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当前位置:文档视界 › 国开《理工英语2》形考任务单元自测6答案



题目1: A may act as a cause of these illnesses.

A、Stress Relaxation

C> Happiness题目2:A taking a walk after supper?

- Good idea.

A、How about B> Why not

B、Could we题目3:~ B Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes?

A、What' s on?

B、What' s up?

C、What is it?

题目4:- Look, it A be Mr. Green.

-It A be him. He has gone to France.

A、must, can' t can, mustn' t

B、can, may not题目5:- What are you going to do this weekend?

B If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my parents.

A、I don' t know It depends

B、Don' t mention it题目6:- Would you like to go to the cinema with me? —C A、No, I don' t want to.

B> Yes, please.

C、Yes, I' d love to.

题目7:- Would you mind me smoking here?

B It' s non-smoking area here.

A、Yes, please1' m afraid 1' ve to say yes

B、No, you can' t题目8:Every child is unique. Don? t A him or her to others.

A、Compare B> look

C、analyze题目9:He was unable to B his stubborn partner of his viewpoint.

A、move convince

C> change题目10:How can I reduce my risk B the virus in an affected area? A>

to catch

B、of catching C> as to

题目11: Our teacher may A our exam papers now.

A、be correcting B> have corrected

C> be corrected题目12:The number you dialed does not exist. You must C the wrong number.

A、be rememberingremember

B、have remembered题目13:Time is. C Ten years have passed in a wink.

A、ShortB> Past

C> fleeting题目14:We should try our best to B the children from danger

A、cover prevent

C> leave题目15: Your company pays attention to the staff' s health. In my opinion, that, s a benefit B

A、with a long time in the long run

B、for a long run二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。

1.Do you feel any discomfort after long time of sedentary work? {A;B;C}A.你长时间坐着工作会感到不适吗?



2.Your company pays attention to the staff' shealth;B;CA.你们公司关注领导的健康。



3.You know it does you good if you persist. {A; B; C}A.你知道只要你放弃就有好处。



4.A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration. {A;B;C}A.嘈杂的工作环境可能会分散你的注意力。



5.I am involved in two projects at present, {A;B;C1A.目前我申请了两个项目。




Many of us spend plenty of our time at work, but rarely give much thought to how our environment might be affecting us.

Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappy. A 2011 review of studies examined the effects of various types of office environments. It found that open offices can have a negative impact on workers when it comes to focus, efficiency, creativity and iob satisfaction^. However a 2013 study found that employees with private offices were more satisfied at work.

A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration because of phones ringing and colleagues chatting, typing and moving around. These noises are the “enemy of focus” and meaningful time is lost.

Your working environment could be upping your stress levels.A recent Monster, com poll found that 42 percent of U.s. workers have left a job due to stressful environment. It also found that 61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of illness.

A sedentary lifestvle increases your risk of disease. We ve all heard that “sittina is the new smokina v . Your desk iob could almost be killing you. Sitting at a desk all day can also contribute to aches and pains, while staring at a computer screen for hours can cause vision problems and headaches.

It' s no exaggeration that your working environment is killing you. Be alert!

1.Many of uspay much attention to our working environment. {A;B;C)seldom


2.Open offices could make you. {A; B; C)A. efficient and unhappy

B・ inefficient and upset C.relaxed and happy

3.It was found that employees withwere more satisfied at work. {A;B;C) A・private offices open offices

B.new officesAccording to the passage, are the u enemy of focus” . {A; B; C) A.colleagues chattingphone ringing

C・ noises Staring at a computer screen for hours increases your chances of {A; B; C

A.vision problems

B. headaches

C・ Both A and B,二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T",错误为


Many of us spend the bulk of the day looking at computer screens. Reading this article means there s a good chance you' re looking at one right now.

But does looking at computer screens damage your eyes? Professor Nathan Efron does not consider computer screens “harmful“ to our eyes. But he admits if you use one a lot, you increase your risk of becoming slightly more short-sighted -where your eyes focus we 11 only on close objects while more distant objects appear blurred. This is especially the case for children and young adults, whose eyes are still developing.

In the shorter term, prolonged viewing of a computer screen can make any slight existing vision defects more noticeable. It can also give you what is sometimes known as “computer vision syndrome" - eye strain, headaches, gritty eyes and blurry vision. But this is only temporary and can be minimized by: Adiustina the screen display so the contrast is hiah and the briahtness feels comfortable.

Having lighting that does not produce glare on the screen.

