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河南安阳是殷墟所在地,被公认为中国最早的古都,殷商王朝曾在这里统治天下273年。东晋十六国与南北朝时期,又有后赵、冉魏、前燕、东魏、北齐相继在与安阳互为隶属的邺城建都,安阳因此有“六朝古都”之称。西安一带,自西周起,先后有11个王朝在此立都,自西周至唐,西安一带作为都城的时间前后长达1 191年,人称“千年古都”。位于河南西部的洛阳,从东周起,历东汉、曹魏、西晋、北魏、后梁、后唐七朝,加之隋炀帝与唐代武则天也曾从长安迁都于此,因而有“九朝名都”之誉。开封曾为战国时期魏国的都城,五代时的后梁、后晋、后汉、后周以及北宋,又以此为京师。金朝后期,为避蒙古骑兵进攻锋芒,曾从燕京迁都开封。因而历史上有“开封古都,七朝都会”之说。长江中下游的南京,在公元前3世纪到公元6世纪,是孙吴、东晋、南朝宋、齐、梁、陈,及五代南唐的首都,明代初年曾立都于此,19世纪的太平天国也在此设都,称天京。杭州曾是五代吴越国与南宋的京城所在地。中华人民共和国的首都北京,在历史上曾依次是春秋时的燕都蓟城,五胡十六国时期前燕都城,金朝中都,元代大都以及明清两代京师所在。郑州作为商代早期建立的一座都城,至今已有3 600年历史,是商代早期政治、经济、军事、文化的中心,春秋战国时期的郐国、虢国、郑国、韩国等诸侯国也曾先后定都于此。






The Eight Greatest Ancient Capitals and the Locus of Their Movement

Ancient capitals are the typical representatives of Chinese ancient cities. In 2004, Beijing, Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, together with Nanjing, Hangzhou and Anyang were identified as “the eight greatest ancient capitals in China”. Known as “the capital of six dynasties”, Anyang in Henan Province is generally regarded as the earliest capital in China. Xi’an in Shaanxi Province once served as a capital for about 1 191 years from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, hence the title “thousand-year ancient capital.” Luoyang, located in the western part of Henan Province, once served as the capital of nine dynasties during the period from the Zhou Dynasty to the Later Tang Dynasty, and thus it is praised as “the capital of nine dynasties.” Kaifeng in Henan Province also enjoys a name “the capital of seven dynasties.” Lying in the southwest of Jiangsu Province and on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Nanjing was once the capital of the Eastern Wu Kingdom during the period of Three Kingdoms, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the Song, Qi, Liang, Chen kingdoms of the Southern Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty also took it as the capital until 1421. In the nineteenth century, Nanjing was the capital of the Taiping Heavenly-Kingdom and then named Tianjing. Hangzhou was once established as the capital of the Wu and Yue dukedoms during the period of the Five Dynasties and later that of the Southern Song Dynasty. Beijing, the capital city of the People’s Republic of China, was once called Jicheng, the capital of the Yan Kingdom during the Spring and Autumn Period. In 1153 the Jin D

ynasty moved its capital to Beijing and renamed it Zhongdu. In 1272 the Yuan Dynasty built a new city in the suburb outside Zhongdu, renamed Dadu. Later the Ming and the Qing dynasties both established Beijing as their capital. As a capital built in the earlier Shang Dynasty, Zhengzhou in Henan Province has a history of about 3 600 years.

Due to the succession of dynasties, the change of economic center, and the complicated ethnical and foreign relationship, the choice of the capital city also varies. The movement of Chinese ancient capitals follows a locus first from west to east and then from south to north.
