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2006高考英语考生须知-旧词新意 高中学习技巧 英语学习

2006高考英语考生须知-旧词新意 高中学习技巧 英语学习
2006高考英语考生须知-旧词新意 高中学习技巧 英语学习



例1:Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian

customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar

program last May. (2005全国卷I)

析:custom原本为名词,表风俗习惯。由句中special passes、enter the country和are


例2:The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading

home. (2004山东卷)



例3:I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had

clouded her judgment. (2004全国卷Ⅱ)


例4:Finally, although some social science majors may still find it more difficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they don't

regret their choice of study. (2004山东卷)


例5:How could they begin to picture modern life?



1. fire vt. 解雇

Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作,否则你将被解雇。

2. fine vt. 罚款

If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the

street, you'll be fined.如果你对红灯不予理睬,强行过马路,你将被罚款。

3. fall n. 秋天

In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有树叶都会无风自落。

4. wind vt. 使弯曲前进 vi. 迂回,蜿蜒

The Great Wall of China winds its way from west to


5. lay 下蛋,产卵

The hens lay there, laying eggs. 母鸡伏在那里下蛋。

6. spring n. 泉水,弹簧,弹力;vt. 跳跃

The spring has run dry. 这眼泉干涸了。

This is a dead spring. 这弹簧失去了弹性。

He rose with a spring. 他一跃而起。

The ball sprang back and hit him. 球弹回打在他身上。

7. mine n. 矿山;vt. 开采(矿物)

This mine will be opened. 这个矿井将被开采。

Coal is mined from underground. 煤采自地下。

8. egg n. 卵

An ant starts as an egg. 蚂蚁的生命自卵开始。

9. can n. 罐头

This is a can of oranges.这是一罐头桔子。

10. bear vt. 忍受

I can't bear this pain. 我无法忍受这样的痛苦。

11. stand vt. 忍受

I can't stand being treated like this. 我受不了别人这么对我。

12. clear vi. 天气转晴

The sky will clear up this afternoon. 下午天将转晴。

13. cross n. 十字架

It is not right for you to wear a cross. 你戴十字架不合适。

14. cost vt. 使丧失

The storm cost the king all his ships. 这场暴风雨使国王失掉了所有船只。

15. date vi. 始于或属于(某一历史时期);n. 约会

This tower dates from / back to the 14th century.


I will have a date with Jenny tonight. 今晚我与詹妮有约会。

16. way n. 领域,场合

Science can help peasants in many ways. 科学可在很多领域对农民们有帮助。

17. flat n. 一套房间

I have a flat in this building. 我在这幢楼里有一套房间。

18. gift n. 天资,才能

He has a gift for music. 他有音乐天赋。

19. good n. 好处,利益

We study for the good of the people. 我们为人民利益而学习。

20. break n. 课间/工间休息

Let's have a break. 让我们休息一会儿。

21. green adj. 青的,生的

These apples are still green, you can't pick


22. table n. 表格

This is a railway timetable. 这是一张火车时刻表。

23. tear vt. 撕

He tore the letter open. 他将信撕开了。

24. china n. 瓷器

I will buy a set of china. 我要买一套瓷器。

25. interest n. 利益

I criticize you for your interest. 我批评你是为了你好。

26. iron n. 熨斗

She is pressing her dress with an iron. 他在用熨斗烫衣服。

27. lift n. 电梯

The building is too high, please take the lift. 楼房太高了,请乘电梯。

28. must n. 必须做的事情

To learn English well is a must. 学好英语是非常必要的。

29. promise vt. 有希望

He promises to be a scientist. 他有希望成为科学家。

30. race n. 种族,人种

They are black races. 他们是黑色人种。

31. seat vt. 可容纳……,坐得下……人

Our hall can seat 1 000 people. 我们的大厅可容纳1 000人。

32. second n. 秒

A minute is equal to sixty seconds. 一分钟等于60秒。

33. sound vt. 使发出声音

If there is a fire, please sound the fire alarm. 如果发生火灾,请按火警。

34. word n. 消息,情报

Word comes that there will be a film this evening.


