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Her eyes twinkled with merriment.她高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。

Mack went into raptures and burst into laughter.麦克欣喜若狂,大笑起来。

A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. 人群中传来一阵笑声

Lily's laughter lingered in the room for a long time. 丽丽的笑声萦绕在房间里久久不能散去。Her hands were trembling with excitement as she opened the letter.当她打开信时,她的手激动得发抖。After hearing this satisfactory outcome, Steve felt a sense of joy and happiness surging through him.在听到这个令人满意的结果后,史蒂夫感到一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上心头。Overwhelmed with gaiety, he jumped up and ran excitedly around the tree.


In his excitement he couldn't remember her name.他兴奋得甚至把他自己的名字都给忘了。Rose felt blissful as if she was in possession of everything.


She was carried away by pleasure.她被快乐冲昏了头脑。

I nodded, with a big smile spreading across my cheek. 我点点头,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。

She couldn't conceal the excitement and rushed home to tell her mother the good news.


She is always ready to help others in need and always wears shining smile on her face, so many classmates are willing to make friends with her.


It is easy to infer that he is in rapture through his big smile.从他那灿烂的笑容很容易推断出他是兴高采烈的。He woke up that morning with a feeling of excitement.他一起床就感到很兴奋。

Her excitement grew as the day of the wedding came nearer.随着结婚的日子越来越近,她越来越兴奋。

I am overflowing with happiness.我洋溢着幸福。

Every time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey a pleasant smile would spread over Mom's face.每次我们提到旅途中的趣事,妈妈的脸上就会浮现出愉快的笑容

A sudden wave of joy swept over her.一阵喜悦突然涌上她的心头。

She gazed up at him, glowing with happiness.她抬头看着他,脸上洋溢着幸福的光芒。

The children were filled with excitement at the thought of visiting Disneyland.


My heart is as sweet as honey.我的心甜的像蜜一样。

Pleasure welled up inside her heart.她心中涌起喜悦。

Amusement gleamed in his eyes.他眼中流露出愉快的深情.

Mother's eyes flash across the surprise, open smile ripples. 母亲的眼里闪过惊喜,笑容荡漾开。She come up to me, with a smile shining like a diamond.她带着灿烂的笑容走到我面前。


There were tears in her eyes, but her voice was steady.她眼里含着泪水,但声音依然很稳定。

I was seized with sadness.我伤心欲绝。A flash of grief came upon me.一阵悲伤袭身而来。

His lip started to tremble and then he started to cry.他的嘴唇开始颤抖,然后哭了起来。

He sigh with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed.


Tears rolled down her cheeks.泪水从他的脸颊滑落。

Charles was overcome with grief.查尔斯悲痛欲绝。

He looked mournful, even near to tears.他看起来很悲伤,几乎要流泪了。

There was a lump in my throat and I didn't speak because I knew I would cry.


It's no good turning on the water works. You can't stay home from school. 你哭也没用,因为你不能逃学.

I left quickly, not wanting to break down in front of the children.我赶快离开了,因为我不想在孩子们面前大哭。The heavy blow almost made her cry.这沉重的打击几乎要把她弄哭了。

Cecil came round later, crying his eyes out, asking me to forigive him.


Joe's eyes were watering from the smoke that filled the room.乔的眼睛正被满屋的烟雾熏得淌眼泪。His face was cast a cloud of gloom after heard this news.听到这个消息后,他的脸上蒙上了一层阴云。

He nagged and complained, and reduced Louise to tears.他唠唠叨叨,不停地抱怨,使路易斯不禁流泪。Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn't realize that.


The old song always brought tears to my eyes.那首老歌总是让我伤感得流泪。

Bill fought back tears and tried to comfort Sarah's mother.比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.她静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。

Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and begged me to help her.简眼里含着泪水打转,恳求我帮帮他。Most of us were in tears by the time he'd finished his story.他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已经泪流满面。

I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness. 我感觉自己漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。

Bob sat ther with glumy looks on his face.鲍勃坐在那儿,带着一脸忧郁。

Carol is a bit down in the dumps because she failed her final exam.卡罗尔很难受,因为她期末考不及格。He got a face like a wet weekend.他的脸像下了一周的雨,愁云惨雾的

Feeling down / upset / sad / blue, please just leave me alone.情绪低落/沮丧/悲伤/忧郁,让我静静。

These days she is in a bad mood.这些天她心情不好。


She laughed to hide her nervousness. 她笑着掩饰自己的紧张。

As he squeezed my hand tightly I got butterflies in my stomach.他紧紧抓住我的手时,我好紧张。He waited with baited breath for the test results.他屏住呼吸等待考试结果。

His blood ran cold when she didn’t call.他没有打电话过来,他非常害怕。

The magician had the audience on the edge of their seats by the end of the show.


You shouldn’t have done that. My heart skipped a beat.


I become sweating bullets on the grounds that I heard a sound in the bush.


When I saw him passing by the teacher, I broke out for a cold sweat for him.



I lay there quivering with fear.我躺在那里害怕得发抖。

Frozen with fear, he was too scared to move an inch.他吓得僵住了,吓得寸步难行。

Numb with a blank mind, they couldn't let out a scream anymore with palms sweating.


I become spooked from ghost stories and scary movies.我被鬼故事和恐怖电影吓坏了。

Last night, I dreamed about being chased by an angry dog. I really had my heart in my mouth.


That loud noise scared me out of my wit.那声巨响把我的魂都吓没了。

With heart fluttering with terror, without hesitation they rushed to the door, opened it and slammedly shut the wooden door as promptly as they could.


That dog really scared the pants of me.那条狗真的把我吓坏了。

The horror movie made my hair stand on end.那部恐怖电影使我毛骨悚然。

I was almost scared to death when there were intermittent footsteps outside the window.


