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外研版选修6 Module 5 Cloning Section Ⅰ达标微测

外研版选修6 Module 5 Cloning Section Ⅰ达标微测
外研版选修6 Module 5 Cloning Section Ⅰ达标微测

双基限时练(十七) Module 5 Section Ⅰ



1.People ________(呼吸) more slowly when they are asleep.


2.I saw a butterfly with beautiful markings on its ________ (翅膀) in the garden.


3.When he woke up suddenly from his dream, he realized that it was a ________ (噩梦).


4.The creature that Frankenstein created had ________ (布满皱纹的) skin.


5.Like the other trees to be ________(克隆), the 100-year-old tree has stood up the test of time. 答案cloned

6.________ (恐惧) of losing a job is a big reason why people are looking to save money.


7.On hearing her mother's death, Lily tried her best to control her ________ (情绪).


8.That famous politician was ________ (谋杀) last year.



1.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (人们普遍认为) that is one of the best science fiction stories.

答案It is generally agreed that

2.As soon as the class was over, the students ________ ________ ________ (冲出……) the classroom.

答案rushed out of

3.Seeing the terrible scene, the little girl stood at the corner of the street, ________ ________ ________ (吓得发抖).

答案shaking with fear

4.I've told you ________ ________ ________ (反复地) not to do that.

答案again and again

5.He was so miserable that he seriously thought about ________ ________ ________ (自杀).答案ending his life



1.I told you to turn off the lights before you leave the room ________ and again, but you won't listen.

答案与解析again/time/now/once句意:我一遍一遍地告诉你离开前关掉灯,但你就是不听。again and again =time and again =now and again =once and again。

2.While ________ (wait) for the bus, he met one of his old classmates by chance.

答案与解析waiting句意:在等公共汽车时,他偶遇一位老同学。这是while引导的时间状语从句的省略形式,补全后为While he was waiting for the bus。

3.It was owing to luck rather than judgement ________ the driver succeeded in avoiding an


答案与解析that句意:正是由于幸运,而不是判断,那个司机设法避免了一起事故。rather than并列连词,表示“而不是”;句子为强调句,强调句结构为“It is/was+被强调部分+that +其他成分”,故应填that。

4.The coasted areas have mild winters, but ________ contrast the central plains become extremely cold.

答案与解析by句意:沿海地区冬天气候比较温和,相对来说中原地区特别寒冷。by contrast为固定搭配,意为“相对来说”。

5.The old lady was ________ at the thought of the ________ experience in the forest. (terrify)

答案与解析terrified; terrifying句意:一想到在森林中那次可怕的经历那位老妇人就感到害怕。terrified“感到害怕的”,用来修饰人;terrifying“令人恐惧的”,用来修饰物。6.Recall one's sufferings in the old society and contrast them ________ the happiness in the new. 答案与解析with contrast ... with ...“把……与……相对比”,为固定短语。

7.It was about 600 years ago ________ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

答案与解析that It was... that为强调句型,强调时间状语about 600 years ago。

8.The doctor was ________ (fear) that the patient should get worse.

答案与解析fearful句意:医生担心病人的情况会恶化。fearful“担心的;害怕的”。9.He was clearly guilty and could only throw himself________the mercy (怜悯) of the court.

答案与解析on throw oneself on“扑在……上;委身于”。句意:他很清楚自己有罪,只好听凭法庭处置。

10.The audience held ________ breath to see who would win the gold medal.

答案与解析their hold one's breath“屏住呼吸”。

11.His behaviour disgusted everybody. As ________ result, we all don't want to work with him. 答案与解析a句意:他的行为使每个人都厌恶。因此,我们都不愿跟他共事。as a result“结果是”。

12.It was the first time she ________ (experience) real fear, and she was too frightened to speak. 答案与解析had experienced句意:这是她第一次经历了真正的恐惧,她吓得不会说话了。It was the first time+从句,从句中谓语用过去完成时。

13.The old model teacher ________ (teach) for 40 years and has created a series of practical methods of teaching.