35. world n. ……界

He is very popular in the world of music. 他在音乐界颇受欢迎。

36. hold vt. 容纳,盛得下

Our classroom can hold 100 students. 我们的教室可容纳100个学生。

37. run vt. 经营,开办;操作

He runs a famous school. 他开办着一所著名学校。

He is running a machine. 他正在操作一台机器。

38. excuse vt. 使免去……

Excuse me from work next Friday. 请同意我星期五不上班。

39. will n. 意志,决心

He has a strong will. 他有坚强的意志。

40. some adv. 大约

There are some fifty students in our class. 我们班大约有五十个学生。




牛津实用英语语法 364 不规则动词

牛津实用英语语法 363 动词+介词/副词的组合

牛津实用英语语法 362 短语动词

牛津实用英语语法 361 连字号

牛津实用英语语法 360 ie和ei

牛津实用英语语法 359 以字母y结尾的词

牛津实用英语语法 358 后缀ful

牛津实用英语语法 357 以ce和ge结尾的词

牛津实用英语语法 356 末尾字母e的省略

牛津实用英语语法 355 辅音字母的双写

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2017英语四级选词填空技巧:确定空白处词性 ? 确定空白处词性 以下情况,空白处为动词: 1 n./pron. vt. n./pron. 前有名后有名,中间谓动 2 n./pron. vi. 前名后无名,谓动不及物 3 n./pron. vi. adv./prep.前名后介副,谓动不及物 4 n./pron. link v./be adj.前名后形容,be动或系动 5 to v. 前有to,后原型 注意:确定空白处为动词,还需根据上下文确定正确形式 以下情况,空白处为分词: 过去分词: 1has/have/had p.p(完成时态) 2be p.p(被动语态) 3p.p n.或 n. p.p(过去分词做形容词,表示被动或已发生) 现在分词: 1be -ing(进行时态) 2-ing n.或n.-ing(现在分词做形容词,表示主动或正在进行) 3prep. –ing(介词宾语) 以下情况,空白处为名词: (名词通常做主语或动词介词宾语) 1a/the n. 前有冠词 2n. V. 空白后为谓语动词 3prep. n. 空白前为介词,则空白处为名词或动名词 (注意:根据空白处前的冠词和上下文判断所填名词的单复数;根据空白处后的谓语动词的形式判断所填名词的单复数) 以下情况,空白处为形容词: 1adj. n. n. adj. 空白前后是名词 2adv. adj. 空白前是副词 3link v./be adj. be动或系动后考虑形容词做表语 以下情况,空白处为副词: 1adv. v.或 v. adv.副词修饰动词,表示程度状态 2adv. adj.副词可修饰形容词 3adv.从句,有些副词做句子的状语,表示转折因果等逻辑关系


高考英语熟词生义词汇整理 从近几年的高考英语试题中可发现高考命题非常重视对常用词汇较少使用意义的考查,这个点能够从单项选择和完形填空中均可看出。很多考生因不懂这些熟词的“新含义”而出现思维堵塞的现象,这严重地影响了考生对题干乃至全文的准确理解,给他们造成了不应有的失分。英语中的一词多义现象是普遍存有的。下面举例近几年高考中出现的对这种词汇的考查: 例如:2001年全国卷中第26题: We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it_____ very well. A.worked out B.tried out C.went on D.carried on 准确答案为A。此处work out的词义为“(情况)发展……”、“实行……”。 too hard. A. draw B. strike C. rush D. push(逼迫,敦促) 本来push表示推的意思。 A. received B. admitted(准许进入,准许加入俱乐部,组织等;接收入学) C, turned D. moved admit 本来表示承认 山东卷2009:-Do you have enough to _______all your daily expenses?