She trembled all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.她浑身颤抖,如坐针毡。

Judy was scared silly, as she said. 朱迪被吓傻了,正如她所说。

It's really creeping me out, I can't sleep at all.它真的让我毛骨悚然,我根本睡不着。

My face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied.我脸色苍白,站在那儿舌头打结。

Stop shaking in your boots, Bob. I'm not going to fire you.别提心吊胆的,鲍勃,我不会炒了你的。


A look of pure hatred flashed across her face.她脸上闪过一种仇恨的表情。

His voice was quivering / trembling with rage.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。

Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital.卡罗尔气得抽泣起来,被送进了医院。

His face was red with rage.他气得脸都红了。

I was fraught with almost insupportable rage.我心中充满了几乎无法忍受的愤怒。

The teacher flipped his lid when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question. 当这个学生连一个很基本的问题都不会时,老师大发雷霆。

I was seized by fury. 我勃然大怒. His face was gloomy with anger.他气得脸色阴沉.

He said nothing and left the room in a huff.他啥也没说怒气冲冲离开了房间。

He got hot under the collar because he was framed.他被人陷害了,所以很生气。

If you blow up at someone, you lose your temper and shout at them.


Mack suddenly blew his stack when he was teased by his classmates again and again. 麦克突然大发雷霆因为他被他的同学一次又一次地捉弄。

George's father will raise the roof when he hear what his son has done.


I almost lost my temper when I saw the scene.当我看到这幅景象我差点就发脾气了。


Overwhelming with heartfelt gratitude, I coudn't utter a word.充满感激,无语凝噎。

Your timely help touched the tenderness of my deepest heart.你及时的帮助触动了我内心深处的温柔。What made me impressive are those warm memories.让我印象深刻的是那些温馨的回忆。

A sense of gratitude can acknowledge our interdependent existence.感恩之心可以承认我们相互依赖的存在。With tears streaming down her face, she....泪水顺着她的脸颊流了下来,她.....

Moved / Touched deeply, we.....被深深感动,我们....

Jane just like a dawn in my life, illuminating my whole world.简就像我生命中的曙光,照亮了我的整个世界。

A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life.对他人的感激和感激是慷慨和高尚生活的重要源泉。

The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open, I said: Thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. 诗人说:春天的花朵把门推开了,我说:感恩把打开了生活的门。


She could see that all the other girls were green with envy.她看得出来其他女孩都满含嫉妒

I felt a rush of envy when I saw them together.只要看他他们在一起我就嫉妒地不行。

A rush of jealousy swept through / over her.他被嫉妒冲昏了头脑。


1.Pointed at by my math teacher, I was chocked.我的数学老师指着我,我吓坏了

2. I glanced down at my mother's hands folded across her purse, which was resting on her lap.


3.Mike was watching a horror movie when his trembling hands almost knocked over the coke.


5.Tom knelt down and patted the dog. 汤姆跪下来拍了拍狗。

6.Make sure you keep hold of my hand when we cross the road.过马路时一定要牵着我的手。

7.He tightened his hold, refusing to let her go.他紧紧抓住她,不让她走。

8.He grasped the rope tightly with both hands.他双手紧紧抓住绳子。

9.She smiled and held out / reached out a hand in wecome.她微笑着伸出手来。

10.He slid his hands into his pockets and pull out some change.他把手伸进口袋,掏出一些零钱。

11.When I got to the cafe, I was seeing Bob waving his arms towards me.


12.He sat carefully with his head in his hands.他双手抱着头,小心翼翼地坐着。

13.She shrugged and hold / spread out her hands. 她耸耸肩,伸出双手。

14.When I was about to leave, the deaf kid made one of those hand signs at me.


15.I make a dash for the wall and try to climb over in order to escape.我冲向墙,试图翻越墙逃跑。

16.The man took the sacks, reached into his pocket and placed four coins in my hand.


17.The man gently wrapped the gift in brown paper and placed the parcel in my hands.


18.Stunned, I took up and gave her an awkward hug.我吓了一跳,尴尬地抱住她。

19.Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop.然后,他紧握着铁罐朝商店走去。

20.He patted my head.他拍了拍我的头。

21.She stroked my cheek gently with her hand.她用手轻轻地抚摸我的脸颊。

22.He took the pen and stabbed the balloon.他拿起笔刺向了气球。

23.Jack stood silently with his arms folded / crossed.杰克双手交叉,一声不吭地站着。

24.The class clapped warmly as Mr.Lee presented me with the reward.


25.He was squeezing my wrist so hard that it ached.他使劲捏我的手腕,弄疼了。

26.She grabbed her briefcase and ran to the bus stop.她抓起公文包跑到公共汽车站。

27.Please handle the goods with great care.请小心搬运货物。

28.Stevie grasp the knob and yell at me loudly.斯蒂夫抓住把手,对我大声喊叫。

29.Bob always keep his feet on the ground, so he can always seize the opportunity he encounter. 鲍勃总是脚踏实地,所以他总能抓住他遇到的机会。

30.Bob dragged a big box into the trunk.鲍勃拖着一个大箱子进入了后备箱。

31.He push his mother away and back into home.他推开母亲,并返回家中。

32.He wagged a disapproving finger. 他不赞成地摇了摇手指。

33.Steve shakes hands with others like a gentleman.史蒂夫像个绅士一样和别人握手。

34.He catch my hand suddenly and pull me into his arms.他突然抓住我的手,把我拉到他的怀里。

35.They walked arm in arm in the avenue.他们手挽着手走在林荫道里。

36.I cupped my hand firmly over the phone so they couldn't hear me.


38.I held fast to the railing in case the strong wind blew me away.


40.Then she threw her arms around her mum’s neck and really began to cry.


41.Grab hold of the rope and pull yourself up.抓住绳子爬上来。


1. In no time Mack jump into the car.麦克飞快地跳进车里。

2.She paused suddenly and stared at me.他突然停下来盯着我看。

3.He sprang to his feet and rushed to give me a bear hug.他突然跳起来,冲过来给了我一个熊抱。

4.The cat shot across the garden.猫飞快地穿过花园。

5.Steve keeps jogging around the garden on a regular basis.史蒂夫经常在花园里慢跑。

6.He marched into the kitchen without knocking.他没有敲门就大步走进厨房。

7.Sarah crawled desperately around in the circles.莎拉在圈子里面拼命地爬来爬去。9.The burglar sneaked into the kitchen and stole a dozen eggs.窃贼潜入厨房并偷走了一打鸡蛋。

10.Jane always got home at midnight and slipped back to her room.


