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教学设计unit5 music

教学设计unit5 music
教学设计unit5 music


人教课标版必修2 Unit 5 The band that wasn’t教学设计




人教课标版必修2 Unit 5 的阅读文章The band that wasn’t的中心话题是门基乐队(the Mooknees)的成长历程。文章先以设问的方式开头:你想不想成为乐队的一员?你想像许多著名歌星那样站在绚丽的舞台上感受台下热情洋溢的观众的掌声与欢呼声吗?要怎样才能组建一支乐队呢?这些问题极大地吸引了学生的兴趣,勾起每个学生心中隐藏的明星梦,学生渴望了解有关的信息。接着文章告诉我们一支乐队通常的形成过程,然后重点介绍了一支与众不同的乐队门基乐队(the Mooknees),包括其诞生、发展、解散到最后通过努力获得成功。文章的话题贴近学生生活,学生兴趣盎然,思路开阔,有话可说。尤其是门基乐乐队的成功是平民到明星的星梦之旅,可以引导学生思考其背后更深层次的内容,进行深入的反思。








2. 自主学习与合作学习相结合:在学生独立思考的基础上,引导学生在不同的组织形式下完成讨论与交流。






2) 熟练运用课文中出现的重要词汇、短语和表达法。如pretend; dream of; to be honest; attach…to…;play jokes on; be familiar with; rely on; break up; the Attributive Clause (prep+which/whom) and so on.







七、 学习步骤Learning procedures

Step Ⅰ Present information ---Leading-in

1. Greet the class as usual.

2. Before we have our class, let’s play a game! Choose a number on the screen,


① What kind of music is played, Rock’n’Roll or Jazz? How about your feeling about it ?

⑤⑥ ①②③ ④ ⑦

② Can you give two examples of Chinese classical music?

③ Who is your favourite folk music singer?

④ Where did Rap come from?

⑤ Can you list any instruments needed in Orchestra?

⑥ How many forms of singing are there as far as you know?

⑦ They are a band of 3 beautiful girls. At first, they were famous in Taiwan. One of their famous songs is Super Star. What is the name of the band? And can you list some other famous bands at home and abroad?

3.T: You really know much about music as well as some famous bands, but if you have a chance, would you like to form a band of your own? Why? And how?


StepⅡGet information ---Skimming

Task 1: Read the passage quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Dreaming of being a famous musician or singer.

Paragraph 2: How musicians form bands.

Paragraph 3: How“The Monkees” got their start.

Paragraph 4: The development of “The Monkees”.


StepⅢGet information ---Scanning

Read carefully again and get more detailed information and useful expressions.

Task 2: Read Paras1and 2 and find the information about “How to form a band?”

学生分A,B两组竞赛。A组同学准备与“How to form a band?”相关的细节问题,B组回答;B组同学准备正误判断题,A组同学回答。(形式:抢答;规则:每一个题目或正确的回答记一分,分数高的小组胜出)

Possible questions:

1) What are the advantages if people form a band to play in the street?

2) Who are the usual members of a band?

3) How does a band usually practise their music?

4) Why do some people form a band ?

Possible T or F statements:

1) A famous singer or musician usually belongs to a band.

2) If you sing karaoke, it will be easier for you to be rich and famous.

3) Many musicians form a band because of their common interest in music.

4) Playing music to passers-by in the street is the first step to fame.

5) When performers make records and sell millions of copies, they are successful.

After the competition students finish the form below together.

Task 3: Read Paras 3 and 4 and find the information about the Mooknees.

根据3、4两段内容,学生每5人一组完成采访任务:假设一人是记者,对另外四人(the Monkees成员)进行采访,可以先让学生小组内集体讨论好问题和答案,再把结果表演出来。

After the interview, students finish the chart below together.

a real band


broke up

became serious

Task 4: Deeper thinking:

1) Why do people say the Monkees is a band that wasn’t?

The Monkees

Not a real band :

Began as a TV show; played jokes on each other; put an ad for musicians; used actors

A real band :

Became more serious about their work; played and sang their own songs; produced records and started touring and playing their own music.

2) In your opinion, what makes the Monkees successful?

Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

No pains, no gains.


StepⅣ Transfer information ---Discussion & Reporting


Discuss orally how to form a band of your own in groups including:

★name of the band

★instruments needed

★kind of music

★requirements of the members

★how to make your band famous

★purpose of forming the band ,to show good music or to realize your dream of being a star

After students finish their discussion, ask one representative of a group to report their ideas to the class.



