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当前位置:文档视界 › 浙江省台州市2017-2018学年高一英语上学期寒假作业5(无答案)




一、阅读理解(共 10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)


Summer is the most popular season to visit Texas since there is so much to see and to do. While visiting the Lone Star State this summer, don't miss visiting some of these attractions and taking part in some of Texas' best summer vacation activities.

Visit SeaWorld

There are sea life shows, adventure camps, thrilling rides and a water park. A great many activities are waiting for you at SeaWorld.

Windsurf (风帆冲浪) at South Padre

With miles of shallow (浅的), calm water in the Lower Laguna Madre and strong winds coming off the Gulf of Mexico, South Padre Island is a windsurfer's dream.

Swim at Barton Springs

Barton Springs is in the famous Zilker Park. It was formed when Barton Creek was built. Since its opening, Barton Springs has become one of the most popular swimming pools in the state.

Take part in an outdoor adventure

In the scenic Texas Hill Country, Lake Buchanan Adventures offers different kinds of activities, including boating, hiking, camping and more.

Camp and hike in Big Bend Park

Big Bend offers a great number of outdoor activities in an old way. Backpacking, mountain biking, fishing, boating, hiking, nature watching and camping—you name it. If it can be done outdoors, it can be done in Big Bend.

Enjoy saltwater fishing

Saltwater fishing in Texas is as good as anywhere else in the USA. More and more fishermen have been discovering this in recent years and packing their bags and rods (鱼竿) to make good use of Texas' world-class saltwate r fishery.

1.The underlined phrase “the Lone Star State” in Paragraph 1 is another name for .

A.Texas B.San Antonio

C.South Padre D.Gulf of Mexico

2.When you visit SeaWorld,you can enjoy the following EXCEPT .

A.sea life shows B.adventure camps

C.climbing D.exciting rides

3.Where can you go if you want your windsurfing dream to come true?

A.San Antonio. B.South Padre.

C.Barton Springs. D.Texas Hill Country.


Have you ever ridden over huge rocks or through grass as tall as a third-grader?The mountain bikers from an international biking group sure have! Reporter Ricky caught up with three of them—18-year-old Michael Castellanos, 13-year-old Gerardo Mendez, and 16-year-old Jackie Luevano—to learn about their experiences with the group.

Ricky:How often do you ride your bikes?

Michael:Every day after school.But I ride on the weekend,too.

Gerardo:I use my bike to get to and from school and to get to my after-school program.I don't like to ride my bike if it's snowing,though!

Jackie:I only ride my bike in the summer, but when I do, I like to ride three times per week.

Ricky:What's the difference between riding in the city and in the mountains?

Michael:You have to follow more rules and laws when you ride your bike in the city.In the mountains there are laws but not as many.

Jackie:It's harder riding in the mountains,but it's quieter.The hardest part is learning to use your

gears(挡).I was used to riding a city bike that doesn't have gears and then when

I started to ride in

the mountains I had to learn that gears make it easier to ride.

Ricky:What is the best part of the mountain rides?

Jackie:My favorite thing is getting a break from being indoors.After being inside all day,it's nice to enjoy the clean air and feel the wind.

Gerardo:Our group is usually really loud,but when we ride in the mountains,we 4.The mountain biker Michael .

A.rides in the mountains three times a week B.often uses gears to make it easier to ride

C.feels freer when riding in the mountains D.likes to ride in the snow are quieter and we can hear the birds and the water.


五年级上册语文寒假作业答案【4-44页】 【导语】寒假是指冬季1-2月期间的假期。在中国,学校通常将每个学年分为上、下两个学期。上学期从秋季九月份开始,到次年农历腊月初十左右,各学校开始放假,至元宵节后寒假结束。无忧考网准备了以下内容,供大家参考! 第四页五、活学活用 1、朋友;故地;书能带给我们温馨的感受。 2、(1)营养;书能充实我们的头脑。 (2)阶梯;书能使我们进步。(3)船;书能拓宽我们的眼界。 3、一位良师,能让我们积累知识,了解人生。六、口语交际张华,这几天老师让我们写读后感,我想再看看那本书。你看完了吗? 张华,我有个同学向我借那本书,你看完了吗? 水浒英雄榜及时雨--宋江;母夜叉--孙二娘;拼命三郎--石秀; 浪里白条--张顺;神行太保--戴宗。第五页三、仿照下面画线句的句式补写句子。老师的课堂;鱼的海洋;翅膀的鸟。第六页四、阅读感悟 1、刻、果然。 2、枯燥、贫乏、着急、无论、还、就。 3、费:花费,耗费;光:只,单。 5、多读,多写,多写。五、小小修补匠芬芳;一位;粉红;舞台;阳;拂过;仔细;优美。第七页二、我能给下面的词语唱唱反调偶然--必然保存--销毁凋零--绽放稀罕--普通爱惜--浪费慈祥--威严四、对号入座,选词填空 1、闹;2、皱;3、主张、意见;4、意见、建议;5、建议。第八页五、快乐阅读 1、P、pian、羽、9;R、rou、木、5。 2、底、栽、飘。 3、弯下(身体)。 4、小桥的身体。六、趣味字谜口第九页三、补全诗句,并选你喜欢的一句加以赏析。

