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【摘要】采用SWOT模型,分析了中国南方地区牧草产业发展现状。研究结果表明,中国南方地区牧草产业发展的优势是水热条件、草地资源和农闲田资源较丰富;劣势是牧草晾晒、贮存及草场改造成本高,且地形以山地为主不适宜使用机械提高生产效率;面临的机遇是中国支持南方地区牧草产业发展的政策相继出台,且南方地区草畜产品消费市场大,牧草种植收益较好;面临的威胁是青壮年劳动力缺乏,且能够带动牧草产业快速发展的草食家畜产业实用技术和专业人才也较缺乏。因此,中国应把握南方地区牧草产业发展的关键点,即加大南方地区草地畜牧业的科技投入,构建高效的南方草地畜牧业产业发展模式,从而撬动整个牧草产业发展。%This paper analyzed the development status of forage industry in the south areas of China by SWOT model. The research results showed that the strengths of the forage industry development in the south areas of China were fairly rich water and heat, abundant grassland resources and plenty of slack field; the weaknesses were that costs of forage drying and storage were high, cost of pasture renovation was also expensive and using machinery to improve production efficiency was hard in mountainous regions; the opportunities were that the government launched relative policies to support the development of the southern forage industry gradually, the

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