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英语三年级下册Module2 Unit5教学设计





U n i t N o r m a n's T o y s教学设计新世纪版四年级 上册教案 Revised by Chen Zhen in 2021

新世纪版四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Norman’s Toys 一、教育目标: 1.教育学生要善于管理自己的物品。 2.教育学生积极参加学习活动,有兴趣、有毅志克服困难,完成各项课内外活动。 二、知识目标: 基础目标: 1)Wonderland: in on under near beside between behind in front of 2)Farmland: Where is… 3)Grand Theatre: Norman’s Toys 4)Language Lab: 通过填空练习帮助学生掌握单词的拼写,能根据课文内容回答Questions and answers 中的问题,能根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。 5)Music Box 能掌握音标//,//,并能看音标读单词。 6)Disneyland 能用正确的语音、语调朗读Rhyme : Teddy Bear(1),节奏基本正确。 7)Difficult Points 区别th在单词中的不同读音://,// 三、发展目标: 1.创设一个情境,鼓励学生整合已有的语言知识,模仿课文以My Toys 写段。 2.能根据实际情况,围绕“How to Make My Room Tidy and Clean”这个话题在板报中展开一系列的讨论。

四、课时安排: 建议本单元安排6教时。 Wonderland和Farmland 可以结合在一课时里进行教学; Language Lab 中的问题与Grand Theatre 的内容密切相关,因此可将两者结合在一起进行教学;Music Box 和Disneyland里的Rhyme可放在每一课时的Pre-task的Warming up中,帮助学生通过每节课前的反复练习逐步习得。 五、参考资料: Preposition Song In the summer at the seaside (季节用in, 在海边用at) On the coast we like it fine (在海岸用on) but in winter ,yes ,at Christmas (在圣诞用at) By the fireside we recline (在炉边用by) In July we went to Kenya (月份用in) Stayed in Lamu by the sea, (住在Lamu用in) We came back to Tanzania Then across Victoria sea Did you come here in a taxi (乘出租汽车用in) Or by bus, or on the train (乘公共汽车用by, 乘火车用on) Did you come on foot this evening (步行用on) Or perhaps by aeroplane (乘飞机用by) Will you come to tea on Monday (在星期一用on) I′ll be home at half past three (时间三点半用at) Yes, I′ll stay for half an hour (长达半小时用for)

KB_剑桥少儿英语L1U3_Favorite toys 教案

注:本文来自网络 《剑桥国际少儿英语》第一册教案Array Unit 3 Favorite toys 单元目标语言:语词car, ball, doll, computer, bike, train, black, brown, white, grey, tortoise, two, toys 结构What’s your favorite toy My favorite toy is…in, on, under, next to, Where’s your…Is your (bag) under your (chair)单元技能目标: 听能够听懂问候的常用语,教师和课本上的指令语,玩具,四种颜色,介词的位置,辨别/t/的发音 说能够就玩具的话题进行简单回答,用介词表示方位,说一首有关颜色的歌谣,能唱一首关于介词位置的歌曲 读能认读出阿拉伯数字 写能正确涂色,能写出数字,能圈出所要选择的项目 第一课时 Lesson 1 课堂教学过程(40 mins)

回答问题,问候其他人。 听懂问题,理解游戏规则,能根据指令做动作。 唱歌。复习打招呼和人物名字。复习歌曲。 跟读单词。 跟读This is a (car).并做动作。 翻开书,找到正确的页码。呈现新词。 也可以用简笔画在黑板上慢慢地画,让学生享受猜测的乐趣。 学生很容易混淆ball 和doll,教师在此可以强调首字母发音,帮助学生区分连个单词。 用句子和动作继续熟悉新词This is a (car). 教师可以把页码写在黑板上,提示学生。

找到星星,说:Here it is. 指出书中相应的物品。 跟读单词。 指出相应的单词卡片。 说出相应的单词卡片。 说出相应的单词卡片和颜色。练习指认。 练习听说单词名称。


