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SHORT ANSWERS: (5 questions for each, 20 marks in all)

Socrates was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, he is an enigmatic figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of .his students Plato and Xenophon, and the plays of his contemporary Aristophanes.

●Justice is the interest of the people

●People have the benefit of laws, so agree to respect them

●Disobedience of the law destroys the law and the state

●Justice is a compromise: doing wrong or being wronged

Plato was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He used to advocate that the king of a country should be a philosopher, but later changes his mind.

●Human nature commits injustice whenever it is possible

●Dominant class makes law for self

●Proper role of law is ensuring the general benefit

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic , rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology. Aristotle believes in the function of the law and insists that rule of law is better than rule of men.

●Public officials must cr itically study different cities? laws

●The laws must be adapted to different circumstances of people

●The character of law is …a kind of order?, and the law also has a …compulsive force?

●Man has a natural instinct to live in orderly communities

●Man?s nature desires the best life he can get

●Man is a “political animal”

Cicero was a Roman philosopher, statesman, lawyer, political theorist, and Roman constitutionalist. He is widely considered one of Rome?s greatest orators and prose stylists.

He is also considered as the ancient pioneer of the separation of powers into three separate branches of government

●Law is the bond, agreement and partnership of men.

●The law is inseparable from the reason given of nature

●Law is right reason in commanding and prohibiting

●The natural social instinct is the source of law itself

●Evil law is illegal






Aquinas is an Italian priest of the Catholic Church and an influential philosopher and theologian in

the tradition of scholasticism. He advocates that the purpose of church is to pursue the supernatural

good, that is, to know the god. Supernatural good is higher than the public good that the government pursues, so the church should be in command.



●God is the highest good and the cause of all things.

●Human law is the effort of reasoning from the eternal laws.

●The order of nature is the result of one god.

SHORT DEFINITIONS: (5 questions, 4 marks for each, 20 marks in all)


The state is an organized community living under a government.


Natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze human nature and deduce binding rules of moral behavior.(Principles which are “naturally” right and proper)


Positive law is the term generally used to describe man-made laws that is set by political superiors to political inferiors


Aristotle on Law and Equity.

Equity: what is equitable is in fact just, not according to law; rather it is a …correction? of legal justice

Law: law is a set of rules enacted by the authorities or developed from the custom which is recognized by the community as binding to all members.


Rule of law is the legal principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to arbitrary decisions by individual government official s. That means RULE of LAW is the principle that every person and organization, including the government, is subject to the same laws.


Rule of men is a society in which one person, or a group of persons, rules arbitrarily.


Legislation is law which has been enacted by a legislature or other governing body, or the process of making it.

A statute is a formal written enactment of a legislative authority that governs a state, city, or county.


Custom is a rule of conduct in society, established by long use and binding those under it, and it derives its

force from the tacit consent of the legislature and the people, and supposes an original, actual deed or agreement.

TRUE AND FALSE: (15 questions, 2 marks for each, 30 marks in all)

Greek political system

Political Structure of Ancient Greece

?City-States: Greece then not a single nation-state

–collection of city-states in the Mediterranean (Hellenic)

?Athens: greatest city-state which dominated region

–smaller cities still independent political entities (alliance)

?Autonomy: each city-state could make own laws

–decided their own policies, paid tribute ships or money

?Greek Politics: cities varied in the political systems

–kingships, tyrannies, oligarchies, democracies (Athens)

Greek laws and writings



?Greek Law: various codes/rules of city-states-Rome

–unified Greek legal system never existed (no Greek state)

?Legal Science: Greeks never produced legal texts

–Roman jurists were the first to give code to the world

?Legal Treatises: was never written by the Greeks

–no school of legal instruction was operated in Greece

?Law Codes: never written down and distributed

–some statutes found engraved on stone or on bronze

?Literature: law of Athens found in ancient writing

–historians, philosophers, dramatists, poets, and orators

?Legal Theory: not distinct from the actual laws

–no recognized and distinct branch of philosophy of law

Early European statutes

?Law: the earliest European appearance of statutes

–Dracon: a famous lawgiver of the 7th Century BC

–Solon: a famous lawgiver of the 6th Century BC

?Tablets: first efforts to inscribe in permanent form

–Rules in a public form which could not be changed

?Legislation: original Greek laws were from Kings

–later legislative process from majority vote of the people

?Codes: laws became not only customs but statutes

–statutes later became only source of law (not customs)

Early Western customs

?Custom: formerly the rules were only principles

–arbitrarily interpreted/enforced by self-interested king

Rule of Law

The Rule of Law: The Greek Mind

?Law: the Ruler of city should also be governed by laws

–Authorities act in accordance with known laws (not arbitrarily)

?Ruler: rule of the law not arbitrary decisions by ruler

–General sovereignty of the law governs, not arbitrary rule of king

–Specific sovereignty over rulers is essential to a good government

Social Contract


?Social Contract: agreement of citizen & government

–submission to government & law is civic duty of citizen

Rulers Obeying Laws

?“an emperor… (in rule by law)

–must behave as if he were answerable to his own laws”-Seneca

?“an emperor…(in absolutism)

–released from the laws, free from following the laws”-Cassius

Theory of Equality in the Law

Equality Before the Law

?Personal Merit: proud feature of Athenian system which leads to honor and preferment in a society

Aristotle (Rhetoric) ?Hierarchy: regardless of rank and office of men, as regards the law, all men are on an equal


Thucydides (Pericles) ?Individuals: Dracon forbade any laws aimed just at individuals, for as everyone shared in the rest of the state, so all should share equally in its laws

Demosthenes (Dracon) Nature: our equality of birth by nature impels us to seek equality under the law

Plato (Menexenus) Theory of Criminal Law – Intent

?Intent: relation of punishment to a person?s state of mind

–greater/lesser guilt related to subjective mind and circumstances

?Degrees: Homicide was divided by Dracon into degrees

–premeditated killing, provocation, unintentional, self-defense

?Severity: voluntary and involuntary wrongs are distinct

–act of greater evil=greater punishment; an act of lesser evil=less

?Rulers: useful to consider when giving reward/punishment

–willful =resentment/punishment; unintentional deserves pardon

?Behavior: the intent cannot be lessened by own behavior

–drunkenness or culpable ignorance of the law is no excuse (less)

