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随着经济的发展与汽车科学技术的进步,公路交通呈现出行驶高速化、车流密集化和驾驶员非职业化的趋势。同时,随着汽车工业的飞速发展,汽车的产量和保有量都在急剧增加。但公路发展、交通管理却相对落后,导致了交通事故与日剧增,城市里尤其突出。智能交通系统ITS是目前世界上交通运输科学技术的前沿技术,它在充分发挥现有基础设施的潜力,提高运输效率,保障交通安全,缓解交通赌塞,改善城市环境等方面的卓越效能,已得到各国政府的广泛关注。中国政府也高度重视智能交通系统的研究开发与推广应用。汽车防撞系统作为ITS 发展的一个基础,它的成功与否对整个系统有着很大的作用。从传统上说,汽车的安全可以分为两个主要研究方向:一是主动式安全技术,即防止事故的发生,该种方式是目前汽车安全研究的最终目的;二是被动式安全技术,即事故发生后的乘员保护。目前汽车安全领域被动安全研究较多,主要从安全气囊、ABS(防抱死系统)和悬架等方面着手,以保证驾乘人员的安全。从经济性和安全性两方面来说,


1.2 课题设计的意义

随着现代社会工业化程的发展,汽车这一交通工具正为越来越多的人所用,但是随之而来的问题也显而易见,那就是随着车辆的增多,交通事故的频繁发生,由此导致的人员伤亡和财产损失数目惊人。对于公路交通事故的分析表明,80%以上的车祸事由于驾驶员反应不及所引起的,超过65%的车辆相撞属于追尾相撞,其余则属于侧面相撞。奔驰汽车公司对各类交通事故的研究表明:若驾驶员能够提早1S 意识到有事故危险并采取相应的正确措施,则绝大多数的交通事故都可以避免。因此,大力研究开发如汽车防撞装置等主动式汽车辅助安全装置,减少驾驶员的负担和判断错误,对于提高交通安全将起到重要的作用。显然,此类产品的研究开发具有极大的实现意义和广阔的应用前景。


超声波倒车测距仪( 俗称电子眼)是汽车倒车防撞安全辅助装置,能以声音或者更为直观的数字形式动态显示周围障碍物的情况。其较早的产品是用蜂鸣器报警,蜂鸣声越急,表示车辆离障碍物越近。后继的产品可以显示车后障碍物离车体的距离。其大多数产品探测范围在0.4~1.5m,有的产品能达到0.35~2.5m,并有距离显示、声响报警、区域警示和方位指示,有些产品还具备开机自检功能。目前市场上还出现了具有语音报警功能的产品。这些产品存在的主要问题是测量盲区大,报警滞后,未考虑汽车制动时的惯性因素,使驾驶者制动滞后,抗干扰能力不强,误报也较多。汽车防撞雷达之所以能实现防撞报警功能,主要有超声波这把无形尺子, 它测量最近障碍物的距离, 并告诉给车主。其实超声测距原理简单: 它发射超声波并接收反射回波, 通过单片机计数器获得两者时间差t, 利用公式S=Ct/2计算距离, 其中S为汽车与障碍物之间的距离, C为声波在介质中的传播速度。