My t o y s 教案

En glish This Way 3 Less on R My toys Part 1 Teaching Material. English This Way 3 : Lesson R My toys. 1. Teach ing contents The less on discusses some toys. The new words and using of the words in 2 sentence patterns.The study of this less on will help the Ss know more toys and describe the existence and situations of the toys. 2. Teaching aims : (1) Kno wledge aims: a) En able Ss to master the new words:puzzle, yo-yo, toy truck,spaceship, computer, robot, cupboard and shelf. b) The Ss can understand and use the new words in the structure: There ' s a ......... It's on ................. (2) . Ability aims: Devolop Ss ' basic abilities of listening and speak ing. En able them to use the structure freely to decribe the existe nce and situati ons of the objects. (3) . Emotion aims: By complet ing the task , the Ss in crease their in terest and set up self-c on fide nce in Ian guage study; 3. The key poi nts and diffcult poi nts The key poi nts : 8 new words and the using of the 2 strucrures . The difficult points : the prounon cati on of the words: toy truck, spaceship, cupboard and the using of the strctures freely. How to achieve the teach ing objectives better, to stress the keypoints and break through the difficult points? The key is how to

最新My toys教案

1 English This Way 3 2 3 4 Lesson R My toys 5 6 Part 1 Teaching Material. 7 English This Way 3:Lesson R My toys. 8 1. Teaching contents The lesson discusses some toys. 9 10 The new words and using of the words in 2 sentence patterns.The study 11 of this lesson will help the Ss know more toys and describe the existence 12 and situations of the toys. 13 2. Teaching aims: 14 (1) Knowledge aims: a) Enable Ss to master the new words:puzzle, yo-yo, toy 15 16 truck,spaceship, computer, robot, cupboard and shelf. 17 b) The Ss can understand and use the new words in the structure: There’s 18 a…… It`s on …… 19 (2). Ability aims: Devolop Ss’ basic abilities of listening and 20 speaking. Enable them to use the structure freely to decribe the existence and situations of the objects. 21 22 (3). Emotion aims:By completing the task , the Ss increase their 23 interest and set up self-confidence in language study; 3.The key points and diffcult points 24 25 The key points : 8 new words and the using of the 2 strucrures .

Unit 6 Toys 教案

Unit 6 Toys 教案 Teaching aims: 1. Cognitive objective: Understand and master toy words such as plane, drum, guitar, bear, puzzle…… 2. Ability objective: Preliminary use dialogue: What do you want? I want…… 3. Emotion objective: Perceive new sentence patterns in the game and experience the joy of the game of English. Important and difficult points: 1. Make the kids acquire toy words and use them in real life. 2. Make the kids correctly pronounce these words. 3. What do you like? Do you want……? Teaching aids: Toys PPT Teaching steps: Step1.Warm-up Bring in the toys labeled on this book, a shallow cardboard box and a thick pen. (Books close.) Introduce the toys saying “This is a …” Write the names of the toys on the board. Pick up the toys one by one and see if the pupils can tell me the name. Say “What’s this?” Help the pupils answer “It’s a …” Step2. Presentation and Practice Teach the pupils to toy box by putting the toys in the cardboard box. Write the word toys on the box with a thick pen. Ask and answer about the toys using two different voices. Get the pupils to take the correct toys out of the toy box I made in step 1.

My toys教案资料

English This Way 3 Lesson R My toys Part 1 Teaching Material. English This Way 3:Lesson R My toys. 1. Teaching contents The lesson discusses some toys. The new words and using of the words in 2 sentence patterns.The study of this lesson will help the Ss know more toys and describe the existence and situations of the toys. 2. Teaching aims: (1) Knowledge aims: a) Enable Ss to master the new words:puzzle, yo-yo, toy truck,spaceship, computer, robot, cupboard and shelf. b) The Ss can understand and use the new words in the structure: There’s a…… It`s on …… (2). Ability aims: Devolop Ss’ basic abilities of listening and speaking. Enable them to use the structure freely to decribe the existence and situations of the objects. (3). Emotion aims:By completing the task , the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study; 3.The key points and diffcult points The key points : 8 new words and the using of the 2 strucrures . The difficult points : the prounoncation of the words: toy truck, spaceship, cupboard and the using of the strctures freely. How to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the keypoints and break through the difficult points? The key is how to


