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绝对翻译。Absolute Translation。按照古阿德克的解释,指专业译员为应付不同翻译要求而采用的七种翻译类型之一。According to Gouadec,one of 7 types of translation which can be used by professional translators to respond to the various translation requirements


摘要翻译。Abstract Translation 古阿德提出的用以对付不同翻译要求的七种翻译策略之一。One of seven strategies proposed by Gouadec to fulfil the various translation needs which arise in a professional environment。

3滥译。Abusive Translation。路易斯用来表示文学翻译中极端做法的一个术语。A term used by Lewis to refer to a radical approach to literary translation。


可接受性。Accetability。图里采用的术语,用来指可以从翻译作品中观察到的两种倾向之一。A term used by Toury to denote one of two tendencies which can be observed in translated texts。


准确。Accuracy。翻译评估中用来表示译文与原文相符成都的术语。A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original。


改编Adaptation。传统上用来指采用特别自由的翻译策略而做出任何目标文本的术语。A term traditionally used to refer to any TT in which a particularly strategy has been adopted。

充分性。Adequacy。某些译评者讨论源文本与目标文本关系属性时所采用的术语。A term used by some commentators on translation to discuss the nature of the relationship between ST and TT,

按照图里的解释,指翻译过程中与规范相关的连续体的两极之一。According to Toury ,one of the two poles of the continuum relates to the NORMS used in the translation process。


调整。Adjustment。。按照奈达的解释,指《圣经》翻译中使用的一套技巧,旨在于目标语中“产生正确的对等形式”,以帮助译文达至动态对等。According to Nida,a set of techniques used in Bible translation which are designed to “produce correct equivalents”in TL and thus help a translation achieve dynamic equivalences


美学诗体翻译。Aesthetic-Poetic Translation:按照卡塞格兰德的解释,指四种翻译类型之一。According to Casagrande ,one of four types of translation。


经纪人Agent。塞杰用来指“处于译者与译品最终使用者中间位置”之人的术语。A rerm used by Sager to the person who is “in an intermediary position between a translator and an end user of a translation。”


国际会议口译联合会。AIIC(AssoicationIternationale Iterpretes de Conference)

为包含会议口译员利益而成立于1953 年11 月的组织。An organization founded in November 1953 to protect the interests of conferences interpreters


类同形式。Analogical form。按照霍姆斯的解释,译者在翻译诗体形式时可以采用的四种途径之一。According to Holmes,one of four approaches which a traslator may use when translating verse form。


分析。Analysis。奈达与泰伯用来描述翻译过程三步骤之中第一步的术语。A term used by Nida&T aber to describe the first of the three stages of the translation process。


应用翻译学,应用翻译研究。Applied translation studies。霍姆斯提出的翻译研究领域,与翻译研究中的理论研究及描写翻译研究相对应(后两者构成纯翻译研究)。The area of investigation within translation studies constrasted by Holmes with theoretical and descriptive translation studies(the two of which together make up the field of pure translation studies)


古词,废词。Archaism。用来指译本中使用古文(或指一例具体的此种用词)的术语。A term which refers to the use of obsolescent language in a translation (or alternatively,

a single instance of such language)


元译素(简称ATR)。Architranseme。范。路文兹瓦特创造的术语,用来表示在文学文本与其译本之间进行详尽语言比较时所用的理论概念。A term coined by Leuven-Zwart to designate a theoretical concept used in the close linguistic comparision of literary texts and their translations。

关于范围的翻译理论。Area-restricted theories of translation。霍姆斯将此界定为关于语言或文化的局部翻译理论。Defined by Holmes as partial theories of translation which are restricted with regard to the languages and/or culteurs which are being considered


自立幅度。Autonomy spectrum

罗斯为翻译分类提供框架而引进的一个概念。A concept introduced by Rose to provide

a framework for categorizing translation


自译。Autotranslation or self translation

波波维奇将此界定为“由作者本人将原作变成另一种语言的翻译。”Defined by Popovic as “the translation of an original work into another language by the author himself.”


巴别塔。Bable ,tower of。《圣经》故事,讲述人类为什么注定要说多种语言。A biblical narrative explaining why man is destined to speak a multiplicity languages。


回译(Back-tanslation)。将已译成特定语言的文本译回源语的过程。A process in which

a text which has been translated into a given language is retranslated into SL。


双语料库(Bilingual Corpora),平行语料库(Parallel Corpora)。按照贝克的解释,指“用A 语写成的源语文本和用B 语翻译的译文”组成的一种语料库。Accoeding to Baker,a type of corpus “consists of original ,source language-texts in language A and their

translated versions in language B。”


双文本(Bi-text )哈里斯引进的术语,用来指既包括源文本又包括目标文本在内的一种概念。A term used by Harris to refer to a construct comprising both ST and TT,which exists as a psychological reality for the translator (or the bilingual reader )。


无韵体翻译。Blank verse translation 勒坲维尔所提译诗的七种策略之一。Presented by Lefevere as one of seven strategies for translating poetry 。


借用。Borrowing 维纳与达尔贝勒纳描述的七种翻译程序之一。One of seven translation procedures described by Vnay&Darbelnet。


仿造,又名借译。Calque or loan translation 。该术语用来只把源语词项的单个成分(如单词的各个词素)直译成目标语对等成分的过程。A term used to denote the process whereby the individual elements of an SL item (eg morphemes in the case of a single word )are translated literally to produce a TL equivalent 。


范畴转换。Category shift 。卡特福德采用的术语,指两种主要类型的转换之一。A term used by Catford to denote one of two major typeset of shift 。