本文介绍的超声测距系统共有2只超声波换能器(俗称探头),分别布置在汽车的后左、后右2个位置上。能检测前进和倒车方向障碍物距离, 通过后视镜内置的

显示单元显示距离和方位, 发出一定的声响, 起到提示和警戒的作用。系统采用一片STC89C52单片机对两路超声波信号进行循环采集。超声波是指频率高于20HHZ 的机械波。为了以超声波作为检测手段,必须产生超生波和接收超声波。完成这种功能的装置就是超声波传感器,习惯上称为超声波换能器或超声波探头。超声波传感器有发送器和接收器,但一个超声波传感器也可具有发送和接收声波的双重作用。超声波传感器是利用压电效应的原理将电能和超声波相互转化,即在发射超声波的时候,将电能转换,发射超声波;而在收到回波的时候,则将超声振动转换成电信号。超声波测距的原理一般采用渡越时间法。首先测出超声波从发射到遇到障碍物返回所经历的时间,再乘以超声波的速度就得到二倍的声源与障碍物之间的距离。测量距离的方法有很多种,短距离的可以用尺,远距离的有激光测距等,超声波测距适用于高精度的中长距离测量。因为超声波在标准空气中的传播速度为331.45米/秒,由单片机负责计时,单片机使用12.0M晶振,所以此系统的测量精度理论上可以达到毫米级。由于超声波指向性强,能量消耗缓慢,在介质中传播距离远,因而超声波可以用于距离的测量。利用超声波检测距离,设计比较方便,计算处理也较简单,并且在测量精度方面也能达到要求。超声波发生器可以分为两类:一类是用电气方式产生超声波,一类是用机械方式产生超声波。本设计属于近距离测量,可以采用常用的压电式超声波换能器来实现触发单元。





2 超声波测距原理

2.1 压电式超声波发生器原理



2.2 超声波测距原理




图1 电路原理图

3.1 40kHz脉冲的产生与超声波发射

测距系统中的超声波传感器采用UCM40的压电陶瓷,它的工作电压是40kHz 的脉冲信号,这由单片机执行下面的程序来产生。

puzel:mov 14h,#12h 超声波发射持续200ms





djnz 14h,here;



3.2 超声波的接收与处理



receive1:push psw

push acc

clr ex1;关中断源1

jnb p1.1,right;P1.1引脚为0,转至右侧距电路中断服务程序

jnb p1.2,left;P1.2 引脚为0,转至左测距中断电路服务程序

returne:SETB EX1;开外部中断1

pop acc

pop psw



ajmp return


ajmp return

3.3 计算超声波传播时间




CLR EX0; 关外部中断0

MOV R7,TH0; 读取时间值




SUBB A,#0BBH; 计算时间值

MOV 31H,A; 存储结果




SETB EX0; 开外部中断0














对所要求测量范围30cm-200cm内的平面物体做了多次测量发现,其最大误差为 1.5cm,且重复性好。可见基于单片机设计的超声波测距系统具有硬件结构简单、工作可靠、测量误差小等特点。因此,它不仅可用于移动机器人,还可以用在其他检测系统中。



1.Fox,J.D.,Khuri-Yakub,B.T.and Kino,G.S.,"High Frequency Acoustic Wave Measurement in Air",in Proceedings of IEEE 1983 Ultrasonic Symposium,October 31-2 November,1983,Atlanta,GA,pp.581-4.

2.Martin Abreu,J.M.,Ceres,R. And Freire,T.,"Ultrasonic Ranging: Envelope Analysis Gives Improved Accuracy",Sensor Review, V ol.12 No.1,1992,pp.17-21.

3.Parrilla,, M., Anaya,J.J and Fritsch C.,‖Digital Signal Pro cessing Techniques for High Accuracy Ultrasonic Range Measurement:,IEEE Transactions: Instrumentation and Measurement. V ol.40 No.4, August 1991,pp. 750-63.

4.Canali, C., Cicco, G.D., Mortem, B., Prudenziati, M., and Taron, A., ―A Temperature Compensated Ul trasonic Sensor Operating in Air for Distance and Proxinmity Measurement‖, IEEE Trasaction on Industry Electronics, V ol, IE-29 No.4,1982, pp. 336-41.

5.Martin, J.M., Ceres, R., Calderon, L and Freire, T., ‖Ultrasonic Ranging Gets Themal Correction‖, Sensor Review, V ol, 9 No.3, 1989,pp.153-5.

Ultrasonic ranging system design

Publication title: Sensor Review. Bradford:1993.Vol.13 ABSTRACT: Ultrasonic ranging technology has wide using worth in many field, such as the industrial locale, vehicle navigation and sonar engineering. Now it has been used in level measurement, self-guided autonomous vehicles, fieldwork robots automotive navigation, air and underwater target detection, identification ,location and so on. So there is an important practicing meaning to learn the ranging theory and ways deeply. To improve the precision of the ultrasonic ranging system in hand, satisfy the request of the engineering personal for the precision,the bound and the usage, a portable ultrasonic ranging system based on the single chip processor was developed. Keywords: Ultrasound r, Ranging System, Single Chip Processor


