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一、计算 观察规律、乘法分配律、拆分转化等是简便方法的要领







? ??+????? ??+???? ??+???? ??++

+??? ??+???? ??+???? ??++??? ??+???? ??+++1999114113112111999141131121141



1、如图所示,平行四边形ABCD 的边长BC 为8,直角三角形BCE 的直角边CE 为6。已知两块阴影部分的面积和比?EFG 的面积大8,求CF 的长度。

2、如图所示,长方形ABCD 的面积是352

cm ,?ABQ 的面积是52

cm ,?APD 的面积为72

cm ,那么中间?AQP 的面积是_____________2

cm 。


























1 练习: 一、计算 1、11111

1762353235353762376???????-+?+-?- ? ? ???????








1、 ABC 的面积是31.22

cm 。圆的直径AC=6cm,BD : DC=2 : 1,求阴影部分面积。

2、如图,在长方形ABCD 中,AB 长8厘米,BC 长15厘米,四边形EFGH 的面积是9平方厘米,求阴影部分面积的和。


1、文化商场同时卖出两台电子琴,售价都是960元,其中一台盈利20%,另一台亏本20%,在本次销售中,商场整体( )

(1) 不赔不赚(2)赚160元(3)赚80元(4)赔80元

2、国庆期间,商场搞促销活动,对某种商品打八折销售,仍获利120元。小明爸爸购买此商品优惠了320元,这种商品的进价是( )元



根据右图,若通话5分钟,需付电话费( )元。








(1) 说一说速度是怎样随时间变化而变化的: (2) 你能找到一个实际情景,



6、牛奶加工厂现有鲜奶8吨,若在市场上直接销售鲜奶(每天可销售8吨),每吨可获利润500元;制成酸奶销售,每加工1吨鲜奶可获利润1200元;制成奶片销售,每加工1吨鲜奶可获利润2000元.该厂的生产能力是:若制酸奶,每天可加工3吨鲜奶;若制奶片,每天可加工1吨鲜奶;受人员和设备限制,两种加工方式不可同时进行,受气温条件限制,这批牛奶必须在4天内全部销售或加工完毕. 请你帮牛奶加工厂设计一种方案,使这8吨鲜奶既能在4天内全部销售或加工完毕,又能获得你认为最多的利润.


英语测试 一、单项选择(5分) ( ) 1. The doctor told me to eat more ________ because it's good for my health. A. orange B. vegetable C. Ice cream D. Fish ( ) 2. I believe I can fly is a nice song by R. Kelly. This song tells us that believing in ______ is very important. A. themselves B. ourselves C. itself D. Himself ( ) 3. Avatar is such ___ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it ____ second time. A. a; a B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a ( ) 4. If you see the sign ___, please be careful of the wet floor. ( ) 5. --Would you mind if I sit here. ---________. It's not for Alice. A. Better not B. Never mind C. Not at all D. Of course not 二、根据所给词的适当形式填空。(4分) 6.Young ____ (read) are very crazy about Guo Jinming's books. 7.August is the _____(hot) month in Suzhou, isn't it? 8.We visit the Old People's Home ______(two) a month. 9.If everyone ______(obey) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 三、文化及常识(5分) 将下列建筑与其所在国家相匹配(请把答案写在题后的横线上) 10.The USA A. The Sydney Opera House 11.The UK B. The Mount Fuji 12.France C. The Eiffel Tower 13.Australia D. The Big Ben 14.Japan E. The Statue of Liberty 10._______ 11. ________ 12. ________ 13. ________ 14. _________


郑州枫杨外国语中学小升初初选试题 一、填空题(每题3分,共18分) 1、同时被 2、 3、5整除的最大四位数是_______。 2、3点30分时,时针分针夹角是_______度。 3、一个三角形三个内角的度数比为2:3:4,那么这个三角形的最大角是_______度,这个三角形属于_______三角形 4、甲乙丙三人进行赛跑,三人的速度保持不变,甲到终点时,乙还有20米。丙还有30米,当乙到时,丙还有15米,这是_______米的赛跑。 5、_______统计图表示的是部分量与整体量的关系。 6、某种商品,现在的售价是74.8元,比原来降低了15%,原来的售价是_______元。 二、选择题(每题2分,共12分) 7、一个两位数,除以3余1,除以5余3,这个两位数最大是( ) A 、78 B 、88 C 、98 D 、90 8、一个圆环,它外圆直径是内圆直径的2倍,这个圆环面积( )内圆面积。 A 、大于 B 、小于 C 、等于 D 、无法判断 9、将一个底面为正方形的长方体若锯成4个小长方体需要9分钟,那么若锯成7段,需要( )分钟。 A 、21 B 、18 C 、15.75 D 、20 10、一个长方体底面是正方形,侧面展开也是正方形,那么高是底面边长( ) A 、4倍 B 、四分之一 C 、2倍 D 、无法比较 11、下面五个数中,最接近1的是( ) A 、七分之八 B 、 九分之八 C 、 二十分之十九 D 、十分之十一 12、把9 8的分子上加32,要使分数的大小不变,分母应该加上( ) A 、27 B 、36 C 、32 D 、45 三、计算题(能简便计算的要写出过程,每题5分,共20分)


