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What suggestions would you make to those who are addicted to playing computer games?

Nowadays, with the development of technology, almost every student is accessible to the computer games. For some students, computer games can make them away from pressure and relax a while. However, some students are addicted to playing computer games that they spend lots of energy and ignore their essential task like studying. As a result, it is urgent to correct their wrong actions and lead them to the right way.

First of all, students must clearly know how their life will be if they continue to be addicted to computer games. After that, they may be regretted to waste their valuable time to playing computer games. Moreover, it is feasible that students can find a good hobby or target to complete to transfer their attention to the computer games. For example, because students are crazy about computer games, they can learn to program or paint to design a computer game. Finally, why not try to make friends with those who are also interested in computer games but are able to control their time properly?

Therefore, it is not difficult to give up being addicted to computer games, it depends on one’s attitude.


玩电脑游戏高中英语作文 现在越来越多的学生总是花很多时间来玩电脑游戏,电脑游戏在许多方面有不良影响。 玩电脑游戏 Nowadays playing computer games is a very common hobbies, especially among young people and teenagers. However there are many arguements on whether computer games are advantageous to people or not. Although many people doubt the advantages of computer games, if used wisely computer games can actually be used in educational purposes, for example typing games to allow students to learn typing English or Chinese. Also another advantage of computer game is that the games may be played together among friends or family members, which may improve the relationship between family members and allow parents to know more about their children on their hobbies and interests. However computer games if misused can also have very bad effects on human beings. Firstly spending long time in front of the computer screen will bring to various health problems, such as eye sore, back pain and headache. Also if people spend too much time on computer games rather than the work they should do, for example school work for students and projects and presentations for employees, it may have bad effects on their real life and social life status. It is true for everything that it is beneficial if used wisely, therefore although computer games are widely said to be bad for people, it can still be used as a good tool if used wisely. 现在玩电脑游戏是一个很常见的爱好,特别是在年轻人当中和青少年.但也存在许多arguements电脑游戏是否有利于,或者不信宗教者. 尽管许多人质疑电脑游戏的优点,只要使用得当电脑游戏可以用于教育目的,例如打字游戏,让学生学习打字英语或华语.另一个利用电脑游戏是游戏中可以一起玩的朋友或家庭成员,提高家庭成员之间的关系,让父母知道更多关于他们的小孩在他们的爱好和兴趣. 然而电脑游戏如果滥用也有非常不好的影响人类.首先花长时间在电脑萤幕前面会带来各种健康问题,诸如眼睛酸痛,背部疼痛、头痛.同样的,如果人花太多的时间在电脑游戏而不是工作,他们应该做什么,例如学校学生和项目工作和演讲为员工,这可能影响他们的现实生活和社会生活状态.6a8a/yingshi/

我的爱好英语作文150字 我的爱好英语作文200词

竭诚为您提供优质的服务,优质的文档,谢谢阅读/双击去除 我的爱好英语作文150字我的爱好英 语作文200词 爱好使我们快乐,做自己爱好的事情会比其他事情事半功倍。那么关于我的爱好英语作文200词怎么写呢?以下是小编为大家整理的,有关我的爱好英语作文200词,希望大家喜欢。 我的爱好英语作文篇一 Differentpeoplehavedifferenthobbies.Forexample,some onelikesreading,someonelikesswimmingandsomeonelikes collectingandsoon.

Iusedtoreadbooksanddrawpicturesbecausebyreadingbook sIcouldlearnmanyfunnythings.butnowIdon'tlikeit.Ican onlylearnfrombooks.Icouldn'tgetknowledgefromothers. Ineedachange.Travelingismyfavoritehobbynow.butIcan' tgotravelingalot.Icanvisitmanydifferentplacesofinte restbytraveling.Icanlearnalotaboutpeople,placesandh istory. It'sveryinteresting.whatisyourhobby?Let'sshareeacho ther!Ihavemanygoodfriends.Theyallhavetheirhobbies.A nnstudiesveryhard. soherhobbyisbookreading.Tonyloveslabour,andhishobby isgardening.


