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Good morning everyone. Welcome to my presentation. My name is …My major is mechanical engineering. The research direction of my team is the robot, so I’ll talk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples. The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot.

First of all, we should know what teleoperator robot is. Teleoperator

robots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot. Let’s first see the medical robot. The main characteristics of the medical robot is remote control. The remote control lets people stride across the space-time barrier. It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures. The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York. The display screen

provides surgery scene to the surgeon. By operating the main operation terminal and inputting commands, doctors can control the robot to have surgery.

Robots can also serve our daily life. Most of us may already know that the robot cooks in the university cafeteria of Beijing Jiaotong University. We all think that it’s very interesting. These pictures show us the process of the robot cooking. First, the chef puts raw materials into the robot, then choses the dish to cook in the display screen. Next, the robot starts to cook. In the cooking process, the chef follows the robot’s voice prompts to add spices. Just three minutes later, the robot pours the cooked dish into the prepared basin. The robot cooking not only takes less time but also uses less gas. It can save fifty percent of gas.

As the above examples allude, teleoperator robots provide service for mankind and make our life more convenient. Meanwhile they save us a lot of time and sources of energy. I believe in the future teleoperator robots will be more widely used and provide better service to our life. That’s all. Thank you.


good noon, ladies and gentlemen. my name is zhangying major in land resource

management. i will talk something about challenges and opportunities in our postgraduate life. all of the postgraduate today have made a choice to have a further study in cumt.

our postgraduate life of course will provide us with opportunities to bring out our

creativity and talent and there is no denying that we lost our chance to work or enter

the society. however, challenges still exist. indeed, facing these two challenges, how can we manage to be a excellent graduate

student and at the same time to enjoy a valuable and rewarding experience?for me, the solution to the problem lies in do what we should do. as a student we should study hard and in order to relieve our family’s economic burden we should

pursue a high scholarship so it needs us to be more active in many cases. my topic is “is it necessary to buy a house before getting married”.when we are preparing to get wed, one thing we should decide is where we will

live after the wedding. ideally, this should be taken care of before we get married

so that we can settle down and start our married life more smoothly.today, getting married in china is not an easy thing. “no house, no marriage”

has been very popular in the society. personality and morals lay beyond the top three requirements. however “no house,

no marriage” has been a phenomenon different from other countries. next, let’s take a look at the situation overseas. in japan, renting has been a custom for newly married young couples. few can afford to purchase property. up to 67.1 percent of young couples choose to rent, and merely

14.3 percent of the group buy a house for marriages.

generally speaking, most buyers

are older than 40 in japan.in europe, it is reported that there are many people who live in rented houses all their lives and they don’t feel it is a bad thing. in berlin, 70 percent people

choose to rent, only 30 percent adults choose to buy a house. journalists have surveyed

that the average age of europeans to buy their first house in belgium is 41-year-old, in france 38 years old, in germany

40 years old. finally, they concluded that the average age is 40 years old. for many americans, housing troubles dont pose any obstacle to marriage. they

often buy a house after the wedding, because more and more people are reconsidering

their real estate problem, and going back to a more rational mode of consumption.that’s all! thank you for your attention!篇三:XX年硕士研究生英语演讲比

附件1 河南省XX年硕士研究生英语演讲比赛推荐名额— 1 —附件2




— 2 —附件3

河南省XX年硕士研究生英语演讲比赛报名汇总表院校名称(公章):— 3 —附件4 河南省XX年硕士研究生英语演讲比赛带队教师信息表填表单位:(公章)— 4 —篇四:研究生英语演讲i教学大纲《研究生英语演讲i》教学大纲为指导我校研究生公共英语英语演讲课程的教学工作,特制订本大纲。







































该活动在小组推荐的基础上,选择小组代表进行决赛, 所获得的成绩属于小组每个人(决







(二)英语ppt展示比赛该活动以特定的主题为题目,以小组为单位开展, 每小组4-6人, 比赛包括作品评分和现场展示及问答两部分。在现场部分, 学生在规定的时间内展示和解说自己准备好的相关主