StepⅤConsolidate information---Summary

If we are honest with ourselves, most of us have d of being famous sometimes in our lives. Many musicians often meet and form a band. Sometimes they play to p in the street so that they can earn e money and they also hope to make records in a s and sell millions of copies to become m .There was once a band. It started in a d way. The musicians were to play j on each other as well as play music, whose music and jokes were b on “The Beatles”. It was called the Monkees. Their performances were h enough to be copied by other groups. Though it b up in 1970, it r in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today.


Step ⅥHomework

Write a short passage with the title “How to form a band of your own?” based on the discussion above and more information by surfing the Internet.




高中英语Unit5Music教案1 新人教版

Unit 5 Music Teaching goals: 1. To have a good understanding of music. 2. To learn about a band that was popular long ago. 3. Talk about the function of music. The importance of this period: By leaning the text, get to know something of music. The difficulty of this period: Understand the main idea of this text. Teaching aids: Computer, recorder and projector Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming-up Through listening to an English song” Take me to your heart”, attract the student’s attention. Step 2: Pre-reading 1. Ask the them what kind of music they like best. 2. List some kinds of music. 3. Present some different music and let them guess. 4. lead to some bands 5. Focus on the Monkees (通过英语歌曲、音乐的分类、以及他们所熟悉的乐队来增长学生的音乐知识,激发学生的兴趣,引出课文的主题“门基乐队。) Step 3: Reading 1. Prediction With the help of pictures of the band and the title, let the students understand the meaning of the title and predict the text. What does the title mean “The band that wasn’t” 2. Scan the text and get the main idea of each paragraph. Para1 Dreaming of being a famous musician or singer.


Unit 5 Music 教学内容分析 1.本教学设计将对人教版必修二的第五单元 Music的阅读教学进行分析。本篇阅读——The Band That Wasn't讲述The Monkees乐队的故事,具体介绍乐队的组建、发展、演奏特点和受欢迎程度;有助于学生了解更多音乐知识,培养热爱生活、音乐的美好情感,并在轻松愉快的音乐主题下学习用英语表达喜好,领会乐队对音乐的不懈追求,培养认真做事的好习惯。 2.学生们在初中阶段以接触到定语从句,但进入高中之后才系统学习定语从句的相关知识,介词+关系代词which/whom的定语从句就是本单元的语法重点。 3.在本单元的Warming Up中,学生已经了解了不同的音乐类型,这位阅读课奠定了一定的基础。同时,课文中出现了两个介词+关系代词which/whom的定语从句,引出了即将要学的语言知识。因此,本节阅读课在整个单元中起着承上启下的重要作用。 学情预设和分析 1.学生经过初中解读的英语学习,已经具备了一定的阅读技能,如查找细节信息,获取主要信息,抓主要点等等,并且大部分学生对于音乐这个话题感兴趣,对音乐也有一定的了解与认识。 2.学生可能遇到的问题是在阅读课文中,无法在较短的时间内准确地把握文章的脉络,概括出文章大意;很难在学习中借助音乐作品、图片等非语言信息进行语言表达。另外,这篇课文中出现了较多的新词汇,有一部分词汇对于学生而言有难度。 教学目标设计 1.语言目标 掌握关键词汇、短语、句子和一些交际用语。如musician, clap,passer-by,form,extra,earn,advertisement,attractive,instrument,loosely, actor;dream of,be honest with,play jokes on, or so,break up等。 2.能力目标

