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广东省韶关市仁化县第一中学八年级英语下册 Module 9 Heroes Unit 2 There

广东省韶关市仁化县第一中学八年级英语下册 Module 9 Heroes Unit 2 There
广东省韶关市仁化县第一中学八年级英语下册 Module 9 Heroes Unit 2 There

Book 4 Module 9 Heroes

教学内容:Unit2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard.

课型:Reading and writing


1、正确使用下列单词和词组:army, Canada, Canadian, medical, treat, trea tment, front, injured, war, First World War, invent, tool, local, operate, operation, give one’s life to, in spite of, in the end, take care of


① -Why did Norman Bethune study medicine?

-He studied medicine so that he could become a doctor.

②…and he is remembered in both Canada and China.中的be remembered被记住。









Step One



Have some students talk

about his hero, and say


Ta lk about his hero, and

say why.




Step Two




Show a picture of Dr.

Nor man Bethu ne to the

students, and ask:

1. Do you know this man?

2. What did Dr. Norman

Bethune do?

3. Do you know something

about him?

Please say something

about Dr. Norman Bethune

as possible as you can.

Look at the pictures and

answer the teachers






Step Three




1.Scanning and skimming

Ask the students to read

the passage quickly, and

answer the two


1. When did Bethune come

to help Chinese


1. Scanning and skimming

The students to scan the

passage, and find out the

answer to the question :

1. When did Bethune come to

help Chinese soldiers?

2. For what reason did he





教学活动2. For what reason did he


2. Reading for specific


Let the students read the

passage in Activity 2

carefully and choose the

best answer for the

following questions.

2. Reading for specific


The students read the

passage in Activity 2

carefully and choose the

best answer for the

following sentences.












合自身,进行拓展。( ) 1.) When was Bethune born?

A. In 1890.

B. In 1916

C. In 1938 ( )

2.) Why did he invent new ways to treat soldiers?

A. Because he wanted to look after injured soldiers.

B. Because he saw many soldiers die in the First

World War.

C. Because there were few doctors in China.

( ) 3.) Why did he come to China?

A. Because he liked very much.

B. Because he wanted to treat the Chinese


C. Becau se there were few doctors in China.

( ) 4.) Why did he write books?

A. So that he could be famous.

B. So that he could give treatments to people.

C. So that doctors could learn about new treatments.

( ) 5.) How long did he once do operations without


A. For less than 60 hours.

B. For 112 hours.

C. For nearly 3 days.

( ) 6). What made him a hero?

A. To be a doctor.

B. To work with Chinese soldi ers.

C. To go to the front.

3. Reading for


Organize the Ss to read

the passage again, and

let them put the events

in the correct order.

3. Reading for


Read the passage careful

again and let them put the

events in the correct


a. Born in 1890.

b. Started hospital and wrote books about new treatments.

c. Worked with soldiers in the First World War.

d. Invented medical tools to use outside hospital.

e. Came to China

f. Died.

4. Language points in the passage.

a. Let the students work in groups to read the passage, and find out the language points and difficulties.

b. Solves the difficulties. 4. Language points in the passage.

a. The students work in groups to read the passage, and find out the language points and difficulties.

b. Solves the difficulties.

Language points:

1. He gave his life to helping the Chinese people.

2. He saw many soldiers die in the war.

3. …and he is remembered in both Canada and China.

4. …for 69 hours without stopping, …

Step Four Post-readin g

(10’)1. Retell

Organize the students to

read the passage and fill

in the blanks according

to the passage.

1. Retell

The students read the

passage and fill in the

blanks according to the





Norman Bethune is one of China’s most famous ____.

He _____ to helping th e Chinese people. He was born

in 1890 and became a doctor in 1916. He came to China

to open _____ to give treatments to local people and

______. He died because he did not stop to______ his

hand in an operation. He is still remembered in

both_____ and China.

2. Writing

Have the students look at the facts about Yuan Longping in Activity 5. Then write a passage about him. 2. Writing

Look at the facts about

Yuan Longping in Activity

5. Then write a passage

about him.





Step Five Summary (2’)Get the students to sum

up the language points.

T: What have we learnt


S: ……

Sum up the language points. 引导学生对这节课





Step Six Home- work (1’)Do some exercises in 《随




板设书计Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard.