生当场进行回答。评分标准主要包括;ppt内容、ppt 设计、ppt技术应用、展示语言和表达、展示仪态与效果、回答问题情况等

六、考核方式及成绩评定标准(详见考核大纲)考核方式:总成绩100﹪=平时成绩60﹪+期末成绩40﹪. 平时成绩包含:出勤(10%)、课堂表现(10%)、课堂演讲(30%)、第二课堂活动(10%)。


七、教材及主要参考书1 stephen e. lucas. XX.the art of public speaking. tenth edition. beijing: foreign language teaching and research press. 2 祝蔚红,XX,《实用英语演讲教程》,南京:南京大学出版社。

3 安秉哲,XX,《怎样进行国际学术演讲》,哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社。


Summary of ‘scientists shouldn’t be surprised by the popularity of intelligent design’

In his article ’’ which addresses many scientists , grumps over the persistence of ID(intelligent design), scott Lilienfeld postulates that many Americans, approval of ID cannot be blamed on their lack of common sense but rather their dependence on their common sense or intuition in making judgments which turns them awayfrom the theory of natural selection. According to Lilienfeld ,the difficulty in intuiting how marvelous creatures and organisms have resulted from natural selection has prevented many Americans from accepting Darwinian Theory while the same common sense has made ID rather tempting to them.As is indicated by a multitude of examples of wrong beliefs based on common sense, intuition does not provide a reliable means of understanding the world. Unfortunately, scientists and science educators have failed to teach research methods and academic skills that can help debunk misconceptions compatible with people,s common sense. Finally , Lilienfeld concludes that a radical shift in science education has to be initiated so that scientists would not face a fiasco when confronting erroneous claims refuged by people,s common sense.

Summary of ‘Empowerment and Restraint in Scientific Communication’ In his article “”, Philip Campbell highlights a dire likely consequence of biologists” increased ability to obtain and distribute scientific information that such information may be exploited by people with heinous intentions. Scientific communication, according to Campbell, has seen significant development due to the invention of powerful software and hardware that facilitate scientists” acquisition of information and reduce the trouble they may otherwise have to take in order to publicize their research. However, the resulting plethora of biological information spawns a hazard that the information may be used to build biological weapons, and this hazard has come to peoples attention with synthetic biologys recent development. Campbell points out that it is relatively easy to abuse biological knowledge while biological studies often bring about unexpected results.People using biological information for malicious purpose may be whoever have learnt to exploit simple biological technologies and are not necessarily committed to terrorist agendas.

Campbell believes that the decisions made by funding agencies and scientific journals who are the gatekeepers of biological research will be crucial in reducing the risks of information abuse and what proactive measure should be taken has to be considered by all related parties.

Summary of ‘ethical, legal and social implications of autonomous systems’ In his article“”Austin Modine highlights that robot driver will control the vehicles which raises problems in different social levels.Autonomous robots will deprive people of their control.For Modines assume that human interaction is necessary,but human will make mistakes because of their wrong decision.Autonomous systems also have a tendency to make mistake.And there is a problem that who will be responsible for the failure.A concern that autonomous systems are held back until they dont make mistakes any more.The reaction to failures between autonomous systems and manned systems should be chosen if it make less mistakes than human-operators and technical systems.Finally,Austine Modine conclude that many questions should be solved in order to make

autonomous systems accept legally and socially.

