A formal background for meta-modeling of abstract syntax including the

meaning of meta-model integration is given in [5,11].

Figure 1

A meta-model of (UML) class diagrams

Figure 2 A class diagram artifact

Figure 3 A meta-model of use-case diagrams

Inventory agent




Enter location and area data

Enter an image

Include a find into inventory

Enter a foreign find

Restore a find



Figure 4 A use-case diagram artifact

Figure 5 An integrated meta-model for class

and use-case diagrams

modeled concern. Nevertheless, real world software models generally also contain class units that do not represent concerns but merely are (language dependent) technical helper con-structs for implementation details.3

An ideal artifact language provides exactly one representative unit type. Since they are representing primary concerns, these units are also designated as primary units.

Analogously, the concerns modeled with use-case diagrams, namely use-cases, can be placed on a dimension. Here, we again have to distinguish between useCase units and useCase concerns.

There will always be concerns and dimensions which are not (yet) represented by their own artifacts and artifact languages. Special concerns stemming from the application domain or "on-demand" dimensions for additional user- or task-oriented views are examples for such concerns without underlying arti-facts. In our model we put such secondary concerns on their own secondary dimensions.

Being not based on artifact languages, secondary dimensions are not meta-modeled. Consequently, they are neither repre-sented in the integrated meta-model, nor does there exist any describing artifact that supplies (primary) units for them. How-ever, we can always map the units already introduced via pri-mary dimensions to the new secondary concerns they relate to. Doing so, we get additional views to the concern space. Thus, secondary dimensions provide on-demand and alternative separation of concerns along arbitrary dimensions.

3. Example: An Inventory System

After introducing basic concepts and terminology, we now show how to use the extended model by an example. We inte-grate two different design artifacts, define secondary dimen-sions for alternative views and use the integrated model to gen-erate concern-specific slices of the whole system.

The scenario is an inventory system for the State Office of Cul-tural Heritage. The mission of its archeological department is to salvage, restore, and inventory remains of former human cultures like potsherds, bones or tools. Such objects of archeo-logical relevance, the finds, are often discovered during build-ing and excavation works. The archeological department main-tains a find archive, for which an inventory system shall be de-veloped.

3.1. The Artifacts

The inventory system is described by two different artifacts: A class diagram and a use-case diagram.

Figure 2 shows a small part of the class diagram. Find, Loca-tion and Area are the main objects of interest that are stored in the inventory system. Each of them can optionally be illus-trated by Images (e.g. photos or drawings). As usual, common properties like that are extracted into an abstract base class, which is IllustratedObject here.

Figure 4 shows a part of the use-case diagram for the inventory system. The main use-case is Include a find into inventory. It

3 Application of a design pattern like Observer is a good example. In Java this is typically realized by inheritance, needing additional interfaces and helper classes. describes the process of taking a find (an object that has been found somewhere), entering its properties (material, state, es-timated age, etc.) into the system and finally storing it in the find archive. During this process it may also be necessary to restore or conserve a damaged or decaying object (Restore a find). Additionally, if not already present in the system, the lo-cation and area data where this object has been found (Enter location and area data) and related images (Enter an image) are entered.

Enter a foreign find describes a variant of Include a find into inventory where the same data is recorded. However, it is not stored in the archive, because the object itself is owned by somebody else or even not present at all.

3.2. Artifact Integration

The artifacts describe two single dimensions of concerns, namely and . We integrate them as pri-mary dimensions into a concern space. We do so by determin-ing the described concerns and then assigning each unit to the concerns it addresses. The integrated concern space is shown in Figure 6. It contains two primary dimensions and that are depicted as clusters of concerns and their related primary units. Additional units are assigned by solid ar-rows. (For now, please ignore the different levels of grey and the secondary dimensions and .)

Every use-case of our use-case diagram models a concern on its own, but not every class from the class diagram. This is be-cause the class IllustratedObject is not a concern of our appli-cation. It is merely a technical construct to implement poly-morphic behavior and generalization.

As mentioned above, the integration of primary dimensions corresponds to the integration of the underlying artifact lan-guage meta-models. The resulting integrated meta-model has already been shown in Figure 5, it introduced a new meta-association isUsedIn that connects class units to those use-case units which utilize services of the class. Now, during artifact integration, we have to instantiate this meta-association to re-late concrete class units to concrete use-case units. In Figure 6 this is illustrated by dashed arrows between units.4

3.3. Defining Secondary Dimensions

Secondary dimensions provide additional concerns that are not based on existing artifacts.We use them here for a more user-centric view to our software system. The concerns of typical end users are usually not expressed by class- and use-case dia-grams; users do rather look at a software system in functional terms like Features and Tasks. 5

A feature is a concern of a software system that stems from the functional domain of the end user. System specifications often

4 Note that Figure 6 shows only those units that are assigned to concerns or take part in new relationships like isUsedIn which are not already present in the original artifacts. This is for legibility purposes. However, the omitted units and relationships (e.g. the class IllustratedObject and its inheritance relationships to Find, Area and Location) are considered to be still present in the concern space.

5Of course, organizing concerns on a secondary dimension is in general only second best compared to describing them by real artifacts. However, they are useful if you have not found an adequate formalism to express these concerns yet. Therefore, secondary dimensions can be seen as an indi-cator for missing artifacts or even missing artifact languages.

consist of feature lists; release cycles are driven by features to implement. Features are used by salespersons to advertise the product.

A task is an activity that is carried out by a user on an (abstract) object, e.g. enter something or print something. Therefore we understand tasks as generic processes that are instantiated on different kind of objects. In the OO world tasks are crosscut-ting concerns: While providing very good support for object similarities, OO does not help very much in design of process similarities on otherwise unrelated objects – and this leads to crosscutting. However, from a users' point of view, it is impor-tant that similar processes (e.g. entering or printing some kind of data) are represented similarly in the application’s user inter-face: They should offer a similar ‘look & feel’. As a result, we understand tasks as a concern of usability assurance.Figure 6 shows the secondary dimensions and with some concerns. (Please do still ignore the differ-ent levels of grey.) As secondary dimensions are not meta-modeled, integrating them into the concern space is quite easy. We just have to assign the already existing units also to each secondary concern they address. Here we assigned to a feature concern exactly those use-case units which model a part or a refinement of the feature request. Analogously, we assigned all class units which are affected by a specific generic process to the corresponding task concern.Selection of a Concern-specific Slice

The concern space is now an integrated, multi-paradigm design description of our inventory system, built by integration of two artifact-based primary dimensions and two additional secon-dary dimensions. (Figure 7 explains the general integration process by an activity diagram.)