1. give one’s life to,

2. in spite of,

3. in the end,

4. take care of



1. 第一次世界大战于1914年发生,1918年结束。

The ____ ______ ____ took place in 1914 and ended in 1918.

2. 虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准时到达火车站。

We arrived at the station on time ___ ____ __ the storm.

3. 最后,我决定沿着这条路一直向前走。

__ ___ ___, I decided to go ahead along the road.

4. 当我离开时请你照看我的猫好吗?

Would you please ____ ____ __ my cat while I am away?

5. 白求恩医生把生命奉献给了中国人民。

Dr. Norman Bethune ____ ___ ___ __ the Chinese people.


( ) 1 . __________bad weather, they finished the job on time.

A. Because of

B. At the end of

C. In spite of

D. A list of

( ) 2 . — What did John do after dinner?

— He continued ______ the book for another hour.

A. have read

B. read

C. reads

D. reading

( ) 3. —Hangzhou is really a beautiful city, isn’t it ?

— Yes. ________tourists like to visit it every year.

A. Thousands of

B. Thousand of

C. Thousand

D. Three thousands

( ) 4. — How is your sister in hospital?

—Oh, she’s better after the _________ .

A. resolution

B. operation

C. situation

D. instruction

( )33. Both Jim and Kate _______ in Beijing now. They both ________ from Canada.

A. is; come

B. is; comes

C. are; come

D. are; comes

( )5 . —It’s late. ________ TV and go to bed, Sally.

— OK, mum.

A. Stop reading

B. Stop to read

C. Stop to watch

D. Stop watching

( )6 . —_____________?

— I hurt my hand when I was cooking.

A. What are you doing

B. How about your father

C. What’s it about

D. What happened


考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分 一、完型填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I worked hard for a whole week. So I decided to relax and went out of town with my son for the 1 . When we were walking on the street, we felt a little 2 . So we found a café and 3 to have lunch there. After we sat down at our table, I 4 an elderly couple having lunch at a table across the room. I must have looked over at them a few times because my son asked me if I 5 them. I shook my head and said no. But I told him that they 6 me of my own grandparents. When the waitress came over, I asked her if she knew them. She said she did. She said it was the elderly man’s birthday today. On hearing this, I wanted to do something for them, so I told the 7 that I wanted to buy them the lunch and gave her the money. Some time later, the elderly couple came over to 8 us. They were so excited that someone had bought them lunch. It was really a big 9 for them. They said that they had been a little 10 because their own son and daughter seemed to have 11 the old man’s birthday. But they were really cheered up by my 12 . My son was surprised that I had paid for this couple who we didn’t know. He asked me why I did it. I smiled at him and replied that my grandparents used to go out for lunch to celebrate their birthdays in the same way and it just felt like the 13 thing to do to make this couple smile, 14 on their birthdays. Hearing my 15 , my son smiled. 1. A. weekB. hourC. monthD. weekend 2. A. hungryB. thirstyC. hotD. bored 3.A. continuedB. decidedC. refusedD. begged 4. A. noticedB. visitedC. recognizedD. attracted 5.A.interruptedB. invitedC. knewD. needed 6.A.introducedB. remindedC. broughtD. sent 7. A. managerB. manC. coupleD. waitress 8. A. supportB. comfortC. impressD. thank 9. A. activityB. surpriseC. chanceD. change10. A. movedB. tiredC. shockedD. sad11. A. ruinedB. delayedC. forgottenD. celebrated12. A. actionB. adviceC. opinionD. wish13. A. rightB. normalC.unnecessaryD. useful14. A. alwaysB. onlyC. especiallyD. even15. A. excusesB. newsC. questionsD. words 二、语法填空(共10小题 每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Dinosaurs now are far away from us. Dinosaurs were real animals that once lived on the earth, but they _16_ (die) out about 65 million years ago. The _17_(disappear) of the dinosaurs is _18_ some way a great mystery. Some scientists think that the climate changed suddenly. Fossils of trees tell us that the temperature dropped a lot and that the level of the sea dropped as well. This means that it got suddenly much _19_ (cold). Perhaps the dinosaurs were too slow __20__(change) with the climate. A new idea is _21_ a meteor(流星) crashed into the earth. Scientists discovered a place in Mexico __ they think the meteor crashed. They think that there was a lot of dust from the meteor. The dust landed on the plants. Also the dust blocked(阻挡)the sun’s light for as long as five years. Many animals, __ (include) dinosaurs, were plant eaters, and perhaps the dust killed __24___. This means there was nothing left for meat eating dinosaurs to eat, and so they died out. But, as many animals from that time did not die, we are not 100% sure what ___25___ (real) happened. 三、阅读 第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I have been using the Internet since I was five years old, when my dad first sat me down in front of a computer and connected me to the World Wide Web. I've always felt like a master of the Internet world. AOL Instant Messaging, MSN, Gmail, Facebook, Myspace - I've got it all under control. I thought there was nothing more to it besides checking my e-mail and wasting my time, until I was introduced to electronic commerce (e-commerce): business on the Internet. Some online businesses are run from one-room home offices. Others have hundreds of employees spread