【解析版】枫杨外国语中学2019-2020年七年级上第一次月考试卷~学年度七年级上学期第一次月考数学试卷 一.选择题(3分×10=30分) 1.下列式子的结果为负数的是() A.(﹣2)0 B.﹣|﹣2| C.(﹣2)2 D.(﹣2)﹣2 2.据测算,我国每天因土地沙漠化造成的经济损失约为1.5亿元,一年的经济损失约为54750000000元,用科学记数法表示这个数为() A. 5.475×1011 B. 5.475×1010 C. 0.5475×1011 D. 5475×108 3.某大米包装袋上标注着“净含量10㎏±150g”,小华从商店买了2袋大米,这两袋大米相差的克数不可能是() A. 100g B. 150g C. 300g D. 400g 4.观察下图,请把左边的图形绕着给定的直线旋转一周后可能形成的几何体选出来 () A. B. C. D. 5.下列说法中错误的有() (1)任何数都有倒数; m+|m|的结果必为非负数; (3)﹣a一定是一个负数; (4)绝对值相等的两个数互为相反数; (5)在原点左边离原点越远的数越小. A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 5个 6.若实数a满足a﹣|a|=2a,则() A. a>0 B. a<0 C. a≥0 D. a≤0 7.下列各式中的大小关系成立的是() A.﹣π>﹣3.14 B.﹣23>﹣32 C.﹣>﹣3 D.﹣|﹣3|>﹣2 8.如果有理数a,b在数轴上对应的点分别在原点的左、右两侧,那么(|a|+b)÷(a﹣b)的符号是() A.正号 B.负号 C.正号或负号 D. 0

9.小丽制作了一个如图所示的正方体礼品盒,其对面图案都相同,那么这个正方体的平面展开图可能是() A. B. C. D. 10.某种细胞开始有2个,1h后分裂成4个并死去1个,2h后分裂成6个并死去1个,3h 后分裂成10个并死去1个,按此规律,问6h后细胞存活的个数有() A. 63 B. 65 C. 67 D. 71 二.填空题(3分×11=33分) 11.在下列各数0,(﹣3)2,,﹣,﹣1,|﹣3|中,非负整数的个数是. 12.若﹣a的相反数是3,那么的倒数是. 13.若一个棱柱有30条棱,那么该棱柱有个面. 14.巴黎与的时差为﹣7h(负号表示同一时刻巴黎时间比晚),小明与爸爸在巴黎乘坐上午10:00(巴黎本地时间)的飞机约11小时达到,那么到达的时间是.15.的倒数与的相反数的积是. 16.在数轴上不小于﹣2且不大于3的整数有个. 17.数轴上和表示﹣7的点的距离等于3的点所表示的数是. 18.若|x﹣2|=5,|y|=4,且x>y,则x+y的值为. 19.已知:|a2﹣1|+(b+5)2=0,则整式2a+b的值为.