必修2 Unit5Music-Reading教学设计

新课标高一英语必修2 第5单元Music Reading教学设计 一、设计思想 根据“二语习得理论”、“整体语言教学”的理论和实践,以及当前新课程“自主、合作、探究”等核心理念,运用任务型语言教学途径(Task-based Language Teaching)来设计本节阅读课的教学。 本节阅读课教学设计的最大特色是: (1)教学环节层次清楚,环环相扣。The Band That Wasn’t是一篇以介绍美国知名乐队组合The Monkees的发展历程为主的文章。教学设计分成三个部分:阅读前—阅读中—阅读后。阅读前由学生汇报一个小型的调查结果、展示著名乐队组合图片和呈现The Monkees组合的信息三个活动组成,为阅读提供背景知识。阅读过程主要通过快速阅读和仔细阅读来实现。仔细阅读环节中设置了完成练习T or F,查找The Monkees细节信息完成表格,然后根据表格,回顾The Monkees发展历程和选择合适的adj. 来表达自己对于乐队的看法等多个任务。阅读后展开讨论,引导学生思考音乐对于我们生活的影响,完成写作任务“Music”。教学设计以阅读理解能力的提高为主要目标,兼顾听、说、写的训练。 (2)采用了新课标提倡的任务型教学途径。《普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》提出中学英语教学应“尽量采用任务型的教学途径”的要求。任务型语言教学强调采用具有明确目标的“任务”来帮助语言学习者更主动的学习和运用语言。(周智忠)因此,笔者在教学设计中设计了多项学习任务,如进行社会调查以了解不同的音乐类型在不同人群中受喜爱的情况;搜集The Monkees乐队信息;对搜集到的信息进行整理,制作成课件展示;阅读课文,找出主题句,查找细节信息等,促使学生在整个教学过程中参与各种活动,自主探究,真正获得自主学习的成功乐趣。 (3)采用了小组合作学习作为课堂活动的主要组织形式。小组合作学习不仅能让学生了解对方的观点,而且让他们学会表达自己的观点,并在此基础上学会讨论问题的要领和方法。(张丽丽)根据教学内容的特点,笔者精心设计了多个合作学习的机会,如三人或四人一组完成调查;以小组为单位设计海报或制作多




《人教版高中英语必修2》Unit5第一课时教学案例 教学 课题 Unit5 Music—Reading 课程 类型 Reading授课对象Senior One 教材New Senior English For China Student’s Book2 授课时间45 minutes 教材分析The topic of this uint is “Music” Warming Up通过直观形象的图片展示了为大众所熟悉的多种音乐形式,包括摇滚、爵士、乡村音乐、民族音乐等,能使学生对音乐的丰富内容有较为广泛的认识。 Reading主要从大众对歌手和乐队的心理到介绍The Monkees乐队的一些情况,如他们如何组合成乐队,他们有名之后的发展。课文后配有相应的练习题,可以帮助学生从整体和细节两方面充分地理解课文。 学情分析 教学对象为高中一年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。他们学习比较认真,求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃,同时表现欲也很强。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师,愿意开口讲。他们有着高中生独立、爱表现,张扬个性的特点。因此,设置他们感兴趣的活动,就能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 教学目标(一)、Knowledge and Skills 1.Know and Master the key words and phrases; 2.Enable the students to sum up the main idea of each paragraph; 3.Learn the different music styles; 4. Train the students’ reading ability. 5. Express their opinion by answering the questions. (二)、Moral Objects 熟悉各种音乐形式,了解音乐在人们生活中的重要性,提高音乐修养。从谈论“音乐人的成功”入手使学生了解到做什么事都需要付出艰辛的努力。所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,深化学生的德育教育,进一步激发学生学习的动力。 教 学重点1. Help the students to find out the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Discuss the question in groups.


Unit 5 Music Period 1 Warming up & Reading ★ Teaching aims: 1. To activate the Ss in learning “music ”. 2. To develop the Ss ’ ability of reading. 3. To help the Ss know something about the different styles of music. ★Difficult and Important Points: 1. Help the Ss to sum up the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage The Band that Wasn ’t. ★Teaching Methods: 1. Task-based method 2. Discussion ★ Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming up ( 6minutes ) 1) Task: Brain-storming ( 2minutes ) Ask the students to name different music styles. Show some styles of music that they are not familiar with. folk pop 2) Task: Listening and Matching ( 4minutes ) 1)Tell Ss: we are going to listen to eight kinds of music. Here are the pictures for them. Listen to them carefully and choose the proper picture for each of them. 2) Guide the Ss to sum up the Characteristics for each music style.


Section Ⅴ Writing—咨询信 咨询信是指写信人就某一个问题向收信人征求或征询建议,希望收信人就写信人提出的问题给出针对性的解决方法或提出合理的建议。 一、基本框架 1.开头——简单叙述写咨询信的目的或意图,清楚表明要寻求什么样的帮助。 2.主体——言明要咨询的具体问题和存在的困难,并请求对方给出一些建议。 3.结尾——诚恳地提出希望,表达需要得到帮助的迫切心情并表示感谢。 二、增分佳句 1.I'm writing to tell you some advice on how to form a music band. 2.Nowadays, both traditional and modern music are enjoyed by people in China. 3.For a long time, traditional music has played an important part in people's life. 4.I was at a loss what to do with this situation. 5.I find it really hard to learn English well and I almost lose heart.