福州一中2020—2021学年第一学期第二学段考试 高二生物期末试卷 一、单选题 1.关于在正常情况下组织液生成与回流的叙述,错误的是() A.生成与回流的组织液中氧气的含量相等 B.组织液不断生成与回流,并保持动态平衡 C.血浆中的有些物质经毛细血管动脉端进入组织液 D.组织液中的有些物质经毛细血管静脉端进入血浆 2.在血液生化六项检查的化验单上,每种成分的参考值即正常值都有一个变化范围,对此,不正确的理解是() A.内环境稳态不是恒定的,可在一定范围内波动 B.内环境稳态是一种动态的、相对的稳定状态 C.年龄、性别等个体差异会导致内环境的成分存在差异 D.该变化范围主要考虑了化验结果的误差 3.羽毛球双打比赛时,运动员奔跑、扣杀,要密切配合,下列对运动员机体生理功能的表述,不正确的是() A.奔跑时,四肢肌肉细胞内的糖原大量水解并补充血糖 B.大量出汗导致机体失水,会使抗利尿激素分泌增加 C.双打时球员之间的配合是条件反射,有大脑皮层的参与 D.扣杀动作完成所依赖的神经结构为反射弧 4.植物激素是植物体一定部位产生的对生命活动具有调节作用的有机物。下列关于植物激素的叙述,错误的是 A.生长素作用的两重性导致顶端优势现象的出现 B.高浓度的生长素能促进植物细胞中乙烯的合成 C.光照等因素能影响植物激素的合成与基因的表达 D.脱落酸和细胞分裂素都能促进细胞的分裂和分化 5.从种群和群落水平角度,下列叙述正确的是()

A.沙丘上进行的演替属于次生演替 B.校园内蒲公英的随机分布,体现了群落的水平结构 C.凤凰池近岸区和池心区不完全相同的植物分布,构成群落的水平结构 D.废弃的农田随着时间的推移,最终都会演替到森林阶段 6.湿地生态系统被誉为“地球之肾”,但是由于工业的发展,我国湿地面积不断下降,已引起环保专家的关注。下列与湿地有关的叙述中错误的是 A.负反馈调节是湿地生态系统自我调节能力的基础 B.湿地被破坏会影响湿地生态系统的间接价值 C.湿地上所有的动物、植物和微生物共同构成了生物多样性 D.湿地生态系统如果遭到严重破坏,物种会大量减少,抵抗力稳定性下降 7.下列有关生态学知识的描述,正确的是() A.生态系统的结构由生产者、消费者、分解者及非生物的物质和能量组成 B.草食动物的同化量包含其排出的粪便中的能量 C.种群性别比例的改变会影响其出生率和死亡率,从而使种群密度发生变化 D.退耕还林,可以增加物种丰富度 8.下列有关生态系统结构和功能的叙述,正确的是() A.在食物链“甲→乙→丙"中乙的数量不一定比甲少 B.“桑基鱼塘”中的桑树能够直接利用鱼粪中的有机物和能量 C.可以增加或延长食物链来提高生态系统的恢复力稳定性 D.“鳅粪肥田"体现了能量在生态系统中的多级利用 9.果树—草菇立体农业是利用果树下微弱的光照、较高的空气湿度和较低的风速等特殊环境条件,在果树下人工栽培草菇。下列相关叙述正确的是() A.该生态系统中,树下的蚯蚓是消费者,草菇等真菌是分解者 B.该生态系统的营养结构中,可能存在鼠→蛇→鹰这样一条食物链 C.生产者都是自养型生物,自养型生物都能进行光合作用合成有机物 D.各种消费者的存在促进了生态系统的物质循环并使其更加稳定 10.下列有关生态学原理在生产生活中应用的叙述,错误的是 A.生态系统中某种生物的环境容纳量是有限的,因此向池塘投放鱼苗时应注意控制投放量 B.群落的垂直分层有利于充分利用空间和能量,因此在设计生态园时应注意不同树种混种