With the development of science and technology, the improvement of people’s standard of living, speeding up the development and construction of the city. Urban drainage system have greatly developed their situation is constantly improving. However, due to historical reasons many unpredictable factors in the synthesis of her time, the city drainage system. In particular drainage system often lags behind urban construction. Therefore, there are often good building excavation has been building facilities to upgrade the drainage system phenomenon. It brought to the city sewage, and it is clear to the city sewage and drainage culvert in the sewage treatment system. Confort is very important to people’s lives. Mobile robots designed to clear the drainage culvert and the automatic control system Free sewage culvert clear guarantee robot, the robot is designed to clear the culvert sewage to the core. Control System is the core component of the development of ultrasonic range finder. Therefore, it is very important to design a good ultrasonic range finder.

1.1 subject background

With the development of economy and car scientific and technological progress, highway traffic presents driving fast pace, traffic dense is changed and the driver not professional trend.At the same time, along with the rapid development of auto industry, automobile yield and quantities are increased dramatically. But road development,

transportation management is relatively backward, leading to a large number of traffic accidents in some cities, especially prominent.Intelligent transportation system in the world, ITS transportation science and technology of advanced technology, ITS exerting existing infrastructure of potential, enhance the transport efficiency, safeguard traffic safety and ease traffic wager plug, improving urban environment aspects of outstanding performance, has received the governments of widespread concern.The Chinese government is also highly intelligent transportation system of the development and popularization applications. The automotive anti-collision system as ITS development of a base, ITS success to the whole system has a very significant role.Traditionally, auto safety said can be divided into two main research direction: first,it is active safety technology, including the prevention of accidents, the way is now automotive safety research ultimate purpose;second, it is passive safety technique, namely the occupant protection after the accident. Now automotive safety field passive safety more research, mainly from the airbag, ABS (antilock brakes) and suspension from the aspects such as to ensure safety of personnel rides. From the economic and safety two ways, these passive safety measures is the accident of vehicle and personnel moments protection, with great limitations, thus vehicle active safety research is particularly important, leads to a of this study is based on single chip ultrasonic ranging system.This system is a kind of can advance to the driver issued audio-visual speech signal detection devices. It is installed in cars that can detect trying to approach the body of a car pedestrians and vehicles or around obstacles, Can se nd to the driver and crew imminent danger ahead of the signal, prompting a crash drivers take emergency measures to cope with special danger, avoid the loss.

1.2 question design significance

Along with the development of modern society industrialization process, car this traffic tools are used for more and more people, but any problem has obvious that along with the increase in vehicles, traffic accident, which led to the frequent occurrence of casualties and property losses number astonishing.For highway traffic accident analysis showed that more than 80% of the accident due to the driver reaction inferior things, caused more than 65% of vehicle collision, the rest belongs to tracing cauda collided belongs to the side collision.Mercedes-benz Automobile Company for all kinds of traffic accident research shows that: if the driver can early 1S are aware

that a accident risk and take the appropriate corrective measures, the overwhelming majority of traffic accidents can be avoided.Therefore, vigorously re search and development as the automotive anti-collision device etc active car auxiliary safe device, reduce the burden and misjudgments drivers to improve the traffic safety will play an important role.Obviously, this kind of product research and developme nt has great realize meaning and broad application prospects.

1.3 Ultrasonic ranging in automotive applications introduced

Ultrasonic back-draft rangefinder (known as electron optics) automotive anti-collision reversing device, can safe adjunct to sound or more intuitive digital form the dynamic display of around obstacles. Its earlier products is to use buzzer alarm, hum more anxious, and says vehicles from obstructions closer. Subsequent product can display the car from the body after the obstacles distance.Most of its products detection range in 0.4 ~ 1.5 m, some product can achieve 0.35 ~ 2.5 m, and have distance display, sound alarm, area-warning and azimuth instructions, some products also has the boot self-checking function. Still appeared on the market at present with voice alarm function of products. These products are the main problem is big, alarm measuring blind area lags behind, without considering the automobile braking inertial factors and make drivers brake lag, the anti-interference ability is not strong, misstatement or more.The automotive anti-collision radar is able to realize impact-proof alarm functions, basically have ultrasonic this intangible ruler, it recently obstacles distance measurement, and told to the owner. Actually ultrasonic range-finding principle simple: it emit ultrasonic echo, and receive reflected by microcontroller counter obtain both lag using formula S = t, Ct / 2 calculating distances, including S for cars and obstacles, C for the distance between the sound wave propagation in the medium speed.