6.I would appreciate it if you could give me some precious advice. 7.I'm sorry to trouble you, but I feel that I must write you this letter. 8.Would you like to give me some advice on it so that I can make rapid progress? [题目要求] 假如你是李华,你打算与你的朋友组建一个乐队。门基乐队的成功给了你很大的鼓舞。但你和朋友对乐队的名字、主唱、乐器的选择及乐队的类型存在分歧,这让你不知所措,你决定给门基乐队写一封电子邮件,告诉他们你的想法,并征求他们的建议,如何才能使乐队更加成功。 注意:1.可根据内容要点就某一方面或几个方面的问题征求他们的建议; 2.词数100左右。 第一步:审题构思很关键 一、审题 1.确定体裁:本文为咨询信; 2.确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第一人称; 3.确定时态:本文的主要时态应用一般现在时。 二、构思


Unit5Music教学设计Unit5music teaching design

Unit5Music教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是高中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 period 1 (reading) teaching aims: students will be able to: sum up the main idea of each paragraph. understand the details about the passage. procedures: step 1 warming-up 1.before the class begin s, let the ss enjoy “i’m a believer” played by “the beatles”. 2.let the ss enjoy some different kinds of music on the tape and ask them to match the music with the right picture. step 2 pre-reading talk about the famous bands in the world. (p33 pre-reading)




高效课堂 必修二Unit5 Music 英语组 一.课前准备 1.学生的学习准备 查找关于The Monkees 的信息。学生可以通过上网等形式搜集信息,为本课学习做准备。这个预习任务提高了学生的学习兴趣,变被动学习为主动学习。 2.教师的教学准备 教师应了解各种类型的音乐及其特点,深化对于音乐的认识和感受,提高音乐修养;详细了解美国知名乐队The Monkees的发展历史和他们的代表作。 学情分析 高一学生已经掌握了略读、跳读等一定的阅读技巧以及识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等阅读技能,形成了初步的阅读技巧。本课主题为音乐,学生对于这个话题比较感兴趣,学生求知欲比较旺盛,思维较活跃。但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差;主动学习的动力不够。因此要设置他们感兴趣的学习活动,时刻给他们提供必要帮助,让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 学习目标知识目标 1.Important words: folk musician pretend attach form passer-by earn extra instrument perform pub cash studio millionaire rely broadcast humorous familiar 2.dream of to be honest attach…to play jokes on rely on be familiar with break up


Unit 5 Music Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading (THE BAND THAT W ASN’T) Aims ◆To learn to talk about kinds of music ◆To learn to read about bands ◆To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom) ◆To learn to write an e-mail Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by describing Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic --- music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. How many do you know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the different kinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture. Warming up by discussing Hi, everyone. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Can you tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Let’s listen to some music. Let’s see if you can guess which music matches with which picture.


Unit9MyFavoriteMusic教学设计Teaching design of unit9myfavoritemusic

Unit9MyFavoriteMusic教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 unit 9 my favorite music 1.topic- my favorite music lesson 1 口语表达:话题内容;重点句型 lesson 2 阅读理解 ①主题内容: ②相关的词汇: ③相关的语法知识 ④基本的写作方法: 全文的主题句;段落的主题句;过渡词的使用;结尾扣题。 2.phrases: 1)be in a band 在乐队里 2)play the guitar 弹吉他 3)play the drum 敲鼓

4)have a good/bad voice 有好/不好的嗓音 5)sing a song 唱支歌 6)listen to a new band 欣赏新的乐队演出 7)like that 像那样 8)get better 变得更好,好转 9)look forward to 期待,期望 10)a traditional chinese food 一种中国的传统食品11)sing folk music 唱民歌 12)be similar to 与……相似 13)prefer…to… 与……相比,更喜欢…… 14)folk music 民族音乐 15)like … best 最喜欢…… 16)play this instrument 演奏这个乐器 17)practice her songs 练习她的歌曲 18)have a problem 有问题 19)play the pipa 弹琵琶 20)have a nice sound 有动听的声音 3.grammar-名词性物主代词的用法 -------- Designed By JinTai College ---------

【教案】Book2Unit5 Music

Teaching Plan for Book2Unit5 Music Topic: Reading---The Band That Wasn’t Place: Class2, Senior1 Time: Jan.9th, 20 Designer: Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge Aim: Let the students know about the words & phrases related to music, enable them understand the details about the passage. 2..Ability Aim Enable the students to sum up the main idea of each paragraph., retell the text using the key words of the passage. 3.Emotion Aim Let the students express their opinions by using a discussion., realize the importance of music in our life . Teaching important &difficult points 1. Help the students to find out the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Discuss the question. Why do you think music is so important in our daily life? Teaching aids: A multi-media computer Teaching methods: 1.Self-directed study; 2.Activity –based learning; 3. Students-centered &task-based approach