广东省韶关市新丰县第一中学2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期中试 题 考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分 第一部分听力理解(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段话仅读一遍。 1. What part of th e man’s body got injured? A. His knee B. His foot C. His leg 2. Where is Larry now? A. In his office B. At home C. In a classroom 3. What does the man like doing? A. Talking B. Walking C. Dancing 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Which movie to see B. Where to go C. Where to park 5. What do we know about the man? A. He can’t find Bob’s apartment B. He is late for the woman’s birthday party C. He thought today was the woman’s birthday 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How many nights will the woman stay?


2019年韶关市中考历史试题与答案 (试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟) 一、单项选择题(本大题25小题,每小题3分,共75分。每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个是正确的。请将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑) 1. 《周易?系辞下》记载,“黄帝、尧、舜……舟楫之利以济不通”。以下考古发现能够印证记载中“舟楫”的是 A.辽宁建平出土的彩陶罐 B.河南舞阳出土的七孔骨笛 C.重庆巫山出土的筒形瓶 D.陕西宝鸡出土的船形彩陶壶 2. 对题2图所示秦国有关信息,理解正确的是 题2图 A.商鞅变法成效显著 B.分封制基本瓦解 C.诸侯混战破坏经济 D.改革图强成为风潮 3. 公元3世纪,西域商人只有得到魏国敦煌太守仓慈发给的专门许可证,才可以去洛阳从事商业贸易。这种现象说明 A.西北地区民族关系紧张 B.丝绸之路仍在发挥作用 C.中外文化交流基本中断 D.政权分立影响经济发展 4. 据记载,文成公主入藏时,携带的嫁妆有释迦佛像,360卷经典,大量珍宝、金鞍玉辔、绸帛、种子,60种营造与工技著作,100 多种医方、4种医学论著等。丰富的嫁妆种类折射出唐朝 A.对边疆统治加强 B.民族交融成为主流 C.经济文化的繁荣 D.开元盛世成就辉煌 5. 题5表所示赋粮比例信息说明 北宋熙宁九年(1076年)赋粮南、北方所占比例 题5表 败韩攻取魏国少梁 攻取魏国安邑 攻取魏国固阳 大败魏军 公元前358年 公元前351年 公元前352年 公元前354年 公元前340年

A.黄河流域战乱频繁 B.南方经济地位重要 C.文化重心开始南移 D.北民南迁速度加快 6. 从设置宣政院到澎湖巡检司,从戚继光荡平倭寇到郑成功驱逐荷兰殖民者,从册封达赖、班禅到 设置驻藏大臣。如果给上述史实提炼一个主题,较为合理的是 A.政治的成熟与稳定 B.文化的碰撞与交流 C.国家的巩固与发展 D.外交的开放与危机 7. 乾隆嘉庆时期,文人大多埋头于古籍,不敢过问社会现实,考据之风大盛,形成为考据而考据的 现象。这反映了清代 A.思想专制加强 B.传统文化衰落 C.八股取士盛行 D.儒家地位提高 8. 19世纪洋人苦于无法找到改变贸易困境的商品,在他们看来,“中国拥有一切东西,世界上最 好的食物:米,最好的饮料:茶,最好的衣物:棉花、丝绸等”。“幸运的是一种新的商品出现了”,“新的商品”是 A.棉纺织品 B.机器 C.鸦片 D.枪炮 9. 1872年到1875年间,120名赴美留学幼童中,人数居前三位的广东、江苏、浙江分别为84人、 20人和9人;甲午战争后,留学生的分布逐步向长江流域延伸。留学生地域分布的变化 A.加速了科举制度的瓦解 B.与近代化进程基本一致 C.推动了洋务运动的开始 D.加剧了中国的半封建化 10.太后、皇帝和侍从“穿着普通人的粗布衣服,以免被官员认出,惶惶然向西逃亡。在长途的艰难 流亡之后,10月23 日,朝廷在西安重建起来。”这情形出现在 A.鸦片战争期间 B.第二次鸦片战争期间 C.甲午中日战争期间 D.八国联军侵华战争期间 11.有学者认为,维新变法、辛亥革命等失败的共同原因在于没有发动普通民众;五四运动中,年轻 的工人阶级为站在潮头的青年知识分子先锋队提供了可靠而强大的后盾。该学者旨在说明 A.维新变法主张君主立宪 B.辛亥革命缺乏社会基础 C.五四运动具有爱国性质 D.政治革命需要民众参与 12.对题12图所示信息理解正确的是