词类转换。Class shift。范畴转换的一种,指使用属于不同语法类别的目标语项来翻译源语词项。A type of category shift which involves translating an SL iterm by means of a TL item belonging to a different grammatical class 。


贴近翻译。Close translation 。一些学者(如纽马克)所用的术语,泛指强调在源语与目标语的语言单位之间保持完全对应,而不强调传递源文本总体意义或精神的翻译策略。A generic term used by some writers (for example Newmark 1988)to refer to translation strategies which favour exact correspondence between Sland Tl linguistic units over an emphasis on conveying the overall meaning or spirit of SL。


连贯。Coherence 。在一般用法中按照佛米尔的解释模式被界定为“文本与情景保持一致”。Defined in general terms as “the agreement of a text with its situation ”


委托。commission 弗米尔在译者行动框架内使用的术语,指译者在做出目标文本时所遵循的工作要求。委托可以指来自客户或其他第三方的一系列明确的指令和要求。A term used by Vemeer within the framework of translatorial to refer to the specifications which the translator works with when producing a TT。


传译负荷communication load ,又名信息负荷information load 。奈达在关于翻译过程的模式中所采用的术语,奈达和泰伯把此界定为“信息的难度。”A term used in Nida ‘s model of the translation process ,and defined by Nida&T aber as “the degree of difficulty of a message 。”


传意翻译,交际翻译,又名传意途径,交际途径。Communicative translation ,or communicative approach 用来指任何一种把翻译视作“发生于社会情境之传意过程”的途径的术语。A term used to refer to any approach which views translation as a

“communicative process which takes place within a social context”


社群传译,又名对话传译或公共服务传译。Community interpreting or public service interpreting 。由使用环境区分的一种传译。A form of interpreting which is distinguished by the contexts in which it is employed


可比语料库。Comparable corporation 贝克采用的术语,指“同一语言里两组互为独立的文本集合”A term used by Baker to refer to “two separate collections of texts in the same llanguage 。


补偿。Compensation 。与希金斯将此界定为“通过使用与源文本不同的手段,在目标文本中产生近似源文本的效果,以补偿源文本重要特征在翻译中走失”的技巧。A term in general use for a number of decades ,and defined by Hervey&Higgins as “the technique of making up for the translation loss of important ST features by approximating their effects in the TT through means other than those used in the ST”。


能力。Competence。图里用来研究某些翻译实践特征的术语。A termused by Toury for investigating certain aspests of translation practice。


会议传译。Conference interpreting 。指用于国际会议以及其他高层次场所如讲座,电视广播或峰会的那一类口译。A term used to refer to the type of interpreting which occurs in international conferences as well as other high-profile settings such as

lectures ,television broadcasts or summit meetings


接续传译。Consecutive interpreting 。用来指两种基本口译模式之一的术语。A term used to refer to one of the two basic modest of interpreting (see also simultaneous interpreting )。


建构性翻译常规。Constitutive translational conventions 。诺德提出的两种翻译常规之一。According to Nord ,one of two types of translational convention 。41

派生内容的形式,又名有机形式。Content-derivative form or organic form。霍姆斯采用的术语,指译者在目标语中处理诗歌翻译形式时可以采取的四种途径之一。A term used by Holmes to denote one of four possible approaches open to a translator when faced with the problem of rendering verse form in TL。


语境一致。Contextual consistency 。奈达与泰伯所用的术语,指“翻译某个源语词项时,在接受语中采用最符合具体语境的表达形式,而不在所有语境里采用同一个表达形式”。A term used by Nida&T aber to describe “the quality which results from translating a source language word by that expression in the receptor language which best fits each context rather than by the same expression in all contexts。”


受控语言。Controlled language。阿诺德将此界定为“一种语言的特殊简化版本”。Defined by Arnold as “a specially simplified version of a language 。”



“既不是明确制定出来的,也不具有约束力”,而仅是建立在人们的常识和共同期待的基础上。A term used by Nord ,starting from a general definition of the word convention ,Nord reasons that translation ,like any other form of social behavior ,will necessarily take place within parameters which are socially and culturally determined 。”


语料库。Corpora,singular corpus 。翻译研究中传统上沿用的术语,指较小规模的文本集合,(其中有些部分)供人工从中搜索特征中有趣的范例。A term traditionally used in translation studies to refer to relatively small-scale collections of texts (parts of )which are searched manually for examples of features which are of interest


可修正性Correctability。按照赖斯与佛米尔的解释,该术语指翻译行动两大特征之一,翻译行动必须具备这两个特征才能称得上是笔译,而不是口译或传译。According to Reiss&Vermeer ,one of two features which need to apply to a given act of translation in order for it to be considered an instance of translation rather than interpreting 。


对应Correspondence。用来指源语成分与目标语成分关系的术语,这些成分在某种意义上被认为互为对应。A term used to refer to the relationship which exists between elements of SL and TL that are in some way considered to be counterparts of each other 。


法庭传译。Court interpreting 。由所发生语境界定的一种口译类型。A type of

interpreting which is defined by the context in which it occurs 。


隐型翻译。Covert translation

豪斯引进的术语指两类互为对应的翻译模式之一。A term introduced by House to refer to one of two contrasting modest of translation


文化借用。Cultural borrowing 。赫维与希金斯采用的术语,指把某个源语表达形式逐词转移到目标语的一种文化置换。A term used by Hervey&Higgins to describe the type of cultural translation in which an SL expression is trasferred verbatim Tlike because it is not possible to translate it by a suitable TL equivalent


文化替换。Cultural substitution 。比克曼与卡洛在《圣经》翻译语境中采用的术语,指处理目标文化中所缺事物或活动时而可能采取的策略。A term used by Beekman&Callow in the context of bible translation to describe a possible strategy for dealing with objects or events which are unknown in the target culture 。