1.使命召唤4 《使命召唤》系列游戏最大的特点街是出色的气氛营造,而4代则完美的将这一特性继承下来,发挥的淋漓尽致,犹如一部好莱坞大片。笔者在这里总结出一个关键字来展现《使命召唤4》的面貌:武器:无论你是更喜欢98K步枪还是汤姆森冲锋枪、现在你要跟它们说goodbye了。玩家选择作为美国海军陆战队和英国SAS特种部队的一员,除了可以使用M4A1、G36K、MP5、M249等制式武器外,还可以使用敌人的G3、AK74u、RPD、RPG-7等武器。特别是标枪反坦克导弹的攻顶攻击方式相信还告诉不少对军事不太熟悉的朋友:原来反坦克导弹是这样打的。武器瞄具方面除了机械瞄具以外,玩家的武器还有eotech,ACOG等光学和激光瞄具。《使命召唤4》武器的手感还不错,但说实话,笔者我还是更喜欢98K一枪一个再拉枪栓的感觉。 载具:《使命召唤》虽然不是最早引入载具的游戏,但却是运用到最出色的游戏,特别《使命召唤:联合突袭》中的T34平原坦克战、B25轰炸等任务都给留下了及其深刻的印象。而在《使命召唤4》中,载具这一元素更被发挥到了极致。特别是俄罗斯AC-130的任务,玩家可以使用25mm、40mm、105mm机炮对地面狂轰乱炸,让人大呼过瘾。而经过后期处理黑白的热成像画面给人十分写实的感觉。其他的支路干机降和最后的公路追击给人感觉也是很棒的。但遗憾的是《使命召唤4》并没有提供可以完全供玩家操控的载具,玩家只能控制火力点而已。 爆炸:《使命召唤》系列游戏一直欧式伴随着不停地爆炸,从手雷到炮击,使得游戏过程从不冷场。而《使命召唤4》则是更为火爆,在ACT1恐怖分子控制的城市被海军陆战队攻占后玉石俱焚引爆了核弹,腾起点蘑菇云和冲击破势如破竹的摧毁了周边的一切,玩家所在在支路干旋转坠落,给玩家极强的视觉冲击。坠落后玩家爬出座舱,看见大楼在冲击破下化为灰烬,最后在热核辐射中倒下给人极度的无助和绝望的感觉。 狙击:《使命召唤》前三作狙击的任务不少,特别是模仿《兵临城下》瓦西里的桥段一直让玩家津津乐道。而在《使命召唤4》玩家手中的春田和莫幸狙击步枪也被换成了SVD、M21和M82。狙击任务也更强调隐秘行动,其中有个用倒述方式展现的15年前的个在切尔若贝利的狙击任务十分有感觉,玩家需要跟随观察员躲在草丛中躲避敌人搜索,One shot、one kill的致命狙击让敌人倒在血泊中,给玩家十足的杀戮快感。《使命召唤4》狙击的细节更追求真实,有个在废弃的大楼中用M82反器材步枪远距离狙杀恐怖分子首领的任务,玩家需要考虑重力,通过目标附近的旗帜飘动的方向和幅度来判断风向和风速来瞄准。玩家还可以用大威力的12.7cm M82杀伤武装直升机的驾驶员。 以上几个关键字展现了《使命召唤4》的主要特点,但这仅仅只是游戏的一部分,而不能代表游戏的全部,如果要了解游戏的全貌还是要靠玩家自己去体验。本作的单人游戏流程大概才5-6小时,远低于前几作,让人感觉意犹未尽。制作者将重点放在了多人游戏。多人游戏除了DM,TDM模式,还提供抢占模式,游戏玩家可以选择突击兵、爆破兵、狙击手等不同职业,不同职业有不同的武器搭配和特殊技能,玩家也可以自由搭配。玩家在游戏中还可以依据杀敌数和任务的完成情况还可以获得相应Rank,呼叫眼镜蛇武装直升机等支援火力。多人游戏部分娱乐性还不错,但给人感觉不是太耐玩,就象一个加强画面的CS,并不能取代战地和反恐精英系列的主流FPS游戏地位。 2.战争行为(Act of War) Act of War: Direct Action是Atari发行Eugen Systems制作知名军事小说作家Dale Brown创作的一款以近未来的即时战斗游戏。玩家可以控制自己部队转战世界各地,为了拯救世界同恐怖主义做斗争。 游戏画面首先值得称赞的用户界面Loading的时候的背景很漂亮,把下面Loading的百分比去掉就可以当Windows的壁纸了。再一个值得称赞的就是游戏有大量CG和真人扮演的过场,制作的比较精良,有


中考英语作文范文:沉迷于电脑游戏 请用下面所给的提示词写一篇短文。 提示词: give up concentrate on be (become)interested in Li Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games and fell behind others. 中考英语作文范文: Li Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good/close friend of his, I must do something to help him. First, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.