2008-12-13 来源:芜湖市延安小学万恒丽 【课例类别】:多媒体辅助教学 【学习科目】:英语 【运行环境】:Windows2000/XP 【学段/年级】:三年级第二学期 【教学时数】:一课时 【教材分析】: 本课的教学内容是Oxford English 3B M2 Unit 2《Toys I like》的第一课时。本课主要学习有关玩具单词:robots, bicycles, skateboards, dolls,会运用句型I like . They’re .来描述自己喜欢的玩具,并会用Do you like…? Yes, I like…/No, I don’t like…进行问答。在本模块的第一单元已学过Do you like…? Yes, I like…/ No, I don’t like…的句型进行喜好问答,为本课的对话学习减轻了障碍。而且本节课的教学主题“我喜欢的玩具”贴近学生生活,便于教师为学生创设真实的生活情景,从而达到真正运用语言的目的。为此,在整节课的设计中我注意适时地利用多媒体课件激发学生的学习兴趣,突破教学重、难点,让学生主动、积极地学习。 【学情分析】: 三年级的学生已掌握了一定的词汇和基本句型,他们学习兴趣浓厚,但是他们爱动、好玩,上课注意力不集中。老师需通过变换的课件及各种新颖的教学手段,吸引他们的注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣,使之顺利完成本课的教学任务。 【设计理念】: 1、合理运用现代信息技术手段,创设情景,使之发挥最大效用。 2、课堂教学的整个过程要发挥学生的主体性和教师的主导性。 3、倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,关注学生的情感,营造宽松、和谐、民主的氛围。 4.对学生进行情感价值观的教育。 【教学媒体设计】: 1、课的开始,利用课件展示小诗的画面,学生伴随着明快地节奏演唱小诗,既调动了学生的学习积极性,又复习了旧知,使他们迅速进入英语学习的氛围中。 2、在新单词的学习中,利用课件呈现小诗的画面、自行车的铃声、学生滑滑板的录象等,让学生在真实的情境中学习单词,有效地突破教学重点及难点,实现了信息技术与英语学科的整合,实现了教与学地有机统一。 3、课件出示“碰地雷”的游戏环节,紧扣本节课的教学内容,难度层层递进,既有效的巩固了本节课的单词、句型教学,又激发了学生的学习兴趣、活跃课堂氛围,让学生积极主动的参与知识的巩固。 4、拓展练习利用课件展示故事的动画,并利用课件进行故事配音表演,促使学生有针对性地运用本课的重点语言来完成任务,同时在完成任务的过程中使语言上升为有意义的信息交流,实现了语言学习的最终目的。 【教学目标】: 知识目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:robots, bicycles, skateboards, dolls。 2.能区别单词的单数及复数形式。 3.能用I like…They’re super. I like…They’re beautiful. 来描述自己喜欢的玩具。 能力目标:


教育活动计划 类别班级中班教师黄老师第九周 目标、准备活动内容指导要点Toys objectives(目标): 1、encourage the kids to recognize and say the word 2、review the words about color 3、让幼儿通过看、听、说等多感官来体会学习英语的快乐; 4、建立良好的听说能力; 5、通过tpr、游戏等活动,让幼儿在学习外语的同时,发展其动觉智力。teaching materials(教具准备): tape ; sticker; 魔法棒一个;各种图形的图片; 毛线;自制钓鱼工具;情境挂图;cd; teaching proce (教学流程): 一、warm up(热身) : 1、tpr:播放律动“play-way to english”,让幼儿伴随着音乐进入课堂,并一起做律动。 2、greetings: t: how are you today? s: i’m fine, thank you! and you? t: i’m fine too. and how is the weather today? s: it’s su y/rainy day. t: woo… you are so great. you are looking so lovely today. ok, now today i’m magic, and then please look at the blackboard. 二、teaching new words about shapes: 1、通过魔法游戏以开火车的方式一一在黑板上出示各种图形; 2、学习词汇:square star triangle rectangle heart oval; 3、q&a:what color is the(square)? 复习相关颜色词汇; 4、字汇游戏(一): fishing game t:ok, now would you like play a game?s:yes. t: let’s have a compotatio if i say the words, you should use t his one, fishing the right picture as fast as you can, the first one is the wi er. understand? ok, who can try? ready go. 通过此游戏促进及巩固幼儿对新词汇的记忆。 三、出示挂图,让幼儿在相应的情境中复习及巩固词汇。 t:oh, please look at the picture; who is he/she? s: she/he is midi/haley…. t: can you gue what are they doing? (请幼儿观察图画后回答) what’s i ide? what shape is it? 请幼儿上来一一找出图画里欠缺的物品,并回答相应的问题,帮助复习巩固所学词汇。 四、游戏(二):make the shapes by yourself. 给每位幼儿提供1条毛线,让幼儿在地毯上自由创作变出各种图形,并相互用英文交流自己创作出的图形。 五、over(结束): woo…today you are very clever, are you ha y today ? now i want to make a circle, let’s make, ok? sing a song“the more we get together.”结束活动。


小学英语Have you got toys?教学设计 教材:新标准英语 年级:六年级 课题:Have you got toys 姓名:贾永飞 性别:男 职称:小学一级教师 学历:大专 单位:松桃苗族自治县蓼皋镇一完小 电话:0856——8903060 通讯地址:松桃苗族自治县蓼皋镇一完小

【决战课堂,新教材大练兵】 小学英语Have you got toys教学设计 蓼皋镇二完小姚练梅 一、设计理念: 小学英语教学的目标是培养学生的英语运用能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。因此,在设计本课教学时,我主要采用真实运用任务型教学法,在教学过程中通过游戏竞赛法,对学生在参与教学活动过程中表现出来的情感态度,学习策略、学习方法、学习成果等进行评价,使形成性评价贯穿课堂始终。 二、教材分析: 1、教材所处的地位和作用:这节课是六年级学生的第一节新授课。在此之前,学生已学习了computer game, toy ship, toy plane, kite等表示玩具的单词。本节课通过引导学生复习“Have you got a …?”及回答“Yes, I have . ”和“No ,I haven’t. ”使学生学会如何询问别人所拥有的物品。本节课还将句型“Have you got a …?”拓展为“Has he / she got a …?”,为学生的语言扩展和训练奠定了基础,起到承上启下的作用。 2、教学目标: 《英语课程标准》中提出基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合运用语言的能力。结合这一要求将本课教学目标确定如下: ①、知识目标:认识句型: Have you got a …? ②、能力目标:能听懂会说句子: Have you got a …? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 能听、说、读、写单词:computer game ,toy ship ,toy plane ,kite ,Barbie doll, teddy bear, jigsaw ③、情感目标:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 4、教学重难点: 根据学生的认知水平、认知能力以及教材的特点确定以下重点、难点: (1)重点:学会用英语询问他人所拥有的物品


新起点一年级英语下册《Toys》第1课时教案 Lesson plan for lesson 1 of toys

新起点一年级英语下册《Toys》第1课时教案 前言:英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据英语课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 教学目标: 能够在本单元设计的情境中听懂并说出9种玩具的单词。 学生能将读音和图形联系起来 句型:Wh at’s this ? It’s a… What colour is it? It’s… 巩固L61所学的单词 学生能够听懂“What’s your favorite toy?” 教学准备: 教学挂图、单词卡片、教学磁带、录音机 重点难点:

学习9个玩具单词的读音和图形。 train, plane的读音和 teddy bear, pinwheel的多音节词的读音。 学生通过唱歌和表演等课堂活动形式,熟练掌握9个玩具单词 学生能够听懂“What’s your favorite toy?” 教学过程: A. Greetings B.教师用玩具和图片等引出单词,进行单词教学。教师每出示一个玩具或图片时,反复说该玩具的名称,进行声音输入。 C. TPR 教师说出玩具名称,全班同学举起该玩具图片;然后教师出示玩具实物或图片,学生们说出玩具名称。教师说出玩具名称或出示玩具实物、图片,让某个学生做出反应。 D.Chant

Unit 5 Toys 教案3

学习目标1、继续学习句型What do you like? I like… 2、能熟练朗读英语小诗。 学习重点能熟练运用句型What do you like? I like…学习难点能熟练运用句型What do you like? I like…学习准备图片、录音机。 集体备课 导学过程温故互查: 1、同桌之间互查单词。 2、检查所学重点句型。 课题引入: 1.由学生桌上许多玩具引出课题Unit 5 Toys, 并教学toy. ① T: Wow, there are so many toys! Motorcycle, plane… (师走到学生中举起他们桌上的玩具) They are all toys. Today we are going to learn Unit 5 Toys (板书课题,并出示卡片教学单词toy.) ②学生展示自己带的玩具。 T: Please show me your toys. 2. 幻灯片展示玩具店,引出新词ball, kite, robot, toy bear. ① T: Now, l et’s go to the toy shop. 引导学生找出玩具熊和机器人。 ②教学新单词ball, kite, robot, toy bear.(用各种方式操练)学生拼读单词,教师板书。Play a game: 单词抢答。 设问导读: 1、Listen and say.(教材22页) 2、听录音,读课文,结合课文图片翻译句子。 Whole class read .(全班朗读) 3、Let’s learn together.(咱们一起学习句型) What do you like? I like…

Lesson 11 Toys教案

Lesson 11:Toys 教学目标: 1、知识目标:要求学生学会单词:ball kite 。要求学生熟练掌握本课短语:play catch with a ball fly a kite 并能在实际情景中运用。 2、能力目标:通过本课学习,让学生在丰富多彩的游戏活动中熟练运用本课知识,增强学习兴趣,提高英语的交际能力。 3、情感目标:通过本课学习,让学生能听懂所接触的指示语,并提高学生合作学习的能力。 教学难点分析:要求学生熟练掌握本课短语:play catch with a ball fly a kite 并能在实际情景中运用。 教学课时:一课时 教学过程 I.Class opening 1.Greeting 2. 2. Play a game II. New concepts 1.用问答的形式揭示单词ball,并用拍球和传接球的动作教授短语play with a ball和play catch with a ball。让学生结组做传接球游戏,边玩边说所学短语。 2.教师演示放风筝的动作教授单词kite和短语fly a kite,让学生跟老师做放风筝的动作,并说短语。

通过示范带动学生的活跃气氛,充分调动学生学习的积极性、主动性,并且增强他们继续往下学的兴趣。设计边游戏边说短语的情节,可以让孩子们在玩中学,增强学生学习的动力。根据四年级学生学习注意力时间很短的特点,特设计让学生在模仿放风筝动作中来学习单词和短语,让学生在民主、和谐的气氛中增强学习的兴趣。让学生在练习短语的同时,做他们爱学的动作,激发学习兴趣。 3.Play a game. Show me something 4.Play another game. III. Class closing Play a guessing game. 作业安排:copy the words. 板书设计: Lesson 11 Toys ball play catch with a ball kite fly a kite