11.We leaped over the stream.我们从小溪跳过去。

12.Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.丽萨在我面前稳稳地站着。

13.She managed to climb onto it and waited pationtly.她尽力爬上去并且耐心地等待着。

14.A man in black is following behind bill.一个穿黑衣男子正在尾随比尔。

15.She had twisted her ankle and was limping.她扭伤了脚踝,一瘸一瘸地走着。

16.Wandering around the Central Park is not a bad way to relax us from heavy homework.


17.I tried to edge away until I was clear of the crowd.我试图躲开人群,直到我离开人群。

19.She jumped to her feet when she heard this amazing news.当她听到这个惊人的消息,她突然跳起来。

20.When the mother chatting happily with her customer, her daughter is stamping / tapping her feet impatiently to imply it's time to go.当母亲高兴地和顾客聊天时,女儿不耐烦地跺脚,暗示该走了。21.They dragged him out of the room with his feet kicking in the air.


22.She dragged her feet as she reluctantly followed her parents.


23.My feet slipped as I was about to shoot and I missed the ball.我正要投篮时滑倒了,然后没投中。

24.Then her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Helen rise to his feet.


1.She stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head.她摇着头,狐疑地看着他。

2. I saw the deaf kid sitting there just looking at me as the bullies pulled me down from the wall. 当一群恶棍正在把我从墙上扒拉下来时,我看到那个聋哑儿童就坐在那儿并且看着我。

3.When he finished, he raised / lifted his eyes and looked out the window.说罢,他抬起眼睛并望向窗外。

4.We all gather in front of the television, hoping to catch a glance / glimpse of his face.


5.I glanced back over my shoulder to make sure that no one was following me.


6.Seeing no other people notice us, I placed the Christmas present down and pounded doorbell. 看到没有人注意到我们,我放下圣诞礼物并且敲了敲门铃。

7.There are two kinds of things in the world that can't be gazed at directly. One is the sun, the other is human nature.这世上唯有太阳和人心不可直视。

8. The guard had orders to shoot on sight.士兵接到命令,一看到人就开枪

9.We lost sight of the boat in the fog.由于大雾我们看不见那条船了。

10.She had spotted a man pacing down the hall.他看见一个大男人在客厅里踱步。

11.Jalil’s eyes lifted slowly, met Mariam’s, paused for a moment, then dropped.


12.A big leafy tree came into view at some distance.远处有一棵枝繁叶茂的大树映入眼帘。

13.She turned her eyes to me when I tapped her shoulder.当我轻拍她的肩膀时,她把目光转向我。

14. Then he jumped up, eyes twinkling as her ran to fetch some of his prized Matchbox cars.


15. I watched helplessly, as the woman felt more and more frustrated and hopeless.


16. Her eyes fell on the photos of her and me at my fourth birthday party.


17.Our glances met briefly in the mirror and slid away.我们的目光在镜子里相遇,然后快速闪躲开。

18. When the students stepped off the bus, James's eyes widened in surprise.


19. We recognized the famous celebrity upon his arrival.这名人一来我们就认出来了。

20.She fixed her pale blue eyes on her father's.她淡蓝色的眼睛紧紧盯着他父亲的眼睛。

21.With her eyes glued to the phone, it was not until the teacher patted on her shoulder that she realized teacher stood in front of her.她一直盯着手机,直到老师拍了拍他的肩膀她才意识到老师正站在他面前。23.Swallowing hard,I stared into Meghan's eyes for a long moment, wondering how I could cope with it.我使劲吞咽,盯着梅根的眼睛看了很久,在想如何处理。

24.The student who had just been reprimanded by the teacher glared at his teacher.


25. It is impolite to stare at others. 直视别人的眼睛是不礼貌的。

26.My father looked at me straight in the eye and hold fast to my hands.


27.She was anxiously scanning the newspaper to see if her criminal history was spotted.


28.She is fed up with you . 她已经受够你了。


smile at sb. / sth. 对..笑

smile with relief 宽慰地笑smile sweetly 嫣然一笑

smile faintly 微微一笑smile broadly 咧嘴一笑crack a smile 绽放笑容

give a faint smile 微微一笑give a soft smile 莞尔一笑(等上)

give a charming smile 迷人(醉人)的微笑give a flattering smile 献媚的笑

give a fawning smile 谄笑(也可以做wear a xx smile)

give an affected smile 装腔作势的微笑(诡笑)

give a false smile 皮笑肉不笑;假笑smile from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴

force a smile 强颜欢笑squeeze a smile 强颜欢笑laugh a hearty laugh 开怀大笑

https://www.docsj.com/doc/7919317145.html,ugh v.&n. 大笑(比smile程度深;laugh虽然有名词意,但名词一般用laughter)

laugh a hearty laugh 开怀大笑=laugh heartily 开怀大笑

(注意这里是heartily而不是heartly,heartly是衷心地,heartily是表示劲头十足,用来表程度)laugh oneself to death 笑得要死laugh oneself's head off 笑掉大牙

burst into laughter 突然大笑起来let out a loud laughter 大声笑出来burst into gales of laughter 突然狂笑起来explode with laughter 哄堂大笑

roars of laughter 大笑laugh it off 一笑而过laugh in the breeze 迎风而笑

laugh behind their hands 用手捂着嘴笑scream with laughter 笑的前仰后合

Roars of laughter exploded all around the common room, 休息室里爆发出一阵大笑。

3.Grin 露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑(笑口开得更大一些,裂开嘴笑)

grin amiably 亲切地微笑grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑

grin from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴grin a welcome 咧嘴一笑以表欢迎

