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1 景观绿化的基本术语英文对照


公园绿地 public park
公园 park
儿童公园 children\'s park
植物园 botanical garden
盆景园 bonsai garden \\ miniature landscape
花园 garden
风景名胜公园 scenic park
社区公园 community park
生产绿地 productive park
防护绿地 green buffer \\ green area for environmental protection
附属绿地 attached green space
居住绿地 green space attached to housing estate \\ residential green sp ace
道路绿地 green space attached to urban road and square
屋顶花园 roof garden
立体绿化 vertical planting
城市绿地系统 urban green space system
城市绿地系统规划 urban green space system
绿化覆盖面积 green coverage
绿化覆盖率 percentage of greenery coverage
绿地率 greening rate \\ ratio of green space
绿带 green belt


园林艺术 garden art
造景 landscaping
借景 borrowed scenery \\ view borrowing
园林意境 poetic imagery of garden

园林规划 garden planning \\ landscaping planning
园林布局 garden layout
园林设计 garden design
地形设计 topographical design
园路设计 garden path design
种植设计 planting design
孤植 specimen planting \\ coupled planting
对植 opposite planting \\ coupled planting
列植 linear planting
群植 group planting \\ mass planting
园林植物 landscape plant
观赏植物 ornamental plant
地被植物 ground cover plant
攀缘植物 climbing plant \\ climber
花卉 flowering plant
行道树 avenue tree \\ street tree
草坪 lawn
绿篱 hedge
花篱 flower hedge
花境 flower border

园林建筑 garden building
园林小品 small garden ornaments
园廊 veranda \\ gallery \\ colonnade
水榭 waterside pavilion
舫 boat house
园亭 garden pavilion \\ pavilion
园台 platform
花架 pergola \\ trellis
园林工程 garden engineering
绿化工程 plant engineering
假山 rockwork \\ artificial hill
置石 stone arrangement \\ stone layout
掇山 piled stone hill \\ hill making
塑山 man-made rockwork
驳岸 revetment in garden
喷泉 fountain

风景名胜区 landscape and famous sc

风景名胜 famous scenery \\ famous scenery site
景物 view \\ feature
景点 feature spot \\ view spot
景区 scenic zone
景观 landscape \\ scenery

门区 Door area
入口广场 Entry square
迎宾花坛 Usher flower bed
景观入口 Entrance walk
喷泉 Fountain
商业街 Business street
景墙 Sign wall
会所/ 中心区
中心广场 Centre square
中心湖 Centre lake
音乐旱地喷泉 Nonirrigated farmland and fountain of music
室外观景露台 Appreciate the scenery in the balcony outdoors
室内泳池 Indoormming pool
儿童泳池 Children\'smming pool
网球场 Tennis court
羽毛球场 Badminton court
儿童游乐场 Children\'s creative play area
健身步道 Build up body in the step way
园林步道 Garden step one
汀步 Step of spit of fland
自然水景 Natural water scenery
观景台 Appreciate the scenery in the platform
观景亭 Appreciate the scenery in the pavilion
绿荫休息广场 Rest square of the green shade
地下停车场入口 Entry of underground parking

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-3 10:22:39编辑过]


-- 作者:Hunt
-- 发布时间:2005-8-3 10:16:00

黄色荔枝面花岗岩 Granite the yellow litchi
烧面米黄色花岗岩 Burn the cream-coloured granite of surface
烧面天然花岗岩 Burn the natural granite of surface
灰色烧面花岗岩 Burn the surface granite greyly
灰色洗石米 Wash the stone rice greyly
红色混凝土砖 Red concrete brick
白色不锈钢 White stainless steel
白色砂岩 White sandstone