This paper introduces the ultrasonic ranging system only have 2 ultrasonic transducer (known as probe) respectively, decorate in cars left and right after after 2 position. Capable of detecting forward and reverse direction obstacle distance, the rearview mirror built-in display element display distance and direction, issued must be sound, plays the role of hints and alert. System USES a STC89C52 SCM two way ultrasonic signal cyclicly acquisition. Ultrasonic refers to the 20HHZ wave frequency is over. In order to use the ultrasonic detection means, must generate as ultrasonic wave and receiving https://www.docsj.com/doc/864822933.html,plete the functions of the device is called the

ultrasonic sensor, habit, ultrasonic transducer or ultrasonic probe. Ultrasonic sensors have both transmitters and receivers, but a ultrasonic sensors can also has the sending and receiving the sound waves of the dual role. Ultrasonic sensors is using the principle of piezoelectric effect and ultrasonic energy conversion, be in namely emit ultrasonic, energy conversion, launch ultrasonic, And in the stockades, received echo ultrasonic vibration into electrical signal. Ultrasonic ranging principle generally USES the time method for the crossing. First measured ultrasonic from the launch to meet obstacles returns experience of time, again multiply ultrasonic speed of get twice the distance between the sound source and obstacles.Measuring distance a variety of ways, short can use ruler, long-range laser displacement etc, are suitable for high accuracy of ultrasonic ranging in long distance measurement. Because of ultrasound in standard air of propagation speed 331.45 meters per second, by single-chip microcomputer is responsible for timing, SCM use 12.0 M crystals, so the system of measurement precision theory can achieve mm level. Because of ultrasonic directivity strong, energy consumption is slow, in a medium transmission distance, thus ultrasonic can be used for distance measurement. Using ultrasonic detection distance, the design is more convenient, computing procese also relatively simple, and the measurement precision can also meet the requirements. Ultrasonic generator can be divided into two kinds: one kind is to use electrical means producing ultrasonic, one kind is with mechanical approach to producing ultrasonic. This design belongs to nearly distance measurement, can use commonly used the piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer to achieve trigger unit.

Using ultrasonic ranging work, can according to measuring launch reflection wave wave and the time interval between the measured distance, so as to achieve the effect. It mainly have three ranging methods:

(1) phase assay, phase assays high precision, but detection though limited range,

(2) sound amplitude assay, acoustic amplitude assay vulnerable reflection wave influence;

(3) ferrying more time assay, crossing the time assay way of working is simple, intuitive, in hardware control and software design are very easy to implement. Its principle is: from the launch emit ultrasonic detection sensor, the gas medium spread to receive sensor of time, this time is crossing the more time. This design is the use of ultrasonic ranging the crossing the time assay. In the mobile vehicles of the application

of ultrasonic sensor is the use of ultrasound in air of directional spread and solid reflective characteristics (p-wave) and by receiving their launch ultrasonic reflecting signal, according to the ultrasonic issued and echo receiving the Windows and propagation speed, calculate transmission distance, thus obtains the obstacles to vehicle distance.

2.A principle of ultrasonic distance measurement

2.1 the principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generator

Piezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When it’s two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasound is generated. Conversely, if the two are not inter-electrode voltage, when the board received ultrasonic resonance, it will be for vibration suppression, then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.

The traditional way to determine the moment of the echo’s arrival is based on thresholding the received signal with a fixed reference. The threshold is chosen well above the noise level, whereas the moment of arrival of an echo is defined as the first moment the echo signal surpasses that threshold. The intensity of an echo reflecting from an object strongly depends on the object’s nature, size and distance from the sensor. Further, the time interval from the echo’s starting point to the moment when it surpasses the threshold changes with the different intensities arriving exactly at the same tome will surpass the threshold at different moments. The stronger one will surpass the threshold earlier than the weaker, so it will be considered as belonging to a nearer object.