He replied with a wry smile. 他苦笑着回答道。

chuckle at sb. / sth. 对某事偷笑 a chorus of snickers 一阵嗤笑

Giggle v.&n. 咯咯笑;傻笑

beam v.笑容满面(觉得这个是含义比较幸福的笑)

beam from ear to ear 开怀大笑;笑容满面beam with joy 笑逐颜开

beam with smiles 笑逐颜开beam with satisfaction 满意地微笑

laugh at / sneer at / jeer at / make fun of sb. 嘲笑某人


be in tears 哭了burst into tears 放声大哭

have tears in one's eyes 热泪盈眶;哭唧唧be close to tears 快哭了

be filled with tears 泪流满面be wet with tears 泪流满面

be in floods of tears / tears well up in one's eyes大哭;泪如泉涌(超多眼泪)

be chocked with tears 失声痛哭move sb. to tears 使某人感动至流泪

one's eyes be misted with tears 某人双银因泪水而模糊

His eyes (were) misted with tears. Tears blurred his eyes.

be dimmed by tears 眼睛因泪水而模糊leave sb to one's tears 让某人独自流泪

He walked away indifferently and left me to my tears. 他冷漠的走开了,独剩我一人空流泪。sb. melt into tears 某人开始泪流满面tears roll down one's cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落tears stream down one's cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落be on the edge of tears 快要哭了reduce sb. to tears 使某人流泪make sb. water 让某人哭起来

His eyes watered from thick smoke. 它的双眼因浓烟而充满泪水

cry one's eyes out 痛哭不止have a good cry 好好哭一场

weep v.&n.无声地流泪(通常因悲伤) began / start to weep uncontrollably 不由自主地哭起来have a weep 痛哭一场laugh and weep all at once 哭笑不得

Sometimes you feel better after a good weep.有时候你痛痛快快哭上一场就会觉得好受些。

sob v.呜咽;啜泣;start to sob uncontrollably sob one's heart out 痛彻心扉地哭The room was silent except for her sobbing.房间里静悄悄的,只有她的啜泣声。


高考英语读后续写 情绪描写素材 1.感动 ① Touched deeply/immensely, we… 被深深感动,我们…… ② Tears filling her eyes, she offered her heart felt gratitude. 她热泪盈眶,表示衷心的感谢。 ③ With tears streaming down her face,she... 泪水顺着她的脸颊流了下来,…… 2.紧张 ① Her face turned pal,feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她的脸刷白,感觉如坐针毡。 ② His palms were sweaty and knees were soft. 他手心出汗,膝盖发软。 3.尴尬/羞愧 ① He was embarrassed/ashamed. ② His face flushed(通红)/burned(燃烧)with embarrassment/shame. 他因尴尬而满脸通红。他窘得脸都红了。 ③ He hung/dropped/lowered his head in shame. 他羞愧地低下了头。 ④ She felt so ashamed that she could feel her face burning. 她感到羞愧难当,脸上滚烫。 ⑤ So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face. 她感到羞愧极了,血液涌上脸颊。 4.绝望 ① He felt hopeless/desperate. ② Upon hearing the bad new, she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness. 听到这个坏消息,他突然被投入黑暗世界,陷入绝望。 His beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive in everything deserted him. 他那种向前看、看到一切事物积极一面的信念抛弃了他。 5.感谢 ① I ran over to my father, reached out my hands and hugged/embraced him tightly/firmly. 我跑向父亲,伸出手,紧紧抱住他。 ② With grateful tears hanging in his eye, she kept extending(表达)his gratitude(感激),“Thank you so much!” 他眼中满是感激的泪水,不停地说:“非常感谢!”



She arose at length and opened the door to her sister’s request. 她最终站起来,在她姐姐的请求下开了门。 The waiter watched him go down the street, a very old man walking unsteadily but with dignity. 那个侍者瞅着他顺着大街走去,这个年纪大的人走起路来虽然脚步不稳,却很神气。

比尔忍住眼泪,试图安慰他的母亲。 Tears clouded her eyes. 泪水模糊了她的眼睛。 She burst into tears and stormed off. 她放声大哭,怒气冲冲地走了。 三、环境描写 That lovely,rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us. 森林里那可爱的、浓郁的香气笼罩着我们。 ——《夏洛特的网》 One morning Mary woke to find bright sunshine flooding her room. 一天早晨,玛丽醒来发现明媚的阳光洒满了她的房间。 ——《秘密花园》 Stars appeared in the sky, twinkle their eyes at them in happiness. 星星出现在天空中,快乐地向他们眨着眼睛。 Flowers were waving in the breeze of the early spring. Birds were singing, the air was filled with laughter, and everyone was in best of moods. 花儿在早春的微风中摇曳,鸟儿在歌唱,空气中充满了欢笑,每个人的心情都很好。 A great silence surrounded them. 周围一片寂静。 ——《歌剧魅影》


读后续写动作描写 (1)头部、手部动作 [词块积累] 1. nod / shake / raise / scratch one ' s head 点头/摇头/抬头/挠了挠头 2. hang / drop / lower / bend / bow one ' s head 低头 3. hold one ' s head high 高昂着头 4. rest one ' s head on one ' s shoulder 将头靠在某人的肩膀上 5. take / catch sb . in one ' s arms 抱着某人 6. throw oneself / run into sb .' s arms 投入某人的怀抱 7.put one ' s arms around sb ./ gather sb . into one ' s arms 把某人搂进怀里 8. with one ' s head in one ' s hands 双手抱头 9. hand in hand 手拉手 10, wave one ' s arms 挥舞手臂 11. hold / reach out a hand 伸手 12. hold sb . close in one ' s arms 拥抱某人 [高分好句] 1.She bobbed her head nervously . 她紧张地不断点头。 2. He buried his head in his hands , greatly annoyed . 他双手抱头,十分生气。 3. His head drooped and tears fell onto his lap .他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。 4. He scratched his head and looked thoughtful . 他挠着头,显出一副深思的样子。 5. I walked out of the class , looking straight ahead with my head high . 我走出教室,高昂着头直视前方。 6. The teacher nodded with satisfaction and thumbed up at him . 老师满意地点了点头,向他竖起大拇指。 7. He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder .他轻拍她的肩膀以示鼓励。 8. She put her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment . 窘迫之中她用双手捂住了脸。 9. Her hands shook as she lifted the glass to her lips . 她的手颤抖着把玻璃杯送到唇边。 10. She held Tom close and pressed her cheek to his . 她紧紧地抱着汤姆,把脸贴在他的脸上。 11.Stunned, I stood up and gave her an awkward hug / hugged her in an awkward way . 我惊呆了,站起来,给了她一个尴尬的拥抱。``444呃呃去· 12. She didn ' t say a word , but held my hand tightly with a slight smile . 她一句话也没说,只是紧紧地握着我的手,淡然一笑。 13. Everyone started to clap their hands . Suzy gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening .大家开始鼓掌。苏西羞涩地微笑了一下,掌声震耳欲聋。 (2)腿和脚的动作 [词块积累]