-Oh ,yes, enough and to spare..(闲置的,不用的,闲钱) A. cover (钱充足----之用) B. spend C, fill D. offer 2009湖北卷:Some parents are just too protective. They want to _______their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C, shelter( 保护,庇护) D. distinguish Shelter 本意:居所,住处,遮蔽物,庇护处 2008年山东卷:The fact that she never apologized________a lot about what kind of person she is . A. says (显示,表明) B. talks C. appears D. declares 2008湖北卷:Though having lived abroad for years , many Chinese still ________the traditional customs. A. perform B. possess C. observe(遵守规则,法律等) D. support 2009年山东卷完型填空41:I can still remember he was always wearing (流露,面带)a smile and willing to help. (2011浙江)9. The professor could tell by the _____ look in Maria’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture. A. cold B. blank (“茫然 的”) C. innocent D. fresh A


100 1. the 2. of 3. and 4. a 5. to 6. in 7. is 8. you 9. that 10. it 11. he 12. was 13. for 14. on 15. are 16. as 17. with 18. his 19. they 20. I 21. at 22. be 23. this 24. have 25. from 26. or 27. one 28. had 29. by 30. word 31. but 32. not 33. what 34. all 35. were 36. we 37. when 38. your 39. can 40. said 41. there 42. use 43. an 44. each 45. which 46. she 47. do 48. how 49. their 50. if 51. will 52. up 53. other 54. about 55. out 56. many 57. then 58. them 59. these 60. so 61. some 62. her 63. would 64. make 65. like 66. him 67. into 68. time 69. has 70. look 71. two 72. more 73. write 74. go 75. see 76. number 77. no 78. way 79. could 80. people 81. my 82. than 83. first 84. water 85. been 86. call 87. who 88. oil 89. its 90. now 91. find 92. long 93. down 94. day 95. did 96. get 97. come 98. made 99. may 100. part 200 101. over 102. new 103. sound 104. take 105. only 106. little 107. work 108. know 109. place 110. year 111. live 112. me 113. back 114. give 115. most 116. very 117. after 121. name 122. good 123. sentence 124. man 125. think 126. say 127. great 128. where 129. help 130. through 131. much 132. before 133. line 134. right 135. too 136. mean 137. old 141. boy 142. follow 143. came 144. want 145. show 146. also 147. around 148. form 149. three 150. small 151. set 152. put 153. end 154. does 155. another 156. well 157. large 161. such 162. because 163. turn 164. here 165. why 166. ask 167. went 168. men 169. read 170. need 171. land 172. different 173. home 174. us 175. move 176. try 177. kind 181. change 182. off 183. play 184. spell 185. air 186. away 187. animal 188. house 189. point 190. page 191. letter 192. mother 193. answer 194. found 195. study 196. still 197. learn


高考考纲词汇旧词新意 高中英语词汇————旧词新意汇编 1. cross adj. 生气的, He was cross very crossed with the man. 他对那个男人很生气。 2. Big apple 纽约 Big potato 大人物 Big guy 名人 Big Ben 大本钟 3. a novel way ( unusual/ different /new ) 一种新方法 4. a scratch card 刮刮卡 5. immediate family 直系亲属 immediate boss 顶头上司 6. step down 届期满,让位于 7. grave adj. 重大的,重要 n.坟墓,埋葬….地方 grave concern 严重关切 8. handle it head on 迎面解决它 9. message her daughter’s hand 按摩她女儿的手 10. handy adj. 便利的 11. clear the air 消除误会 12. agree like cats and dogs 水火不容 13. skin alive 严厉斥责 14. think aloud 自言自语 15. angry wound 发言的伤口 16. ask sb. round请某人来家里 17. be wide awake 十分清醒 18. carry the baby 做不愿做的事 19. want/need badly 急需 20. in the bag 稳操

21. Be it so ! 就这样吧 22. beauty shop 美容院 23. a beer belly 大腹,大肚子 24. a bitter enemy 不共戴天的敌人 25. bleed someone white 把某人的钱榨干 26. feel blue 闷闷不乐,抑郁, 27. without book 凭记忆,无根据,随意 28. Bottoms up ! 干杯 29. get into the box陷入困境 30. Boys will be boys. 男孩终究是男孩。 31. out of bread 失业 out of business 破产 32. have a light breakfast 吃简便早餐 33. buy time 争取时间 34. feel caged in 在….中感觉没自由35. You can’t eat the cake and have it . 鱼和熊掌不可兼得。 36. rain cats and dogs 大雨倾盆 37. not much of a catch不值得买的东西 38. a spring chicken 没有经验的年轻人 39. a civil person 彬彬有礼的人 40. be clever with 善于使用 41. against the clock 分秒必争 42. black coffee 纯咖啡 43. turn a cold shoulder to 冷落某人,怠慢某人 44. leave college 中途辍学 45. a complete stranger 素不相识的人 46. birth control 计划生育 47. Dutch courage 酒胆 48. follow the crowd 无视,随大流 49. cry up 称颂,推崇 50. bee culture 养蜂业