2.2 The principle of ultrasonic distance measurement

Ultrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread of ultrasound in the air, obstracles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave wave received by the reveiver immediately stop the clock. Ultrasonic in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m/s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier(s), that is:s=340t/2

3.Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit Design

System is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 8751,economic-to –use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming. Circuit schematic diagram shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 circuit principle diagram

3.1 40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launch

Ranging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric sensors UCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to generate.

Puzel:mov 14h,# 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200ms

here:cpl pl.0; output 40 kHz square wave




djnz 14h, here;


Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit P1.0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P1.0 port in a 40kHz pulze output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port P1.1 and P1.2, the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.

3.2 Reception and processing of ultrasonic

Used to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC2. IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillator center frequency of f0=1/1.1R8C3, capacitor C4 determine their target bandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the carrier frequency on the LM567 input signal is greater than 25Mv, the output from the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing.

Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gete IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, while single-chip P1.3 and P1.4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process to identify the source code is as follows:

receivel: push psw

push ace

cir ex1: related external interrupt 1

jnb p1.1, right; P1.1 pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service rountine circuit

jnb p1.2, left; P1.2 pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routine

return:SETB EX1;open external interrupt 1

pop acc

pop psw


right:…; right location entrance circuit interrupt service rountine

Ajmp Return

left:…; left Ranging entrance circuit interrupt service rountine

Ajmp Return

3.3 The calculation of ultrasonic propagation time

When you start firing at the same time start the single-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time when you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit outputs a negative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal, single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance. Some of its source is as follows:



CLR EX0; related external interrupt 0

MOV R7, TH0; read the time value




SUBB A,#0BBH; calculate the tome difference

MOV 31H, A; storage results





译文: 零售企业的营销策略 Philip Kotlor 今天的零售商为了招徕和挽留顾客,急欲寻找新的营销策略。过去,他们挽留顾客的方法是销售特别的或独特的花色品种,提供比竞争对手更多更好的服务提供商店信用卡是顾客能赊购商品。可是,现在这一切都已变得面目全非了。现在,诸如卡尔文·克连,依佐和李维等全国性品牌,不仅在大多数百货公司及其专营店可以看到,并且也可以在大型综合商场和折扣商店可以买到。全国性品牌的生产商为全力扩大销售量,它们将贴有品牌的商品到处销售。结果是零售商店的面貌越来越相似。 在服务项目上的分工差异在逐渐缩小。许多百货公司削减了服务项目,而许多折扣商店却增加了服务项目。顾客变成了精明的采购员,对价格更加敏感。他们看不出有什么道理要为相同的品牌付出更多的钱,特别是当服务的差别不大或微不足道时。由于银行信用卡越来越被所有的商家接受,他们觉得不必从每个商店赊购商品。 百货商店面对着日益增加的价格的折扣店和专业商店的竞争,准备东山再起。历史上居于市中心的许多商店在郊区购物中心开设分店,那里有宽敞的停车场,购买者来自人口增长较快并且有较高收入的地区。其他一些则对其商店形式进行改变,有些则试用邮购盒电话订货的方法。超级市场面对的是超级商店的竞争,它们开始扩大店面,经营大量的品种繁多的商品和提高设备等级,超级市场还增加了它们的促销预算,大量转向私人品牌,从而增加盈利。 现在,我们讨论零售商在目标市场、产品品种和采办、服务以及商店气氛、定价、促销和销售地点等方面的营销策略。 一、目标市场 零售商最重要的决策时确定目标市场。当确定目标市场并且勾勒出轮廓时,零售商才能对产品分配、商店装饰、广告词和广告媒体、价格水平等作出一致的决定。如沃尔玛的目标市场相当明确:


forced concrete structure reinforced with an overviewRein Since the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance. Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency. 1、steel mechanical link 1.1 radial squeeze link Will be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linked Characteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.