?Punishment: depends on the seriousness of the offenses

–distinguish between trivial or major crimes, scale of punishment

Theory of Due Process of Law

?Due Process: right to notice, be heard in an orderly proceeding

–Strongly favored regular, impartial, judicial proceedings

Kelly (The Greeks) Canon Law (Church Law)

?Canon Law I: non-resistance to even wicked ruler

–Kings may even exceed the limits of customary law

?Canon Law II: conflict - Middle Ages legal theory

–Kings had moral obligation to people and to the laws

?Canon Law (Church): legislation must be …just?:

“…a law will be honorable, just, capable of being obeyed, in accordance with nature and in accord also with ancestral practice, adapted both to its time and to its place; necessary, useful and clear so there?s no misunderstanding, not framed for the advantage of any individual, but for the common benefit of the citizens.”

Roman Law (Justinian’s Code)

?History of Law: Justinian?s Digest (Roman law)

–Roman law of 1000 yrs: basic law code for the world

?Justinian?s Digest: Byzantine East Roman Empire

–Code: collection of 1000 years Roman Law (6th Century)

Ascending/Descending Theory of Law

?Ascending Theory: power comes from the people

–People delegate the power to their rulers (Germanic)

–Ruler not absolute but must respect the people?s laws

?Descending Theory: power is originally in ruler

–Romans say people give it; Christians say God gives it

–People have no role in limiting government, just submit

Secularism and Sectarianism Government

?Secularism: government is separate from religion

–Individualism: person is focal point in religion & politics

Machiavellian Theory on Government


?Machiavellian: political theory of pagan antiquity

–Morals of ancient Greece and Rome, not Christianity

“effective governance/state preservation are only interests, not natural law or moral concerns” “ruthless methods and violation of the law acceptable if necessary, just as the Romans ruled”

MULTIPLE CHOICE: (15 questions, 2 marks each, 30 marks in all)

1. Meaning of law: The Greeks developed different definitions and ideas:

(Pericles, Alcibiades, Lycurgus, Aristotle, and Plato)

公元前 5世纪雅典政治家伯里克利(约前495~前429)论述了雅典的奴隶主民主制与法律的关系,认为这种民主制的特点在于政权是在公民手中,每个人在法律上是平等的,在私人生活中是自由和宽恕的,但在公共事务中则遵守法律(修昔底德《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》)。在古希腊较早的诗篇、神话和哲学著作中,一般认为法律来源于神,例如悲剧家索福克勒斯(前496~前406)的剧本《安提戈涅》中提到,最高的法律是主神宙斯向人类宣布的,凡人的命令不能改变天神制定的永恒不变的不成文法。到公元前 5世纪的智者(一称诡辩学派)又向这种思想提出了挑战,认为法是人定的,甚至是“强权”的产物。




公元前 3世纪开始出现的斯多葛派(意译为“画廊派”,因该派讲学场所有彩色画廊而得名),进一步提出了自然法思想,并认为自然法代表理性,是普遍适用的,高于一切城邦法律之上。这种思想后来传入罗马,对罗马法的蓬勃发展起过重大作用。

●Pericles: laws are measures that the people?s assembly has approved, the …conduct to be

observed or avoided? 我们的国体之所以被称作民主,是因为权力不是被少数人、而是被所有人民所掌握。当私人纠纷产生时,所有人在法律面前一律平等。

●Alcibiades: The authority of the people cannot be essential to meaning of law as not only

democracies; because in an oligarchy the decrees of dominant group in a council also carry the name of law (kings/tyrannies)反对伯利克里民主政治

Alcibiades: Pericles? definition of law is incorrect:

Force: law is therefore mere exercise of force?

–violence rather than law whether formally inscribed

Persuasion: laws should convince the people

–people should obey the laws because logically correct

●Lycurgus: law too brief instructions/explanations法律制定者

Declaration: merely declare what do/can’t do

–Law is a command or prohibition by political authority

–Obligations: those things which the people must do

–Prohibitions: the things which the people cannot do

●Aristotle :

Adult: use the law as regulatory to maintain order:

“we shall need laws to regulate the discipline of adults as well.”

“in fact, the whole life of the people generally; for the many are more amenable to compulsions

and punishment than to reason and to moral ideals”

Law Administration: mutual relations regulated by law

–“means the discrimination of what is just and what is unjust”

Plato (Laws): larger communities (national polities)

–no need of …formal? laws, just lived by custom and rules

–Aristotle (Politics): natural character of social living

2. Benefit of laws: The Greeks discussed who in society benefits

(Plato, Thrasymachus, Xenophon, Socrates, and Aristotle)

?Plato (Republic): dominant class make law for self

?Thrasymachus: government enacts law for itself

?Socrates: justice (law) is the interest of the people

?Aristotle (Ethics) :“we do not permit a man to rule, but the law [as a man tends to rule for his own benefit and thus becomes a tyrant]” - absolute and cruel

?Xenophon: (Ruler Pericles is speaking to Alcibiades):

–what is the relation between law and superior?s command?

–whether a political superior?s command is considered law?