高考英语读后续写素材 一、动作描写 【句子】 1.She shot her a meaningful look.--《秘密花园》(Secret Garden)她向他意味深长地看了一眼。 2.Beli’s diamond eyes locked on to her.--《奥斯卡·瓦奥短暂而奇妙的一生》贝利钻石般的眼睛紧盯着她。 3.Mary felt her heart race.玛丽感到她的心跳加速。 4.A great silence surrounded them.--《歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera 》周围一片寂静。 5.His name had completely slipped from my memory.---《Wuthering Heights》他的名字,我竟忘得一干二净。 6.He stormed out and slammed the door shut.他怒气冲冲地跑了出去,把门重重地关上。 7.We were merrily driving on the highway when suddenly one tyre burst.我们正在高速路上欢快地开着车突然一个轮胎爆胎了。 8.Jenny walked slowly to the front, with her legs trembling and her heart bumpingnearly out of her chest.Jenny慢慢走到讲台,腿发抖,心都快跳出来了。 9.She choked and her eyes brimmed with tears.她喉咙哽咽,眼里满是泪水。 10.The moment he finished his speech in a magnetic voice, a wave of applauseerupted from the audience.他用磁性的嗓音完成了演讲,观众席中暴发一阵掌声。 11.He stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak.他靠着墙站着,说不出话来。(表达伤心) 12.She hugged them to her chest, and at last she was able to look up with tearful eyes and a smile.她把它们紧紧地抱在胸前,终于抬起头来,泪流满面地微笑着。 13.He gave a jump in the air, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all around, sniffed the smells of afternoon, and then set off walking down through the orchard.他先是蹦跶了一下,原地转了几圈,再跑上几步,又停了下来,四下望了望,嗅了嗅午后暖洋洋的空气,然后一路跑进了果园。(开心的场景) 14.Even as I was digging into my pocket to get out my revolver, I made a running step back.当我在口袋里掏出左轮手枪的时候,我后退了一步。(描写恐惧) 15.Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen such a rabbit, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it.爱丽丝跳了起来,因为她突然想到她从来没见过这样的兔子。她好奇地穿过田野,追赶那只兔子。 16.We got into his car and drove up the road, stopped a few houses down from the tree.我们上了车,开上道路,然后停在了离这棵树有些距离的地方。 17.Abel was quick.Good Lord, he was fast.The ringleader had made a dash for it, trying to climb over a hall.Abel grabbed him, pulled him down and dragged him back.Abel 跑的很快。这个元凶往前冲,试图反爬过大厅。但是Abel抓住他,把他拉下来并且拖了回去。 18.In between sobs I told her the story.在哭的时候,告诉她这个故事. 19.I ran back home, smiling and skipping along .我蹦蹦跳跳地笑着跑回家 20.Abel slammed his foot on the gas and shot up onto the grass and straight toward the bottom of the tree.Able 在汽油上用力踩了一下,然后飞快的踏上草坪直直地朝树底下走去。 21.Her pulses beat fast, and the blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.她的心跳加快,热血温暖了身体的每个部位,使她感觉到身心完全地放松了 22.She arose at length and opened the door to her sister’s request.她最终站起来,

13 读后续写 动作描写--- 哭笑说看思考---读后续写万能句型写作模板与句子翻译练习

13 读后续写动作描写--- 哭、笑、说、看、思考 ---读后续写万能句型写作模板与句子翻译练习 一哭的动作 cry哭泣,流泪; weep啜泣,不出声的哭 sob哽咽,啜泣,哭诉 blubber放声大哭,又哭又闹 whimper啜泣,呜咽 a tear slid down one's cheek 一滴泪顺着某人的脸颊滑落下来 1. Most of us were in tears by the time he'd finished his story. 他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。 2. Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes,and begged me to help her. 简眼里含着泪水转向我,恳求我帮帮她。 3. Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room. 劳拉突然哭了起来,然后从房子里跑了出去。 4. Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah's mother. 比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰萨拉的母亲。

5. Joe’s e yes were watering from the smoke that filled the room. 乔的双眼正被满屋的烟雾熏得淌眼泪。 6.I left quickly, not wanting to break down in front of the children. 我赶快离开了,因为我不想在孩子们面前大哭。 7. There was a lump in my throat and I didn't speak be cause I knew I would cry. 我哽咽了,没有说话,因为我知道我会哭的。 二笑的动作 smile微笑 laugh发笑,大笑 beam面露喜色,带有笑容 sparkle闪耀,闪烁 smile bitterly苦笑 force a smile勉强的笑 laugh heartily开怀大笑 grin咧嘴笑 chuckle轻轻地笑 giggle咯咯地笑 row with laughter疯狂大笑 1.Joy welled up in his heart. 喜悦油然而生。 2.A faint smile flickered across her lips. 她嘴角掠过一丝微笑。 3.She had a big smile on her face. 她笑容满面。 4.His eyes sparkled. 他的眼睛闪闪发光。 5.The student smiled bitterly when his teacher caught him copying his homework. 抄作业被老师抓到后,这个学生满脸苦笑。