文化翻译,又名文化途径。Cultural translation or cultural approache。非正式使用的术语,指作为跨文化或人类学研究工具的翻译类型,或指任何对文化以及语言因素反应敏感的翻译。A term used informally to refer to types of translation which function as a tool for cross-cultural or anthropological research ,or indeed to any translation which is senstive to cultural as well as linguistic factors


文化移植。Cultural transplantation 。赫维与希金斯用来指最高成度的文化置换的术语。

A term used by Hervey&Higgins to denote the highest degree of cultural transposition。


文化置换。Cultural transposition 赫维与希金斯采用的意义宽泛的术语,指“译者在把源文本内容转移到目标文化语境的过程中,可能会采用的对字面翻译的各种不同程度的偏离。”A general term used by Hervey&Higgins to describe “the various degrees of departure from literal translation that one may resort to in the process of transferring the contexts of a ST into the context of a target culture


翻译即抉择。Decision-making ,translation as 。用以指译者生成目标文本时经历的部分过程的术语。A term used to characterize part of the process which the translator goes through in the course of formulating a TT。


区分度,又名精准度。Degree of differentiation or degree of precision 。霍尼格与库斯莫尔采用的术语,指翻译源文化特有事物和词汇时使用的一种策略。A term used by Honig&Kussmaul to refer to a strategy for translating words denoting items of the source culture 。


描写翻译研究:描写翻译学,简称DTS。Descriptive translation studies 。霍姆斯将此界定为纯翻译研究的两个分支之一,另一分支为理论翻译研究。Defined by Holmes as one of the two subdivisions of pure translation studies (the other being theoretical translation studies 。)


图表翻译。Diagrammatic translation 。按照古阿德克,指用于满足专业环境里各种翻译需要的七类翻译(或类似翻译过程)之一。According to Gouadec,one of seven typeset of translation (or translation-like process )which serve to meet the various translation needs which occur in a professional environment 。


说教忠信。Didactic fidelity。按照比克曼与卡洛,指用于《圣经》文本翻译的两种补充性忠信原则之一。According to Beekman&Callow ,one of two complementary principles of fidelity which are used in the translation of biblical texts 。


直接翻译。Direct translation

于最初源文本而非转译自另一篇用其他语言所作中介译文的翻译程序。A term used by a number of writers (eg Toury )to refer to the type of translation procedure in which a TT is produced directly from the original ST,rather than via another ,intermediate translation in another language

(或常用语)的翻译类型。Defined as the tupelo of translation in which translator works into ,rather than away from ,his or her native language (or language of habitual use 种可以采用的翻译类型之一。Defined by Gutt as one of two possible typeset of translation 。


翻译方向。Direction of translation 。用来指翻译是从译者本族语(或译者常用语)译入还是译出的术语。A term which refers to whether translation occurs into or out of the translator‘s native languageE(or language of habitual use)。


文献型翻译。Documentary translation 。按照诺德,指根据目标文本应该如何在目标文化中发生作用而定义的两类翻译之一。According to Nord,one of two types of translation defined according to how TT is intended to function in the target culture 。


归化翻译,又名归化。Domesticating translation or domestication。韦努狄用来描述翻译策略的术语,在此类翻译中译文采用明白流畅的风格,以使目标语读者对外来文本的陌生感降到最低度。A term used by Venuti to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the the foreign texts for TL readers。


配音。Dubbing。用来指翻译视听材料(如电影,电视节目)的两种主要翻译技巧之一。A term used to refer to one of the two main techniques used in the translation of audio-visual material such as films and television programs。


杜布罗夫尼克章程Dubrovnik charter 1963 年国际译联(FIT)在杜布罗夫尼克市举行的第四届国际翻译者联合会议所通过的译者章程。A translator‘s charter adopted by the FIT in 1963 at the fourth International Translator’s Conference in Dubrovnik 。66 动态对等dynamic equivalence 。奈达在《圣经》翻译中采用的术语,用来描述翻译过程中两个基本取向之一。A term education by Nida in the context of bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation 。


动态忠信。Dynamic fidelity 。比克曼与卡洛用来描述“结构上自然,内容上有意义”的

《圣经》翻译术语。A term used by Beekman&Callow to describe a bible translation which is both “natural and meaningful in content 。”


用功模式。Effort models

贾尔杜撰的术语,指他于20 世纪70 年代末,80 年代初提出关于口译过程的一套模式。

A term coined by Gile to refer to a set of models of the interpreting process ,which he developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s


对等,又名翻译对等equivalence or translation equivalence

语和目标语文本或更小语言单位之间关系性质和范围的术语。A terminal used by many writers to describe the nature and the extent of the relationship shi exist between Sland TL texts or smaller linguistic units

与达尔贝勒纳用来指七种翻译程序之一的术语。A term used by Vinay&Darbelnet to refer to one of seven translation procedures。


种族学翻译。Ethnographic translation 卡塞格兰德提出的四种翻译类型之一。One of four classification of translation proposed by Casagrande。


翻译的种族语言学模式Ethnolinguistic model of transltion。奈达用此术语来描述在《圣经》翻译中很常见的一种情形,译者在两种习得的语言之间进行翻译,即在原文的希腊文或者希伯来文与一种印欧语言之外的现代语言之间进行翻译。A term used by Nida to describe the situation ,common in bible translation in which the translator translates between two languages both of which he or she has acquired ,namely

the Greek or Hebrew of the original,and a modern ,often non-indo-european language 。