英语试卷 一、填空 1、It’s c( ) outside. You’d better put on your coat. 2、F()come out in spring .How beautiful they are. 3、English is not d( ) for me. I can learn it well. 4、Sam is a p( ).He sends newspaper and letter for people. 5、W( )TV too much is bad for our eyes. 二、用所给单词正确形式填空 1、Mary’s mother (teach)us English on Sunday. 2、It’s a (sun) day.Let’s go hiking together. 3、The boy wants (buy)a gift for his mom. 4、Mr Smith can speak (China)very well. 5、He (work )in a factory for three years. 二、阅读理解 1、Last year we had (1) English teacher from U.S.A. We well called(2)Mr. Black. He taught us very well. He strict (2) us all. In class ,he always(4)us more time to speak English. At first, I could hardly understand a word. I could not say a sentence neither. But soon ,I found English (5) so difficult and I could talk to my classmate in English. So I become very interested in it. Now Mr. Black(6) in another school. This year we have a new teacher, Miss Green. She also (7)very carefully. She often (8)us to recite the text and play (9).With the help of the two teachers, we all have made great progress. I feel more interested in this (10)now. 1) A a B an C I D the 2) A he B his C him D it 3) A on B for C at D with 4) A gives B give C gave D gaves 5) A isn’t B wasn’t C weren’t D is 6) A worked B has worked C is working D have worked 7) A taught B teach C teaches D teaching 8) A asks B asked C has asked D asking 2、 Long long ago,a pair of crows lived at the top of an old tree. In a hole just under the tree lives a terrible snake. It usually ate their


枫杨入学测试 填空题每题五分共20题满分100分不写过程 1.把一根绳子对折,再对折,然后把对折后绳子剪成三段,这根线绳总共被剪成了________小段。 2.浩浩拿了216元钱去买一种奥运纪念册,正好将钱用完,回家后他算了算,如果每本纪念册能便宜1元,那么他就可以多买3本,钱也正好用完。那么,那所买的纪念册的单价是________元。 3.有八个编号分别为①-⑧的小球,其中有六个一样重,另外两个球都轻1克,为了找出这两个轻球,用天平称了三次,结果如下:第一次①+②比③+④轻,第二次⑤+⑥比⑦+⑧重,第三次①+③+⑤和②+④+⑧一样重,那么这两个轻球的编号是________。 4.吹泡机一次能吹出80个肥皂泡,每分钟吹一次,肥皂泡被吹出后,经过1分钟有一半破 掉,经过20分钟还有1 20没破,经过25分钟后就全破了。吹泡机连续吹100次后,没有破 的肥皂泡还有________个。 5.一项工程,甲、乙两人合做8天完成,乙、丙两人合做9天完成,丙、甲两人合休憩18天完成,那么丙一个人来做,完成这项工作需要________天。 6.有两个自然数相除,商是17,余数是13,已知被除数、除数、商与余数之和等于2113,则被除数是________ 7.某鞋店有旅游鞋和皮鞋400双,在售出旅游鞋的1 4后,又采购来70双皮鞋,此时皮鞋恰 好是旅游鞋的2位,问原来两种鞋各有________双? 8.小王的步行速度是4.8千米/小时,小张的步行速度是5.4千米/小时,他们两人从甲地到乙地去。小李骑自行车的速度是10.8千米/小时,从乙地到甲地去。他们3人同时出发,在小张与小李相遇后5分钟,小王又与小李相遇。问:小李骑车从乙地到甲地需要________分? 9.某列车通过250米长的隧道用25秒,通过210米长的隧道用23秒,若该列车与另一列车长150米,时速为72千米的列车相遇,错车而过需要________秒钟? 10.柳阴街小学的校园里,原来柳树的棵数是全校树木总棵数的2 5,今年又栽种了50棵柳 树,这样,柳树的棵数就占全校树木总棵数的5 11,问柳阴街小学原来一共有________棵树 木?


枫杨外国语小升初英语考试试题 一、单项选择(5分) ( ) 1. The doctor told me to eat more ________ because it's good for my health. A. orange B. vegetable C. Ice cream D. Fish ( ) 2. I believe I can fly is a nice song by R. elly. This song tells us that believing in ______ is very important. A. themselves B. ourselves C. itself D. Himself ( ) 3. Avatar is such ___ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it ____ second time. A. a; a B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a ( ) 4. If you see the sign ___, please be careful of the wet floor. ( ) 5. --Would you mind if I sit here. ---________. It's not for Alice. A. Better not B. Never mind C. Not at all D. Of course not 二、根据所给词的适当形式填空。(4分) 6.Young ____ (read) are very crazy about Guo Jinming's books. 7.August is the _____(hot) month in Suzhou, isn't it? 8.We visit the Old People's Home ______(two) a month. 9.If everyone ______(obey) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 三、文化及常识(5分) 将下列建筑与其所在国家相匹配(请把答案写在题后的横线上) 10.The USA A. The Sydney Opera House 11.The U B. The Mount Fuji 12.France C. The Eiffel Tower 13.Australia D. The Big Ben 14.Japan E. The Statue of Liberty 10._______ 11. ________ 12. ________ 13. ________ 14. _________