Figure 6 Concern space of the inventory system

3.4. Selection of a Concern-specific Slice

We now use this integrated design description to select a con-cern-specific slice out of the whole system. By projecting this slice to the language-based dimensions, we then create concern specific artifact versions.

Consider we are using an iterative development process and want to build a minimal version of the inventory system as a first release. This minimal version should implement only the most important features, which in our case is just the one fea-ture Find data management. Which classes and use-cases have to be taken into account to implement Find data management? Because of the integrated design description of the system, we can find all relevant units by creation of a closure: Given a set C of concerns, we can compute the slice S implied by C (the closure of C) by determining the subgraph induced by all verti-ces (units and concerns) reachable from C via appropriate edges (relationships and concern mappings). This algorithm has to be instantiated appropriately according to the necessities of the respective artifact languages.

In Figure 6, the result of this algorithm is depicted in black color, while all units, concerns and relations that are omitted are colored grey. Figure 8 shows the effect of projecting the re-sulting slice on the dimension and thus creating a concern specific version of the original use-case diagram. Analogously, a concern specific version of the original class diagram can be built. 4. Related Work

4.1. Hyper/J and the Hyperspace Approach

Hyper/J and the original Hyperspaces approach [3, 4, 6] can be seen as a specific instantiation of our model. Like our model, Hyper/J uses (implicitly) a meta-model (the meta-model of the Java language) and distinguishes two different types of dimen-sions. However, the meta-model of Hyper/J is hard-coded and not extendable. It is the base of the built-in dimen-sion, which is therefore the one and only primary dimension in Hyper/J. All additional dimensions introduced by the definition of hyperslices and hypermodules map to secondary dimensions in our model.

In the original Hyperspaces model, the mapping from units to concerns is realized by a concern-matrix that maps each unit to exactly one concern in each dimension. However, the implica-tion that a single unit never addresses more than one concern of a dimension does not hold for the less formal languages as used in software design6. For that reason, we gave up the idea of a matrix-like n-dimensional concern space spanned by n axes, in favor of n clusters of concerns. This metaphor allows assigning units to zero or more concerns in each dimension by relations. This structure (which is perfectly represented by a graph) al-lows an easy definition of specialized systems which support only some of the described concerns by a transitive closure ap-proach.

Another difference between the original model and our work is that we are not distinguishing between declaration units and definition units. Most design languages do not utilize the con-cepts of declaration and definition; units are typically intro-duced into the model by just naming them. Furthermore, in our model a unit can be mapped to more than one concern; thus additional declaration units are even formally not necessary. Of course, the abandonment of declarations leads to the danger that the transitive closure approach works too greedy and in-cludes too many units while extracting a concern specific slice. However, using a graph-based representation, it is not difficult to control the creation of the transitive closure with additional constraints, e.g. based on regular path expressions[11].

4.2. Approaches based on UML design integration In [7] the authors propose UMLAUT, a generic UML model and schema transformation framework [8], as a methodological base for aspect-oriented design with UML models. Like our

6 Actors in use-case diagrams, like in Figure 4, are a good example for this. Typically, an actor relates to more than one use-case. Therefore, an actor may map to more than one concern on the dimension, as shown in Figure 6.

Concern Integration

Figure 7 The process of concern integration Inventory agent


Enter location

and area data

Enter a foreign find


Include a find

into inventory

Figure 8 Projection of the concern-specific slice on the


model, their approach is based on an integrated meta-model of artifact languages. Aspect weaving and extraction of task-specific views are then driven by an extensible set of transfor-mation rules and UML tagged attributes.

ConcernBASE [9] is an approach for a UML based framework for describing software architectures. It supports MDSoC on high-level software architectures by decomposing the system into different architectural concern spaces and definition of ar-chitectural views that represent single dimensions of these con-cern spaces.

A more component-related approach for aspect-oriented design and architecture is presented in [10]. The authors divide a complex design not by dimensions, but by functional domains into possibly non-orthogonal aspects, for which an optimal lo-cal design may be developed first. Constraints for interactions and connections between the local designs are formulated by contracts that are later used for automatic composition and de-tection of conflicts.

5. Conclusion

We introduced an approach to MDSoC which generalizes the Hyperspace approach of T ARR and O SSHER. We gave up the idea of a matrix-like n-dimensional concern space spanned by n axes in favor of n clusters of concerns. This metaphor allows assigning units of artifact languages to more than one concern in each dimension. This property is not given if the metaphor of strict orthogonality is used.

We showed by an example how the Hyperspace approach is generalized to an arbitrary number of (artifact-based) primary dimensions using meta-model-based integration of artifact lan-guages.

We believe that the strong connection between the dimensional structure of the hyperspace and the artifact languages is a good basis for an assessment of the appropriateness of design de-scription languages. Ideally, each artifact language should de-fine only one dimension, if a maximal separation of concerns is to be achieved. A language defining two kinds of concerns may not separate them well enough. Each secondary dimension may be an indicator of the absence of an additional language that might be useful.

The graph view of the Hyperspace allows an easy definition of specialized systems which support only some of the described concerns by a transitive closure approach. The graph-interpre-tation of meta-models is furthermore a good foundation for de-veloping graph-based tools which support this approach to multidimensional separation of concerns in software develop-ment environments. 6. References

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[5] Jürgen Ebert, Andreas Winter, Peter Dahm, Angelika Franzke,

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[6] Harold Ossher, Peri Tarr:Hyper/J: multi-dimensional separation of

concerns for Java. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Confer-ence on Software Engineering (ICSE ′00), pp. 734-737, 2000

[7] Wai-Ming Ho, Fran?ois Pennaneac’h, No?l Plouzeau: UMLAUT: A

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[8] Wai Ming Ho, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Alain Le Guennec, Fran?ois

Pennaneac’h: UMLAUT: an extendible UML transformation frame-work.In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engeneering (ASE ′99), IEEE, 1999

[9] Mohamed Mancona Kandé, Alfred Strohmeier:On the Role of

Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns in Software Architecture.

