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英语是表音文字(phonetic writing).其字母和音素是对应的。语言中所有的音节最后都能分解为音素,用一定的字母或字母组合在书写形式上表示,如magazine听到的3个音节,分析为8个音素分别用8个字母表示,组合起来就成了magazine。因此,音译外来词时可以按其音节,按听到的声音来用字母或字母组合成自己的音节进行。如“功夫”,听到两个音节,英语可以音译为kungfu,再如“太极拳”、“台风”,根据听到的音节,用音素组合而成tai chi ,typhoon。至于在西方语言相互之间音译更是简单,英语和拉丁语、希腊语、德语、法语和北欧诸语言同属于印欧语系,都是拼音文字,音译只需要经过正字(orthography ),字母稍加改动就可以了。因此英语借词是大量的,几乎是没有约束的。

而汉语则不同,作为音节文字(morphemic writing),一个方块字一个音节,音节是和方块字对应甚至和语素对应。尽管所有音节最后也分解为音素,但音素没有相应的汉字书写形式,只能借助表音节的汉字来进行。如pu tong hua,听到的也是3个音节,落实到书写形式就是三个方块字:“普通话”。也就是说,汉语的对magazine或interde-pendence的音译,听到的3个音节或6个音节最后都得用3个或6个方块汉字来表示。这一特点如在两种不同的语言结构类型中进行音译,就造成困难,并伴随这不可避免的语音和语义的磨损。即使音节和字能够对上,也有一个在众多同音节字中选字的问题。汉字对应的是音节。但汉语音节大约有411个,加上四个音调,这样使音节的总数达到了1300多个,但即使是这样,汉语仍然存在大量的同音异义字现象。外来词中的同一音节可以有许多不同汉字来表示。如buddha,先后曾音译为浮屠、浮图、佛陀和佛驮等。




汉语是分析性语言,词语的书写形式具有较强的理据。对于英语中的派生词和复合词,都可以采取分析法,在汉语的词库里找到表示相应意义的词素,用语素加语素的复合词构词法来译出外来词。如sub+conscious(下+意识)。即使是综合性语言,语素没法分析,也可以在音译的基础上,加上意义贴切的上义语素,用汉语典型的偏正结构进行改造,形成“属”加“种差”这样可分析的词。如golf(高尔夫+球) 、jeep(吉普+车)等。

而英语是综合性语言,大多数是没有理据的单纯词,一个词就是若干的字母的组合,本身没有意义,可以随意被赋予任何意思,这就为音译提供了非常好的条件。不会出现汉语中方块字对音译的冲突。因此英语对外来词音译,按音节进行字母组合,用来表示汉语中这个意思或那个意思,还是约定俗成的,如typhoon、ginseng,这样音译词都符合英语单纯词的特点,而且可以随意引申出更多的意义。我们注意到凡是音译的,都是英美人翻译的,而意译词大多是中国人翻译的,然后传入他们的语言的,如paper tiger、iron-rice bowl。









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[4] 王德春,孙汝建,姚远.社会心理语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995.

