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I think most of you must know Harry Potter ,even you haven’t read it. There are the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber/?t?e?mb?(r)/ of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet ['g?blit] of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix[?fi?niks] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[?h?l?u] The story is terrific! The writer designed this story plot with great care, I suppose. In fact, the author has provided some hints of this story line in every books of the serie.Things in the story are convincing, although they're not true. A lot of special things appeared in the story, for example, Betie Botts Beans THAT tasteD very strange and chocolate frog. Can you believe that a frog made of chocolate can be eaten? The book also included some special events,like Quiddich ,WHICH IS a game that people played on a broom.You see, the story IS just like another world, a magical world. This attracts people'S ATTENTION! The world of Harry Potter is a place where the mundane[‘m?ndein] and the marvelous[’mɑ:vil?s], the ordinary and the surreal[s?‘ri?l] coexist[’k?uig‘zist]. Its a place where cars can fly and owls can deliver the mail, a place where paintings talk and a mirror reflects peoples innermost desires. Its also a place utterly recognizable to readers, a place where death and the catastrophes[k?'t?sr?fi] of daily life are inevitable, and peoples lives are defined by love and loss and hope — the same way they are in our own mortal world. Compare with the books When I first walked into the movie, my expectations were very high. The first two movies, I thought, were the best of the series mainly due to screenplays that closely followed the original books. Though the third and fourth movies were very artistic and dramatic, I couldn't really connect to them in the way i had with the books. They glossed over many of the little things that made the Harry Potter series so magical in the first place, focusing on a select few plot lines and limiting dialog to only what was necessary to further the story. As a result they've felt more like a collage of scenes, a series of puzzle pieces, thrown at the viewers faster than they can piece together, just leading up to a final confrontation. Pacing has certainly been an issue, leaving fans feeling disjointed, and those new to the series confused as to what exactly is going on. In this respect, Order of the Phoenix was very similar to the previous two movies. However, to the die hard fans of the books, you will undoubtedly be


哈利·波特主题公园在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多环球影城度假村(Universal Orlando Resort)正式对外开放。 The park about Harry Potter will on in America 华纳公司与奥兰多环球影城,将在奥兰多环球影城内建造一个以“哈利·波特”系列小说为蓝本的“哈利·波特魔法世界”,是“冒险岛”主题公园的一部分。这个“魔法世界”将作为环球影城冒险岛主题乐园的一部分,将于2010年春季对外开放。“冒险岛”主题公园位于奥兰多环球影城度假村。哈利·波特主题公园建成后将成为“冒险岛”公园中的“第六座岛”。

有关哈利·波特主题公园(Harry Potter Theme Park)已经传说很久了,现在终于有了确定的消息:哈利·波特主题公园将于明年春天在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多环球影城度假村(Universal Orlando Resort)正式对外开放。 体验神话世界 全世界的《哈利·波特》的书迷和影迷们将能在这个主题公园得以亲身体验一个神话般的世界。 环球影视公司承诺,主题公园将复制系列小说中的一些经典场景:“哈迷”们不仅可以看到书中和电影中的所展现的场景和画面,还可以进入霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts Castle),参观奥利凡德魔杖店(wand shop Ollivanders),甚至亲身来一次飞行训练。 另外,在电影中出现的猫头鹰屋(Owlery)也将在主题公园中再现,游客们甚至可以通过猫头鹰邮递(The Owl Post)从主题公园中寄出盖有霍格斯米德村(Hogsmeade)邮戳的信件。 在影片中哈利·波特和朋友们经常光顾的三把扫帚酒吧(The Three Broomsticks pub)和猪头酒吧(Hogs Head pub)也将在主题公园中出现,游客们可以在那里购买食品和饮料,不过他们恐怕仍然得用“麻瓜”世界里的真实货币。


八年级英语下册《Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park 哈利波特主题公园开门迎客英语新闻》文章素材 “Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe led groups of excited kids dress ed in Hogwarts uniforms as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park officially opened on Friday to long lines and sna rled traffic. 哈利波特魔法世界主题公园于上周五正式开放,开放日当天公园门口排起长队,被堵得水泄不通。《哈利波特》系列电影的主演丹尼尔雷德克里夫则带领着一群兴高采烈、身穿霍格沃茨魔法学校校服的孩子们畅游乐园。 Radcliffe, Rupert Grint who plays the boy wizard's best friend Ron Weasley, and other actors from the blockbuster movie and book series, were on hand at Universal Orlando as fans lined up more than eight hours to be among the first visitors. 当天,雷德克里夫和《哈利波特》系列电影和小说中哈利波特的好友罗恩韦斯莱的扮演者鲁伯特格林特及其它主创都现身奥兰多环球影城,而“哈迷”们则为了成为公园的第一批游客不惜排队等待八个多小时。