郑州枫杨外国语中学小升初英语真题 小编为郑州小升初的家长们整理了几套枫杨的试题,下面是郑州外国语中学的小升初英语考试真题,供大家学习。因为试题的很多地方没有完全显示,试题详情请点击文章后的链接查看。下面是试题的放送,大家可以先看一下: 一. Match the pictures with the right Olympic events. A. Water Polo B. Weightlifting C. Diving D. Badminton E. Fen cing F. Boxing G. Table Tennis 1. _____ 2._____ 3. _______ 4.______ 5._________ 二. Match the statements with the places you would hear or the peo ple who would say them. ___ I ."I am sorry. We only have size 10 left." a. fast food restaura nt ___ 2." Where to?" b. taxi( passenger) ___ 3."A single to Brighton, please." c. shop ___ 4."Fares, please." d. hospital ___ 5."Eat in or take away?" e. bus ___ 6."Today's special is chicken pie." f. taxi ___ 7."Six brown bread rolls, please." g. airport ___ 8."Doctor Richard to reception." h. restaurant ___ 9."FlightQA134 to Rome is now i.train station boarding a t gate 12.


枫杨外国语小升初语文考试试题 一、阅读下面这篇科普文章,完成1-4题。(20分) ①所谓“绿色技术”,简单的说,就是指人们能充分节约利用自然资,并且在生产和使用 时对环境无害的一种技术。绿色技术在环境保护上的重要贡献使得绿色技术随着全球环保 事业的全面兴起逐渐成长。 ②最先闻名于世的绿色产品是各种绿色食品,他们都贴有特殊的绿色食物标志,象征着 该产品食物污染的充满健康和活力的食品,现在国际上绿色食品的生产企业已达 1.64万家,他们的产品行销全球各地,而没有贴"绿色食品"标志的食品在许多国际被禁止出售或销量 大减。我国绿色食品行业发展也很快,目前已由203家企业开发出389种绿色食品。 ③绿色技术决不能仅仅局限于食品行业,实际上大量的,更先进的绿色技术集中与高科 技产业,向能,新材料等行业。目前,人类使用能主要是化石能,如石油,煤,天然气,全世界能的90%自于此,我国95%的能也是化石燃料。这些化石燃料一方面储量有限,另一方面使用后排放的废气和废物量大,危害严重。因此,可更新的无污染的绿色能就成了各国竞相研制的 焦点。美国科学家在非洲发现了一种能提炼出代替石油的植物——藿藿芭,这类研究为新能的开发和利用开创了广阔的前景.1992年,日本研制出以太阳能为动力的汽车,把太阳能直 接转换成电能,使用时既无有害气体排出,又不发出噪音。 ④诚然,绿色技术只是走可持续发展道路中的一种手段,随着科学技术的发展,人类依靠科技还会发明创造出更多的办法发展经济,保护人类共同的生态环境,让绿色在地球上长驻,让我们的星球更欢快的在天空中旋转。 1、“绿色”一词在选文中的含义是什么?(4分) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __ 2、具有什么特点的食品是绿色食品呢?请根据文章内容把下面的句子补充完整(4分) “绿色食品”就是指: ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3、同学们购买食品时,要购买有中国绿色食品标志的食品,下图所示就是绿色食品标 志,请用简洁的文字向别人介绍一下这个标志和寓意。(不超过50个字)(8分)(如图,底色为绿色。) __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __


九年年级英语试题 ?二、单项选择(15?小题,每?小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡的相应位置。 21.–Have you watched______film Coco? –Y es,I have.It is one of______most exciting films I have ever seen. A.a;the B.the;the C.the;a D.a;an 22.W e had a lot of fun on the farm and learned________new.W hat a wonderful experience! A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 23.It is important to learn about the local______before we go to a place so that we can behave properly. A.changes https://www.docsj.com/doc/bc846191.html,cation C.customs D.environment 24.–Did you win the soccer game yesterday? –Y es.W e were very______to score a goal in the last minute. A.serious B.careful C.popular D.lucky 25.If you buy a pair of shoes in our shop,you can have______pair for free. A.other B.another C.the other D.others 26.–W hat do you think of Li Jian’s performance last night in I am a Singer? –Sorry,I didn’t watch the show.I______for my test. A.prepared B.am preparing C.was preparing D.have prepared 27.Nowadays,we don’t need to take much money when going shopping because it is very convenient to pay______W eChat and Alipay. A.for B.in C.with D.through 28.–W here are you going in the coming winter vacation? –I’m not sure.I______visit my uncle in Hainan as it is warm there. A.need B.should C.must D.may 29.–W hy do you turn down his invitation to see a movie together? –Because I can’t stand him.Besides,I_______to look after my grandma every night. A.am asking B.am asked C.was asking D.was asked 30.W e wrote a thank-you letter to the famous professor W ang Liqun for his book.And to our surprise,he______to come to give a lecture about it in our school. A.offered B.refused C.welcomed D.allowed 31.All the students are trying their best to finish the task______they are tired and hungry. A.though B.since C.but D.and 32.T ony,could you please put all your things away?They______too much room. A.take away B.take up C.take off D.take down 33.Everyone likes to talk with those______are very humorous and happy. A.which B.who C.whose D.what 34.–Do you still climb mountains every week? –Y es,______my health and spend more time with my friends.


枫杨外国语2010年数学考题 一、 计算题(共4小题,每题5分) (1)2 1-6 1- 12 1- 20 1- 30 1- 42 1- 56 1 (2)【1.25+(1 4 1÷ 3 2-2.5÷3 3 1)】÷25% (3)23- 6 5+ 12 7- 20 9+ 30 11- 42 13 (4)81 7 1× 8 7+71 6 1× 7 6+61 5 1× 6 5+51 4 1× 5 4+41 3 1× 4 1+31 2 1× 3 2 二、 应用题(共8小题,每题10分) 1.一件工作,甲单独做要6小时完成,甲乙合做要4小时完成,甲做完2小时后,两人合做,还要几个小时才能完成? 2.一条宽阔的大河有A.B 两个码头,一般轮船从A 去B 要用4.5小时,回来用 3.5小时,如果水流的速度是每小时2千米,那么轮船的速度是多少? 3.如图,ABCD 是长为8,宽为6的长方形E.F 分别是AD.BC 的中点,P 为长方形内任一点,求阴影部分的面积? E A F C P B D

4.某校1.2两班图书馆分别有图书361本和320本,如果要使1班的图书是2班的两倍还多15本,那么需从2班调多少本到1班? 5.一些完全的相同的正方体摞在一起,从前面看如图(1)所示,从左侧看如图(2)所示,那么这些正方体的个数是几个?摞法有几种?访画出从正面看到的平面示意图。 6.14名乒乓球运动员进行男子单打比赛,先是进行淘汰赛,获胜利的运动员进行循环赛,每两人都要赛一声,决出冠.亚军,整个比赛(包括淘汰赛和循环赛)共要进行多少场? 7.甲.乙.丙三人制作工艺品,花束和花甁(一支花束和一个花瓶配成一套)若甲每小时能制作10支花束或11个花瓶;乙每小时能制作11支花束或12个花瓶;丙每小时制作12支花束或13个花瓶,若他们共同工作23小时,则最多可以制作出多少套?请说出你的方案及理由。 8.为庆祝儿童节,电影院放映《喜洋洋与灰太狼》,今天票价打6折,昨天不打折,统计收入后,发现今天卖票的收入后,发现今天卖票的收入与昨天卖票的收入相同,那么今天的观众比昨天的观众啬了的百分数是多少?(所填答案保留两个小数)。 郑州枫杨外国语2010年小升初数学考试真题参考答案


2 - 2 2 1 郑州枫杨外国语中学2020-2021学年七年级上期第一次月考数学试题 (时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 一、选择题(每题3分,共27分) 1.如果温度上升4℃,记作+4℃,那么温度下降2℃记作( ) A . +2℃ B . -2℃ C . +3℃ D . 3℃ 2.把-(-4)-5+(-6)-(-7)写成省略括号和加号的形式是( ) A . 4-5-6+7 B . -4-5-6+7 C . 4-5+6-7 D . -4+5-6+7 3.一个数比它的相反数小,则这个数一定是( ) A . 正数 B . 负数 C . 正数或0 D . 负数或0 4.如图,数轴上表示- 2的相反数的点是( ) A . M B .N C . P D . Q 5.下列说法正确的是( ) A . 零除以任何数都等于零 B . 1除以一个数就等于乘这个数的倒数 C .一个不为零的有理数除以它的相反数等于-1 D . 两数相除,商定小于被除数 6.下列各数: -(+2),-32 ,4 1-3?? ??? ,42-9,-(-1)2019, 其中负数有( ) A . 2个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 7.己知有理数小a 、b 、c 在数轴上对应的点如图所示, 则下列结论正确的是( ) A . c +b >a +b B . cb >ab C . -c +a > -b +a D . ac >ab 8.下列说法:①-a 定是负数;②-a 一定是正数;③倒数等于它本身的数是1±;④绝对值等于它本身的数是0和1.其中正确的个数是( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个