Summary of ‘why do things become more complex’In his article “Why Do Things Become More Complex”Carrington highlights a phenomenon that simplicity becomes more complex, and people are interested in the complexity. In the history, the turbojet engine invented by Frank Whittle just use a simple compressor-turbine combination as the motivation. After many years, the jet engine changed more complicated as the pressure of commercial and military interests, usually by adding a subsystem. Modern engines have a vastly complex array of interconnected subsystems subassemblyes. The jet engines work like a cheetah both in the outside and inside, sleekly and complicatedly. In the process of growing complexity, it has many obstacle for people to overcome, such as new bureaucratic offices and departments. The complexity brin(本文来自:https://www.docsj.com/doc/c019078539.html, 小草范文网:学术英语演讲稿)gs a mass of problems to keep the performance like maintenance repairs, et.al.. And functions and modifications tends to increase

complexity through overcoming limitations, abnormal circumstances and adapting to the complex world. The renewable simplicity often emerges slowly after the growing complication. Finally, Carrington concludes that complexity should be checked so that it can evolves naturally and deliver powerful performance. And also need to final things to bring renewable simplicity after the complexity.


英文学术演讲稿 篇一:英语学术演讲稿 Good morning everyone. Welcome to my presentation. My name is …My major is mechanical engineering. The research direction of my team is the robot, so I’ll talk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples. The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot. First of all, we should know what teleoperator robot is. Teleoperator robots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot. Let’s first see the medical robot. The main characteristics of the medical robot is remote control. The remote control lets people stride across the space-time barrier. It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures. The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York. The display screen



关于《英文国际会议演讲稿范文》,是我们特意为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文会议演讲稿篇一:英文国际学术会议开幕词演讲稿 Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful August, With a pleasant subtropical climate in Xiamen, Our respectable guests are here getting together , undertaken by XMU , the 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 2014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on


经典英语演讲稿精选范文(精选15篇) 经典英语演讲稿精选范文篇1 18年的生命中,有着许多美好的经历,初入大学校园,又是另一种生活,同时,作为当代大学生,你的身上肩负着成为我们民族的脊梁,为社会做出 巨大的贡献的重任。今天和小编一起来看看这篇演讲稿吧。 Inmy18yearsoflife,therehavebeenmanythings.Universitydaysarethebestpartofthem. IcanneverforgetthedayswhenIsteppedintomyuniversity.Iwasimpressedbyitsgarden-likecampus,itsenthusiasticstudentsandespeciallyitslearningatmosphere.Iatoncefelli nlovewithit. 在我这18年的生命中,有着许多美好的经历,而大学生活则是其中最 难忘的一段。我永远不会忘记刚刚跨进大学校园的那几天:花园一样的校园,热情活跃的学生,特别是那里的学习气氛,给我留下了深刻的印象。 Afterthearduousmilitarytraining,Igetabsolutelyabsorbedinmystudies.Theclassesgiv enbytheteachersareexcellent.Theyprovideuswithinformationnotonlyfromourtextbo oksbutfrommanyothersourcesaswell.Theyeasilyarousemyinsatiabledesiretotakeina smuchasIcan. 经过了一段艰辛的军事训练后,我完全融入到了学习中。老师的讲课真 是棒极了。他们传授给我们的不仅是课本上的知识,还包括其他各种各样的 信息。我渴望获得尽可能多的知识,是老师激发起了我这个不能满足的欲望。 Franklyspeaking,atfirstIhadsomedifficultyfollowingtheteachers.However,through myowneffortsandthankstomyteachers'guidance,Imaderemarkableprogress.NowI've benefitedalotfromlecturesandmanyotheracademicreports.

学术会议发言稿 英文(精选多篇)

学术会议发言稿英文(精选多篇) and has appeared on cctv,who is also the author of an upcoming book named .so to speak to you on innovation capability of high tech enterprises by gray theory, please weclome mr jxs with the warmest applause. wow what an innovative idea,to quantify the inonovation ability and classify into different categories. try to think about it and you’ ll find its very enlightening. thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas. now,i ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker,mrs hujianjie,who is the vice president of cfa institute.to represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth time for her to be the final presenter.her breadth and depth of knowledge,profound discoveries and distinctive ideas always cause shock at the conference.today,mrs hu will address you on relationship between stock liquidity and asset liquidity of listed companies,i cant wait to her inspiring ideas. welcome!!! thank you very much for the extremely enlightening presentation. generally,we wanna investigate the correlation of asset liquidity and stock liquidity, thereby linking stock liquidity to corporate finance decisions.but the relationship between asset liquidity and stock liquidity is ambiguous.in her speech, mrs hu introduce a useful model to explore the ambiguous relationship,which may shed new light on the importance of firm’s investment and financing decisions. ladies and gentleman,our distinguished speakers hv finished their presentations,we now enter into the question and answer session.during this session,prof.syc,miss.wu,mr.jxs,mrs.hujianjie and i will be very happy to answer as many of your questions as we could. are there any questions? ok,well,i m sorry to say that this session will have to stop here.thank you for your questions.i hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us. ladies and gentlemen, i shall end here by thanking you for coming to the the 5th international finance conference. i hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions with colleagues.