美国奥兰多环球影城Universal Orlando Resort 1、基地位置:美国佛罗里达奥兰多北部,离机场不远,著名的I-4公路75A或者75B出口(取决于自西向东或者自东向西),好莱坞路(Hollywood Way)与环球大道(Universal Blvd.)之间。 2、基地面积: 3、功能定位:美国环球电影公司旗下的影视星工场和娱乐主题公园。 比好莱坞环球影城晚建了近30年,更具现代感,也更为年轻人所喜爱。 新区主要借用的是科幻、荒诞和卡通电影的主题,奠定了影城的嘉年华风格。 4、功能分区:(1)环球影城:相对传统的“老区”,内容与好莱坞影城区别不大。 (2)环球冒险岛:大量借鉴迪斯尼风格和手法,比迪斯尼还迪斯尼的电影主题公园。 5、发展历程: 环球影城于1990年6月7日对外开放。 1999年,公园开始进行扩建,增添了冒险岛、环球城市漫步、影城内宾馆以及两个多层停车场。在这次扩建后,奥兰多环球影城的规模也一举超过了好莱坞环球影城。 影城最初称“Universal Studios Escape”,不过很快就被“Universal Orlando Resort”替代了。 2007年开始筹建“哈利波特”主题公园,2010年初正式开放。 6、项目介绍: 不仅可以玩惊险刺激的游乐项目,还能亲历了解电影片场,以及电影中特殊效果是如何拍摄出来的。可以看到恐怖片的拍摄场景,如: 雪崩断桥, 山洪爆发,大白鯊, 金刚咆哮等, 还可以看到电影《未来世界》,《侏儒纪公园》和《ET》的仿真场景。栩栩如生的造型让人有一种身临其境的感觉。而在山洪暴发、飓风以及地震等模拟现场,又会有令人畏惧和神经紧张的感受。 这有两个与电影无关但却是世界著名惊险项目,“传统过山车”和“独创过山车”。传统过山车虽传统,但其惊险指数是世界首位,各地的过山车迷会专程来此体验登峰造极的超级感受,而且要在过山车的前排和后排分别体验一次:前排体验失重时冲向地面的感觉,后排体验起伏时被甩起的感受。 另一个世界首创的“过山车”,是两个并排而立的垂直方形铁塔,两个铁塔独立运行各自接待游人。游人坐在铁塔外面一个环状的铁架上,通过压缩空气的爆发力弹射到顶端后自由落体,然后再被弹起,3秒中内的上下落差可达50米,刺激程度让常人难以接受,游戏停止时总有人需搀扶才能走下座位。 影城中还有类似宇航员训练时使用的离心设备的游乐项目,模拟被发射升空的场景,心脏不好的人被严格限制进入。一些水上漂流项目也同样精彩,但惊险度一般,是为老人和儿童准备的游戏项目。 “挑战者现场秀”自称是史上最疯狂的娱乐节目。观众可以自愿参与从广受欢迎的电视节目中节选的惊人特技表演。如观看四维电影《怪物史莱克》,或在《龙卷风》景点中亲历龙卷风。