外文翻译 原文 World Trade and International Trade Material Source:https://www.docsj.com/doc/864822933.html, Author: Ted Alax In today’s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity. As a result of this trade and activity, international finance and banking have evolved. For example, the United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any or its own. Consequently, the United States must import coffee from countries (such as Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala) that grow coffee efficiently. On the other hand, the United States has large industrial plants capable of producing a variety of goods, such as chemicals and airplanes, which can be sold to nations that need them. If nations traded item for item, such as one automobile for 10,000 bags of coffee, foreign trade would be extremely cumbersome and restrictive. So instead of batter, which is trade of goods without an exchange of money, the United State receives money in payment for what it sells. It pays for Brazilian coffee with dollars, which Brazil can then use to buy wool from Australia, which in turn can buy textiles Great Britain, which can then buy tobacco from the United State. Foreign trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first, as mentioned above is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copper are mined in Peru and Zaire, diamonds are mined in South Africa and petroleum is recovered in the Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them. Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Although the United States is a major producer of sugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import sugar.


E---MARKETING (From:E--Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel El--Ansary,Raymond Frost---3rd ed.1999 by Pearson Education pp .G4-G25.) As the growth of https://www.docsj.com/doc/864822933.html, shows, some marketing principles never change.Markets always welcome an innovative new product, even in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it provides customer value.Also,Google`s success shows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets. Nevertheless, organizations are scrambling to determine how they can use information technology profitably and to understand what technology means for their business strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wireless mobile devices, and other technologies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of the dot-com bubble has marketers wondering,"What next?" This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic examination of successful e-mar-keting strategies in light of proven traditional marketing practices. (Sales Promotion;E--Marketing;Internet;Strategic Planning ) 1.What is E--Marketing E--Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies;More efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;andCreating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers` objectives. This definition sounds a lot like the definition of traditional marketing. Another way to view it is that e-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. E-marketing affects traditional marketing in two ways. First,it increases efficiency in traditional marketing strategies.The transformation results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase company profitability.


本科毕业设计(外文翻译) 题目居住区交往空间规划与设计 院(系部)xxx学院 专业名称xx 年级班级xx 学生姓名xx 指导教师xx xx 年xx 月x 日 Planning and Design of Association Space of residential District

Xia dong liang 【Abstract】:The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residents.The article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish to create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimulate good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony. 【Keyword】:residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy;Functionality 【Foreword】:As the housing system reform and the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an integral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space. At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue. How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development


Strategic transformations in Danish and Swedish big business in an era of globalisation, 1973-2008 The Danish and Swedish context In the difficult inter-war period, a state-supported, protected home market orientation had helped stabilise both Denmark’s and Sweden’s economies, but after WorldWar II priorities changed. Gradually and in accordance with the international economic development, restrictions on foreign trade were removed, and Danish and Swedish industry was exposed to international competition. As a consequence, several home market oriented industries –such as the textile and the shoe industry –were more or less outperformed, while in Sweden the engineering industry soon became the dominant leader of Swedish industry, with companies such as V olvo, Ericsson, Electrolux, ASEA and SKF. In the Danish case, the SMEs continued to be dominant but in combination with expanding export oriented industrial manufacturers such as Lego, Danfoss, Carlsberg and the shipping conglomerates ok and A.P. moller-Marsk. In Sweden and Denmark stable economic growth continued into the 1970s, but due to the problems during the oil crises, the economies came into fundamental structural troubles for the first time since World War II. In the beginning this was counteracted by traditional Keynesian policy measures. However, because of large budget deficits, inflation and increasing wages, both the Danish economy from 1974 and the Swedish economy from 1976 encountered severe problems. Towards the late 1970s Denmark’s and Sweden’s economic policies were thus increasingly questioned. It was clear that Keynesian policy could not solve all economic problems. Expansive fiscal policies in terms of continued deficits on the state budget could not compensate for the loss of both national and international markets and step by step the Keynesian economic policy was abandoned. The increased budget deficit also made it difficult for the state to support employment and regional development. These kinds of heavy governmental activities were also hardly acceptable under the more market oriented policy that developed first in Great Britain and the USA, but in the 1980s also in Denmark and Sweden (Iversen & Andersen, 2008, pp. 313–315; Sjo¨ gren, 2008, pp. 46–54). These changes in political priorities were especially noticeable in the financial market. After being the most state regulated and coordinated sector of the economy since the 1950s, then between 1980 and 1985 the Danish and Swedish financial markets underwent an extensive deregulation resulting in increased competition. Lending from banks and other credit institutes was no longer regulated, and neither were interest rates. The bond market was also opened as the issuance of new bond loans was deregulated in Sweden in 1983. When the control of foreign capital flows was liberalised in the late 1980s the last extraordinary restriction was now gone. Together with the establishment of the new money market with options and derivates, this opened up to a much larger credit market and the possibility for companies to finance investments and increase business domestically as well as abroad (Larsson, 1998, pp. 205–207). Another important part of the regulatory changes in the early 1980s were new rules for the Copenhagen and Stockholm stock exchanges. Introduction on the stock exchange was made much