3. Due course of law: The Greeks established standards of justice

(Objectivity, subjectivity, impartiality, voluntary, involuntary)

?Objectivity: obligation of court to hear both sides of dispute

– a feature of natural justice is to weigh all of the evidence

?Subjectivity(Trial): summary execution is like the violation of a woman

–no finding of man?s guilt according to a trial is outrageous

?Impartiality: decisions based on objective criteria (favoritism)

–rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice, preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper reasons

?Severity: voluntary and involuntary wrongs are distinct

–act of greater evil=greater punishment; an act of lesser evil=less

4. Goals of punishment: The Greeks set ideals of a criminal justice system (Correct behaviour, family and victim, discourage others, repayment) Primitive: instinctive, unreflecting, a victim?s feelings

–victim, family, society all respond with sorrow, outrage, fear Civilized: calm reflection when deciding punishment

–Western thought: objective reasons of policy justify decisions Punishment: types & goals of society?s corrective action:

?Corrective: force the wrongdoer to mend his bad ways

–Rehabilitation: individual can be redeemed to be a good citizen ?Deterrent: discourage other people from imitating him

–Warning: society watches a guilty man paying price for crimes ?Retribution: for repayment of the wrong committed

–Revenge: family or victim gets satisfaction through punishment

5. Western jurisprudence: The Romans made many contributions to the law

(The code, legal science, legal theory, lawyers, law professors, law schools) ●The code: Rome studied Greek laws (Twelve Tables)

●Legal Science: Romans developed jurisprudence

●Roman Theory of Natural Law: Cicero

Reason: is what nature tells us is right and wrong

Law: is understanding by reason right and wrong

Justice: origin is found in law so is a natural force

Injustice: standard by which right/wrong measured

Natural: wrong don?t become law only written down

True Law: good, universal, eternal, unchangeable

●Lawyers: Rome had the first legal professionals

●Law School: Cicero wrote textbooks for students

6. Sources of laws: The Romans has many sources of law in various forms(p52)

(The senate, magistrates, assemblies, people?s councils, norms an d customs)


●Forms: Roman Law varied era to era:

Statutes (legislation)

Edicts (equitable rules)

Opinions (jurist laws)

Custom (social norms)

●Forums: Lawmaking bodies (statutes):


People?s Council



7. Three major events: In Roman history which changed world, then the law

(The Roman Empire splits, Christianity spreads, Rome is destroyed)

●Roman History: three events changed the world:

Division of the Roman Empire into East and West

Christianization of Empire-Emperor Charlemagne(查理曼大帝)

Destruction and Conquest of the Western Empire

8. Three areas of legal inequality: In Western legal history, three problem areas

(Slavery and prisoners, political hierarchy in government, private property)

Renaissance: equality in theory yet inequality in life areas: 1) political subordination, 2) slavery, 3) property

●Political Subordination: human nature requires it without authority there would be confusion & anarchy

government is natural, although no particular form of it no right force laws on other free peoples (colonialism) ●Slavery: ended Western Europe; still in Southern more efficient to have workers get benefits from work

slave trade grew - American mines (S) plantations (N)

men differ: physical labor or mental efforts (Aristotle)

Slave: Roman law and tradition slaves are property

Servant: master-servant relationship begins to grow

Service: duty to work hard-duty to train and pay wages

●Property: Inequality in Ownership of Goods Land

9.Theory of international relations: Although no coded law of nations, new ideas

(Ideas of independent kingdoms, independent kings, equality of kingdom)

●Independent Kingdoms: “the world contains a number of independent kingdoms which

recognize no superior”

●Independent Kings: “each king is an emperor in his own territory; Roman law for emperors

applies to kings”

●Equality of Kingdoms: “there is a coexistence and the equal plurality of political bodies; no one

above others”

10.The Canon Law(Church)教会法: Reformation ended Catholic Church controlling Europe

(New national governments, national churches, political interference of Church)

●Canon Law (Church): legislation must be …just?:

“…a law will be honorable, just, capable of being obeyed, in accordance with nature and in accord also with ancestral practice, adapted both to its time and to its place; necessary, useful and clear so there?s no misunderstanding, not framed for the advantage of any individual, but for the common benefit of the citizens.”

●Canon Law I: non-resistance to even wicked ruler--Kings may even exceed the limits of

customary law

●Canon Law II: conflict - Middle Ages legal theory---Kings had moral obligation to people and to

the laws

●Canon Law: (Greek - …rule?) church law (civil law today)---Legal Theory came from the

theologians, not lawyers













11.Courts of Equity: England developed a separate system with principles of fairness

(Issues included the circumstances, mindset of accused, flexibility and discretion)

England: a separate legal system of equity to law begins

“in every general rule of the law you must observe and keep equity”

“equity is justice that considers the particular circumstance of the deed, and which is also tempered with the sweetness of mercy”

“be not overmuch legal, for extreme legality does extreme wrong”

“equity rather follows the intent of the law than the words of law”

“impossible to make any general rule of law which does not fail in some case; in some cases it is good and necessary to leave words”

衡平法院(Court of Equity),又称大法官法院(Court of Chancery)。1474年,大法官首次以自己的名义发布命令,标志着完全独立的衡平法院正式诞生。

衡平法院,也叫良心法院(Court of Conscience)。法官凭良心判案。衡平法院不实行陪审

制,由大法官独自进行审理,自由裁量的余地很大,每个法官的判决也有很大的差别。因此有人说衡平法院的判决是由大法官脚的长短来决定的。衡平法官处理案件主要依据“衡平与良心”的原则(the rules of equity and good conscience),以后逐渐开始适用前衡平法官所创设的先例的原则,在衡平法院管辖的案件中,大量属于欺诈案件。

衡平法院虽然已经消亡,但衡平法的精神依然活着,衡平法已经成为英美法律研究与实务的不竭的源泉。在反避税中,美国税务局与法院越来越多地借助于衡平法的原理原则来防止税收规避,最常用的是“实质高于形式”(Substance over Form)规则,最早在Gregory v. Helvering 一案中所运用,效果很好,也有相当的说服力。此外,还运用“虚假交易规则”(Sham Transaction Doctrine)等。

12.The International Legal System In Renaissance were the beginnings of new areas (International rights to travel, trade, trust treaties, ambassadors, embassies, nations)

Legal System: relations of states with one another increase:

Middle Ages: maritime law(海商法), mercantile law(贸易法), ambassadors, prisoners

16th Century: sovereign states, embassies, New World, Europe wars

●“peoples have the right to travel, trade peacefully, to settle, these are basic activities lawful in the

eyes of all mank ind; but others? lands are theirs, and war only with just cause”

●“law of war holds peace treaties with other nations are to be respected, and are binding even

when signed under duress”