答案与解析has been teaching句意:那位老模范教师从教已四十年了,创建了一套很实用的教学方法。由语境可知应用现在完成进行时。


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jenny: Your country, America, is such a large country. I'm sure it has a wide 1.________ (diverse) of landscape and climate, just like my country of China.

Frank: That's true. There are a great 2.________ wide-open prairies, tall mountains, warm beaches, ice and snow, desert landscapes, and swamps.

Jenny: So the people 3.________ (live) in different areas have quite different landscapes. Frank: Yes, and the climate varies greatly, too. The climate in northern Alaska is very different compared to 4.________ in Florida, Texas, New York, California, or Hawaii.

Jenny: So anyone travelling to America should first check 5.________ climate areas they will visit 6.________ they decide what clothes to bring.

Frank: 7.________ (exact) right.


Unit 2Cloning [核心词汇] 1.undertake v t. 着手;从事;承担 2.cast v t.扔;投;掷 3.obtain v t.获得;赢得 4.attain v t.获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等) 5.forbid v t.禁止;不准 6.owe v t.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……7.bother v t.打扰 v i. 操心 n.烦扰 8.strike v i.&v t. 打;撞击;罢工 n.罢工 9.vain adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的10.merely ad v. 仅;只;不过 11.adore v t.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱12.breakthrough n.突破 [拓展词汇] 13.accumulate v t.&v i.积累;聚积 →accumulation n.积累;聚积 14.resist v t.抵抗;对抗 →resistance n.抵抗;对抗

→resistant adj.有抵抗力的;抵制的15.assume v t.假定;设想 →assumption n.假定;设想 16.differ v i.不同;相异 →different adj.不同的 →difference n.不同;差异 17.object v i.反对;不赞成 →objection n.不赞成;反对;异议 →objective adj.真实的;客观的;无偏见的18.retire v i.退休;离开 →retirement n.退休 →retired adj.退休的;离职的19.reason n.理由;原因 →reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的→unreasonable adj.不合情理的 1.pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清2.cast down 使沮丧;使失望 3.object to 反对 4.in favour of 赞成;支持 5.(be)bound to (do )... 一定或注定(做)……6.strike...into one's heart 使……刻骨铭心 7.from time to time 不时;偶尔 8.bring back to life 使复生;使复活 9.in vain 白费力气;枉费心机 10.in good /poor condition 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)


选修2-2 知识点及习题答案解析 导数及其应用 一.导数概念的引入 1. 导数的物理意义: 瞬时速率。一般的,函数()y f x =在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是000 ()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-?, 我们称它为函数 () y f x =在 x x =处的导数,记作 0() f x '或 |x x y =',即 0()f x '=000 ()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-? 2. 导数的几何意义: 曲线的切线.通过图像,我们可以看出当点n P 趋近于P 时,直线PT 与曲线相切。容易知道,割线n PP 的斜率是00()()n n n f x f x k x x -=-,当点n P 趋近于P 时,函数 ()y f x =在0x x =处的导数就是切线PT 的斜率 k ,即00 ()()lim ()n x n f x f x k f x x x ?→-'==- 3. 导函数:当x 变化时, ()f x '便是x 的一个函数,我们称它为()f x 的导函数. ()y f x =的导函数有 时也记作 y ',即 ()()()lim x f x x f x f x x ?→+?-'=? 二.导数的计算 基本初等函数的导数公式: 1若()f x c =(c 为常数),则()0f x '=; 2 若()f x x α=,则1 ()f x x αα-'=; 3 若()sin f x x =,则()cos f x x '= 4 若()cos f x x =,则()sin f x x '=-; 5 若()x f x a =,则()ln x f x a a '= 6 若()x f x e =,则()x f x e '= 7 若 ()log x a f x =,则1()ln f x x a '= 8 若 ()ln f x x =,则1()f x x '= 导数的运算法则 1. [()()]()()f x g x f x g x '''±=± 2. [()()]()()()()f x g x f x g x f x g x '''?=?+? 3. 2 ()()()()()[]()[()] f x f x g x f x g x g x g x ''?-?'= 复合函数求导 ()y f u =和()u g x =,称则y 可以表示成为x 的函数,即(())y f g x =为一个复合函数 (())()y f g x g x '''=? 三.导数在研究函数中的应用 1.函数的单调性与导数: 一般的,函数的单调性与其导数的正负有如下关系: 在某个区间(,)a b 内