1_读后续写 十大情绪渣渣版

十大情绪描写(读后续写)(渣渣版) ----通过心理、表情、动作表达人物情绪 一:开心/兴奋 平庸版:He was happy/excited. 1.He rose to his feet in excitement. 他激动地站了起来。 2.My heart was as sweet as honey. 我的心像蜜一样甜。 3.I was in good mood at the moment / time, just like the white cloud in the blue sky. 我此刻心情舒畅,就像蓝天(里)白云那样(自在)。 二:伤心/失望 平庸版:He was sad. 哭cry (cried) burst(burst) into tears放声大哭 lower one’s head in sadness 悲伤地低下头 1.Her eyes were wet with tears. 她眼含泪水。 2.When he hugged me with his arms open wide, I felt a lump in my throat. 当他张开双臂拥抱我时,我觉得自己喉头哽咽。 三:紧张/害怕 平庸版:He was nervous/scared. (uneasy 不自在) 1. sitting on pins and needles. 她的脸刷白,感觉(像)如坐针毡。 四:尴尬/羞愧 平庸版:He was embarrassed/ashamed. 1. she could feel her face burning. 她感到羞愧难当,脸上滚烫。 2.I wanted the floor to swallow me up. 我想找个地缝钻进去。 五:愤怒 平庸版:He was angry. clench one’s fists/teeth 拽紧拳头/咬紧牙齿 1.Her face turned / was red with anger. 她气得满脸通红。 2. burning eyes. 他盯着我,眼里充满怒火。

高中英语读后续写 情绪动作类表达升级--愤怒(2)

读后续写专题3 情绪动作类表达升级--愤怒(2) 情绪动作类表达是读后续写中最常见的、最不可或缺的表达,通过以下的积累、背诵、训练,考生定能在今后描写愤怒的情绪动作时,更加地道,更加形象,更加传神。 (一)情绪类表达 1.感到愤怒的feel furious/irritated/annoyed/ mad/cross 2.感到愤怒的be seized by anger/feel a surge of anger(rage/fury) 3.感到恶心的feel disgusted/sickened 4.感到泄气的feel discouraged 5.充满怨恨的眼神 a resentful look 6.脸气地通红flush with anger 7.怒气冲天anger boils/sweeps over sb. 8.对某人大发脾气rage at sb. 9.怒火万丈flame high 10.勃然大怒fly into a rage 11.脸因为生气而扭曲face twists with rage 12.引起某人的不快arouse one’s displeasure 13.对某人的行为感到不满be displeased at one’s conduct 14.愁眉苦脸have a worried look 15.气地说不出话be speechless with anger (二)句子练习 1.我被愤怒覆盖。 I was seized by anger. 2.他怒火中烧。 He was burning with anger. 3.她因为发怒脸涨得通红。 Her face was red with anger. 4.他愤怒地看了我一眼。 He gave me a look of burning anger. /He glared at me with burning eyes. 5.他听到这话勃然大怒。 He burst into anger at the word. 6.我感到愤怒朝我袭来。 I felt a wave of anger swept over me. 7.我受够了他。 I have had enough of him. 8.如果我再迟到,我父母会大发雷霆的。 If I am late again, my parents will hit the roof. 9.他的眼中闪过一道怒火。 There was a flash of anger in his eyes. 10.她能感觉到愤怒在她心中酝酿。 She could feel the anger growing, bubbling up inside her. 11.她的回答如火上浇油,于是他的愤怒就像火山一样爆发了。 Her reply fueled his anger and he erupted like a volcano. (三)动作类表达 1.眼睛冒火eyes burning

高中英语读后续写 情绪动作类表达升级--恐惧

读后续写专题4 情绪动作类表达升级--恐惧 情绪动作类表达是读后续写中最常见的、最不可或缺的表达,通过以下的积累、背诵、训练,考生定能在今后描写恐惧的情绪动作时,更加地道,更加形象,更加传神。 (一)情绪类表达 1.害怕地in panic 2.恐惧地in terror 3.感到害怕fear creeps over sb. 4.从心底感到害怕 a flood of fear wells up in sb. 5.惊慌失措be seized with panic 6.充满了愤怒be seized by anger 7.吓得半死be half dead with fear 8.很有可能引发一阵挫败感be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration (二)句子练习 1.他转向我,眼里充满了恐惧。 He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror. 2.她吓得睁大了眼睛。 Her eyes were wide with horror. 3.我吓得魂不附体。 It made me jump out of my skin. 4.一阵恐惧向我袭来。 A wave of panic flooded/swept over me. 5.一想到要变老,我就害怕。 The thought of growing old fills me with dread. 6.他充满了怒火。 He was breathing fire and rage. 7.他因害怕而感到恶心,但一想到结果,他还是继续下去。 He was sick with fear, but the thought of the result urged him on. 8.突如其来的记忆使她惊慌失措。 The unexpected and sudden memory threw her into a panic. (三)动作类表达 1.全身颤抖tremble from head to toe 2.因害怕/恐惧而发抖tremble with fear/terror 3.因为害怕而哽咽choke with fear 4.脸色变白face turns pale 5.心跳得厉害heart beat violently 6.深吸一口气take a deep breath 7.有点惊讶come as something of a surprise 8.吓得透不过气来be choked by fear (四)句子练习 1.他浑身发抖,感到坐立不安。 She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 2.我双膝发抖地走上楼梯。 I walked up the stairs with my knees trembling. 3.他愤怒地看了我一眼。