英文学术报告演讲稿 篇一:英语学术演讲稿 Good morning everyone. Welcome to my presentation. My name is …My major is mechanical engineering. The research direction of my team is the robot, so I’ll talk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples. The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot. First of all, we should know what teleoperator robot is. Teleoperator robots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot. Let’s first see the medical robot. The main characteristics of the medical robot is remote control. The remote control lets people stride across the space-time barrier. It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures. The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York. The display screen provides surgery scene to the surgeon. By operating the main operation terminal and inputting commands,


学术英文演讲稿开场白学术英文演讲稿开场白 现在,国家和个人的经济实力越来越强,科研项目的资助力度也越来越大。因此,在国内和去海外,进行学术访问和交流也就越来越多和平凡了。越来越多的中国专家、教授和学者在国际会议上,同国际同行们同台,用英文探讨科技学术发展和前沿问题和成果。直接用英文在国际学术大会上演讲和报告,的确是一个大力宣传我们自己科技创新成果的最佳方法。 由于英文是我们的第二语文,同时中英文化、思维和生活存在相当大的差别,我们用英文做科技学术演讲的实际效果,有时还不理想。有时难以让不懂中文思维方式的人们,理解和体会的报告内容和意思。这样,他们会对我们创新成果失去兴趣,或不认同我们创新成果。如果这样,我们的学术报告也就没有达到希望的效果。 因此,我们用英文做学术报告一定要让仅懂英文的人听明白、能理解和体会的报告内容和思想。要让他们感兴趣、进一步地认同我们的创新成果,在将来引用我们的创新成果。如果这样,我们的英文学术演讲也就达到应有的效果。特别地,他们知道英文不是我们的第一语文(native English speaker)。如果他们能从我们的英文报告中,学到有价值的东西,他们应该是可以被感动的、是会承认和接受我们的创新成果的。以下是我多年做学术报告的几点体会和技巧。 正是由于人们都知道英文不是我们的第一语文,因此,我们在用英文做学术演讲和报告时,我们要大声清楚地说英文每一个单字,要理直气壮,不要害怕自己说错了英文。要多用简单句、少用复合句。要将重点词汇加重发音。要让他人感到你对演讲课题十分感兴趣! 其次,我们要精心制作每张多媒体ppt图片,让听众可听可视。我们要将自己的一个科技创新问题、过程、结果和结论划分成细小单元和步骤流程。用精心制作的ppt,通过图像和简单讲解来动态地、一步一印地演讲它们,并及时附上相应的英文专业词汇和单词。这样,听众可眼视投影屏幕上演示的图像和英文词汇。再通过耳听英文讲解来跟上内容,在脑海中产生正确的形象思维和过程。这些形象思维一般可以与听众自己知识和观察产生共鸣,起到加深明白和理解的效果。 第三,我们要把自己报告的一个新问题和新成果作解析化、具体化和形象化。我们要理解西方人的思维方式一般是解析和具体的。这同我们习惯于综合和抽象是不一样的。因此,我们要将自己的创新问题和成果解析化和具体化,问题越具体越小越好。但一定要是个问题,值得听、能记得! 第四,我们知道,科技学术演讲和报告时间极短,一般5到30分钟。因此,学术演讲不同于上课。学术演讲重视一个问题和创新解决该问题的思路和过