高中数学选修2-2知识点汇总 目录 第一章导数及其应用 (2) 常见的函数导数和积分公式 (2) 常见的导数和定积分运算公式 (3) 用导数求函数单调区间的步骤 (3) 求可导函数f(x)的极值的步骤 (3) 利用导数求函数的最值的步骤 (4) 求曲边梯形的思想和步骤 (4) 定积分的性质 (4) 定积分的取值情况 (4) 第二章推理与证明 (5) 第三章数系的扩充和复数的概念 (7) 常见的运算规律 (8)

高中数学选修2-2知识点总结 第一章 导数及其应用 1.函数的平均变化率为 = ??=??x f x y x x f x x f x x x f x f ?-?+=--)()()()(111212 注1:其中x ?是自变量的改变量,可正,可负,可零。 注2:函数的平均变化率可以看作是物体运动的平均速度。 2、导函数的概念:函数)(x f y =在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000,则称函数)(x f y =在点0x 处可导,并把这个极限叫做)(x f y =在0x 处的导数,记作)(0'x f 或0|'x x y =,即 )(0'x f =x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000. 3.函数的平均变化率的几何意义是割线的斜率;函数的导数的几何意义是切线的斜率。 4导数的背景(1)切线的斜率;(2)瞬时速度;(3)边际成本。 常见的函数导数和积分公式

常见的导数和定积分运算公式 若()f x ,()g x 均可导(可积),则有: 用导数求函数单调区间的步骤 ①求函数f (x )的导数'()f x ②令'()f x >0,解不等式,得x 的范围就是递增区间.③令'()f x <0,解不等式,得x 的范围,就是递减区间;[注]:求单调区间之前一定要先看原函数的定义域。 求可导函数f(x)的极值的步骤 (1)确定函数的定义域。(2) 求函数f (x )的导数'()f x (3)求方程'()f x =0的根(4) 用函数的导数为0的 点,顺次将函数的定义区间分成若干小开区间,并列成表格,检查/ ()f x 在方程根左右的值的符号, 如果左正右负,那么f (x )在这个根处取得极大值;如果左负右正,那么f (x )在这个根处取得极小值;如果左右不改变符号,那么f (x )在这个根处无极值


Unit 2 Cloning 阅读理解组块专练——练速度 (限时:30分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A At your next meeting, wait for a pause in conversation and try to measure how long it lasts. Among English speakers, chances are that it will be a second or two at most. But while this pattern may be universal, our awareness of silence differs dramatically across cultures. What one culture considers a confusing or awkward pause may be seen by others as a valuable moment of reflection and a sign of respect for what the last speaker has said. Research in Dutch (荷兰语) and also in English found that when a silence in conversation stretches to four seconds, people start to feel uneasy. In contrast, a separate study of business meetings found that Japanese people are happy with silences of 8.2 seconds — nearly twice as long as in Americans' meetings. In Japan, it is recognised that the best communication is when you don't speak at all. It's already a failure to understand each other by speaking because you're repairing that failure by using words. In the US, it may originate from the history of colonial (殖民地的) America as a crossroads of many different races. When you have a complex of difference, it's hard to establish common understanding unless you talk and there's understandably a kind of anxiety unless people are verbally engaged to establish a common life. This applies also to some extent to London. In contrast, when there's more homogeneity,_perhaps it's easier for some kinds of silence to appear. For example, among your closest friends and family it's easier to sit in silence than with people you're less well acquainted with. A.The Dutch. B.Americans. C.The English. D.The Japanese. 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二、三段内容可知,日本人在谈话中沉默时间最长。