Giving your eyes reqular rests from looking at the screen (The Optometrists Association of Australia recommends you do this for five to ten minutes every one to two hours of computer use. It's a good time to make phone calls or do other tasks.)Manv of us spend much time lookina at computer sreens T

1.Looking at computer screens for long time doesn' t damage children and

young adults' eyesight. { F}Computer vision syndrome cannot be weakened. {F}

2.It' s good taking break during screen watching T Staring at a computer screen for hours increases your chances of {T} 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对


SURVEY ON NEW EMPIOVEESALEX: 1. {A. Are you kidding?;B. Tell me, did anything else influence your decision?; C. Yes, there has been a lot of research into RSV s. D. that' s a benefit in the long run. ; E. Welcome to the company} We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what made you to choose our company. SIMON: That, s easy to answer It was your office ergonomics that convinced me.

ALEX: 2. {A・ Are you kiddina?: B. Tell me. did anything else influence vour decision?: C. Yes. there has been a lot of research into RSP s. s D. that' s a benefit in the long run. ; E. Welcome to the company} Something as simple as that?

SIMON: Yes. It is very important to me. My mother worked in offices for twenty vears. and she finally suffered from carpal tunne syndrome. I have been reading about repetitive stress injuries (RSF s), and I know that the office set-up is very important.

ALEX: 3{A,Are you kiddina?: B.Tell me. did anythina else influence your decision?: C, Yes, there has been a lot of research into RSI' s. D. that,s a benefit in the long run. ; E. Welcome to the company} Something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries.

SIMON: Your company pavs attention to the staff' s health. In my opinion. 4{A. Are you kiddina?: B. Tell me. did anvthina else influence your decision?; C. Yes, there has been a lot of research into RSI' s. ; D, that9 s a benefit in the long run. ; E. Welcome to the company.

ALEX: Thank you. We do value our staff and have an awareness of health care. 5 {A. Are you kidding?; B^Tell me, did anything else influence your decision?;

C. Yes, there has been a lot of research into RSI' s. ;

D. that' s a benefit

in the long run. ; E. Welcome to the company) SIMON: Yes. I noticed that you have professional trainina and team-buiIdina davs. like the idea of workina for a company that invests in its staff.

ALEX: Well, welcome to the team.


国开形成性考核《管理英语(2)》单元自测(6)试题及答案(整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!) 6. Reading Data 一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 题目1、—What do you think of your mother’s advice? —(A). 【A】:It doesn’t fit us, actually 【B】:No, I don’t believe it 【C】:I don’t believe in her 题目2、—This jacket is so good.(B)? —It’s 200 yuan. I can give you special 20% discount on it. 【A】:Is it expensive 【B】:How much is it 【C】:What color is it 题目3、—Can you stay here longer? —(A), but I have to be back tomorrow. 【A】:I’d love to 【B】:No, thank you 【C】:I’m afraid not 题目4、I like cooking for my friends in(B)free time. 【A】:me 【B】:my 【C】:mine 题目5、—Did the medicine make you feel better? —No. The more(B),(B)I feel. 【A】:medicine I take; and the worse


国家开放大学《理工英语2》单元自测1-8参考答案 单元自测1 1、— 一I'm very glad to hear that. A. Congratulations B.I'm sure to come on time C. I'm not feeling very well 2、— Do you like your present job? I just do it for a living. A. Of course B. Not likely C.Not really 3、— How was your job interview last Monday? .She seemed interested in my working experience, but she didn't ask for references. A. Perfec B.I'm not sure C. That's right 4、—Ibelieve we've met somewhere before. —No, A. it isn't same B. it can't be true C.I don't think so 5、—Welcome to our company.I hope you will enjoy your work here. A.I am sure I will B. I can learn a lot C. You are very kind

6、—How's your report ? —Not too bad,I have already done about4000words. https://www.docsj.com/doc/b719140981.html,ing along B. get along with C. move along 7、Both her parents look sad.Maybe they what's happened to her. A. knew B.have known C. will know 8、He has studied very hard h e came to our school. A. for B. in C.since 9、Iknow a little bit about France as my wife and l there several years ago. A. are going to B.went C. go 10、Lawyers often make higher f or their work than they should. A.charges B.bills C.costs 11、Nobody could this problem. A. think of B. fill in C.figure out 12、The home-based business model has been born out necessity. A.from B. of C. by


国开形成性考核《理工英语(3)》单元自测(6)试题及答案 (课程ID:04007,整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!) 题目1、I really appreciate ()to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself. 答案:your offering 题目2、Society is now much more ()than ever before. 答案:diverse 题目3、—Could you help me with this crossword puzzle, please? —() 答案:Sorry I can' t. It' s too difficult for me. 题目4、—Do you still like playing Majiang now? —() 答案:Not at all. Ihaven' t played it for ages. 题目5、—How often do you go dancing? —() 答案:Every other day. 题目6、—What do you think of the song? —() 答案:It sounds sweet.