惠州市实验中学2021届高三第二次月考试题 英语 2020.10 (考试时间120分钟,满分120分) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Need a fall fix? Try one from these great places. 1. Mackinac Island, Michigan The only way to reach this famed car-free island is by boat and ferry, and once visitors arrive, they're attracted by. the history, scenery and fall colors. "It's a throwback to years past, a little town, and there's a big state park as well," Blackwell says.“You're allowed to have boats all around the island." 2. Tellico Lake, Tennessee With nearly 400 miles of shoreline, this waterway flowing out of the Great Smoky Mountains is largely unexploited, well-protected in its natural state. Fall visitors find a range of colors reflecting in the clean water, says Blackwell, who vacationed in the area-with his family as a child.“The thick forest there just allows you to see more greenery and wildlife. 3. Dillon Reservoir, Colorado With an hour from Denver, this lake is home to what claims to be the nation's highest sailing club, at an altitude of more than 9,000 feet. Marinas in the towns of Dillon and Frisco make it easy to get out on the water and to see the bright yellows and golds of fall leaves.“People are surprised that there's boating in Colorado, and you can see the mountains just before the snowfall," Blackwell says. 4. Lake Monroe, Indiana The state's largest lake is surrounded by more than 13,000 acres of protected forest and three recreation areas, making it an ideal place to see fall colors, particularly from oaks and the tulip poplar, the state tree. " I's a gem(宝石)in southern Indiana" says Blackwell, who grew up in the area. "There are lots of different activities: canoeing, kayaking and fishing. 1. What is special about Mackinac island? A.It's like a modern city, B.Visitors can't take boats around it.


福州一中高二上期中物理试卷 一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题4分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1-8题只有一项符合题 目要求,第.9.-.12..题有多项 ..符合题目要求。全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分。) 1、以下说法正确的是( ) A.电容器A的电容比B的大,说明充电完全后电容器A所带的电荷量比B的多 B. 由C=Q U 知,电容器的电容与两极板间的电压成反比,与所带的电荷量成正比 C.为了防止外电场的影响,电学仪器应该放在封闭的绝缘体壳中 D. 超高压带电作业的工人穿戴的工作服,要用包含金属丝的织物制成 2、物理学中常用两个物理量的比值定义一个新的物理量,如速度是用位移与时间的比值来定义的, 即v=x t .下面四个物理量的表达式不属于比值定义的是:( ) B. 电势φ= E P q C. 电容C=Q U D. 电流I=q t A.电流 3、欧姆不仅发现了欧姆定律,还研究了电阻定律,有一个长方体的金属电阻,材料分布均匀,边长分别为a、b、c,且a>b>c。电流沿以下方向流过该金属电阻,其中电阻值最小的是() A. B. C. D. 4、如图所示电路中,三个相同的灯泡额定功率是40 W,在不损坏 灯泡的情况下,这三个灯泡消耗的总功率最大不应超过( ) A.40 W B.60 W C.80 W D.120 W 5、如图,三个固定的带电小球a、b和c,相互间的距离分别为ab=5 cm,bc=3cm,ca=4cm。小球c 所受库仑力的合力的方向平行于a、b的连线。设小球a、b所带电荷量的比值的绝对值为k,则() R U I