人教版高中数学选修2-1 全册导学案

目录 1.1.1命题及其关系 1.1.2四种命题的关系 1.2.1充分条件 1.2.2充要条件 1.3.1逻辑联结词1 1.3.2简单的逻辑联结词2 1.4全称量词与存在量词 2.1.1曲线与方程(1)学案 2.1.2曲线与方程(2)学案 2.2.1椭圆及其标准方程(1)学案 2.2.1椭圆及其标准方程(2)学案 2.2.2椭圆及其简单几何性质(1)学案 2.2.2椭圆及其简单几何性质(2)学案 2.3.1双曲线及其标准方程学案 2.3.2双曲线的简单几何性质(1)学案 2.3.2双曲线的简单几何性质(2)学案 2.4.2抛物线的简单几何性质(1) 2.4.2抛物线的简单几何性质(2) 2.5曲线与与方程学案 第二章圆锥曲线与方程复习学案 3.1.1 空间向量及其加减运算 3.1.2 空间向量的数乘运算 3.1.3 空间向量的数量积运算 3.1.4 空间向量的正交分解及其坐标表示 3.1.5 空间向量运算的坐标表示 3.1 空间向量及其运算 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法一 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法二--利用向量方法求距离 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法三--利用向量方法求角 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法一--平行与垂直关系的向量证法

§1.1.1 命题及四种命题 一.自主学习 预习课本2—6页完成下列问题 1、命题:; 2、真命题:假命题:。 3、命题的数学形式:。 4、四种命题:。 (1)互逆命题:。(2)互否命题:。 (3)互为逆否命题:。 注意:数学上有些命题表面上虽然不是“若p,则q”的形式,但可以将它的表述作适当的改变,写成“若p,则q”的形式,从而得到该命题的条件和结论。 二、自主探究: 〖例1〗判断下列语句中哪些是命题?是真命题还是假命题? (1)空集是任何集合的子集;(2)若整数a是素数,则a是奇数; (3)2小于或等于2;(4)对数函数是增函数吗? x<;(6)平面内不相交的两条直线一定平行; (5)215 > (7)明天下雨;(8)312 〖例2〗将下列命题改写成“若p,则q”的形式。 (1)两条直线相交有且只有一个交点;(2)对顶角相等;(3)全等的两个三角形面积也相等;(4)负数的立方是负数。 〖例3〗把下列命题改写成“若p则q”的形式,并写出它们的逆命题、否命题与逆否命题: (1)两直线平行,同位角相等;(2)负数的平方是正数;(3)四边相等的四边形是正方形。 课堂小结


Unit 2 Cloning 一、课前基础自查 (一)分类记单词——省时高效 8.undertake v t. 着手;从事;承担

7.He retired from the post as a manager. After 10.regulation n.规则;规章;法规 (二)练中记短语——记牢用活

(三)仿写明句式——以用为本 fully open to traffic. 二、课堂重点深化 1.object vi .反对;不赞成 n .物体;目标

[自主体验] 单句语法填空 ①A majority of students objected to being_arranged (arrange) for extra lessons during holidays and weekends. ②As far as I'm concerned, I have an objection (object) to charging for parking. [系统归纳] 易错对对碰(object/oppose) ③Sometimes, some students object to the idea that English classes are taught in English. ④To my comfort, only a few people opposed building a new bridge. 佳句时时写 ⑤(2018·江苏高考书面表达)停止盲目追随排名很有必要,对于排名我们要持客观态度。 It is necessary to stop following ratings blindly and we should hold_an_objective_attitude_towards_it. [名师指津]object表示“反对”时,为不及物动词,加宾语时需加介词to,而oppose表示“反对”时,为及物动词,可直接加宾语。 2.forbid vt.(forbade, forbad; forbidden)禁止;不准 [自主体验] 单句语法填空 ①It is high time that we forbade setting (set) off fireworks in urban areas! ②You are forbidden to_leave (leave) the room unless you apologize for what you have done. [系统归纳] 佳句时时写 ③我认为禁止商店和超市提供免费的塑料购物袋是必要的。 I think it necessary to forbid_shops_and_supermarkets_from_offering free plastic shopping bags. [名师指津]forbid后不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语,但可直接跟动名词作宾语,也可用forbid sb. to do sth.形式,有类似用法的单词还有:allow, permit, advise等。