1、大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 2、海上生明月,天涯共此时。 3、气蒸云梦泽,波撼岳阳城。 4、野旷天低树,江清月近人。 5、众鸟高飞近,孤云独去闲。 6、星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。 7、映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。诗句极写大漠、长河的平坦空阔,从而描绘出一幅雄奇壮丽的塞外大自然的景色。四、呼朋引伴,写出下列句子中加点词语的近义词。 1、稀奇;2、惟有、珍惜;3、大概;4、特别;5、依恋;6、干枯。五、改头换面,按要求改写句子。 1、风撩乱了老人的银发。 2、雪白的细亚麻布上绣着血色的梅花。第十页六、写诗作画 (诗略)宋、王安石、一水间、隔着、欣欣向荣、思念。七、明察秋毫。“b、刚,才”改为“b、专一”。 1、一心一意(专一);2、一唱一和(数目一);3、一鸣惊人(一旦); 4、一视同仁(同一);5、一如既往(完全)。书呆子丢了什么? 岂有此理第十一页一、开心辞典 1、擅长;2、享有;3、另外的,别的;4、叠用,跟“越……越”相同。二、火眼金睛正-郑;样-恙;蜡-腊;峦-恋;宝-保;力-立。三、词语盘点 1、腐烂;2、陈旧;3、宽裕;4、放松。四、小小法官 1、√;2、×;3、√; 五、妙语连珠 1、像甜甜的蜂蜜,让人闻了又想闻。 2、像身处蒸笼一样。 3、像断了线的珠子。六、写写画画枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。七、智救故乡“陛下,我请求您下令毁掉莱普沙克斯。”花语二月--梅花--待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。三月--桃花--竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。六月--荷花--接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。


小学五年级上册数学寒假作业答案(人教版) 第一页: 一、3, 1.2, 8.7, 1.26, 12,4 17,0.4, 0.24, 3 , 0.06,15 二、4.14,0.144,2.04 ,28 三、16.25,162.5 ,0.1625,42 ,0.42 , 0.42 四、15.6,27.72 第二页: 四、2.25,4.16 ,25.75,82 五、4.8×3.2÷2 2.8×1.6 =15.36÷2 =4.48(平方厘米) =7.68(平方厘米) (2.4+4.6)×3.2÷2(8.4+11.8)×7.5÷2 =7×3.2÷2=20.2×7.5÷2 =11.2(平方厘米) =75.75(平方厘米) 第三页: 六、解决问题。 1、680÷4×3.2=170×3.2=544(千米) 2、① 541.8÷15= 36.12(米) ② 541.8÷7= 77.4 (米) ③ 77.4-36.12=41.28 (米) 3、185×5.4= 999(千米)

4、0.8×24×18=19.2×18=345.6(元) 第四页: 5、324×1.2+48=388.8+48=436.8(元) 提高篇: 1、28 2、392.6×192-39260×0.927.5×23+31×2.5 =392.6×192-392.6×92=2.5×(3×23)+31×2.5 =392.6×(192-92)=2.5×(69+31) =392.6×100 =2.5×100 =39260=250 3、0.79×0.46+7.9×0.24+11.4×0.079 =0.79×0.46+0.79×2.4+1.14×0.79 =0.79×(0.46+2.4+1.14) =0.79×4 =3.16 第五页: 1、>,,> 2、32.37.7 3、0.832.46 4、0.56×101 =0.56×100+0.56×1=56+0.56=56.56 2.37×0.5×4=2.37×(0.5×4)=2.37×2=4.74 3.7×2.5+6.3×2.5=(3.7+6.3)×2.5=10×2.5=25