非目标接收者Excluded receiver。皮姆用此术语指不能参与某个文本信息的读者(或听者),因为该文本显然不是对他们说的。A term used by PymCA to denote a reader or listener who is unable to participate in the message of a context because it is explicitly not addressed to him or her 。


诠释性翻译Exegetic translation。指“目标文本同时对源文本内容进行扩充和解释”的翻译类型one in which “the TT is ,at the same time ,an expansion and explanation of the contents of the ST”。


诠释忠信exegetical fidelity。按照比克曼与卡洛的解释,此术语用来指严格按照正确理解原文信息进行翻译的原则。According to Beekman&Callow,a term used to describe the principle of basing a translation stictly on a correct understanding of the original message。


异国情调exoticism。赫维与希金斯将其界定为文化置换的最低程度。A term defined by Hervey&Higgins as the lowest degree


1.dynamicity of language 语言的动态性 It refers to a distinctive feature of Chinese. Compared with English, Chinese have a much higher degree of dynamicity. It puts more emphasis on motion or action, which finds its expression in verbs and adverbs; however, English seems to lay more focus on the concept, as is expressed by nouns. 例:你怎么看?How do you think? What do you think? 2.semantic motivation 语义理据 It refers to the mental associations of the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal meaning and figurative meaning of a word. It can be achieved through rhetorical devices such as metaphor, hyperbole, analogy, metonymy and image. 例:metaphor: 喇叭花,纸老虎,鹅卵石 3.lexical gap 词汇空缺 Lexical gap refers to the fact that no corresponding lexical items of the source language can be found in the target language. There are several causes for such gaps: different motivations behind nomenclature, different ways of grouping things, differences among synonyms, and things unique to a culture, etc. 例:billions, millions 4.parataxis 意合 It means that the connections between sentences depend on the meanings of the languages or their logical relationship. Compared with English, Chinese is more paratactic because of its perceptional thing and holistic comprehension. 例:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 As long as the green mountains are there, one should not worry about firewood. In Chinese, there is no word to join the two clauses, but their English translations must have


翻译研究词典 1. Absolute Translation 绝对翻译 按照古阿德克的解释,指专业译员为应付不同翻译要求而采用的七种翻译类型之一。在绝对翻译中,整个源文本被转换成目标语,对原文内容和形式都不加以改动。 According to Gouadec, one of seven types of translation which can be used by professional translators to respond to the various translation requirements which can arise during the course of their work. In absolute translation, the whole of ST is transferred into TL, with no alteration to the content or the form of the original document. 2. Abstract Translation 摘要翻译 古阿德克提出的用以应付不同翻译要求的七种翻译策略之一。摘要翻译是将源文本的全部信息扼要译出,目的是让客户“迅速得到特定类型的信息”。其方法有多种:第一种是翻译源文本的一般主题思想;第二种是概述源文本的主要内容、文本主旨及次要内容;第三种是节录源文本中一切有用的内容。 According to Gouadec, one of seven strategies proposed by Gouadec to fulfill the various translation needs which arise in a professional environment. In abstract translation, a condensed translation of all the information in ST is made in order to give the client "rapid access to specific types of information". This may be done in various ways. Firstly, the generic themes of the text may be translated; secondly, a description may be given of the generic content and the objectives of the text and its sub-units; thirdly, an abridged translation of all the useful content of the text may be supplied. 3. Abusive Translation 滥译 路易斯用来表示文学翻译中极端做法的一个术语。他把滥译界定为“强势的、有力的翻译,它重视尝试使用新的语言表达,对语言习惯进行改变,用符合译文自身特征的文字去对应原文的多重或多元表达手段”。 A term used by Lewis to refer to a radical alternative approach to literary translation. He defines abusive translation as "strong, forceful translation that values experimentation, tampers with usage, seeks to match the polyvalencies or plurivocities or expressive stresses of the original by producing its own". 4. Acceptivity 可接受[性] 图里采用的术语,用来指可以从翻译作品中观察到的两种倾向之一。其要求是符合用目标语撰写、“读起来像原创”要求,而不是符合“读起来像原文”,因而译文也就会更有自然“感”。 A term used by Toury to denote one of two tendencies which can be observed in translated texts. Translations which lean towards acceptability can be thought of as fulfilling the requirement of "reading as an original" written in TL rather than that of "reading as the original" and consequently generally have a more natural "feel". 5.Accuracy 准确 翻译评估中用来表示译文与原文相符程度的术语。通常指源文本的信息内容在目标文本中的保留程度。所谓翻译精准,一般即字面而非自由翻译。 A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original. It usually refers to preservation of the information content of ST in TT. with an accurate translation being generally LITERAL rather than FREE. 6.Action, Translatorial 译者行动


商务英语中常用术语的翻译 定价和支付price and payment 1.CIF 到岸价格/ 成本加保险费,运费价 2.FOB离岸价格/ 装运港船上交货 3.CFR离岸加运费价格/ 成本加运费价格 4.佣金commission 5.折扣discount 6.净价,单价net price / unit price 7.定金down payment 8.分期付款installment payment 询盘和报盘 1.询盘inquiry 2.发盘offer 3.还盘counter-offer 4.实盘firm offer 5.虚盘non-firm offer 6.规格specification 7.样品sample 8.交货delivery 9.定货order 10.最低价rockbottomprice

11.价格单price list 单据document 1.形式发票proformainvoice 2.商业发票commercial invoice 3.领事发票consular invoice 4.汇票draft / bill of exchange 5.即期信用证sight draft 6.远期信用证usancedraft 7.信用证letter of credit / L/C 8.即期信用证sight L/C 9.远期信用证usanceL/C 10. 装船通知shipping advice 11.装箱单packing list 11.货运单据shipping documents 12.海运提单bill of lading / B/L 13.清洁提单clean B/L 14.不清洁提单unclean B/L 16.保险单insurance policy 17.检验证书certificate of inspection 18.质检证书certificate of quality 19.原产地证明书certificate of origin