高中数学选修2-2知识点总结 第一章、导数 1.函数的平均变化率为 = ??=??x f x y x x f x x f x x x f x f ?-?+=--)()()()(111212 注1:其中x ?是自变量的改变量,平均变化率 可正,可负,可零。 注2:函数的平均变化率可以看作是物体运动的平均速度。 2、导函数的概念:函数)(x f y = 在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000,则称函数)(x f y =在点0x 处可导,并把这个极限叫做)(x f y =在0x 处的导数,记作)(0'x f 或 0|'x x y =,即)(0'x f =x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000 . 3.函数的平均变化率的几何意义是割线的斜率; 函数的导数的几何意义是切线的斜率。 4导数的背景(1)切线的斜率;(2)瞬时速度;

6、常见的导数和定积分运算公式:若() g x均可导(可积),则有: f x,() .用导数求函数单调区间的步骤: ①求函数f(x)的导数'() f x ②令'() f x>0,解不等式,得x的范围就是递增区间. ③令'() f x<0,解不等式,得x的范围,就是递减区间; [注]:求单调区间之前一定要先看原函数的定义域。 7.求可导函数f(x)的极值的步骤: (1)确定函数的定义域。 (2) 求函数f(x)的导数'() f x (3)求方程'() f x=0的根 (4) 用函数的导数为0的点,顺次将函数的定义区间分成若干小开区间,并列成表格, f x在方程根左右的值的符号,如果左正右负,那么f(x)在这个根处取得极大值;如检查/()


高二数学选修2-1知识点 1、命题:用语言、符号或式子表达的,可以判断真假的陈述句. 真命题:判断为真的语句. 假命题:判断为假的语句. 2、“若p ,则q ”形式的命题中的p 称为命题的条件,q 称为命题的结论. 3、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论分别是另一个命题的结论和条件,则这两个命题称为互逆命题.其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆命题. 若原命题为“若p ,则q ”,它的逆命题为“若q ,则p ”. 4、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的条件的否定和结论的否定,则这两个命题称为互否命题.中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的否命题. 若原命题为“若p ,则q ”,则它的否命题为“若p ?,则q ?”. 5、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的结论的否定和条件的否定,则这两个命题称为互为逆否命题.其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆否命题. 若原命题为“若p ,则q ”,则它的否命题为“若q ?,则p ?”. 6、四种命题的真假性: 四种命题的真假性之间的关系: ()1两个命题互为逆否命题,它们有相同的真假性; ()2两个命题为互逆命题或互否命题,它们的真假性没有关系. 7、若p q ?,则p 是q 的充分条件,q 是p 的必要条件. 若p q ?,则p 是q 的充要条件(充分必要条件). 8、用联结词“且”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p q ∧. 当p 、q 都是真命题时,p q ∧是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是假命题时,p q ∧是假命题. 用联结词“或”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p q ∨. 当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是真命题时,p q ∨是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题都是假命题时,p q ∨是假命题. 对一个命题p 全盘否定,得到一个新命题,记作p ?. 若p 是真命题,则p ?必是假命题;若p 是假命题,则p ?必是真命题. 9、短语“对所有的”、“对任意一个”在逻辑中通常称为全称量词,用“?”表示. 含有全称量词的命题称为全称命题. 全称命题“对M 中任意一个x ,有()p x 成立”,记作“x ?∈M ,()p x ”. 短语“存在一个”、“至少有一个”在逻辑中通常称为存在量词,用“?”表示. 原命题 逆命题 否命题 逆否命题 真 真 真 真 真 假 假 真 假 真 真 真 假 假 假 假