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2012 英语词汇学论文 英文版

成绩 Root and Affixation of Lexicology Abstract: It’s important and permanent to master the vocabulary in the English learning. Everyone who has ever set foot on English realizes that it’s somewhat incredible for us to reciting numerous and difficult words. Nevertheless, there are some skills we should acquire to make word-recitation easier and more effective. This paper mainly discusses the using of vocabulary root and affix. Only by having a good knowledge of the roots and affixes, can we prosper our English vocabulary and further our English study. Key words: root; affixation; detailed analysis; difficult words 1Introduction: Blindly reciting numerous and difficult words is a total waste of time and energy. Especially, situation becomes worse for the college students with little words storage and non-interest. However, most of the English words are comprised with roots and affixes, which are limited, stable and short. If we acquire them, it will be much simpler and rapider for us to recognize the unfamiliar and difficult words through the analysis on roots and affixes. If we can master and know how to use them properly, it will be a big step for the further study of this foreign language. A road of a thousand miles begins with each single step, so does the English words. Now we are going to learn the root and affixation respectively. Definition is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity and it carries the main component of meaning in a word. By learning the roots, we will find it not complicated for us to understand the long and difficult words which we often encounter in the tough reading test. However long and tough the word is, we can divide it into several parts, the fundamental part is the root and then we can understand what it means and fluently blurt it out without repeating it. Here are some detail analyses of the examples: Internationalist: nation is the root which means country or state, inter- is prefix meaning between or interactive, -al is the suffix and the –ist is the suffix meaning the person. So you will quite simply find its meaning. Invigorate: the root is vigor similar to power and energy, in- means making sth have the function of verb, here is make sth vigor, -ate is the verb suffix. So invigorate is to make sth vigorous. Antecedent: -ced- is the root referring to motion or going forward, ante- is before, and –ent means somebody. So antecedent is somebody who moves ahead of us, the same as forefather or ancestor. Protract: -tract is the root like pulling sth or extending sth make it wider or longer, pro- is the prefix meaning “ahead”. After analyzing this word, we know that “protract” is similar to prolong meaning make sth longer or longer to live. A lot of words contain this root, such as detract, extract, subtract, attract, tractable, intractable, etc. Arbitrariness: arbitrary is the root indicating to randomness or out of order, -ness is the noun suffix. The profound meaning of learning roots is that you will find it much easy to memorize words because there are so many word share the same root. No matter how long and hoe difficult the word is, the basic meaning of the word is stable and unchangeable. If we recite words according the


2011年同等学力英语词汇班讲义一、英语核心词汇 A absence access account achievement absorb accept accident amuse argue accompany accurate acquire abuse accomplish accuse aspect academic accordingly accustomed adapt addition adjust adopt advantage advance advisable affect afford annual announce alike allowance alter amaze amount annoy anxiety apparent appeal appear apply appointment appreciate approach appropriate approve arise arouse arrest artificial assemble asset assess assert assume assure athlete atmosphere attach attack alarm attend attitude attract attribute audience authority available avoid award aware awful awkward arrange associate astonish approximate analyze ancient ambition apology average attempt ashamed B bacteria baggage balance bankrupt bare barely bargain barrier beam behalf benefit besides bitter blank blast boast bold boom boost boring bound breed brilliant budget bump bunch bundle burden burst bachelor battle bear beyond blame band block blast bother brand brief bulk C campaign cancel capable capacity capital cash casual cause capture calculate central challenge


英语词汇学教程期末总结 1、 what is lexicology? Lexicology is the study of the vocabulary or lexicon of a given language. It deals not only with simple words, but also with complex and compound words. 2、 morphology is the study of the forms of words and their components. In morphology, morpheme is a basic concept. Morphemes are considered as the smallest meaningful units which may constitute words or parts of words. Semantics is often defined as the study of meaning. Semantics is usually approached from one of two perspectives: philosophical or linguistic. Etymology is the study of the whole history of words. First…second…third P2 3、 lexicography is closely related to the words in a given language. It involves the writing and compilation of dictionaries, especially dealing with the principles that underlie the process of compiling and editing dictionaries. 4、 Major features of words: 背


Chapter Five: Word Meaning and Componential Analysis 5.1 Word meaning word, reference, and concept 1) Words and concepts are inseparable. 2) Words and concepts are not identical a) Only notional words reflect things. Form words are not related to any actual thing in real life. They are abstraction of grammatical relations. b) The same concept can be expressed by different words: underground, tube, subway, all mean the same thing. Sense and Reference ?The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships with other expressions in the language. (Lyons, 1968). ?The sense of an expression may be defined as the set, or network, of sense-relations that hold between it and other expressions of the same language. (Lyons, 1995) ?The relationship by which language hooks onto the world is usually called reference. The semantic links between elements within the vocabulary system is an aspect of their sense, or meaning. (Saeed, 1997: 12) Sense relations The relations may include lexical relations (such as paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, member-collection, portion-mass, etc.) and sentence relations (such as logic and truth value, entailment, presup-position, etc.). Arbitrariness and Motivation What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. 5.2 Motivation a conception that the connection between name and sense is not arbitrary, but can be explained, or is motivated. Types of motivation 1) Onomatopoeic Motivation: ducks (quack), frogs (croak), lions (roar), wolves (howl) 2)Morphological Motivation: landlord, leader 3) Semantic Motivation ?the Pentagon ?the foot of the mountain ?The path to November was uphill all the way. 4)Etymological Motivation It refers to the motivation connected to the origin of the word. 5.3 Types of Meaning (p. 103)