A.a 、b的电荷同号, 16 9 k= B.a、b的电荷异号, 16 9 k= C.a、b的电荷同号, 64 27 k= D.a、b的电荷异号, 64 27 k= 6、平行金属板中带电质点P处于静止状态,不考虑电流表和电压表对电路的影响,当滑动变阻器R4 的滑片向a端作动时,则下列判断正确的是() A. 电压表读数减小 B. 电流表读数增大 C. 质点P将向下运动 D. R3上消耗的功率逐渐增大 7、如图所示,实线表示某电场的电场线(方向未标出),虚线是一带负电的粒子只在电场力作用下的运动轨迹,设M点和N点的电势分别为φM、φN,粒子在M和N时加速度大小分别为a M、a N,速度大小分别为v M、v N,电势能分别为E pM、E pN.下列判断正确的是( ) A.v M


广州市前21所重点高中名单 1.华附 2.省实 3.广附 4.鉄一 5.广雅 6.执信 7.二中 8.六中 9.协和 10.七中 11.十六中 12.培正 13.育才 14.一中 15.三中 16.五中 17.四十七中 18.真光 19.培英 20.六十五中 21.八十六中 省市属高中 华南师范大学附属中学1 广东实验中学4 广东广雅中学2 广州市执信中学3 广州市第二中学5 广州市第六中学 广州市协和高级中学广州大学附属中学广州市铁一中学区县市级高中

广州市第七中学广州市南武中学广州市第四中学 广州市第十中学广州市第十六中学广州市真光中学 广州市育才中学广州市培正中学广州市知用中学 广州市培英中学 比较有名的学校 其实除了我标上的学校我知道排名,其他学校的分数都差不多,你可以参照下去年的收分线. 师资其实越好的学校越好. 理科的话都是华付,广雅, 执信,六中,广实.反正学校越好的,理科越强. 其他一般重点的学校,都是注重文科的. 如果想最顶尖就去华付,广雅, 执信,六中,广实.前途一片光明,但相对的,成绩也高到离谱. 读理科不读这些学校很难竞争的,因为这些学校理科师资比其他一般重点强很多. 华付,广雅, 执信,六中,广实这几间学校,没有620以上就别想了. 广东省一级公办中小学校名单(500所) 高完中215所 省直2所: 华南师大附属中学 广东实验中学 广州市38所: 广州市执信中学 广东广雅中学 广州市第二中学 广州市第六中学

广州大学附属中学广州铁路第一中学广州市第三中学 广州市第十七中学广州市第七中学 广州市第十六中学广州市育才中学 广州市培正中学 广州市第二十一中学广州市第五中学 广州市南武中学 广州市第九十七中学广州市第四十一中学广州市第一中学 广州市第四中学 广州市第四十七中学广州市第一一三中学广州市恒福中学 广州市第七十五中学广州市第八十九中学广州市天河中学 广州市培英中学 广州市第六十五中学广州市第八十中学广州市第八十六中学广州市真光中学 广州石化中学 广州开发区中学 花都区秀全中学


福州一中2017年高中招生(面向福州以外地区) 综合素质测试理科综合试卷 (考试时间:50分钟 满分:50分) 学校 姓名 准考证号 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题2分,共24分,每小题仅有一个选项是正确的,请将正确答案用.......2B ..铅笔填涂在答题卡上......... ) 1. 关于染色体、DNA 、基因三者关系的叙述中,正确的是( ) A .染色体存在于DNA 分子中 B .染色体数目和基因数目一样多 C .一个DNA 分子中含有一个基因 D .DNA 主要存在于染色体上 2.下列有关人体消化系统的叙述中,正确的是( ) A .消化腺是由胃腺、肠腺和胰腺共同组成的 B .胃是消化食物和吸收营养物质的最主要部位 C .所有的消化腺都能分泌消化液 D .所有的消化液中都含有消化酶 3. 右图是植物新陈代谢示意图,甲、乙、丙分别表 示不同的生理活动,①②③代表相关的物质, 以下 描述正确的是( ) A. 播种前要松土,与乙所代表的生理活动有关 B. 图中甲表示光合作用,①代表二氧化碳 C. 根吸收的②绝大部分经甲过程蒸发到空气中 D. 丙所代表的生理活动,能为植物体各项生命 活动提供能量 4.以下各项中,能正确表示一条食物链的是( ) A .阳光→草→兔→狼 B .昆虫→蜘蛛→青蛙→蛇 C .草→兔→狼→细菌 D .草→兔→狐 5.常温下,下列溶液中,pH 最小的是 ( ) A .pH 等于7的溶液 B .使无色酚酞溶液变红的溶液 C .使紫色石蕊溶液变红的溶液 D .使红色石蕊试纸变蓝的溶液 6.右图表示的是纯净物、单质、化合物、含氧化合物、氧化物之间的包含与 不包含关系,若整个大圆代表纯净物,则①③所属的类别是( ) A .① 单质、③ 氧化物 B .① 单质、③ 含氧化合物 C .① 氧化物、③化合物 D .①化合物、③ 含氧化合物 7.下列说法正确的是( ) A .灼烧并闻气味一定能鉴别纯棉线和羊毛线 B .能与盐酸反应生成二氧化碳的钠盐一定是碳酸钠 C .酸碱中和反应生成盐和水,则生成盐和水的反应一定是中和反应 D .带火星的细木条伸入集气瓶中,木条不复燃,则集气瓶中一定不含氧气 ① ② ③ ④