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团课思想汇报范文格式及范文 思想汇报写作格式 ⑴标题。居中写“思想汇报”。 称谓 ⑵称谓。即汇报人对党组织的称呼,一般写“敬爱的党组织”。顶格书写在标题的下一行,后面加冒号。 正文 ⑶正文。写思想汇报,是结合自己的学习、工作和生活情况,向党组织反映自己的真实思想情况。具体内容根据每个人的不同情况而定。如果对党的基本知识、马克思主义的基本理论的学习有所收获,便可以通过思想汇报的形式,将学习体会、思想认识上新的提高及存在的认识不清的问题向党组织说明;如果对党的路线、方针、政策或一个时期的中心任务有什么看法,可以在思想汇报中表明自己的态度,阐明自己的观点;如果参加了重要的活动或学习了某些重要文章,可以把自己受到的教育写给党组织;如果遇到国内外发生重大政治事件时,则要通过学习提高对事件本质估认识,旗帜鲜明地向党组织表明自己的立场;如果在自己的日常生活中遇到了个人利益同集体利益、国家利益产生矛盾的问题,可以把自己有哪些想法,如何对待和处理的情况向党组织汇报;为了使党组织对自己最近的思想情况有所了解,就要把自己的思想状况,有了哪些进步,存在什么问题以及今后提高的打算写清楚,等等。 结尾

⑷结尾。思想汇报的结尾可写上自己对党组织的请求和希望。一般用“恳请党组织给予批评、帮助”或“希望党组织加强对自己的培养和教育”等作为结束语。 落款 在思想汇报的最后,要署名和注明汇报日期。一般居右书写“汇报人***”。下一行写上“****年*月*日”。 团课思想汇报范文 团课,正是一个新的机会让我更加了解团,从新认识一个团员的职责与作用,更重要的是从思想的角度让自己更好的提升自己,要不同的年龄价段对团的认识是不同的,因为这一切都在变化当中,每时每刻都有新的变化,在这变化与发展中不断吸收,成长。团课,作为一个让青年朋友更加拉近距离的课堂里,让我更深刻了解作为一个正式的组织,我们应当如何去发展好团员之间或青年之间的问题。只有一个团体成员的心一致才能是使一个团队充满力量,充满活力。作为党下一级的部门,我们有权力有职责做好我的每一件事,为党的工作提供有力的辅助。决不能拉党的后脚。 经过三节团课的了解,更重要的是各位资深专家们的深入解说,让我们提升了很多。不是量的转变而是质的飞跃。站在不同的成长分段,从不同的身份从不同的地位,从不同的责任感下去看待问题,而不是原来的老套方法。一个事情的发展,不是从一开始就是存在的,而是要经过不断的积累与提升。到有条件时就一触而发/。作为一个团员我们不仅要做好我们自己的每个件事,对待好每件事,认真负责。更重要的是影响周围同学带动他们一齐参与,不断壮大团员的,团委的力量,为党为社会做出自己一份力。不在在乎自己的得失,


对翻译中异化法与归化法的正确认识 班级:外语学院、075班 学号:074050143 姓名:张学美 摘要:运用异化与归化翻译方法,不仅是为了让读者了解作品的内容,也能让读者通过阅读译作,了解另一种全新的文化,因为进行文化交流才是翻译的根本任务。从文化的角度考虑,采用异化法与归化法,不仅能使译文更加完美,更能使不懂外语的人们通过阅读译文,了解另一种文化,促进各民族人们之间的交流与理解。翻译不仅是语言符号的转换,更是跨文化的交流。有时,从语言的角度所作出的译文可能远不及从文化的角度所作出的译文完美。本文从翻译策略的角度,分别从不同时期来说明人们对异化法与归化法的认识和运用。 关键词:文学翻译;翻译策略;异化;归化;辩证统一 一直以来,无论是在我国还是在西方,直译(literal translation)与意译(liberal translation)是两种在实践中运用最多,也是被讨论研究最多的方法。1995年,美籍意大利学者劳伦斯-韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)提出了归化(domestication)与异化(foreignization)之说,将有关直译与意译的争辩转向了对于归化与异化的思考。归化与异化之争是直译与意译之争的延伸,是两对不能等同的概念。直译和意译主要集中于语言层面,而异化和归化则突破语言的范畴,将视野扩展到语言、文化、思维、美学等更多更广阔的领域。 一、归化翻译法 Lawrwnce Venuti对归化的定义是,遵守译入语语言文化和当前的主流价值观,对原文采用保守的同化手段,使其迎合本土的典律,出版潮流和政治潮流。采用归化方法就是尽可能不去打扰读者,而让作者向读者靠拢(the translator leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him)。归化翻译法的目的在于向读者传递原作的基本精神和语义内容,不在于语言形式或个别细节的一一再现。它的优点在于其流利通顺的语言易为读者所接受,译文不会对读者造成理解上的障碍,其缺点则是译作往往仅停留在内容、情节或主要精神意旨方面,而无法进入沉淀在语言内核的文化本质深处。 有时归化翻译法的采用也是出于一种不得已,翻译活动不是在真空中进行的,它受源语文化和译语文化两种不同文化语境的制约,还要考虑到两种文化之间的


1) With the rapid improvement in.../growing awareness of..., more and more.../sth.... 1 随着…的飞速发展/越来越多的关注,越来越… (e.g. With the considerable improvement in building industry, more and more structures are being erected to set the people's minds at ease.) 例:随着建筑业的大力推进,人们对建立越来越多的房屋建筑感到宽心。 2) Recently, sth./the problem of...has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern. 2 近来,某事/某问题引起了人们的普遍关注/成了公众关注的焦点。 (e.g. Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.) 例:近来失业问题引起了人们的普遍关注,各级政府已把它列为首要议程。 3) One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that... 3 我们面临的一个普遍问题是… /一个越来越引人关注的普遍问题 是… (e.g. One of the universal issues that draw (cause) growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.) 例:一个越来越引人关注的普遍问题是,发明汽车是否为人 4) In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in.. . 4 在过去的几年里,…经历了突飞猛进/迅猛增长/下降。 (e.g. In the past ten years, there has been a sharp decline in the number of species.) 例:在过去的几年里,物种数量骤然下降。 5) Nowadays, more/most important/dangerous for our society is... 5 如今对我们社会更(最)为重要的(危险的)事情是… (e.g. Nowadays, most dangerous for our society is the tendency to take advantage of each other in political circles.) 例:对我们社会最为危险的事情是政界倾向于互相利用。 6) According to the information given in the table/graph, we can find that... 6 根据图表资料,我们可以发现… 7) As can be seen from the table/graph/figure, there is a marked increase /decline/favorable (an unfavorable) change in... 7 根据图表(数字)显示,…明显增长(下降)/发生了有利(不利)变化。 8) As we can see from the table/graph/figure above, drastic/considerable/ great changes have taken place in...over the period of time from...(年份)to...( 年份) 8 据上面图表(数字)所示,从某年到某年某方面发生了剧烈的(相当大的;巨大的)变化。