英语演讲稿万能模板10篇 英语演讲稿万能模板 (1) Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today. I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. Withtremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis. Research experience and academic activity When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL


学术报告的英文开场白 篇一:英文学术报告开场白、结束语 問侯語或開場白的寒喧(Greetings) 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說Mr.Chairman,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安. 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報(opening a presentation)—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general ments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned munity pharmacy, and


英语演讲稿范文及翻译 英语演讲是学校重视英语实际应用常会举行的活动,这也是课堂教学的一种延伸,可以让学生们学到更多的知识。以下是为大家整理了关于英语演讲稿范文及翻译3篇,希看对你有帮助。 英语演讲稿范文及翻译篇1Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self ;distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . https://www.docsj.com/doc/c019078539.html, Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ;s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what;s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there;s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows


【国际会议演讲稿】国际会议演讲稿精选八篇_学术演讲稿 篇一:国际学术会议发言稿1. PrologueThank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. The topic of my paper is “Transaction Cost and Farmers’ Choice of Agricultu ral Products Selling〞. The outline of my talk as follows. The first part I want to introduce the background of this research. The second part suggests a simple household choice model he third part covers the data used in this research. And then, we introduce the empirical results. Finally, a simple conclusion is given.2. IntroductionWell, let’s move on the first part of this topic he motivation of this work like this. Institutional economics posits that agents making decisions on different types of transactions do so in a costly way .For example , farmers deciding sell a particular crop to whom base their decisions not only on the price they expect to receive in each market choice but also on additional costs related to transacting in these markets.…… …… 余下全文篇二:国际会议作报告英语发言稿Thank you, prof. …. My name is ….. I’m from ….. I am very pleased to be here to join this forum. The topic of my presentation is properties of rapid construction materials for soil pavement of field airfield. As is shown in the picture, the main parts of my research are about soil pavement.My presentation will include these four parts:First, some background information about this research; second, the main work we have done; third, some conclusions we have got and the last: innovation and presentation of our published papers.Why I choose this item? I think it can be illustrated from the following four parts. First, the existing quantity of airfields is still not sufficient and the airfields have many shortcomings especially in war time. Second, the complementary facilities, such as highway runways are far less than airfields, however, have more weakness. Third, a certain amount of field airfield is quite necessary considering some emergencies such as rescue and disaster relief. Forth, the field airfield can fill the void of airfield and they can be combined to be airfield network.…… …… 余下全文篇三:模拟国际会议演讲稿Recsplorer:Recommendation Algorithms Based on Precedence Mining1. IntroductionThank you very much, Dr. Li, for your kind introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! I am honored to have been invited to speak at this conference. Before I start my speech, let me ask a question. Do you think recomemdations from others are useful for your internet shopping? Thank you. It is obvious that recommendations play an important role in our daily consumption decisions.Today, my topic is about Recommendation Algorithms Based on Precedence Mining. I want to share our interesting research result on recommendation algorithms with you. The content of this presentation is divided into 5 parts: in session 1, I will intruduce the tradictional recommendation and our new strategy; in session 2, I will give the formal definition of Precedence Mining; in session 3, I will talk about the novel recommendation algorithms; experimental result will be showed in session 4; and finally, I will make a conclusion.…… …… 余下全文篇四:英文国际学术会议开幕词演讲稿International Conference on Space TechnologyDistinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:At this special time of wonderful September, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here