●“there exists a third kind of law dealing with bodies politic, includ ing rules of embassies,

foreigners, tourist travel”

●“a law which all peoples and nations ought to observe; unity political, moral, mutual love,

mercy; universal community; states can?t stand alone; need help” Jesuit Suarez

13.Private Property laws: St. Thomas Aquinas in High Middle Ages said necessary

(Self-interest motivates, efficient and stable social order, less ownership conflicts)

●Private Property: is so necessary to human life

self-preservation: more concern than for common good

social order: own business; mass confusion otherwise

self-contentment: common ownership causes disputes

14.Private Property morals: St.Thomas Aquinas said private property morally justified

(Compensation for effort, rewards for work, supplying community, farm cultivation)

●Moral Obligation: share with others in necessity

community: hold material things for the common benefit

charity: the urgent necessity of some people is not theft

●Moral Justification: reasons private is legitimate

physical labor: a man?s time and eff ort should be paid

production of goods: supplies community so keeps profit

cultivation of farmland: feeds the others so keeps portion

compensation for expropriation: pay farmers a fair price

15.European law: In the Middle Ages included different historical legal influences:

(Customary law, Greek law, Roman law, German law, Canon (Church) law)






●Roman Law: the supreme legal and political reason

Practical: fusion into native legal systems of the states

●Canon Law: (Greek - …rule?) church law (civil law today)

Legal Theory came from the theologians, not lawyers

●Gratian?s (Decretum): monk?s collections of rules (1140)

Natural Law: Important source medieval legal theory

Natural Law: accessible to man through reason

Greco-Roman tradition: God was an abstract theory

●Supreme Law: natural law above positive law

●Germanic Law: limits of customary law on ruler

German Kings must follow the ancient laws & customs

●Customs: the law wasn?t primarily made or created in the Middle Ages; but existed as part of the

national or local life:


Lesson one The Middle Eastern Bazaar 一.Background information 二.Brief overview and writing style This text is a piece of description. In this article, the author describes a vivid and live scene of noisy hilarity of the Middle Eastern Bazaar to readers. At first, he describes the general atmosphere of the bazaar. The entrance of the bazaar is aged and noisy. However, as one goes through the bazaar, the noise the entrance fades away. One of the peculiarities of the Eastern bazaar is that shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods gather in the same area. Then the author introduces some strategies for bargaining with the seller in the bazaar which are quite useful. After that he describes some impressive specific market of the bazaar particularly includ ing the copper-smiths market, the carpet-market, the spice-market, the food-market, the dye-market, the pottery-market and the carpenter‘s market which honeycomb the bazaar. The typical animal in desert----camels----can also attract attention by their disdainful expressions. To the author the most unforgettable thing in the bazaar is the place where people make linseed oil. Hence he describes this complicated course with great details. The author‘s vivid and splendid description takes readers back to hundreds of thousands of years age to the aged middle eastern bazaar, which gives the article an obvious diachronic and spatial sense. The appeal to readers‘visual and hearing sense throughout the description is also a marked feature of this piece of writing. In short, being a Westerner, the author views the oriental culture and civilization as old and backward but interesting and fantastic. Through careful observation and detailed comparison, the author depicts some new and original peculiarities of the Middle Eastern bazaar which are unique and distinguished. 三.Detailed study of the text Paragraph 1 the general atmosphere of the bazaar 1. The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back…of years: 1) Middle East: generally referring to the area from Afghanistan to Egypt, including the Arabian Peninsula, Cyprus, and Asiatic Turkey. 2) A bazaar is an oriental market-place where a variety of goods is sold. The word perhaps comes from the Persian word bazar.(中东和印度等的)集市,市场 Paraphrase: The bazaar can be traced back to many centuries ago. The architecture was ancient, the bricks and stones were aged and the economy was a handicraft economy which no longer existed in the West. 2. The one I am thinking of particularly is entered…: 1) is entered..: The present tense used here is called ―historical present(历史现在时)‖. It is used for vividness. 2) Gothic: of a style of building in Western Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries, with pointed arches , arched roofs, tall thin pillars, and stained glass windows. 3) aged: having existed long; very old 3. Y ou pass from the heat and glare of a big open square into a cool, dark cavern…: 1) Here ―the heat‖is contrasted with ―cool‖, ―glare‖with ―dark‖, and ―open square‖with ―cavern‖. 2) glare: strong, fierce, unpleasant light, not so agreeable and welcome as ―bright sunlight‖.强光, 耀眼的光 3) ―cavern‖here does not really mean a cave or an underground chamber. From the text we can see it is a long, narrow, dark street of workshops and shops with some sort of a roof over them.


外国法制史期末考试重点复习资料 《外国法制史》期末考试复习资料 注:根据20XX年-2019年试题真题总结,结合自考教材,亦可用作学士学位的复习资料。 题型:单项选择题25*1’+多项选择题5*2’+名词解释题5*现3分,即名词解释3’++简答题4*6’+论述题1*12’ 1. 楔形文字法:古代西亚幼发拉底与底格里斯两河流域居民创造与发展起来的以楔形文字镌刻而成的奴隶制法的总称。20XX10 3”苏美尔人发明,楔形文字是公元前2700年前后一种古老文字。 2. 《乌尔纳姆法典》:20XX103” /20XX01 3”迄今所知人类历史上最早的一部成文法典。公元前3000年代末期,乌尔国家统一了两河南部地,第三朝国王乌尔纳姆为为巩固统治、缓和社会内部矛盾所创制,开创了两河流域楔形文字法的法典化时代。 3. 《汉穆拉比法典》:20XX04 3”/20XX01 3”公元前18世纪,古巴比伦王国的第六代国王汉穆拉比吸取两河流域原有楔形文字法的精华制定的法典,是流传至今的楔形文字法中最完整的一部成文法典。分为序言、正文、结语三三个部分。法典的基本内容:君主专制制度 等级制度:将全体居民分为自民和奴隶两大类