党员思想汇报的基本及写法 1.思想汇报有基本格式。 一是标题。可直接居中写思想汇报的字样,也可以就汇报的内容加以概括,另拟标题,如学习新党章的心得体会等。 二是称谓。即汇报人对党组织的称呼,一般写敬爱的党组织,顶格书写在标题的下一行,后面加冒号。 三是正文。这是思想汇报的主要部分,没有具体的规定,内容视每个人的不同情况而定:如果对党的基本知识、马克思主义的基本理论的学习有所收获,可以通过思想汇报的形式,将学习体会、思想认识上新的提高及存在的认识不清的问题向党组织说明;如果对党的路线、方针、政策或一个时期的中心任务有什么看法,可以在思想汇报中表明自己的态度,阐明自己的观点;如果参加了重要的活动或学习了某些重要文章,可以把自己受到的教育汇报给党组织;如果遇到国内外发生重大政治事件时,则要通过学习提高对事件本质的认识,旗帜鲜明地向党组织表明自己的立场;如果在自己的日常生活中遇到了个人利益同集体利益、国家利益产生矛盾的问题,可以把自己有哪些想法,如何对待和处理的情况向党组织汇报。种种情况,不一而足。 而且,可针对自己所学的专业、所从事的职业、所兼的特殊身份、所经历的特殊时刻,写出更有针对性、更具真情实感、有血有肉的思想汇报,如医科大学医学专业大学生入党

思想汇报、会计工作者入党思想汇报、班主任教师入党思想汇报、预备党员入党思想汇报、抗震救灾思想汇报、2008年奥运最新思想汇报等等。 就行文风格而言,要客观诚恳,质朴得体。在结构安排上,由于内容的不同,还可表现为不同的形态:如果正文的汇报内容较为简单,则采用层段合一的形式;如内容复杂,则分层分段或分作几个部分进行叙写。 四是结尾。思想汇报的结尾可写上自己对党组织的请求和希望。一般用恳请党组织给予批评、帮助或希望党组织加强对我的培养和教育等作为结束语。 五是署名和日期。在思想汇报的最后,要署名和注明汇报日期。一般在结尾下一行的右半行,书写汇报人,再下一行写上年月日。 2.思想汇报有三讲究。 一讲究速度快。要结合自己的学习、工作和生活中的新情况、新问题,及时向党组织反映自己的思想情况。二讲究内容专。应根据具体情况,内容明确、集中,努力做到不枝不蔓。三讲究篇幅简短。要适应社会的飞速发展和实际工作的需要,在文字表达上力求简洁,做到短小精悍,以免冗长杂乱,令人生厌。 3.思想汇报还有三忌。 一忌说假话,不汇报真实的思想。不向组织汇报真实思想


三一文库(https://www.docsj.com/doc/cc8979050.html,)/文秘写作/策划方案 新闻稿件写作技巧 新闻稿件写作技巧 *标题:新闻稿件写作技巧 在我们的生活,有许多人正在从事或有志于从事新闻工作,它们包括各种媒体记者、各社会媒体通讯员、特约记者、新闻专业的等。俗话说:“万事开头难”,作为有志于从事新闻工作的的人来说:好第一篇新闻稿件十分关键。结合具体实践经验,*将对次做如下论述: 一、培养新闻触角和新闻敏感,善于发现新闻线索,是写好第一篇新闻稿的意思准备 同是大学生记者,共同生活在同一个环境里,也都到实践中去了,到学生中去了,为什么有的记者能写出漂亮的新闻作品,而有的记者仍然发现不了新闻线索,或者说发现不了有意义的新闻线索呢?为什么有的学生记者通讯员总是埋怨没有什么东西

可写,而一再要求编辑老师为他们提供采访的话题,说到底这就是一个新闻敏感的问题。 什么叫新闻敏感或新闻触角呢?简言之,它就是新闻工作者识别新闻的敏锐能力。一个具有新闻价值的事情,别人不能看出它是新闻,而你却一下就能识别它是新闻,这就是新闻敏感。没有一定的新闻触角和新闻敏感,就很难写出一篇像样的新闻稿。美国新闻学家卡斯柏.约斯特在《新闻学原理》一书中的一段话,形象的阐述了新闻敏感对于记者的重要性。他说:“一个不善于辨别色彩的人,不能成为一个画家;一个不懂得和谐的人,不能成为一个音乐家;一个没有‘新闻敏感’的人,也不能成为一个新闻记者。”(1)培养新闻触角和新闻敏感,善于发现新闻线索,就能够当事情还在“风起于清萍之末”时,就敏感地察觉到它,并预见它的去向,从而比较得心应手地写出一篇新闻稿。 当然,新闻敏感不是与生俱来的,而是记者在采访实践中不断培养训练获得的。在大学生记者群中,不乏这样的人,他们刚开始成为一名学生记者,通讯员的时候,由于都是刚刚从中学来到大学,不用说缺乏新闻触角和新闻敏感,就是基本的新闻知识也不具备。但是,他们经过一段时间的新闻工作实践,刻苦学习,勤奋笔耕,终于成为了一名有一定新闻敏感和写作能力的校园记者。


思想汇报(写法及范文) 思想汇报的写法: 为了使党组织更好地了解自己,接受党组织的教育和监督,要求入党的同志要积极主动地向党组织汇报自己的思想、工作和学习情况,自觉地培养自己的组织观念,提高思想觉悟。 要求入党的同志在向党组织递交入党申请书后,应该经常口头或书面向党组织汇报思想,尤其遇有重大事件或参加重要活动后有深刻感受时,均可向党组织作出书面思想汇报。在被确定为入党积极分子之后,一般每季度汇报一次。 向党组织写思想汇报,主要是汇报自己的思想进步情况、工作和学习的情况等,如对党现阶段路线、方针、政策的认识,学习一些重要文章的收获,参加一些重要活动的感受,在重大事件、危急时刻自己的现实表现,当个人利益与国家利益、集体利益发生矛盾时的抉择等。 写思想汇报应注意的问题: 1、要求入党的同志要积极主动地向党组织汇报自己的思想; 2、向党组织汇报思想,最重要的是真实,切忌空话、套话。 思想汇报范文: 时间过得真快,从我向组织递交入党申请书到现在已经有半年时间了,在组织的关怀和身边党员的熏陶下,我的思想不断地得到了磨练和提高,现向组织汇报一下这半年来的情况。 举世瞩目的中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会是一次团结、胜利、奋进的大会,是继往开来的大会。十六大批准的江泽民同志代表第十五