我的家乡英语作文带翻译200字 My hometown is suizhou, there is very beautiful in a city park and the south of baiyun shennong park, is recreation visit places. Winding road, and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive a person bonsai, let a person with nature. To realize fall, lake feeling, the hushan is right choice. The hushan LiuAn supple, boasts beautiful scenery, jade stroll, relaxed. In the evening, jiefang road, LongTai pedestrian street lights, shopping shopping two not mistake; Pearl plaza, railway station plaza, leisure, sports and tide of stream of people, boisterous, might as well go see suizhou of mass cultural life. 我的家乡是随州,那儿很美丽城南白云公园和城中神农公园,是市民休闲游玩的场所。蜿蜒的小路、茂密的植被和绚目夺人的盆景,让人与自然融为一体。 若想体会秋高气爽、湖上泛舟的感觉,白云湖是不错的选择。白云湖柳岸依依,风光旖旎,临风漫步,心旷神怡。 傍晚,解放路、隆泰步行街灯火通明,逛街购物两不误;明珠广场、火车站广场休闲、健身的人流潮涌,热闹非凡,不妨去看看随州人的群众文化生活。


提到浣熊市、寂静岭、皆神村这些耳熟能详的地方,不知道留下了多少玩家的惊惧与心跳!而僵尸、怪物、恶灵这些面目狰狞的轮廓又多少次惊醒了酣梦中的人们?作为最能贯彻游戏电影化理念的AVG解谜游戏,在游戏的表现能力获得极大的解放之后,迅速发展为一个庞大的种类,而恐怖式解谜又以其独特的魅力吸引了其中大部分玩家的驻足停留。 恐怖游戏相比恐怖电影那样的被动接受更近一步,玩家的自由度也更大,甚至由于游戏中的操作不同也会有不同的结局,而且身临其境的体验感更加逼真,这也是恐怖游戏的最大魅力。今天,笔者就带大家推荐十款最恐怖的电脑游戏。在开始深入介绍之前,首先要解决一个问题恐怖游戏的分类: 第一:视觉表现类 以塑造各种恐怖,恶心的怪物(“生化危机”中的丧尸可谓经典)为主题,在视觉效果上狠下功夫,以玩家的视觉为突破口,特意营造一个“恶心,血腥”的恐怖冒险世界来等待玩家的探索。大体上是一种“刺激感很强”的“超现实视觉表现”,玩家只要在初次接触后适应了,同类的作品对玩家造成的冲击应该不大了。 第二:氛围营造类 “恐怖冒险类游戏”从字面上就可以了解,这类游戏主要是营造一种“压抑,窒息”的氛围,配合“黑暗,混沌”的环境和“诡异,缥缈”的音效对玩家的

“心理防线”发起轮番冲击。尽管都是些界乎于“现实”和"超现实"间的怪物充斥其中,尽管在视觉冲击上稍逊于“视觉表现类”的“恐怖冒险类游戏”。但莫名的“恐惧”始终“折磨”着玩家的神经;不可言状的“压抑”贯穿游戏始终。“背脊发冷,寒意渗肤,头皮发麻”一直陪伴着玩家,这种滋味可真不好受。要不要“活受罪”呢?由于这类游戏是直接对玩家的内心造成冲击,很多方面的元素都是制作者从心理学的角度来考虑的,恐怖感对玩家造成的冲击可谓“常玩常新,不一而同”,比其“视觉表现类”的作品更为“恐怖” 第三:美式风格 “恐怖冒险类游戏”较为“血腥,压抑”,线条较粗,这类作品受“基督教”的“善恶”文化影响较深。视觉表现力较强,CAPCOM的“生化危机”,“钟楼系列”和KONAMI的“寂静岭”系列都是其中的佼佼者 第四:日式风格 “恐怖冒险类游戏”对角色,场景和音乐,音效的刻画较为细腻,特别是音效方面的表现尤为出色,“未见其影”而“先闻其声”有“立竿见影”之奇效。这类作品受“佛教”的“因果”文化影响较大。纯和风派的“零ZERO”是当中的佼佼者,SCE作品“尸人”也属于这类风格。 第十位:网络奇兵 游戏主题是玩家一觉醒来,发现整个世界都疯了,一开始你只有一个简单的武器—一把扳手,随着游戏的进展,你会发现更多武器,将面对众多的机器人、突变的异形和怪物。游戏最后,你必须走进的敌人的心脏地区为拯救人类而战。