现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料c h a p t e r 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

Chapter 9 Changes in Word Meaning 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning 9.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change 9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words Definition: Change of meaning refers to the alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to established words. 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning A.Historical cause 历史原因 It often happens that though a word retains its original form ,its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed . *Changes of meaning because of increased knowledge of the object described are common in the history of science. Eg. pencil ==is from a Latin word meaning “a little tail” or “a fine brush”, like our Chinese “pen”毛笔.Later, when it was made of wood and graphite ,it was still called a “pencil”. atom ==It was borrowed though Latin and French from Greek arouos,invisible. Thus atom meant originally “an particle too small to be divided”. This meaning is now out-of-date, because scientist have found out that atom can be split.


Chapter 1Word-Structure 1. The definition of morpheme 1.1 What is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language?- morpheme What are words composed of? - Words are formed by morphemes. A word is the smallest unit that stands alone to communicate meaning. 1.2 What are the Chinese equivalents对应词of morpheme? 语素词素-形位 2.1 Morphemes may be classified into free and bound. Free morphemes, also called content morphemes, may constitute words by themselves. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. So we may say that free morphemes are free roots. Bound morphemes = Bound root + affixes, known as grammatical morphemes, must appear with at least one other morpheme, either free or bound. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in derived words, e.g. recollection, idealistic, ex-prisoner 2.2 Morphemes may also be classified into roots (or root morphemes) and affixes (or affixational morphemes). Task: (1) Read the following words and find the root in each word. heart, hearten, dishearten, heartless, hearty, heartiness, sweetheart, heartbroken, kind-hearted, whole-heartedly. (2) What is your definition of root? A root is the part of the word-form which remains when all the affixes have been removed. (3) Is a root necessarily a free morpheme? Why? 2.2.1 Two types of roots - Free root In English, many roots are free morphemes, such as black in black, blackboard, blacksmith. - Bound root However, there are quite a number of roots which cannot exist on their own and thus belong to the class of bound morphemes. For example, ceive in receive, conceive, perceive, deceive; mit in permit, commit, submit; tain in retain, contain, maintain; cur in recur, occur, incur, etc. these roots cannot be used to form new words. 2.2.2 Two types of affixes Affix is a collective term for the type of formative (构词成分) that can be used only when added to another morpheme. - Inflectional affixes (or inflectional morphemes) serve to express the following meanings: (1) plurality: e.g. -s in chairs, pens; -es in boxes, tomatoes; en in oxen. (2) the genitive case: e.g. ’s in boy’s, children’s. (3) the verbal endings: for example, a. -(e)s in words like eats, teaches shows the third person singular present tense. b. -ing in words like eating, teaching shows the present participle or gerund. c. -(e)d in words like worked, saved shows the past tense or past participle. (4) the comparative and superlative degrees: e.g. -er in words like smaller, harder; -est in words like smallest, hardest. - Derivational affixes (or derivational morphemes)can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. ?(1) Prefixes are affixes before the root, e.g: unjust, rewrite. As a rule, most prefixes modify the meaning of roots, but not their parts of speech.


Chapter 1 LEXICOLOGY: Lexicology is the science of words, which is concerned with the study of vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, the origin, development, history, structure, meaning and application. In short, it is the study of the signification and application of words. Chapter 2 1.The history of English language History of English language can be divided into Old English(450AD-1150AD), Middle English (1150AD-1500AD), and Modern English (1500AD-present). 2.Classification of English words English words can be divided into different groups in terms of the origin, the level of usage and the notion. By origin Native words (Anglo-Saxon/ old English) Loan words (borrowed) By level of usage: 5 categories Standard/ popular word/ common words Literary words Colloquial words Slang words Technical words By notion Content words: They have the independent lexical meaning, e.g. noun, verb, adjective, adverb. Function words: They are determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries, and grammatical signals, functional makers. Pick up the slang words and explain. 1.Father said nix to our plan, so we couldn’t go to the museum. (nothing, no) 2.When the buck leads, the world suffers. (money, dollars) 3.He says he’ll be a great writer but that’s a lot of boloney; he’ll never be. (nonsense) 4.I’ll clobber you if you don’t do what you’re told, said the angry father. (beat sb. repeatedly) 5.I think I’m just a hick at heart. (a foolish person from the country) 6.He thought his idea was wonderful, but in fact, it was complete rot. (nonsense) Chapter 3 Compounding: refers to the faculty and device of language to form new words by combining or putting together old words, e.g. schoolboy. Derivation: derivation is "Used to form new words, as with happi-ness and un-happy from happy, or determination from determine. Conversion: the creation of word from an existing word without any change in form, e.g. the adjective clean becomes the verb clean.