1. fire vt. 解雇 Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作,否则你将被解雇。 2. fine vt. 罚款 If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the street, you'll be fined.如果你对红灯不予理睬,强行过马路,你将被罚款。 3. fall n. 秋天 In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有树叶都会无风自落。 4. wind vt. 使弯曲前进 vi. 迂回,蜿蜒 The Great Wall of China winds its way from west to east.长城自西向东蜿蜒前进。 5. lay 下蛋,产卵 The hens lay there, laying eggs. 母鸡伏在那里下蛋。 6. spring n. 泉水,弹簧,弹力;vt. 跳跃 The spring has run dry. 这眼泉干涸了。 This is a dead spring. 这弹簧失去了弹性。 He rose with a spring. 他一跃而起。 The ball sprang back and hit him. 球弹回打在他身上。 7. mine n. 矿山;vt. 开采(矿物) This mine will be opened. 这个矿井将被开采。 Coal is mined from underground. 煤采自地下。 8. egg n. 卵 An ant starts as an egg. 蚂蚁的生命自卵开始。 9. can n. 罐头 This is a can of oranges.这是一罐头桔子。 10. bear vt. 忍受 I can't bear this pain. 我无法忍受这样的痛苦。 11. stand vt. 忍受 I can't stand being treated like this. 我受不了别人这么对我。 12. clear vi. 天气转晴 The sky will clear up this afternoon. 下午天将转晴。 13. cross n. 十字架 It is not right for you to wear a cross. 你戴十字架不合适。 14. cost vt. 使丧失 The storm cost the king all his ships. 这场暴风雨使国王失掉了所有船只。 15. date vi. 始于或属于(某一历史时期);n. 约会 This tower dates from / back to the 14th century. 此塔历史可追溯到十四世纪。 I will have a date with Jenny tonight. 今晚我与詹妮有约会。 16. way n. 领域,场合 Science can help peasants in many ways. 科学可在很多领域对农民们有帮助。 17. flat n. 一套房间 I have a flat in this building. 我在这幢楼里有一套房间。 18. gift n. 天资,才能 He has a gift for music. 他有音乐天赋。


高中英语教材中的熟词生义汇总 注:下述划线词汇皆为考试说明内词汇,所供例句主要从《柯林斯英汉双解学习词典》中摘抄,兼顾其它几本权威辞典,词汇含义皆控制在高中英语教材各模块后面词汇表中,未作扩充,所以同学们在熟词生义方面建议先过教材关,然后再作适当补充。 M1 1. It’s said that this disease affects millions in the world every year. (侵袭,使感染) 2. In the last years, I have read various news, which is vital to my argument. (论点) 3. —Hi, would you please go through the report of chemical composition inspection? (成分) —Ok, I’m glad to. 4. In my opinion, government officials clearly deserve some of the blame as well in dealing with the disaster. (应受到) 5. After dealing with Rose, he found her cold, ice-like and distant. (冷漠的,疏远的) 6. The Christie Ball soon became the social event of the year. (社交活动) 7. There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off. (故障)


高考英语的旧词新意 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.