郑州枫杨外国语小升初英语真题 一、单项选择(5分) ( ) 1. The doctor told me to eat more ________ because it's good for my health. A. orange B. vegetable C. Ice cream D. Fish ( ) 2. I believe I can fly is a nice song by R. Kelly. This song tells us that believing in ____ is very important. A. themselves B. ourselves C. itself D. Himself ( ) 3. Avatar is such ___ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it ____ second time. A. a; a B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a ( ) 4. If you see the sign ___, please be careful of the wet floor. ( ) 5. --Would you mind if I sit here. ---________. It's not for Alice. A. Better not B. Never mind C. Not at all D. Of course not 二、根据所给词的适当形式填空。(4分) 1. Young ____ (read) are very crazy about Guo Jinming's books. 2. August is the _____(hot) month in Suzhou, isn't it? 3. We visit the Old People's Home ______(two) a month. 4. If everyone ______(obey) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 三、文化及常识(5分)将下列建筑与其所在国家相匹配(请把答案写在题后的横线上) 1. The USA A. The Sydney Opera House 2. The UK B. The Mount Fuji 3. France C. The Eiffel Tower 4. Australia D. The Big Ben 5. Japan E. The Statue of Liberty 1——___ 2—— ____ 3——___ 4—— ___ 5—— _____ 四、阅读理解(20分)请把答案写在题后的表格内。 A Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their names?There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember.on the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.


枫杨外国语2010年数学考题 一、 计算题(共4小题,每题5分) (1) 21-61-121-201-301-421-561 (2)【1.25+(141÷32-2.5÷331)】÷25% (3)23-65+127-209+3011-4213 (4)8171×87+7161×76+6151×65+5141×54+4131×41+3121×3 2 二、 应用题(共8小题,每题10分) 1.一件工作,甲单独做要6小时完成,甲乙合做要4小时完成,甲做完2小时后,两人合做,还要几个小时才能完成? 2.一条宽阔的大河有A.B 两个码头,一般轮船从A 去B 要用4.5小时,回来用 3.5小时,如果水流的速度是每小时2千米,那么轮船的速度是多少?

3.如图,ABCD是长为8,宽为6的长方形E.F分别是AD.BC的中点,P为长方形内任一点,求阴影部分的面积? E A C P B D 4.某校1.2两班图书馆分别有图书361本和320本,如果要使1班的图书是2班的两倍还多15本,那么需从2班调多少本到1班? 5.一些完全的相同的正方体摞在一起,从前面看如图(1)所示,从左侧看如图(2)所示,那么这些正方体的个数是几个?摞法有几种?访画出从正面看到的平面示意图。 6.14名乒乓球运动员进行男子单打比赛,先是进行淘汰赛,获胜利的运动员进行循环赛,每两人都要赛一声,决出冠.亚军,整个比赛(包括淘汰赛和循环赛)共要进行多少场?

7.甲.乙.丙三人制作工艺品,花束和花甁(一支花束和一个花瓶配成一套)若甲每小时能制作10支花束或11个花瓶;乙每小时能制作11支花束或12个花瓶;丙每小时制作12支花束或13个花瓶,若他们共同工作23小时,则最多可以制作出多少套?请说出你的方案及理由。 8.为庆祝儿童节,电影院放映《喜洋洋与灰太狼》,今天票价打6折,昨天不打折,统计收入后,发现今天卖票的收入后,发现今天卖票的收入与昨天卖票的收入相同,那么今天的观众比昨天的观众啬了的百分数是多少?(所填答案保留两个小数)。 郑州枫杨外国语2010年小升初数学考试真题参考答案 一、计算题 1. 原式=1 2 -( 1 2 — 1 3 )—( 1 3 - 1 4 )—( 1 4 — 1 5 )—( 1 5 — 1 6 )-( 1 6 - 1 7 ) -(1 7 - 1 8 ) =1 2 - 1 2 + 1 3 — 1 3 + 1 4 — 1 4 + 1 5 — 1 5 + 1 6 - 1 6 + 1 7 - 1 7 + 1 8 = 1 8 2. 11 2 3. 6 7 4. 原式=808 7 × 7 8 +70 7 6 × 6 7 +60 6 5 × 5 6 +50 5 4 × 4 5 +40 4 3 × 3 4 +30 3 2 × 2 3