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone : 《哈利波特与魔法石》: There once a boy named Harry. Destined to be a star. His parents were killed by Voldemort who gave him a lightening scar. Harry goes to Hogwarts. He meets Ron and Hermione. McGonagall requires he play for Gryffindor. Draco is a daddy?s boy. Quirrell becomes unemployed. The Sorcerer?s Stone is destroyed by Dumbledore. 有个男孩叫哈利,他注定要受举世瞩目。他的父母都被伏地魔杀害了,他也留下了一道闪电疤痕。哈利来到了霍格沃兹,认识了罗恩和赫敏。麦格希望他为格兰芬多效力。马尔福是个乖乖仔。奇洛教授被解雇了。邓布利多校长毁坏了魔法石。 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 《哈利·波特与密室》: Ron breaks his wand. Now Ginny?s gone. And Harry?s in mortal danger. Tom Riddle hides his snake inside. His ginormous secret chamber. 罗恩弄坏了他的魔杖。这时金妮离开了。现在哈利有性命危险。伏地魔藏有一条蛇怪在他的密室之中。 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaba: 《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》: Harry blows up Aunt Marge. The dementors come and take charge. Lupin is a wolf. The rat?s a man. And now the prisoner is at large. They use time travel so they can .Save the p risoner of Azkaban. Who just so happens to be Harry?s Godfather. I don?t really get it either. 哈利惹恼了玛格姨妈。摄魂怪出现了。卢平教授其实是狼人。那只老鼠其实是人变的。囚犯们正逍遥法外,他们用时空旅行的方式救出阿兹卡班的囚徒,而他正是哈利的教父。我也不怎么明白。 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire : 《哈利·波特与火焰杯》: Harry gets put in the Triwizard Tournament. With dragons and mermaids. Oh, no! Edward Cullen gets slayed. He?s back. 哈利被陷害参加了三强争霸赛,关卡中有龙有人鱼。噢,不!塞德里克被杀害了,伏地魔复活了。 Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix:


首先明确,哈利波特主题公园位于美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市的环球度假村中(Universal Resorts Orlando,Florida),并非在英国;英国那个是电影的实景地,现在只是半开放状态,也不是主题公园性质;美国这个由于是华纳公司投资的电影,所以产业链嘛,自然建起了主题公园。 简单介绍一下奥兰多(Orlando)这个城市:奥兰多是一个极其发达的旅游度假胜地,以迪斯尼为首的众多主题公园以及怡人的环境、周边的海滩吸引着无数游客,可以说在奥兰多看到的人,不是来度假的,就是为度假人服务的~ 奥兰多四季适宜旅游,不过还是推荐冬天前来,气候温和,游人相对少些,毕竟在夏季如果赶上梅雨季节,那真是一天一场暴雨啊…… 环球度假村(Universal Resorts)应该属于奥兰多第二大主题公园,分为两个园区:冒险岛(Island of Adventure)以及环球影城(Universal Studios)(另外还有一个水上公园,在此不多加叙述),哈利波特主题公园位于冒险岛(Island of Adventure)中,只占其很小的一部分,实际上,如果只是从一头走到另一头也就五分钟的时间,不过好在这小小的一片地方,做的的确精致诱人。 整体概况: 园区:霍格沃茨城堡(Hogwarts Castle) 霍格莫德村(Hogsmeade) 游艺设施:飞行之旅(Flying tour) 鹰头有翼兽之旅(Flight the Hippogriff) 龙的挑战(Dragon Challenge) 商铺:佐科玩具店(zonko's) 蜂蜜公爵糖果店(Honeydukes) 猫头鹰邮局(Owl Post) 奥利凡德魔杖店(Ollivanders) 德维与班吉巫师用品商店(Dervish and Banges) 餐厅:三把扫帚酒吧(Three Broomsticks) 园区简介: 很多朋友问整个园子玩儿下来要多长时间,由于我是第一天开幕去的,人不是一般的多,光进哈利波特的门就排了3个小时的队,这还是通过了一些非常手段,正常开园开始排队的都排了八个小时左右,进园后每一个店铺、每一个游艺项目都要排至少一个小时的队,所以我们整整花了一天的时间在哈利波特园里,冒险岛(Island of Adventure)其他地方都没有去;不过从后来朋友去的状况来看,队还是要排的,但只要到的够早(大概开园前半小时到一小时),一天玩儿下整个冒险岛(Island of Adventure)是不成问题的。 首先是霍格沃茨城堡(Hogwarts Castle). 刚进城堡大门有两小时内免费存包的地方,因为任何背包是不可以带进城堡的,不过相机一定要随身带,其他东西一律存起来,玩儿着也方便;顺着小巫师的指示走进城堡,在通过一段制作精美的甬道后(期间会看到邓布利多的办公室、格兰芬多公共休息室、会动的肖像等等,但都是迷你型的,且不能多做停留),抵达个人认为最精彩的游艺设施(ride):霍格沃茨飞翔之旅(Flying Tour)。其


Harry potter&I When I was 8 years old ,I read the book 《Harry Potter》by chance. From then on I became one of faithful fans of it.I often sat by the window to wait for the owl and dreamed of receiving the letter from Hogwars . It can be regarded as a good friend in my teenager life. It inspired me to be brave, strong and optimistic. At the same time, it opened my eyes to the importance family, friendship and the power of love.Harry Potter,thanks for accompanying me.