品牌营销战略参考文献和英文文献翻译 目录外文文献翻译..............................................................................................1 摘要..........................................................................................................1 1. 品牌战略内涵与其功能意义.......................................................................2 2. 我国企业品牌发展概况..............................................................................3 2.1 国内品牌与国外品牌相比存在着很大的差距............................................3 2.2 品牌发展缺乏整体规划. (4) 2.3 产品质量低下品牌个性不足缺乏创新和发展能力.....................................4 2.4 品牌发展策略存在误区. (4) 3. 企业品牌策略选择..................................................................................6 3.1 树立正确的品牌竞争意识着力提高品牌竞争能力......................................6 3.2 搞好品牌定位培养消费者品牌偏好与品牌忠诚.. (6) 3.3 遵循品牌设计规律注重品牌形


毕业设计英文资料翻译 Tran slati on ofthe En glish Docume nts for Graduati on Desig n 课题名称_____________________________________ 院< 系)_____________________________________ 专业 _____________________________________ 姓名 _____________________________________ 学号 _____________________________________ 起讫日期 _____________________________________ 指导教师 _____________________________________ 2018 年2月25日 原文: Abstract:Gree n buildi ng refers to do its best to maximize con servati on of resources (en ergy, land, water, and wood> , protecti ng the environment and reduce polluti on in its life cycle. Provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. Idescribed more details of green building design ' notion, green building ' design, as well as the sig ni fica nee of the con


外文翻译 原文 Foreign T rade o f China Material Source:W anfang Database Author:Hitomi Iizaka 1.Introduction On December11,2001,China officially joined the World T rade Organization(WTO)and be c a me its143rd member.China’s presence in the worl d economy will continue to grow and deepen.The foreign trade sector plays an important andmultifaceted role in China’s economic development.At the same time, China’s expanded role in the world economy is beneficial t o all its trading partners. Regions that trade with China benefit from cheaper and mor e varieties of imported consumer goods,raw materials and intermediate products.China is also a large and growing export market.While the entry of any major trading nation in the global trading system can create a process of adjustment,the o u t c o me is fundamentally a win-win situation.In this p aper we would like t o provide a survey of the various institutions,laws and characteristics of China’s trade.Among some of the findings, we can highlight thefollowing: ?In2001,total trade to gross domestic pr oduct(GDP)ratio in China is44% ?In2001,47%of Chinese trade is processed trade1 ?In2001,51%of Chinese trade is conduct ed by foreign firms in China2 ?In2001,36%of Chinese exports originate from Gu an gdon g province ?In2001,39%of China’s exports go through Hong Kong to be re-exported elsewhere 2.Evolution of China’s Trade Regime Equally remarkable are the changes in the commodity composition of China’s exports and imports.Table2a shows China’s annu al export volumes of primary goods and manufactured goods over time.In1980,primary goods accounted for 50.3%of China’s exports and manufactured goods accounted for49.7%.Although the share of primary good declines slightly during the first half of1980’s,it remains at50.6%in1985.Since then,exports of manufactured goods have grown at a much