Unit5Music(Listening,SpeakingandWr iting)教学设计 Teaching design of unit5music (listening, spe aking and writing)

Unit5Music (Listening,SpeakingandWriting)教学设 计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是高中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 unit 5 music listening, speaking and writing aims to read the story about freddy and then enjoy and understand beatles’ songs. to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing. procedures i. warming up by listening and writing turn to page 37 and read these sentences before listening to the tape. then listen to the tape and decide true or false. ii. guided reading 1.reading and translating read more about freddy’s life and translate it into chinese paragraph by paragraph. 2.reading and underlining next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in



高效课堂 必修二Unit5 Music 英语组 一.课前准备 1.学生的学习准备 查找关于The Monkees 的信息。学生可以通过上网等形式搜集信息,为本课学习做准备。这个预习任务提高了学生的学习兴趣,变被动学习为主动学习。 2.教师的教学准备 教师应了解各种类型的音乐及其特点,深化对于音乐的认识和感受,提高音乐修养;详细了解美国知名乐队The Monkees的发展历史和他们的代表作。 学情分析 高一学生已经掌握了略读、跳读等一定的阅读技巧以及识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等阅读技能,形成了初步的阅读技巧。本课主题为音乐,学生对于这个话题比较感兴趣,学生求知欲比较旺盛,思维较活跃。但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差;主动学习的动力不够。因此要设置他们感兴趣的学习活动,时刻给他们提供必要帮助,让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 学习目标知识目标 1.Important words: folk musician pretend attach form passer-by earn extra instrument perform pub cash studio millionaire rely broadcast humorous familiar 2.dream of to be honest attach…to

play jokes on rely on be familiar with break up 能力目标1、强化略读、查读等阅读技能,训练通过寻找关 键词,主题句等方法更快速并准确地确定文章的段落大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络。 2、运用已经掌握的基本猜词技巧来猜测文章中的 部分单词。 情感目标1、了解各种各样的音乐形式,深化对音乐的全面 认识,从而提高音乐修养,培养跨文化意识。 2、在小组合作互动中,增强团队协作精神。 3、通过学习门基乐队从“平民到明星”的过程, 引发学生对“明星梦”的反思,让学生了解成功来之不易。 教学重点1、获取The Monkees乐队发展历程的信息; 2、培养学生掌握、理解文章细节的阅读能力; 3、帮助学生在体验中提高与人合作的能力。 教学难点1、通过阅读培养各种阅读技巧; 2、训练用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和 解决问题的能力。 教学策略 遵循情景交际原则和任务型教学法,让学生在交际和完成实际任务过程中和提升对知识的运用能力。遵循启发式教学原则,充分发挥学生的主体地位。强调“主体参与、自主学习、协作交流”为中心,激发学生发现问题,培养学生解决问题的能力。 学法指导1、通过skimming抓住文章的主旨,通过 scanning理解文章细节。 2、讨论法和自主探究学习法。 二.教学过程设计与分析

教学设计unit5 music

高中英语教学设计 人教课标版必修2 Unit 5 The band that wasn’t教学设计 一、教学课型 任务型阅读课 二、教材分析 人教课标版必修2 Unit 5 的阅读文章The band that wasn’t的中心话题是门基乐队(the Mooknees)的成长历程。文章先以设问的方式开头:你想不想成为乐队的一员?你想像许多著名歌星那样站在绚丽的舞台上感受台下热情洋溢的观众的掌声与欢呼声吗?要怎样才能组建一支乐队呢?这些问题极大地吸引了学生的兴趣,勾起每个学生心中隐藏的明星梦,学生渴望了解有关的信息。接着文章告诉我们一支乐队通常的形成过程,然后重点介绍了一支与众不同的乐队门基乐队(the Mooknees),包括其诞生、发展、解散到最后通过努力获得成功。文章的话题贴近学生生活,学生兴趣盎然,思路开阔,有话可说。尤其是门基乐乐队的成功是平民到明星的星梦之旅,可以引导学生思考其背后更深层次的内容,进行深入的反思。 三、学情分析 本班学生属于英语基础较好的班级,语法知识较全面,但是他们的语言交际能力和阅读理解能力有待提高。可喜的是作为高一的学生,他们的学习兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,表现欲强,根据这些特点我设计了由浅入深,由易到难的阅读任务,并模拟许多电视节目的环节,选择与他们切身相关的话题,激发学生兴趣,鼓励学生探究讨论并交流自己的看法。 四、设计理念 《新课程标准》明确指出“高中英语教学要侧重提高阅读能力,特别注重开发和利用课程资源,创造机会,使学生积极、主动地用英语去思维,去交流”以及“教师要创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动”。吸取了以往阅读课占时多效果差的教训,我从学生兴趣和认知水平出发,以“任务型”的阅读模式让学生体验预测、参与、合作并交流,引导学生自主探究和合作学习来完成学习任务,精心设计学生熟悉和感兴趣的活动环节,培养学生用英语去思考、交流,使学生体会到“学中用,用中学”的乐趣。同时注重培养学生的情感态度价值观。 五、教学策略 1.“任务型”阅读教学法:由表及里、由浅入深在读前、读中和读后设计相