最全法律条款术语中英文专业词汇翻译 法律条款术语在法律文件中扮演着重要的角色,正确理解和翻译这些专业词汇对于法律工作者是至关重要的。本文档旨在提供一份最全的法律条款术语中英文专业词汇翻译,帮助读者更好地理解和运用这些常见的法律术语。 A - Agreement: 协议 - Amendment: 修正案 - Arbitration: 仲裁 - Asset: 资产 - Assignment: 转让 B - Breach: 违约 - Bail: 保释 - Bankruptcy: 破产

- Bylaws: 规章 C - Consent: 同意 - Confidentiality: 保密性- Consideration: 对价 - Contract: 合同 - Counterclaim: 反诉 D - Damages: 损害赔偿 - Deed: 契约 - Defendant: 被告 - Default: 违约 - Dispute: 争议 E

- Enforcement: 执行 - Exclusion: 排除 - Estoppel: 拒绝接受反言- Evidence: 证据 - Executor: 遗嘱执行人 F - Force Majeure: 不可抗力- Fraud: 欺诈 G - Guarantee: 保证 - Governing Law: 管辖法律 H - Indemnity: 赔偿 - Injunction: 禁令

- Intellectual Property: 知识产权 L - Lease: 租约 - Liability: 责任 - Litigation: 诉讼 M - Merger: 合并 - Mortgage: 抵押 - Mutual Agreement: 相互协议 N - Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): 保密协议- Notary Public: 公证人 - Notice: 通知


绝对翻译。Absolute Translation。按照古阿德克的解释,指专业译员为应付不同翻译要求而采用的七种翻译类型之一。According to Gouadec,one of 7 types of translation which can be used by professional translators to respond to the various translation requirements 2 摘要翻译。Abstract Translation 古阿德提出的用以对付不同翻译要求的七种翻译策略之一。One of seven strategies proposed by Gouadec to fulfil the various translation needs which arise in a professional environment。 3滥译。Abusive Translation。路易斯用来表示文学翻译中极端做法的一个术语。A term used by Lewis to refer to a radical approach to literary translation。 4 可接受性。Accetability。图里采用的术语,用来指可以从翻译作品中观察到的两种倾向之一。A term used by Toury to denote one of two tendencies which can be observed in translated texts。 5 准确。Accuracy。翻译评估中用来表示译文与原文相符成都的术语。A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original。 6 改编Adaptation。传统上用来指采用特别自由的翻译策略而做出任何目标文本的术语。A term traditionally used to refer to any TT in which a particularly strategy has been adopted。


工人阶级的先锋队the vanguard of the working class 生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑productive force, relation of production, economic base, superstructure constitute 科学技术是第一生产力science and technology are the primary productive force 社会主义物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilizations of socialism 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民citizens with lofty ideals, moral integrity, better education and good sense of discipline 自立意识、竞争意识、效率意识、民主法制意识和开拓创新意识self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy, the legal system, and the pioneering and innovative spirit 依法治国和以德治国 the rule of law and the rule of virtue 科教兴国战略the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education 倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想advocate patriotism, collectivism and socialism, combat and resist money worship,hedonism, ultra-egoism decadent ideas 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐be concern about the country and the people before anything else 全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民serve the people heart and soul, work for the public and assumes power for the people 解放思想、实事求是emancipating the mind, seeking truth from the facts 主观主义、形而上学subjectivism, metaphysics 民主集中制、党内民主democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy 集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 collective leadership, democratic centralism, case-specific consultation, decision through meeting 政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定因素cardres are a decisive factor, once a political line is decided 党管干部的原则the principle of the Party assuming the responsibility for cardres' affairs "公开、平等、竞争、择优open, fair, competition, basis of merits 公开选拔、竞争上岗the upervision of appointment and promotion of officials, and the method for official performance assessment 自重、自省、自警、自励self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation 以权谋私、贪赃枉法、腐败分子to abuse power for personal gains, take bribes or bend the law, corrupt elements 小康社会、小康生活well-to-do society, well-to-do life 四项基本原则Four Cardinal Principles 社会主义初级阶段the primary stage of socialism



语法术语英汉对照表 A active sentence 主动句 active voice 主动态ability 能力 absolute construction 独立结构 abstract noun抽象名词 adjective形容词adjunct 修饰形状语adverb 副词 adverb of degree 程度副词 adverb of frequency 频度副词 adverb of manner 方式副词 adverb of place 地点副词adverb of time 时间副词 adverbial 状语adverbial clause of cause 原因状语分句adverbial clause of concession 让步状语分句adverbial clause of condition 条件状语分句 adverbial clause of manner 方式状语分句adverbial clause of place 地点状语分句adverbial clause of purpose 目的状语分句 adverbial clause of result 结果状语分句adverbial clause of time 时间状语分句adverb phrase 副词词

组 affix 词缀 allomorph 词素变体alternative form 替换形式 alternative question 选择性疑问句attachment rule 依着法则 analytic form 分析形式 anaphoric reference 后照应 anaphoric specific reference 后照应特指 antecedent 先行项anticip atory "it" 先行“it” antonym 反义词appositive 同位语appropriacy 适合性aspect 体 assertive word 肯定次 attribute 定语attributive clause 定于从句 auxiliary 助动词 B bare infinitive 不带to不定式 base form 原形 basic clause type 分句基本类型/基本句型basic form 基本形式be-passive be-型被动态 be-subjunctive be-型虚拟式 bound morpheme 粘附词素 C cardinal numeral 基