外文翻译 原文 Marketing Material Source:Marketing Management Author:Philip Kotler Marketing Channels To reach a target market, the marketer uses three kinds of marketing channels. Communication channels deliver messages to and receive messages from target buyers. They include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, mail, telephone, billboards, posters, fliers, CDs, audiotapes, and the Internet. Beyond these, communications are conveyed by facial expressions and clothing, the look of retail stores, and many other media. Marketers are increasingly adding dialogue channels (e-mail and toll-free numbers) to counterbalance the more normal monologue channels (such as ads). The marketer uses distribution channels to display or deliver the physical product or service to the buyer or user. There are physical distribution channels and service distribution channels, which include warehouses, transportation vehicles, and various trade channels such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. The marketer also uses selling channels to effect transactions with potential buyers. Selling channels include not only the distributors and retailers but also the banks and insurance companies that facilitate transactions. Marketers clearly face a design problem in choosing the best mix of communication, distribution, and selling channels for their offerings. Supply Chain Whereas marketing channels connect the marketer to the target buyers, the supply chain describes a longer channel stretching from raw materials to components to final products that are carried to final buyers. For example, the supply chain for women’s purses starts with hides, tanning operations, cutting operations, manufacturing, and the marketing channels that bring products to customers. This supply chain represents a value delivery system. Each company captures only a certain percentage of the total value generated by the supply chain. When a company acquires competitors or moves upstream or downstream, its aim is


营销策略外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)

译文: 营销策略 内容提要:为了组织的销售能是成功的,它需要根据一个营销策略计划来帮助保证其努力的目标和宗旨与市场的需要想吻合。营销策略审查市场以确定潜在顾客的需要,竞争者的战略和市场地位,并且尝试制定出一套能使组织在市场上获取或维护竞争优势的相关战略。有一些因素会对营销策略计划的发展造成冲击性的影响,它包括内部因素例如组织的财产、技能和组织文化,外在因素例如各种各样的市场驱动者、市场或产业运作方式、战略窗口和竞争的本质。一个优选的营销策略计划也需具备一套意外情况防备策略以应对市场治理及组织生产能力的不确定性。 关键词:竞争优势竞争策略市场地位市场份额营销销售计划组织文化营销策略 营销策略简述 无论组织的产品或服务多么好,除非它们的价值能被传达给潜在的顾客,否则组织依然无法实现它的使命。这种传达和交流是组织内市场营销功能的职责。根据美国市场协会,营销是“一个组织效能和一套创造过程、交流和传达产品价值给顾客、处理与顾客关系的有益于组织和它的利益共享者的方式”。营销作用包括相辅相成的两方面。营销策略在市场上审查市场来确定潜在顾客和竞争者本质的需要,并且试图开发

出在市场上将使组织获取或维护竞争优势的战略。操作的营销被建立在营销策略作用和贯彻各种各样的计划和策略(包括适当的混合营销的发展)吸引顾客和促进顾客忠实的基础之上的。 产品和服务营销的方法 有很多的方式能用来销售你的产品或服务包括做广告,直接响应、推销活动和宣传。然而,除非你能了解顾客、市场和产业的需要并且竞争的优势和劣势,否则这些方法是不太可能成功的。营销策略帮助一个组织尖化它的焦点和在市场顺利地竞争。营销策略与二个组分有关:目标市场和用最佳的方式传达你的产品价值或服务到那个市场。一个可实行的销售方针的发展取决于几个关键维度。首先,与组织之内的所有全球性战略一样,一个成功的销售方针需要由在组织之内的最高管理层签名。销售方针本质上也具有政治性的色彩:在组织之内的强有力的单位在最佳的销售方针也许不同意,并且协议也许需要谈判达成。销售方针也许受组织文化的也影响,并且那得假定这发生。例如,如果组织总是销售它的装饰物给商业主管,它也许就看不到组织之内的低层人员甚至是成人或少年的个人消费潜力。 实施战略销售计划发展的因素 存在一些能冲击战略销售计划发展的因素,这些因素首先包括组织已经拥有或它可能欣然获取的财产和技能。例如,如果组织拥有一个重大编程的部门,就为它能做和销售应用软件提供了可行性的条件。然而,如果这些人员已经在其他工作介入并且不能自由研究一个新的软件项目,并且组织没能力聘用另外的程序员,起始一条新的软件线是不妥当

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