高二英语Music教案 unit 5 music period 4(speaking & writing) teaching aims: students will be able to: write a letter for advice talk about music: forming a band make suggestions and talk about preference properly procedure: step 1speaking (group work) 1.brainstorm do you know what a band is? what is your favorite band? how many people is a band usually formed? … 2.speaking you and your friends want to start your own band. however,, you have never played in a band before. talk with your friends about the band you are going to start. what things do you have to consider? what problems

do you have? 3.activity and performance imagine that you have a chance to form a band. how to form a band? according to the following information discuss in your group. 1)what is name of your band? 2)who will play what instruments and who will sing? 3)what kind of band you will be? 4)choose an english song for your “band”to perform. step 2writing you and your friends want to start your own band. however, you have never played in a band before. you write an e-mail to freddy for his advice. the e-mail is started for you, but you have to finish it. you’d better do some brainstorming in small groups before writing your letters. you should follow the procedure for brainstorming and outlining introduced in module 1 unit 2. writing tips: 1.in groups discuss some questions you would like to ask freddy. 1)make a list of them and choose the best questions.



Unit 5 Music Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading (THE BAND THAT WASN’T) Aims ◆To learn to talk about kinds of music ◆To learn to read about bands ◆To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom) ◆To learn to write an e-mail Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by describing Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic --- music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce

the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. How many do you know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the different kinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture. Warming up by discussing Hi, everyone. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Can you tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Let’s listen to some music. Let’s see if you can guess which music matches with which picture. Classical music Country


Period 4 Writing教案 The General Idea of This Period: This period aims at getting the students to be familiar with the steps to write an e-mail and how to ask for advice. Teaching Aims: 1.Get the students to be familiar with the steps to write an e-mail. 2.Enable the students to write an e-mail to ask for advice. Teaching Important Points: 1.How to write an e-mail. 2.How to ask for advice. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to write an e-mail. 2.How to ask for advice. Teaching Methods: 1.Task-based method to help the students to organize their writing. 2.Pair work or group work to get every student to work in class. Teaching Aid: A projector,some slides and a multi media computer. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up (5 minutes) Let the students have a simple IQ test to introduce the Pepsi Cola Inter-school Music Festival to students.Get them prepare to form their own bands to take part in the competition. T:Class,today we are going to have a simple IQ test.Let’s see who is the cleverest.If 1 stands for A and 2 stands for B,then 19,8,5 stands for what? S:SHE. T:Good.Clever!Next question,(show a picture of Pepsi Cola)what is this? S:Pepsi. T:(show a picture of music note)How about this one? S:Music. T:Good job.(show a picture of Pepsi and music note)How about this one? S:Pepsi Cola Music. T:Excellent.(show a picture of Pepsi and music note and you)Then how about this one? T:So in what situation will you be part of the Pepsi Cola Music?You see,you are the students in school?So in what situation will you be related to Pepsi Music? S:Music Festival. T:Right.Pepsi Cola Inter-school Music Festival is held every year.The students who love music can take part in this music festival?Now,let’s enjoy some performances given by the competitors in the last few years.(show a picture of a dancing team,a picture of an instrument team,a picture of a band)So usually in a band,there are 5-6 people.One is to sing,two are to play the guitars,two more are to play the keyboard and one more is to play the drum.So after watching so many performances,would you like to form your own band to take part in this festival?Maybe you will be the next stars,just like SHE or FIR.

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