高中英语读后续写 情绪动作类表达升级1-喜乐

读后续写专题1 情绪动作类表达升级--喜乐 情绪动作类表达是读后续写中最常见的、最不可或缺的表达,通过以下的积累、背诵、训练,考生定能在今后描写喜乐的情绪动作时,更加地道,更加形象,更加传神。 (一)情绪类表达: 1.高兴的delighted/cheerful/joyful 2.对......很高兴be delighted at 3.对......感到非常高兴be overjoyed at/to do 4.因......而高兴be joyful over/about 5.难以形容的开心be indescribably wild joy 6.几乎无法掩饰他兴奋的心情can hardly conceal his excitement 7.既兴奋又开心a mixture of excitement and happiness 8.心情愉快in cheerful spirits 9.振作精神keep up one’s spirits 10.心情好in a good mood 11.快乐至极be overwhelmed with joy 12.欣喜若狂be wild with delight/joy 13.使某人心情愉快brighten one’s heart 14.使某人安心set one’s heart at rest 15.让某人开心的是to one’s delight 16.眉开眼笑one’s smile light up (二)句子练习: 1.对于我们的重逢我感到非常高兴。 I was overjoyed at our reunion. 2.她满心欢喜。 She was overwhelmed with happiness. She was indescribably wild joy. She was in cheerful spirits. 3.当她得知自己被录取的时候,她无法掩饰内心的兴奋之情。 She could hardly conceal her excitement the moment she knew she was admitted. 4.听到爸爸要带她去迪士尼的消息,小女孩欣喜若狂。 The little girl went wild with joy at the news that her father would take her to the Disneyland. 5.她的微笑照亮了整个房间。 Her smile lit up the whole room. (三)动作类表达: 1.高兴地跳起来dance/jump for joy 2.流下幸福的泪水tears of happiness flow down 3.乐得大叫yell with delight 4.面带微笑wear a shining smile 5.发自肺腑的开心joy wells up inside sb. 6.开心地哼着小曲hum a tune merrily (四)句子练习: 1.虽然爷爷上了年纪,头发花白,但他的心却高兴得跳了起来。 Although grandfather is old and gray-haired, his heart jumped for fun. 2.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。


读后续写语料库(动作描写) head 1. He hung/dropped/lowered/bent/bowed his head in shame. 他羞愧地低下了头。 2. They nodded their heads in agreement. 他们点头表示同意。 3. She shook her head in disbelief. 她怀疑地摇摇头。 4. He scratched his head, not understanding a word. 他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。 5. She buried her head in the pillow. 她用枕头捂住脑袋。 6. She rested her head on his shoulder. 她将头靠在他的肩膀上。 7. His head drooped and tears fell into his lap. 他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。 8. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 我头一碰到枕头就睡着了。 9. He put/held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed. 他双手抱头,十分生气。 10. It never entered my head that he might be lying. 我从未想过他会撒谎。 11. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. 我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。 12. He could feel his head spinning after only one drink. 他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。 13. He turned and headed for the door. 他转身朝门口走去。 14. She stood up and headed towards the exit. 她起身朝出口走去。 face 1. A bright smile appeared on/ spread across/ crossed his face. 他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。 2. Her face lit up/brightened/glowed when I gave her the present. 我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出了光彩。 3. His face suddenly grew serious. 他的表情突然严肃起来。


高考英语读后续写高分句 一、面部表情 1.哭与笑 Tears cascaded down her cheek like a torrential downpour, her sobs echoing through the room, as if the weight of the world had crashed upon her shoulders. 泪水像暴雨一样从她的脸上倾泻而下,她的哭泣在房间里回荡,仿佛世界的重压压在她的肩上。 Laughter erupted from his soul, just like a contagious symphony of joy that filled the air, as if he had discovered the secret to eternal happiness. 笑声从他的灵魂中涌现,一曲感染力十足的喜悦交响乐充满了空气,仿佛他发现了永恒幸福的秘密。 Her tears painted a vivid portrait of heartbreak, as if her very soul was weeping. 她的泪水勾勒出一幅鲜明的失落画卷,仿佛她的灵魂正在哭泣。 With a giggle that danced upon the air, she radiated an infectious happiness, her laughter like a bubbling spring that rejuvenated the spirits of all who heard it. 她的咯咯笑声在空气中跳跃着,散发着感染力的快乐,她的笑声如同冒泡的泉水,让听到它的人们焕发精神。 His tears flowed silently, like a gentle stream carving its way through the landscape of his emotions, each drop a glimpse into the depths of his sorrow. 他的泪水静静地流淌,如同一条温柔的小溪在情感的景观中开辟道路,每一滴都是对他悲伤深处的一瞥。 2.眉毛 1.Her eyebrows arched like an elegant moon, framing her eyes with an air of mystery and intrigue. 她的眉毛弯曲得像雅月,为她的眼睛增添了一丝神秘和诱人的气息。 2.His brows knitted together in a tight pattern, revealing his deep concentration and concern. 他的眉毛紧紧地纠结在一起,形成了一种紧密的图案,显露出他的专注和担忧。 3.With a deepening frown, his forehead creased like a crumpled piece of paper, revealing his growing dissatisfaction. 随着皱眉的加深,他的额头皱纹像一张皱巴巴的纸一样,显示出他越来越不快。 3.眼睛 His gaze pierced into my soul, as if he could see through all my thoughts and secrets. 他锐利的目光凝视着我的灵魂,仿佛他能洞悉我所有的想法和秘密。 The depths of her eyes held a universe of emotions, each flicker and twinkle telling a story untold. 她眼中的深度承载着情感的宇宙,每一次闪烁和闪耀都在述说着一个未曾讲述的故事。 His eyes were like two windows to his soul, revealing a mixture of vulnerability and strength that captivated those who met his gaze. 他的眼睛仿佛是他灵魂的两扇窗户,展现出脆弱与力量的交织,吸引住那些与他对视的人。 The intensity in her eyes burned like a raging fire, igniting a passion and