自我介绍英语作文200词 【第1篇】 My name is Ye Lingyan, my English name is Peter. My hair is short, my eyes are big. I like watching TV, playing computer games and swimming. I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at six thirty. I go to school at seven o'clock. I have lunch at eleven forty. From Monday to Friday, I have six classes every day. I go home at four o'clock. I have dinner at five. I go to bed at ten o'clock. I have a drum class. I really enjoy the class. 【第2篇】 I'm Hua Zhengxian. I'm ten years old. I'm in Class 5,Grade 4. My hair is short. My eyes are small. I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at six fifteen. I go to school at seven o'clock. I have lunch at twelve o'clock. I go home at eight o'clock. I


初一英语作文带翻译电脑游戏 Computer games Dear Xiao Ming, How are you doing recently? We take pride in that you are good at playing computer games. Computers are more and more important in our lives. Playing games on them can help us know more about computers, which is very useful for our future lives. But if you are addicted to it, it’ll be quite harmful to you. It is not only bad for your health but also has bad influence to your study to spend too much time playing them. Next you should take an active part in all kinds of activities in your free time. We all know you are a cute boy, you must do better in the study if you spend less time playing computer games. Yours, Liu Chang 亲爱的肖明,你最近还好吗?我们为你在玩电脑游戏的好而感到骄傲。电脑在我们的生活中越来越重要。玩游戏可以帮助我们了解更多关于计算机,这是非常有用的,为我们的未来生活。但如果你对它上瘾,它会对你相当有害。它不仅对你的健康不利,而且对你的学习有着不好的影响,花太多的时间去玩。下一步,你应该积极参加各种活动,在你的空闲时间。我们都知道你是一个可爱的男孩,如果你花更少的时间玩电脑游戏,你必须做的更好。


高一英语作文带翻译200字左右英语写作是英语学习和使用中必备的一项基本技能,是英语语言综合能力的体现。下面橙子为大家搜集整理的高一英语作文,仅供阅读! microblog 微博应用 The modern life is becoming more and more colorful. The Internet is an important part of our life. It makes our life more interesting. Do you know about the most popular Internet tool? It named microblog . It means a small blog. The differences between them are that the micro blog is simpler and more convenient than a common blog. The firs t microblog website is Twitter. And it’s also the most famous in the world. Now many famous persons in different professions have microblogs such as Han Han, Liu Xiang, Lady Gady, Bill Gates and so on. Chinese microblog has about five years of history. Though it’s very short,the microblogs in China are popular with young people, especially us students. We students believe that microblog is very useful, we can do many things by using it. For example, we can get news and information quickly. 1/ 6


十大最佳游戏笔记本推荐 篇一:笔记本电脑(游戏本)选购指南 第一篇,配置 1、cpu cpu主要生产厂家就是英特尔和amd。英特尔大家并不陌生,酷睿i3\i5\i7,相信大家基本都在用,对于i系列cpu,例如神舟z6的i7-4720HQ,第一位数字代表第四代,720表示档次,H代表haswell架构下的一种封装规格,不可拆卸,但降低功耗的同时,保证了性能,Q代表4核,i5-4210m,m代表标压笔记本用cpu,还有一部分呢是i7-5500U,U代表低压,主要是超极本和商务本在使用,为的是降低功耗,缩小规格,不适合玩游戏。 2、显卡 显卡厂商主要也有俩,分别是英伟达和AMD。英伟达的显卡俗称N卡,也是现在游戏本普遍应用的,按档次分为G\GT\GTS\GTX,从左至右越来越高的定位,比如对于戴尔的游匣7559,配备的是GTX960m,m不必说,与cpu一样表明是移动端的,gtx定位为发烧级显卡,9代表第九代,或者称9系卡,然而9系卡并不一定比8系优秀多少,比如960m和860m,起其实没有什么太大的区别,就是一张卡,这样的称之为马甲卡,类似的还有950m和850m,只是略微提高了一丢丢频率,差别不会大于10%。对于第二位数字,这是显卡的定位,数字越大,定位越高。真正的9系显卡,也就是说是使用了新工艺的,是gtx965m及以上,其他的跟8代并没有太大区别,但是,买新不买旧。 对于AMD显卡,从之前的hd系列已经变幻成了现在的r5、r7、r9系列,从左至右定位逐渐高端,r5入门级,看看电影,玩玩小游戏,r7是中端主流,中小型游戏和2d作 图,比如LOL,r9定位高端发烧,大型游戏,比如dota2,GTA5之类的。 3、内存 首先,现在笔记本的主流内存以及达到4G及以上,那些2g,3g的请去加内存,