二十个翻译术语解释 1.归化:“采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译语语文化” 【Lawrence Venuti】即在翻译中尽可能用本民族的方式去表现外来作品。归化法要求译者向译 语读者靠拢,采取译语读者习惯的译语表达方式,来传达原文的内容。归化的目的是力求译 文通顺易懂,能为译语读者所接受。 2.异化:“对这些文化价值观的一种民族偏离主义的压力,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带 入外国情境”【Lawrence Venuti】异化法要求译者向作者靠拢,采取相应于作者使用的原语表达方式,来传达原文的内容。“(翻译)必须有异国情调,就是所谓的洋气”【鲁迅】异化可以很好的保留或传递原文文化内涵,但对不熟悉源语的读者而言阅读有一定难度。 3.语际翻译:(interlingual translation)。两种(或多种)语言在它们共同构成的跨语言语境中进行的意义 交流。语际翻译更关注如何在更为广阔的地平域和更广阔的(跨)文化天地中实现异质 语言的相互对接和转换----以意义为标尺,以交流为目的的语符转换。对地域性的倾向。 (简单来说,语际翻译就是不同语际之间的翻译活动) 4.语内翻译:(intralingual translation)某一种语言内部为着某种目的进行的词句意义的转换。语内翻译总 是把经典的或非经典的历史文本当作转化的对象,并且以译者所在场的文化语境为标尺师 徒把历史文本改造为现代文本。对历史性的关注。(简单来说就是同一语言的各个语言变 体之间的翻译) 5.连续传译:又称“交替传译”或“即席口译”,简称“连传”或“交传”,它是在发言人讲完部分内容 或全部内容后,由译员进行翻译。这种口译方式可以在很多场合下采用,如演讲、祝辞、 授课、谈判、情况介绍会、会议发言、新闻发布会等。一般认为,连续传译的正式职业化 是在第一次世界大战后,1919年的“巴黎和会”上大批量地正式使用连续传译。 6.同声传译:(simultaneous interpretation)简称同传,又称同声翻译、同步口译。是译员在不打断讲话 者演讲的情况下,不停地将其讲话内容传译给听众的一种口译方式。是一种受时间严格限 制难度极高的语际转换活动,它要求译员在听辨源语讲话的同时,借助已有的主题知识迅 速完成对源语信息的预测、理解、记忆、转换和目的语的计划、组织、表达、监听与修正, 同步说出目的语译文,因此同声传译又叫同步口译。同声传译具有很强的专业性和学术性。 同传人员就业前景广阔,工资高。 7.信、达、雅:《天演论》中的“译例言”讲到:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不 达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。”“信”指意义不背原文,强调对原文思想内容的信,以及 原作风格神韵的信;“达”指不拘泥于原文形式;“雅”则指追求文章本身的古雅。 8.可译性:(translatability)指的是在双语转换的过程中,一种语言中的文字和文化通过翻译顺畅地用另 一种语言表达出来,使得操两种不同语言,身处不同文化的人对同一事物有大致相同的认识 和理解。可译性探讨的是一种语言翻译成另一种语言的可行程度。人类语言共性构成了可译 性的基础,语言的差异性构成了可以性的限度。可译性的哲学依据是同类事物之间的相似性, 维根斯坦称之为“家族相似”。 9.形合:(hypotaxis)指句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采用句法手段(syntactic devices)或词汇手段 (lexical devices)。,“形”是英文行文必不可少的要素。印欧语言重形合,语句各成分的相互


Adaptation 归化 Alienation 异化 domestication/adaptation or foreignization / alienation Allusion translation 典故翻译Amplification 增译 Author centered translation 原作者为中心的翻译 Author's invisibility 作者之隐形Background text 背景资料 Back-translation 回译 Chinese translation studies 中国翻译学Chinglish 中式英语Chinese English Communicative translation 交际翻译(而这里所说的交际翻译却完完全全地以目的语读者或接受者为导向) 语义翻译和交际翻译是英国翻译家纽马克翻译理论的两种基本策略。语义翻译法具有

绝对意义,交际翻译法具有相对意义。交际翻译法集归化、意译和地道翻译的优势。 Computer-aided translation (CAT), computer-assisted 计算机辅助翻译Context 语境 Co-translation 合伙翻译 Creative treason 创造性叛逆法国文学社会学家罗伯特埃斯卡皮(RobertEscapie) Criticism on translation 翻译批评Cultural blending 文化融合 Cultural difference 文化差异 Cultural factor 文化因素 Cultural filtering 文化过滤 Cultural turn 文化转向Deconstruction 解构主义法国哲学家德里达提出,或译为“结构分解”,是后结构主义提出的一种批评方法。是解构主义者


技术需求technical requirements 硬件规格hardware specification 标准standard 高密度high density 机箱chassis 电源冗余power redundancy / redundant power supply 业务板卡插槽business card slot 提供provide 业务板service board 通道channel 接口ports 过流保护overcurrent protection 交换容量exchange capacity 内存memory 板载onboard 工作环境温度working temperature 性能指标performance indicators 可管理A数量the number of manageable AP 最大无线用户数量the maximum number of wireless users 列表容量list capacity VLAN 数量quantity 软件技术规格software technology specification 应用application 支持多个地址池multi-address-pool available 静态路由static router AP 发现AC方式the way AP found AC 静态IP发现found by IP 漫游roaming 在AC内快速漫游rapid roaming within AC 跨AC间快速漫游rapid roaming cross AC 数据转发方式data forwarding mode 本地转发local forwarding 集中转发centralized forwarding 射频管理RF management Radio 开关Radio ON/OFF 无线模式选择wireless mode selection 手动或自动信道选择manual or automatic channel selection 功率调整power adjustment 强制STA 漫游force STA roaming 安全特性security features 认证authentication 内置built-in 防止攻击anti-attack 泛洪攻击flood attack