财产法:巴比伦实行土地公有制。存在王室土地和公社占有土地两种形式。契约制度:重要契约的签订必须遵循一定的规则和采用书面形式,买卖、借贷和财产租赁最为流行。借贷契约的标的主要是钱款和谷物。 1 / 41 婚姻、家庭与继承制度:婚姻关系实行的是具有买卖性质的契约婚姻。无契约,无婚姻;子女在家庭中没有独立地位;男子才享有充分的继承权。 犯罪与刑罚制度:危害法院公正裁判罪;侵犯人身罪;侵犯财产罪;侵犯家庭罪。 法院组织与诉讼制度:诉讼完全私人提起;确认的可采信的证据包括:证人的证言;证物;宣誓;神明裁判。 4. 古印度法:20XX01 3”是印度奴隶制时期法律制度的总称,内容包括婆罗门教法、早期佛教法及国王政府颁布的敕令。包括现在的印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉等国。婆罗门法的渊源有: 吠陀是印度最古老而神圣的法律渊源,是印度最早的传世文献,其中《梨俱吠陀》最古老。法经: 法典:最为著名的是《摩奴法典》,印度法制史上第一部较为正规的法律典籍,具有相当大的权威性。 国王的敕令:阿育王在诏令中要求人们遵循佛法,并设立了“正法官”监督。刻在岩碑上的诏令被成为“岩石法”、


外国法制史练习题 第一章古埃及法 第二章楔形文字法 一、选择题 1、现在已知的人类最早的成文法典是( )。 A.《苏美尔法典》 B.《摩奴法典》 C.《乌尔纳姆法典》 D.《汉穆拉比法典》 2、根据古巴比伦法,享有完全权利的自由人(权利主体)是 ( )。 A.刹帝利 B.穆什凯努 C.阿维鲁 D.吠舍 3、按《汉穆拉比法典》的规定,伤害他人奴隶眼睛的赔偿原则同伤害他们的牛的眼睛相同,即应赔偿奴隶主人( )。 A.奴隶的身价 B.奴隶身价的一半 C.用一个健康奴隶赔偿 D.把伤害者的一个奴隶的眼睛打瞎 4、按《汉穆拉比法典》的规定,债务人不能清偿债务,债权人有权对债务入采取的措施是( )。 A.终身成为债奴 B.成为债奴三年 C.成为债奴六年 D.不能使其成为债奴 5、古代楔形文字法典包括( )等。 A.《汉穆拉比法典》 B.《那罗陀法典》 C.《俾拉拉马法典》 D.《李必特·伊丝达法典》 参考答案

1、C 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、ACD 第三章古印度法 一、选择题 1、古印度最早形成的法律是( )。 A.印度教法 B.婆罗门教法 C.佛教法 D.嗜那教法 2、被雅利安人视为“圣书”的是( )。 A、.吠陀经典 B.三藏 C.《摩奴法典》 D.《乔达摩法经》 3、古印度婆罗门教法最重要的一部法典是( )。 A.《摩奴法典》 B.《述杞氏法典》 C.《那罗陀法典》 D.《布里哈斯帕提法典》 4、按婆罗门教义,婆罗门是由梵天的( )产生的。 A.足 B.手 C.头 D、口 5、古印度种姓制度将全体居民划分为四个等级(种性),他们是( )。 A、阿维鲁 B.婆罗门 C.刹帝利 D、吠舍 E.首陀罗 6、古印度婆罗门教法的渊源主要有( ) A.三藏 B.法经 C.吠陀 D、法典 7、古印度法的主要渊源包括:() A.吠陀 B.法经 C.法典 D.三藏 E、国王敕令 8、在古印度,旎陀罗,即“贱民”是()


1) Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people 2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. 3) They narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down. 4) He will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining. 5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear.

1) Serious looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them. 2) The cab driver’s door popped open at the very sight of a traveler. 3) The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt. 4) I experienced a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks. 5) The few Americans and Germans seemed just as inhibited as I was.


司考外国法制史:美国法 司考外国法制史:美国法。美国法是司法考试外国法制史的重要考点,考生应当重点复习。法律教育网的小编整理了美国法这一节的名师讲义,供考生复习参考。 精彩链接: 司考外国法制史复习:罗马法 司考外国法制史:英国法 司考中国法制史:民国时期的宪法 司考中国法制史:明代的法制 (一)美国法的形成和发展 从一开始就被打上了英国法的烙印,是在继承和改造英国法的基础上形成的独具特色的法律体系。它的发展大致可分为四个时期: 1.殖民地时期的美国法。殖民地时期,英国战胜其他列强后,殖民地各地相继使用英国普通法。但是18世纪中期以前,各殖民地实行的法律还是比较原始和简陋,有的殖民地甚至以《圣经》作为判案的依据。至18世纪中期,英国普通法在北美殖民地取得了支配地位。 2.独立战争后的美国法。这段时期,是美国法的形成时期。以英国法为基础,参照欧洲大陆的法律文献形成了独具一格的美国法。1830年之后,《美国法释义》的问世以及各种美国法专著的出现,标志着美国法对英国法的批判吸收并走上了独立发展的道路。 3.南北战争后的美国法。 美国法进行民主化改革,法律体系逐步完善主要表现在: (1)废除奴隶制的宪法修正案正式生效; (2)在财产法方面确立了土地的自由转让制度; (3)对繁琐的诉讼程序实行了改革; (4)建立了富有美国特色的判例法理论; (5)法学教育中心从律师事务所转到法律院校;