高考英语考生须知-旧词新意 近年来,为了考查考生猜测词义的能力,高考英语阅读理解题中出现了大量生词,其中有不少词属于熟词换新义的情况,很多考生因不懂这些熟词的新含义,而出现思维被堵的现象,严重影响了对全文的正确理解,造成了不应有的失分。 例1:Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May. (2005全国卷I) 析:custom原本为名词,表风俗习惯。由句中special passes、enter the country和are closed之间的语境逻辑可以推断该词仍为名词,表“海关”。 例2:The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. (2004山东卷)析:head本为名词,表头。由the bus和home的语境逻辑可以推断,该句head为动词,表方向,结合全句可译为“开往、驶向”。 例3:I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment. (2004全国卷Ⅱ) 析:cloud本为名词,表云。分析语境逻辑可知,忧虑会影响一个人的判断,因此该句clouded 应译为使难以……。 例4:Finally, although some social science majors may still find it more difficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they don't regret their choice of study. (2004山东卷) 析:land作动词,表登陆、着陆。结合语境可知,登陆第一份工作就指找到第一份工作,因此该句land应译为“得到、找到”。 例5:How could they begin to picture modern life? 析:picture本为名词,表图画。分析语境逻辑可知,该句picture作为动词,可理解为使……出现图画,即描绘。 不少考生因不理解划线部分熟词的新含义,给全句甚至全文的理解带来很大困难。显然为了提高阅读效率,我们很有必要归纳一下熟词的新词义。 1. fire vt. 解雇 Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作,否则你将被解雇。 2. fine vt. 罚款 If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the street, you'll be fined.如果你对红灯不予理睬,强行过马路,你将被罚款。 3. fall n. 秋天 In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有树叶都会无风自落。 4. wind vt. 使弯曲前进 vi. 迂回,蜿蜒 The Great Wall of China winds its way from west to east.长城自西向东蜿蜒前进。 5. lay 下蛋,产卵 The hens lay there, laying eggs. 母鸡伏在那里下蛋。 6. spring n. 泉水,弹簧,弹力;vt. 跳跃 The spring has run dry. 这眼泉干涸了。 This is a dead spring. 这弹簧失去了弹性。 He rose with a spring. 他一跃而起。 The ball sprang back and hit him. 球弹回打在他身上。 7. mine n. 矿山;vt. 开采(矿物) This mine will be opened. 这个矿井将被开采。 Coal is mined from underground. 煤采自地下。 8. egg n. 卵 An ant starts as an egg. 蚂蚁的生命自卵开始。


大学英语四级选词填空和快速阅读复习攻略 选词填空: 首先:预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 其次:精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 第三:把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 记背选词填空选项的重点范围: 1.历年曾经考过的复合式听写的单词 2.历年曾经考过的完形填空的选项,仔细阅读态度题的选项 3.历年曾经考过的真题中的高频词汇 快速阅读: 建议做题方法:读题干并确定关键词(中心词)--去原文中定位关键词--分析定位句--分析题干--确定答案。 首先用“打包”方法对付乱序: 把整组题全部一次性吃透,然后去原文从头到尾定位。否则,考生如果按顺序逐题解答,时间会严重不足,最好是文章一遍看下来,能找到所有的信息。此外,考生应该注意定位原文的过程中,一定要脑、眼和手并用:眼是肯定要用的,不用脑会导致忽视同义转换,不用手(笔)会使我们处于走马观花的状态,然后会怀疑自己是不是漏掉了信息而不停地看。 其次:“吃透”题干,准确判断关键词(中心词)至关重要。如果没吃透题干,就无法准确判断关键词或中心词,就可能对原文中的重要信息没感觉。一般来说,题干关键词或中心词为实词以及一些数字、专有名词等。 最后,在解题的先后顺序上,采用先易后难的策略。采用由易到难的解题策略,可以提升考生的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题干细节信息,考生可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,考生可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的段落的主题句(通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句),之后根据段落大意与题干中的细节信息进行匹配。


医学类高频词 1.disable vt 使无能力;使残废 2.transplant vt 移植 记:trans(转移)+plant(种植)=移植 派:transplantation n 移植 3.prescribe v 开处方 派:prescription n 处方 4. diagnose vt 诊断、判断 派:diagnosis n 诊断 5. soothe vt 安慰、使平静、减轻、缓和 例:This medicine should smooth your sore throat 这种药会减轻你的喉痛 6. alleviate vt 减轻、缓和、缓解 例:alleviate pain缓解疼痛 7. expire vi 断气、(期限)终止 例:My driving licence expires next month 我的驾照下个月到期 8. chronic a 慢性的 考:chronic diseases慢性疾病 9. dizzy a 头晕目眩的 10.resistant a 有抵抗力的、抵抗的 派:resistance n 抵抗、阻力 11.immune a 免疫的,不受影响的 派:be immune to免于,不受影响的 be immune from免除的 12.disorder n 混乱、失调 例:economic disorder经济 记:dis(否定前缀)+ order(秩序) 13.discomfort n 不适 14.syndrome n 综合症 考:AIDS艾滋病 (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 15.handicap n 缺陷、障碍 派:handicapped a 有缺陷的 派:disabled a 伤残的 16. strain n 拉紧、过劳、扭伤vt 拉伤、使紧张vi 尽力 派:restrained vt 抑制,遏制;管制, 17.surgeon n 外科医生 派:surgery n 外科、外科手术 18.physician n 内科医生 19.pregnancy n 怀孕、怀孕期 派:pregnant a 怀孕的 20.remedy n 治疗法、补救办法 21.bacteria n 细菌 22.stress n 压力


Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作,否则你将被解雇。 2. fine vt. 罚款 If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the street, you'll be fined.如果你对红灯不予理睬,强行过马路,你将被罚款。 3. fall n. 秋天 In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有树叶都会无风自落。 4. wind vt. 使弯曲前进 vi. 迂回,蜿蜒 The Great Wall of China winds its way from west to east.长城自西向东蜿蜒前进。 5. lay 下蛋,产卵 The hens lay there, laying eggs. 母鸡伏在那里下蛋。 6. spring n. 泉水,弹簧,弹力;vt. 跳跃 The spring has run dry. 这眼泉干涸了。 This is a dead spring. 这弹簧失去了弹性。 He rose with a spring. 他一跃而起。 The ball sprang back and hit him. 球弹回打在他身上。 7. mine n. 矿山;vt. 开采(矿物) This mine will be opened. 这个矿井将被开采。 Coal is mined from underground. 煤采自地下。 8. egg n. 卵 An ant starts as an egg. 蚂蚁的生命自卵开始。 9. can n. 罐头 This is a can of oranges.这是一罐头桔子。


选词填空技巧汇总 大学英语四级考试的阅读部分,除了传统的两篇仔细阅读和一篇快速阅读,还有一种让考生普遍头痛的考法:选词填空。 选词填空的考察形式是:一篇280词左右的文章,文章中挖出10个空,并统一给出A-O15个备选答案。 选词填空区别于完形填空,有更大的解题难度,原因在于: 1. 完形填空每题都是四选一,选词填空第一题要十五选一,就算用到排除法,最后一题也要六选一,而且在十五个选项中还有五个根本不会用到,难度加大; 2. 完形填空每题的四个选项都是统一的词性,只需要辨析词义、搭配就基本可以作答,而选词填空的十五个选项有多个词性,解题时需要同时判断词性和词义,难度加大; 3. 完形填空每题的四个选项往往都是统一时态,统一形式,而在选词填空中会涉及选项的动词时态、第三人称单数形式、被动主动语态,名词的单复数等的辨析,难度加大。 因此,针对选词填空的解题方法分为三步: 1. 预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 2. 精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 3. 把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 四级考试的常用后缀在判断选项词性时可以有一定帮助作用: 常见名词后缀: -ability usability, capability -ibility visibility, responsibility, stability -age package, shortage, marriage -ance importance, allowance, reliance -ence presence, absence, confidence -ant assistant, accountant, inhabitant -ent president, resident, dependent


高考英语任务型阅读高频词汇 名词(可数名词或以复数形式出现) cause 原因 effect 结果,影响,效果 process 过程 process 过程 consequence 结局,后果 development 进展.发展 process 过程 clue 线索 evidence 证据,物证instruction 说明,指令,指示 connection 联系,连接 conclusion 结论 judgment 判断(力) proof 证据,证明 analysis 分析 explanation 解释,说明 comparison 比较 example 例子 sample 样品 point 论点,要点 focus 焦点 argument 议论,论据,理由 solution 解决办法,答案 description 描述 fact 事实 reason 理由 excuse 借口 procedure 程序,手续 step 步骤 method(way) 方法 measure 措施 高考英语任务型阅读高频词汇 means 方法,手段,工具 program(me) 节目单,议程,计划日程 progress 进步 proposal 提议,建议 suggestion 建议 proportion 比例 part 组成部分,零件 message 口信,短信,旨意 information 信息,消息 material 材料,素材