高一英语寒假作业(一) 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第二部分阅读理解 第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给得四个选项(A、B、C与D)中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A One day an American called Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick、 Rick told him that his flat was on the first floor、 When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building、 But he was told that there was no Rick on that floor、 Do you know why? In fact, the British call the first floor of a building the ground floor、 The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans would call the second floor、 The story shows that there are a few culture differences between Britain and America, though the British and Americans both speak English、 The British usually hide their feelings、 They seldom start a conversation with strangers、 For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books、 But Americans are quite different、 They're more active and easier to talk with、 The British and Americans may use different terms for many things、 The British usually use football, rubber and post while Americans prefer to use soccer, eraser and mail、 21、 Simon went to London to____、 A、 visit his friend B、 spend his holiday C、 study English D、 have a meeting 22、 According to the passage, the British usually spend their time____ on the train、 A、 playing cards B、 talking loudly C、 doing some reading D、 singing and dancing 23、 What's the best title for the passage? A、 Differences in culture B、 Simon's funny story C、 Information abroad D、 Hiding the feelings


高一英语寒假作业(二) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. A People around the world used their computers to buy goods, communicate with others, listen to music, see pictures and learn about different places and ideas. In 2006, more people around the world used new ways to communicate and connect with each other through the Internet. The blog is one form of communication that enjoys growing popularity. Blog is a short way of saying Web log. Through these personal Web sites, people can share their experiences, ideas and opinions with anyone on the Internet. People of all ages have their own blogs. For young people, they are a way to show their writings and other forms of self – expression. Many Web sites offer free services to create personal Web pages and fill them with writings and pictures. These sites include “MySpace”, used mainly by teenagers and young adults. MySpace is an online community that lets people share messages and pictures with an increasing number of friends. It is the most popular social networking site on the Web. YouTube is another Internet site that became more popular this year. This Web site lets anyone create, share and watch short videos. People can watch almost anything on YouTube: news, sports and entertainment events. There are music videos, and videos made by people in their own homes. These include videos of people singing or dancing, or animals doing funny things. Three young men created YouTube almost two years ago as a personal video sharing service. They recently sold it to Google for more than one and one half billion dollars. Games and entertainment also became a larger part of the Internet this year. One Internet social site is called Second Life. It is an online world in which computer users create a new self and live a different life. They get married, build homes, operate businesses, buy and sell goods, work, play and attend school. 1.People all around the world use blogs to . A.buy goods B.express themselves C.listen to music D.watch videos


五年级数学上册寒假作业答案「完整版」为了帮助大家合理高效的安排寒假学习,下面为大家了五年级数学上册寒假作业答案【完整版】,希望对大家有所帮助。 第一页: 一、3,1.2,8.7,1.26,12,4 17,0.4,0.24,3,0.06,15 二、4.14,0.144,2.04,28 三、16.25,162.5,0.1625,42,0.42,0.42 四、15.6,27.72 第二页: 四、2.25,4.16,25.75,82 五、4.8×3.2÷22.8×1.6 =15.36÷2=4.48(平方厘米) =7.68(平方厘米) (2.4+4.6)×3.2÷2(8.4+11.8)×7.5÷2 =7×3.2÷2=20.2×7.5÷2 =11.2(平方厘米)=75.75(平方厘米) 第三页: 六、解决问题。 1、680÷4×3.2=170×3.2=544(千米) 2、①541.8÷15=36.12(米) ②541.8÷7=77.4(米)

③77.4-36.12=41.28(米) 3、185×5.4=999(千米) 4、0.8×24×18=19.2×18=345.6(元) 第四页: 5、324×1.2+48=388.8+48=436.8(元) 提高篇: 1、28 2、392.6×192-39260×0.927.5×23+31×2.5 =392.6×192-392.6×92=2.5×(3×23)+31×2.5 =392.6×(192-92)=2.5×(69+31) =392.6×100=2.5×100 =39260=250 3、0.79×0.46+7.9×0.24+11.4×0.079 =0.79×0.46+0.79×2.4+1.14×0.79 =0.79×(0.46+2.4+1.14) =0.79×4 =3.16 第五页: 1、>,<,<,,> 2、32.37.7 3、0.832.46 4、0.56×101=0.56×100+0.56×1=56+0.56=56.56