题目7、—Let' s go to a movie after work, OK? —() 答案:Never mind. 题目8、He' s the best ()I' ve come across this season, a great player. 答案:opponent 题目9、I prefer ()to (). 答案:driving……being driven 题目10、It is necessary ()the book immediately. 答案:for him to return 题目11、It' s no use ()here, let' s go home. 答案:waiting 题目12、She ()close contacts with the scientist for many years. 答案:maintained 题目13、There are many ways ()the problem. 答案:to solve 题目14、These shops ()to the needs of children. 答案:cater


国开形成性考核《理工英语(2)》单元自测(2)试题及答案 (课程ID:04006,整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!) 题目1、—What do you think of your new teacher? —(). 答案:He is very nice. 题目2、—Do you like my new jacket? —(). It goes beautifully with your hat. 答案:Yes, I like it very much. 题目3、—How did you like yesterday’s play? —(). 答案:Generally speaking, it was quite good. 题目4、—How do you like my new dress, dear? —(). You’ ve never been more beautiful. 答案:It looks terrific on you! 题目5、—What do you think of this novel? —(). 答案:It’s very good. 题目6、A good boss is the one who can ()his employees to work harder and harder.

答案:motivate 题目7、After the class, students went out of the classroom one by one, but only Mary (). 答案:was left 题目8、Bean is ()in the northeastern part of China. 答案:vastly grown 题目9、Couriers can usually deliver an item faster than it would have taken if sent(). 答案:by other means 题目10、He is hard to get along ()if you don’t agree with him. 答案:with 题目11、How many shoes ()this year? 答案:have been produced 题目12、I had to go to the cinema on my ()because all the other boys were busy. 答案:own 题目13、If the dolphin is (), it will be as clever as human beings. 答案:properly trained


国开形成性考核《理工英语(1)》单元自测(6)试题及答案(整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!) 题目1、—We have to stay at home for a whole day、Why not go out and have a walk? —(C) 【A】:It like a good idea. 【B】:How is a good idea. 【C】:It sounds like a good idea. 题目2、—A:are the most popular things people buy online? —B:Definitely, clothes(B) 【A】:How about 【B】:What do you think 【C】:How do you think 题目3、For days, smog persisted in many areas(C)China is to control air pollution. 【A】:take measures 【B】:doing business 【C】:taking measures 题目4、—(A) —I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.

【A】:What do you mean? 【B】:What do you think? 【C】:How do you think? 题目5、Cleaner heating system will in Beijing to control air pollution.(A)【A】:be established 【B】:be sent 【C】:be covered 题目6、I suppose you know everything about that event, (C)? 【A】:do you 【B】:do I 【C】:don't you 题目7、—A:are the most popular things people buy online? —B:Definitely, clothes(B) 【A】:How do you think 【B】:What do you think 【C】:How about 题目8、—We have to stay at home for a whole day.Why not go out and have a walk? —(A) 【A】:It sounds like a good idea. 【B】:How is a good idea.


2023秋季学期国开电大专科《理工英语1》在线形考单元自测6试题(题库)及答案 说明:资料整理于2023年11月。 学员抽到的每套试卷均为随机组合;但柚到试卷中的所有试题均在下到题库中可以找到原题及答案// 第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题) 从下列题库中抽2 个小题 ! ! ! -Oh ,no,Frankly speaking,I seldom do online shopping. [答案]B.Got any good deals? -I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it. [答案]B.What do you mean? -A: are the most popular things people buy online? -B:Definitely,clothes [答案]A.What do you think -We have to stay at home for a whole day.Why not go out and have a walk? [答案]A.It sounds like a good idea. -Susan, what do you think of my plan? [答案]A.It's reasonable. 从下列题库中抽3个小题!!! I'm a business trip for APEC summit,sir. [答案]A.on i s known to the world,Mark Twain is a great American writer. [答案]C.As Cleaner heating system will in Beijing to control air pollution. [答案]A.be established For days,smog persisted in many areas.China is to control air pollution. [答案]A.taking measures