英语词汇学论文(中文版) 单词记忆法细谈 一,读音规则记忆法 它就是按照元音字母、元音字母组合、辅音字母及辅音字母组合在开音节和闭音节的读音规律记忆。例如:ea,ee,er,ir,ur,or分别能发[i:][:][:]等。还有些固定的字母组合,例如:ing发[i],ly发[li],ty发[ti]和各种前缀、后缀,例如:a-,re-,un-,dis-,im-;-ed,-ing,-ly,-er,-or,-ful,-y等都有其比较固定的发音。掌握了这些规则,记单 词时就不必一个字母一个字母地记忆了。 二.字母变化记忆法 英语单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。具体方法 如下: 1.前面加字母。例如:is/his,ear/near/hear,read/bread 2.后面加字母。例如:hear/heart,you/your,plane/planet 3.中间加字母。例如:though/through,tree/three,for/four 4.减字母。例如:she/he,close/lose,star/tstar 5.换字母。例如:book/look/cook,cake/lake/wake/make/take 6.调字母(即改变字母顺序)。例如:blow/bowl,sing/sign, from/form 三.联想记忆法

在日常生活中可以根据所处的环境,所见到、所摸到的事物,联想相关的英语单词。例如: 打球时联想到:ball,(play)basketball,(play)football,(play)volleyball,playground等等;吃饭时联想到:dining-room,(have)breakfast,(have)lunch,(have)supper等等;睡觉 时联想到:bed,bedroom,gotobed,sleep,gotosleep,fallasleep等等。如果长期坚持下支,效果就会很好。 四.归类记忆法 众所周知,单词本身、单词与单词之间都存在着或多或少的联系,英语词汇中 有许多单词有着其近义词、反义词、一词多义、一词多音、同音词或形音形似词等内 在或外在的联系。因此,记忆单词的主要方法是把单词之间存在的这种联系挖掘归纳 出来,通过对比、对照的方式把学过的单词从各个方面进行归类 1.按词的构造归类 按词跟、前缀、后缀、合成词归类,找出词与词最本质 的联系。这种联系不仅使新词记得快、记得牢、记得久,而 且也同时复习了大量的旧词。合成词,如: schoolbag,school-boy,classroom,football,blackboard,etc. 前缀后缀词,如:unhappy,unhealthy,unfriendly,unlucky,worker,writer,visitor,us


1、选择题(2 ×15=30) 2、填空题(2×5=10 ) 3、搭配题(1×10=10) 4、名词解释题(4×5=20) 5、问题回答(5×3=15) 6、论述题(第39题7分,第40题8分) 选择题: 1. Which of the following is an initialism ? D. UN 2. The following are all nominal suffixes EXCEPT A. –ful . 3.Both English and B. Danish belong to the Germantic branch of the Indo-European language family. 4.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatik relationships are known as C. inflectional morphemes. 5.Motiation accounts for the connection between word-form and C.its meaning. 6.Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and C.homonymy. 7.Affixes attached to other morphemes to create new words are known as B .derivational affixes. 8.The semantic unity of idioms is reflected in the A.illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom as in rain cats and dogs. https://www.docsj.com/doc/9411887334.html,ually a small number of languages have been designated official languages for an organization’s activities ,for example, the UN was established with five official languages English, French, A.Spanish Russian, and Chinese.中英俄法西


中考一轮复习A 开头词汇(一)(讲义)??以字母 A 开头的单词 a (an) /?/ /?n/ art.一(个、件……) big mouth half hour a 用在前, an 用在前 a pair of… a set of… a symbol of… a waste of… 6:45: 玩得愉快: 结果: able /'eibl/ adj. 能够;有能力的 be able to I haven’t been able to speak Japanese. 名词形式: be able to do sth. = :有能力做某事 -able: comfortable knowledgeable believable loveable washable about /?'ba?t/ prep. 对于,关于;在……周围;围绕 adv. / adj.大约;到处;四处 动词+about: hear about worry about be serious about How/What+about(): How/What about (have) a drink with me after class?be about to do sth. Sit down everyone, the film is about to start. above /?'b?v/ prep. 在……之上;超过 adv. 在上面 Raise your arms above your head. The temperature above 37℃… Children above 10… For the above reasons,… 尤其是;最重要的是 Max is fair, hardworking and above all honest.