常用医学标准的中英文术语翻译医学标准术语的翻译对于医学界的交流和研究至关重要。准确地翻 译这些术语可以避免误解和混淆,确保专业信息的传递准确无误。以 下是一些常见的医学标准术语的中英文翻译。 1. 临床试验 - Clinical Trial 临床试验是一种为了评估新型药物、治疗方法或医疗器械而进行的 研究。这些试验通常包括对人体进行的细致观察和数据收集,以确定 疗效和安全性。 2. 疫苗接种 - Vaccination 疫苗接种是指通过注射、口服等方式给予人体疫苗,从而提高人体 免疫系统对某种疾病的抵抗力。 3. 随机对照试验 - Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) 随机对照试验是一种实验设计,将受试者随机分配到接受不同处理 或对照组的不同条件下观察疗效。 4. 细胞培养 - Cell Culture 细胞培养是指在实验室中人工创造一种类似于体内环境的培养条件,以培养和研究生物体的细胞。 5. 模拟人体实验 - In Vivo Experiment

模拟人体实验是指在活体动物身上进行的实验,以评估药物、治疗方法或其他治疗干预措施的疗效和安全性。 6. 病理研究 - Pathological Research 病理研究是通过对病理标本进行组织学、细胞学或分子学等分析,以诊断和研究疾病的方法。 7. 累及人数 - Incidence 累及人数是指在一定时间内发生某种疾病或事件的数量,通常以每一万或每一百万人为单位。 8. 重大不良事件 - Adverse Event (AE) 重大不良事件是指与药物治疗或其他干预措施相关的严重不良反应或意外事件,可能导致严重的身体伤害甚至死亡。 9. 生物等效性 - Bioequivalence 生物等效性是指在给予相同剂量的药物后,在体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄等动力学过程中的相似性。 10. 患病率 - Prevalence 患病率是指某一特定人群中患有某种疾病的比例或频率,通常以百分比表示。 11. 病因 - Etiology


英汉金融术语的翻译方法有那些 英汉金融术语的翻译方法有那些 英汉金融术语的翻译方法有那些呢?英语翻译针对的是各行各业,它会涉及到各种各样生僻的专业名词以及专业知识,金融专业就是其一,看看下面的英汉金融术语的翻译吧! 1. 特有术语坚持直译 金融语体是比较正式的语体。 它的正式性主要体现在金融术语的运用上。 金融术语大致可分为两种,一种是金融特有的术语,它们仅出现在或绝大多数情况下出现在金融语体中。 例如: In general, a nation's balance of payments is affected by the appreciation or depreciationof its currency in the foreign exchange market. 以上金融英语术语本身具有确切的含义,而且汉语中有准确的对应词语,所以可以一一对应译入,不必采用任何意译的方式。 试译:通常,外汇市场上一个国家的.货币升值或贬值会影响其国际收支。 无论是名词还是动词,只要词义单一、金融业特有,就应该坚持直译的方法。 2. 非常语境把握词义 另一种是并非金融语体所独有的术语,它们可以出现在其它语体中,但在金融语体中,有其确切的含义,例如:acquire(获得,取得—常用意义),(购进,兼并—金融专业意义);policy(方针,政策—常用意义),(保险单—金融专业意义)。 例如: Confirmed irrevocable LC available by draft at sight is accepted. Confirmed 与 at sight 在普通英语中是常用词,分别解释“确认”


网络术语英汉对照 网络越来越普及,网络术语也成为人们生活中经常使用的词语。下面是网络术语的英汉对照。 1. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 统一资源定位符 2. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 超文本传输协议 3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 文件传输协议 4. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 超文本标记语言 5. DNS (Domain Name System) 域名系统 6. IP (Internet Protocol) 互联网协议 7. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 传输控制协议 8. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 用户数据报协议 9. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 简单邮件传输协议 10. POP (Post Office Protocol) 邮局协议 11. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) 互联网信息访问协议 12. VPN (Virtual Private Network) 虚拟专用网络 13. Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) 无线保真度 14. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) Wi-Fi保护访问 15. SSID (Service Set Identifier) 服务集标识 16. WAN (Wide Area Network) 广域网


英汉互译实践与技巧术语 实践与技巧术语的英汉互译 实践和技巧在各个领域中都起着重要的作用。无论是在学术研究、商业运营还是日常生活中,我们都需要掌握一些实践和技巧,以便更好地完成任务和解决问题。本文将介绍一些常见的实践与技巧术语的英汉互译,帮助读者更好地理解和运用这些概念。 1. Best practice 最佳实践 最佳实践是指在特定领域中被广泛认可和推崇的一种方法或方法论。它代表了行业内的最高标准和最有效的做法。 2. Skillset 技能组合 技能组合指一个人所具备的各种技能和能力的集合。它可以包括专业知识、实际操作经验、沟通能力等方面的技能。 3. Hands-on 实践操作的 Hands-on 是指亲自动手进行实践操作的意思。它强调通过实际动手操作来学习和掌握技能。 4. Expertise 专业知识 专业知识是指在某个领域或特定领域内所具备的专业知识和经验。它代表了一个人在特定领域中的专长和专业能力。 5. Problem-solving 解决问题

