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Understanding the United Kingdom

Part 1 Geography and History of UK

Section 1 The Land

I. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.

1. The highest mountain peak(高峰) in Britain is in _____.

A. England

B. Scotland(苏格兰)

C. Wales

D. Northern Ireland

2. The longest river in Britain is the _____ River.

A. Severn (塞文)

B. Thames

C. Mersey

D. Humber

3. The largest lake in Britain is located(位于) in _____.

A. England

B. Scotland

C. Wales

D. Northern Ireland

4. The highest mountain peak in Britain is called _____.

A. Ben Nevis

B. Cross Fell

C. Snowdonia

D. Scafell

5. The Lake District(区)is well-known for _____.

A. its wild and beautiful scenery

B. its varied lakes

C. the lake Poets (诗人)

D. all of the above three

6. Which of the following is NOT the feature(特点)of British climate (气候)?

A. coldness

B. more rainy days

C. changeability

D. more fogs Keys: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. A

II. Translate the following into Chinese

1.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠


2.The strait of Dover 多佛海峡

3. the English Channel 英吉利海峡

4.Greenwich 格林尼治

5..The Britain Isles 大不列颠岛

6.The Thames River 泰晤士河

7.The Severn River 塞汶河

https://www.docsj.com/doc/ce5725098.html,ke Neigh 讷湖9. Lake District 湖区

10.Edinburgh 爱丁堡11.Glasgow 格拉斯哥

12.C ardiff 加的夫13. Stonehenge


14. the British Isles不列颠群岛15.the English Channel 英吉利海峡

16. maritime climate海洋性气候;海岸气候17. loanwords外来语,外来词18.. Old English古英语(略作OE)19. Roman Catholic church罗马天主教会;罗马公教

20. .Middle English中世纪英语;中古英语(约1150-约1475年间的英语)

III. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.

___ 1. Northern Ireland a. church leader of a diocese

___ 2. Charlotte Bronte b. Ulster

___ 3. archbishop c. Middle Valley

___ 4. Ben Nevis d. church leader of a province

___ 5. bilingual education双语教育 e. Britain’s highest mountain

___ 6. Central lowland f. author of Jane Eyre 简爱的作者

___ 7. bishop g. teaching in two languages

(Key: 1.b 2.f 3.a 4.e 5.g 6.c 7.d)

Section 2 The People

I. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.

1. The English people are descendants后裔of .

A. Celts

B. Romans

C. Anglo-Saxons

D. Danes

2. Middle English took shape about a century after the Conquest 征服.

A. Roman

B. Anglo-Saxon

C. Norman

D. Danish

3. The established church国教of Britain is .

A. The Church of England

B. Free church

C. The United Reformed Church

D. The Church of Scotland

4. Easter is kept, commemorating纪念the of Jesus Christ.

A. Coming

B. Birth

C. Death

D. Resurrection复活

Keys: 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D

II.Match the names of the cities with the descriptions.

Column A Column B

__f__1. Liverpool a. the steel manufacturing center of Britain

__c__2. Hulls b. the former center of textile industry of Britain

__a__3. Sheffield c. the fishing port in Humberside

__b__4. Manchester d. the largest city in Britain

__g__5. Glasgow e. the second largest city in Britain __d__6. London f. the district of Merseyside

__e__7. Birmingham g. the largest city in Scotland

__i__8. Belfast h. the capital of Wales

__j__9. Edinburgh i. the capital of Northern Ireland

__h__10.Cardiff j. the capital of Scotland

III. Translate the following into Chinese

1.Modern English 现代英语

2.The Church of England 英格兰圣公会

3.Christmas 圣诞节

4.Easter 复活节

5.Westminster Abbey 西敏寺大教堂

6.City of London 伦敦城

7.Outer London 外伦敦

8.Poets' Corner 诗人角

9. Birmingham 伯明翰

IV. True or False

1.England is smaller than the combined territory of Scotland and Wales.

2.The first Christian church was established at Canterbury, England, in


3.The Scottish language is derived from Old English.

4.What kind of language to speak is not important in Great Britain.

5.The present-day English people have inherited the physical

characteristics of the Germanic people and the Celts.

(Key: 1. F (still larger) 2.T 3. F (Old Celtic language) 4. F (extremely important) 5. T

Section 3 Early Man and the Feudal Society

I. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.

1. The earliest settlers 定居on the British Isles were the ___________.

A. Celts

B. Gaels

C. Iberians

D. Brythons

2. In 43 A.D., Roman under _______ conquered Britain.

A. Julius Caesar

B. Claudius

C. Augustine

D. the Pope

3. Roman Britain lasted until the year of ______ when all Roman troops

军队went back to the continent大陆.