五年级寒假作业全部答案【篇一:五年级下册语文暑假作业答案(完整版)】 lass=txt>第2页 欣喜若狂、满怀期待、浮想联翩 衰落蓑衣瞻仰屋檐灵魂瑰宝沙漠寂寞延迟诞生 第3页 (横着来)松鼠大象蜜蜂兔子犀牛鸡 第4页 自告奋勇、救死扶伤、突发奇想、无伤大雅、微不足道 他会想:虽然我快死了,但我不能违反这条标语,我一定要活下去!谣(歌谣)琶(琵琶)碎(摔碎)挺(挺拔)蜓(蜻蜓)铃(铃铛)玲(玲珑)燥(干燥)躁(暴躁)准(准备)推(推车) 第5页 宝宝少生病,妈妈少担心。(合生元)情系中国结,联通四海心。(中国联通) 这题每个人的看法不一样的,所以没办法做准确答案。 小心,教室正在沉睡! 祝爷爷奶奶们长命百岁、身体健康! 第6页 苏东坡下了很大的决心要学习。 梅花香自苦寒来天连碧水碧连天三秋九月,中秋八月之中风风雨雨,年年暮暮朝朝 宾馆邮局 第7页 药店粮店裁缝铺理发店 峰从无处飞来峰从飞处飞来寺佛大过人寺隐云游僧 第8页 略 这个箱子不是用来放书的,也不是放药的,更不是放零食的 大海胸怀宽阔高山立场坚定太阳光明磊落清泉活泼开朗白雪纯洁无瑕路灯坚守岗位 第10页 读ruigrave; 灰烬祭奠噩耗嫌疑嘴唇渲染驱逐天赋 第一个第一个第一个第二个第二个第一个第二个第一个第一个

却连第二个怯连第一个诫连第三个践连第四个骚连最后一个艄连倒数第二个 碧必毕避壁璧晰昔息吸稀嘻嘻翼役诣谊忆异 第一个第一个第二个第一个第二个第一个第一个第一个第一个 第二个第二个第二个 第二个第二个第二个第一个第一个第二个第二个第一个 暑假作业本语文部分标准答案(11mdash;mdash;20页) p11碧必毕避壁璧晰昔息吸稀嘻嘻翼役诣谊忆异智慧宫有答案 p12.13 只要想做,没有做不到的。珍惜时间,就是珍惜生命。轮弯 片丝抹泓眼缕我真后悔啊,不应该先去玩耍,应该先做好自己的作业才能玩游戏。智慧宫有答案 p14.15 熔化岩浆向日葵 2.从月球 是万物的保护盾,促进万物生长,与人类的关系,看出重要性。 3 我想了解为什么月亮会跟着我走?我准备上网查资料。演练场抄写 言辩顶立紫红歌舞开劈古秋翼翼可当悲喜谨慎可挡危 安智慧宫有答案 p16.17 1.再一次第一可以 2.走马观花,只能草 草了解故事内容。好茶冲二道,去掉了杂质.泡沫的淡淡味道,幽远,绵长。 3答:我的启发是,做任何事,可能只有第二遍、第三遍才 能领悟到一些事情、启发。 1力量看玩士兵盘古说花朵沙漠走2. 把不正确的或错别减掉去前半边,或去后半边把蜂拥而去智慧 宫有答案 p18.19 户籍管理人员们刚出生的宝宝们一个人最大的财 富就是时间,有了时间,什么都能得到。我有时间、生命、智慧这 些财富。指挥操纵庄严庄重智慧宫有答案 p20 这张10元纸币的 主调色为青蓝,票幅长14cm,宽7cm,有一个毛主席头像,中间 印着10下面跟着拾元,在左上角还有国徽。反面为长江的图画。暇 暇暇瑕杜牧杜牧璧碧璧碧篮蓝蓝篮暑假 暑假作业本语文部分标准答案(30mdash;mdash;39页) p30 一、张大千画虎阅读答案①用横线画出描写老虎咬住大千臂膀 时大千的神态举止的句子。答案:大千一点也不慌,沉着的伸出右手,笑眯眯的抚摸着老虎。②大千虽然受伤了,却画下了老虎发怒 的神态。从这句话中,你能想象一下被虎咬住时,他会想些什么么? 你从中体会到了大千是一个怎样的人?答案:说明了他为了画画,为 了画出不同形态的老虎,不顾自己可能会有生命危险,可以体会到 大千是一个可以为了目标而执着追求、坚持不懈、持之以恒的努力 的人!二、演练场①把下面的字去掉一笔,变成另一个字,然后组词。答案:鸣( 呜 ) ( 呜咽 ) 钩( 钓 ) ( 钓鱼 ) 户( 尸 ) ( 尸首 ) ②把下面的