解决问题是指通过分析和思考,找到解决方案并解决问题的过程。它是实践和技巧的重要组成部分。 6. Critical thinking 批判性思维 批判性思维是指对问题进行深入分析和评估的能力。它强调通过理性思考和判断来解决问题。 7. Communication skills 沟通技巧 沟通技巧是指有效地传达和交流信息的能力。它包括口头和书面沟通的技巧,以及倾听和理解他人的能力。 8. Time management 时间管理 时间管理是指合理安排和有效利用时间的能力。它涉及到设置目标、制定计划、优先排序和避免时间浪费等方面。 9. Adaptability 适应能力 适应能力是指在不同环境和情况下适应变化的能力。它包括灵活性、应变能力和对新情况的快速适应能力。 10. Leadership skills 领导才能 领导才能是指在组织或团队中有效领导和管理他人的能力。它包括激励他人、团队合作和决策能力等方面。 以上是一些常见的实践与技巧术语的英汉互译。通过学习和掌握这些术语,我们可以更好地理解和运用实践和技巧,提高工作和生活


专业英语术语翻译 PPER 专业英语术语翻译 产品检测报告:Product Testing Certificte 批号:Process No. 顾客名称:Customer 产品名称:Product Nme 产品订购号:Order No. 型号&规格:Type&Size 执行标准:Specifiction 结论:Conclusion 合格:up to stndrd,qulified 包装:Pckging 漆包线部分: 漆包圆线:Enmelled round copper wire 漆包扁线:Enmelled rectngulr wire 标称尺寸:Nominl dimension 标称直径:Nominl Dimeter 导体尺寸:Conductor dimension 导体直径:Conductor dimeter 圆角半径:Corner rdius

外形尺寸:Overll dimension (圆线的)最大外径:Mximum overll dimeter (Mx. overll dimeter ) 导体偏差:Conductor tolernces PPER 专业英语术语翻译漆膜厚度:Enmelled increse 标称厚度:Nominl thickness 标称宽度:Nominl width 电阻率/电阻系数:resistivity 电阻:Electricl resistnce 直流电阻:DC Resistnce 伸长率:Elongtion 回弹性:Springiness 柔韧性和附着性:Flexibility nd dherence 击穿电压:Brekdown voltge 圆棒卷绕试验:Mndrel winding test 拉伸试验:Stretching test 急拉断试验:Jerk test 剥离试验:Peel test 附着性试验:dherence test 耐刮:Resistnce to brsion 热冲击:Het shock


翻译专业术语汇编(英汉对照) Absolute Translation 绝对翻译 Abstract Translation 摘要翻译 Abusive Translation 滥译 Acceptability 可接受性 Accuracy 准确 Adaptation 改编 Adequacy 充分[性] Adjustment 调整 Aesthetic-Poetic Translation 美学诗体翻译 Agent 经纪人 A. I. I. C 国际会议口译联合会 Analogical Form 类同形式 Analysis 分析 Appeal-focused Texts 感染型问题本 Applied Translation Studies 应用翻译研究 Archaism/Archaicism 古词;废词 Architranseme (ATR) 元译素 Area-restricted Theories of Translation 关于范围的翻译理论 Audio-medial Texts 听觉媒介型文本 Auftrag 委托 Automatic Translation 自动翻译 Autonomy Spectrum 自立幅度 Autotranslation/Self Translation 自译 Babel, Tower of 巴别塔 Back-transformation 逆转换 Back Translation 回译 Bilateral interpreting 双边传译 Bilingual Corporal 双语语料库 Bi-text 双文本 Blank Spaces 空位 Blank Verse Translation 无韵体翻译 Borrowing 借用 Calque/Loan Translation 仿造 CAT (Computer-aided Translation/ Computer-assisted Translation) 计算机辅助翻译Category Shift 范畴转换 Chuchotage耳语传译 Class Shift 词类转换 Close Translation 贴近翻译 Coherence 连贯 Commission 委托


法律专业术语(英汉互译) 1. non adversary settlement 非诉讼调解。 2. Sovereign jurisdiction 管辖权。 3. courts of limited jurisdiction 有限管辖权法院.在美国州的司法系统中,有限管辖权法院是最低级的法院,只受理小额诉讼,交通违章的案件等.州的有限管辖法院也被称为低级法院(inferior courts)。 4、diversity jurisdiction 多元管辖,联邦法院对事管理的一种,指联邦法院对双方当事人是美国不同州的常住居民的案件管辖权。 5、judicial district 司法区,法院辖区,(美国民诉中被告对原告起诉状所做的)书面答复。 6、person wronged 受害方。 7、file suit 提起诉讼。 8、the claims court 索赔法院。 9、forum non convenience

[拉]不方便审理得法院,指若法院认为案件由另一法院审理对双方当事人更为方便且能达到上述的目的,可不予受理。 10、code pleading 法典诉答程序,指依照法典确定的规则而进行的诉答,始于1848年美国纽约洲菲尔德法典(Field Code)的规定。 11、qualified denial 有限的否定,指被告在答辩中对原告的主张因缺乏确定性而不足以作出答辩的否认。 12、Party joiner 当事人的合并,制将具有相同权利的多人或对提出同样权利请求的多人合并为一件诉讼的共同原告或共同被告。 13、Cross complaints 交叉诉状,指本诉被告自本诉当事人以外第三人就其与本诉有关的事项提起诉讼的诉状。 14、mistrial 无效审判。 15、deposition 宣誓证词;证言。 16、counterclaims 反诉,指在已开始的诉讼中的被告通过法院向本案原告提出的一项独立的请求,以代替就该请求对原告另外提起的一项单独的诉讼。