A.400 A.D.

B. 410 A.D.

C.445 A.

D. D.449 A.D.

4. Which of the following was NOT a thing of value left behind by Roman?

A.Welsh Christianity

B. the Roman Roads

C. cities


enormous wealth巨大的财富

5. The Great Charter宪章was made in the interest of _______.

A. the King

B. the feudal lords

C. the townsmen

D. the merchants

Keys: 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B

II. Rearrange the following historical events in the order in which they took place.

1. __d____ a. Norman Conquest

2. __b____ b. Anglo-Saxon Conquest

3. __e____ c. the birth of Parliament

4. __a____ d. Roman Conquest

5. __c____ e. Danish Conquest

III. Translate the following into Chinese

1. Roman Conquest 罗马征服 2 . Anglo-Saxon settlement 盎格鲁撒克逊人的定居

3. Edward, the Confessor 信教者爱德华

4. Battle at Hastings 哈斯丁斯战役

5. the Great Charter 大宪章

6. Model Parliament 模范会议

7. Stonehenge巨石阵8. King Arthur 亚瑟王

9. Vikings 维京人/北欧海盗10. the Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集

11. Danelaw丹麦法律施行区12. Picts皮克特人13. Julius Caesar

尤里乌斯凯撒/ 凯撒大帝19. Hadrian’s Wall哈德良长城20. Robin Hood罗宾汉

IV. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.

1. King Alfred a. itinerant justices

2. knights b. the Father of British Navy

3. Prince of Wales c. heir to the English throne

4. circuit judges d. sworn men

5. Witan e. wise men

(1-b 2-d 3-c 4-a 5-e )

V. True or False

1. The Celts laid the foundations of the English state.

2. Old English originated in Normandy.

3. The Norman Conquest strengthened the cultural connection between the Anglo-Saxons and their relatives in north Europe.

4. The Norman cavalry defeated the Anglo-Saxon troop at Hastings.

5. The bi-linguistic period in English history drew to an end by the late 18th century.

(1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F)

Section 4 Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois Revolution

I. Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.

1. ____c___ launched 发动the Hundred Years’ War.

A. Edward Ⅰ

B. Edward Ⅱ

C. Edward Ⅲ

D. Henry Ⅲ

2. War of Roses were fought ___d__ between the Lacastrians and the

Yorkists from 1455 to 1485.

A. constantly

B. irregularly

C. continuously

D. intermittently间接性

3. The House of Tudor was founded in ___d____.

A. 1455

B. 1465

C. 1475

D. 1485

4. The British Bourgeois Revolution took place in the ___c___ century.

A. 15th

B. 16th

C. 17th

D. 18th

5. Which of the following statements声明about the Renaissance文艺复兴is NOT true?

A. the Renaissance was a revival of interest in many things that the early Middle Ages had cared about.

B. the Renaissance was a cultural movement by humanists.

C. the Renaissance spread into England under the Tudor.

D. During the Renaissance, the theatre attained great popularity under


6. The “glorious revolution” of 1688 put __d__ on the throne宝座.

A. Charles Ⅰ

B. Charles Ⅱ

C. James Ⅱ

D. William of Orange

Keys: 1.C 2.D 3.D 4. C 5.A 6. D

II. Translate the following into Chinese

1. Puritan 清教徒

2. The Hundred Years’ War 百年大战

3. Short Parliament 短期议会

4. Long Parliament 长期议会

5. Black Death 黑死病

6. Restoration of the Stuart 斯图亚特王朝复辟

7. “Glorious R evolution” 光荣革命

8. the Wars of Roses 玫瑰战争

9. humanism 人文主义10. Renaissance文艺复兴

IV. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.

1.Armada a. flower of the feudalism

2.knights b. peasant leader

3.Watt Tyler c. state church

4.Tudor Monarchy d. New Monarchy

5.Protestantism e. Invincible Fleet

6.Established religion f. Protestant ideology

(1-e 2-a 3-b 4-d 5-f 6-c)

V. True or False

1.Feudalism was established in England soon after the Anglo-Saxon


2.The Hundred Year’s War continued without interruption for more than

100 years.

3.The ending of the Wars of the roses marked the beginning of the

Middle Ages.

4.The Tudor Monarchy was the transitional stage from feudalism to

capitalism in English history.

5.Elizabethan drama rejected humanism and regarded life as a tragedy.

(1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F)

Section 5 The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement

Ⅰ. Choose the best answer and circle the letter before it.