课时作业(三十七) [选修8 Unit 2 Cloning] [限时:30 分钟] I .单项填空 1.I have no idea ______ the journalist could have got his information from. A .that B .why C.which D .where 2.One reason for her preference for city life is ______ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A .that B .how C.what D.why 3.Along with the letter was his promise he would visit me this coming Christmas. A .which B .that C.what D.whether 4.People take naps at noon in warmer climates ,_______ the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. A .which B .what C.where D .when 5. [2011 课标全国卷] William found it increasingly difficult to read , for his eyesight was beginning to ________ . A . disappear B . fall C. fail D. damage 6. As is well known ,everyone is forbidden ________ in buses ,regardless of what they are. A . to smoke B. smoking C. to be smoking D . to smoking 7. —Please sit down and I'll cook you some coffee. — _______ .Let's come to the point first. A . You are welcome B. You needn't do so C. Please don't bother D. You are indeed too polite 8. Last month,thousands of workers in that city went on _______ strike ,demanding lower taxes and _______ end to cutting staff members. A . a;the B. a;an C. / ;an D. /;the 9. After the quarrel ,I tried all my best to remove the misunderstanding between us,but all my efforts seemed _______ . A . in vain B. in case C. in time D . in trouble 10. It is _______ great honor for China to develop _______ fastest computer in today's world. A .a;the B.an;the C.an;an D .a;a 11.They had intended going into the country for the day ,but were _______ by reports of traffic jams.


高中数学选修2-1 知识点 第一章:命题与逻辑结构 1、命题:用语言、符号或式子表达的,可以判断真假的陈述句. 真命题:判断为真的语句.假命题:判断为假的语句. 2、“若p ,则q ”形式的命题中的p 称为命题的条件,q 称为命题的结论. 3、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论分别是另一个命题的结论和条件,则这两个命题称为互逆命题.其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆命题. 若原命题为“若p,则q”,它的逆命题为“若q,则p”. 4、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的条件的否定和结论的否定,则这两个命题称为互否命题.中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的否命题. 若原命题为“若p,则q”,则它的否命题为“若?p ,则?q ”. 5、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的结论的否定和条件的否定,则这两个命题称为互为逆否命题。其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆否命题。 若原命题为“若p,则q”,则它的否命题为“若?q ,则?p ”。 6、四种命题的真假性: 原命题逆命题否命题逆否命题 真真真真 真假假真 假真真假 假假假假 四种命题的真假性之间的关系: (1)两个命题互为逆否命题,它们有相同的真假性; (2)两个命题为互逆命题或互否命题,它们的真假性没有关 系.7、若p ?q ,则p 是q 的充分条件,q 是p 的必要条件. 若p?q,则p是q的充要条件(充分必要条件). 8、用联结词“且”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p ∧q . 当p 、q 都是真命题时,p ∧q 是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是假命题时,p ∧q 是假命题. 用联结词“或”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p ∨q . 当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是真命题时,p ∨q 是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题都是假命题时,p ∨q 是假命题. 对一个命题p 全盘否定,得到一个新命题,记作?p . 若p 是真命题,则?p 必是假命题;若p 是假命题,则?p 必是真命题.