英文学术报告演讲稿 英文学术报告演讲稿 篇一:英语学术演讲稿 Welcome to my presenttion. My nme is •••My mjor is mechnicl engineering. The reserch direction of my tem is the robot, so I' 11 tlk something bout pplictions of the teleopertor robot in our life with two exmples. First of 11, we should know wht teleopertor robot is. Teleopertor robots re minly used for vrious opertions of non-industril production, for exmple, the medicl robot, the cooking robot nd the clening robot. Let' s first see the medicl robot. The min chrcteristics of the medicl robot is remote control. The remote control lets people stride cross the spce-time brrier. It mens tht the doctor nd the ptient cn be in different pices, s is shown in the pictures. The ptient is in Strsbourg while the surgeon is in New York. The disply screen provides surgery scene to the surgeon. By operting the min opertion termini nd inputting commnds, doctors cn control the robot to hve surgery. Robots cn Iso serve our dily life. Most of us my Iredy know tht the robot cooks in the uni versi ty cfeteri of Beijing .Tiotong University. We 11 think tht it' s very interesting. These pictures show us the process of the robot cooking. First, the chef puts rw mterils into the robot, then choses the dish to cook in the disply screen.


esdp英语演讲稿 Title: Unlocking Potential through English: The Impact of ESDP Ladies and Gentlemen, Esteemed Judges, Honorable Guests, and my fellow participants, I stand before you today as a proud representative of the aspirations and dreams of countless students across our nation. Today, I want to share my thoughts on the English Speech and Debate Pentathlon, a platform that not only hones our linguistic skills but also shapes the future leaders of our generation. ESDP, the English Speech and Debate Pentathlon, stands as a beacon of linguistic excellence and critical thinking in our educational landscape. In a world where effective communication and critical reasoning are indispensable, ESDP emerges as a vital platform. It transcends the boundaries of traditional learning, providing a stage where students can not only showcase their language proficiency but also cultivate the essential skills of logical argumentation, persuasion, and public speaking. Why is ESDP so crucial in our educational journey? Firstly, ESDP encapsulates the essence of holistic education, aligning perfectly with the vision set forth by our Ministry of Education. It is not just about mastering a language; it's about mastering the art of expression and negotiation, skills that are indispensable in every facet of life. Secondly, in a globalized world, proficiency in English is a passport to opportunities. ESDP serves as a training ground, ensuring that our students are not just consumers of the English language, but confident contributors to global conversations. ESDP is not just a competition; it is a transformative journey. Through the five dimensions of the Pentathlon - Writing, Speech, Debate, Hosting, and Interview, students are exposed to a comprehensive range of language activities. These challenges are not just tests of linguistic prowess; they are opportunities for personal growth, resilience, and adaptability. Consider the English Writing component, where students are tasked with expressing their thoughts concisely and persuasively. This skill is not just valuable in academic contexts; it's a life skill that empowers individuals to articulate their ideas with clarity. Think about the Speech and Debate rounds, where participants engage in intellectual duels, defending their perspectives with eloquence and reason. This goes beyond the classroom; it prepares students to face the challenges of a world where the ability to communicate effectively


学术英语新年贺词演讲稿 Dear distinguished guests, faculty members, and fellow students,。 As we gather here today to celebrate the beginning of a new year, I am honored to have the opportunity to deliver this academic English New Year's greeting speech. It is a time for us to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the faculty members who have dedicated themselves to providing us with the knowledge and guidance we need to succeed in our academic pursuits. Your passion for teaching and commitment to excellence have truly inspired us to strive for greatness in our studies. As we embark on this new year, I believe it is important for us to set ambitious academic goals for ourselves. Whether it is to excel in our coursework, conduct groundbreaking research, or contribute to the academic community in meaningful ways, let us challenge ourselves to reach new heights and make a positive impact in our respective fields of study. Furthermore, I encourage all of us to embrace the spirit of collaboration and intellectual exchange. By engaging in constructive dialogue with our peers and mentors, we can broaden our perspectives, deepen our understanding of complex issues, and foster a culture of academic excellence within our academic community. In addition, let us not forget the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. While our academic pursuits are undoubtedly important, it is equally crucial for us to prioritize our well-being and personal growth. By taking care of our physical and mental health, nurturing meaningful relationships, and pursuing our passions outside of academia, we can cultivate a sense of fulfillment and resilience that will serve us well in our academic endeavors. Finally, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to all of you for a successful and fulfilling academic year. May we continue to pursue our academic aspirations with

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