国开《理工英语2》形考任务单元自测6答案题目1: A may act as a cause of these illnesses. A、Stress B、Relaxation C、Happiness 题目2:- A taking a walk after supper? - Good idea. A、How about B、Why not C、Could we 题目3:- B Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes? A、What’s on? B、What’s up? C、What is it? 题目4:- Look, it A be Mr. Green. -It A be him.He has gone to France. A、must, can’t B、can, m ustn’t C、can, may not 题目5:- What are you going to do this weekend? -. B If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my parents. A、I don’t know B、It depends C、Don’t mention it 题目6:- Would you like to go to the cinema with me? --- C A、No, I don’t want to. B、Yes, please. C、Yes, I’d love to.

题目7:- Would you mind me smoking here? - B It’s non-smoking area here. A、Yes,please B、l’m afraid l’ve to say yes C、No, you can’t 题目8:Every child is unique. Don’t A him or her to others. A、Compare B、look C、analyze 题目9:He was unable to B his stubborn partner of his viewpoint. A、move B、convince C、change 题目10:How can I reduce my risk B the virus in an affected area? A、to catch B、of catching C、as to 题目11:Our teacher may A our exam papers now. A、be correcting B、have corrected C、be corrected 题目12:The number you dialed does not exist. You must C the wrong number. A、be remembering B、remember C、have remembered 题目13:Time is. C Ten years have passed in a wink. A、Short B、Past C、fleeting


国开形成性考核《理工英语(2)》单元自测(3)试题及答案(课程ID:04006,整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!) 题目1、—I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. —(). 答案:thanks, I’d like to go with you. 题目2、—How many students are there in your class ___?—Forty-five. 答案:in total 题目3、—It has been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much. —(). 答案:My pleasure. 题目4、—Thank you for your delicious dinner. —(). 答案:I’m glad you enjoyed it. 题目5、—Thanks for your help. —(). 答案:My pleasure. 题目6、—What can I do for you? —().

答案:I want a kilo of apples. 题目7、China has many islands, ()the largest is Taiwan. 答案:of which 题目8、He asked us to watch carefully everything ___he did in class. 答案:that 题目9、In considering people for jobs, we give ()to those with some experience. 答案:preference 题目10、Mike ()his computer and checked his E-mail. 答案:turned on 题目11、She heard a terrible noise, ()brought her heart into her mouth. 答案:which 题目12、They promise that the work would all be finished ()next week. 答案:by 题目13、We now ()him by writing letters. 答案:keep in touch with


国开形成性考核《理工英语(4)》单元自测(6)试题及答案 (课程ID:04008,整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!) 题目1、(A)no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world. 【A】:Were there 【B】:If there are 【C】:If there have been 题目2、—I' m leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. —(B). 【A】:Bring me a present. 【B】:Have a pleasant trip! 【C】:Let' s go out for a drink. 题目3、—I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. —Oh great! (C). 【A】:Same to you 【B】:Cheer up 【C】:Keep it up 题目4、—OK, I' ll fix your computer right now. —Oh, take your time, (B). 【A】:I can' t stand it 【B】:I' m in no hurry

【C】:That' s a great idea 题目5、—This apple pie is too sweet, don' t you think so? —(A).I think it' s just right, actually. 【A】:Not really 【B】:I hope so 【C】:Sounds good 题目6、—What are you going to do this weekend? 一(A).If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends. 【A】:It depends 【B】:It doesn' t matter 【C】:Forget it 题目7、He (B)his baggage among hundreds of others. 【A】:aware 【B】:identified 【C】:conscious of 题目8、I couldn' t stand London! Bloody (C)place. 【A】:splendid 【B】:awesome 【C】:awful 题目9、If you have any (A)news of my husband, please let me know.


国开形成性考核《综合英语(2)》单元测试(6)试题及答案(课程ID:01884,整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩!) 一、词汇(Vocabulary) Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 题目1、4. —Do you think it is convenient for us to leave now? —Oh, no. Obviously it is (). 【A】:unconvenient 【B】:imconvenient 【C】:inconvenient 【D】:disconvenient 答案:C 题目2、10.Tom is working around the()almost every day this week. 【A】:hour 【B】:clock 【C】:minute 【D】:second 答案:B 题目3、7. As a result of these ()several ministers resigned from the government. 【A】:expositions 【B】:expressions 【C】:exponents 【D】:exposures