detail 细节,详情 purpose 目的,意图 goal 目的,目标 advantage 优势,长处,有利条件disadvantage 不利条件equipment 设备instrument器材situation 形势,局势 condition 条件,状况,形势view 观点,见解attitude态度destination目的地 route路线,航线 course过程,经过.课程 subject科目,学科 direction方向 directions用法,指示,说明书tips提示,建议 number数目 figure数字,形状,图形organization组织 structure结构,构造 function功能 principle原理,原则 高考英语任务型阅读高频词汇institute团体,机构announcement通知,公告features特征 measurement计量 state状态,形态 shape形态 size大小,尺寸,型号 height高度 weight重量 length长度 width宽度 depth深度 amount(quantity)数量 quality质量 type, variety, sort, kind类型,种类form形式 style风格,款式,式样businessman商人 manager经理 nationality民族,国籍 sex性别


湖南省长沙县实验中学英语旧词新意长难句解析学案 近年来,为了考查考生猜测词义的能力,高考英语阅读理解题中出现了大量生词,其中有不少词属于熟词换新义的情况,很多考生因不懂这些熟词的新含义,而出现思维被堵的现象,严重影响了对全文的正确理解,造成了不应有的失分。 例1:Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May. (2005全国卷I) 析:custom原本为名词,表风俗习惯。由句中special passes、enter the country和are closed之间的语境逻辑可以推断该词仍为名词,表“海关”。 例2:The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. (2004山东卷) 析:head本为名词,表头。由the bus和home的语境逻辑可以推断,该句head为动词,表方向,结合全句可译为“开往、驶向”。 例3:I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment.(04全国卷Ⅱ) 析:cloud本为名词,表云。分析语境逻辑可知,忧虑会影响一个人的判断,因此该句clouded应译为使难以……。 例4:Finally, although some social science majo rs may still find it more difficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they don't regret their choice of study. (2004山东卷) 析:land作动词,表登陆、着陆。结合语境可知,登陆第一份工作就指找到第一份工作,因此该句land 应译为“得到、找到”。 例5:How could they begin to picture modern life? 析:picture本为名词,表图画。分析语境逻辑可知,该句picture作为动词,可理解为使……出现图画,即描绘。 不少考生因不理解划线部分熟词的新含义,给全句甚至全文的理解带来很大困难。显然为了提高阅读效率,我们很有必要归纳一下熟词的新词义。 1. fire vt. 解雇 Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作,否则你将被解雇。 2. fine vt. 罚款 If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the street, you'll be fined. 如果你对红灯不予理睬,强行过马路,你将被罚款。 3. fall n. 秋天 In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有树叶都会无风自落。 4. wind vt. 使弯曲前进 vi. 迂回,蜿蜒 The Great Wall of China winds its way from west to east.长城自西向东蜿蜒前进。 5. lay 下蛋,产卵 The hens lay there, laying eggs. 母鸡伏在那里下蛋。 6. spring n. 泉水,弹簧,弹力;vt. 跳跃 The spring has run dry. 这眼泉干涸了。 This is a dead spring. 这弹簧失去了弹性。 He rose with a spring. 他一跃而起。 The ball sprang back and hit him. 球弹回打在他身上。 7. mine n. 矿山;vt. 开采(矿物) This mine will be opened. 这个矿井将被开采。Coal is mined from underground. 煤采自地下。