Unit 3 Invebtors and inventions 预习课文,掌握单词distinguish merciful expectation convenient seize及短语call up set about及倒装句 【预习案】 核心词汇 1.The driver took a(n)____________(突然的)turn and made his car roll down the road. 2.They invited her to visit their house on a(n)____________(方便的)date. 3.What are your____________(标准)for judging a bottle of wine? 4.He played a ________(被动的) role in the relationship. 6.In the hard times,she ____________(忍受)the pain with great courage. 7.It occurred to him that he might____________(抓住)the chance to declare his own innocence. 8.Dad always drives with____________(小心)although he has driven for more than 20 years. 9.She ____________herself by her kindness and bravery as well as a____________novelist.(distinguish) 10.用freeze的适当形式填空 (1)Tonight,temperature will fall below ____________point. (2)I_____________with terror as the door slowly opened. 高频短语1.________________ 给……打电话2.________________ 偶尔;有时 3.________________ 开始;着手4.________________ 表现自己 5.________________ 开始(做)6.________________ 申请专利 7.________________ 决定某事 8.________________ 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过 9.________________ 摆脱10.________________ ·的问题 探究一Choose the best answer. 1. How did the writer catch the snakes? C A. using something the snakes were interested to attract them into a trap. B. taking their habitat to another place. C. placing the snakes at a low temperature for them to sleep and then caught them. D. All the above. 2. The writer was successful to catch the snakes in ____ attempt. A. the First B. the second C. the third D. every 3. Why did cooling the snakes make them less active? A. Because snakes are warm-blooded animals. B. Because snakes like high temperature. C. Because their body temperature depends on the heat around them. 4. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? 学习目标 探究案reading 课前热身、自主预习

高二英语人教版选修8教案:Unit2CloningPeriod2 Word版含解析

Unit 2Cloning Period 2Language Study 整体设计 教学内容分析 The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words,phrases and sentence patterns in Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language.There are altogether 44 new words and phrases in these five parts.8 of them are marked with triangles,which shows that the students needn't learn them by heart.It is enough to recognize them when meeting them while reading the passage.The other 36 should all be remembered,among which the following words and expressions are even more important:straightforward,cast down,altogether,in favour of,compulsory,owe,retire,differ,undertake,pay off,object,objection,obtain,forbid.They are all very useful and important.We ought to pay more attention to them. 三维目标设计 Knowledge and skills To get the students to learn to use the following important new words and phrases freely:straightforward,cast down,altogether,in favour of,compulsory,owe,retire,differ,undertake,pay off,object,objection,obtain,forbid. Process and methods 1.To help the students understand the meanings of the above useful new words and expressions in the context,and then give some explanations about them,and at last offer some exercises to make students master their usages. 2.At the end of the class,make students do more exercises for consolidation.In doing so,they can learn,grasp and use these important language points well. Emotion,attitude and value 1.To stimulate students' interest in learning English. 2.To develop students' sense of cooperation and teamwork. 教学重点、难点 1.Important new words and expressions:differ,undertake,pay off,object,objection,obtain,forbid. 2.Some difficult and long sentences in the text. 教学过程 Step 1Revision 1.Check the homework exercises. 2.Ask some students to talk about cloning. Step 2Reading and finding Get students to read through Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book. Step 3Exercises for useful words and expressions 1.Turn to Page 13.Go through the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do. 2.Give them several minutes to finish the exercises.They first do them individually,and then discuss and check them with their partners. 3.Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where


选修八Unit2 Cloning Period2 Language points 词汇详解: 1. differ v. 不同;相异;使...相异 常用结构: A differs from B in ...A与B在...方面不同 A differs with B about/on/over... A与B就...意见相左 Their house differs from mine in having no garage. 他们的房子与我的不同,区别在于他们的没有车库。 The two sides still differ with each other over the question of pay.双 方在报酬的问题上仍各持己见。 联想拓展 difference n. 不同之处 different adj. 不同的 make a difference to 对...产生变化;对什么有…影响 different from 与...不同,不同于 练习: 用适当的介词填空(原创) 1.The two squares differ colour but not size. 2.The husband differs the wife who is to take charge of the money. 3.It doesn’t make a difference me whether you are going to stay. 4.This is a different car the one I drove yesterday. 答案:1.in; in 2.with; on/about/over 3.to 4.from 2. undertake vt.(undertook;undertaken)着手;从事;承担;保证,答应 常用结构: undertake sth. 着手/从事/承担某事