单片机常用英语单词 中文名称; 英文名称; ;简记术语 单片机; Single Chip Micocomputer or MicoControler Unit ; SCM or MCU 在线烧录(往芯片写入程序);In System Programming ; ISP 在线仿真;In Circuit Enulator ;ICE 复位;reset ;RST 编程选通使能端;Program Strobe Enable ; PSEN 看门狗;WatchDog 数据指针寄存器;Data Pointer Register; DP 特殊用途寄存器;Special Purpose Register; SPR PSW寄存器; PassWord Register; PSW 奇偶校检位P位; ParityBit 溢出位OV位; Overflow 寄存器组选择位; Register Select; RS(0/1) 进位校检位; 堆栈指针; StackPointer; SP 堆栈;stanck 推入;push 弹出;pop IE中断寄存器;Interrupt Register ; IE 溢出中断;Overflow Interrupt

计(时)数器;Timer 计数器高位;TimerHigh Bit ;TH 计数器低位; TimerLow Bit ;TL 计数器模式控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TMOD 计数器控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TCON 串行端口控制寄存器; Serial Control Regiter ; SCON 串行模式控制寄存器; Serial Model Control Register; SMOD 开始位;Start Bit 结束位;Stop Bit 字节数据高位;MSB 字节数据低位; LSB 传输控制寄存器; Pass Control Register; PCON 停止运行设置位; Power Down Bit; PD位 闲置模式设置位; Idel Model Set Bit; IDL位 辅助寄存器; AUXR 闲置模式下看门狗控制位; Watchdog idle model control bit; WDIDLE 看门狗复位; Watchdog reset 中断服务程序; Interruput Service Routine 宏; macro 寄存器组; Register Bank 中断优先级寄存器; Interrupt Register 波特率; Baud Rate 中断向量; interrupt vector


英语词汇学知识点归纳 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

English Lexicology(英语词汇学) Lexicology(词汇学): is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. The Nature and Scope of English lexicology: English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages. The subjects that English Lexicology correlated with and extent to: English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论) and lexicography(词典学) The reason for a student to study English lexicology: According to the textbook, English Lexicology will definitely be beneficial for students of English. A good knowledge of morphological structures of English words and rules of word-formation will help learners develop their personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power. The information of the historical development and the principles of classification will give them a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable them to organize, classify and store words more effectively. The understanding and their sense relations will gradually raise their awareness of meaning and usage, and enable them use words more accurately and appropriately. A working knowledge of dictionaries will improve their skills of using reference books and raise their problem-solving ability and efficiency of individual study. Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary Word(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself” Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were creates by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary Vocabulary(词汇): all the words in a language make up its vocabulary Classification of English Words: By use frequency:basic word stock&nonbasic vocabulary By notion:content words&functional words By origin:native words&borrowed words The basic word stock(基本词汇): is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language. Though it constitute a small percentage of the EV, it is the most important part of vocabulary. The Fundamental Features of the Basic Word Stock(基本词汇的特征): 1)All-National character(全民通用性most important) 2)Stability(相对稳定性) 3)Productivity(多产性) 4)Polysemy(多义性) 5)Collocability(可搭配性) 没有上述特征的words:(1)Terminology(术语) (2)Jargon(行话) (3)slang(俚语) (4)Argot(暗语)(5)Dialectal words(方言) (6) Archaisms(古语) (7) Neologisms(新词语):Neologisms means newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings.(email) Content words/notional words实词(cloud, run walk, never, five, frequently) and functional words/empty words虚词(on, of, and, be, but) Native Words and Borrowed Words Native words(本族语词): known as Anglo-Saxon words (50,000-60,000), are words brought to Britain in the 5th century by the Germanic tribes. (mainstream of the basic word-stocks).Two other features:(1)neutral in style (2)frequent in use

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