(6)各洲法律出现统一化趋势。 4.现代美国法的变化主要表现在: (1)制定法大量增加,法律的系统化明显加强。 (2)由于以总统为首的行政机关权力的扩大,行政命令的作用和地位日益显著。 (3)国家干预经济的立法大量颁布。 (二)美国法的渊源 1.制定法:美国的联邦和州都有制定法。联邦的制定法包括联邦宪法和联邦法律。各州的制定法包括各州的宪法和法律,各州享有联邦宪法所规定的联邦立法范围之外的立法权。 2.普通法:美国以英国普通法作为建立新法律的基础,但并非完全照搬。在美国并没有一套联邦统一的普通法规则,各州的普通法自成体系。 3.衡平法:在美国独立以前,首先在英王的直辖区和特许殖民地采用了英国的衡平法,一些在英国应该由教会法院管辖的案件也由衡平法院管辖。美国独立之后,联邦和各州都相继采用衡平法。在绝大部分州,衡平法上的案件统一由联邦法院兼管,不另设衡平法院。 (三)美国宪法 1.美国宪法的制定 美国独立战争后发表《独立宣言》。此后,各州相继制定州宪法,联合成同盟并通过《邦联条例》,成立了邦联政府。但这个政府不是一个完整统一的政府,不能适应美国资产阶级的需要。为此,1787年邦联国会遨请各州代表在费城召开秘密会议,修改《邦联条例》并起草了宪法。该会议后来被称为制宪会议。1789年3月4日,美国第一届联邦国会开幕,正式宣布联邦宪法生效。1789年4月30日,根据宪法成立了以华盛顿为总统的第一届联邦政府。 2. 1787年联邦宪法的主要内容。法律敎育网 1787年联邦宪法由序言和7条本文组成。根据联邦法院解释,序言虽在宪法全文中,但不是宪法的组成部分,在审判活动中不能被引用。《宪法》的主要内容包括:立法权、行政权、司法权、授予各州的权力、宪法修正案提出和通过的程序、强调宪法和根据宪法制定的法律以及缔结的条约是“全国最高法律”、宪法本身的批准问题。宪法确立了分权原则、制衡原则和限权政府原则等。


《外国法制史》练习题一答案 一、名词解释: 1、无夫权婚姻:是罗马法上的一种婚姻制度,和有夫权婚相对,又称略式婚,到帝国时期广为流行。婚姻的目的不再以家庭利益为基础,完全改为以夫妻本人利益为前提,婚姻的条件是双方同意,不拘泥于任何方式和礼仪。在夫妻关系上,夫对妻无“夫权”,妻子没有服从丈夫的义务,夫妻之间形式上处于“同等地位”。 2、教会法又称寺院法、宗规法,它是随着基督教的形式和发展而逐渐形成的一种法律体系, 主要是关于教会本身的组织、制度和教徒生活守则的法规,同时对教会与世俗政权的关系、以及土地、婚姻家庭与继承、刑法、诉讼等方面也都有规定。它有广义和狭义之分,广义上的教会法泛指罗马天主教、东正教、基督教的其他教派的各种法规,狭义上的教会法专指在中世纪占重要地位的罗马天主教的法律。 3、司法审查权又称违宪审查权,它是指法院可以通过司法审判,审查立法机构制定的法令是否违反宪法,如果认为违宪即可以拒绝适用的方式,使其丧失法律效力。这一制度是1803年联邦最高法院在审理“马伯里诉麦迪逊”一案中,由马歇尔大法官以判例的形式确定的。它不仅加强了司法部门鼎足而立,并成为牵制它们的有效手段,而且也保证了宪法至上这一法制原则的实现。后来为各国所纷纷效仿。 4、辩论式诉讼是诉讼的开始由当事人一方提起,在审判过程中,当事人双方作为诉讼的主 体,权利平等,相互对抗,充分展开辩论,通过这在辩论弄清事实。法官只是主持审判,并不主动去调查取证,扮演的是“消极裁判者”的角色,最后在双方充分辩论的基础上做出裁决。它与纠问式诉讼的不同之处在于当事人和法官的地位和作用有很大的不同。 5、摩西十诫是摩西以上帝的名义所立的诫律。前四条是关于神与人的法律,后六条是关于人的法律。摩西十诫具有法律上的、宗教上的和道义上的特点,在摩西律法当中占有特别重要的地位。 6、教阶制度:是规定天主教神职人员的等级和教务管理的制度,是教会法中的一项重要制度。教会教阶一般分为教皇、大主教、主教、神甫等,统称为大教职,下面是修士、修女等从教职,在教务方面按照级别逐级对下行使管理权。 7、遵循先例原则是判例法的一个基本原则,它是判例法得以形成的基础。遵循先例原则的基本含义就是包括在以前判决中的法律原则对以后同类案件有约束力,具体地说就是:(1)高级法院的判决对下级法院处理同类案件有约束力;(2)同一法院的判决对其以后的同类案件具有约束力。


Lesson 4 (1)She think her sister has feld life always in the palm of one hand... She thinks that her sister has a firm control of her life. (2)”no” is a word the world never learned to say to her. She could always have anything she wanted, and life was extremely generous to her. (3)Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue. The famous and popular TV talk host, Johnny Carson has to try hard if he wants to catch up with me. (4)It seems to me I have talked to them always with one foot raised in flight... It seems to me that I have talked to them always ready to leave as quickly as possible. (5)She washed us in a river of make-believe... She imposed on us lots of falsity. (6)burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know Imposed on us a lot of knowledge that is totally useless to us. (7)Like good looks and money,quickness passed her by. She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking rich. (8)A dress down to the ground,in this hot weather. Dee wore a very long dress even on such a hot day. (9)You can see me trying to move a second or two before I make it. You can see me trying to move my body a couple of seconds before I finally manage to push myself up. (10)Anyhow,he soon gives up on Maggie. Soon he stops trying to shake hands with Maggie. (11)Though,in fact,I probably could have carried it back beyond the Civil War through the branches. In fact, I could have traced it far back before the Civil War along the branches of the family tree.