数学选修2-2知识点总结 导数及其应用 一.导数概念的引入 1. 导数的物理意义:瞬时速率。一般的,函数()y f x =在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是 000()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-?, 我们称它为函数()y f x =在0x x =处的导数,记作0()f x '或0|x x y =',即 0()f x '=000()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-? 例1. 在高台跳水运动中,运动员相对于水面的高度h (单位:m )与起跳后的时间t(单位: s)存在函数关系 2() 4.9 6.510h t t t =-++ 运动员在t=2s 时的瞬时速度是多少? 解:根据定义 0(2)(2)(2)lim 13.1x h x h v h x ?→+?-'===-? 即该运动员在t=2s 是13.1m/s,符号说明方向向下 2. 导数的几何意义:曲线的切线.通过图像,我们可以看出当点n P 趋近于 P 时,直线PT 与曲线相切。容易知道,割线n PP 的斜率是00 ()()n n n f x f x k x x -=-,当点n P 趋近于P 时,函数()y f x =在0x x =处的导数就是切线PT 的斜率k ,即 0000 ()()lim ()n x n f x f x k f x x x ?→-'==- 3. 导函数:当x 变化时,()f x '便是x 的一个函数,我们称它为()f x 的导函数. () y f x =的导函数有时也记作y ',即 0()()()lim x f x x f x f x x ?→+?-'=? 二.导数的计算 1.函数()y f x c ==的导数 2.函数()y f x x ==的导数 3.函数2()y f x x ==的导数


Un it 3 Inven tors and inven tio ns I.词语辨析(旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 【练习】用discover, find , invent的适当形式填空。 1) . Columbus _____ A merica in 1492. 2) . You will ______ i t a difficult book.

3) . When did you _____ that she ' s married 4) . I ' ve ________ t he book I was hun ti ng for. 5) . Alexa nder Graham Bell _____ t he teleph one in 1876. Keys: 1). discovered 2). find 3). found 4). discover 5). i nven ted 2. hope / wish / expect 【解释】 hope后面只能接不定式和that从句,表示一种有信心的可实现的希望。注意:①hope后不能接动名词作宾语,也不能用hope sb. to do sth.结构。 ② 省略答语中,not不可放在hope前,如不能说I don ' t hope只能说I hope not. wish通常表示有某种未实现或无法实现的欲望或希望,wish后跟从句时常用虚拟语气。 expect表示预期,盼望,期待,料想”,后面可跟名词、代词、不定式,that从句等。 【练习】用hope,wish,expect的适当形式填空。 1) . We _____ that our childre n will carry on our family traditi ons. 2) . I _____ you a very happy future. 3) . What do you ______ me to do 4) . Most of the pare nts _____ much of their childre n. 5) . I am ____ a letter from her. 6) . I _____ I were really wealthy. Keys: 1). hope 2). wish 3). wish / expect 4). expect 5). expect ing 6). wish 3. bear / en dure / sta nd / tolerate 【解释】 bear强调忍受者对痛苦、忧虑、烦恼以及责任的承受力,常用于否定句中。 endure意为经受长期的艰难、困苦或折磨而不屈服”,强调持久力和意志坚强,常用于否定句中。 stand强调不屈不挠或经受得起,常用于否定句中。 tolerate意为忍受某人或某种行为而不反抗”,语气最弱,可用于肯定句和否定句。 ___________ 【练习】用bear,endure,stand,tolerate的适当形式填空。 1) . Our tent won ' t ________ a no ther stoehthliklast one. 2) . I can ' t _________ to wait any Ion ger. 3) . She ' s already had to ________ three painful operati ons on her leg. 4) . I will not _____ t hat sort of behaviour in my class. Keys: 1). sta nd 2). bear 3). en dure 4). tolerate 4. set off / set out / set about ______________________________________________________ 【解释】 set off出发”,侧重于去某个地方。 set out出发,开始”,侧重于开始做某事,还有规划,展现的意思,后加不定式。 set about 开始,着手”,与set out 意思相近,后力口v-ing 形式。_______________________________ 【练习】用set off,set out,set about的适当形式填空。 1) . They succeeded in what they had _____ t o do. 2) . Having made up his mind, he ______ c arry ing out the pla n. 3) . If you want to catch that train we ' d better _______ f or the stati on immediately Keys: 1). set out 2). set about 3). set off

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