届中央委员会所作的报告,深刻阐明了我们党在新世纪举什么旗、走什么路、实现什么目标等重大问题,对我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设做出了全面部署,是我们党在新世纪新阶段的政治宣言和行动纲领。 听了党的十六大报告,看了许多有关十六大的文章,我对党又有了新的认识。十六大报告体现了解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的精神,反映了党在建设中国特色社会主义宏伟事业中,在理论创新、制度创新、体制创新、科技创新等方方面面不断取得的丰硕成果。尤其是十六大通过的《中国共产党章程(修正案)》,把“三个代表”重要思想同马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论一起确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想,表达了全党的意志,反映了全国人民的心愿,具有划时代的意义。 “三个代表”重要思想,是十六大的灵魂和主线。十六大将“三个代表”重要思想确立为党的指导思想,正式写在党的旗帜上,这是十六大最重要的历史功绩,将同党的七大、十五大将毛泽东思想、邓小平理论确立为党的指导思想一样永载史册。“三个代表”重要思想是对马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论的继承和发展,反映了当代世界和中国的发展变化对党和国家工作的新要求,是加强和改进党的建设、推进我国社会主义自我完善和发展的强大理论武器,是全党集体智慧的结晶和理论创新的最新成果,是党必须长期坚持的指导思想。“三个代表”重要思想,同马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论一道成为指引我们党与时俱进、开拓创新的伟大旗帜,这是坚持和发展社会主义的必然要求,是我们党艰辛探索和伟大实践的必然结论,它向世人昭示,在新世纪新阶段,中国共产党高举的旗帜,就是马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的旗


新闻写作技巧 各位领导·同行: 大家好!今天来跟大家进行业务交流,主要将涉及两方面内容,第一是怎么发现新闻;第二是如何寻找新闻的切入点,也就是新闻由头怎么来写?由于时间关系,我就单刀直入,从第一点谈起。 一·如何发现新闻: 许多刚刚从事新闻工作的同行总是抱怨缺少新闻线索,或者是不知道这阶段应该作什么样的新闻。下面我就这一问题结合具体工作实践进行总结归纳,理出发现、捕捉新闻线索的十个渠道,跟大家一起交流探讨。 1.可以从政策文件和领导人讲话中获取新闻线索。 这个很好理解,但不太容易操作,因为它提供给你的只是一个简单的信息,你要把它做成一条新闻,还需要费很大的功夫。比如,你要先联系采访的单位或部门,搜集新闻的背景,组织现场拍摄的画面,安排要采访的当事人,最后要提炼什么样的观点,给观众多少有价值的信息。 下面我想用一个例子来说明。今年9月14日,国家出台《关于调整部分商品出口退税率的通知》,首先我是从网上得知这一消息,看过之后并不是很上心。那么后来触动我想去做这条新闻的是副市长王耀全在市国税局说的一句话:“惨了,惨了,这次口退税率调整,我想了一下,漳州大概有近200家企业的产品出口将受到沉重打击。得抓紧想办法来应对。”后来我了解到国家这一纸文书出台直接影响到漳州每年3亿美元的出口额,这立即调动起我想去探个究竟的兴趣。于是我上网查阅大量资料,与国税部门反复沟通,决定从口退税率调整,我市近200家企受影响;几家欢乐百家愁,应对新政苦思量;退税新政解读这三方面来做这组新闻。且不说领导一句话就做出三条新闻来,单单从社会影响来说,收获也很不错。连王副市长都说,对对对,这类的新闻就是要这样做,不要造成恐慌,要积极应对。今天把节目带来了,一起来看看。其实时政新闻只要你有为观众服务的意识,同样也可以做得耐看。 2·从各种会议上找新闻线索。


北语14秋《高级英语I》导学资料一 Unit1, Unit2& Unit3 一、本阶段学习内容概述 各位同学,大家好,本课程第一阶段学习的主要内容为Unit1:Party Politics, Unit2:The New Singles, Unit3:教材课文:Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die? 网络课件课文:Computer Violence中包括课前练习(Warm-up)、单词和词组(New words and phrases)、课文(Text)、课后练习(Exercises)及补充阅读(Supplementary readings)中的指定内容。 课前练习:大家应先了解课前练习的要求,根据已有的知识思考其中问题,或者利用网络与同学开展一些讨论,争取在阅读课文前了解文章主要论述的问题,有利于更好的了解作者的思想观点和思维过程,从而了解文章所反映的思想文化,这样既能提高阅读理解能力又能获取知识和信息。 单词和词组:名词、动词和形容词是词汇练习和记忆中的重要部分。Unit 1、2、3中所列出的新单词绝大部分都是这三类,因此,大家一定要掌握好新单词。要开发利用多种方法记单词,如联想法、音节法、构词法等。单词和词组基本上给出了英语直接释义,可以培养大家英语思维的习惯。如果在阅读释义后还有疑问,一定要查阅英语词典,寻找一些相关的解释来加深对单词的理解和记忆。许多词的释义中给出了若干同义词或近义词,能帮助大家迅速扩大词汇量,同时,课后练习的词汇(Vocabulary Study)部分又给出了一些相关的练习,大家可以在学习完单词和词组后,乘热打铁,立即做词汇练习的第一小题(选择填空)和第二小题(找出意义相近的替代词)这样可以及时巩固所学单词,大概了解这些词的用法,为正确阅读课文打下基础,也能使得练习题做起来不是那么难。 (特别说明:高级英语阶段的学习,提高词汇量和词汇运用能力是一个很大,并且很重要,同时又是比较难的问题,这是我们必须面对的问题,所以,请大家务必花时间多熟悉单词。所谓的磨刀不误砍材功,先熟悉单词和短语,才能流畅的阅读文章。更关键的是,单词和短语在考试中所占比例不少!) 课文:每单元有一篇课文(Unit1:Party Politics, Unit2:The New Singles, Unit3:教材课文:Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die? 网络课件课文:Computer Violence)。在掌握单词和词组之后,阅读课后注释,学习课文的背景资料、作者介绍和相关内容,如人物、事件、地点等的解释,这能帮助大家准确快速的理解文章的内容。在课件资源的帮助下,认真学习课文,包括课文中常用词语和句型的用法。文章比较长,大家一定要有耐心和毅力,坚持就是胜利。在学习完整篇文章后,及时完成课文理解(Comprehension Check)的练习。其中第一小题是根据课文内容选择最佳答案,第二小题是将部分文中的句子用英语注释。只要认真学习了课件资料,相信能很快准确地完成。同时也考察大家对课文理解的程度,督促大家很好的阅读课文。 课后练习:共有四个大题。 1.课文理解(Comprehension Check):有两个题型。在借助课件学习完课文之后,大家可以先自己做这一部分的练习,然后再看课件,对正答案的同时,再重温课文的大意。 2.词汇(Vocabulary Study):有两个题型。在学完课文和单词后,大家可以自己先做这一部分的词汇练习,不会做得可以看课件,并牢固掌握,对于补充的单词也要掌握。这样有利于快速扩充词汇量。 3.翻译(Translation):有的单元是汉译英,有的单元是英译汉。都是一段与课文内容相近的短文。先认真思考,仔细看文章,如果有一定的难度,可以参考课件的解说,然后再组织语言完成翻译练习。