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling.

Seven Books Of 《Harry Potter》1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 《哈利·波特与魔法石》 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 《哈利·波特与密室》 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》


[哈利·波特主题公园]广州哈利波特主题公园 你已经从书籍和大银幕中与哈利·波特分享了他的每一次历险。现在,你还可以在美国奥兰多环球影城的哈利·波特主题公园里亲自体验一番!在这里,你可以穿越高耸的霍格沃茨城堡大门,探访熟悉的过道、教室和走廊;走进霍格莫德村的商店,尝尝三把扫帚酒吧和猪头酒吧的美食;重头戏无疑是“哈利·波特与禁忌之旅”、“龙的挑战”和“鹰头马身有翼兽的飞行之旅”。所有这些都让人有置身于魔法世界的感觉。 虽然哈利·波特主题公园远在大洋彼岸,广大哈迷们就诚心祈愿吧——希望可以早日飞到美国,或者投资者在中国建一个这样的主题公园! Muggles, the time has e! The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park at Universal Orlando Resort[度假胜地] re-creates much of the setting of the Harry Potter books and movies. If you’re one of the fans who have longed to immerse[沉浸于] yourself in the Harry Potter universe, grab your broomstick[帚柄] and head on down to Orlando! Hogwarts Castle

Inside Hogwarts Castle is the park’s signature[有特征的符号] attraction, a thrill[胆战心惊] ride called “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.” Without a doubt, the Forbidden Journey is the main reason to visit, and you can certainly expect long lines for this attraction, so arrive early. Seated on an “enchanted[被施魔法的] bench,” you fly through the air to some of the memorable scenes in the movies. You face the Dementors, play Quidditch, and fly through Hogwarts’ Great Hall, along with other adventures. Inside the Castle One of the most innovative[创新的] parts of the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride is that even waiting in line is a treat[乐事] for the ride. While you follow the line through the castle toward the ride, you’ll travel through several areas that will be familiar to Potter fans, such as the Portrait Gallery (yes, the paintings talk), the Gryffindor mon room, Professor Dumbledore’s office, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Hogwarts Express


“Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe led groups of excited kids dressed in Hogwarts uniforms as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park officially opened on Friday to long lines and snarled traffic. 哈利波特魔法世界主题公园于上周五正式开放,开放日当天公园门口排起长队,被堵得水泄不通。《哈利波特》系列电影的主演丹尼尔雷德克里夫则带领着一群兴高采烈、身穿霍格沃茨魔法学校校服的孩子们畅游乐园。 Radcliffe, Rupert Grint who plays the boy wizard's best friend Ron Weasley, and other actors from the blockbuster movie and book series, were on hand at Universal Orlando as fans lined up more than eight hours to be among the first visitors. 当天,雷德克里夫和《哈利波特》系列电影和小说中哈利波特的好友罗恩韦斯莱的扮演者鲁伯特格林特及其它主创都现身奥兰多环球影城,而“哈迷”们则为了成为公园的第一批游客不惜排队等待八个多小时。 Before dawn, the backup of Potter fans began to block the main highway through Orlando near the entrances to Universal, prompting the theme park to open its parking garage at 5 am -- 30 minutes earlier than planned, according to local media. 据当地媒体报道,当天天亮之前,环球影城入口附近的市内主要通道已开始被


[智慧主题公园]哈利波特主题公园 数字化为我们的生活智能化提供了必要的手段,在笛卡尔所处 的时代地球被认为是二元的,人类是有智慧的,地球没有智慧的;随着数字技术的发展,世界的数字基础架构和物理基础架构开始相互融合了,地球可以智慧了,道路、桥梁、工厂、矿山、医院都可以智慧了,可以真正和人类进行交流和互通信息。简单说让地球“说话”。了,数字化提供了人与物理人之外的一切可以通畅交流的语言,与人类相关的一切都可以表达了,只不过复杂程度不同而已。主题公园理所应当可以拥有智慧了,拥有智慧的主题公园应该是 __主题公园的 样式。 主题公园 __还是较新的概念,沿用国外的说法:主题公园是一个基于个主题(海洋)、拥有竞技类游戏和大型的可以乘骑的游乐器械、被围起来的户外区域。“由人创造而成的舞台化的休闲娱乐活动空间”“为了满足娱乐者多样化休闲娱乐需求和选择而建的。种具有创意性游园线索和策划性活动方式的现代旅游目的地形态”人们公认为1955年迪士尼公园为世界第一个主题公园,迪士尼的创始人沃尔特迪士尼在创作了世人家喻户晓的“米老鼠”之后,完成了《白雪公主与七个小矮人》、《匹诺曹》、《灰姑娘》、《彼得潘》等动画片,创造了许多动人的童话形象,先把动画形象创作成电影,然后再建成主题公园,将真实的情景再现在现实生;舌中,为游客制造梦幻的情景,制