答案:D 题目4、3. If you ()to go by a bookstore, could you bring me an English-Chinese dictionary? 【A】:go 【B】:happen 【C】:want 【D】:like 答案:B 题目5、6. I have been meaning ()this digital camera. 【A】:get 【B】:getting 【C】:to get 【D】:for getting 答案:C Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 题目6、20. Yesterday I ()to Beijing to see my aunt. 【A】:went 【B】:go 【C】:to go 【D】:going 答案:A


理工英语2 科目代码:04006 一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.— Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning? — ________________ A.Yes, you can go there by yourself. B.Yes, it’s better to leave earlier to avoid the morning traffic. C.Yes, I think you should stay here longer. 正确答案: B 2.— I’d like some information about the management of your hotel. — Well, ___________ A.you could have a word with the manager, he might be helpful. B.go to ask someone else. I don’t know. C.you’ d better find some information yourself. 正确答案: A 3.—Let’s go and see our teacher on Teachers’ Day. — _________________________________ A.That’s will do. B.That’s all. C.All right. 正确答案: C 4.I drove to the railway station to ___ my mother yesterday. A.take away


国开电大专科《理工英语3》在线形考 单元自测1至8试题及答案 说明:资料整理于2023年9月。 单元自测1试题及答案 说明:测试中共有 6 道随机题,其中有5道这择题和1道完形填空题;均可以从下面题库中我到试题及答案。 第一大题:选择题(随机抽其中5道) —Could you please connect me with the HR Department? A.OK.Thank you. B.Hold on a minute,please.I'll put you through. C.Help yourself. [答案]B I have never read a book that is than Harry Potter. A.most interesting B.interesting C.more interesting [答案]C The q uestion is much more different than this one. A.sixth B.sixteen C.six [答案]A —Could you give me your phone number? A.Sure.My phone number is 135-5674-5633. B.It doesn't matter. C.It's very kind of you to do so. [答案]A —What's your major please? A.Who knows B.I'm majoring in Interior Design C.I'm not sure [答案]B —Hello,may I speak to Henry? A.This is Henry speaking B.My name is Henry C.It is Henry [答案]A —If you're short-listed for the interview,we'll ring you by Friday. A.It doesn't matter. B.OK,Madam.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


《理工英语2》单元自测1形考答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目仔细审题及答案,以下红色标注或下划线为正确答案。 题目:When we do the wash, it is important to _______ white and colored clothing. https://www.docsj.com/doc/b719140981.html,pare B.establish C.separate 题目:Wang Shuo_____ already______ in this school for two years. A.was; studying B.will; study C.has; studied 题目:They had an accident on the road and didn’t ______ at their hotel until after midnight. A.check in B.check over C.check on 题目:There’s a lot to do. We can’t ______ to waste any time. A.wait B.afford C.want 题目:The home-based business model has been born out______ necessity. A.from B.of C.by

题目:Nobody could _______ this problem. A.think of B.fill in C.figure out 题目:I know a little bit about France as my wife and I ______there several years ago. A.are going to B.went C.go 题目:He has studied very hard ____ he came to our school. A.for B.in C.since 题目:Lawyers often make higher _______ for their work than they should. A.charges B.bills C.costs 题目:Both her parents look sad. Maybe they ______ what’s happened to her. A.knew B.have known C.will know 题目:—How’s your report ______?


国开理工英语形考任务1-5试题及答案 单选 单元自测1 题目: --- Haven't seen you for ages, Mike. ________________ --- Pretty good. Everything goes well. How's it going? 题目: ---Hello, I'm Harry Potter. ---Glad to meet you. I'm Miller. But __________. call me Paul. 题目:Let's meet at 7:30 outside the gate of ________. the People's Park 题目:--- Could you please tell me something about the two_______? --- ___________. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. Germans; All right 题目:--- Goodbye, everyone._______________ --- Bye, Sally! Don't forget to write. Stay in touch 题目:---Are you good at Building Materials, Rose? ---_______. But I will try to study it well this term. Not very good 题目:---Can I help you, sir? ---I'd like to have 100 _____. I want my students to draw pictures. pieces of paper 题目:---How are you? ---________ Fine, thanks. 题目:Each apartment only__________15 to 30 square meters for one unit. takes 题目:I hope you'll ________working with us in the future. enjoy 题目:Now this tiny housing solution is ______________ in urban areas in the U.S., and Canada. gain ground 题目:The __________ are eating _________ at the foot of the mountain. sheep, grass 题目:The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been ________ only to the very rich.

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