“异化”与“归化”之间的关系并评述 1、什么是归化与异化 归化”与“异化”是翻译中常面临的两种选择。钱锺书相应地称这两种情形叫“汉化”与“欧化”。A.归化 所谓“归化”(domestication 或target-language-orientedness),是指在翻译过程中尽可能用本民族的方式去表现外来的作品;归化翻译法旨在尽量减少译文中的异国情调,为目的语读者提供一种自然流畅的译文。Venuti 认为,归化法源于这一著名翻译论说,“尽量不干扰读者,请作者向读者靠近” 归化翻译法通常包含以下几个步骤:(1)谨慎地选择适合于归化翻译的文本;(2)有意识地采取一种自然流畅的目的语文体;(3)把译文调整成目的语篇体裁;(4)插入解释性资料;(5)删去原文中的实观材料;(6)调协译文和原文中的观念与特征。 B.“异化”(foreignization或source-language-orientedness)则相反,认为既然是翻译,就得译出外国的味儿。异化是根据既定的语法规则按字面意思将和源语文化紧密相连的短语或句子译成目标语。例如,将“九牛二虎之力”译为“the strength of nine bulls and two tigers”。异化能够很好地保留和传递原文的文化内涵,使译文具有异国情调,有利于各国文化的交流。但对于不熟悉源语及其文化的读者来说,存在一定的理解困难。随着各国文化交流愈来愈紧密,原先对于目标语读者很陌生的词句也会变得越来越普遍,即异化的程度会逐步降低。 Rome was not built in a day. 归化:冰冻三尺,非一日之寒. 异化:罗马不是一天建成的. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 异化:Rome was not built in a day. 归化:the thick ice is not formed in a day. 2、归化异化与直译意译 归化和异化,一个要求“接近读者”,一个要求“接近作者”,具有较强的界定性;相比之下,直译和意译则比较偏重“形式”上的自由与不自由。有的文中把归化等同于意译,异化等同于直译,这样做其实不够科学。归化和异化其实是在忠实地传达原作“说了什么”的基础之上,对是否尽可能展示原作是“怎么说”,是否最大限度地再现原作在语言文化上的特有风味上采取的不同态度。两对术语相比,归化和异化更多地是有关文化的问题,即是否要保持原作洋味的问题。 3、不同层面上的归化与异化 1、句式 翻译中“归化”表现在把原文的句式(syntactical structure)按照中文的习惯句式译出。



The Delicate Art of the Forest 库珀的创造天分并不怎么样;但是他似乎热衷于此并沾沾自喜。确实,他做了一些令人感到愉快的事情。在小小的道具箱内,他为笔下的森林猎人和土人准备了七八种诡计或圈套,这些人以此诱骗对方。利用这些幼稚的技巧达到了预期的效果,没有什么更让他高兴得了。其中一个就是他最喜欢的,就是让一个穿着鹿皮靴的人踩着穿着鹿皮靴敌人的脚印,借以隐藏了自己行踪。这么做使库珀磨烂不知多少桶鹿皮靴。他常用的另一个道具是断树枝。他认为断树枝效果最好,因此不遗余力地使用。在他的小说中,如果哪章中没有人踩到断树枝惊着两百码外的印第安人和白人,那么这一节则非常平静/那就谢天谢地了。每次库珀笔下的人物陷入危险,每分钟绝对安静的价格是4美元/一分静一分金,这个人肯定会踩到断树枝。尽管附近有上百种东西可以踩,但这都不足以使库珀称心。他会让这个人找一根干树枝;如果找不到,就去借一根。事实上,《皮袜子故事系列丛书》应该叫做《断树枝故事集》。 很遗憾,我没有足够的篇幅,写上几十个例子,看看奈迪·班波和其他库伯专家们是怎样运用他的森林中的高招。大概我们可以试着斗胆举它两三个例子。库伯曾经航过海—当过海军军官。但是他却一本正经/煞有介事地告诉我们,一条被风刮向海岸遇险的船,被船长驶向一个有离岸暗流的地点而得救。因为暗流顶着风,把船冲了回来。看看这森林术,这行船术,或者叫别的什么术,很高明吧?库珀在炮兵部队里待过几年,他应该注意到炮弹落到地上时,要么爆炸,要么弹起来,跳起百英尺,再弹再跳,直到跳不动了滚几下。现在某个地方他让几个女性—他总是这么称呼女的—在一个迷雾重重的夜晚,迷失在平原附近一片树林边上—目的是让班波有机会向读者展示他在森林中的本事。这些迷路的人正在寻找一个城堡。他们听到一声炮响,接着一发炮弹就滚进树林,停在他们脚下。对女性,这毫无价值。但对可敬的班波就完全不同了。我想,如果班波要是不马上冲出来,跟着弹痕,穿过浓雾,跨过平原,找到要塞,我就再也不知道什么是“和平”了。是不是非常聪明?如果库伯不是对自然规律一无所知,他就是故意隐瞒事实。比方说,他的精明的印地安专家之一,名叫芝稼哥(我想,该读作芝加哥)的,跟踪一个人,在穿过树林的时候,脚印就找不到了。很明显,脚印是再也没法找到了。无论你还是我,都猜不出,怎么会


积极分子思想汇报书写格式 要求入党的积极分子应当经常向党组织汇报自己的思想,这对入党积极分子来说,是增强组织观念,主动争取党组织教育帮助的需要。对党组织来说,则是及时了解入党积极分子的思想、工作等情况,加强对他们培养、教育的需要。思想汇报可分为口头汇报和书面汇报。口头汇报是要求入党的同志面对面地向党组织进行汇报;而书面汇报则是常用的形式。 一、书写格式和内容 标题:一般在第一行居中写“思想汇报”。 2. 称谓:一般在第二行顶格写“敬爱的党支部”或“敬爱的党组织”,后面加冒号。 3. 正文:这是思想汇报的主要部分,一般写以下内容: ①对当前和一个时期党的一个时期党的中心任务或党的路线、方针、政策的看法、态度,阐明自己的观点,写清楚自己的认识或自己还有什么疑虑和理解不清楚的问题等。 ②参加重要活动或学习重要文章、文件所受的启发、教育和体会,把自己的认识、体会和收获向党组织汇报。 ③本人在政治、思想、学习、工作、作风等方面的主要表现情况。