2016年秋高一年英语寒假作业(一) 第二部分阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I liked adventure. Once I decided to climb a mountain and asked my uncle for advice. He said, “Unfortunately, I am so busy these days. But if no one leads, you are likely to be lost. ” I said, “What am I afraid of? If lost, I will call you for help. ” He said with a smile, “Well, I hope you will not get lost. Good luck. ” I confidently said, “I think I’ll certainly be able to return safely.” I finally set off by myself. Everything was very smooth at first. When I came close to the top, a sudden strong wind burst. I had to find a shelter to hide my sleeping bag inside. An hour later, I crawled(爬)out and looked around. All the places were so familiar and those roads appeared to extend(延伸)in all directions. What should I do? I decided to call for help, but except the sleeping bag, there was nothing left. Going on in my despair(绝望), suddenly I found a map from the sleeping bag. Could that be put by Uncle? Anyway, I followed the directions on the map and succeeded in finding a smooth way home. Stepping into the house, I was pleased to see Uncle again and said excitedly, “Today, thanks to your map, or I really could not return home. My baggage, including my mobile phone, was blown away. ” Strangely Uncle asked, “The map?” I said, “The one you put in my sleeping bag.” Seeing the map, Uncle suddenly laughed again, “This is your 4-year-old cousin Linda’s painting of a Super Spider-Man.” I was surprised, “However, I really got this ‘map’ to find it down the road.” Uncle said, “You can come down the mountain successfully, not due to the map,


高一英语寒假作业答案 一、单选 1-5 ABCAD 6-10 ADAAC 11-15 BDBBA 16-20 BBDCB 21-25 CCADB 26-30 DBACC 二、选择适当的单词和短语填空 1.sounded like/ looked like 2. was used to/used to 3. because of /because 4. funny /fun 5. took /spent 6. prepared for /prepare 三填空 1. challenging 2 preparing 3. relax 4. delaying 5. watching 6. play, taking 7. have made 8. to be informed 四翻译 1.Send the short message to 1659,and you will get a wonderful gift for free 2. Can you tell me the way you study English ? 3. To surf the Internet at home at the weekends sounds like a good idea . 4. In the past four years , My English had improved a lot . 5. On hearing the news , he cried 6. As English teachers , we should do all we can to develop the


小学五年级英语寒假作业: 做一本你自己的English Book 注意:(用一本美术本或一本白纸,自己设计有英语特色的封面与封底) Page 1(第一页):设计一份假期时间表。(从星期一到星期天的顺序) Page 2(第二页):画一幅自画像,并用英语介绍自己。 Page 3(第三页):我的抄写和朗读。(在这一页上抄写Unit1-Unit2的单词及意思,并用“”标注是否已朗读Unit1-Unit2的课文) Page 4(第四页):为你喜欢的朋友、长辈或老师做一张英语新年贺卡。 Page 5(第五页):我的抄写和朗读。(在这一页上抄写Unit3-Unit4的单词及意思,并用“”标注是否已朗读Unit3-Unit4的课文) Page 6(第六页):画出几种食物或自然景物或动物,并用英语描述它们。 Page 7(第七页):画出一个美丽的家,并在家里的物品旁边写上英语。 Page 8(第八页):我的抄写。(在这一页上抄写Unit5-Unit6的单词及意思,“”标注是否已朗读Unit5-Unit6的课文) Page 9(第九页):放寒假期间,你乘了哪些交通工具,把它们画出来,并配上英文。 Page 10(第十页):收集在寒假见到的英语单词、短语或句子,共6个,并写出意思,有图就更好了。Page 11(第十一页):写一份下学期你的英语学习计划(课上听课表现,课后完成作业等方面表表决心),并请家长在结尾附上家长寄语。 注:1. Page3.为必须完成,其它可根据自己的英语水平有选择完成,至少9页。当然还可以再增加。 2.不要急于求成,每周完成两三页就OK了!祝你在开学英语作业评比时获奖。 小学五年级英语寒假作业: 做一本你自己的English Book 注意:(用一本美术本或一本白纸,自己设计有英语特色的封面与封底) Page 1(第一页):设计一份假期时间表。(从星期一到星期天的顺序) Page 2(第二页):画一幅自画像,并用英语介绍自己。 Page 3(第三页):我的抄写和朗读。(在这一页上抄写Unit1-Unit2的单词及意思,并用“”标注是否已朗读Unit1-Unit2的课文) Page 4(第四页):为你喜欢的朋友、长辈或老师做一张英语新年贺卡。 Page 5(第五页):我的抄写和朗读。(在这一页上抄写Unit3-Unit4的单词及意思,并用“”标注是否已朗读Unit3-Unit4的课文) Page 6(第六页):画出几种食物或自然景物或动物,并用英语描述它们。 Page 7(第七页):画出一个美丽的家,并在家里的物品旁边写上英语。 Page 8(第八页):我的抄写。(在这一页上抄写Unit5-Unit6的单词及意思,“”标注是否已朗读Unit5-Unit6的课文) Page 9(第九页):放寒假期间,你乘了哪些交通工具,把它们画出来,并配上英文。 Page 10(第十页):收集在寒假见到的英语单词、短语或句子,共6个,并写出意思,有图就更好了。Page 11(第十一页):写一份下学期你的英语学习计划(课上听课表现,课后完成作业等方面表表决心),并请家长在结尾附上家长寄语。 注:1.Page3.为必须完成,其它可根据自己的英语水平有选择完成,至少9页。当然还可以再增加。 2.不要急于求成,每周完成两三页就OK了!祝你在开学英语作业评比时获奖。