1. The British Industrial Revolution first began in the industry.

A. iron and steel

B. textile

C. coal-mining

D. ship-building

2. invented the “spinning Jenny.”珍妮纺纱

A. James Hargreaves

B. Richard Arkwright

C. Edmund Cartwright

D. James Watt

3. The author of Wealth of Nations国富is .

A. Adam Smith

B. David Richardo

C. Thomas Malthus

D. Robert Owen

Keys: 1.B 2.A 3.A

II Match the inventions in Column B with the inventors in Column A.

Column A Column B

1. c James Hargreaves a. spinning machine run by water power

2. a Richard Arkwright b. the steam engine

3. d Edmund Cartwright c. the “Spinning Jenny”

4. b James Watt d. the power loom

III. Key Terms:

1. gunpowder plot 火药阴谋(1605年英国天主教徒在国会地下室放置炸药企图炸死国王)

2. natural selection 自然选择;物竞天择说

3. Origin of Species 物种起源

IV. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.

1. Oliver Cromwell A. Glorious Revolution

2. Darwin B. Lord Protector

3. Cavaliers C. author of Origin of Species

4. White Revolution D. Author of Jane Eyre

5. Charlotte Bronte E. Royalists

(1. B 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. D)

Section 6 The British Empire and British Imperialism

What wars of aggression were waged by Britain against China in the 19th century?

A: In 1840, the British colonists(殖民者) launched an aggression(侵略) war against China and forced the corrupt(堕落的,腐败的) Qing government to conclude the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, whereby(靠那个,凭那个) Hong Kong was ceded to Britain as colony and five ports (Shanghai, Fuchow, Amoy(厦门), Ningpou and Canton(广东,旧称)) were opened as a trade ports, and the colonists were granted special privileges for travel and missionary in China.

From 1856 to 1860, Britain and France jointly waged a war of aggression against China and occupied such major cities as Canton, Tientsin(天津) and Peking(北京,旧称). They plundered(掠夺) and burned down the Yuan Ming Yuan Palace and forced the Qing government to conclude the Treaty of Tientsin and the Treaty of Peking. In 1900, Britain allied(有联系的,同盟的) with seven imperialist(帝国主义) powers, invaded China in an attempt to further dominate over China. Ⅰ.Choose the correct answer and circle the letter before it.

1. The first British colony was .

A. New England

B. Newfoundland

C. West Indies

D. India

2. The British colonists forced the Qing government to conclude the Treaty of in 1842.

A. Peking

B. Nanking

C. Tientsin

D. Canton

3. Which of the following is NOT the feature of imperialism ?

A. foreign territorial expansion

B. export of capital

C. free competition

D. monopoly

4. Which is NOT the member country of the Triple Alliance三国同盟?

A. Germany

B. France

C. Austria-Hungary

D. Italy

5. Which was NOT the member country of the Triple Entente三国协约?

A. Britain

B. France

C. Russia

D. Italy

6. Which of the following is NOT true of the depression in1930s ?

A. Factories closed

B. Banks failed

C. Foreign trade shriveled

D. Unemployment rate was low

7. In which year did Japan attack Pearl Harbor珍珠港?

A. 1939

B. 1940

C. 1941


8. Mrs. Thatcher failed to win the general election in1990 mainly because of .

A. the slow development of the British economy

B. the high inflation

C. the high rate of unemployment

D. the high rate of taxes

9. China and Britain established the diplomatic relations at the

ambassadorial rank in the year of .

A. 1950

B. 1954

C. 1972

D. 1997

Keys: 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.C

II.Translate the following into Chinese

1. the Treaty of Nanking 南京条约

2. the British Commonwealth

of Nations 英联邦

3. tobacco plantations 烟草种植园

4. Opium War 鸦片战争

5. BBC 英国广播公司

6. carefree lifestyle


III.True or False

1. During the Second World War more than 4.5 million people were sent to fight overseas.

2.Under the leadership of Tony Blair, the Labor Party promised to turn

Britain into a socialist state.

3.After the loss of Egypt and the Suez Canal, people no longer regarded

Britain as a great power.

4.The Second World War turned Britain into a creditor nation.

5.The British voters deserted Churchill because they wanted to put the war behind them.

(1.T 2. F(He abandoned the idea) 3. T 4. F(a debtor nation) 5. T)

Part 2 Political System and Economy of UK

Section 1 Parliament and Government

I.What power does the Queen have theoretically? Why is it said she has no real power at all in reality?