外国法制史复习资料 一、名词解释 《汉穆拉比法典》:是巴比伦王国第六代王汉穆拉比时期制定的,故又被称为“石柱法”。是集两河流域楔形文字法之大成,标志着楔形文字法乃至整个古东方法发展到完备阶段。是迄今为止世界上保留最为完整的一部奴隶制成文法典。 十二表法——是古罗马最古老的第一部成文法,主要是习惯法的记载,涉及土地占有,债权,家庭,刑法和诉讼等各方面,严格维护奴隶主阶级的利益及统治地位,为以后罗马法的发展奠定了基础. 市民法——是罗马固有的、仅适用于罗马公民内部的法律,是在罗马奴隶制经济不发达的初期形成的,具有内容原始,范围狭窄和注重形式主义等特点。 万民法——指罗马国家适用于外国人与外国人、外国人与罗马人之间发生的法律关系的法律,具有简便灵活、不拘形式特点。 国法大全:《国法大全》又称《民法大全》指的是优士丁尼为了振兴和重整罗马帝国,成立了法典编纂委员会,先后完成了散步法律汇编,主要包括《优士丁尼法典》、《优士丁尼法学总论》和《优士丁尼学说汇纂》以及优士丁尼先后颁布的一些赦令;以上四部法律汇编被后世统称为《国法大全》,标志着罗马法你发展到最发达、最完备的阶段。 普通法:是有英国普通法院创立并发展起来的一套法律体系,区别于立法机关制定的制定法,也区别于衡平法院创立的衡平法;普通法的基本原则是遵循先例。 衡平法:是英国特有的法律形式。形成于中世纪中期,是为了弥补普通法的不足,由大法官根据“公平”、“正义”的原则审理案件的产物,其效力优于普通法。 二、填空(略) 1.(英国)是普通法的发祥地 2.(制定法)是英国的第三大法源 3.(美国宪法)是世界上第一步近代意义上的成文宪法。 4.美国颁布了世界上一部反托拉斯法,即(反垄断法) 5.日本法重视(外来发达法律制度)的借鉴与吸收,体现了(东西方法律文化的融合) 6.日本封建时期法制以中国(隋唐)法律为基础。隶属(中华)法系;近代法制则先后吸取(法国)和(德国)经验,属(大陆)法系;二战后又汲取(英美法)的许多成分,因而使日本法同时具有(两大法系)的特征! 7.楔形文字法是(幼发拉底河)和(底格里斯河)两河流域的奴隶法制总称。 8.(罗马法)是古代最发达、最完备的法律,也是世界法律史上最有影响的法律体系之一。 9.(英国)是现代陪审制的发源地,其中大陪审团负责(起诉),小陪审团负责(审理) 10(马布里诉麦迪逊)案件,确立了美国的司法审查原则 11 《汉摩拉比法典》分为(序言)(正文)和(结语)三部分 12 古希腊法上承(埃及和两河流域法)下启(罗马法)、、、、 13 剩下的大家自己总结 三、简答 1.古罗马法学家的重要作用? 在罗马法的发展史中,罗马法学家具有特殊的作用,他们的主要任务有:①解答,解答法律疑难问题;②编撰,为订立契约编写合法证书;③诉讼,指导当事人起诉;④著述,通过著述解释法律。


外国法制史练习题第一章古埃及法 第二章楔形文字法 一、选择题 1、现在已知的人类最早的成文法典是( )。 A.《苏美尔法典》 B.《摩奴法典》 C.《乌尔纳姆法典》 D.《汉穆拉比法典》 2、根据古巴比伦法,享有完全权利的自由人(权利主体)是 ( )。 A.刹帝利 B.穆什凯努 C.阿维鲁 D.吠舍 3、按《汉穆拉比法典》的规定,伤害他人奴隶眼睛的赔偿原则同伤害他们的牛的眼睛相同,即应赔偿奴隶主人( )。 A.奴隶的身价 B.奴隶身价的一半 C.用一个健康奴隶赔偿 D.把伤害者的一个奴隶的眼睛打瞎 4、按《汉穆拉比法典》的规定,债务人不能清偿债务,债权人有权对债务入采取的措施是( )。 A.终身成为债奴 B.成为债奴三年 C.成为债奴六年 D.不能使其成为债奴 5、古代楔形文字法典包括( )等。 A.《汉穆拉比法典》 B.《那罗陀法典》 C.《俾拉拉马法典》 D.《李必特·伊丝达法典》 参考答案

1、C 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、ACD 第三章古印度法 一、选择题 1、古印度最早形成的法律是( )。 A.印度教法 B.婆罗门教法 C.佛教法 D.嗜那教法 2、被雅利安人视为“圣书”的是( )。 A、.吠陀经典 B.三藏 C.《摩奴法典》 D.《乔达摩法经》 3、古印度婆罗门教法最重要的一部法典是( )。 A.《摩奴法典》 B.《述杞氏法典》 C.《那罗陀法典》 D.《布里哈斯帕提法典》 4、按婆罗门教义,婆罗门是由梵天的( )产生的。 A.足 B.手 C.头 D、口 5、古印度种姓制度将全体居民划分为四个等级(种性),他们是( )。 A、阿维鲁 B.婆罗门 C.刹帝利 D、吠舍 E.首陀罗 6、古印度婆罗门教法的渊源主要有( ) A.三藏 B.法经 C.吠陀 D、法典 7、古印度法的主要渊源包括:() A.吠陀 B.法经 C.法典 D.三藏 E、国王敕令 8、在古印度,旎陀罗,即“贱民”是()


Paraphrase: L1: 1.Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people. 2.Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. 3.They narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down. 4.He will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining. 5.As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear. L2: 1.Serious looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them. 2.The cab driver’s door popped open at the very sight of a traveler. 3.The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimino and the miniskirt. 4.I experienced a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks. 5.The few Americans and Germans seemed just as inhibited as I was/ 6.After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible. 7.I was about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of sad reverie. 8.I thought somehow I had been spared. L3: 1.The prospect of a good catch looked bleak. 2.He moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago. 3.Keeps its engines running to prevent the metal parts from freeze-locking together.