2019年上学期小学五年级语文寒假作业答案 2019年上学期小学五年级语文寒假作业答案寒假生活小学五年级语文寒假作业参考答案(2019) :2页第1. 惧怕欺凌嫌疑争辩废墟 2. 略 3.(1)(④) (2)(⑤) (3)(①) (4)(②) (5)(③) 4.(1)(瞪) (2)(眺望) (3)(浏览) (4)(遥望) 4页:第1. 教室教师语言寓言高速告诉 联系练习防火解释结实放火2. 部首“月”,新字:朋腔胶胜腊肢胁膀组词略 3. 顺序:恙辩既闻截倒沥裁腔丝理继 4.(1)缺主语,加上适当的主语; (2)将“首先”“第一个”去掉一个; (3)将“世界上没有”换成“举世闻名”;(4)将“眼睛”变成“目光” 页:第5 歇后语的后半句:二)青(一清(4)平)瓶(高水(3)一言不发(2)里外不是人(1). 白 (5)摸不着头脑(6)左右逢(圆)源(7)各显神通(8)自身难保第6页: 顺序: 1.(√)(×)(√)(√)(√)(&ti

mes;)(√)(×) 7页:趣填对联第顺序:望(梅)止(渴) 守(株)待(兔) 目中(无)(人) 水(落)石(出) 雪中(送)(炭) 页:第8-91.(1)树、谷、桑、莠、藕、瓜、梅、竹、草、 花、茶、笋 (2)兔、马、象、虎、莺、羊、鸡、牛、鱼、牛、蛇、狼 (3)五四七八三两四八十九 二五十一十十九一 2.(1)既……又 (2)因为……所以 (3)如果……就 (4)只要……就 (5)不但……而且 (6)虽然……但是 3.(1) ①水藻、水草、微生物把池水映绿实验观察的死了的水藻、水草. 和微生物的尸体全腐烂了,因此把池水搞灰了问老师、查阅资料的 ②观察、提问和读书(2)略 第10-11页:1.顺序:容易贸易鬼计预计举重举例 造句略2.3.顺序:2、5、3、8、6、7、1、4 4.(1)①清代郑板桥家中郑板桥、小偷郑板桥用妙诗吓走了到他家行窃的小偷 ②一条黄狗、一盆兰花③小偷(窃贼)