英语作文高级词汇 春节英语作文200词三篇

英语作文高级词汇春节英语作文 200词三篇 时间如水,光阴似箭,一年又一年飞快地过去了。春节又到了。怎么写200词春节的英语作文呢?下面是X给大家整理的春节英语作文200词三篇,供你参考! 春节英语作文200词三篇篇1 The Spring Festival! What a grand festival! Every Spring Festival, every family to eat rice cakes? Fireworks? Firecrackers, watch Spring Festival gala. I of course is not exceptional also, in the evening, began to eat his mother take out the steamed rice cakes, looks so coveted, so I can't wait to eat a mouthful, wow! Really sweet! Finished eating dinner, I went to the front of the television waiting, before long, the gala began, opusculum, acrobatics,

magic... One of my favorite is the acrobatic glass ball, the man with a glass ball is thrown toward heaven, head to resist, rolled back and forth on the hand, at that time, my heart in my mouth, for fear of broken glass ball drop down, but the performance for hours, the ball is still intact. 24 o 'clock, my mother poured a everyone to stick on the door, I saw, in the mind is very strange, so I asked mom why everyone down to post? Mother said with a smile: "do you think about why stick backwards?" I hurriedly say: "is a blessing to?" Mother held up his hand, stretched out his thumb kua to: "true cleverness." Say that finish, also touched my head. Dad took a bunch of firecrackers to put, I ran upstairs, could cover ears, deafening firecrackers have put rang. Then, a string of fireworks, reaching for the sky it represents for the year of the

英语作文 有关玩电脑游戏方面的。A letter about giving up playing computer games

我很苦恼,因为我很喜欢玩电脑游戏,我经常在业余时间玩,我知道这不好。我的父母不让我玩电脑。他们总说我,我很不开心。我该怎么办呢? 请你给这位同学写封回信,帮助他解决烦恼。 Dear X X It’s bad for you to play computer games all the time. Because they can not only make you feel tired, but also make you get bad marks. In my opinion, you should give up the computer games. You should try to do other things, for example you can take part in a wonderful party with your friends in your free time. You can also enjoy yourself in the park anytime you like. It’s a good idea to climb the mountains with you r parents. Have some hobbies, such as reading, biking, sailing and so on. Hobbies can make you forget games and grow as a person. D on’t think about you games, and you will forget it little by little. If you try best, your parents will be proud of you. I believe, all the dark days will go and you will feel well. Yours, XX


令人沮丧的经历英语作文200字 Q: What is the saddest truth about life? 生活中令人沮丧的真相是什么? Half the world's starving; the other half is trying to lose weight. 世界上有一半的人正在挨饿,另一半的人却在使劲减肥。 A pigment called Melanin, whose concentration in your skin that you had no control of when you were born, is going to determine how you will be treated in society. 当你出生的时候,有一种名为“黑色素”的色素聚集在你的皮肤上,

你根本无法控制,但是这将决定你会被社会如何对待。 No one will read your answer at the bottom of Quora if it's not upvoted. 如果没人给你点赞,就没有人会去看你沉在Quora底部的答案。 Just like no one will remember us until we do something remarkable in their lives. 就像如果我们没有在他人生命中做出一些值得注意的事,那他们就不会记得我们。 There'll always be the last time you do something or meet someone, and you won't know that it was the last time.