The queen has all the power: she is the head of the executive branch of government and gives effect to all laws; she may pardon criminal offenses and cancel punishments; she is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the temporal head of the church of England; she also confers all titles of rank and appoints judges, officers of the armed forces, governors, bishops and diplomats. It is the monarch who has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war upon and make peace with other nations. II. Choose the correct answers.

1. Which of the following is NOT true of British political system?

A. Britain has no codified constitution.

B. Britain is a federal state.

C. Britain still keeps an old-fashioned government.

D. British government is established on the basis of constitutional monarchy.

2. In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of________.

A. the Queen

B. the Prime Minister

C. the House of Commons

D. the House of Lords

3. The British government ministers are responsible to _____ for the work of their department.

A. A. the House of Lords

B. Parliament

C. the Cabinet

D. the Privy Council

4. All the government ministers of Britain must be members of ________.

A. the House of Lords

B. the House of Commons

C. the Privy Council

D. Parliament

5. Civil servants who are concerned with administration are forbidden ________.

A. to be voters at elections

B. to be candidates for parliament

C. to continue their work when government changes

D. to compete with others for a higher rank

Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B

III. Translate the following into Chinese

1. the House of Lords 贵族院, 英国上议院

2. the House of Commons 平民院亦称下院

3. the Lord Chancellor 大法官

4. the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交及联邦事务部

5. the Home Office 内政部

6. Mr. speaker 下院议长

7. the Cabinet 内阁8. life peers (英)终身贵


9.lord temporal [复数]Lords Temporal(英国)上议院的世俗议员(指上议


10.constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制度11. law lords英国上议院高级法官

12. Buckingham Palace白金汉宫(英国皇宫)13. head of the state国


14.lords spiritual (英)上议院神职议员

IV. Matching

___ 1. the crown a. lower-upper class

___ 2. motions b. symbol of supreme executive power

___ 3. monarch c. king or queen

___ 4. gentry d. proposals of legislation ___ 5.Lord of Chancellor e. the opposition

___ 6. minority party f. important person

(1. b 2. d 3. c 4.a 5.f 6.e)

V. True or False

1.Most proposals for legislation are put forward by the opposition party

2.The British prime minister can select any British citizen for the office

of foreign secretary.

3.The British supreme court of appeals is the Upper House

4.The British House of Lords is composed of three types of peers.

5.The queen appoints the leader of the minority party as prime minister.

6.The British queen is free to dissolve Parliament.

7.British Members of Parliament are selected for a term of five years. Keys:

(1. F (by the cabinet) 2. F (select one cabinet member) 3. T

4. F (three types of lords)

5. F (the leader of majority party)

6. F (The queen’s dissolving the Parliament is normally done at the request of PM)

7. T)

Section 2 Party politics and judiciary

1. The Conservative and the Labour parties have been in power by turns

ever since the end of __________.

A. the 19th century

B. the end of the First World War

C. the Second World War

D. 1960s

2. The general election in Britain is held every ___ years.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5


3. The party that has the majority of seats in ____ will form the

government in Britain.

A. the House of Commons

B. the House of Lords

C. the Privy Council

D. the Cabinet

Keys;1.C 2.C 3.A

II: Key Terms:

1 the Conservative Party 保守党

2 the Labour Party 工党

3. major parties主要政党

4. general election 大选

5. silence right沉默权

6. hung jury 悬而不决的陪审团

7. circuit judges巡回法官

8. independent candidate独立候选人

III. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.

1.constable a. accused

2. summary offence b. state-owned

3. constituency c. freedom of belief

4. defendant d. between the left and the right

5. religious freedom e. soliciting votes

6. magistrate f. senior lawyer

7. nationalized g. electoral district

8. political center h. petty offence

9. barrister i. police officer

10. canvassing j. Justice of the Peace

(1--i 2--h 3--g 4--a 5--c 6--j 7--b 8--d 9--f 10--e )

IV. True or False.

1. Political questions are dealt with by law courts in Britain.

2. To protect its national independence, Britain puts its national law above the European Union law.

3. Britain is the first country t institute jury trial.

4. Nearly all the British voters regard their local candidates as independent candidates.

(1.F 2. F 3. T 4. F)

Section 3 Economy and Cities

I. Key Terms

1. visible trade有形贸易

2. invisible trade 无形贸易

3. Poets' Corner诗人角

4. denationalization 非国有化

5. value added tax增值税

6. West End伦敦西区

https://www.docsj.com/doc/ce5725098.html,ernment subsidies 政府补贴

II. Select the letter of the answer that best matches each term on the left.

1. Adam Smith a. famous car maker

2. Rolls Royce b. mail marketing

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