最新五年级寒假作业答案数学 一、填空题 1、一个长方形的长是4.1,比宽长0.5米,周长是( 15.4 )米,面积是(14.76)平方米。 2、一个小数的小数点向左移动两位后是0.509,这个小数是( 50.9 );一个小数的小数点向右移动两位后是3048,则原来的数是 ( 30.48 )。 3、B÷C=3.3,如果B和C都缩小3倍后,那么B÷C=( 3.3 )。 4、由“7、9、6”组成的三位数和最小三位数的平均数是( 827.5 )。 5、2.999985保留二位小数是( 3.00 ),精确到千分位约是( 3.000 )。 6、4分钟做5个零件,平均每分钟(1.25)个零件,每个零件要做( 0.8 ) 分钟。 7、一个梯形的面积是1.5平方分米,它的上底是0.8分米,下底是 1.7分米,高是( 1.2 )分米。 8、2.5的一半的1.2倍是( 1.5 ); 5除6.3与7.6的和是( 2.78 ). 9、一个长方形的周长是24厘米,长是宽的2倍,这个长方形的面积是( 32 )平方厘米。 10、甲乙两数的和是13.2,甲数的小数点向右移动一位就 等于乙数,甲数是( 1.2 ),乙数是( 12 )。 二、判断题 1、4.5÷0.8+4.5÷0.7=4.5÷(0.8+0.7)=4.5÷1.5=3 ( ╳ ) 2、一个三角形底增加4厘米,高增加3厘米,面积增加6平方厘米。 ( ╳ ) 3、一个两位小数的近似值是6.8,这个数是6.89。 ( ╳ ) 4、边长是1000米的正方形面积是1公顷。 ( ╳ ) 5、一个不为0的数除以小数,商一 定大于被除数。 ( ╳ ) 三、选择题 1、一个油桶可以装7千克油,有30千克油,需要装( ② )个桶。①4 ②5 ③6 2、一个农场的面积大约是30( ② )。①平方米②公顷③平方千米 3、两个小数的和与这两个小数的积比较.( ③ )。 ①和大于积②和小于积③无法比较 4、用18根1厘米长的小棒摆长方形,一共有( ③ )种不同摆法,其中面积的是( )平方厘米。①3种 18 ②4种 18 ③4种 20 ④4种 24 5、12分是( ① )小时①0.2 ②0.12 ③1.2 四、计算 1. 口算 0.1-0.09=0.01 12.5-5=7.5 0.67+0.3=0.97 0.38×100=38 0.65÷1.3=0.5 1÷0.25=4 31.3÷100=0.313 0.8×1.25=1 4×3.9×0.5=7.8 5.5÷2.5÷2=1.1 2. 竖式计算(4分) 6.5÷2.7≈2.41 2.85×3.4=9.69 (得数保留两位小数) (验算) 3. 下面各题怎样简便怎样算(12分) 1.63+ 2.37÷0.3 8.46×99+8.46 5.78+0.84+0.16 = 1.63+7.9 = 8.46×100 = 5.78+1 = 9.53 = 846 = 6.78 5.6÷35 3.41-(1.41-0.88) 4.5×8.2+0.82×55 = 5.6÷7÷5 = 3.41- 1.41+0.88 = 4.5×8.2+8.2×5.5 = 0.8÷5 = 2+0.88 = 8.2×(4.5+5.5) =


2020高一英语寒假作业答案 本文是关于2020高一英语寒假作业答案,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 寒假作业一参考答案 一、单选 1-5 ABCAD 6-10 ADAAC 11-15 BDBBA 16-20 BBDCB 21-25 CCADB 26-30 DBACC 二、选择适当的单词和短语填空 1.sounded like/ looked like 2. was used to/used to 3. because of /because 4. funny /fun 5. took /spent 6. prepared for /prepare 三填空 1. challenging 2 preparing 3. relax 4. delaying 5. watching 6. play, taking 7. have made 8. to be informed 四翻译 1.Send the short message to 1659,and you will get a wonderful gift for free 2. Can you tell me the way you study English ? 3. To surf the Internet at home at the weekends sounds like a good idea . 4. In the past four years , My English had improved a lot . 5. On hearing the news , he cried 6. As English teachers , we should do all we can to develop the students’interest in learning English 7. Don’t miss the chance to go abroad ,or you will regret . 16-20CADDB


河北省武邑中学2018-2019学年高一英语上学期寒假作业17 阅读理解第一节:阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A “ Fire! Fire!” What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped outside the house. There was full of thick smoke. I began to run, but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I could see fire all around. The floor became hot under my bare(赤裸的)feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell down. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle(包袱)of clothes, and I picked it up to protect my face from the smoke and heat. Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me. I saw a doorway in fire, then I put the bundle over my face and ran. My feet burned me terrible, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry, I nearly dropped it in my surprise. Then I was in a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night-dress and a borrowed man’s coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly. She was the Mayor’s wife, and I had saved her baby. 1. When the fire arose in the middle of the night, the author was _______. A. at home B. sleeping C. sitting in bed D. playing games 2.The author saved the baby _____. A. because he was very brave. B. because he liked the baby very much. C. because he just happened to save it. D. because it was t he Mayor’s baby. 3. He ran in the wrong direction because he _______.