郑州枫杨外国语小升初2012 年7月8日英语真题及解析

郑州枫杨外国语2012 年7 月8 日英语真题 一、单项选择(5 分) () 1. The doctor told me to eat more ________ because it's good for my health. A. orange B. vegetable C. Ice cream D. Fish ( ) 2. I believe I can fly is a nice song by R. Kelly. This song tells us that believing in ______ is very important. A. themselves B. ourselves C. itself D. Himself ( ) 3. Avatar is such ___ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it ____ second ti me. A. a; a B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a ( ) 4. If you see the sign ___, please be careful of the wet floor. ( ) 5. --Would you mind if I sit here. ---________. It's not for Alice. A. Better not B. Never mind C. Not at all D. Of course not 二、根据所给词的适当形式填空。(4 分) Young ____ (read) are very crazy about Guo Jinming's books. August is the _____(hot) month in Suzhou, isn't it? We visit the Old People's Home ______(two) a month. If everyone ______(obey) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 三、文化及常识(5 分) 将下列建筑与其所在国家相匹配(请把答案写在题后的横线上) The USA A. The Sydney Opera House The UK B. The Mount Fuji France C. The Eiffel Tower Australia D. The Big Ben Japan E. The Statue of Liberty _______ 11. ________ 12. ________ 13. ________ 14. _________ 四、阅读理解(20 分)请把答案写在题后的表格内。 A Anne and joseph are talking about an interesting question. why do some people change their names? there can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it wo uld be easier for people to remember. on the other hand, joseph is thinking about changing his na me to an unusual name because he wants to be different. people have a lot of reasons for changing their names. film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. they chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their p arents gave them when they were born. some people have another reason for changing their names. they have moved to a new countr


英语考试题 阅读理解A Miss Green came into the classroom with a piece of paper. There is a big black dot in the middle of the white paper. Miss Green put up this piece of paper and asked, “What can you see, children?” All the children looked at the black dot. “A black dot.”They answered quickly. “But can’t you see this piece of paper?”The black dot is like the unlucky things in our life. If we only see the black dot, how can we be happy?”, Miss Green said. The classroom was very quiet, Miss Green took out another piece of paper. It was a piece of black paper with white dot in the middle. “What can you see, kids?”, she asked the children, “A White dot.” The children answered loudly. Miss Green smiled. “My children, although we maybe unhappy or worried in our life, it is just like the clouds in the sky. The clouds can leave quickly and the sun can come out soon. You can be a positive child with the sun in your eyes and feel happy all the time.” ( ) 1. What is the relationship between Miss Green and the children? A. Mother and children B. Teacher and students C. Doctor and patients D. Boss and workers ( ) 2. What does the “black dot ” stand for(代表) ? A. The lucky things in our life B. The sunshine in our life C. The unlucky things in our life D. The clouds in our life ( ) 3. What does the word “positive” mean in Chinese? A. 善良的 B.积极的,乐观的 C.美好的 D.聪明的 ( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article? A. Miss Green likes white. B. If we can only see the black dot, we can be happy. C. No one likes clouds in the sky. D. Miss Green wants the kids to be positive in their life ( ) 5. What does this article want to tell us? A. We should see the white dot on the black paper. B. Everyone is unlucky sometimes. C. You should find the hope of life when you are in trouble D. We should not like clounds. 阅读理解B Archery has a 10,000-year history, when bows(弓) and arrows(箭) were first used for hunting and war. Archery first appeared (出现) at the Pairs Olympics in 1900. Badminton was invented by British soldiers(士兵) in India. They called it Poono, the same name as the town in which they lived. It was first played at the Olymics in 1992 at Barcelona (巴赛罗那) Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. It was first played at the 1908 Olympic Games and it has been played at every Olympics Games, except for LosAngeles 1932 Taekwondo is from orea. It means “the way of the hand and foot”. They player get points(得分) by hitting each other with these two parts of the body only. The players mustn’t lie on the floor and no equipment(装备) can be used. It first

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