广东省惠州市实验中学2019级高一下学期期中考试 英语 出题人:欧阳文芳钱秀英陈艳曾晓蓓审题人:龙琳 试卷满分:150分考试用时:120分钟 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Now is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers, as most shops and markets are having their seasonal sales.With the same amount of money, you can find different kinds of goods in this city. Women, young and old, rarely resist(抵抗) the attraction of this shopping paradise(乐园)at this time of year. Lovers will surely have an exciting Chri stmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations at the Time Square or in the western styled bars. Spending your holiday in Hong Kong will be easy too, as several packing tours are available from CZL Travel Service, with four-day tours for less than 15,000 yuan. Tour package 1(3,200 yuan) : a 4-day-tour including three nights’ accommodation(住宿), science helicopter flight, night ferrytour of Victoria Harbor and shuttle bus to the park to view the city at night. Tour package 2(1,880yuan): a 4-day-shopping tour including three nights accommodation, tour to Golden Beach and the Vexwork Museum, shuttle bus to the Peak and shopping opportunities. Tour package 3 (1,480 yuan ) : a 4-day-DIY- tour including three nights accommodation in a four-star hotel and total freedom to do what you want. 1. Which month is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers? A.October B. November. C. January. D December. 2. The advertisement is mainly intended to attract people to_______. A. go shopping in Hong Kong B. purchase tour packages from CZL Travel Service C. enjoy Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations D. visit famous places of interests in Hong Kong a 3. If you want to go shopping while visiting the Vex work Museum, you'd better choose_____. A. Tour package 1 B. Tour package 3 C .Tour package 2 D. Tour package 1&2 B In 1971 a young man who grew up very poor was traveling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. Along the way he had completely run out of(用光了…) money and was forced to spend the night in his car. This continued until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast. After eating his first good meal in week, he found himself lying to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet.The waiter, who was also the owner, walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting.He bent down, and came up with a $20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor and said, “Son, you must have dropped this,” the owner said.The young man couldn’t believe his luck! He quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the change, and headed West. On the way out of town, he began to understand what the owner did.Maybe nobody dropped


福州一中2017-2018学年高二第一学期期末高二数学(理)试卷 (完卷100分钟 满分100分) 一、选择题(在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 1.“方程mx 2+ny 2=1表示椭圆”是“mn>0”成立的( ) A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 2.若以坐标轴为对称轴的等轴双曲线过点(2,1),则该双曲线方程是( ) A. =-22y x 1 B. =-22y x 3 C. =-22y x ?1 D.=-22y x ?3 3.若a>b>c,则一定成立的不等式是( ) A.a|c|>b|c| B. ab > ac C. a-|c|>b-|c| D. c b a 111<< 4.在极坐标系中,与点(3,3 π)关于极点对称的点的极坐标是( ) A. (3,3 π) B. (3,32π) C. (3,34π) D. (3,65π) 5.正方形ABCD 沿对角线BD 折成直二面角A-BD-C 后,直线AC 与平面BCD 所成角的大小为( ) A.30° B.45° C.60° D.75° 6.抛物线光学性质:平行于抛物线的对称轴的入射光线经抛物线反射后必过抛物线的焦点若抛物线y 2=4x 的焦点为F,一条平行于x 轴的光线从点M(3,1)射出,经过抛物线上的点A 反射后,再经抛物线上的另一点B 射出,则直线AB 的斜率为( ) A. 34 B. ?34 C. ±34 D.9 16 7.已知直线l :ax+by=2与圆O:x 2+y 2=4相离,则过点P(a,b)的直线m 与椭圆E:92x +42 y =1的交点个数为( ) A.至多一个 B. 2 C. 1 D.0 8.已知二面角A-BC-D 中,AB ⊥BC,CD ⊥BC,AB=BC=CD=2,AD=22,则点A 到平面BCD 的距离是( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.2 9.过抛物线C:y 2=4x 焦点F 的直线/与抛物线C 交于A 、B 两点,且满足AF =3FB ,则|AB|等于( ) A.8 B.16 C.314 D. 3 16 10.已知椭圆E: 22a x +22 b y =1(a>b>0),过原点的直线交椭圆于两点M 、N(其中M 在第一象限),过M 作MC ⊥x 轴于C,直线NC 交椭圆于B.若MN ⊥MB,则椭圆的离心率( )