读后续写实用句型总结 一、心理描写: 1. 万能句: (1)A surge of (anger/fear/horror/excitement/astonishment/amazement/sadness/guilt/joy...) flooded in waves. 一股(生气/恐惧/激动/惊讶/悲伤/内疚/快乐)的情绪像波浪般涌来。 (2)A sense of (pride/excitement...) welled up in his heart. 他心中涌起一股自豪感/激动。 (3)Hearing that, he was overwhelmed with (joy/grief/excitement/shame/gratitude...) 听到这个消息,他感到(欣喜若狂/悲痛万分/激动万分/羞愧难当/感激万分,......) 2.表达具体情感的句子 (1)Shocked and excited, he was unable to utter a single word.他感到震惊且激动,一句话也说不出来。(2)Shocked and dumb, he was rooted to the ground/spot for seconds. 他感到震惊,一时说不出话,呆了几秒钟。 (3)So violently did his heart beat/pound that he felt nearly suffocated.(伤心/震惊/害怕)他的心跳动地如此剧烈以至于他几乎感觉到窒息。 (4)His eyes were wide with horror. (害怕/惊讶)他惊恐地睁大了眼睛。 (5)Fear slowly crept upon us. (害怕)恐惧慢慢地在我们身上蔓延。 (6)She was at a loss what to do. (无助/绝望/不知所措)她不知道怎么办。 (7)The uneasiness of (losing the beautiful flowers) gripped my heart.(不安/伤心) (失去这些美丽的花)的不安使我揪心。 (8)The moment he left, I untied the ribbon with my heart beating wildly. (激动/期待)他一离开,我就解开了丝带,心在狂跳。 (9)He was overjoyed to have settled the problem/misunderstanding.(宽慰/高兴) 他因为解决了这个问题/误会而欣喜若狂。 (9)She was almost on the edge of breaking down. (崩溃/无助/绝望) 她几乎处在崩溃的边缘。 (10)Touched/Moved deeply, he stood there with tears streaming down her face.(感动)被深深感动,他站在那里,泪水顺着她的脸颊流了下来。 (11)Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied. (害怕/惊讶) 她脸色苍白地站在那里,舌头打结。 (12)She screamed with horror/She was trembling with fear, hiding her face in her hands/tears rolling down her cheeks.(害怕) 她因害怕而尖叫/她的身体因害怕而颤抖,双手掩面/眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。 (13)Hardly could she contain her excitement (when) to do sth.(激动) 要做...时,她几乎不能抑制住她的激动... 二、(突然)听到/想象/想起/明白什么: (1)All of a sudden, her mother’s words lingered in her ears. 突然,她妈妈的话在她的耳边萦绕。 (2)I pictured myself becoming a doctor over and over again. 我一遍又一遍地想象自己成为了一名医生。(3)It occurred to/hit/struck sb. that “某人突然想起...”


读后续写十大情绪描写 ----通过心理、表情、动作表达人物情绪 人物情绪描写之一:开心/兴奋 平庸版:He was happy/excited. 进阶版: 1.Her face lit up with pleasure. 她的脸容光焕发。 2.Her heart was pounding wildly with excitement. 她的心兴奋得怦怦跳。 3.He rose to his feet in excitement. 他激动地站了起来。 4.My heart was as sweet as honey. 我的心像蜜一样甜。 5.His lips curved in smile when he saw us. 当他看到我们,咧开嘴开心地笑了。 6.His eyes twinkled with joy/happiness when he saw the news. 当他看到新闻,他的眼里闪耀着快乐。 7.I was in good mood at the moment, just like the white cloud in the blue sky. 我此刻心情舒畅,就像蓝天白云那样自在。 人物情绪描写之二:伤心/失望 平庸版:He was sad/disappointed. 进阶版: sob(sobbed) v.呜咽,啜泣weep(wept) v.小声/无声流泪 upset/frustrated adj.沮丧的burst(burst) into tears/burst out crying 放声大哭hold(held) back tears 抑制住泪水do sth. in tears 含泪做某事 lower one’s head in sadness 悲伤地低下头 1.Her eyes were wet with tears. 她眼含泪水。 2.Hearing what I said, he sighed with disappointment. 听到我的话,他失望地叹了口气。 3.He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. 他静静地站着,眼泪流下他的脸颊。 4.These days he was in low spirits. 这些日子他情绪低迷。 5.My heart seemed to be torn. 我的心都要碎了。 6.When he hugged/embraced me with his arms open wide, I felt a lump in my throat. 当他张开双臂拥抱我时,我觉得自己喉头哽咽。


新高考英语读后续写素材 一、情感描写 1.喜乐 ② A smile of understanding flashed across his face.他脸上露出了一种理解的微笑。 ③ A ripple of excitement ran through them.一阵激动声穿过他们。 ④ Laughter lingered around the room.笑声在房间里萦绕。 ⑤ His eyes twinkled with pleasure.他的眼睛闪烁着快乐。 ⑥ A wild gaiety(快乐)took hold of her.一种疯狂的快乐控制了她。 ⑦ Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steady smile.令人难忘的是她的眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光,嘴角保持着稳定的微笑。 ⑧ I was wild with joy.我欣喜若狂。 ⑨ I was pleased beyond description.我高兴得难以形容。 ⑩ She wore a shining smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。 ⑪ Her smile lit up the whole room.她的笑容照亮了整个房间。 ⑫ She shed tears of joy.她高兴得流下了眼泪。 ⑬ Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds.她的眼睛闪着钻石般的光芒。 ⑭ She was overflowing with happiness.她洋溢着幸福。 ⑮ Her flushed face was shining with excitement.她激动得满脸通红。 ⑯ Joy welled up inside her.她心中涌起喜悦。 ⑰ I was floating on air.我漂浮在空中。 ⑱ Amusement gleamed in his eyes.他眼睛流露出愉快的神情。 2.愤怒 ① I was seized by anger.我充满了愤怒。 ② He was fuming with rage.他气得大发雷霆。 ③ His anger boiled over.他的愤怒爆发了。 ④ He could hardly/scarcely contain his rage.他几乎控制不住怒火。 ⑤ He was breathing fire and fury.他充满着怒火。 ⑥ His voice trembled with anger.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。 ⑦ He gave me a look of burning anger.他愤怒地看了我一眼。 ⑧ He glared at me with burning eyes.他用灼热的目光怒视着我。 ⑨ He flared up at the word.他一听到这个字就勃然大怒。 ⑩ His face clouded with anger.他气得脸色阴沉。 3.悲伤烦恼 ①He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。 ② I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。 ③ Her hands were shaking.She was on the verge of tears.她的手在颤抖。她快要哭了。 ④ Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.听到这个消息,他绝望地把悲伤淹没在酒里。 ⑤ She burst into tears and ran out of the room.她突然哭了起来,跑出了房间。 ⑥ She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.她掩面哭泣。 ⑦ I tried to fight back tears./My eyes were filled with tears. 我努力忍住眼泪。/我的眼里充满了泪水。 ⑧ A frown(皱眉)now stood on his face.他皱起了眉头。 ⑨ They sat there with glum looks on their faces.

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