造交流的话题,“迪士尼”运用动画、电影等新媒体的方式,成功的树立产业品牌,是目前在该领域里有着很强的竞争优势。 随着我国大力推进文化产业,主题公园也纷纷建立,中国的主 题公园历经三个阶段: 第一阶段:深圳的“锦绣中华”,公园的景观以微缩景观为主,游客以观赏的方式游玩,在公园建设初期由于旅游资源开发得不够深入,游客接触的公园形态很单,另外,深圳是新开发的城市,需要有文化的旅游景区来满足游客的需求,深圳的“锦绣中华”借助深圳的地理优势在年内收回了投资成本,但由于公园在整体的设计上是以观光的方式为主,游客在一次游玩之后,并不能吸引游客二次游玩。 第二阶段:由于影视业的发展,影视文化对游客有很强的影响力,一些以影视为题材的影城是主题公园的又一类表现形态,1991 年以无锡影视城为代表,是以拍摄基地和影视主题旅游为主要的经营。随后的北京的世界公园、北京中华民族园上海美国梦。幻乐园、苏州乐园等产品的娱乐性有所增强。第二阶段的主题公园增加了与游客互动的因素,但还没有突破观光旅游的特点。 第三阶段:1998年欢乐谷的建成标志着中国的主题公园又上了新的台阶,以高科技为手段带动主题公园进入了新的领域,“四维影


Hello, every one! Today is my turn to give you the daily report. My name is Christian. I was born in the end of 1998. I have many hobbies, such as soccer, basketball, Chinese chess, travelling, and sleeping. In this summer vacation, I read quite a few books, and my favorite one is "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". Although someone introduced this book several days ago, I think it is an interesting and meaningful book, and I really like it very much, so here I am going to introduce it to you again. It is the last book of the Harry Potter novels, and also the most wonderful one. Different from the other six novels , Harry and his best friends Ron and Hermione did not go back to Hogwarts,because they had to find and destroy Voldemort’s rest 4 Horcruxes. And there was another reason was that, during this year, Voldemort's force had become strong enough to control Hogwats, the Ministry of Magic and almost the whole magic world. Both Death Eaters and Ministry of Magic were searching them. In this book, Harry and his friends experienced a really hard time. What they can do was just escaping from one place to another, bewaring the search and looking for the Horcruxes. Fortunately, they finally found all Horcruxes and successfully destroied them. Then the battlefield removed back to Hogwarts. Almost all the students and teachers, and also many people came to Hogwarts to join the final fight to Voldemort and his Death Eaters. However, Harry found two shocking sercrets. First, Severus Snape was actually the man who always stand with him. He was the most loyal man to Dumbledure and also the firmest man fighting against Voldemort. He pretended to kill Dumbledore to get the belief of Voldemort. He was killed by Voldemort at last. And the second secret, a bigger one, was that Voldemort actually had 7 Horcruxes, the 7th one, also the 8th piece soul of Voldemort, was him: Harry Potter. Dumbledore's plan was, after Harry destroied all Horcruxes, let him go to Voldemort and give out his own life. Only in this way can Voldemort be killed. Harry did it. He put down his weapon,go to the front of Voldemort and let Voldemort kill himself . The wonder happened, Harry did not die, and the 8th soul disappeared. Finally, Harry killed Voldemort in the face of all people. The peace came at last. In this novel, my favorite character is Severus Snape. He used his own life fighting against Voldemort, but he couldn’t let other people know.He had to fight silently and sacrificed at last. I think he is the most brave one. Now I am going to ask you two questions, 1/ Why didn’t Harry and his friends go back to Hogwarts at first? 2/ What is Voldemort’s last Horcruxe?