Comment on writing skills In the passage “S peech on Hitler’s invasion of the U.S.S.R.” ,Churchill used many writings skills to make his speech more powerful, persuasive and impression .Here I will analyze some of the skills in the speech. I Rhetoric i. Alliteration For instance ,“I see also the dull, drilled, docile brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts”“...Russian fighting for his hearth and home...”In these sentences ,“dull ,drilled, docile ”and “hearth and home ”each have the same start words“d” and“h” .It has to do with the sound rather than the sense of words for effect so that makes his speech sound more powerful. It is a device that repeats the same sound at frequent intervals and since the sound repeated is usually the initial consonant sound . ii Onomatopoeia It is a device that uses words which imitate the sounds made by an object (animate or inanimate), or which are associated with or suggestive of some action or movement. In paragraph 8,we can see the two words “clanking, heel-clicking”,“clanking ”refers to the sounds of swords and sabers , and “ heel-clicking ”means the heel sounds of Nazi . These two words makes audience easily hatred of Hitler’s Nazi regime. II Specific words Churchill pays particular attention to choose the words. i Absolute-sounding words In paragraph ten, he said,“…Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi régime.” “We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang .”Absolute words like “ever ,never, any” all strengthen his voice. ii Formal words Churchill replaced simple ,everyday words with the italicized words .e.g. “There only remained the task of c omposing it”,”Composing it ”means “preparing”;“H e devoted the whole day to it…”here ,“devoted”refers to “spent…on it”etc .These italicized words makes his speech more powerful. To sum up, in this speech, there are many writing skills such as use biblical allusion ,use six “I see”

福师14秋《外国法制史》在线作业 (2)

福师《外国法制史》在线作业一 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100 单选题多选题判断题 包括本科在内的各科复习资料及详细解析,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者” 一、单选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。)得分:30V 1. 在日本法律制度法西斯化的过程中,颁布的( )授予内阁首相(即军部首脑)以“禁止、限制或废除现行法律”大权,从而以法律形式公开肯定了军部的法西斯独裁统治。A. 《治安维持法》 B. 《战时刑事特别法》 C. 《国家总动员法》 D. 《战时行政职权特例》 满分:3 分得分:3 2. 俄罗斯帝国最有代表性的立法汇编是(),它颁布后经过多次修订与补充,一直实施到1917年十月社会主义革命。A. 《俄罗斯帝国法令全集》 B. 《司法条例》 C. 《俄罗斯帝国法律全书》 D. 《俄罗斯帝国法律大全》 满分:3 分得分:3 3. 外国人与罗马人所发生的关系,应由()调整。A. 市民法 B. 自然法 C. 万民法 D. 罗马公法 满分:3 分得分:3 4. 雅典国家实行的民主制“宪法”,其本质是()。A. 奴隶主阶级对奴隶实行的专政 B. 奴隶主阶级对自由民实行的专政 C. 共和制的管理形式 D. 雅典公民阶级的自我管理形式 满分:3 分得分:3 5. 下列说法不正确的有()。A. 《十二表法》是关于土地占有、债务、家庭、继承和诉讼等方面的法规 B. 《十二表法》是罗马最古的立法文献,是罗马法发展史上的一个重要里程碑 C. 《十二表法》是罗马国家的第一部法律,它主要是对罗马习惯法的总结 D. 《十二表法》的主要特点是诸法和体、私法为主,比较注重对程序法的规定 满分:3 分得分:3 6. 法国宪政史上第一次规定男性公民普选权的宪法是()A. 1791年宪法 B. 1793年宪法 C. 1848年宪法 D. 1875年宪法 满分:3 分得分:3 7. 11世纪,古罗斯国家成文法的代表是(),它为以后俄罗斯法的发展打下了基础。 A. 《罗斯真理》 B. 《雅罗斯拉夫真理》


自学考试外国法制史试 题 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试 外国法制史试题 课程代码:00263 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.古代西亚乌尔第三王朝编纂的通行于全境的法典是()A.《苏美尔法典》B.《汉穆拉比法典》C.《俾拉拉玛法典》D.《乌尔那姆法典》 2.根据《汉穆拉比法典》,古巴比伦王国的自由民分为()A.贵族和平民B.里都和巴衣鲁 C.阿维鲁和穆什根努D.自耕农和手工业者 3.古印度的原始种姓中主要从事农牧业和商业活动的种姓是()A.首陀罗B.旃陀罗 C.吠舍D.刹帝利 4.在佛教法文献中,表达佛陀及其最近门徒宗教思想的是()A.律藏B.经藏 C.论藏D.法经 5.废除按氏族划分居民,实行地域划分法的雅典改革家是()A.克里斯提尼B.梭伦 C.阿菲埃尔特D.伯里克利 6.古代雅典民主政治的本质特征是()

A.公民直接参与国家管理B.公职人员的普选制C.奴隶主阶级、有产者的民主D.公民享有法律上的平等权利7.罗马法将有严格形式主义要求的契约称为() A.要式契约B.文书契约 C.合意契约D.要物契约 8.罗马共和国初期盛行的诉讼程序是() A.程式诉讼B.原始诉讼 C.法定诉讼D.特别诉讼 9.中世纪东欧的法律除罗马法外重要的还有() A.日耳曼法B.斯堪的纳维亚法C.东哥特法D.斯拉夫法 10.日耳曼法的属人主义被属地主义代替是() A.八世纪以后B.九世纪以后 C.十世纪以后D.十一世纪以后11.《尤列克法典》编纂于() A.法兰克王国B.东哥特王国 C.西哥特王国D.伦巴德王国 12.法兰西王国时期建立封君与陪臣关系需履行的程序是()A.国王批准B.经法院登记 C.签订契约D.举行册封式


高级英语第一册课文 1.The Middle Eastern Bazaar The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds --- even thousands --- of years. The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic - arched gateway of aged brick and stone. You pass from the heat and glare of a big, open square into a cool, dark cavernwhich extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngsof people entering and leaving the bazaar. The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. The din of the stall-holder; crying their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous and makes you dizzy. Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. The earthen floor, beaten hard by countless feet, deadens the sound of footsteps, and the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof have hardly any sounds to echo. The shop-keepers speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers, overwhelmed by the sepulchral atmosphere, follow suit . One of the peculiarities of the Eastern bazaar is that shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods do not scatter themselves over the bazaar, in order to avoid competition, but collect in the same area, so

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