导语:现如今有越来越多人沉迷电脑游戏,下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。 要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;(2)书写认真,句子通顺;(3)词数:60词左右。 Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day. I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night. I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon. 杰克是我的朋友。他非常喜欢玩电脑游戏。他经常坐在同样的方式太长而不移动。现在他头痛,眼睛疼,背疼。他晚上睡不好,所以他每天都觉得累。 我认为他应该离开电脑休息。他不该长时间使用电脑。他应该做眼保健操,放松眼睛,晚上早睡。 我想如果他好好休息,他很快就会好的。


推举出了2006年十大最受欢迎网络游戏,这十大网络游戏无论是从受玩家欢迎程度,还是从制作方的实力来说,都可谓实至名归 2006年度中国游戏产业年会通过网上投票和专家评选,最终推举出了2006年十大最受欢迎网络游戏,这十大网络游戏无论是从受玩家欢迎程度,还是从制作方的实力来说,都可谓实至名归。究竟“2006年十大最受欢迎网络游戏”花落谁家,下面为您一一揭晓。 NO.1《征途》 “如果《征途》中有玩家认为玩法不是最丰富的;操作不是最便捷的;单区用户没有1万人;或者认为《征途》不是最好玩的网游,只要达到上述四点中任何一点,玩家删号,我赔人民币。”这是史玉柱在本届游戏年会上扔出的“重磅炸弹”,这位用做保健品的路数做网游的纯外行,却在几个月内做到同时在线70万人,打破了《传奇》保持4年的纪录。免费+给玩家发工资+不好玩就赔钱,“针对18岁以上成年人设计”,再加上亚运期间的地毯式广告轰炸,史玉柱把《征途》做成了网游里的“脑白金”。 话说回来,《征途》的设计确实有很多独到之处:跨服战斗让500万玩家齐聚一堂,这个据说是世界首创;自动寻路设计博得不少路痴欢迎;自动打怪也人人叫好;至于替身宝宝和智力答题,更是匪夷所思;还有PK和国战也能赚经验,打怪只是最笨的升级办法;“一指禅”操作,边看电视边升级,《征途》越来越不像MMORPG,而像是一款休闲游戏——但玩游戏最原始的意义不就是休闲吗? NO.2《魔兽世界》 作为美国去年最畅销的游戏,《魔兽世界》的全球付费注册用户已经达到800万,而它在中国的拥趸占了绝对的大头:590万已激活付费用户是一个令人瞠目结舌的数字。 魔兽为什么好玩?正像微软Windows 游戏部门的负责人Rich Wickham所说的:“《魔兽世界》具有一种令人难以置信的绝妙娱乐体验,它吸引了各种不同的玩家,我见到的其它游戏都没有这么多种类的玩家。偶尔打打游戏的玩家和死忠玩家都齐聚一款游戏相当有趣:这是一种生活方式。”《魔兽世界》成功的关键在于它的多样性,丰富的任务以及上手的简易。骨灰级游戏玩家会玩任何类型的游戏,无论它的难度如何,但为了成为普通大众接受的主流游戏,这款游戏需要操作简单,丰富的任务。《魔兽世界》的成功就在于同时抓住了骨灰级玩家和普通玩家的心。这也是这款游戏在全球各地有那么多玩家的原因。一切就像《时代周刊》上一篇名为《30岁玩家的自白》的文章所说的:“在你平凡的生活中,你多少次觉得你象个英雄?什么时候,你觉得你做了件大事,一件有意义的事?人们需要逃避,逃避平凡的生活。这就是人们所需要的。” NO.3《热血江湖》 作为当年韩国最受关注的武侠网络游戏,这部出自同名漫画的网游最引人注目


自我介绍英语作文200词 介绍是一切社交活动的开始,是人际交往中与他人沟通,建立联系,增进了解的一种最基本、最常见的形式。小编精心收集了200词自我介绍英语作文,供大家欣赏学习! 200词自我介绍英语作文篇1 Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an oppertunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something do with the job. What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the success. I hope you will give them a wonderfull speech .Good luck to you ! 200词自我介绍英语作文篇2 Hello,everyone! My name is Winnie.Im a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.Im an active,lovely and clever girl.In the school,my favourite subject is maths.Perhaps someone