哈利波特主题公园 《哈利波特》系列电影的主演丹尼尔雷德克里夫则带领着一群兴高采烈、身穿霍格沃茨魔法学校校服的孩子们畅游乐园。接下来,小编给大家准备了哈利波特主题公园,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 哈利波特主题公园 Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe led groups of excited kids dressed in Hogwarts uniforms as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park officially opened on Friday to long lines and snarled traffic. Radcliffe, Rupert Grint who plays the boy wizards best friend Ron Weasley, and other actors from the blockbuster movie and book series, were on hand at Universal Orlando as fans lined up more than eight hours to be among the first visitors. Before dawn, the backup of Potter fans began to block the main highway through Orlando near the entrances to Universal, prompting the theme park to open its parking garage at 5 a.m. -- 30 minutes earlier than planned, according to local media. Visitors told Reuters that by 8:30 a.m. the line to get inside wrapped around the exterior of Universals Islands of


奥兰多环球影城 1 简介 奥兰多环球影城[1]是美国环球电影公司旗下的大型主题公园,在1989年开业,是美国环球影城中的一个,位于美国佛罗里达州的奥兰多市,另一个位于加州的洛杉矶的好莱坞环球影城。奥兰多环球影城(Universal Orlando Resort)由两个园构成。一个叫做Universal Studios Florida,直译成佛罗里达环球影城;另一个叫做Universal's Islands of Adventures,译为环球影城冒险岛。该主题公园里的内容和位于洛杉矶的好莱坞影城主题公园区别不大,但是,由于奥兰多的这座环球影城比好莱坞环球影城要晚建了近30年,所以使得位于奥兰多的这座影城更有现代感,也更被年轻人所喜爱。 2 开放时间 奥兰多环球影城的两个园开放时间均为早9点到晚9点 3 门票类型  门票有一天一园,也有一天两园等多种类型选择;如果想轻松一点的玩,一天一个乐园会比较合适;若想紧凑,一天两个乐园也能玩下来,但这仅适用于不带孩子,精力充沛的成年组合。 一天一园票价:成人$88 儿童$82 一天两园票价:成人 $123 儿童$117 此外官网上还会有买两天的票第三天免费玩的优惠 如果不想排队还可以购买Express,类似于迪斯尼的fast pass,不同之处在于fast pass是免费的,而环球影城的这个Express需要另外花钱购买。如果是住Unviversal酒店的客人,可以直接凭房卡充当express。 这个如果不是旺季建议大家可以不用买,一是淡季环球影城的人没有太多,但前提是要去的早,一开园就去,节省钞票的同时,要付出的就是早起2 个小时5.年接待人数 6.规模 7.营业额 在2013年,该主题公园接待了706万人,接待人数排名全美第九,全世界排名第十六 包括佛罗里达环球影城和环球影城冒险岛两个大的主题乐园。除了两个广大的主题公园外, 还有繁华的步行街,一个12公顷的综合娱乐区,是游乐园夜生活主要的集中地方。占地20公顷,历时三年,耗费十亿美元的哈利波特主题馆也相当具有吸引力。 在2011年佛罗里达奥兰多主题乐园的营业额19.89亿美元。 200820092010201120122013worldwide rank 62310005533000592500060440006195000706000016 4.亮点 1. 奥兰多环球影城是所有环球主题乐园及度假村中最大的,也是奥兰多市内最大的度假村。 2. 这里拥有世界上唯一的翻转对称过山车“斗龙”。 3. 全球唯一的哈利波特城堡建设在此,除了亲临各种电影中出现的场景,游客还能喝到特殊饮料。 具有现代感,更受年轻人喜爱的奥兰多环球影城是所有环球主题乐园及度假村中最大的。它主要拥有两大主题公园——佛罗里达环球影城和冒险岛乐园,不仅可以为游客重现真实的电影场景,还能为喜欢寻求刺激的游客提供娱乐项目。除此之外,这里还有一个餐饮娱乐区域“环球城市漫步”以及三家豪华酒店,因此游客也可以尽情在这里享受住宿和餐饮上的便捷。


Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger,all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story of Harry's quest to overcome the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to subjugate non-magical people, conquer the wizarding world, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter. Since the 30.June.1997 release of the first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success w worldwide. As of June 2011, the book series has sold about 450 million copies and has been translated into 67 languages.

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