三年级教案 unit 3 toys

Unit 3 Toys No.1 江夏区第三小学高丽 Contents: page 18 Part 1 and 2 Title: unit 3 Toys Aims: 1.Learn to understand : Take your ball . … 6.sentencens 2.Carrying out instructions. 3.Number the pictures . Important: Understand the 6 sentences of the lesson. Difficult: Carrying out instructions. Preparation: You cooperate with a pupil to carry out instruction “The ball comes back”. Tools : a ball ,a paper plane. Teaching procedures: Step Ⅰ:Warming up A song – The number song Step Ⅱ Presentation 1. Listen and mime. The teacher and Ss listen to the tape. At the same time , the teacher performs the action dictated by the speaker . 2. Learn to understand

A: Take your ball .Throw it to your friend . ① Show the ball .T says : “It’s a ball.” Ask Ss to lean to say “ball” ② Play the cassette T and Ss listen to the tape . T carry out the instruction ,Got the Ss to understand “take your ball”. ③ Sing the song :《Look for friend 》 Understand the words “friend “. ④ Play the cassette .T and Ss listen to the tape .T carries out instruction .Get the Ss to understand “Throw it to your friend .” B: You hear a plane .Look up. Show the paper plane .T say : “It’s a plane .” Ask Ss to learn to say “plane “. ①Play the cassette .T and Ss listen to the tape .T carries out the instruction. Get Ss to understand “ You hare a plane .” “Look up .” C: The ball comes back .Oh .Ouch ! Let the friend to carry out the instruction . 3. Listen and mime again . 4.The teacher gives the instructions in the same order .This

【人教版】新起点英语一年级下册:Unit 3《Toys》教案设计(精修版)

人教新起点英语精品资料(精修版) Unit 3 Toys 单元教材分析: 在前两个单元学习我的房间和教室基础上,学习玩具贴近学生的生活实际并且学生也感兴趣,教授起来比较容易操作,学生学起来也有兴趣,简单易学。为后来的学习打下了基础,培养了学生的兴趣,使英语学习越来越简单有趣。 单元教学目标: 1、语言技能目标 (1)能够听懂、会说与玩具有关的六个词汇:car,ball, plane, doll, bear, train。 (2)能够听懂、会说表达索要玩具的功能句及答语:Can I have …? Sure. Here you are. / Sorry, no. 并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。 (3)能够听懂简短的课堂指令语,并作出相应的反应。 (4)能够借助日常生活图片识别、会说大写英文字母I、J、K、L。 2、情感目标 (1)能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌曲和歌谣。 (2)能够在故事的学习中体会和他人分享的乐趣。 单元教学重点: 1、能够听懂、会说与玩具有关的六个词汇:car, ball, plane, doll, bear, train。 2、能够听懂、会说表达索要玩具的功能句及答语:Can I have …? Sure. Here you are. / Sorry, no. 并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。 单元教学难点:能够听懂、会说表达索要玩具的功能句及答语:Can I have …? Sure. Here you are. / Sorry, no. 并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。 课时安排:五课时 第一课时 教学目标: 1、能够听懂、会说与玩具有关的六个词汇:car, ball, plane, doll, bear, train。 2、学生能将读音和图形联系起来。 教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡片、教学磁带、录音机 教学重难点: 1、学习6个玩具单词的读音和图形。 2、train, plane的读音。 教学时间:年月日 教学过程: 一、热身导入 1、听听做做(Listen and do) 教师发出指令,请学生听指令做动作:Act like a bird. Act like a dog. Act like a

My toys教案讲课教案

M y t o y s教案

English This Way 3 Lesson R My toys Part 1 Teaching Material. English This Way 3:Lesson R My toys. 1. Teaching contents The lesson discusses some toys. The new words and using of the words in 2 sentence patterns.The study of this lesson will help the Ss know more toys and describe the existence and situations of the toys. 2. Teaching aims: (1) Knowledge aims: a) Enable Ss to master the new words:puzzle, yo-yo, toy truck,spaceship, computer, robot, cupboard and shelf. b) The Ss can understand and use the new words in the structure: There’s a…… It`s on …… (2). Ability aims: Devolop Ss’ basic abilities of listening and speaking. Enable them to use the structure freely to decribe the existence and situations of the objects. (3). Emotion aims:By completing the task , the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study; 3.The key points and diffcult points The key points : 8 new words and the using of the 2 strucrures . The difficult points : the prounoncation of the words: toy truck, spaceship, cupboard and the using of the strctures freely. How to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the keypoints and break through the difficult points? The key is how to