④对照党员的标准,找出存在问题及今后的努力方向,表明自己要求进步的决心和信心。 4. 结尾:在思想汇报的最后部分,可写上自己对党组织的请求和希望,一般用“恳请党组织给予批评、帮助”或“希望党组织加强对我的培养和教育”等作为结束语。 5.落款:在结尾的右下方要写上汇报人的姓名,并注明汇报的年月日。 二、写思想汇报应注意的问题 一定要汇报自己的真实思想,自己怎么想的就怎么汇报。 2.一定要言之有物,不能光讲大道理,也不要追求文章写得好而硬凑材料。 3.一定要及时,汇报的一定要是自己最新的思想动态。 4.要注意汇报后的反馈,对党组织根据自己汇报反馈的给自己的意见一定要认真对待,并在今后的学习工作中很好的落实。 2018年入党积极分子思想汇报范文精选 尊敬的党组织: 经过近一段时间的自己学习和党员的帮助,本人在思想上积极要求上进,在工作中向党员同志看齐,对党的认识更加深刻。现将本人近期思想情况汇报 第一,要提高学习马克思主义理论的自觉性。 认真学习马克思列宁主义、邓小平理论,是党章规定的共产党员义务的第一条。共产党员必须懂得:理论上的成熟是政治上






翻译的归化与异化 作者:熊启煦 作者单位:西南民族大学,四川,成都,610041 刊名: 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES(HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE) 年,卷(期):2005,26(8) 被引用次数:14次 参考文献(3条) 1.鲁迅且介亭杂文二集·题未定草 2.刘英凯归化--翻译的歧路 3.钱钟书林纾的翻译 引证文献(15条) 1.郭锋一小议英语翻译当中的信达雅[期刊论文]-青春岁月 2011(4) 2.许丽红论汉英语言中的文化差异与翻译策略[期刊论文]-考试周刊 2010(7) 3.王笑东浅谈汉英语言中的差异与翻译方法[期刊论文]-中国校外教育(理论) 2010(6) 4.王宁中西语言中的文化差异与翻译[期刊论文]-中国科技纵横 2010(12) 5.鲍勤.陈利平英语隐喻类型及翻译策略[期刊论文]-云南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2010(2) 6.罗琴.宋海林浅谈汉英语言中的文化差异及翻译策略[期刊论文]-内江师范学院学报 2010(z2) 7.白蓝跨文化视野下文学作品的英译策略[期刊论文]-湖南社会科学 2009(5) 8.王梦颖探析汉英语言中的文化差异与翻译策略[期刊论文]-中国校外教育(理论) 2009(8) 9.常晖英汉成语跨文化翻译策略[期刊论文]-河北理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2009(1) 10.常晖对翻译文化建构的几点思考[期刊论文]-牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) 2009(4) 11.常晖认知——功能视角下隐喻的汉译策略[期刊论文]-外语与外语教学 2008(11) 12.赵勇刚汉英语言中的文化差异与翻译策略[期刊论文]-时代文学 2008(6) 13.常晖.胡渝镛从文化角度看文学作品的翻译[期刊论文]-重庆工学院学报(社会科学版) 2008(7) 14.曾凤英从文化认知的视角谈英语隐喻的翻译[期刊论文]-各界 2007(6) 15.罗琴.宋海林浅谈汉英语言中的文化差异及翻译策略[期刊论文]-内江师范学院学报 2010(z2) 本文链接:https://www.docsj.com/doc/cc8979050.html,/Periodical_xnmzxyxb-zxshkxb200508090.aspx


英语专业(高级翻译)简介 ·日期:2007-06-07 ·点击次数: 1446 培养目标:本专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础,较强的语言交际能力和跨文化交际能力,掌握多方面的翻译知识和技巧,能熟练地运用英、汉语在外事、外交、经贸、文化、科技等部门从事口译、笔译的专门人才。 知识能力 要求:1.语音、语调准确,清楚自然。 2.词法、句法、章法(包括遣词造句与谋篇布局)规范、表达得体。 3.认知词汇10000~12000,且能正确而熟练地使用其中的5000~6000个单词及其最常用的搭配。 4.听、说、读、写、译技能熟练,具有较强的英语综合运用能力。毕业时达到英语专业八级水平。 听的能力:听懂真实交际场合中各种英语会话;听懂英 语国家广播电台以及电视台(如VOA, BBC, CNN)有关政治、经济、文化、教育、科技 等方面的新闻、现场报道、专题报道、综合 评述以及与此类题材相关的演讲和演讲后 的问答;听懂电视时事报道和电视短剧中的 对话。语速为每分钟150~180个单词,理解 准确率不低于60%。 说的能力:能就国内外重大问题与外宾进行流利而得体 的交流;能系统、深入、连贯地发表自己的 见解。 读的能力:能读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的社论和书评、 英语国家出版的有一定难度的历史传记和 文学作品;能分析上述题材文章的思想观 点、语篇结构、语言特点和修辞手法。能在

5分钟内速读1600词左右的文章,掌握文章 的主旨和大意,理解事实和细节。 写的能力:能写各类体裁的文章,做到内容充实,语言 通顺,用词恰当,表达得体。写作速度为30 分钟300~400个单词。能撰写长度为 5000~6000个单词的毕业论文,要求思路清 晰、内容充实、语言通顺。 译的能力:1)笔译:能运用翻译的理论和技巧,将英美报 刊上的文章、文学、科技、文化、经贸方面 的原文译成汉语,或将我国报刊、杂志上的 文章、一般文学作品、科技、文化、经贸方 面的原文译成英语,速度为每小时250~300 个单词。译文要求忠实原意,语言流畅。 2)口译:掌握连续或同步口译所需的技巧及基 本要求,能担任外经外贸、外事、外交、国 际文化、科技交流活动的口译和国际会议的 同声传译任务。 5.具有宽广的英语专业知识和相关学科知识。英语专业知识包括文学、语言学和对象国社会与文化的知识。相关学科的知识涉及教育学、教育心理学、语言习得理论、英语教学法、英语测试理论与实践、课程设置等领域。6.具有获取知识的能力、运用知识的能力、分析问题的能力、独立提出见解的能力和创新的能力。 7.熟悉中、英两种文字计算机基本技术并能实际应用。 主干课程:基础英语、高级英语、散文选读、英语泛读、英语口语、基础英语写作、高级英语写作、英汉/汉英口译、英汉笔译、英语视听说、英语报刊选读、英美文学,同声传译、连续传译、经贸法律翻译等。 修业年4年