电脑游戏英文术语详解 ACT (Action Game):动作类游戏。这类游戏提供玩者一个训练手眼协调及反应力的环境及功能,通常要求玩者所控制的主角(人或物)根据周遭情况变化做出一定的动作,如移动、跳跃、攻击、躲避、防守等,来达到游戏所要求的目标。此类游戏讲究逼真的形体动作、火爆的打斗效果、良好的操作手感及复杂的攻击组合等等。 AI (Artificial Intelligence):人工智能。就是指计算机模仿真实世界的行为方式与人类思维与游戏的方式的运算能力。那是一整套极为复杂的运算系统与运算规则。 Alpha: Alpha测试。就是指在游戏制作者控制的环境下进行的游戏测试工作,所以一般来说a测试是在公司内部进行的。 AVG (Adventure Game):冒险类游戏。这类游戏在一固定的剧情或故事下,提供玩者一个可解谜的环境及场景,玩者必须随着故事的安排进行解谜。游戏的目的是借游戏主角在故事中所冒险积累的经验来解开制作者所设定的谜题或疑点。通常这类游戏常被用来设计成侦探类型的解谜游戏。 Beta:Beta测试。就是指不在制作者控制的环境下进行的游戏测试工作,所以一般来说Beta 测试则是交由选定的测试者单独来进行测试。 Boss:大头目,也称"老板"。在游戏中出现的较为巨大有力与难缠的敌方对手。一般这类敌人在整个游戏过程中只会出现一次,而常出现在关底,而不像小怪物在游戏中可以重复登场。Bug:程序漏洞,俗称"臭虫"。指那些因游戏设计者与测试者的疏漏而剩留在游戏中的程序错误,严重的话将影响整个作品的质量。 Cheat:游戏秘技。游戏设计者暗藏在作品中的特殊技巧,使用后可带给玩者特殊的能力与效果。最先是程序者为快速测试作品而设计的内部秘技,现在几乎已是每个游戏均有秘技。Clock Speed:游戏执行速度。即游戏在计算机中被运行的速度,常以Megahertz(MHz)计量。 Code:密码。1)同Cheat条;2)同Source Code条。 E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo):美国E3大展。 当前世界上最为盛大的电脑游戏与电视游戏的商贸展示会,基本于每年五月举行。 Easter Egg:复活节彩蛋。程序中隐藏着的一段意外的内容,常为制作者设计的搞笑内容,经常是关于制作者自己的介绍与调侃。 Electronic Game:电子游戏。即电脑游戏、电视游戏以及街机和手掌型游戏机的总称。Engine:游戏引擎。即一套游戏的主程序。 Experience Point:经验点数。常出现在角色扮演游戏中,以数值计量人物的成长,经验点数达到一定数值后常常会升级,这时人物就会变得更强大。 FTG(Fighting Game):格斗类游戏。从动作类游戏脱胎分化出来,就是指两个角色一对一决


身边的小事_英语作文200字带翻译 我们都要文明,从小就要做起,可是我的小区人们真的不够文明,人们在墙上又涂又画,而且动物粪便到处都是。r 有一天,我在上学的路上,眼前的一切乱的我都眼花缭乱了,小时候那整洁的墙壁,现在变得如此混乱,我摇摇头继续往前走”咔嚓”,我好像踩到了什么干巴巴的东西,我低头一看,啊!是粪便!r我急忙跑到草丛来磨掉卡在鞋上的粪便!我急忙跑到草丛来,磨掉卡在鞋r底的粪便,可我一看草丛上也是到处的粪便,我又急又气!可是也只好跺着脚走。rr我们应该要懂得什么叫文明,因为只有一个文明的人才会使我们的世界更加美丽! We all need to be civilized and start from childhood, but people in my community are not civilized enough. People paint and draw on the walls, and there are animal excrement everywhere. R one day, on my way to school, I was dazzled by all the chaos in front of me. The neat walls when I was a child have become so chaotic now. I shook my head and went on “clicking”. It seems that I stepped on something dry. I looked down, ah! It's faeces! R I hurried to the grass to grind off the feces stuck on my shoes! I hurriedly ran to the grass to grind off the feces stuck on the bottom of the shoes, but I saw the feces everywhere on the grass, and I was very anxious and

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