教学设计】 Unit6 look at my toys ! 第二课时 甘井中心小学:安小艾 二零一二年十二月十二日

Unit6 look at my toys ! 第二课时教学设计 T eaching content (教学内容)陕旅版小学英语三年级上册第六单元look at my toys !第二课时 T eaching aims :(教学目标) 1、要求学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇plane, ship, kite car ,ball, bike, toy, 并熟练运用。 2、引导学生完成Listen and match 部分和Look and answer 部分。 3、能听懂、会说对话Do you have ............... ? I have ............ 并能在实际生活中经行运用。 Key points and difficult points (教学重、难点) 重点:听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇plane, ship, kite car,ball, bike, toy, 并熟练运用。 难点:能听懂、会说对话Do you have .............. ?I have ........... 并能在实际生活中经行运用。 Preparations (教学用具)玩具:(汽车、轮船、风筝、飞机、皮球、风筝),录音机,磁带,单词卡片, Teaching process (教学过程) 、Warming up Step 1: Free talk T :Hi, boys and girls. Look at my toys! I have a car.

Unit4 My toys 教案

2B Unit 4 My toys (A&B) 评优课教学设计 一、教学内容 牛津小学英语2B Unit 4 A. Learn to say B. Look and learn 二、教学目标 知识目标 1、能听懂、会说、初步认读单词doll,yo-yo,puppet和puzzle四个玩具单词,发音正确。 2、能听懂特殊疑问句What do you have ?并能用I have...作出应答,语音语 调正确。 能力目标 1、能根据实际情况用I have...作出应答。 情感目标 1、培养学生学习英语的兴趣,懂得“助人是快乐之本”的道理。 三、教学重点 1、能听懂、会说、初步认读单词doll,yo-yo,puppet和puzzle四个玩具单词,发音正确。 2、能听懂特殊疑问句What do you have?并能用I have...作出应答,语音语调 正确。 四、教学难点 1、能读准单词puppet和puzzle。 2、能根据实际情况用I have...作出应答。 3、培养学生学习英语的兴趣,懂得“助人是快乐之本”的道理。 五、教学方法 愉快教学、CAI、 六、教学准备 1、教具:PPT、玩具、单词卡、贴纸 2、板书:Unit 4 My toys (A&B) 七、教学过程: Step1: Warming up

1.Enjoy a song. The students enjoy a song”My lovely doll” and do some gestures. 设计意图:在课的开始和学生共同欣赏并表演此歌谣引出单词doll,并将学生带入我的英语课堂中来。 2.Review the word “doll” (1)doll doll 洋娃娃 The students practise this word in different ways. (2)呈示句型I have... The teacher shows the doll and says “I have a doll.” (3)学生有节奏击响板并练习doll, doll, I have a doll. 设计意图:通过教师自己的实物引出句型I have...更助于学生理解。学生有节奏地击响板练习doll, doll, I have a doll既激发了兴趣,又巩固了单词和句型。Step2:Presentation 1.揭示课题My toys (1)Story( I have a doll. Her name is Kitty. She can speak. She is a magic doll.She is very happy now. Can you guess why?) (2)The students guess the reasons . (...) (3)Then Kitty says the answer. (I have many toys. ) (4)The students look at Kitty’s toys and revi ew some toys. (5)Present the tittle “My toys”.我的玩具 设计意图:通过猜猜Kitty开心的原因,既复习了已学单词如pig,duck,dog,又引出今天要学的玩具,自然地揭示了课题。 2.Learn the sentence pattern“What do you have?” (1)Story(Listen! Who comes? Aha, Hui Tailang sees the toys. And he stoles