2020年五年级数学寒假作业答案 1、求阴影部分面积 P5 已知三角形ABC中,BC=48厘米,AD=3MD,AD=30厘米。 提示:阴影部分能够看作:三角形ABC - 三角形BMC 2、一桶油连桶中5.6千克,用去一半油后,连桶还重3.1千克。原来油重几千克?桶重几千克? P10 提示:5.6-3.1即油重的一半; 3、求正方形的面积: 如图:已知正方形的对角线长8厘米。 提示:把正方形看作两个大三角形,三角形的底是8厘米,高是4厘米。 4、俄国数学家罗蒙诺索夫向邻居借《数学原理》一书,邻居对他说:“你帮我劈10天柴,我就把书送给你,另给你20个卢布。”结果他只劈柴7天。邻居把书送给了他后,另外付了5个卢布。《数学原理》这本书的价格是多少卢布? 提示: 5、简便计算 9÷0.125 提示:利用商不变性质,被除数和除数同时乘以8 6、列方程求解 有两桶油,甲桶油的质量是乙桶油的1.8倍。如果从甲桶中取出2.4千克油,两桶油的质量就相等了。两桶油原来各有多少千克?

提示:设原来乙桶油重x千克,那么原来甲桶重1.8x千克。 1.8x-x= 2.4 7、两个数相加,小明错算成相减了,结果得8.6,比准确答案小10.4,原数中较大的数是( ) 提示:两数相加准确答案是10.4+8.6=19,差是8.6.大数是 (19+8.6)/2 8、两个数的和是91,小明计算这道题时,把其中一个加数个位上的0漏掉了,结果算出的和是37。这两个数分别是( )和( ) 提示: (91-37)是一个数的(10-1)倍 9、有一个梯形,如果它的上底增加2米,下底和高都不变,它的面积就增加4.8平方米;如果上底和下底都不变,高增加2米,它的面积就增加8.5平方米。求原来梯形的面积。 提示:高是4.8x2/2=4.8米;上底和下底的和是8.6x2/2=8.6 10、学校买来4只足球和一些篮球,共用去476元8角,每只足球67元,比每只篮球便宜2元6角。学校买来多少只篮球? 提示:4只足球要4x2.6元,篮球总价是476.8 - 4x2.6,每只篮球67+2.6元 11、两组架线工人一起架设一段电话线,第一组每小时架设900米,第二组每小时架设750米。两组分别从线路的两端向中间架设,结果第一组比第二组早2小时架设到线路的中点。这段电话线多长? 提示:设第一组用了x小时,那么第二组用了x+2小时。 900x - 750(x+2)=0 12、a,b两个数相除,被除数、除数、商和余数的和是10。如果把被除数和除数都扩大10倍,那么,商3余9.求a,b这两个数。


五年级数学寒假作业答案(全) 第一页: 一、3,1.2,8.7,1.26,12,4 17,0.4,0.24,3,0.06,15 二、4.14,0.144,2.04,28 三、16.25,162.5,0.1625,42,0.42,0.42 四、15.6,27.72 第二页: 四、2.25,4.16,25.75,82 五、4.8×3.2÷22.8×1.6 =15.36÷2=4.48(平方厘米) =7.68(平方厘米) (2.4+4.6)×3.2÷2(8.4+11.8)×7.5÷2 =7×3.2÷2=20.2×7.5÷2 =11.2(平方厘米)=75.75(平方厘米) 第三页: 六、解决问题。 1、680÷4×3.2=170×3.2=544(千米) 2、①541.8÷15=36.12(米) ②541.8÷7=77.4(米) ③77.4-36.12=41.28(米)

3、185×5.4=999(千米) 4、0.8×24×18=19.2×18=345.6(元) 第四页: 5、324×1.2+48=388.8+48=436.8(元) 提高篇: 1、28 2、392.6×192-39260×0.927.5×23+31×2.5 =392.6×192-392.6×92=2.5×(3×23)+31×2.5 =392.6×(192-92)=2.5×(69+31) =392.6×100=2.5×100 =39260=250 3、0.79×0.46+7.9×0.24+11.4×0.079 =0.79×0.46+0.79×2.4+1.14×0.79 =0.79×(0.46+2.4+1.14) =0.79×4 =3.16 第五页: 1、>,<,<,<,>,> 2、32.37.7 3、0.832.46 4、0.56×101=0.56×100+0.56×1=56+0.56=56.56 2.37×0.5×4=2.37×(0.5×4)=2.37×2=4.74 3.7×2.5+6.3×2.5=(3.7+6.3)×2.5=10×2.5=25

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