附件四:思想汇报写法及要求 具体要求: 1、思想汇报是党组织了解入党申请人对党的认识程度和思想觉悟提高的过程,以及培养自身组织观念的有效载体。要求入党的同志最好每月1篇思想汇报,最少每两个月1篇,每篇不少于1200字。 2、思想汇报要真实自然地向党组织坦露思想,杜绝抄袭和剽窃。 3、用20×20方格纸书写,要避免有任何错别字和涂改。 4、思想汇报的基本书写格式及内容通常如下: (1)标题。居中写“思想汇报”,下一行也可用副标题,以“—”表示。 (2)称谓。即汇报人对党组织的称呼,一般写“敬爱的党组织”。顶格书写在标题的下一行,后面加冒号。 (3)正文。结合自己的学习、工作和生活情况,向党组织反映自己的真实思想。包括对党的基本知识、马克思主义的基本理论的学习收获、学习体会、思想认识上新的提高,以及存在的认识不清的问题向党组织说明;对党的路线、方针、政策或一个时期的中心任务的看法、态度,阐明自己的观点;如果参加了重要的活动或学习了某些重要文章,可以写下自己受到的教育和收获;如果遇到国内外发生重大政治事件时,可以写下通过学习,提高对事件本质的认识,旗帜鲜明地向党组织表明自己的立场;如果在自己的日常工作、学习、生活中遇到了个人利益同集体利益、国家利益产生矛盾的问题,可以把自己有那些想法,如何对待和处理的情况向党组织汇报等等。思想汇报侧重点在思想认识层面,不能写成工作汇报,活动情况汇报等。 (4)结尾。可写上自己对党组织的请求和希望。一般用“恳请党组织给予批评、帮助”或“希望党组织加强对自己的培养和教育”等作为结束语。还要亲笔署名和注明汇报日期。一般居右书写“汇报人:××系××级××专业××班×××(姓名)”,下一行写上“××××年××月××日”。 思想汇报 敬爱的党组织: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


翻译作业10 Nov 15 一、请按归化法(Domestication)翻译下列习语。 Kill two birds with one stone a wolf in sheep’s clothing strike while the iron is hot. go through fire and water add fuel to the flames / pour oil on the flames spring up like mushrooms every dog has his day keep one’s head above water live a dog’s life as poor as a church mouse a lucky dog an ass in a lion’s skin a wolf in sheep’s clothing Love me, love my dog. a lion in the way lick one’s boots as timid as a hare at a stone’s throw as stupid as a goose wet like a drown rat as dumb as an oyster lead a dog’s life talk horse One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, and three boys nobody. Man proposes, God disposes. Cry up wine and sell vinegar (cry up, to praise; extol: to cry up one's profession) Once bitten, twice shy. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. New booms sweep clean. take French leave seek a hare in a hen’s nest have an old head on young shoulder Justice has long arms You can’t teach an old dog Rome was not built in a day. He that lives with cripples learns to limp. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. The more you get, the more you want. 二、请按异化法(foreignization)翻译下列习语。 Kill two birds with one stone a wolf in sheep’s clothing


新闻写作期末复习重点 名词解释:注意得分点。 简述题:主要考察知识点,回忆、叙述。 简析题:除了知识点,也要结合新闻传播的实际,新闻写作的实际,结合自己的具体的例子。 综合实践题:根据一段文字资料或一段数据表格,写出不同的导语、不同的标题。 倒金字塔结构的写作:完整的消息稿。 不要忘记标题。 关注微博写作,点到为止。 知识点 1.新闻导语 1)定义:是消息开头用来提示新闻要点与精华,发挥导读作用的段落。是消息这种新闻体裁区别于其它文体的一个重要特征。一般由最新鲜、最重要的新闻事实或依托新闻事实的精辟议论组成。任何文章的开头不同,它是结果提要或高潮。 2)任务: 开门见山,尽快报告新闻事实,使人“一眼便知。” 吸引读者,使人“一见钟情”。 为全篇定音。 3)基本要求: 必须有实质性的内容 将最具新闻价值、最具吸引力的事实写进导语 炼字炼句,力求简短 4)导语的类型: 直叙式:一目了然、叙述方式 描写式:绘声绘色 特写式:局部透视全貌 议论式:对事实进行议论,引发读者共鸣 对比式:矛盾反差的两方面或个体 悬念式:“卖个关子” 5)导语修辞技巧:P169 设问、拟人、借用、对比、直呼、排比、惊警 2.新闻背景 1)定义:是指新闻中与主题新闻密切相关的历史情况、环境条件以及新闻产生原因和注释性方面的材料。 2)新闻背景的穿插: 要为表达主题服务。 恰到好处,简明扼要。

要有助于消息立体化。 背景材料的位置是灵活的。 3.新闻价值 事实本身包含的引起社会各种人兴趣的素质。包括新鲜性、重要性、显著性、接近性、真实性以及趣味性等几个基本属性。 4.时间要素最近点原理 最近点内容:导语中安排的何时要素通常都应是新闻事件发展过程中的“某一点”。“最近”指导语所选择的那一个“时间点”应尽可能是距离报道时间的最近点。使用要求:跟踪新闻事件的发展、挖掘今天新闻的依据、披露消息来源。 5.新闻由头 指客观事实作为新闻传播的依据或契机,是一个事实之所以成为新闻的根据。新闻由头出现在“消息”的新闻体裁中,也是使旧闻成为新闻的桥梁。 6.解释性新闻 充分运用背景材料、说明事物来龙去脉、揭示其实质意义和预测其发展趋势的分析性报道。是典型的分析性新闻,典型的深度报道。 写作要求: (1)把原因作为高潮和重点,深挖新闻背后的新闻,反映出事情的来龙去脉(2)在报道事实的基础上,点明事物的意义、特征 (3)要有大背景意识,将新闻事件放到一定的历史之中去观察、分析其必然性。从而揭示它对明天的含义,以预测和展望吸引读者 (4)从比较对照中揭示本质。 7.述评新闻 1)定义:以夹叙夹议的方式传播新闻信息的一种新闻体裁。以叙述新闻事实为主,同时围绕新闻事实做若干分析议论,评价新闻事件的性质或解释事件的内涵与发展趋向。 2)类型: 事件性述评,就新近发生的事实进行评论,更接近报道,也更要写好事实。 非事件性述评:例如就社会问题、工作问题、思想问题等进行的述评,评的成分更重。 8.消息的背景的类型,各自的作用都有哪些? 1)类型:人物背景、环境背景、历史背景和事物背景。 2)作用:①烘托和深化主题;②说明事件的起因,阐明时时发生和发展的客观条件;③补充有关事实,弥补新闻事实的不足部分;④注释新闻事实,开拓视野,传播甚至是增强新闻的可读性;⑤巧妙的表达记者的观点。 1说明,解释,令新闻通俗易懂。 2.揭示事物的意义,唤起社会关注。 3.用背景进行对比衬托,突出事物特点,显示变化程度。