苏铁 常绿棕榈状木本 G:3M Cycas
银杏 落叶乔木 G:40M Ginkgo
油杉 乔木 G:30M Oil China fir
冷杉 乔木 G:40M Fir
云杉 常绿乔木 G:45M
落叶松 落叶乔木 G:30M Larch
金钱松 落叶乔木 G:40M Golden larch
雪松 常绿乔木 G:50M Cedar
马尾松 乔木 G:45M Masson pine
柳杉 乔木 G:40M
日本柳杉 乔木 G:45M
池杉 落叶乔木 G:25M
水杉 落叶乔木 G:35M Metasequoia
侧柏 常绿乔木 G:20M Arbor-vitae
圆柏 常绿乔木 G:20M Chinese juniper
罗汉松 常绿乔木 G:20M
旱柳 乔木 G:18M Dry land willow
垂柳 乔木 G:18M Weeping willow
枫杨 乔木 G:30M Chinese ash
白桦 落叶乔

木 G:25M
白栎 落叶乔木 G:20M White oak
榉树 落叶乔木 G:25M Zhyuan tree
珊瑚朴 落叶乔木 G:25-30M Coral Piao
榕树 常绿乔木 G:40M Banyan
叶子花 常绿攀缘灌木 Leaf flower
牡丹 落叶灌木 G:2M Tree peony
小檗 落叶灌木 G:2-3M
阔叶十大功劳 常绿灌木 G:4M Broad leaf Chinese mahonia
南天竹 常绿灌木 G:2M Nandina
玉兰花 落叶乔木 G:15M Yulan magnolia
广玉兰 常绿乔木 G:30M Wide yulan
鹅掌楸 落叶乔木 G:40M Liriodendron Chinense
樟树 常绿乔木 G:20-30M Camphor tree
楠木 常绿乔木 G:30M
海桐 常绿灌木 G:2-6M
法桐 大乔木 G:20-30M
麻叶绣线菊 落叶灌木 G:1.5M Rough leaf meadowsweet
火棘 常绿灌木 G:3M Fire sour jujube
琵琶 常绿小乔木 G:10M
贴梗海棠 落叶灌木 G:2M
垂丝海棠 小乔木 G:5 M
野蔷薇 落叶灌木 Briar
月季花 常绿灌木 Chinese rose
玫瑰 落叶直立丛生灌木 G:2M rose
樱桃 落叶小乔木 G:8M Cherry
樱花 落叶乔木 G:15-25 M Oriental cherry
合欢 落叶乔木 G:16M Silk tree
紫荆 乔木 G:15M Chinese redbud
乌桕 落叶乔木 G:15M Dark Chinese tallow tree
黄杨 常绿灌木 G:7M
雀舌黄杨 常绿小灌木 G:1M Sparrow tongue box
黄栌 落叶灌木 G:5-8M
枸骨 常绿灌木 G:3-4M Chinese holly
冬青 常绿乔木 G:13M Chinese ilex
大叶黄杨 常绿灌木 G:8M Big leaf box
鸡爪槭 落叶小乔木 G:8-13M Chicken\'s claw tool
无患子 落叶/半常绿乔木 G:20-25M
爬山虎 落叶藤木 Boston ivy
木槿 落叶灌木 G3-4M Wooden Jin
梧桐 落叶乔木 G:15-20M Chinese parasol tree
山茶 常绿灌木 G:10-15M Camellia
柽柳 灌木 G:5-7M Chinese tamarisk
结香 落叶灌木 G:1-2M
紫薇 落叶灌木 G:7M Crape myrtle
石榴 落叶灌木 G:5-7M Pomegranate
常春藤 常绿藤本 Chinese ivy
桃叶珊瑚 常绿灌木 Peach and leaf coral
杜鹃 落叶灌木 G:3M Cuckoo
紫丁香 小乔木 G:4M Lilac
女贞 常绿乔木 G:10M Woman chastity
迎春 落叶灌木 Winter jasmine
云南黄馨 常绿灌木 Yellow strong fragrance in Yunnan
夹竹桃 常绿灌木 G:5M Oleander
鸡蛋花 落叶小乔木 G:5-8M Frangipanis
凌霄 落叶藤本
栀子 常绿灌木 G:1-3M Cape jasmine
六月雪 常绿/半常绿灌木

June snow
锦带花 灌木 G:3M Silk area flower
毛竹 常绿乔木 bamboo

出自 https://www.docsj.com/doc/c06093552.html,/bbs/printpage.asp?BoardID=154&ID=5982