熟词生义 一些英语词汇的意义,我们经常见到一部分,而另一部分不太常见,这部分意义也很实用,有时还成为考点。在此,我把一些常见词的不常见的意义列举一下,希望能对各位同学的学习有所帮助。 Part A 1.act (熟义:行动)vi.起作用It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 2.address (熟义:地址;写地址)vt.向……发表演说;直接向……说话 It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. 3.admit(熟义:承认;允许进入)容纳 The great hall can admit 5000 students. 4.against prep.映衬The picture looks nice against the white wall. 5.air v.抒发;倾诉;播送Don’t air your troubles too often. 6.attend v. 看护;治疗The nurse attended to him day and night. 7.back vt.支持Many of his friends backed his plan. 8.build n. 身材;体形The athlete has a solid build. 9.cause n.事业 10.dash v. 急送;催促Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital. His mother dashed him into going to school every day. 11.express adj.明确的;快的;丝毫不差的;n. 快车 His express wish was that you should come here by express train. 12.fail v.不足;缺乏 Our water supply failed. He is failing in health./ His health is failing. He failed to lend her a hand. 13.foreign 不熟悉的;和……格格不入The subject is foreign to me. 14.freeze v.不许动Freeze! Or I’ll shoot. 15.fine v./n. 罚款 16.ground n. 理由He has strong grounds for more money. 17.industry n. 努力;勤勉His success was due to industry. 18.interest n.利益;股份in/to one’s interest(s) to do sth 19.introduce v.以……开始He introduced his speech with a joke. 20.invite v.吸引;招引(inviting) Don’t leave the window open –it’s inviting thieves to enter. The dishes are really inviting. 21.jam (熟义:果酱) vt./n.塞进;塞满;堵塞;困境 He jammed four apples in his pocket. The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours. There are traffic jams every day on this road. 22.job n.费力的事vt.做零工;假公济私 Removing the table is quite a job. He jobbed his son into the position. 23.jump n./v. 大幅度上涨Last week the prices of goods jumped.


1. a big headache令人痛的事情46. as usual像平常一,照例 2. a fraction of一部分47. as well as除 ...外 ( 也 ), 即...又 3. a matter of concern焦点48. as well同 , 也 , 4. a series of一系列 , 一串 above all 首先 , 尤49其.ashamed of羞愧 , 害臊 是50. aside from除 ...外 ( 有 ) 5. absent from不在 , 缺席51. ask for the moon异想天开 6. abundant in富于52. at a loss茫然 , 不知所措 7. account for解53. at a time一次 , 每次 8. accuse sb. of sth.控告54. at all costs不惜一切代价 9. add to 增加( add up to)55. at all events不管怎 , 无如何 10. after all竟 , 究竟56. at all times随 , 是 11. agree with同意57. at all毫 ( 不 ), 一点也不 12. ahead of time / schedule提前58. at any rate无如何 , 至少 13. ahead of在...之前( ahead of time提前) 59. at best充其量 , 至多 14. alien to与...相反60. at first sight乍一看 , 初看起来 15. all at once突然 , 同61. at first最初 , 起先 16. all but几乎 ; 除了 ...都62. at hand 在手 , 在附近 17. all of a sudden突然63. at heart内心里 , 本上 18. all over again再一次 , 重新64. at home在家 , 在国内 19. all over遍及65. at intervals不 , 每隔 ... 20. all right令人意的 ; 可以66. at large大多数,未被捕的 21. all the same仍然 , 照的67. at last于 22. all the time一直 , 始68. at least至少 23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气 , 怒69. at length最 , 于 24. anxious about/for, 担心70. at most至多 , 不超 25. anything but根本不71. at no time从不 , 决不 26. apart from除 ... 外 ( 有 / 无 )72. at one time曾 , 一度 ; 同 27. appeal to吸引,申,求73. at present目前 , 在 28. applicable to适用于74. at someone's disposal任...理 29. apply to适用75. at the cost of以... 代价 30. appropriate for/to适当 , 合适76. at the mercy of任凭 ...布 31. approximate to近似 , 接近77. at the moment此刻 , 目前 32. apt at明 , 善于78. at this rate照此速度 33. apt to易于79. at times有 , 或 34. around the clock夜以日80. aware of意到 35. as a matter of fact上81. back and forth来回地 , 反复地 36. as a result(of)因此 , 由于82. back of在 ... 后面 37. as a rule通常 , 照例83. back up后 , 支援 38. as far as ...be concerned就 ...而言84. bare of 几乎没有 , 缺乏 39. as far as至 , 到 ...程度85. be able to do能 40. as follows如下86. be around差不多 41. as for至于 , 关于87. be available to sb.可用 , 可供 42. as good as和 ... 几乎一88. be bound to一定 43. as if好像 , 防腐89. be capable of doing能 44. as regards关于 , 至于90. be concerned with关心?,涉足? 45. as to至于 , 关于91. be dying to渴望 92. be fed up with受了 be tired of

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