2019年广东省韶关一中实验学校中考数学模拟试卷(4月份)一.选择题(共10小题,满分30分,每小题3分) 1.若a=,b=,则实数a,b的大小关系为() A.a>b B.a<b C.a=b D.a≥b 2.下列航空公司的标志中,是轴对称图形的是() A.B. C.D. 3.2018年10月24日港珠澳大桥全线通车,港珠澳大桥东起香港国际机场附近的香港口岸人工岛,向西横跨伶仃洋海域后连接珠海和澳门人工岛,止于珠海洪湾,它是世界上最长的跨海大桥,被称为“新世界七大奇迹之一”,港珠澳大桥总长度55000米,则数据55000用科学记数法表示为() A.55×105B.5.5×104C.0.55×105D.5.5×105 4.下列运算正确的是() A.a6﹣a2=a4B.(a+b)2=a2+b2 C.(2ab3)2=2a2b6D.3a?2a=6a2 5.某校在“爱护地球,绿化祖国”的创建活动中,组织了100名学生开展植树造林活动,其植树情况整理如下表: 则这100名学生所植树棵树的中位数为() A.4B.5C.5.5D.6 6.如图,在2×2正方形网格中,以格点为顶点的△ABC的面积等于,则sin∠CAB=()

A.B.C.D. 7.关于x、y的方程组的解是,其中y的值被盖住了,不过仍能求出m,则m的值是() A.﹣1B.1C.2D.﹣2 8.二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象如图所示,则一次函数y=﹣bx+b2﹣4ac与反比例函数y=在同一坐标系内的图象大致为() A.B. C.D. 9.如图,已知⊙O的直径AE=10cm,∠B=∠EAC,则AC的长为() A.5cm B.5cm C.5cm D.6cm 10.如图,点A为反比例函数y=﹣图象上一点,过A作AB⊥x轴于点B,连接OA,则△ABO的面积为()


惠州市实验中学2020年上学期高三英语第一次月考试题 2020.9 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分120分(最终成绩按总分135分进行折算),考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第I[卷(非选择题)两部分。 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置。 3.全部答案应在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Grandparents who help out occasionally with childcare or provide support for others in their community tend to live longer than seniors who do not care for other people, according to a study from Berlin, Germany.‘Having no contact with grandchildren at all can negatively impact grandparents’ health. This link could be deeply rooted in our evolutionary past when help with childcare was important for the survival of the human species,” said Sonja Hilbrand, one of the researchers. However, having full-time custody of grandchildren may harm their health. The findings are drawn from data on more than 500 people over age 70 in the Berlin aging Study. The participants completed interviews and medical 1ests every two years. Overall after considering grandparents age and general state of health, the risk of dying was one-third lower for grandparents who cared for their grandchildren, compared with grandparents who didn’t provide any childcare. Half of the grandparents who cared for grandchildren were still alive ten years after the initial interview. The same was true for participants who did not have grandchildren but supported their adult children in some way, such as helping with housework. In contrast about half of the participants who did not help others died within five years after the start of the study. “Caregiving may be thought also as an activity that keeps caregivers physically and mentally active, said Professor Arpino, adding that previous studies suggest that caregiving may improve cognitive functioning, mental and physical health. Arpino noted, however, that caregiving is not the only activity that can improve health, and

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